Simon Riley X Male Reader - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

A short snippet of that fic

i did a poll ages ago for what kinda story i should do....the results said the majority of you wanted street racing au (car) Ghost x male reader (motorbike)

it's probably gonna take me a bit since i want to do some proper research into what cars and bikes but here's a little snippet, this might not make it into the final draft though.

The white light from the streetlights illuminate the road while the thunderous sounds of engines fill the air. One one side of you there's your fellow biker, her electric blue streaks popping in the dark of the night, on the other side of you there's a car. You glance over curiously which is when you's ghost...the fucking masked bastard who always wins, well not for long if you have anything to do about it. You grin under your helmet as you lean over, tapping the window of his car. He looks over and for a moment you think he has no eyes. bloody hell, his eyes were almost soulless. You shake that thought away, grinning under your helmet as you raise your hand and make a 'professional' and 'mature' gesture (you made the wanking gesture)

The flag girls begin their countdown.


" TWO!"


theres a pause



let me know if you wanna be tagged or if there's any mistakes :]

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1 year ago

Simon Riley x Male Reader x Leon Kennedy


|| Masterlist ||


Authors note: Here is another twin series shot! More to come soon and thank you for 6.6k followers!! This idea came to mind because Leon is my other husband but in this one so is Simon.

Summary: An old friend and Ex makes an appearance back at reader and simons home town. The twins seem to know him very well and Simon isn’t too fond of the man.

Warnings: Fluff, jealous Simon, menacing twins, past lovers, Leon is a great man, overprotective Simon, twins track down there dad, past memories, catching up, twins are both 15 years old.

Word count: 2.5k

Simon Riley X Male Reader X Leon Kennedy

Y/n was running errands. The twins had begged him to buy snacks after finishing up their last stash and wanting him to stock up. He knew not to argue with his kids, knowing that the will fight back if he declined the idea of getting more snacks.

And so, he had no choice but to get changed and take his car keys and wallet and head to the nearest market. He carried a list of things the twins requested, including Simons small request of wanting something sweet. It always surprised Y/n that someone so deadly and dangerous could have a craving for something so sweet.

He chuckles at the memory of Simon devouring their wedding cake alongside the twins who ate next to him. There wedding wasn’t anything huge, just them three and a witness or two but that was all.

Upon arriving to the store he makes sure to take a cart, going up and down the aisles in case he wishes to get anything else but snacks. He reached the alcohol isle and grins to himself. One drink wouldn’t hurt, right?

He hums softly to himself as he searched the shelves, looking for his own favorite drink. He makes sure to add Simons on the list too in case he wanted a small drink. It takes him a few minutes to find Simons.

“Bourbon…bourbon—Ah!” He mumbled under his breath until he finally finds the bottle, smiling in victory as he takes the bottle in hand, checking to make sure that it was the right one.

“Never thought of you as a bourbon type.”

Y/n furrows his brows, looking up from the bottle to come face to face with an old friend of his.

“Leon?” Y/n stares at him with wide eyes as Leon gives him a faint smile in return. “Y/n.” He says in return, getting a small laugh out of the other.

“What—how—what are you doing here, out of all places?” Y/n finally asks, too in shock to let out a proper question. He couldn’t stop staring at Leon, he’s changed so much. His blonde hair no longer blonde but a dark brunette color and his eyes were brighter. The man aged like fine wine due to his appearance looking the same when he was younger but with hints of maturity and a faint stubble on his face.

Y/n couldn't stop staring at the man standing before him that Leon’s words go through deaf ears.


He’s finally pulled out of his thoughts and blinks his eyes. “I’m sorry, what?” He coughs out, blushing softly as he placed the bottle of alcohol in the cart he had with him.

“I asked if you were alright? You seemed a little out of it.” Said Leon.

“Sorry! It’s Just—It’s been awhile.” He admits with a faint chuckle escaping his lips, trying to focus his attention on anything else but Leon. It wasn’t until the older man eyed his cart and smirks. “Snacks and booze? Having a party or something?”

Y/n flushed and laughs. “Actually the snacks are for the twins, you remember the twins right?” He’s quick to ask, disregarding Leon’s second question. “How can I forget the twins, I remember when they first started school. Is Briar still causing you trouble?”

Y/n groans at the mention of his troublesome daughter. “Always.” He answers, taking the end of the cart in hand and pulling it behind him as he walks down the aisle, alongside Leon as the two did some shopping together. “Briar and Ren are fifteen.” He blurts out, getting a surprise look from Leon who scoffs.

“No way, I remember them being kids. Has it really been that long?”

Y/n nods his head. “Time goes by fast.” He states, warning a chuckle from Leon as the two approach the register, standing in line to check out their items. Y/n had looked into Leon’s basket, raising a brow at the amount of alcohol bottles he has.

“Is that all your getting?” He points out, causing leon to chuckle nervously. “Yeah…”

Y/n hums and decides to keep quiet, turning his attention back to his one items and makes sure that he got everything for the twins and Simon. The thought of missing anything could get him into trouble, the last time he forgot something he got a dramatic Briar and a whinny Ren to deal with until he finally got them their favorites snacks.

It wasn’t until he stepped up to the registrar to finally get his things scanned and paid for that Leon calls out his name before he exits the store.

“I was wondering if you wanted to get some dinner? That’s if your not busy.” Leon quickly says, getting Y/n’s attention who stared at Leon with wide eyes.

He knows that he shouldn’t accept the dinner date he already had plans to cook dinner for his kids and husband, but it’s been years since he’s last seen Leon. His friend his first partner, they were simply catching up what could go wrong?


“He’s taking forever.” Ren groans into the couch pillow, lying on his stomach as he continues to whine while Briar paced the room at a slow pace. She would glance out the window in hopes of her seeing Y/n’s return only to find nothing. Then she would look at the clock hanging on the wall.

“It’s been more than 30 minutes.” She mumbled.

“Be patient.” Simon finally speaks up from the couch, sitting on the far end next to Ren while the teen sulks into the pillows. “He told you two that you shouldn’t be eating too many snacks, perhaps this is his way of punishing you both and making you wait.”

Brair frowns at Simons words, doubting them. She knew her father well enough and she knew that area she lived in. The nearest grocery store was fifteen minutes away, she knew that her own father was someone who goes in to get what he needs and is out in seconds. He never took his time to check everything unless he had a long list of groceries to get.

“Something’s not right.” Briar finally says, getting Ren and Simons attention. “The store is close and he should have been back a few minutes ago.”

“Traffic?” Ren says with a shrug.

“No…” Briar tries to think over reasons as to why her father wasn’t home yet. Simon knew that she was overthinking the situation and comes to a stand, making his way over to the teen and placing a gentle hand on the top of her head. “Easy kid, Y/n will be back soon and if anything happened to him we would know.” Simon tried to reassure Briar but can still see the worry in her eyes.

Simon sighs. “How about we drive by to see if his car is still at the store?” Simons idea gets Briars attention, lightening Briar as she nods frantically.

“Go get your shoes. Both of you.” Simons instructs the twins as they quickly move to get some shoes on while Simon gets the keys to his own car, waiting outside for the twins as they rushed out of the house and into his car.

“Come on! Hurry up!” Briar exclaimed, getting an eye roll from Simon. “We are only doing a drive by, that is all.” He reminds the twins as he gets the car started and driving then towards the nearest store. Briar is bouncing on her seat, staring up ahead in hopes of seeing anything that could be causing her fathers delay while Ren sat in the back seat staring out the window.

It wasn’t until they stop at a red light that Ren speaks up. “Holy shit.”

“Language.” Said Simon while Briar turns around in her seat to face Ren. “What?” She takes notice of Ren staring out the window with wide eyes, frowning. “What are you looking at?” She finally turns to her own window, looking in the direction her brother was staring only to spot her father eating outside a fast food with another man. The two laughing together without a care.

Briars mouth is open in shock. Rens eyes are wide and Simon. Oh, Simon wasn’t someone who easily got jealous but the grip on the steering wheel caused his knuckles to go white, clearly upset about the situation but not saying anything about it. Before the twins could say anything the street light turns green, Simon hits the gas and drives off.

The twins sit in silence while Simon finds a longer way back home. The tension in the car gets the twins uncomfortable, feeling Simons anger and jealous radiate off his body. The twins felt like kids again who got yelled at for doing something wrong, getting their father really angry to the point where the car rides were full of silence and only tension. Even though the twins knew they weren’t in trouble they can’t help but feel like they were.

When they finally get home the twins both glance at each other, communicating in silence. Ren is the first to break the tension. “Maybe it’s a friend?” His voice is soft.

“Or he’s cheating.” Briar blurts out, blunt and honest.

Ren smacks her shoulder, glaring at his sister who glared back. “I’m only being honest,” She hissed out, rubbing her shoulder.

Simon is sitting in silence, listening to the kids bickering but is quick to shut them out. Simon wasn’t someone to get upset over stuff like this, he trusted Y/n. He married him, he wouldn’t throw everything away for someone else. Even though Simon and Y/n have been married for a few years he knows his partner well enough to communicate with him regarding anything and so far things have been going well.

Y/n would tell Simon everything that happens at work, let out his frustrations when he’s dealing with something hard. He tells Simon how he feels about curtain stuff without being afraid or embarrassed about it.

Simon couldn't say he was the same. He struggled at first when it comes towards talking about his feelings. He always kept everything bottled up. After Y/n came into his life he slowly started to learn.

“He’s not cheating.” He finally speaks up, startling the twins with his deep voice. “Y/n wouldn’t do that.” Simon adds, turning towards the twins and giving them a reassuring smile.

“Come on, let’s wait inside.”

His last words get the twins moving, jumping out of the car and rushing inside, jumping on the couch and fighting over the remote while Simon tossed his eyes on the coffee table and plops down between the twins, taking the remote from the two and deciding what to watch, getting a look of disbelief from the twins.

It wasn’t until an hour later that Y/n finally gets home, stumbling inside the house with bags in hand and sighing deeply. “I’m back!” He calls out, kicking the door shut.

He raises a brow in confusion when he doesn’t hear a greeting back. The twins usually come running to him when he comes back from the store but no one comes to him. “Kids?” He calls out, walking further into the house. “Simon?” He approached the living room where he finds both Briar and Ren, sitting side by side with arms crossed while narrowing their eyes.

“Uh, I’m back?” Y/n says again a bit concerned by the twins attitude as they watched him.

“You’re late.” Said Ren.

“Yeah, thats because I was getting your snacks.” Said Y/n as he walks over to the kitchen, to set the bag of snacks on the counter, taking it out of the bag. “Getting snacks should only take a few minutes you were gone for an hour.” Briar says this time, getting off the couch and walking to the kitchen, following her dad around as he puts the snacks away.

“So? I was taking my time.” Y/n shrugs his shoulders. The twins are slowly getting irritated and it’s Ren who blurts out the question they really wanted to know the answer too. “Are you going to divorce Simon?”

Y/n’s eyes widen, whipping his head to face the twins properly. “What—? What makes you think that?!”

“We saw you…you were having dinner with some guy and you seemed pretty happy.” Said Briar, shrugging a shoulder as she lowers her gaze. Briar could be loud and blunt but the subject of Y/n and Simon possibly divorcing set her into a panic where she shuts down, closing up and becoming afraid.

Y/n had noticed this when raising the twins on his own before Simon came into the picture. He’s quick to shake his head, approaching the twins and pulling them into hugs. “God no—I could never leave Simon and I would never ask for a divorce, do you know how long it took me to finally find someone who actually cares for me and you two? Because I’m not throwing that away.” He shakes his head.

Ren lifts up his head from Y/n chest. “Then who was the guy you were having dinner with?”

Y/n lets out a soft chuckle. “He’s—well, he was an ex of mine but, what we had back then wasn’t serious it only lasted a few weeks before we decided to remain friends. I haven’t seen him in years and I was simply catching up, nothing else.” He explains to the twins.

“You guys met him once!”

“We did?” The twins said in unison, confusion written on their faces as Y/n rolls his eyes. “Yeah, when you were seven years old. His name is Leon Kennedy? Tall blonde hair, blue eyes—?”

Briar is the first to gasp, pulling away from her dad. “The really hot cop?!”

“He’s in his thirties and not a cop anymore.”

“But he’s still hot?” Briar questions with a mischievous grin on her face while wiggling her brows. Y/n sighs deeply, knowing that his daughter was going to force him to admit that Leon was still good looking.

“Yes, he’s still attractive but, I love Simon more. He’s—“ Y/n looks up from the twins to see Simon standing near the stairway, leaning against the wall as he grins. Clearly the man had heard everything, listening into their conversation as Y/n gives off a soft smile before looking back at the twins. “Simon has the muscles and strong—God, the way his hands wrap around—“

“Ah! Stop no more!” Ren shouts, covering his ears as Briar faked a gag, looking at her dad in disgust. “No details!” She shouted too. The twins growing dramatic while Simon approached the twins and Y/n, smiling at his husband as he wraps an arm around his waist and pulls him into a deep kiss, Y/n wrapping his arms around his neck as he deepens it.

The twins scream in horror at the sight of their parents making out, running out of the kitchen and upstairs. “Get a room!” Ren shouted, causing the two to break apart from the kiss and laugh.

“Oh, we have one.” Y/n smirks at Simon.

Tags :
2 years ago

Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Male!Reader [Smut]

What happens when Ghost hears (M/n) singing 'Simon Says'? Well, he's gonna play with him.

Warning; blowjob, cum eating, overstimulation, fwb au, sub!top!reader, dom!bottom!ghost.


It was sort of a day off for the Task Force 141 team, they didn't have any missions or jobs they had to do, so they were just chillin' around the base, training or just relaxing and having fun, the new recruits playing outside and being normal kids instead of military cadets.

(M/n) had gotten up a little later than usual, and he was ready to start his day, unaware of what would happen hours later.


It was kind of a boring day, too calm and quiet, nothing much occurred and by the end of the day, (M/n) walked into the kitchen after showering, his stomach growling for some food, making himself a sandwich, and drinking some water. His earphones playing music and he unconsciously started singing to himself the song that was currently playing.

Well, that's what he thought.

Outside the kitchen door, was a tall, masked man about to walk in when he heard a voice he knew very well.

