Simon Riley X Male Reader X Leon Kennedy
Simon Riley x Male Reader x Leon Kennedy
|| Masterlist ||
Authors note: Here is another twin series shot! More to come soon and thank you for 6.6k followers!! This idea came to mind because Leon is my other husband but in this one so is Simon.
Summary: An old friend and Ex makes an appearance back at reader and simons home town. The twins seem to know him very well and Simon isn’t too fond of the man.
Warnings: Fluff, jealous Simon, menacing twins, past lovers, Leon is a great man, overprotective Simon, twins track down there dad, past memories, catching up, twins are both 15 years old.
Word count: 2.5k

Y/n was running errands. The twins had begged him to buy snacks after finishing up their last stash and wanting him to stock up. He knew not to argue with his kids, knowing that the will fight back if he declined the idea of getting more snacks.
And so, he had no choice but to get changed and take his car keys and wallet and head to the nearest market. He carried a list of things the twins requested, including Simons small request of wanting something sweet. It always surprised Y/n that someone so deadly and dangerous could have a craving for something so sweet.
He chuckles at the memory of Simon devouring their wedding cake alongside the twins who ate next to him. There wedding wasn’t anything huge, just them three and a witness or two but that was all.
Upon arriving to the store he makes sure to take a cart, going up and down the aisles in case he wishes to get anything else but snacks. He reached the alcohol isle and grins to himself. One drink wouldn’t hurt, right?
He hums softly to himself as he searched the shelves, looking for his own favorite drink. He makes sure to add Simons on the list too in case he wanted a small drink. It takes him a few minutes to find Simons.
“Bourbon…bourbon—Ah!” He mumbled under his breath until he finally finds the bottle, smiling in victory as he takes the bottle in hand, checking to make sure that it was the right one.
“Never thought of you as a bourbon type.”
Y/n furrows his brows, looking up from the bottle to come face to face with an old friend of his.
“Leon?” Y/n stares at him with wide eyes as Leon gives him a faint smile in return. “Y/n.” He says in return, getting a small laugh out of the other.
“What—how—what are you doing here, out of all places?” Y/n finally asks, too in shock to let out a proper question. He couldn’t stop staring at Leon, he’s changed so much. His blonde hair no longer blonde but a dark brunette color and his eyes were brighter. The man aged like fine wine due to his appearance looking the same when he was younger but with hints of maturity and a faint stubble on his face.
Y/n couldn't stop staring at the man standing before him that Leon’s words go through deaf ears.
He’s finally pulled out of his thoughts and blinks his eyes. “I’m sorry, what?” He coughs out, blushing softly as he placed the bottle of alcohol in the cart he had with him.
“I asked if you were alright? You seemed a little out of it.” Said Leon.
“Sorry! It’s Just—It’s been awhile.” He admits with a faint chuckle escaping his lips, trying to focus his attention on anything else but Leon. It wasn’t until the older man eyed his cart and smirks. “Snacks and booze? Having a party or something?”
Y/n flushed and laughs. “Actually the snacks are for the twins, you remember the twins right?” He’s quick to ask, disregarding Leon’s second question. “How can I forget the twins, I remember when they first started school. Is Briar still causing you trouble?”
Y/n groans at the mention of his troublesome daughter. “Always.” He answers, taking the end of the cart in hand and pulling it behind him as he walks down the aisle, alongside Leon as the two did some shopping together. “Briar and Ren are fifteen.” He blurts out, getting a surprise look from Leon who scoffs.
“No way, I remember them being kids. Has it really been that long?”
Y/n nods his head. “Time goes by fast.” He states, warning a chuckle from Leon as the two approach the register, standing in line to check out their items. Y/n had looked into Leon’s basket, raising a brow at the amount of alcohol bottles he has.
“Is that all your getting?” He points out, causing leon to chuckle nervously. “Yeah…”
Y/n hums and decides to keep quiet, turning his attention back to his one items and makes sure that he got everything for the twins and Simon. The thought of missing anything could get him into trouble, the last time he forgot something he got a dramatic Briar and a whinny Ren to deal with until he finally got them their favorites snacks.
It wasn’t until he stepped up to the registrar to finally get his things scanned and paid for that Leon calls out his name before he exits the store.
“I was wondering if you wanted to get some dinner? That’s if your not busy.” Leon quickly says, getting Y/n’s attention who stared at Leon with wide eyes.
He knows that he shouldn’t accept the dinner date he already had plans to cook dinner for his kids and husband, but it’s been years since he’s last seen Leon. His friend his first partner, they were simply catching up what could go wrong?
“He’s taking forever.” Ren groans into the couch pillow, lying on his stomach as he continues to whine while Briar paced the room at a slow pace. She would glance out the window in hopes of her seeing Y/n’s return only to find nothing. Then she would look at the clock hanging on the wall.
“It’s been more than 30 minutes.” She mumbled.
“Be patient.” Simon finally speaks up from the couch, sitting on the far end next to Ren while the teen sulks into the pillows. “He told you two that you shouldn’t be eating too many snacks, perhaps this is his way of punishing you both and making you wait.”
