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Day 7 | Untamed Winter Fest 2019 | Relax
Song of Clarity//Cleansing

Day 7 | Untamed Winter Fest 2019 | Relax
Song of Clarity//Cleansing

sometimes a family can just be a necromancer, a fierce corpse, the fierce corpse’s lesbian sister and a turnip baby
We always talk about Yunmeng Shuangjie recon, but do you have any scenarios about Twin Jades recon?
ooooh if we're talking twin jades recon we got to talk about lan wangji kneeling in front of - wherever lan xichen goes to spend his seclusion- patient & steadfast, realising he doesn't know for once. that the inherent, effortless understanding of each other he and xichen have always had is no longer there for him to fall back on. realising there are parts of xichen he doesn't understand. but wants to. and that will have to be enough.
however, if we're talking twin jades recon it has to be cql-verse only because the novel is just fhuerhgurehghreiu

hiweofherhguerhguiherugf....this your king??? this your king??? just the worst. if we're talking mdzs-verse i'm team GET LXC OUT OF CR

…the longest 14 minutes of these guys lives lol
I had the office on as background noise so this happened, aka. how I’ve spent a week in a niche joke lol anyway, I guess you could call it……. ✨the (military) office✨ 😏

Wen Ruohan tempted us to go deliberately, and Mingjue-xiong disappeared without a trace.
Just had a vision for a horrific graph, which is titled "SFF authors"
coordinate plane with the axes labeled "how much their worldbuilding is based on their phobias" and "how much their worldbuilding is based on their kinks"
Speaking of saving JL, I love how almost the entire adult cast keeps trying to keep this kid safe and he just keeps managing to slip through their collective fingers and get in deadly trouble anyway. JL thinks he’s starring in a middle-grade adventure novel while everyone around him desperately tries to convince him this is a rather violent mystery novel for adults actually and he’s gonna be the next victim if he doesn’t overcome his bad case of protagonist syndrome


Diana is tired and Akko is a dumbass
Lan xichen out there trying his best to keep people from finding out that lan wangji is a hot gay mess who based all of his future aspirations on a whirlwind romance he imagined for himself and this one kid he met in detention. Lan wangji out there trying to keep people from finding out that lan xichen genuinely thought dishes got thrown out once they were used and was shocked and delighted to find out the kitchen washed them. The elegant twin jades of gusu is a lie. Just two brothers trying really hard to fill in the holes behind each others' backs

Now they’re all dead hearts to you
Untamed Fall Fest: Day 28 - Decay

Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), X-Men First Class (2011) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Charles Xavier & Magda (X-Men), Past Erik Lehnsherr/Magda (X-Men) Characters: Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Magda (X-Men), Emma Frost, Cain Marko, Raven | Mystique, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Armando Muñoz, Hank McCoy, Sean Cassidy, Alex Summers Additional Tags: Charles Xavier has a Ph.D in Adorable, Angry Erik Lehnsherr, Misunderstandings, Absent Parents, Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Parent-Child Relationship, BAMF Charles, Fix-It, Hurt/Comfort, Post Beach Divorce, BAMF Erik, Sick Charles, Charles in a Wheelchair, Parent!Charles Summary:
Pursued by Stryker’s men and pregnant with the twins, Magda seeks shelter at the X mansion when she is unable to find Erik. Cain Marko has a secret and Emma simply wants some peace. Erik believes Charles is deliberately keeping his children from him. And little Wanda just wants her mousse cake.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), X-Men First Class (2011) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Charles Xavier & Magda (X-Men), Past Erik Lehnsherr/Magda (X-Men) Characters: Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Magda (X-Men), Emma Frost, Cain Marko, Raven | Mystique, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Armando Muñoz, Hank McCoy, Sean Cassidy, Alex Summers Additional Tags: Charles Xavier has a Ph.D in Adorable, Angry Erik Lehnsherr, Misunderstandings, Absent Parents, Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Parent-Child Relationship, BAMF Charles, Fix-It, Hurt/Comfort, Post Beach Divorce, BAMF Erik, Sick Charles, Charles in a Wheelchair, Parent!Charles Summary:
Pursued by Stryker’s men and pregnant with the twins, Magda seeks shelter at the X mansion when she is unable to find Erik. Cain Marko has a secret and Emma simply wants some peace. Erik believes Charles is deliberately keeping his children from him. And little Wanda just wants her mousse cake.
i hate to break it to you, but literally every human being in the world has done something “problematic” at some point in their lives. expecting people to be perfect is just unrealistic.

And then I wrote two thousand words of that!
Keep reading
Don’t invite me anywhere last minute I enjoy doing nothing so I need to know ahead of time if my plan to do nothing needs to be changed
Happy Birthday to my favorite fool!

panic at the disco’s history is like if someone started writing a really cliché long-ass fanfic, gave up on the plot halfway through but stayed committed to the angst tag they tagged it with on ao3
Everyone who reblogs will get a picture of Ryden in their inbox

Harry: *looking with wonder at the Marauder’s Map* Is that really…?
Fred: Dumbledore.
George: In his study.
Fred: Pacing.
George: Does that a lot.
Harry: So… what do the other professors do in their spare time?
Fred: Well, we’ve seen Flitwick’s dot hopping up and down in his office loads of times… figured he had some hidden passion for aerobics, but turns out Peeves just likes to drop his wand onto shelves he can’t quite reach.
George: Then there’s Snape. Creeps about at night quite a bit, which isn’t a surprise, but after we noticed him in the Trophy Room a few times, we went down one night to see what he was up to. He was changing your dad’s name to “Rotter” on all his Quidditch awards.
Harry: HEY!
Fred: No worries, we set them right whenever he does it.
George: Man’s got to have a hobby.
Fred: Sprout sleepwalks, we reckon. Watched her bumping into the greenhouse wall for 30 minutes one night. Lupin goes for a long jog in the Forbidden Forest once a month, it’s a bit odd.
Harry: And McGonagall?
George: You know old mum. Standard stuff. Classroom, office, Great Hall one minute…
Fred: …climbing the drapes, chasing birds, tipping over cups in the kitchens the next.