"Let's play a game called Simon Says," he stopped and looked at the unaware male, noticing the cable around his neck and dangling in front of his chest, following it down to his phone in his pocket, "Simon Says, spread open your legs and put your hands behind your head~"

It was clear to Ghost now that (M/n) had no idea that he was standing behind, staring at him so intensely.

"Simon Says, take a deep breath 'cause tonight we're gonna make a mess~," he turned around with his sandwich in his hand, about to take a bite out of it when he saw Ghost standing by the kitchen door, "Oh, Lieutenant! Didn't see you there," internally, (M/n) was freaking out, almost praying his superior didn't hear him singing, but at that moment, embarrassment filled his body, realizing what song he was listening to and who the man in front of him was.

Simon Riley... Damn, (M/n) had never felt his face heating up so much.

Reaching his free hand, he pressed the button on the cable of his earphones, and the music came to a stop as he stared at his Lieutenant. His... fuck buddy as well.

"Do you need anything, sir?" He asked trying not to stutter, preventing his voice from trembling or cracking.

He watched as Ghost walked up to him and pinned him to the counter behind him, leaning dangerously close to his face, whispering over his lips, his warm breath getting through his balaclava.

"Let's go to my room, Sergeant."


Pinned to the bed, (M/n) holds onto Ghost's hands holding his head in place, his bigger body on top of his, straddling his hips, grinding their erections on each other, causing (M/n) to whine and Ghost to groan.

Breaking their kiss, Ghost leaned back, his hand reaching his balaclava, (M/n) thought he was gonna take it off, but he only fixed it slightly higher up his nose before leaning down again, his lips gracing (M/n)'s.

"Spread open your legs, (M/n)," a shiver ran down his spine at Ghost's deep, rumbly voice, but as he watched him get off the bed, he did as told, albeit a little embarrassed to do so.

Without a word uttered, Ghost hooked his fingers on the waistband of (M/n)'s pants, pulling them down and letting them fall somewhere near their discarded boots, and slowly he knelt between his spread legs, pulling his underwear enough to free his cock.

He licked it slowly for a short while, focusing on his tip and the underside of it, making (M/n)'s hands pull on his own shirt, his hips squirming a bit in place, but soon, his lips were wrapped around the glistening head, hearing (M/n)'s whine and feeling him thrust his hips up into his mouth.

Ghost took that as a 'keep going', his hands sliding under (M/n)'s thighs to grip his hips, pulling him as close as he could to him, gagging around his cock as he took every inch in his mouth and down his throat.

(M/n)'s hands had gone up to press against his mouth to try and muffle his moans, but as he was about to reach his climax, his hands went down to hold onto Ghost's head, wanting to use his mouth like a toy, but he didn't let him.

Ghost pried (M/n)'s hands away from his head, releasing his cock from his mouth, "Hands behind your head."

Holding in a whine, (M/n) obeyed yet again, and soon Ghost resumed the stimulation on his cock, sucking on the dripping tip and dragging his tongue along the prominent veins on (M/n)'s cock. Occasionally, his eyes would avert upward, taking in (M/n)'s pleasured expression as he bit his lip and gripped the pillow under his head.

Ghost felt his cock twitch in the confinement of his clothes, and he couldn't stop himself from grinding on the bed as he hears (M/n) struggling to keep himself quiet, his hips lifting off the bed as Ghost lets him fuck his mouth, the feeling making (M/n) roll his eyes into be back of his head.

He can't take it, can't hold it anymore, Ghost's mouth feels so good~

He lets out a choked moan, cumming in Ghost's mouth. But that doesn't stop the Lieutenant, he keeps eagerly sucking and licking every inch of his twitching cock until he comes again, every drop of cum filling his mouth. Ghost himself whines as his hips stutter, his cum wetting his underwear like a horny teen, and he doesn't care about that, after all, he's not done with (M/n) yet.

Taking (M/n)'s cock out of his mouth, the (h/c) haired male watches with hazy eyes, observing how some of his cum dripped down the corners of his mouth, and damn, he has never seen something so hot and lewd in his life. He drags his fingers around his lips and picks up the warm cum back in his mouth.

Kneeling back on the bed he takes his shirt off and hurries to do the same with his pants, soon straddling (M/n)'s and slowly grinding back on his hardening cock.

He can't hold back the smirk on his face as he looked down at (M/n), feeling the Sergeant's hands on his hips to stop him from stimulating his sensitive cock. Ghost observes (M/n) disheveled form and releases a low, rumbly chuckle that resonates in his chest.

"Take a deep breath, 'cause..." He leaned down and kissed (M/n), the taste of his own cum making the (h/c) haired male whimper in Ghost's mouth, "Tonight we're gonna make a mess, I feel like playing..." His hand gripped (M/n)'s hair, making the male groan at his rough handling, "A game called, Simon Says."

(M/n) stares at him with wide eyes, his cock twitching as he realized Simon indeed heard him singing earlier, and he seemed to have liked the song.

Perhaps a little too much.

Tags :
1 year ago

Simon Riley X Male Reader


|| Masterlist ||


Authors note: It’s finally here! The last part of the baker series for Simon Riley. I really enjoyed writing these series and giving a character the love that they deserve. I hope you enjoy this last part!!

Summary: The final part of the baker series.

Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, happy ending, last part of this weird.

Word Count: 3.1K


Simon Riley X Male Reader


Simon was the first to wake up. It was still dark outside and the bedside clock read 5:00AM in bold red, giving him a perfect view of the time. He lies silently in bed, listening to his surroundings and can hear the sound of the ceiling fan above him along with bed springs and the rustle of bedsheets next to his side where he glanced over to see Y/n sleeping peacefully, cocooned and bundled up in the warm blankets, soft snores escaping his lips and buried his face deeper into his pillow and cover.

Simon’s lips crack into a small smile as he moves quietly to not wake Y/n up as he pulls the covers away from himself and sits up on the bed. He gives himself time to wake up, his eyes and brain still feeling drowsy with sleep, rubbing it away before coming to a stand and making his way towards the bathroom where he gets himself cleaned and dressed.

Summer was around the corner and the weather was getting warmer, forcing him to wear something that won’t cause him to sweat every hour especially when he’s working in a bakery that is also kept warm. Y/n had complained to Simon a few days back on how much he hated working in the summer due to the hot weather and being around huge ovens all day in order to provide what customers wanted.

Simon had volunteered to help with opening the bakery along with the baking the daily specials causing Y/n to teach Simon how to use the oven properly along with memorizing the ingredients and how to do it correctly. He was very strict when it comes towards his baking that Simon received a slap on the shoulder here and there whenever he messed up the ingredients or burned the specials. Y/n was close to banning Simon from the kitchen only for the bigger man to convince him that he could get things done properly.

It took Simon a few weeks to convince him until he was finally able to do the baking with no supervision. The two sharing the daily task together and creating a schedule. Today was Simons turn to get the specials ready which is why he is up early, giving him enough time to get everything baked on time and for the pastries to remain fresh once they opened and allowed customers inside.

Simon sat at the foot of the bed, slipping on his shoes before taking his phone from the nightstand along with the silver ring that he slips on his left hand. He gives Y/n one last look before leaving the room and closing the door quietly behind him. He makes his way towards Alex’s room, pushing the door open with out making a noise and checks on the young teen who lies asleep in bed, sprawled out and snoring the day away.

After he’s checked on the kid he’s prepared to get the day started by taking the keys to the bakery that hung in the kitchen and making his way downstairs and outside where the bakery is located below them. He unlocks them bakery and steps inside where he focuses on getting everything prepared before the opening hour strikes. He spends 3 hours in the kitchen, baking and cleaning the place along with getting the displays ready.

As the hour of opening got closer he make sure to double check everything one last time. Alex had made it downstairs after waking up, dressed up for the day and stepping isn’t the bakery to help out with the tables and chairs that they had available.

“Morning.” Alex yawns out, lazily removing the chairs and putting them down. “You already eat breakfast?” Asked Simon who was washing his hands behind the counter where a small sink was located.

“Yeah, I ate last nights leftovers.” Alex moves onto the blinds. “Dad’s still asleep.”

Simon hums in response.

The room grows quiet until Alex clears his throat, stepping towards Simon with his hands behind his back. “So,” A grin is plastered on his face. “What’re giving dad for his anniversary?”

Simon froze, his eyes widen.

Alex takes notice of his reaction causing him to gasp loudly and dramatically. “Dad is going to kill you!”

“I forgot…” Simons voice is soft, getting a handle towel to dry his hands and looking up to see Alex with a huge evil grin on his face causing the adult to frown and glare. “You aren’t going to tell him are you?”

“Nope! But, I do want to see the outcome when he finds out that his husband of one year forgot about their anniversary.” He hums loudly. “It’s a show I can’t miss.”

Simon groans under his breath, tossing the towel aside and checking the time. Y/n will be downstairs the minute it nears opening.

“Do me a favor.” Simon blurts out, getting Alex’s attention. “Keep him distracted while I get him something.”

Alex rolls his eyes. “Simon, don’t worry. I know dad well enough that he won’t get upset about it. If you really want to get him a gift then make it simple, nothing to big.” Alex shrugs his shoulders and focused on the final things to clean before glancing at the time. “Look, dad really likes this pub down the street.” He snatched a napkin and pen and writes the address. “Go there and look for Penny, she can help you.” He hands it over to Simon who accepts it with a confused look.

“What am I going to find there?”

“You’ll see.” Alex grins, nodding towards the back door in order for him to escape before Y/n arrived, giving Simon enough time to finish up and toss his apron aside and make a run to the back door after snatching the note from Alex who's laughing faints on his way out. Simon and Y/n have dates for three years and married for one year.

Simon never though that he would make it this far into life and to the point of wanting to get married with the person that he really cared and loved for. He was the one who proposed first, it wasn’t anything romantic and neither was it planned. It was busy in the bakery and packed due to y/n’s special deal that he offers every February, selling his pastries at a very good price that caused everyone to come.

The place was flooded and it was only them three but the worked fast and got things done, both Y/n and Simon working at the front while Alex did the baking in the back, avoiding the large crowd and focusing on his own task. While Simon helped with packing up the orders and Y/n rings them up, giving the customers fakes smiles and quick change in return. When the place grew slow the two were exhausted, finally giving themselves a break to relax before the place grew crowded again, giving Simon the opportunity to look at Y/n who was covered in flour, sweat covering his forehead and his face red from the heat in the bakery.

The sudden sight made Simon admire him even more that he blurts out. “Marry me.”

Y/n didn’t show signs of shook as he dusts the flour off his apron. “Okay.” Was his simple answer.

Simon had a ring with him, he was planning on proposing but not like this and always carried this thing around for safe keeping that when he pulls it out of his pocket and hands it to Y/n—the baker inspects the ring and smiles, slipping it on himself and turning to Simon. “Good luck returning me without the receipt.” He said before placing a soft kiss on Simons cheek and urging them to get back to work.

They didn’t have a big wedding. Y/n didn’t have any family besides Alex and Simon was not inviting his team. The two spent their wedding night eating dinner and watching a moving along side with Alex who passed out later that night sitting between the two on the couch. Simon couldn’t be happier with the family he gained just by stumbling inside a bakery he was curious about only to end up married with the owner.

Now, here he is heading towards the Pub to see what exactly Alex had in mind in order to provide a gift or anything for his and Y/n’s anniversary. Upon arriving he takes a glance inside by the large window only to see if empty, he makes his way inside and stuffs the note in his pocket. His makes his way towards the bar where he see a young girl serving drinks to a few customers that were sitting on the bar.

“What can I get you?” She chirps up, smiling widely as she stands in front of him.

“I’m looking for someone named Penny.”

“That’s me! You must be Simon?”

He nods.

“Great! Alex called earlier and told me that you were on your way—come, this way!” She doesn’t give much explanation and guides him through the bar and towards a much private area. “What is—?”

“There he is!!”

Simon’s breath hitched at the familiar voices.

He looks over to his right and there he sees his old 141 team after not communicating with them in years, wanting some peace from knowing anything amount their missions. He turns to penny with a harsh glare, bot frightening the young girl as she gives him a wide smile and pats his shoulder. “Have fun!” She says happily before skipping away to continue her work load.

Simon sighs deeply, turning to his older team as they all greeted him with cheers and smiles.

“Look at you, not hiding your face anymore?” Soap is the first to ask, ignoring Simons side glare as he sits next to Price, slumping down in his own spot in the booth and looking at the food before him along with some drinks. “Shouldn’t hide this face whenever I am around the people I care.” His tone is dry, reaching over to snatch one of the drinks. Simon stopped drinking after he started dating Y/n, wanting to keep his health in check in order to be around Alex and Y/n longer and not have any other issues. But, today was a special occasion. Perhaps one drink wouldn’t hurt.

“How did you know I would be here?” Simon finally asks.

“Penny’s mother is Laswell.” Said Price, getting Simons attention. “Turns out that a friend of hers was looking for us, wanted us to visit this side of town as a surprise for an old friend.”

Simon groans. “Fucking, Alex.”

Gaz is next to speak up “Who’s Alex?”

“He’s my—“ Simon’s mouth goes dry.

He’s been around the kid for years now and is married into his small family, would that make Alex his son now? He didn’t really know if Alex was comfortable with claiming him as a parent yet and was willing to give the kid some time, the two were always together in the bakery and Alex was comfortable to talk about his day along with the bad stuff that he;s gone through, the kid had told him about his parents abuse, brave and ready to finally speak about it that he ran away from school and come to him seeking protection, feeling safe with him.

“He’s my husbands kid.”

He causally takes a sip from his drink only to hear Soap choke while Gaz snorts at his teammate.

“You have a kid?!”

“You’re married?”

“Congrats.” Price smiles proudly at Simon.

Simon hums in return. “Have been for a year, his name is Y/n and he’s a baker.”

“Does he own the bakery down the street?” Price suddenly asks, cocking his head and raising a brow.


Price laughs, “Who would have thought that Simon would marry a baker—he never let me in the kitchen to cook.”

“You know Y/n?”

“Of course, he and I used to be roommates years back. I encouraged him to save money for his future bakery. I woke up every morning to the smell of muffins. I was his taste tester back then until I told him to find someone else, I wasn’t going to deal with all of that leftover bread.” Price shakes his head, remembering the old times that he spent with Y/n.