Brair frowns at Simons words, doubting them. She knew her father well enough and she knew that area she lived in. The nearest grocery store was fifteen minutes away, she knew that her own father was someone who goes in to get what he needs and is out in seconds. He never took his time to check everything unless he had a long list of groceries to get.
“Something’s not right.” Briar finally says, getting Ren and Simons attention. “The store is close and he should have been back a few minutes ago.”
“Traffic?” Ren says with a shrug.
“No…” Briar tries to think over reasons as to why her father wasn’t home yet. Simon knew that she was overthinking the situation and comes to a stand, making his way over to the teen and placing a gentle hand on the top of her head. “Easy kid, Y/n will be back soon and if anything happened to him we would know.” Simon tried to reassure Briar but can still see the worry in her eyes.
Simon sighs. “How about we drive by to see if his car is still at the store?” Simons idea gets Briars attention, lightening Briar as she nods frantically.
“Go get your shoes. Both of you.” Simons instructs the twins as they quickly move to get some shoes on while Simon gets the keys to his own car, waiting outside for the twins as they rushed out of the house and into his car.
“Come on! Hurry up!” Briar exclaimed, getting an eye roll from Simon. “We are only doing a drive by, that is all.” He reminds the twins as he gets the car started and driving then towards the nearest store. Briar is bouncing on her seat, staring up ahead in hopes of seeing anything that could be causing her fathers delay while Ren sat in the back seat staring out the window.
It wasn’t until they stop at a red light that Ren speaks up. “Holy shit.”
“Language.” Said Simon while Briar turns around in her seat to face Ren. “What?” She takes notice of Ren staring out the window with wide eyes, frowning. “What are you looking at?” She finally turns to her own window, looking in the direction her brother was staring only to spot her father eating outside a fast food with another man. The two laughing together without a care.
Briars mouth is open in shock. Rens eyes are wide and Simon. Oh, Simon wasn’t someone who easily got jealous but the grip on the steering wheel caused his knuckles to go white, clearly upset about the situation but not saying anything about it. Before the twins could say anything the street light turns green, Simon hits the gas and drives off.
The twins sit in silence while Simon finds a longer way back home. The tension in the car gets the twins uncomfortable, feeling Simons anger and jealous radiate off his body. The twins felt like kids again who got yelled at for doing something wrong, getting their father really angry to the point where the car rides were full of silence and only tension. Even though the twins knew they weren’t in trouble they can’t help but feel like they were.
When they finally get home the twins both glance at each other, communicating in silence. Ren is the first to break the tension. “Maybe it’s a friend?” His voice is soft.
“Or he’s cheating.” Briar blurts out, blunt and honest.
Ren smacks her shoulder, glaring at his sister who glared back. “I’m only being honest,” She hissed out, rubbing her shoulder.
Simon is sitting in silence, listening to the kids bickering but is quick to shut them out. Simon wasn’t someone to get upset over stuff like this, he trusted Y/n. He married him, he wouldn’t throw everything away for someone else. Even though Simon and Y/n have been married for a few years he knows his partner well enough to communicate with him regarding anything and so far things have been going well.
Y/n would tell Simon everything that happens at work, let out his frustrations when he’s dealing with something hard. He tells Simon how he feels about curtain stuff without being afraid or embarrassed about it.
Simon couldn't say he was the same. He struggled at first when it comes towards talking about his feelings. He always kept everything bottled up. After Y/n came into his life he slowly started to learn.
“He’s not cheating.” He finally speaks up, startling the twins with his deep voice. “Y/n wouldn’t do that.” Simon adds, turning towards the twins and giving them a reassuring smile.
“Come on, let’s wait inside.”
His last words get the twins moving, jumping out of the car and rushing inside, jumping on the couch and fighting over the remote while Simon tossed his eyes on the coffee table and plops down between the twins, taking the remote from the two and deciding what to watch, getting a look of disbelief from the twins.
It wasn’t until an hour later that Y/n finally gets home, stumbling inside the house with bags in hand and sighing deeply. “I’m back!” He calls out, kicking the door shut.
He raises a brow in confusion when he doesn’t hear a greeting back. The twins usually come running to him when he comes back from the store but no one comes to him. “Kids?” He calls out, walking further into the house. “Simon?” He approached the living room where he finds both Briar and Ren, sitting side by side with arms crossed while narrowing their eyes.
“Uh, I’m back?” Y/n says again a bit concerned by the twins attitude as they watched him.
“You’re late.” Said Ren.
“Yeah, thats because I was getting your snacks.” Said Y/n as he walks over to the kitchen, to set the bag of snacks on the counter, taking it out of the bag. “Getting snacks should only take a few minutes you were gone for an hour.” Briar says this time, getting off the couch and walking to the kitchen, following her dad around as he puts the snacks away.
“So? I was taking my time.” Y/n shrugs his shoulders. The twins are slowly getting irritated and it’s Ren who blurts out the question they really wanted to know the answer too. “Are you going to divorce Simon?”
Y/n’s eyes widen, whipping his head to face the twins properly. “What—? What makes you think that?!”
“We saw you…you were having dinner with some guy and you seemed pretty happy.” Said Briar, shrugging a shoulder as she lowers her gaze. Briar could be loud and blunt but the subject of Y/n and Simon possibly divorcing set her into a panic where she shuts down, closing up and becoming afraid.
