Main art blog of a 27 year old animation student who deeply loves making Art. I'm in various fandoms that probably won't fit in this description so don't be afraid to ask/interact about anything. I post art, edits and other related stuff. If you read till this far thanks a lot and feel free to stick around.
202 posts
How To Nonsense Your Way Around With Words. I Mean It Sounds Like It Makes Sense Right And The Amount

How to nonsense your way around with words. I mean it sounds like it makes sense right and the amount of the trajectory of the thing we’re going with right ;).
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@thatsthat24 *The mind can play tricks on you. I was tricked, fooled . . . deceived one might even say.*
But in all honesty it was a great video you keep surpassing my expectations and suceed to pleasantly surprise me everytime. Thank you and Joan and Talyn ofcourse for the wonderfull content you give us.

constant mood recently

Glue it sticks with ya I guess. @markiplier Please don't try this at home kids certainly not those quantities. Stay safe.
Shoutout to all the 1997-2001 kids who are somehow hybrids of millennials and gen z. We are the Ultimate Generation of 90’s nostalgia and new age internet depression.

Seriously though I sincerly hope they do collab.