Simon had no idea that Y/n had connections to Price, his old captain. He’ll probably ask Y/n about their friendship and what the hell he was doing sharing a home with Price out of all people, the man rarely socialized and was always focused on his missions. That would be a nice story to hear about during dinner together.

“So, Ghost. Tell us about this marriage of yours?” Soap wiggles is brows, interested in knowing more while Simon rolled his eyes and takes a sip from his drink. “Mind your business, Soap.” Simon wasn’t one to share his personal life and he for sure isn’t gonna share his romantic details with his old team, his memories with Y/n and Alex were his and only his.

Price laughs at Soaps frown as he holds his up his drink to the others. “In celebration of Simon being married and getting the family he deserves.” He announced, getting his other teammates attention as they too raised their glass while Simon watched with a small smile on his face.

“To Riley!” They all say as Simon raised his glass half way with a chuckle escaping his lips, enjoying his time with his old teammates.

It wasn’t until sunset that Simon was finally able to return back home after spending some time with his old mates, getting to catchup with them. The moment he steps outside of the bar he can’t help but sigh, remembering that he forgot to get his husband an anniversary gift, only to find out that his old mates was his husbands gift to him while he stood back there with nothing. He felt like a horrible partner for not providing him anything as he makes his way back to the bakery.

The bakery should be closed at this hour, only with him having to head upstairs and into their apartment where his steps are quiet. As he approached the living room he can hear the sound of Y/n and Alex whispering to each other harshly.

“You burnt the cake?!”

“I was an accident!”

“You own a bakery, how do you burn a cake?!”

“I’m nervous!” Y/n shouted at Alex, smacking the kid upside the head with a glare. “Now go get the other gift.” He points towards the stairs where the two look up to see Simon leaning against the door frame, his hands in his pockets as he watched the two argue. His stance brings a shade of red on y/n’s face as he clears his throat. “You’re back? I mean—surprise!” He throws his hands up in surprise while Alex rolls his eyes at the late surprise.

“Did you enjoy my gift?” Y/n asks with a grin on his face while Simon gives him a nod and pushed himself off the frame and walks over to Y/n, leaning down to kiss him softly. “I did, thank you.” He whispers and turns to Alex. “How did you get in contact with them?”

Alex held his head up high with pride. “No doesn’t share their secrets.” He announced before rounding the coffee table. “Anyways, since dad already got you a gift I also got you one too!”

Alex hands him an envelope, getting Simons attention as he takes it in his hand. “You didn’t need to provide me a gift, kid. I think having you around is enough.” He reached out to tussle his hair as Alex pushed his hand away with a small laugh escaping his lips. “I know, but Its a special day for you two and I wanted to make it memorable.”

He’s fidgeting nervously, picking at his nails as he bounced on his heels. He was anxious for him to open the letter as Simon raised a brow. “you want me to open it now?”

“Yes or else I’m going to throw up all over you from anxiety.” Alex blurts out.

“He’s not kidding.” Y/n gives Simon a serious look, he’s Alex father he’s seen the poor kid throw up from anxiety, mainly during school whenever he was forced to present a project or whenever he had to preform a violin recital. The kid got easily nervous to do such things in front of large crowds and yet somehow the teen is able to handle crazy customers and rush hours at the bakery all by himself.

Simon takes the envelope in hand, tearing it open with ease as he looks inside with a raised brow, confused at first before shaking the paper out of the package, taking it in his hand as he reads through it. His eyes widening as he takes notice of what it was.

Adoption papers.

Alex wanted Simon to adopt him.

He wanted him as an official parent. Something Simon never knew he will end up getting after everything he’s been through when he was Alex’s age.

“You don’t have to sign them if you don’t want too, no pressure, I just though you would be interested—well I do see you as a parent and—“ Alex was rambling, his anxiety getting to him as he goes on and on about how he wants Simon as a parent and how he cherishes the man.

Simon is quick to silence the kid, pulling him into a warm embrace. Alex frozen under his hold before replacing and signing against him. “Is that a yes?” He muffled out as Y/n laughs at their interaction. “I think it is.” He whispers fondly to the two.

“Does that mean I can call you old man?”

“Fuck no,” Simon blurts out. “I prefer pops or dad?”

“But dad, is dad.” Alex points to Y/n who rolled his eyes. “Who cares you have two dads now!” Y/n jumps into the hug, holding the two close together as he giggled. “Best anniversary gift ever!” Y/n shouts in glee as Simon smiles at his husband happiness. That’s all he ever wanted from his new family, to see them happy and together.

“Thank you…” Simon softly whispers to the two, finally holding the world in his arms

Tags :
1 year ago

Simon Riley x Male Reader x Leon Kennedy


|| Masterlist ||


Authors note: Here is another twin series shot! More to come soon and thank you for 6.6k followers!! This idea came to mind because Leon is my other husband but in this one so is Simon.

Summary: An old friend and Ex makes an appearance back at reader and simons home town. The twins seem to know him very well and Simon isn’t too fond of the man.

Warnings: Fluff, jealous Simon, menacing twins, past lovers, Leon is a great man, overprotective Simon, twins track down there dad, past memories, catching up, twins are both 15 years old.

Word count: 2.5k

Simon Riley X Male Reader X Leon Kennedy

Y/n was running errands. The twins had begged him to buy snacks after finishing up their last stash and wanting him to stock up. He knew not to argue with his kids, knowing that the will fight back if he declined the idea of getting more snacks.

And so, he had no choice but to get changed and take his car keys and wallet and head to the nearest market. He carried a list of things the twins requested, including Simons small request of wanting something sweet. It always surprised Y/n that someone so deadly and dangerous could have a craving for something so sweet.

He chuckles at the memory of Simon devouring their wedding cake alongside the twins who ate next to him. There wedding wasn’t anything huge, just them three and a witness or two but that was all.

Upon arriving to the store he makes sure to take a cart, going up and down the aisles in case he wishes to get anything else but snacks. He reached the alcohol isle and grins to himself. One drink wouldn’t hurt, right?

He hums softly to himself as he searched the shelves, looking for his own favorite drink. He makes sure to add Simons on the list too in case he wanted a small drink. It takes him a few minutes to find Simons.

“Bourbon…bourbon—Ah!” He mumbled under his breath until he finally finds the bottle, smiling in victory as he takes the bottle in hand, checking to make sure that it was the right one.

“Never thought of you as a bourbon type.”

Y/n furrows his brows, looking up from the bottle to come face to face with an old friend of his.

“Leon?” Y/n stares at him with wide eyes as Leon gives him a faint smile in return. “Y/n.” He says in return, getting a small laugh out of the other.

“What—how—what are you doing here, out of all places?” Y/n finally asks, too in shock to let out a proper question. He couldn’t stop staring at Leon, he’s changed so much. His blonde hair no longer blonde but a dark brunette color and his eyes were brighter. The man aged like fine wine due to his appearance looking the same when he was younger but with hints of maturity and a faint stubble on his face.

Y/n couldn't stop staring at the man standing before him that Leon’s words go through deaf ears.


He’s finally pulled out of his thoughts and blinks his eyes. “I’m sorry, what?” He coughs out, blushing softly as he placed the bottle of alcohol in the cart he had with him.

“I asked if you were alright? You seemed a little out of it.” Said Leon.

“Sorry! It’s Just—It’s been awhile.” He admits with a faint chuckle escaping his lips, trying to focus his attention on anything else but Leon. It wasn’t until the older man eyed his cart and smirks. “Snacks and booze? Having a party or something?”

Y/n flushed and laughs. “Actually the snacks are for the twins, you remember the twins right?” He’s quick to ask, disregarding Leon’s second question. “How can I forget the twins, I remember when they first started school. Is Briar still causing you trouble?”

Y/n groans at the mention of his troublesome daughter. “Always.” He answers, taking the end of the cart in hand and pulling it behind him as he walks down the aisle, alongside Leon as the two did some shopping together. “Briar and Ren are fifteen.” He blurts out, getting a surprise look from Leon who scoffs.

“No way, I remember them being kids. Has it really been that long?”

Y/n nods his head. “Time goes by fast.” He states, warning a chuckle from Leon as the two approach the register, standing in line to check out their items. Y/n had looked into Leon’s basket, raising a brow at the amount of alcohol bottles he has.

“Is that all your getting?” He points out, causing leon to chuckle nervously. “Yeah…”

Y/n hums and decides to keep quiet, turning his attention back to his one items and makes sure that he got everything for the twins and Simon. The thought of missing anything could get him into trouble, the last time he forgot something he got a dramatic Briar and a whinny Ren to deal with until he finally got them their favorites snacks.

It wasn’t until he stepped up to the registrar to finally get his things scanned and paid for that Leon calls out his name before he exits the store.

“I was wondering if you wanted to get some dinner? That’s if your not busy.” Leon quickly says, getting Y/n’s attention who stared at Leon with wide eyes.

He knows that he shouldn’t accept the dinner date he already had plans to cook dinner for his kids and husband, but it’s been years since he’s last seen Leon. His friend his first partner, they were simply catching up what could go wrong?


“He’s taking forever.” Ren groans into the couch pillow, lying on his stomach as he continues to whine while Briar paced the room at a slow pace. She would glance out the window in hopes of her seeing Y/n’s return only to find nothing. Then she would look at the clock hanging on the wall.

“It’s been more than 30 minutes.” She mumbled.

“Be patient.” Simon finally speaks up from the couch, sitting on the far end next to Ren while the teen sulks into the pillows. “He told you two that you shouldn’t be eating too many snacks, perhaps this is his way of punishing you both and making you wait.”

Brair frowns at Simons words, doubting them. She knew her father well enough and she knew that area she lived in. The nearest grocery store was fifteen minutes away, she knew that her own father was someone who goes in to get what he needs and is out in seconds. He never took his time to check everything unless he had a long list of groceries to get.

“Something’s not right.” Briar finally says, getting Ren and Simons attention. “The store is close and he should have been back a few minutes ago.”

“Traffic?” Ren says with a shrug.

“No…” Briar tries to think over reasons as to why her father wasn’t home yet. Simon knew that she was overthinking the situation and comes to a stand, making his way over to the teen and placing a gentle hand on the top of her head. “Easy kid, Y/n will be back soon and if anything happened to him we would know.” Simon tried to reassure Briar but can still see the worry in her eyes.

Simon sighs. “How about we drive by to see if his car is still at the store?” Simons idea gets Briars attention, lightening Briar as she nods frantically.

“Go get your shoes. Both of you.” Simons instructs the twins as they quickly move to get some shoes on while Simon gets the keys to his own car, waiting outside for the twins as they rushed out of the house and into his car.

“Come on! Hurry up!” Briar exclaimed, getting an eye roll from Simon. “We are only doing a drive by, that is all.” He reminds the twins as he gets the car started and driving then towards the nearest store. Briar is bouncing on her seat, staring up ahead in hopes of seeing anything that could be causing her fathers delay while Ren sat in the back seat staring out the window.

It wasn’t until they stop at a red light that Ren speaks up. “Holy shit.”

“Language.” Said Simon while Briar turns around in her seat to face Ren. “What?” She takes notice of Ren staring out the window with wide eyes, frowning. “What are you looking at?” She finally turns to her own window, looking in the direction her brother was staring only to spot her father eating outside a fast food with another man. The two laughing together without a care.

Briars mouth is open in shock. Rens eyes are wide and Simon. Oh, Simon wasn’t someone who easily got jealous but the grip on the steering wheel caused his knuckles to go white, clearly upset about the situation but not saying anything about it. Before the twins could say anything the street light turns green, Simon hits the gas and drives off.

The twins sit in silence while Simon finds a longer way back home. The tension in the car gets the twins uncomfortable, feeling Simons anger and jealous radiate off his body. The twins felt like kids again who got yelled at for doing something wrong, getting their father really angry to the point where the car rides were full of silence and only tension. Even though the twins knew they weren’t in trouble they can’t help but feel like they were.

When they finally get home the twins both glance at each other, communicating in silence. Ren is the first to break the tension. “Maybe it’s a friend?” His voice is soft.

“Or he’s cheating.” Briar blurts out, blunt and honest.

Ren smacks her shoulder, glaring at his sister who glared back. “I’m only being honest,” She hissed out, rubbing her shoulder.

Simon is sitting in silence, listening to the kids bickering but is quick to shut them out. Simon wasn’t someone to get upset over stuff like this, he trusted Y/n. He married him, he wouldn’t throw everything away for someone else. Even though Simon and Y/n have been married for a few years he knows his partner well enough to communicate with him regarding anything and so far things have been going well.

Y/n would tell Simon everything that happens at work, let out his frustrations when he’s dealing with something hard. He tells Simon how he feels about curtain stuff without being afraid or embarrassed about it.

Simon couldn't say he was the same. He struggled at first when it comes towards talking about his feelings. He always kept everything bottled up. After Y/n came into his life he slowly started to learn.

“He’s not cheating.” He finally speaks up, startling the twins with his deep voice. “Y/n wouldn’t do that.” Simon adds, turning towards the twins and giving them a reassuring smile.

“Come on, let’s wait inside.”

His last words get the twins moving, jumping out of the car and rushing inside, jumping on the couch and fighting over the remote while Simon tossed his eyes on the coffee table and plops down between the twins, taking the remote from the two and deciding what to watch, getting a look of disbelief from the twins.

It wasn’t until an hour later that Y/n finally gets home, stumbling inside the house with bags in hand and sighing deeply. “I’m back!” He calls out, kicking the door shut.

He raises a brow in confusion when he doesn’t hear a greeting back. The twins usually come running to him when he comes back from the store but no one comes to him. “Kids?” He calls out, walking further into the house. “Simon?” He approached the living room where he finds both Briar and Ren, sitting side by side with arms crossed while narrowing their eyes.

“Uh, I’m back?” Y/n says again a bit concerned by the twins attitude as they watched him.

“You’re late.” Said Ren.

“Yeah, thats because I was getting your snacks.” Said Y/n as he walks over to the kitchen, to set the bag of snacks on the counter, taking it out of the bag. “Getting snacks should only take a few minutes you were gone for an hour.” Briar says this time, getting off the couch and walking to the kitchen, following her dad around as he puts the snacks away.