Y/n had noticed this when raising the twins on his own before Simon came into the picture. He’s quick to shake his head, approaching the twins and pulling them into hugs. “God no—I could never leave Simon and I would never ask for a divorce, do you know how long it took me to finally find someone who actually cares for me and you two? Because I’m not throwing that away.” He shakes his head.
Ren lifts up his head from Y/n chest. “Then who was the guy you were having dinner with?”
Y/n lets out a soft chuckle. “He’s—well, he was an ex of mine but, what we had back then wasn’t serious it only lasted a few weeks before we decided to remain friends. I haven’t seen him in years and I was simply catching up, nothing else.” He explains to the twins.
“You guys met him once!”
“We did?” The twins said in unison, confusion written on their faces as Y/n rolls his eyes. “Yeah, when you were seven years old. His name is Leon Kennedy? Tall blonde hair, blue eyes—?”
Briar is the first to gasp, pulling away from her dad. “The really hot cop?!”
“He’s in his thirties and not a cop anymore.”
“But he’s still hot?” Briar questions with a mischievous grin on her face while wiggling her brows. Y/n sighs deeply, knowing that his daughter was going to force him to admit that Leon was still good looking.
“Yes, he’s still attractive but, I love Simon more. He’s—“ Y/n looks up from the twins to see Simon standing near the stairway, leaning against the wall as he grins. Clearly the man had heard everything, listening into their conversation as Y/n gives off a soft smile before looking back at the twins. “Simon has the muscles and strong—God, the way his hands wrap around—“
“Ah! Stop no more!” Ren shouts, covering his ears as Briar faked a gag, looking at her dad in disgust. “No details!” She shouted too. The twins growing dramatic while Simon approached the twins and Y/n, smiling at his husband as he wraps an arm around his waist and pulls him into a deep kiss, Y/n wrapping his arms around his neck as he deepens it.
The twins scream in horror at the sight of their parents making out, running out of the kitchen and upstairs. “Get a room!” Ren shouted, causing the two to break apart from the kiss and laugh.
“Oh, we have one.” Y/n smirks at Simon.
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More Posts from Tokyo-silhouette
staking claims
in all the time you've known jing yuan, you've never known the hybrid as someone who was territorial, which was unusual for a white leopard. you've known him since he was an adolescent, and it seemed like your paths seemed to intertwine with eachother.

that was years ago, and while he was generally pretty relaxed, there seemed to be some rage behind his voice whenever he mentions a black haired panther hybrid. he would never tell you who, or their name. the only other thing he wouldn't tell you about was who he had his eyes on, and its still something he has his lips shut about.
in all truth, jing yuan was not as laid back as he presents himself to you. a meticulous planner, his friendship with blade ended after they couldn't agree on the topic of an oblivious man -- you. sometimes he feels bad when he hears of you talking about how crazy it was that your meeting was by fate, but he could no longer wait knowing that who else wanted you.
looking at you now, its clear that time had been kind to you. the two of you, plus blade, were no longer young adults, but established individuals. in all his years of knowing you, he never stopped loving you. yet, he could never bite the bullet and ask you out. perhaps it was the lack of haste that eroded over the years. perhaps after the initial few years of climbing ranks, then dealing with his jobs, and dealing with the threats of the stellaron hunters had made him delay his planning of courting you, until it barely passed his mind. after all, you were already his. it wasn't official, but who would have the nerve to go against a general? it was like he forgot you two weren't officially dating. you smelt like him, and were already close to the general. in his delusion, you were his.
sometimes he forgets that you're still eligible, and a very wanted bachelor. his possessiveness never faltered, but sometimes he wondered what would have happened if he ever told you it was you that he wanted, but now that you stopped asking and slowly started distancing since the trailblazer arrived made an uncomfortable ball of anxiety drop in his stomach. he had to still a growl when you wrapped an arm around both dan heng and caelus. this anxiety made him prepare an elaborate plan to court you, fitting of his pride as a leopard hybrid. but something was telling him that something, or rather someone unwelcomed would come, and he was right.
stress and pre-heat hormones filled the private prison jing yuan ordered blade to be put in. the white haired males tail was puffed as he snarled at blade, his hand grabbing the black fabric and yanking blade until he was pressed against the bars. "you've had some nerve showing here, old friend. and to do so while you're on preheat.. what do you intend to do here?" his narrowed eyes locked onto the panting blade, who snarled back, albeit weakly.
"you missed your chance jing yuan, i've been told he hasn't been claimed yet. you've had your chance. it's only a matter of time before he learns the truth." blades smirk irritated him, and he was about to respond until you pushed the door open, panting and with water in your hand. his eyes darted between your being and blade's face, watching as the two of you made eye contact and both slowly started blushing. it made him wonder how much need blade had for you, seeing how strangely he was acting.
you noticed the position the two were in and pulled jing yuan off of blade, passing him the water you had. the rage within jing yuan grew and bubbled from his chest.
"what do you think you're doing? helping a wanted criminal? while you are a welcome face, this isn't the best time to be here." a low growl was in his throat as he grit his teeth, holding back a snarl directed towards you.
