There Was A Two Semi Congestion About 8, So I Told A Few Cars To Park Where They Were As Long As They
There was a two semi congestion about 8, so I told a few cars to park where they were as long as they came back and moved their cars the second it was open again. Three of the cars did, but the fourth went completely MIA.
9, we get a five semi congestion with two cabs coming for pick up and six cars trying to get in. The car is still parked in the way, so no one can turn around. They only just got a hold of him (10:15) to move his car. They opened up another exit, too, so it's one line instead of a loop.
I'm ready to go home
Supervisor K (we like him) told me that I'm doing a good job today. That made me happy
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Today has been a day
Let's see if I can get this in order.
So, today was the event that the last two days have been Load-Ins for. It was a lot of fun. I came in fully prepared to be put in the sun, but I was put at the ADA/Credentialed elevators on the south end of the stadium. Before I was placed, though, me and Supervisor Bre and a coworker did a loop of Lot 1 (where I was the last two days) and then a loop of the road (blocked off for the event). It was a lot of walking.
It was pretty slow because it was a credential check. I was there at 7, but the gates didn't open until 10, so I wasn't really doing anything because all credentials were allowed past me.
We (me and two others from a different company) had our rush from 10:15 to about 13:30. We kept the elevators (two of them) as clear as we could for staff, ADA, and strollers/wagons, but some people simply refused to walk up the stairs.
There was a miscommunication with credentials, but we got it figured out. There was also a credential leak somewhere, still not sure where, but people were getting into the venue without having their tickets scanned. It was a whole thing.
About 16:00, they finally staffed the elevators so that me and S didn't have to worry about it. At 16:30ish, they turned the elevators to manual, taking away our ability to call them down. Which, I get it, because there were so many people trying to go everywhere, but the elevator staff ignored floor one for almost an hour. We had a lobby full of staff needing to get to the third floor, parents with strollers and wagons, handicap, and concessions all waiting for way too long. We sent as many as we could to the stairs, but it didn't go well. Eventually, S called her boss and basically said "This is unacceptable." then they came back to floor one and ran on a better pattern. Still shit, but better.
The lobby and elevators were all credentials, but there's a door in the back that leads to the lower concourse with direct stadium floor access. Only credentials C, B, A, AA, AA Escort, and staff were allowed back there. Unfortunately, the bathrooms are visible from the lobby. A lot of people were upset that we were making them use the portapotties, but there was one asshole in particular who called us dickheads for it every time we turned him away. His credential was D, so he wasn't allowed back there. Not our fault. He wants better credentials, he needs to take it up with the Tour.
My friend B was in that hallway, checking credentials as well because of the split credential access to the area. Last week, while she was working at the stadium (the one where they put me in the wind tunnel), she almost had to go to the hospital. Managers E and A had put her in the sun and didn't check on her once. Supervisor C was the one who found her and had to call EMTs because she had heatstroke. (The EMTs ripped E and A a new one. I told B she should sue. She won't)
Anyway, B's recovering from Heatstroke, so she's freezing. She asked Supervisor Bre if she could be someone warmer, but he said no. I gave her my hoodie to add to her four layers. One of the building staff turned on the heater for her. She finally warmed up about 14:00.
If you've ever been to or worked at an outdoor venue, then you've probably heard the term Weather Watch. Well, lighting decided to strike about 10 miles from the stadium, so we went on a WW. Then, it moved to 12 miles out before coming back to 8 miles out, making them stall the race by 15 minutes. When it was 6 miles out, they started to evacuate (evac) the building. Everyone was packed on the main concourse like fucking sardines. Then, some idiots decided to hide under a tarp and not get to safety, so I was called up to help. Well, I was going opposite everyone else, trying to get there, people couldn't/wouldn't get out of my way, and I had some guy yell at me for trying to get past. Then, the officers got there and took care of it, so I had to turn around. But, I hate being in large groups of people, especially when they're packed together like that, so I hid in the Guest Services Office until it cleared enough that I could walk around without touching anyone. I may have had a small panic attack, but that's between me and GS. The storm didn't stay, so the race was back on.
The rest of the night was pretty slow, but me and S made friends with one of the concessions guys. We didn't get any, but we were freaking out when he had to take a tower of Cups of Dirt to the VIP room. (Crushed Oreos, pudding of choice, gummy worms mixed together in a cup). We scared the people in the lobby. It was funny.
Also, Monster treats their employees well. I got so much free caffeine today! Also, one of the Big Wigs™ for Monster gave us some drinks himself. He's cool. I liked his jacket and hat. He's also funny.
We had 3 medical emergencies, only one of which had to go to the hospital; 6 missing children, five of which were reported just after the evac, all were found; 1 lightning delay; 1 evac.
Because parking is shit and neither of us were going to ride the train, me and B had to walk from the stadium to the hospital. About a mile. Both of us carry knives on us, especially if we know we're gonna be out at night, and we had B's mom on the phone the whole walk to her car at the hospital parking lot.
B's mom said she had a bad feeling, so she drove to the hospital and waited in the parking lot for us, taking B's phone the whole time. When we got there, a white van started to follow us and we got catcalled. We were ready to stab a bitch, but B's mom (K) scared him off.
I think I covered everything....
I've worked 39 hours in 3 days with 10.5 hours of sleep the whole time. I'mma go to sleep now. Good night!
I just info dumped the entire Robin Timeline on my mom (mixing up or missing a few details, but that's okay)
It was originally just to tell her why the name was Robin and not anything else. I kinda just kept talking and she never stopped me, so....
I only stopped because I needed to go tell my dad why Jason was killed off
Now that I'm actually awake, I'm ready to go back to sleep.
I worked 39 hours in 3 days. I slept from about 00:00 to 19:00. 19 hours is a really good sleep, I'mma be honest.
My sister tried to wake me up to see if I'd go to church with her and my parents for Mother's Day and I said "I've worked 39 hours in 3 days. Goodnight." and went back to sleep (after making sure she got her hat that I borrowed yesterday back)
I was thinking about the old streams, and I remembered being in that one, and I was like "That's such a cool line!" So I had to add it in😸
Me, whispering to anyone who has ever left a comment on any of my works: I love you. I made you cookies to go with the story
me, quietly whispering to the ao3 page of an author who doesn’t even know I exist: I am obsessed with you