“So? I was taking my time.” Y/n shrugs his shoulders. The twins are slowly getting irritated and it’s Ren who blurts out the question they really wanted to know the answer too. “Are you going to divorce Simon?”

Y/n’s eyes widen, whipping his head to face the twins properly. “What—? What makes you think that?!”

“We saw you…you were having dinner with some guy and you seemed pretty happy.” Said Briar, shrugging a shoulder as she lowers her gaze. Briar could be loud and blunt but the subject of Y/n and Simon possibly divorcing set her into a panic where she shuts down, closing up and becoming afraid.

Y/n had noticed this when raising the twins on his own before Simon came into the picture. He’s quick to shake his head, approaching the twins and pulling them into hugs. “God no—I could never leave Simon and I would never ask for a divorce, do you know how long it took me to finally find someone who actually cares for me and you two? Because I’m not throwing that away.” He shakes his head.

Ren lifts up his head from Y/n chest. “Then who was the guy you were having dinner with?”

Y/n lets out a soft chuckle. “He’s—well, he was an ex of mine but, what we had back then wasn’t serious it only lasted a few weeks before we decided to remain friends. I haven’t seen him in years and I was simply catching up, nothing else.” He explains to the twins.

“You guys met him once!”

“We did?” The twins said in unison, confusion written on their faces as Y/n rolls his eyes. “Yeah, when you were seven years old. His name is Leon Kennedy? Tall blonde hair, blue eyes—?”

Briar is the first to gasp, pulling away from her dad. “The really hot cop?!”

“He’s in his thirties and not a cop anymore.”

“But he’s still hot?” Briar questions with a mischievous grin on her face while wiggling her brows. Y/n sighs deeply, knowing that his daughter was going to force him to admit that Leon was still good looking.

“Yes, he’s still attractive but, I love Simon more. He’s—“ Y/n looks up from the twins to see Simon standing near the stairway, leaning against the wall as he grins. Clearly the man had heard everything, listening into their conversation as Y/n gives off a soft smile before looking back at the twins. “Simon has the muscles and strong—God, the way his hands wrap around—“

“Ah! Stop no more!” Ren shouts, covering his ears as Briar faked a gag, looking at her dad in disgust. “No details!” She shouted too. The twins growing dramatic while Simon approached the twins and Y/n, smiling at his husband as he wraps an arm around his waist and pulls him into a deep kiss, Y/n wrapping his arms around his neck as he deepens it.

The twins scream in horror at the sight of their parents making out, running out of the kitchen and upstairs. “Get a room!” Ren shouted, causing the two to break apart from the kiss and laugh.

“Oh, we have one.” Y/n smirks at Simon.

Tags :
1 year ago

open the door to another door

5+1 Ghost/Reader + Size Kink

13k words (the longest fic I've ever written).

Warning for canon-typical violence and lots of smut.

Thank you so much @stupidslavicguy for being my beta for the story :) <3

Simon was a giant man, so it really shouldn’t be all that surprising he had a dick to match his stature. It was long, thick, and slightly curved to the left. The color of it almost matched Simon’s face too, a fact that you were sure would make it hard in the future to look at him and not think of. 

“Woah,” you breathed, mentally kicking yourself for such a stupid reaction. You pulled your eyes away to look at Simon, a small smile stretching out your lips.

“Sorry,” Simon murmurs in response, a blush darkening his face.

“Sorry? For what?” Your hands cupped Simon’s face so your eyes could meet his. 

“I haven’t always gotten,” he pauses and lets out a sigh, “the best reaction,” he finishes, the words coming out quickly. 

“It’s,” you look back down, “intimidating I’ll admit,” your eyes go back to Simon’s before continuing, “but we get shot at almost daily. “This,” you take one of your hands away and wrap it around the hard length, “isn’t going to scare me off.”

Simon lets out a breathy noise as you give a slow pull on his cock, “yeah?”

“We’ll just have to go slow until I can take it all.”

“You still want it? All of it?” Simon asks, his hips pushing forward as your pace goes faster.

“Yeah–” Simon cuts you off as he swoops down to press his lips to yours. Your teeth clack together, but Simon makes it easy to ignore the pain as the sound of the moan he lets out fills your ears. Your lips stay locked even as Simon pushes you back, and then onto the bed when it hits the back of your legs. 

“I’ll make it good,” Simon breathes as he gets your pants and underwear down. His mouth is against yours once more as he wraps one of his large hands around both of your cocks, “get you open and ready,” he says when he pulls away again. 

“You’re gonna ruin me for anyone else,” you say around a moan. You couldn’t tell the future but were almost 99 percent sure of it.  

“That just means I get you all to myself,” Simon’s head moves down to your neck to suck a dark bruise into the flesh. His fingers tighten and your hips jump as you feel the edge approach. 

Simon lets out a shaky breath against the skin of your neck before his mouth is at your ear, “you can help me too,” he whispers into your ear. “I can never get the angle right when I try it myself.”

“Fuck, Simon,” you moan, one of your hands going to his hair to pull his face up so you can smash your lips on his, “gotta show me,” you say when you pull away. You fall over the edge to the thought. At first, it was building to the feel of his cock against yours, and knowing that soon, his big cock would be inside you. But now, it was also to the images flashing through your mind of Simon laid out on his bed with his thick fingers pressing deep inside himself, and his sweaty forehead pressed against his bedspread as he tried to get his fingers against his prostate. 

Simon came after you did in white splatters against your chests. You almost immediately regretted not getting your shirt off as most of it ended up on your chest, “sorry,” Simon whined as his cock pulsed and shot out white ropes, one of them just missing the bottom of your chin. 

“Was the hickey not enough?” You question, looking down to watch Simon’s cock shoot out spurts of white. “You’ve got to mark me like this, too?”

“Can’t help it,” Simon whimpers as the aftershock takes over. Your cock gives a twitch when the last of his mess ends up dripping onto your cock. He ducks his sweaty forhead into the crook of your neck to press against the mark he left there. 

“I’m only teasing,” you respond, and place one of your hands to the back of Simon’s neck to run your fingers through the hair on the back of his head. “As long as the others don’t see.”

You let out a grunt as Simon lets his heavy weight rest on top of yours. He lets out a sign of contempt that nearly sounds like a purr, “you think they’ll get jealous?” He asks. 

You laugh quietly, “we’d probably just never hear the end of it.”


For the time being after that, you tried your best to keep what you had to yourself. As you suspected, it was easier said than done. It’s not like you were fooling around in other places around the base that weren’t your respective bedrooms, so you wouldn’t have to worry about that. What you did have to worry about was things that were more out of your control, like the absolute looks of longing you could see on Simon’s face whenever you would catch him staring. 

Gaz and Soap were the first ones to pick it up. You honestly thought what gave it away was the dark mark on your neck Simon had left a week before, but it wasn’t until after it had healed that you were cornered by them. 

It nearly looked like something from a horror movie the way they had matching smiles on their faces as they backed you into the corner of the kitchen. So close, yet so far from the pick-me-up you needed after rolling out of bed.  

You turned, armed with a mug and a few hours of sleep as you heard them walk up behind you, “I was about to knock you out! Don’t sneak up on me like that,” you hissed, your other hand covering your racing heart. 

“You wouldn’t have gotten us both,” Gaz nodded at Soap, “it’d break on his hard head.”

Soap swatted at the back of Gaz’s head, his smile falling from his face. However, When he looked back in your direction, it was back. 

“Was Simon too tired to come with you to the kitchen?” Soap questioned. 

“I haven’t seen him today,” you glanced over at Gaz, “I just woke up.”

“Didn’t you wake up next to him?” Gaz asked. 

Your brows furrowed as you looked between the two men and let out a laugh before responding, “I don’t have sleepovers like you two do.”

“They’re not sleepovers!” They both respond, making you laugh harder.

“Sorry, sorry. I forgot you call it spending the night,” you say as you set the mug down. 

“You still haven’t come to one, but we understand now,” Gaz says, and the two share a glance. 

If it was possible, your eyebrows would go lower to show your confusion, “understand what?”

“You can’t come,” Soap’s smile grows into a toothy smile, “because you’re dating,” he proclaims loudly. 

You slap a hand over his mouth, “we aren’t dating,” you hiss. Soap’s eyes go wide before they fill with mischief, “if you lick my fucking hand I’ll–”

“Easy,” Gaz says, one of his hands going to your shoulder, “we’re just wondering,” Gaz pulls his hand away when you glare at him. 

Soap pulls your hand away from the wrist, “we’re just happy we didn’t need to have the intervention we were planning.”

You don’t even want to ask, and you blame it on your lack of sleep when you feel your mouth form around the question, “intervention?”

“We could only watch the man pine for so long,” Soap responds. 


Not even answering your question, Gaz responds, “you both can come the next time we spend the night,” his voice full of excitement.

“Like a double date?” You ask, a slow smile stretching out over your face as you look between the two men. “He can only pine for so long!” You yell at their backs as they both turn and quickly leave. 

Compared to Soap and Gaz, when Price finds out and speaks to you about it, it’s much more awkward. 

It happens in the same place, but you’re a lot less cornered. If you wanted to, you could have just left and avoided the conversation, but it was better to just rip the bandaid off you guess. 

“So,” Price says, dragging the word out, “you and Simon.”

“Oh my god,” you say into the cabinet, “you too?” you ask as you slam your mug down onto the counter. 

“We don’t have to talk about it,” he clears his throat before speaking again, “as long as you two are happy,” he says, placing a hand on your shoulder. 

“Thank you for your blessing,” you respond sarcastically before turning to grab another mug. 

“Is that for Simon?” Price asks after you set the other one down. The smile you can hear in his voice has you tempted to throw it at him. 

“You’re going to the kitchen next time,” you say once you’re back in your bedroom and away from Price and the stupid smile plastered on his face.

“That bad, huh?” Simon asks from the bed. He looks way too good for someone who just woke up with his sleep tousled hair and sleepy eyes. “Where’s yours?” 

“I changed my mind,” you say, placing the mug on the bedside table on Simon’s side of the bed. 

“Want some of mine?” He asks. 

“I’m okay,” you respond, sending Simon a tired smile. It was like all of your energy drained away once you had gotten out of the kitchen. Waiting for the inevitable conversation with Price after the one you had with Soap and Gaz had you on edge, so now that it was all over, you just wanted to sleep it off and gain your energy back. 

It was still early in the morning and the sun had just started to rise for the day, so the only thing that illuminated the space was the lamp on your side of the bed. The warm glow made you sleepy, and the feeling only intensified when you were back under the covers. 

“I didn’t add anything to it,” you laid your head onto Simon’s shoulder, “had to get away from Price,” you said around a yawn. 

‘I guess that’s kind of my fault,” Simon places the mug down lightly before the arm you’re laying against rises to wrap around your shoulder. 

“They did say something about you pining, but I think we’re both to blame,” you smile up at him sheepishly. 

“I wasn’t pining,” Simon responds, scoffing. He looks down before a small smile appears on his face, “I’m surprised you didn’t pick up on it,” he says quietly. 

“You’re not exactly easy to read,” you say, laughing fondly. “I thought you hated me at first.”

“You might’ve been reckless and headstrong and rushed into danger-”

“Okay!” You say, ducking out from under Simon’s arm to sit all the way up, “but?” You ask, waiting for Simon to say all the great things about you. After all, you get all of your tasks on  missions done, no matter how you tend to rush into danger and be reckless and headstrong like Simon just said. 

“But?” Simon asks in confusion. The expression melts away into a grin when you jab an elbow into Simon’s side, “but,” he rubs at his side, “you always come out on top. No matter how much it terrifies me.” 

His voice sounds like he wants to say more, but his mouth clamps shut and his eyes fall to his lap. You wait for him to continue, but before he does, he grabs at your wrists to pull you over into his lap. Your knees end up on either side of his legs, tangled in the sheets that pool around you. 

“On our first mission after you joined the task force,” Simon begins quietly, his eyes glued to the shirt you wore to bed, “when you pushed Johnny out of the way and took that bullet for him, for all of us,” he goes quiet again, one of his hands moving to your shoulder where the scar is, “I sat outside your room while you rested, waiting for you to heal.”

You don’t remember much of that moment, only remembering the bang out of the gun before you were tackling Soap onto the ground. It was all a blur after that, the pain medication making everything spotty and difficult to remember. 

What you could remember, or what you actually should say what you now realized from Simon’s words was that the shadows under your door that you thought you had been hallucinating in a medication filled haze was actually Simon.

“I thought you were a monster outside my door.”

“No, just me,” he runs his fingers softly over the cotton covering the scar, “Johnny kept laughing at me when he and the others would come check up on you,” he says quietly. 

“That was months ago, Simon,” you whisper, your fingers running back and forth along the back of his neck. 

“You’re still the same old guy,” Simon’s voice finds that same fondness again as his hand moves from your shoulder to cup your face, “but you’re mine now.”

You moved your hand from his neck to place it on top of his, “not much has changed, I guess,” you moved forward to press your lips to his to keep your mouth occupied and to keep it from saying the words at the tip of your tongue. 

Kissing doesn’t help, it actually only makes it worse. You love Simon, and you’re all his. 

You try again with another kiss, only to be met with the same outcome. At least while your mouth is occupied, it gives you less of a chance to let the words spew forth. 

Simon’s tongue tastes mainly of the tea he just drank, but also with a hint of minty toothpaste. He must’ve ducked out of your bedroom to brush his teeth while you were in the kitchen trying to avoid Price. You made a mental note to ask Simon what the combination tasted like. Maybe the minty taste would be hardly noticeable as it was washed away by the tea, or maybe it would combine to taste like how orange juice and toothpaste do. The thought makes you shudder. 

“Feel good?” Simon asks when he pulls away, 

“Yeah,” you breathe. You weren’t about to tell Simon that your reaction was to the thought you just had, and not his tongue. 

His hand moves to the back of your neck to pull you back into another kiss. His tongue was quicker than it was before to make its presence known. Simon’s cock also follows suit when you feel it poke at your hip. 

“Feel good?” You parrot, smirking when you see just how pink Simon’s face is.