"have some compassion, he's in his pre-heat," the bundle of nerves struck jing yuan as you walked closer, pressing a knuckle to his cold cheek, watching him rub his face into it. "he's dangerous, but he's still a being. don't be a monster, jing yuan."
you were ripped from him and thrown against a wall, caged by the arms of the general. his eyes seemed like the worst place to look at, but you couldn't look away. his rage was unseen from your eyes, yet you knew the unspoken threats it posed from the normally calm man.
"he's a criminal, a scumbag that was looking to take what is mine. his preheat is to prey on you, knowing your nature. and you fell for it." a growl and snarl from him reminded you how mean leopard hybrids can be. "he wants you in more ways you know, but i'll want you in more ways you can comprehend."
a pause, then a more sultry voice was heard from him. it worked well to hide his anger, but you knew better. "in fact, the only reason why he even came here was because i didn't do something i should've the minute we met. you may be your own being, but you'll always be mine. if you think i'm such a monster, let me show you how much of a monster i can be." he kept you against the wall as he leaned in, lip locking in a way that was not sweet or pretty, but hunger driven by passion and anger. his ears twitched against your skin as he went back in, eyes locking with a scowling blade.
jing yuan pulled away, panting as he pushed you to the floor. "call me a monster, call me insatiable, but you've been mine whether you like it or not. i've wanted you for too long, and forgive me for my hastiness my dear, but i believe i have a more fitting punishment for the intruder, one that i'll need your help with." he pulled off his outer layers as his hands roamed your body, his sharp claws stroking the fabric before he tore into it. his tail thumped between your legs as he sat on your thighs. he was immensely satisfied by your obedience as he tore up your shirt, a nice rip of the fabric. his eyes scanned your body as he ripped the threads apart, amusement in his eyes at how you shivered, or how you tried to hide your face in your arms.
"such a nice body, and such a handsome face. no wonder everyone wants you, too bad you're mine. your face is too cute to be held back by your hands. be a good boy and stay in place." his tail ticked your groin, stroking a line up and down your clothed cock. jing yuans ears twitched whenever he heard blade whine or pant softly as the preheat ate away at his power and strength. his hands left your body for a second while he pulled away his hair tie, letting the pearly strands part before using that same hairtie to tie your hands together above your head.
jing yuan removed his pants and his clothes, only having his underwear on while he played with removing your pants. pawing at the fabric, it wasn't long before your pants met the same fate as your shirt. his long white tail slipped under the waistband, and blade could see the general grind against your lap.
"such a shame that our first time has to be rushed. i thought that having our first time would be when i'm in heat would be much more romantic, but i like the thrill of an audience. it'll teach him how good you are, and how much you belong to me." he spoke right over your face, body crawled over yours. his hair tickled your face as you stared into his lusty eyes. his fingers couldn't help but swipe over your mouth, staring at your lips before his thumb played with your bottom lip.
blade sat in the corner, pants off as he desperate jerked off himself off, trying to get the itch of mating out of his system to no avail. jing yuan threw his hair back before he removed your boxers and his boxers, tail curling in delight as he sucked his lips in at the sight of your nude body for him. a blank canvas to show how you belong to him. he grabbed your cock, and licked the head, staring at your face. he sat there and drooled all over the head, relishing how big you were and how thick you felt with his lips around your cock. and while he loved the idea of blowing you and overstimming you until you cried in the makeshift restraints and painted yourself in white.. he had a point to prove.
his large hands jerked your cock off, distributing the saliva before he pressed his hole against the tip. his breath caught in his throat, before he made eye contact with a very desperate blade, a smirk on his lips. "the man is mine, blade." he sank down slowly, inch by inch as he groaned and rolled his hips and his eyes back, an overwhelming sensation known as you deep in his guts. he was not expecting you to be so thick, and big. blade thrusted his hips up and muffled a moan, cum shooting from his pretty cock as he watched jing yuan ride you, wishing it was him in the generals place.
you cried out as he rode you. jing yuan wasn't forceful, but was demanding. much like his personality. to him, this was a sweet surrender to him. he would hate to have you resist, and end up breaking you. he was speared by you, yet he was in control. jing yuan took his time to adjust, opting to pepper kisses on your arms and your chest, using his sharp teeth to lightly scrape the skin enough to make you cry out. he could see how close you were to snapping his hair tie, yet the restraint you had to be a good boy for him. it was cute, seeing how hard you try.
his lips mouthed at your neck, hearing your breath hitch. it was so warm and free from blemishes, perfect for marking. he couldn't help but just sink his teeth down into your neck, hearing you yelp out in slight pain before crying out as he massaged the wound with his neck. jing yuan peppered kisses before suckling on your neck.
to some extent, him doing this was his nature as a hybrid. but it was also his own nature, and he liked the sick satisfaction he got from hearing those sweet cries leave your lips, or those tears budding in your eyes because everything is just too much for you. he wanted to make you pay for being so oblivious and for intervening with his affairs.
but also he had his own desire bubbling in his stomach, and he couldn't resist his own urges of making both of you feel good. so he rocked his hips, feeling you push and pull into him at his own accord. his eyes wandered the room slowly in a haze of pleasureful bliss, that same sick satisfaction rising seeing blade roughly fingering himself, cock dripping cum onto the cold floor.
