I Miss Technoblade - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

i just keep thinking about what a labor of love technoblade vs 100 youtubers was. thinking about... i was scared to watch it at first, because i knew tommy was editing it, and i love tommy don't get me wrong but techno videos have such a specific pace and style of editing to them. but then. it's all so... the pacing is exactly a techno video. techodad reads the kind of narration techno would normally do (which i have been informed tommy wrote for him). the thumbnail is an appropriate piece of fanart, and there's an overly-serious quote in the description. the way the ending is paced. the entire extended joke about techno having the hiccups is EXACTLY something techno would leave in. i don't know man. it felt like exactly the kind of video techno would have made from that event, if he'd gotten the opportunity, and it's just... the effort that had to go into making it like that.

i miss technoblade, man, but this was a little like having him around again for a moment, you know?

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10 months ago



I was thinking about the old streams, and I remembered being in that one, and I was like "That's such a cool line!" So I had to add it in😸

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2 years ago
We Will Always Miss You King. Goodluck On Your New Quest.

We will always miss you king. Goodluck on your new quest. 👑🐷😭

Technoblade never dies!

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2 years ago
Somewhat Old, But Whatever. Sorry For Poor Image Quality; I Might End Up Remaking This At Some Point

Somewhat old, but whatever. Sorry for poor image quality; I might end up remaking this at some point out of boredom.

Took heavy inspiration from @winter-mornings, so go support them.

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2 years ago
Turned A Doodle I Did In English Class Into A Digital Drawing. The Doodle Is So Much Better Than The
Turned A Doodle I Did In English Class Into A Digital Drawing. The Doodle Is So Much Better Than The

Turned a doodle I did in English class into a digital drawing. The doodle is so much better than the digital drawing, imo.

It's a lot more original than the first pig man Technoblade I posted, but still pretty similar. I'm getting better though.

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2 years ago
Just Saw My Reddit Recap. Says That The Post I've Re-visited The Most This Year Was The Official Thread

Just saw my Reddit Recap. Says that the post I've re-visited the most this year was the official thread for remembering Technoblade.

Honestly, I'm not surprised.

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1 year ago
A green chalkboard with the phrase, “Sub to Technoblade,” written with white chalk on it.

I’m a master at making graffiti in my school.

This is the third classroom I’ve attacked this year, and it won’t be the last.

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1 year ago

I haven’t been able to finish the digital drawing of Technoblade that I’ve been working on, so I’m gonna give you a little story and some doodles I did in math class forever ago instead as a way of remembering Technoblade on the one year anniversary of the announcement of his passing.

I first discovered Technoblade’s content in late 2021 when I was trying to get into the Dream SMP because of this one friend I had at the time. She and I would greet each other by yelling, “Subscribe to Technoblade,” even though I didn’t know what that meant back then, so as such, I looked up Technoblade on YouTube and immediately fell in love with his content. He reminded me of my younger self who used to love Minecraft and dreamed of becoming a Minecraft YouTuber, and so he quickly became a hyperfixation for me for a while.

The following year, my closest friend passed away. It tore me apart, and they were the only person I felt safe enough being myself around since I knew how the internet treated femboys - either like we’re transphobic monsters or like we’re sex addicts, which isn’t the case at all (for most). However, the more of Techno’s videos that I watched, the more I tried to gain his confidence and eventually, on March 31st, 2022, I wore a skirt in public for the first time. It was huge for me, and I’m ever so thankful for Technoblade’s indirect support with my struggles.

As mentioned earlier, he also reminded me of my childhood dream to be a Minecraft YouTuber. It was specifically his video on philosophy that got me determined to get into MCYT like seven year-old me always dreamed of, and I remember declaring to myself after I watched “so long nerds” that I will achieve my dream no matter what. I’m hoping that one day soon, I can make that dream a reality.

Thank you Technoblade.

I Havent Been Able To Finish The Digital Drawing Of Technoblade That Ive Been Working On, So Im Gonna
I Havent Been Able To Finish The Digital Drawing Of Technoblade That Ive Been Working On, So Im Gonna

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10 months ago
Ive Been Thinking A Lot About Technoblade Recently. Maybe Its Because Its Almost June, Or Maybe Just

I’ve been thinking a lot about Technoblade recently. Maybe it’s because it’s almost June, or maybe just because of everything else going on in my life right now. I’m not really sure.

I’m graduating from high school soon. No idea what the hell I’m doing after that, but we’ll see I guess. It sounds so creepy how Technoblade had helped me get this far in my life despite being a complete stranger, but I know I’m not the only person he’s influenced like that. He helped me out through one of my lowest points and when he died, I promised myself to improve on myself and follow his footsteps as much as I could. I’ll get there someday, maybe. Or not.

Holy hell that sounds corny as fuck.


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