You press your lips to the redness on Simon’s cheek before moving down to his neck. You’re tempted to do what he had done and leave a mark, but you had other wants. Instead, you simply press a kiss to one side, but let your lips linger. You pull away, but not before dragging your lips across his pulse before continuing lower. 

Simon’s legs spread to accompany your body, his feet all the way on either side of the bed. “Can I take these off?” You ask, looking up at him through your lashes. 

Wordlessly, Simon nods before he raises his hips to make it easier. 

“No underwear,” you softly laugh once his shorts are gone. Laughing is an easy coverup to the nervous feeling that runs through your body. He wasn’t even fully hard, yet his cock was still impressive. And now, kneeling between his legs, this is the closest you have been to the largest cock you have ever seen. 

“Can I-”

“Anything,” Simon breathes, cutting you off, “you can do anything you want,” he ends, his cock giving a twitch against his stomach. 

You hear him gasp above you when you run your hands up his thighs and through the soft hair. The next noise he lets out is a low whine when your lips meet the head of his cock. It soon begins to thicken and fill with blood when you go lower and run your tongue up until you’re back at where your lips just were. 

You wrap your fingers around the base, the saliva from your tongue making it easy to bring your fingers to your lips after you take the head of his cock into your mouth. You wish you could take it deeper and get it into your throat, but the most you can take only has the head, and a little bit of the thick vein along the underside resting against your tongue. 

Simon doesn’t mind, at least that’s what you assume by the noises he’s letting out above you. You hear the soft sound of his head falling back into the pillows as you try to go lower. Not to your surprise, it feels as if you’ve barely taken any more of his cock before you feel your gag reflex threaten to bring tears to your eyes. 

To compensate for what you can’t take, your forearm lifts from the bed and your hand goes down to Simon’s balls. Your fingers roll his heavy sack and if cock wasn’t going to choke you, the load his full, heavy balls would shoot down your throat likely would. 

Simon lets out a groan, the noise going straight to your cock. Trapped in the confines of the shorts you had worn to bed, the most you could do was spread your legs to grind your cock against the mattress. The feeling distracts you from the suction you had on the head of Simon’s cock as it pulls a moan from your chest. 

Under the feelings of your hands and mouth on his cock, the added stimulation of the vibration has Simon’s hips twitching up off the bed. The action catches you both off guard, setting off your gag reflex before tears are spilling from your eyes a moment later. 

To your astonishment, Simon’s cock spills onto your tongue as you pull away. The feel of it twitching sends a wave of want through your body to take it deeper into your mouth until you can feel it twitch and throb in the wet heat of your throat.

You suck in air through your nose as you try to swallow all that his cock shoots onto your tongue. As you lay still, swallowing bitter waves of his come, Simon too lays still as you listen to his muffled moans hitting the pillow. It sends a rush of affection through your body knowing that Simon isn’t trying to accidentally choke you again, and the feeling then burns into lust at the noise of fingers balling up the sheets as he tries to hold back. 

You drag your hips into the bed as a reward for causing Simon such pleasure. You let out another moan at the friction to your cock, and Simon answers with one of his. His hands unclench from the sheets slowly as the aftershocks of his orgasm subsides, his cock softening on your tongue. 

You pull off his cock with a gasp and then feel one of Simon’s hands on your shirt pulling you up. He moves to kiss you, but stops once he sees the tear tracks on your face.

“You okay?” He asks softly, his thumb running through the tears to wipe them away. 

“Yeah,” you respond, sending him a small smile, “sorry.”

“For what?” He questions, his brows furrowing, “I made you fucking cry I-”

“It was an accident,” you say, quickly cutting Simon off, “I wanted to take more, but I couldn't.” Your voice goes quiet, but you’re not quite sure why you suddenly feel so embarrassed. You had just made Simon come hard enough to still feel the warmth of it in your stomach, you had no reason to be embarrassed.  

“You’ll get there,” Simon pulls your pants down low enough to hook the waistband below your balls, “then I’ll fuck your face,” he pulls you into a wet kiss, his tongue mapping out your mouth so he can taste himself on your tongue. His fingers wrap around your cock to stroke at the sensitive flesh, “you’ll take it so deep I’ll come straight down your throat.”

“That’ll take a long time,” you moan and glance down at Simon’s soft cock before you’re pulled into another kiss. 

“That’s okay,” Simon responds before giving you another kiss. “Wanna take my time with you,” he murmurs. His soft words are full of promise that sends a rush of excitement through your body that ends at your cock. 

White ropes of come shoot from the head, coating Simon’s fingers, and like the first time, also his shirt. You moan into Simon’s mouth as he kisses you again, making it hard to breathe as you gasp and try to keep up with the kiss. 

“You’re coming so hard just from my hand,” Simon observes quietly, “I wonder what it’ll be like when I get them inside of you,” his fingers from your softening cock to your balls. Two of them sneak beneath your waistband to rub at your taint. 

Much like Simon’s had earlier, your hips twitch forward at the feel of his fingers. You groan, more of your come dribbling out of the head of your cock as your aftershocks end. 

Dirty and spent, Simon wraps his arms around you and pulls you to his chest. Your soft cock rubs against his, pulling a gasp from each of you. 

“You’re sensitive,” Simon observes. 

You roll your hips into his, laughing around the gasp that falls from your mouth when Simon whimpers, “you are too.”


Wanna take my time with you. 

Those words ring through your head every time you both have had a moment to yourselves after that. Your free time was sparse, and you wanted to spend every moment of it that you could with Simon. It’s not like you had time to get Simon’s fingers inside of you slow enough for you to take his cock, but you learned quickly that there were other things you could do that you could both enjoy. 

You knew that you wouldn’t have time to slowly try and take his cock deeper into your mouth and then into your throat, but you also knew that your mouth could get his cock wet enough that Simon could fuck your fist. 

Simon groans when you get back onto your feet and pull him into a kiss, “you like how it tastes?” He asks after pulling his tongue free from your mouth. 

“Do you?” You ask back. You raise your other hand up to his mouth, “spit,” you command, not even letting Simon answer. 

He spits into your waiting open palm, keeping his eyes locked to yours, “good boy,” you whisper as you run the wetness on your palm across his cock. 

You had to be quick. You didn’t even know how long it would be before you were called onto another mission or task to complete. You had just gotten back from one just nearly an hour ago and didn’t even give yourself the time to pull your gear off before Simon was pushing his balaclava up enough to press his lips to yours in a heated kiss. 

It was intoxicating seeing such an intimidating looking man all decked out in his gear knocked down and only able to fuck your fist as he chased his pleasure. 

Your cock was hard and aching in the confines of your pants, and though one of your hands was free, you kept it where it was and continued watching Simon. Luckily, the display is something you can’t take your eyes away from, so you aren’t even wanting to touch your cock. 

“Wish we had more time,” Simon whines before you press your lips to his to swallow the noise. He moans into your mouth and when you pull away, his lips chase after yours. He lets out a loud noise of protest when you step away, the noise making you let out a quiet laugh. 

You come back holding a tube of lube, Simon’s eyes glancing down to it then back to your eyes. He stares up at you when you push him back onto the bed. It’s messy and the sheets and blanket are all crumpled, but you’re too focused on Simon to care. 

Simon makes a low noise in his throat when your hand returns between his legs. The lube makes it much easier to stroke up and down his cock, and the squelch of the lube rings out through the room. You rest your weight on his back and hook your chin over his shoulder to get a better picture. 

“Better?” You whisper into his ear. 

Simon leans back into your chest and fucks his hips up into the circle of your fist you’ve made for his cock. “It’s a little,” his voice breaks off with a moan before he continues, “cold,” he whimpers, his hips pumping up and down. 

You laugh softly before nipping at his lobe, “sorry sweetheart,” you coo, “I’ll keep some in my pocket so it’s always warm.”

Simon’s head falls back onto your shoulder when you tighten your hand around his cock. You’re not even having to move your hand, Simon’s hips are doing all of the work for you. 

“What’re you thinking about, Simon?” You ask. “Are you imagining its my hole you’re fucking and not my hand?”

Simon lets out a groan and the vibrations travel down his back to your cock where you’re kneeling behind him on the bed. The stimulation makes you gasp and your hips twitch forward into the rough material of his gear. 

“Yeah,” Simon moans, “thinking about your cock, too,” he says, his hips speeding up.

“Yeah? Where, baby?” You ask, the pet name slipping free on accident.

“In my-” Simon tries, but his answer breaks off into another moan. 

“In your mouth, or your hole?”

Simon’s answer comes in the form of another moan as he comes over your fist. You stroke him through it until his cock begins to soften and he lets out whimpers of overstimulation. 

You pull your hand away and Simon lets out another noise, the rest of his weight falling heavily onto your chest. You wipe your hand onto the sheets, trying not to grimace. 

“Did you just-”

“You want me to wipe it on your gear?” 

Simon’s head jerks up, the skin of his neck that you can see from where he pulled up his balaclava is red. He clears his throat before responding, “no,” he says quietly. 

You press your smile into the back of his neck, hearing the obvious lie in his voice. Your smile falls and your body tenses when you hear the sound of movement outside your bedroom door. 

“Get your gear back on, we need to go, Now.” Even when muffled through the door, Price’s tone sounds just as commanding as it always does. 


You could admit that it was frustrating not being able to take care of your erection before you were whisked away to your next mission, but it was always something that lingered in the back of your mind. 

You could only let out a sigh when you heard the sound of Price’s boots walking away. Simon looked at you like he either wanted to cry, or he wanted to cry for you. You couldn’t help but feel annoyed as you looked down at him when you got off the bed, his soft cock still hanging out of his pants. 

To occupy yourself, which actually meant to make your fucking boner go away so the others wouldn’t see it, you walked out of the room to the attached bathroom. Not every base you were stationed at had one, but fortunately, this one did. 

“Don’t look at me like that,” you say to Simon when you’ve come back in with a wet cloth. 

“I wanted-”

You cut him off with a soft kiss, “we’ll take care of it later,” you say once you’ve pulled back. “Plus,” you run the warm cloth across his cock carefully before tucking it back inside his underwear, “I need this to go away, and hearing about all of the things you were going to do to me wouldn’t help.”

“You’re probably right,” Simon responds before he presses his lips to yours again.

Once you’ve been briefed and are in the transport, you feel Soap’s eyes on you. You glance over at him but quickly look away, not wanting to give him the reaction. You ball your hands up into tight fights, grateful for the gloves you wore to avoid the crescent moon marks that your nails would leave. 

You weren’t in the mood for his or Gaz’s words or looks, you just hoped the mission would go without a hitch. 

Once on the field, you let your frustration fuel your actions. You weren’t sure if it was necessarily smart or healthy, but it kept you focused. 

To no surprise of your own, you get shot at, which is normal, and do some shooting of your own. What does take you by surprise is when you feel a sharp pain hit your arm. Soap takes him down as you quickly apply pressure to the wound. You let out a sigh of relief when you’re able to find the hole in the wall where the bullet ended up, that’s the least you could ask for. 

When the mission is over and you’re back at the transport, you feel lightheaded, but you were going to blame that on how far you had to run, not from the blood loss. Under Price’s careful eye, Gaz patches you up lightly, knowing that it would soon be taken off once you were back on base before you took a shower. 

“All good,” Soap says when Gaz is done. He smacks lightly at the bandage and you swat his hand away. 

Simon, who was practically fucking vibrating with anger locks a hand around Soap wrist and pries it away. The noise Soap makes almost pulls a laugh from your chest, but you have more important things to focus on, like making sure Simon doesn’t fucking break Soap’s wrist. 

“It’s okay,” you say to Simon, wrapping a hand around his wrist, “you know Soap doesn’t hit that hard,” you reassure. 

“Hey!” Soap squawks, and this time, you can’t help but laugh at the noise. “Control your fucking boyfriend,” he grumbles, rubbing at his wrist when Simon lets go. 

You pull Soap’s wrist closer with your uninjured arm and look over the skin after pulling back the fabric that covers it. The redness of Simon’s grip is already nearly faded, “you’ll live,” you say and let Soap pull his hand away, looking like an injured animal about to go lick its wound.

You try your best to ignore the boyfriend comment, but every time you look at Gaz and Soap you’re reminded of it. You’re reminded of it not because of the close proximity of the two men, but because when you look at them, you’re reminded of your own relationship with Simon. No, Simon wasn’t fucking cradling your wrist in his hand like Gaz was doing with Soap’s, but the affection they showed each other made you think of your affection for Simon. 

You could now understand why they would give you such smug looks and then look at each other. At least you were actually injured, but you would let Soap have his moment. You shook your head and rolled your eyes at them when they looked at you. In turn, Soap sent a glare your way, but it quickly fell when you saw his eyes move away and look to Simon. 

Once back at base after all of the excitement has gone down, Simon acts as if he’s your shadow. You even had to push him by the shoulders out of the doorway to close the bathroom door. Not that you didn’t want to shower with Simon, you wanted to have a moment to yourself to breathe. 

The water at your feet runs red once you’re under the warm spray, though, it doesn’t take long for it to lighten to a pinker shade before it runs clear. You press your forehead to the cool tile and your eyes slip shut. You breathe in and out slowly, struggling at certain intervals when the water makes the wound on your arm sting. 

You clean yourself slowly, slower than you normally do before you turn the spray off. You dry off and put a clean, dry bandage over the injury under the fluorescent lights of the bathroom. A small jostle of pain runs through your arm as you put a shirt on, but you’ll take that over something that could have been much worse. Thankfully, it’s easier to put your pants on. 

You let out a sign as you place your hand on the doorknob, not knowing what to expect from Simon on the other side. 

He stands in the middle of the room, his arms crossed over his chest. He’s at least dressed down a little bit, with just his undershirt and pants being the remnants of the rest of his gear. He steps up to you quickly, panting. He must have been pacing, you thought, trying to let out the rest of his energy. 


“Don’t!” He barks, cutting you off. When you both  flinch at his tone, he lets out a heavy  sign before he speaks again, “just let me check, please?” He asks quietly. 

“I just put on a new bandage,” you say, holding your arm out. 

He inspects it closely, holding it in careful hands. You feel a laugh bubble up in your chest when he holds your arm up to inspect the underside of your arm. A smile makes its way onto your face, but when Simon puts your arm down, he looks like he’s about to break down. You don’t even want to think about how he looked when he was waiting outside of your bedroom door. 