he could feel you heave out moans and pants, begging him to go faster and ride you harder. he couldn't help but sink his nails into your body as he crawled and left marks on your adams apple, enjoying how wet and messy everything sounded, and how warm and sensitive you've become. what a plaything you were, he really struck a goldmine having you as his boyfriend.
but your body was too perfect, too clean. he couldn't help but drag his claws down your chest, minorly avoiding blood and your nipples, and dragging his claws down your abs, letting the marks turn red and angry as you cried for him to please ride you faster. it was mind numbing chasing your orgasm, and you couldn't focus on anything other than the chase.
your body was his canvas, and he was a damn good artist.
he took a moment to look at you before he felt himself adjust and hit a certain point that made him see stars. he couldn't help but want to release too, and so he gasped your sides while he rode up and down your cock, angling his fit body to hit that sweet spot that made him pant and drool.
if you felt this good now, how good would you feel inside of him once he had his heat? he couldn't wait to find out. but the feeling and blurry view of you tensing up as you approached your orgasm would be engraved into his head. the black male rubbing his spent out cock again, one of the many times, was on the side, delirious with desire and need, but too weak to do anything to achieve that.
and he was close too, no matter how much control he had he was still not powerful enough to resist the urge to have a climax. and he couldn't help but sink a little deeper, ride a little harder, be a bit more forceful as those delicious noises fueled his sex crazed head. he shuttered out a breath while he watched you cry and moan for him before tensing. you heaved a few had breaths before he felt your balls clench, pushing a thick, warm and full load deep into his body. he was no better, stifling a moan at the feeling while white ropes shot out of his tip, landing on your body. the two of you were both sweaty and panting, but seeing him all soft, blushy and flushed while his scarred and fit body was sweaty was enough for you to have some level of realization of how beautiful he was.
jing yuan was very smug as he was getting dressed, watching you get all embarassed and panic as you remembered all of your clothes are shreds. but seeing you in his coat and knowing that you two were dating was enough to make him at least forgive the stellaron hunter in his head.

summary. jimin loves the way you taste.
wc. 3k (nsfw under the cut)
tags. smut | established relationship, vampire “fuck gender” jimin, top reader + bottom jimin (who’s in charge changes), big dick!reader (so real), riding, begging, fingering, praise (r. receiving), unprotected sex, swearing, blood + blood drinking

it is a dark night, but perfectly clear. what little breeze wandering through the streets carries itself with a flippant sing-song hum, teasing the brims of hats and the silk ties of businesspeople. it travels towards the centre of the city and eases the flushed skin of drunks who overestimated their limits, brushing over their backs in sympathy as they empty their stomachs into the bins.
at last, it twirls around a blond’s hair, fine strands of spun gold fluttering as the breeze settles, like a puppy finding its owner. he brushes a lock of hair out of smoky, vivacious eyes and smiles behind a black mask.
“thank you for coming out with me tonight,” he hums, interlacing his fingers around his knees. “whenever you’re around, i always feel better.”
you smile and lean back on your palms, the concrete rough on your skin. you turn your eyes skyward, squinting through the pollution in search of stars. you find none in the sky, but then you drop your gaze to his, and you find everything you’re looking for in those dark eyes. “glad to be of service, young master.”
he rolls his eyes and they crinkle at your pretentious cadence. behind him, the nightclub throbs with life, blood, and bass. “i’m not all that young,” he comments, tucking his hair behind his ear. “haven’t been for quite a while.”
“really?” you lean closer, inspecting his face. you brush your knuckles down the curve of his cheek. “oh. i see. hiding the crow’s feet with smudged makeup? how infinitely clever.”
he shoves your shoulder and huffs at your laughter. “you think you’re so funny…”
“c'mon, peaches. you know i’m joking – pouts look cute on you.”
he nudges your ankle with his chunky doc martens and rises to his feet, dusting off his dark pants with a grumpy sigh. he glances back at you expectantly. “you’re supposed to disagree with me. that’s how being my boyfriend works. i don’t even want to sit with you anymore.”
you stare up at him with big eyes. he shakes his head, and when your head begins to tilt, he crouches down in front of you. his white shirt hangs open over his collar and only a single button is done up right over his belt, revealing a plentiful expanse of ivory skin. upon noticing the low drop of the shoulder seams, you realise that you have finally found your missing shirt.
in fairness, he looks much better in it.
“eyes up, lovely.” he bumps the soft skin beneath your chin and your gaze flickers upwards. he smiles behind his mask. “better. now, no more puppy eyes. that's my ace card.” he pauses. “you’re mostly forgiven, by the by, because i’m still hungry. will you stand up, or will you just sit there and make sad faces at me until one of us gets a kiss?”
“i really like the idea of the last word you said.”
he bumps your cheek with the front of his mask and his eyes turn into sweet crescents as he hums. “is that enough to persuade you into helping me?”
he places his ringed hands on your knees. it’s three in the morning and the streets are empty, filled with nothing but shadows of shadows, and the neon pink sign behind you reflects the shimmery glitter brushed onto his eyelids. little pink hearts glow in the corners of his irises, the name of the club barely a smudge of white, and he giggles in victory as you push yourself to stand. he takes your offered hand and swings it between your bodies as you cross the street, a light skip in his step.
you glance down at him with an easy smile and press a kiss to the crown of his hair. “so – hungry, huh? club didn’t satisfy your needs?”
“no.” his eyes darken the longer you hold his gaze, warm and heavy. he nearly purrs, “indulge me, love, and i’ll forgive you for being so mean.”
he snakes his hands over your chest and around your shoulders, careless in the empty streets. naturally, your hands come to rest on his waist. that sharp gaze of his burrows its way through your very being, and his eyes curve as if he’s smirking under that mask; he knows what he does to you, brushing the pad of his finger against your warm jugular so innocently. you could drown in him – his lips, his smiles, his soft skin and softer words. he runs his thumb gently over your bottom lip.
indulgence has always been your worst sin.
Keep reading
Trafalgar Law - You fancy me or something ?

Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : MR is tending to Law wounds due to an incident that occur and while tending him MR notices a new tattoo that Law has and it is a tattoo with MR name and he ends teasing him about it getting Law flustered.
Reader : gender neutral (you/yours)

Law didn't need your help. He could tend to his wounds on his own. He's a surgeon, after all.
Yet he says nothing as you do it for him. Letting you take care of his wounds without complaining as you bandaged his arm.
"You should be more careful."
"I am careful. The most careful of the bunch."
"You wore a simple mustache and sunglasses in Dressrosa." You deadpan.
"But did I get recognized ?"
"You had a big mask in Wano with your marks all over your clothes." You continue.
"But once again, did I get recognized ?"
"You're just a lucky bastard, you're not more careful than Luffy or Kid. You're as bad as them."
Law stared at you in shock. How dare you. "Take it back !"
"Over my dead body." You laughed, focusing back on your task.
It's when you began your stitching elsewhere that you saw it. On his shoulder, your name.
"Law, what's that ?"
"What ?" He asks, not registering what you're talking about.
"Why do you have my name written on your shoulder ?"
"Why do you think ?" He asks again, a smug smile appearing on his face.
"Is this a real tattoo ?"
"It is."
You stare at it for a moment. The font is thin, linear, all in sobriety, it reminds you of the one on his fingers.
"Law, why do you have my name on your skin ?" This time, it's your turn to smile.
"I told you-"
"You have me under your skin ?"
He said nothing, staring at you instead.
"What ?"
"You're smitten with me ?"
"You're into me ?"
Law blushes at your words, embarrassed at the sudden turn of events. It was all his fault after all, he's the one who got the tattoo. He should've seen it coming.
"I'm plaguing your mind ?" You kiss his cheek.
"Stop it."
"I make your little heart beat faster ?" You say, placing your hand on his heart, imitating his heartbeat.
"[Name]." He glared, cheeks still red.
"You love me ?" You continue, nudging him with your chest.
He bit his lips, embarrassment all over his face.
"Of course."
A/N: here's the Oberyn fanfic I promised to make for pride month, this was so amazing to write and it's also my first time working with sub!Oberyn rather than your typical, dominant one.
Pairing: sub!bottom!Oberyn Martell x dom!top!male!reader
Warnings: SMUT, Light bondage, rough sex, ass eating but just a little bit (reader giving), begging, breeding, established relationship (marriage), hickeys, spit as lube (and kind of manhandling?).
Summary: Who knew an argument over what color the flowers at the dining table for guests could turn out so hot?
(Please reblog if you liked this, support your writers!)

“Oberyn, the flowers outside should be purple, they give a less… contrasting image to the wooden table!” you protested, it was funny really, how you two as kings bickered more over extremely trivial things such as what color the flowers would be on the table for when you invited guests. “But the yellow is more fearless, you know what I mean?” he defiantly asked, “God- purple and brown go better together…” you kept trying to argue your point,
“Well-” you cut Oberyn off, “Well nothing! It’s useless that we have a fight over some flowers” you crossed your arms
“Okay… I challenge you to a fight, whoever wins gets to pick” he smirked at you, you liked the idea, your husband was a good fighter, but maybe you could win this once, “No swords, of course” he laughed,
“Fine, I’ll fight with you” and you both got ready to fight.
You immediately grabbed onto him, you had done this in the past, whoever pinned the other one down and counted to 5 first would win, now.. normally you lost, so the odds were against you. You managed to grab his hand and pinched it slightly, causing him to yell out in pain, you took the chance and pushed him towards your bed, both of you landing on your knees as you continued trying to overpower the other. Lucky for you, Oberyn had muscle soreness from yesterday’s training so he was slightly weaker. When he grabbed you, you strongly gripped his hands and held them together on your own, pushing him down on his back, “One,” you said, his struggling face gave away that he was not eager to lose, “Two” he fought more and more but your grasp was too strong. “Three” his movements were starting to weaken and he was starting to face the fact he was losing “Four, five” you let go of his hands now that he was lost, he was breathing heavily from the effort, all sweaty.. and so were you, but the way his legs were open… you were starting to get ideas, “How about something more.. it’s my first time winning against you.. I deserve a prize” you smirked, caressing his thigh, Oberyn let out a loud moan… it was one of the few times where the man was submissive, and goddamn was it hot.