“Come here,” you command softly, opening your arms so Simon’s chest can fall onto yours as he buries his face into the side of your neck. 

You feel his breath on your neck as he breathes you in and holds you close. His arms are almost too tight around you, but you don’t say anything. When the silence does break, it’s from Simon, “if something would have happened to you-”

“Nothing happened to me, Simon.”

You couldn’t see his face, but could practically feel his eyes looking down at your arm.  

You brought your arm up to Simon’s head to run your fingers through his hair. It was wild and messy from where he had pulled off his balaclava. “It only grazed me.” After a few moments more of silence, you put some pace in between your bodies, just enough to place both of your hands on his shoulders, “I’m still here.” 

“I couldn’t be here if you weren’t,” he responds softly, his eyes looking away from yours. 

The words hit you hard, and there’s a voice in the back of your head saying you could say the same thing about him. When the words do come out, they aren’t the same as is, but you hope they put across the same meaning.

“I love you.”

Simon’s eyes widen as they look back up at yours. He claims your mouth in a kiss that has you feeling lightheaded again when he pulls away. “I love you,” he pants around the words when he says them, but repeats them over and over again as he backs you into the bed.

Simon wastes no time getting you naked before he’s ripping off the rest of his gear. When you’re both fully naked, you’re sent back to earlier in the day and you’re reminded of what you didn’t get. It gets you dizzy how quickly you get hard, but your hands stay wrapped around Simon’s neck as you keep kissing and kissing and kissing. 

“Can I try something?” Simon asks, panting after he pulls back from the kiss. 

It takes a minute for your brain to catch up and answer his question, but you give a quick nod after a few seconds. You sit down on the edge of the bed and watch as Simon opens the drawer to the bedside table and pulls out the bottle of lube you had used earlier. You almost expected Simon to get behind you on the bed and have a repeat of what happened earlier, but instead, Simon commands you in a soft voice to roll over. 

He presses a kiss to the side of your neck after he gets on top of you, and you smile into the comforter when he presses another one to the other side. His hands bring your thighs together before you hear the sound of the lube being opened. 

You let out a gasp when his wet cock is slowly making its way in between your thighs. Simon was right, it was cold. It heats up quickly though as Simon slides his cock back and forth in your thighs. His cock nudges your balls on each thrust that he gives, making you let out muffled moans into the bedspread. 

When you turn your neck, Simon presses his lips to yours. You let out a noise at the loss of air, it wasn’t like you were going to break the kiss to tell him you had turned your head to breathe, not for him to kiss you.  You could just breathe when the kiss was over, that would be okay.

When Simon pulls away, his hips still. You raise your ass up to be able to wrap your fingers around your cock, but Simon grabs your upper arm to pull it away. 

“Let me,” he says beside your ear before his hand replaces yours. 

“You’re going to crush me,” you respond, moaning as Simon bites into the side of your neck. 

“Do you not think I’m strong enough to hold myself up?” He asks, laughing in your ear. 

You knew he would be, but Simon was still a big man. Yes, there were times where the thought of Simon’s weight on top of you turned you on, but you didn’t exactly want to test out if you’d feel the same way after losing blood from an injury. 

“We’ll see,” you respond, hiding your smile into the bed. 

Simon’s huff hits the back of your neck before he keeps going. He grunts into your neck as his pace picks up. Occasionally, the slap of skin on skin rings out through the room, but each time the sound does, Simon slows down and places a kiss on whatever inch of skin he can reach. 

It gets to the point where you nearly want to yell back at him, to beg him to go faster, but when you open your mouth to do just that, a moan spills out as your orgasm hits you. It comes as a surprise as you spill over Simon’s fist. You press your face into the bed to muffle your yells of pleasure as you’re finally able to have the release you craved.

You turn your neck again to breathe, but this time, Simon doesn’t claim your mouth in a kiss. Instead, he pulls his cock from your slick thighs and tugs at his cock. Your skin doesn’t even have time to cool before Simon is shooting ropes of white that land on your thighs, ass, and back. 

For what feels like a long time, Simon stays kneeled above you, even after you fall onto the bed. You thought after you did, that Simon would rest his weight on top of yours and crush you into the bed, but the next time you feel him on you is when his mouth is on your thighs. 

He licks at the skin where his come landed, continuing up your body until he reaches the small of your back. He does the same at the small of your back before he moves down to the globes of your ass. His saliva cooling on your skin makes you shiver, and you press back on shaky legs into his touch. 

You doubt any of his come had landed on your hole, but Simon still spreads you apart licks with broad strokes. Your soft cock gives an interested twitch, still coated in the mess you made as you make a low noise in your throat.

Simon pulls away once he’s deemed you’re clean. Your hips meet the wet spot again, but you’re too tired to even move away from it. After he’s crawled back up your body, Simon does the work for you and rolls your back into his chest. 

“I should probably go shower,” he murmurs into the back of your neck as he tangles your legs together. 

“I’ll keep your spot warm,” you respond around a yawn. 

Simon presses a kiss to your cheek before he leaves. You’re even too tired to crane your neck and watch his ass as he walks the few steps to the bathroom. You fall asleep to the muffled sound of the shower, missing when Simon whispers a soft thank you when he gets behind you in the bed, his spot nice and warm. 

Just the tip

It feels as if Simon barely touches you for the next few weeks until your arm is nearly fully healed. Near the end of it, when your injury has scabbed over, it gets to the point you feel yourself getting hard when Simon lets his touch linger. 

It leaves you feeling so fucking needy that you’re stupid for it. Stupid enough you convince Simon to spar with you. Simon was a big fucking man, and though he was big, his size didn’t slow him down. He was faster and quieter than most people expected, information that he used to his advantage whenever he could. 

“Take him down!” Soap yelled from the side, stealing your attention away. You think Soap was still angry about his wrist.

Simon fixes you with a heated look that’s a mix of the glare he gave Soap, and determination. It takes everything inside you to not get hard. 

Simon charges at you, but you stand your ground. You dodge out of the way before going back in, Simon had bulk and he was quick, but you knew you could use that against him. Or so you thought. He’s quicker than you are,  easily getting his leg between your own to trip you up. 

You go down hard. Though there was a training mat laid out, falling onto the arm that was grazed by the bullet a few weeks ago didn’t feel good. You don’t even notice the stab was broken and you were bleeding again, until Simon’s eyes zero in on it. 

You glance down at it before you get back into position. You’re ready to charge, but Price places a hand on your shoulder, “as much as Soap wants to see you take him down, I don’t want you to get blood on the mat.”

You let out a huff, but you suppose he was right, “fine,” you grumble. You grab your towel and water bottle before exiting the room to your bedroom.

“This isn’t over,” you hear Soap say behind you, and don’t see the way he points a finger in Simon’s direction. 

Soap jogs up to your side before he’s grabbing your arm, “you okay?” He asks.

“I’m fine,” you respond, trying to keep your annoyance from your tone. You shrug your arm from his gasp before you walk through your bedroom to the bathroom to get to the medicine cabinet. 

You swat his hand away when he tries to help and he scoffs loudly before finally giving up. “Want me to beat him up?” He asks.

You make eye contact with him in the mirror before you look away to finish placing the bandage on your arm after cleaning the area, “as funny as that would be,” Soap’s face scrunches up in offense, pulling a laugh from you, “he took me down fair and square.”

“It was a dirty play,” Soap responds. He jumps when a throat clears from behind you, “see you later!” He says quickly and claps you on the shoulder before leaving the bathroom and exiting your room.

Simon watches Soap the entire time, only turning to look your way when he’s exited the room.

You walk out of the bathroom as Simon goes to shut the door, “don’t start,” you say once Simon has turned around. 

“You were bleeding,” Simon says softly as he steps close enough to grab your arm to inspect it. This close, he smells of deodorant and clean sweat, it’s intoxicating. 

“I didn’t even notice at first,” you place a hand on his face, “not until you were staring at it,” his face still looked stormy with negative emotions. “You were just trying to distract me so you could win,” you add, hoping that your joke would make him feel better. 

It works a little bit with the small smile that appears on Simon’s face, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes, “you almost had me,” he says before he lets your arm go. 

“Let’s finish it then,” you step closer until your chest is flush with his, “we’ve got the space,” you whisper against his mouth. 

Simon opens his mouth as if he wants to protest, but you cut him off by mashing your mouth to his. He goes easily when you flip him around and push him onto the bed. Still connected at the mouth, Simon goes down with a grunt that breaks off into a moan when you push your tongue past his lips. 

Realistically, it hasn’t been that long since you’ve gotten off, but without it being from Simon’s touch, it doesn’t take too long for your cock to be straining against the front of your shorts. 

You were surprised you were even able to get him to spar with you. Maybe it was because Price, Soap, and Gaz were also in the room and he was trying to avoid Soap and Gaz from being able to make jokes about there being trouble in paradise. Or maybe it was because he missed your touch just as you missed his, even though he was the one that established this unspoken rule that he was going to avoid touching you until your arm had fully healed. 

You had fun on your own, and even found entertainment in being loud enough for Simon to hear. There had also been times where it excited you over the idea of being caught, and whenever the feeling hit you, so did your orgasm. The clarity that came afterwards nearly made you forget, but it would always rush back when Simon would enter the room. 

It was always pretty obvious what you had been doing, from the salty smell of your come in the air, to sweat that shone against your skin as you cooled down from your high. You thought that the site would bring Simon closer, but it only made him keep his distance. It hurt at first, but after picking up on the looks he would give you and the way his chest would expand slowly after he would enter the room, like he was trying to relieve what you were just doing through the smell alone, it just made you want him even more. 

It drove you crazy with want and frustration, but at least Simon felt the same. 

“Don’t want to hurt you,” Simon grits between his teeth, like the moan he lets out is actually one of pain when you grind your hips down into his.

“I need it,” you whine into Simon’s mouth. Your need only gets worse when Simon’s hands go below your waist band to clutch your asscheeks in his hands. It’s a tight grip that’s almost too painful, but that pain is overtaken by pleasure when Simon grinds your hips together.   

You pull back from the kiss when Simon’s hands push the garment away to have better access. You raise yourself and look at Simon with lust filled eyes as you pull your shirt off. Your shorts are more difficult than your shirt, but it becomes much easier when Simon rolls you over and he’s on top helping you get them off. 

“What would you have done if you’d have gotten hard while we were-” he begins to ask when he sees your lack of underwear, but you cut him off with a kiss. 

“Hopefully this,” you answer, sliding your hands up his shirt. 

Simon claims your mouth in another kiss when you pull his pants off and throw them to join the pile of the rest of your clothes. He takes your lip with him with his teeth, “quiet,” he says against your mouth, knowing that you were about to comment on how he didn’t have underwear on either. 

You wrap your legs around his hips, high enough that when Simon grinds forward, his cock is sandwiched between your asscheeks. When he pulls back and brings his hips forward again, you both groan as the slick head of his cock catches on your hole. 

On the second pass of the head, his hips still, making you whine in protest, “please.”

Simon groans like your words hurt him, “I can’t. I haven’t gotten you ready with my fingers,” he says, his hands cradling your face. 

“Just the tip?” 

“Just the tip?” Simon parrots, his eyes light up, like your question caused a lightbulb of realization to light up above his head. 

If you thought it was crazy convincing Simon to spar with you, it felt as if you were out of your mind when he pushed your legs down and rolled you over. 

You lay with bated breath for Simon and bring your ass back closer to Simon. You arch your back and you’re almost to the point of losing all self respect and pulling your hands free from under the pillow and bringing them to your asscheeks and spreading them open.

“Breathe,” Simon whispers into your ear after he leans down. 

You don’t even realize how tense you’ve become until Simon’s whisper hits your ear. You let out a whine into the pillow when Simon’s cock is on your hole, rubbing the moisture of his precome around your hole. To add to it, Simon spits on your hole and rubs it around the tight pucker with the pad of his finger. 

You both gasp when he finally presses the head inside, “so tight,” Simon moans, his body blanketing yours. The sheen of sweat on your body makes it hard, but he grips your hips tightly in a bruising grip, keeping you still. 

You squirm against his grip, trying to get his cock deeper, even though you know you shouldn’t without the proper preparation. You could feel that your orgasm was there, all it needed was a little push. 

“Stop!” Simon holds you down into the pillow by the back of your neck, his tone sharp. 

His words make you freeze and you clench around what’s inside you. It makes Simon groan and pull his hand away to instead put it on the middle of your back. His other hand moves from your waist to below his cock. In between your balls and his cock, he presses his fingers to your taint. 

You come with a yell into the pillow, Simon’s hand pressing you down into the bed as you shake from the intensity. His other hand moves the tiny distance from your taint to wrap around his cock. 

He leans down into the crook of your sweaty neck to muffle his moans as he strokes his cock. It doesn’t take him long for him to come and once he does, you moan when you feel his spend hit your hole. Some of it goes in your hole, but the most of it splatters and leaks out, going down your taint right where his fingers just were. 

“You’re filthy,” he says, his voice deep and rough. 

You turn your head to pant open-mouthed, your cheek against the pillow. You wanted to repeat the same thing right back at him, but your brain has difficulty getting your mouth to get the words out. 

Your brain finally does catch up when you feel the bed shift as Simon leans down to lick at your hole. “You’re fucking filthy.”

“At least I clean up the messes I make,” he says before going back in. Unlike last time, his tongue goes inside as he licks out the mess his cock made. He groans deep in his chest when you bring one of your hands back to his head to get his tongue deeper. 

When Simon deems you clean, your hole now wet with spit, you pull him by the hand in his hair up to where you can get your lips against his. You make a noise into his mouth when his tongue presses inside, past your teeth until his tongue is against yours. 

“We should probably go shower,” Simon murmurs, though he really doesn’t look like he wants to, laying on the pillow beside yours.

You run a hand down his back. You’ll get up and take a shower after you’ve rested your eyes for a little bit. You feel Simon press his lips to the bandage on your arm before you feel the weight of his arm around your body as it pulls you closer.  


Normally, when it was time for you to go home, you were always excited to finally get back, but when Price finally told you that it was time for a much needed break that wasn’t on base, you were terribly nervous.