You brought a hand to his belt, undoing it and letting his robe fall open, then, you started to lower his pants.. “H-hey- c-careful there!” he whined, he would’ve wanted to fuck if he had won, he was just mad you had control because for the first time you’d won. He was so vulnerable.. perfect to ruin him in revenge for all the times he had done it to you…
You took off his pants and kept his legs wide open, “Please- please have mercy-” Oberyn pleaded. You tied his belt around his hands, immobilizing him as he moaned in pleasure, a weird pleasure of finally having to submit to you. You spit on your cock, and went down to his hole, licking it softly, “Ah~” Oberyn moaned over and over as your tongue roamed the sensitive skin of his hole, taking the chance to lube him up even more, but you were determined to stay down there until he begged for your cock. It was 5 minutes of eating his ass until you heard those pretty words come out of his mouth, “Please- give me your dick- please” he said, in a tone that made it clear he was unfamiliar with begging but also extremely turned on.
“Good boy, begging for me” you smirked, enjoying the feel of the different sensation. You slowly started working your dick inside him, he was so tight, he also squirmed a lot.. he was being a brat. “Stay put” you demanded, and he kept resisting… you realized he was not gonna obey if you were nice, so you took his tied hands and pressed them against the bed with your right hand, “I said stay put” you looked at him in the eyes.
“Shut up and fuck me” he said, with an angry, desperate look on his face, trying to get one last bit of dominance, you started to pound into him, you were doing what he wanted, but you watched as he turned into putty, his whimpers slowly getting louder and louder. You started to stroke his dick, just to tease him, not fast enough to get him closer, “Ah~” he whimpered loudly as you sank fully into him. The sight of him like this was incredibly hot, his gritted teeth in pleasure as his arms were lifted over his head, giving a view of his underarms, his chest muscles, his neck… which you sucked a few hickeys on.
You roughly fucked the man on your bed, enjoying the feeling of having him all to yourself. Dominant King Oberyn Martell, the man who was always strong and proud, turned into this. A moaning mess of a man, getting roughly fucked by his husband on their bed and close to an orgasm, “Ha- ah~ I’m close~” he moaned, finding this extremely hot now… “Be a good boy and cum for me” you demanded, basking in the feeling of being able to call him that, you should definitely turn the tables more often…
Oberyn came with a loud moan, all over himself, his stomach and your body, you just smirked as you kept fucking his prostate into overstimulation, “F-fuck- s-stop..” he weakly moaned, but you were dead set on cumming now. You wanted it inside him, to let the man know he was yours. The overstimulation had his mind clouded, all he could feel was the pleasurable burn of your dick in him. Your thrusts got even rougher and sloppier, until you groaned, “Fuck- Oberyn-” as you spilled your load inside him, not submissively this time, but rather, to claim him.
“Oh my god~” he moaned, his robe still half on, you untied his hands and looked at him, your cum leaking out of his ass, him breathing heavily, hickeys all over his neck and hands still above his head. “Good boy” you kissed him dearly on the lips, like you hadn’t just slutted him out a few minutes ago. “F-fine- the flowers will be purple..” he sighed,
“Good” you smirked, spooning him as a feeble apology for your roughness.
I've saw that you had written something for Miguel o hara and I've been simping hard for him ever since the trailers came out. And I've been needing some male reader so if you dont think it's to much to write about Miguel being really desperate for reader and needing reader inside of him which leads to Miguel tearing his suit open for reader to use and finally use him. If this is alot then am sorry for taking up space it just that I've never seen someone write for male reader for 2099.
miguel o'hara x male reader
note: no worries, i'm currently hyperfixated on miguel. this was fun to write, hope you like it! [ slightly proofread ] .
cw: bottom!miguel, breeding, sexual tension, rough & outdoor sex.
word count: 1.4k

“fuck– it’s too hot in this suit,” you murmured as you grabbed hold of your mask, taking it off swiftly. you and miguel had been patrolling for the night on the outskirts of your city after being alerted by your officials.
the way you said “fuck” made miguel’s head spin, the tension only building up even further. this whole time miguel has been fighting his own urges to make a move but was far too embarrassed in an environment like this. even if the location was miles away from the headquarters, he did not want to risk being caught by anybody. everything about you from your touseled hair to your suit hugging tightly around your shape made him flustered and tried to stay out of your gaze.
you noticed him turn away and raised a brow, wondering if he had seen something in the distance or was simply feeling unwell. “you alright, mig?” you asked, slightly teasing him with the nickname you loved using. he let out a small huff through his mask and saw the misty cloud escape through it, as the temperature outside was a bit colder than usual but you didn’t mind.
“yeah, don’t worry. just a bit cold,” he replied and you shrugged your shoulders, taking a seat on a nearby rock. miguel glanced over at you as you rested your elbows on your thighs, causing your suit to stretch around your arms. from all of the training you’ve had over the years, it definitely paid off, and staring at you simply made miguel’s stomach feel warm.