You thought it would be okay, it’s not like you and Simon had spent every waking moment together, but the feeling that hit you when Simon turned in the opposite direction of your bedroom to go pack up his own, you knew it wouldn’t be okay.

You stayed silent when Simon came back into the room with one of his suitcases, and when he went into your dresser to pull out a few of the shirts he brought from his room to yours, you bit hard into your lip, fearful of what might come out if you opened it.

“I don’t have much, but I hope you’ll have the space for it,” he says as he folds the clothing before placing it in the bag. 

You froze from your place beside him, wondering if you heard what he said correctly, “what?”

“Do you have space in your closet? Or I can shove it in a drawer if you need me to,” he answers, not looking up from the suitcase as he finishes folding his clothes. 

“Yeah,” you shake your head softly and smile down at your hands as they rested on the clothes you still had to fold, “I’ve got plenty of space.” The clothes could wait, you decided. 

Simon makes a noise of surprise when you turn his neck and press your lips together. His hands move to your waist to pull you closer as he responds eagerly to the kiss. He chuckles softly after he pulls back and you chase after his mouth. 

“We have to finish packing,” he says against your mouth. 

“We’ve got time,” you respond. Not really, but kissing Simon was much more enjoyable than packing. 

After the impromptu make out session that had to be cut short before your hands were down each other’s pants, it’s finally time to go. 

You let out a dramatic sigh when Soap steps up to you to say goodbye. You can’t quite tell if the way his bottom lip trembles is actually real, or if he’s just trying to be funny. You pull him in for a hug before you can think more on it. 

Gaz, who you had just hugged, joins in to sandwich your body between theirs. You nearly expect Simon and Price to join in, but they only stare at you. Simon just looks bored, whereas Price has a small smile on his face. 

When you’re on the plane, one of Simon’s hands finds yours, and his fingers rest on top of yours until it’s time to get off. 

Your key feels foreign in your fingers, but once you’re through the door, it all feels familiar. The air feels stale, but that’s something you could easily fix the next day by opening up the windows. 

It’s nighttime. It feels oddly permanent the way night always does when it feels like the rest of the world is settling in. The world being your area, at least. The feeling really only hits you at home. Back on base, it didn’t matter what time it was, you could be whisked away at any time to do what was asked of you.

“I’ll save the tour for tomorrow,” you tell Simon as you walk through your house to the bedroom. You almost want to slow down to make sure Simon is able to follow you through the dark, but the sound of his footsteps stays close behind you. 

You flick the light on and place your bags into a corner of your room. You grab your bathroom essentials before walking past Simon, letting out a laugh when you see the way he’s looking all around the room. 

You wait for Simon to join you as you toss your toothbrush into the cup near the sink and toothpaste onto the counter, “you can finish looking around if you want,” you say when you hear Simon enter. 

“I’ll wait for the tour tomorrow,” he responds as he wraps his arms around you. He hugs you to his chest for a moment before placing his toothbrush and toothpaste in the same spots you had. It makes your heart swell. When you arrived back on base, you didn’t expect to be coming home with another toothbrush sitting beside yours when you arrived home. 

You help each other undress before you’re stepping into the shower. It’s wet limbs and pointy elbows under the warm spray. You expect it to get on your nerves when Simon ends up accidentally elbowing you, but it only makes you laugh. Even after it happens again and Simon’s face is going red (but that’s just probably from the heat), you feel nothing in your heart but love. 

“Fuck,” you say under your breath after pulling the curtain back, “forgot the towel.” Your nipples grow hard from the change in temperature when you open the door and go through your bedroom to grab a towel from your bag. You could’ve checked under the sink, but you were going to wash everything in your bag anyway, so it really didn’t matter. 

Simon stands naked in front of the sink brushing his teeth. If he wasn’t so fucking good looking, you’d be annoyed as he dripped all over the bathroom rug in front of the sink. You towel off quickly in the doorway before he’s able to catch you staring.

“Cold out there?” He asks around the toothbrush, one of his hands going to your chest to pad his thumb across one of your hard nipples. 

You swat his hand away and step around him to pull on the shirt and shorts you also brought with you, “forgot to adjust the thermostat,” you say as you grab your toothbrush. 

Simon’s toothbrush makes a soft noise when he places his back into the cup. You watch with a soft smile on your face as he places the cap on his toothpaste and puts it neatly beside the cup. 

“Are you going to watch me?” You ask, your toothbrush held close enough to your mouth to smell the minty paste. 

“Yeah,” Simon answers, saying it like it’s the easiest question in the world to answer. He grabs the towel you just used and dries himself off as you brush your teeth.  

Back in your bedroom, you suddenly feel shy. Turning off the light makes it easier, especially with how sad it makes you to see Simon cover himself up. It’s only a pair of underwear, but still. In the dark, he finds your body as if on reflex and pulls your back to his chest. 

Simon lets out a sigh, his warm breath tickling the back of your neck, “what are we going to do tomorrow?” 

“Probably go get groceries after I check what’s left in the cabinets,” you respond as you run your hand up and down his arm. 

“Good. I think we left the lube back on base.”

“I’ll add it to the list,” you say around your smile.

You feel Simon press a kiss to the back of your neck. It makes you feel crazy knowing just a few minutes ago you had been nervous, and now, you were surrounded with a level of comfort you hadn’t felt in a long time. 

“I love you,” Simon whispers behind you. 

“I love you too,” you respond before you’re falling asleep. 


Soap calls a few weeks later. 

“Hello?” You asked into the phone. The caller ID said unknown, you probably shouldn’t have answered it in the first place.

Soap’s voice comes through the other line. Yeah, you shouldn’t have answered it. “Hey!” He says, his voice full of excitement. 

“Soap?” You hadn’t expected to hear from any of them so soon. “And Kyle!” You hear from a distance on the other side of the line. 

You were confused for a second before your brain was able to catch up, “hey, Kyle. Hey, Johnny,” you say, a smile coming onto your face. 

“How are you?” Johnny asks, “how’s Simon?”

“Good,” you glance over into the kitchen where Simon was, “we’re good. How’d you get my number?”

“Price gave it to us. He also told us to tell you that he was sorry. For whatever reason.”

You shook your head, your smile growing. You were sure you could forgive Price just this once. 

“Price? What, not on a first name basis?”

“Oh, we are. It’s just that I’m the better John so I refuse to call him that.”

You’re unable to contain the laugh that bubbles up from your chest, “I miss you guys,” you say into the phone once your laughter has died down. 

“Who do you miss more?” Johnny asks. 

“You ruined it,” you answer with a sigh. 

That sounded like he said Kyle,” you hear Kyle say. 

You’re tempted to hang up once you hear them start bickering, but with it being the most entertainment you’ve had since you got home, (outside of Simon) you stayed on the line and tried not to laugh too hard. You didn’t need to be roped up in their lover’s quarrel. 

“Trouble in paradise?” You ask. 

“Fuck off!” They both yell in unison. 

“Who was that?” Simon asks when you walked through the doorway of the kitchen. 

“Kyle and Johnny,” you respond as you lean against the counter. It looked like a tornado had gone through your kitchen with all of the cabinets being open, but you just blamed it on Simon still getting used to where everything went. Or maybe that was just how he liked to put things away. You were learning new things about each other every day. 

“How’d they get your number?” Simon asks as he chuckles. 

“Our commander betrayed me,” you said sadly. 

“You poor thing,” Simon responds. He closes one of the cabinets before he walks over to place a kiss on your cheek. 

“Gaz said he wants us to go on a double-date together,” you go to help Simon put the rest of the groceries away, but really it’s just because you want to stay close to him. 

“What kind of date?” Simon asks. 

“Don’t know,” you smile as you think back on what he said, “he said he thinks we’re lame for the walks we go on and we need more excitement.”

“I like our walks,” Simon responds, a hint of offense in his tone. It would be so easy to fall into a routine of staying inside the house, especially after how tiring the last few months were on base, so the walks were a great way to get outside.

“One night out won’t kill us,” you say as Simon finishes up with putting away the rest of what was in the bags, “at least I hope it won’t.”

“We have plenty of fun here,” Simon responds. The placement of his hands on your hips after he steps forward goes to show that he’s talking about a different type of fun. 

“That’s just with us-”

Simon cuts you off with a kiss that leaves you gasping, “I tend to keep it that way,” he says, his words full of heat and possessiveness.

It’s just another day when Simon finally gets his cock inside you. You weren’t really surprised though, it’s like you expected a grand romantic gesture with candles, rose petals, and chocolate. Truthfully, the only thing you expected was for a lot of lube to be involved.

Just from him getting you ready with his fingers, you feel fucking soaked from the lube. “Simon,” you whine when you pull away from the kiss his lips had you locked in, “we’re going to run out.” He ignores your words and swoops down to kiss you again.

“You didn’t buy any when we were at-”

“No!” You moan as his two fingers brush against your prostate, “I’ll never be able to get the lube out of these sheets,” you say as you feel the lube that drips down your taint joins the small puddle between your legs. 

“I’ll clean them, baby,” he says against your mouth, “just let me get you ready,” he whispers. You both hold your breath as a third finger, coated in too much lube in your opinion, presses to your hole. “ So fucking tight,” Simon looks down to watch his finger go slowly inside, “not going to last when I’m actually inside.”

“You won’t be able to get inside if you use all the lube,” you bite back. 

Simon chuckles, his other hand goes to one of your nipples to pinch it, “cheeky little fucker,” he growls. His fingers move in and out of you slowly, but at the sound of the moans you let out, the speed of the thrusts of his fingers increase. 

“I’m ready,” you say to Simon before he tries pressing in a fourth finger. The thought makes your cock throb against your stomach. With the pace Simon was going, you were sure he would slowly work you up to it, to take his entire fist and not just three of his fingers. 

The thrust of his fingers slows down before he pulls them out. Your hole feels open and ready for his cock, and you feel a rush of excitement when the wet head of it kisses your hole. Your legs tighten around Simon’s waist and you hold your breath in anticipation. 

Above you, Simon’s eye clamp shut as he breathed heavily through his open mouth, “are you ready, Simon?” You question as you reach your hands up to cup his face, “we can stop if you want,” you say softly. 

Simon leans down to press his forehead to yours, “don’t want to hurt you,” his voice comes out soft.  

“I can handle a bit of pain,” you say, a small smile on your lips. You lean up to press your lips to his in a chaste kiss.

“I know you can,” he responds with a small, sad smile. He moves down to press a kiss to the scar on your shoulder, and then to the scar on your arm. “I love you,” Simon whispers after he comes back up. 

“I love you too,” you say back, your arms wrapping around his neck. 

Simon smiles again as he reaches a hand down to press his cock against your hole once more, “I meant it about not lasting long,” his mouth falls open as his cock slowly goes inside as he inches his hips forward. 

“That’s okay,” you reassure, “I probably won’t either.”

“Yeah?” Simon asks, his cock still going inside your body, “I’ve wanted you for so long. Wanted this,” he moans as he finally bottoms out. 

“This is all yours, Simon,” you say back. You clench down on his cock, the both of you groaning from the feel of it. 

Simon pulls out almost as slowly as he went in. He keeps his eyes locked on yours when he pushes back inside. His balls rest heavily on your ass and it’s almost hard to comprehend that you finally get to have this. It brings you back to months ago when you first sucked his cock and the amount of come went down your throat. It’d probably leaked out of your hole as he came to join the mess of lube on the bed, but this was a stain you didn’t mind. 

As Simon’s thrusts pick up, you can already feel your edge approaching. The fat head of Simon’s cock hits your prostate, bringing you closer and closer to coming. Your hand goes between your bodies to wrap around your aching cock to stroke to the rhythm of Simon’s thrusts. 

The bed creaks as Simon fucks forward into your hot, willing body. The headboard bangs against the wall, and the volume of it matches the sounds you each make. 

Once you start stroking at your cock, it doesn’t take long for you to come. Your other hand digs into Simon’s back as yours arches off the bed, like you’re afraid the rest of your body will come off the bed too. Your mouth falls open into a soundless scream as your cock shoots ropes of white up your chest. 

Unaware that you closed your eyes, they open to watch Simon above you continue to thrust inside your body. You pull your hand away from your cock, the mess of your orgasm evident on not only your chest, but Simon’s as well. Mixing with your spend is the sweat on Simon’s skin as his pace increases before stuttering off. 

Simon’s thrusts come to a halt before he switches the position but moving your legs until they’re on your shoulders. His eyes are droopy and filled with lust as he raises himself up onto his knees enough to watch his thick cock disappear into your hole. 

“Simon,” you call, a smirk appearing on your face when Simon doesn’t pull his eyes away, “Simon,” you repeat. “Feel good, baby?” 

Simon nearly folds you in half when he leans down to kiss you, his tongue fucking into your mouth like his cock was. He pulls away to answer, but all he can muster up as he moans is an enthusiastic nod. 

“Gonna come for me?” You ask, your hands going to cup Simon’s face. When Simon starts up his brutal pace again, you almost think you’re about to get hard again as his cock goes deeper than it was before, but Simon’s stuttered pace continues before his head falls back. His hips come to a halt as his heavy balls draw to his cock as he pumps you full of his come. 

Simon’s head falls to your shoulder as wave after wave of his orgasm washes over him. His moans turn to whimpers as his hips give an occasional twitch as the aftershocks set in. You don’t feel him pumping you full of his come like you had thought of earlier, but you can sure feel the way his cock throbs and twitches before it starts to soften. 

Simon grunts when he moves your legs off his shoulders, his soft cock falling free from your hole. He presses a kiss to your ankle when he puts down the second. He falls down on top of you in a sweaty heap, your body having no choice but to take his weight. 

It soon sets in how gross you feel from the sweat all over your body and the drying come and lube on your skin, but when you start to feel his come leaking from your hole, a warm feeling rushes through you. 

You feel Simon let out a chuckle above you, “I’ll need some time before I can go again,” he says after your cock gives a twitch at the feel of his come leaking out. 

“It’s not me,” you respond, one of your hands running up and down Simon’s sweaty back, “it’s got a mind of its own.”

Simon laughs again as he rolls off of your body and onto one of the pillows, “you okay?” He asks softly, one of his hands runs up your chest. 

“Yeah,” you say, sending him a smile. You turn on your side to face him and place a hand on his cheek, “are you okay?”