“y’know, this is so useless..” you grunted and he raised a brow, humming a small “hm?” under his breath. “there’s no threat. is everyone just on edge? because personally, i’d rather be home under the covers.” annoyed, you kicked a tiny pebble off to the side and slightly leaned your head back out of frustration.
miguel’s breathing changed as he continued to watch you, not paying attention to any of the words you just said. he was focused on your breathing and how your neck flexed against your suit, your adam’s apple becoming prominent. he sat down across from you, causing you to look up at him and he seemed more tense than usual. you furrowed your eyebrows together, afraid that there was something on his mind, and refused to tell you about it.
“are you sure you’re alright?” you asked and there was a pause before he answered, “of course, what makes you think i’m not?” he spoke as if he was reading off of a script and you rolled your eyes.
“you aren’t talking much and you sound like you’re so miserable, is it that difficult to be around me?” you playfully joked and yes, it was difficult. miguel was sitting there fantasizing about you and he couldn’t do anything about his thoughts as he was trying to get ahold of himself. until it got too much and he felt a familiar tightness on the lower half of his suit, covering his lap in embarrassment.
“no, i’m not miserable and it is not difficult to be around you. i’m just thinking about the project we’ve been working on is all,” he mumbled as he began fidgeting with his hands, causing his knuckles to brush against his boner. miguel let out a hiss, trying to cover it with a lame cough but you never thought anything of it. you got up, pacing around in front of him, trying to think of what to do for the next hour. miguel continued to watch you, his eyes examining each move you made. he felt like a pervert but couldn’t help his thoughts as you were standing right in front of him, his desperation for you only growing stronger by the minute. when you turned around, miguel got up from his seat and stood right behind you, pressing his body against your back.
“hey, do you–” you felt something poke against you, knowing that familiar feeling. “i can’t do this anymore,” he grunted in your ear, wrapping his strong arms around your waist. you licked the top row of your teeth, watching his hand slowly trail down to your own bulge.
“miguel..” you warned as you leaned into his touch, bucking your hips up against his hand. you moved out of his grasp and turned around to face him.
you took off his mask for him, revealing his lustful eyes. his fangs poked through his lips and you found it adorable, grabbing a hold of his face to make him watch what you were going to do. he looked down, his eyes trailing to your hand as you rubbed your hand against his cock. miguel let out a gasp, causing him to bite down on his lip and poked himself with his own fangs. he winced but was too focused on the pleasure you were giving him.
“so this is what got you all hot ‘n bothered, hm?” you teased, and he whined as he tried to press himself against you even further. miguel got tired of the teasing and took matters into his own hands as he pressed his lips against yours, hungrily kissing you. it caught you by surprise and you placed your hands on his shoulders, gripping tightly onto his suit.
“please.” he whined into the kiss, his hands tampering with his own suit. you pressed on the emblem on your chest, causing your suit to disenthrall from your figure. without thinking about the consequences of his actions, miguel tore open his suit for easier access as his suit was more complicated to get out of. the sound of the fabric tearing made your eyes widen, knowing it took him so long to perfect every aspect of it.
“¿tan desesperado estás?” you whispered against his mouth as you signaled for him to jump, pinning him against a nearby wall.
“cállate.” he hissed, connecting your lips together once again. you took your cock in your hand, noticing the precum that was spilling out. miguel bit down on your shoulder, feeling his sharp teeth pierce through your skin, causing you to let out a loud moan.
“fuck me already. please, stop making me wait. i’m so des– fuck!” he whined in your ear, feeling his hot breath against it. you thrust into him without any warning, forcing your cock to go in. you felt him stretch around you, a string of curses slipping out of your mouth. “you’re so tight miguel…” you grunted through your gritted teeth, finally putting all of it inside of him.
you used one arm to stabilize yourself and the other to hold miguel, keeping him close to your body. miguel dug his claws into your back as you pounded into him, not giving him any time to adjust to you. he threw his head back against the wall and you looked at him, thinking it was such a pretty sight to see him so desperate for you.
you quickened your pace, each thrust began to be harder and rougher. miguel’s moans filled the air as he did not care to be loud, noticing him stare off into nothing as if he was so cock drunk. you took this as encouragement, slamming into him as you felt your orgasm reaching its peak.
miguel seemed to notice too, mumbling in your ear, “breed me… please” as that was all that he could let out. you smiled, pressing a kiss against his temple, “good boys get what they want”. you buried your face into his neck as you came, moaning his name out loud as you made sure to pin his ass against your cock. miguel followed shortly after, gasping for air as he moaned your name over and over again. you stood there, still inside him as you wanted to make sure you filled him up.
“you alright?” you asked with concern, looking up at him. he pressed his forehead against yours, a smirk plastered across his face.
“of course. getting fucked by you is always the best thing… and don’t you dare move.” he sternly ordered, wrapping his arms around your shoulders to keep himself steady.
“i wasn’t planning to just yet. but what about your suit?” you asked and he pointed at his wrist cuff, not noticing it before.
“i made a new prototype. thought i’d test it out tonight…” he mumbled, closing up the space between you two to kiss you once again. he began to move his hips, earning a groan from you.
“you fuckin’ whore… you do realize that there are cameras right?” you pointed up at one and he placed his hand behind your nape, pulling you closer to him.
“then let them watch.”