“Yeah,” he responds as he leans into the touch. “I’ve never done that before,” he says quietly. “Never been inside someone, I mean.”

“Yeah? Have you ever had anyone inside of you?” You ask, your voice just as quiet. 

“Just my fingers,” he responds, a blush rising on his cheeks below your fingers. 

“I’ll take care of you like you took care of me,” you respond. Your cock gives yet another twitch at the fact that you’re learning you have been and will be Simon’s first. A hot flare of possessiveness and jealousy runs through your body all at the same time. Knowing that someone has gotten to have Simon in the way you’ve had him and made him feel insecure enough to warn you about the size of his cock makes you angry. You would make sure to never make him feel like that.  

“I know,” he responds before pressing his lips to yours. Before the kiss can become wetter and more open-mouthed, he pushes you onto your back by your shoulder before he makes his way onto your chest to lay down. 

You let out a grunt at the weight but you wrap your hands about him to keep him close. One of your hands traces imaginary patterns onto his back, while the other goes to his head to run your fingers through his hair. 

“Before we go out with Johnny and Kyle,” Simon’s voice goes quiet and shy, “I want to take you out on a real date. Just the two of us.”

“We can do that,” you say around a yawn as your exhaustion sneaks up on you and your eyes fall shut. The last thing you feel before falling asleep is Simon’s smile against your shoulder and his soft lips against the scar as he kisses the skin.       



Simon gives a nod against the pillows. You could tell he was nervous based on how tense he felt, but his face didn’t show it. 

“It’s okay to be nervous,” you say to him quietly before leaning down to kiss him. 

“Not nervous,” Simon responds, but his face finally gives it away when a blush rises up his face, “just excited,” he whispers. 

You laugh against his mouth,” I can tell,” you say after pulling back, your eyes on his half hard cock. You run a finger from his balls to the head of his cock. Once at the head, you drag your finger through the precome at the slit, and when you pull your finger away, a string of his precome follows your finger. 

That finger is the same one you use to work Simon open. You don’t use as much lube as Simon had with you when he first fucked you, but you made sure you had plenty. 

Simon’s legs spread further, his feet nearly hanging off either edge of the bed. You run your other hand up and down his thigh soothingly when you press your finger to his hole, “ready?” You repeat.

“Yeah,” Simon whispers, and then your finger breaches his hole. 

He’s tight and warm around your finger as you go slowly inside. You keep a close eye on his face as you work your entire finger inside. Simon looks more relaxed than you expected him to be, but it’s really only because he’s hiding any discomfort behind the action of biting his lip. 

“Can I hear you?” You ask Simon before placing a soft kiss to his lips, “please?”

After Simon nods, you press another finger inside. His mouth opens as he lets out a whine, and when you crook your fingers, his whine turns to a loud moan. 

A slow smile spreads across your face, “feel good?”

Simon nods, but before he can respond, you press your fingers into his prostate again, just to hear him moan again. He finds his words when you pull your fingers free and replace the two with three, “what do I do?”

“Just lay there and let me take care of you, baby,” you respond. “Want me to touch you here?” You question, running your free hand over his cock. 

Simon lets out a groan when your fingers glide over his cock, “want your mouth,” he says, his hips raising off the bed. 

You lean down and run your tongue along the length of his cock, starting at the root, and ending at the tip. You moan when the flavor of his precome hits your tongue, as does Simon when you run your tongue around the sensitive glands on the crown of his cock. 

Simon lets out another moan when your three fingers are going inside of his hole. His hips move again, but this time, they’re moving to fuck down on your fingers. His cock lets out a glob of precome onto your tongue when your three fingers are on his prostate, and you press them to it over and over again to see if you can get some more of the taste. 

Instead, what you’re rewarded with is his cock gushing come into your mouth. It catches you off guard, but you do your best to swallow down what his cock lets out as the sound of his moans fill your ears. The sounds make your neglected cock throb, but you keep in place until Simon’s moans subside and his hole relaxes around your fingers. 

You pull your fingers free slowly and press a kiss to his hip bone when he whimpers. He pulls you up with a hand around the back of your neck to get his lips pressed to yours. Simon groans into your mouth when his tongue runs along yours, tasting himself all over your mouth. 

“Your turn,” Simon’s voice is rough and gravely, way too low in your opinion for a man that just had his first prostate orgasm and should be tired. 

“Are you sure? I can just-”

Oh, Simon was so sure. Sure enough in fact that minutes later, your cock is in his mouth.

He gets you sat on the edge of the bed and makes his way between your legs before taking your cock into his mouth. He had moaned at the flavor on your tongue when he had kissed you, so it was no surprise that when he got the head of your cock in his mouth, he was moaning around it as he tried to take you deeper and get the flavor further down on his tongue. 

You gasp when he puts your legs over his broad shoulders, to make it easier for his fingers to dip further down between your legs. You open your mouth to try and question him to see what he and his fingers are up to, but all you can do is let out noises of pleasure as Simon’s fingers go past your balls to skim over your taint. 

One of your hands sits stretched out behind your body, so you can stay up and watch the display of Simon’s lips stretched around your cock. The other hand goes into his head to run your fingers along his scalp, “so good, Simon,” you moan as your fingers run through the soft strands of his hair. 

Simon looks up at you with his dark, tear-filled eyes. They spill over when your hips twitch forward, feeding Simon more of your cock when Simon’s fingers go lower to brush the dry pad of his fingers across your hole. 

Your body bows over his head as your hands move to grip his shoulders tightly, trying to keep your body in place as your orgasm racks your body. Simon obediently swallows down what shoots from your cock as feelings of euphoria rushes through your body. 

You open your eyes as your body uncurls from around Simon’s head, panting as you try to calm your racing heart. “Fuck, Simon,” you whisper down at him as you wipe the tears away from his face. Your soft cock falls from Simon’s mouth with a wet pop before Simon is joining you on the bed. 

“You okay?” You ask Simon, his naked thigh resting beside yours. 

“I’m good,” he responds, his voice rough. A few minutes later, when Simon has you laid on his sweaty chest, he lets out a sigh before he speaks again, “I got a message from Johnny the other day.”

You raise yourself up on your elbow to look at him, “what’d it say?”

Simon rolls his eyes before answering, “that he’s excited for our double date.”

You lay back down onto Simon’s chest, laughing as he lets out another sigh, “why’d you agree to this again?” Simon questions as his warm hand settles onto your back to run soothing circles over your skin.      

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5 months ago
Starring: Simon "ghost" Riley X Male Reader
Starring: Simon "ghost" Riley X Male Reader
Starring: Simon "ghost" Riley X Male Reader

starring: simon "ghost" riley x male reader

request: Hey OP saw that you wanted some requests for Ghost and I was wondering if you could write some Ghost x male reader 🤭🤭 where they’re roommates (could be civilian AU or military) who both claim to be “straight” but are so gay for each other. I kind of make this opened ended there’s like zero Ghost x male reader stuff 😭😭

warnings: smut, some fluff i think, cursing, pervert!simon, pervert!reader, civillian!au, jerking off, fingering, making out

Starring: Simon "ghost" Riley X Male Reader

you and simon ended up as roommates after learning that he had nowhere to stay after getting of his mission and now every day is a struggle to stop yourself from pouncing on the man, you and him both claimed to be straight, casually bringing it up while on a mission with the 141 team but your actions tell a different story, longing glances and drawn out touches says that you both like each other, but both of you don't know that about one other, to sure that the other is strictly straight and doesn't hold any feelings.

the dynamic is kind of simple around the apartment, you usually cook and clean while simon is out working and he'd do the same when you're out, but recently simon has wanted to take the role of cleaning more often, that was a lie though he hated cleaning but when he realized he could use it for his own perverted nature he was eager to do it more, when doing laundry he'd steal a pair of your used underwear just to sniff it and jerk off with it.

fucking into his fist in the dead of night when he thinks you're sleep, using your underwear as a sort of gag to capture his deep groans, the imagination of fucking you senseless flooding his mind over and over till he came with choked back grunts that you heard unbeknownst to him, you both sitting on the couch watching tv the next morning as if he didn't imagine fucking you till you moaned every letter of his name.

and you well you weren't nearly any better than him, always sneaking into his room when he was at work to lay in his bed, sniffing whatever scent of him was left on his pillows and wrapping yourself in his blankets to then finger yourself to the thoughts of him using you like a cum rag, filling you up over and over till you cant think, and you knew that your fingers could never match up to what simon probably felt like but you wanted to know so bad.

you both wanted each other so badly but never knew if the other wanted it to, till one fateful night where you were both chilling in the kitchen cooking up some dinner when you turned around and bumped into simon, his hands quickly moving to hold your waist so you don't fall and you both stood there for some time, just staring into each others eyes "oh uh sorry" he stuttered releasing his grip on you and baking up "don't be" you quickly say wrapping your arms around his neck to kiss the man.

you having to stand on your toes just to reach his mouth with yours and with that you pulled back, a couple more seconds of silence following before he's picking you up and taking you to his room, and my god was that night good, you were both living out your fantasies of each other simon cumming over and over again till he was milked dry and you ending up a messy and incoherent mess splayed on his bed.

after that it was like to rabbits fucking constantly, over and over, day and night or even morning time by this point the neighbors were begging you guys to calm it down but that still didn't stop you guys, to drunk off one another love to even think of stopping, now here you were making out on the kitchen counter with simon after trying to bake desserts like you too didn't fuck that morning, after simon came home from work, and before dinner seems like tonight's gonna be a loud one.

Starring: Simon "ghost" Riley X Male Reader


Tags :
7 months ago

Hello! I was just wondering if you could write some angst!!

I was wondering if you could write a ghost x male reader where reader gets seriously injured to the point where it scares the shit out of ghost and ghost lectures him but ends up crying as he's lecturing the reader? 👀

a/n: hurt/comfort my love tags: canon typical violence, gore(??ppl get stabbed and someone gets their throat sliced open) no use of y/n, male reader, injured reader, prob occ ghost??? ghost cries, everyone cries. angst, hurt/comfort

ヾthis is a multi-fandom blog that is designed for mlm/nbmlm identifying readers! so if you're female or fem please do not follow or interact with my mlm/nbmlm related post!! you will be blocked if you do not heed this warning ゛

Hello! I Was Just Wondering If You Could Write Some Angst!!

You were a sniper. You weren’t supposed to get too close to the fight. All you had to do was hang back and try to offer support, but by the gods do you never listen.

The situation got tight, Gaz and Soap trapped in a room by enemy fire. Captain Price and Ghost were clearing out another building.

You being the oh so self-sacrificing bastard you are ran to help. You went the back way, so the enemies’ backs would face you, unaware of your approach.

You quickly and efficiently took them out, just as you were trained, but—you missed one. A heavy hitter, a fucking Juggernaut.

He didn’t bother reloading his gun, throwing it to the side before he started swinging. The first few swings caught you off guard, and he got you right in the nose, breaking it. This throws you off balance, which gives him the opportunity to throw you against the concrete wall.

You rolled to the side before he could kick your ribs in, quickly standing up on your feet, slightly dazed. You pull out your knife, the one you were gifted to Simon, as using a gun in close combat would be useless.

You circled each other, waiting for the other to strike first. Vaguely out of the corner of your eye, you can see Soap carry Gaz out of the building. You feel a slight relief that now they’re safe.

Your way of winning this fight was to take it nice and slow, bait him into moving so he wears out easier due to all that heavy gear.

You move forward like you’re going to swing, which causes him to charge forward. You sidestep. His armor barley grazes yours.

“Oh? Is That all you got?” You mock, tapping your foot like an impatient child. You’ve played this game before.

He huffed like a big bad wolf, “I’ll fucking kill you,” He growls out.

Charing at you again, he actually gets you. He grabs onto the side of your armor and pulls you on him, securing his arms around your body before throwing you onto the ground with him.

You can feel something crack as your head fits the floor, that doesn’t stop you from squirming and wriggling in his grasp. You use your knife, plunging it into the nearest flesh you can find.

It didn’t go far, but it did make him shout in pain. For just a moment, his grip loosens, you throw yourself out of his hold, trying to dash away to create distance.

He recovered quickly, grabbing onto your ankle. He forced you to trip. Landing face first, you couldn’t stop him from dragging you back to him. He gets on top of you, pinning your arms down with his knees as he starts punching you again.

You black out, head and mouth bleeding. The man cackles, throwing you up against the wall with a cackle. He holds you up, forearm pressed against your through as your feet dangle helplessly in the air.

Your eyes shoot open at your sudden lack of air, you kick at him weakly. Shaking hands, reach for your knife, ripping it out of his thigh. You can’t use it before he rips the blade out of your head and stabs your stomach multiple times.

High off of adrenaline, you grab a smaller knife from your shoulder strap, one that was covered in a fast acting poison to render your opponents immobile. You did the knife under his helmet; the knife meeting his now exposed throat and you slice.

The man immediately drops you, leaving the knife in your stomach as he stumbles back, holding his neck. He slides down against the wall as his body gives up on him.

You raise a shaky hand to your walkie, “Captain-L.T. I need a medic asap. I can’t stay awake for much longer.” You can feel your eyelids get heavy.

“Stay awake, soldier. I’m on my way.” Simon’s gruff voice was the last thing you heard before your eyes seemed to shut for what may be the last time.

You float in and out of consciousness, eyes cracking over just barley as you feel familiar arms pick you up and run to the evac. On the helicopter, his gloved hands holding your face with such gentleness.

The last thing you remembered was being jabbed with one too many needles before passing out completely.

You felt like shit. Your head was pounding, and the rest of your body felt like it was on fire. You crack your eyes open, wincing at the blinding lights of the medical ward.

Your eyes scan the room. There isn’t anyone here. Aside from whoever is sleeping next to you. You turn your head slightly, recognizing the familiar build of the love of your life, Simon.

“Simon.” You try, voice dry and horse.

His head automatically shoots up at the call of his name. His eyes lock with yours. You can see the internal strife within them debating over what he wants to say.

“You’re an idiot.” The insult doesn’t make you wince, as it’s true.

“I know—.”

“No, I don’t think you do. You rush in blind, without a care in the world. You could’ve been killed, and you nearly were.” Simon takes your hand in his.

“I was only trying to help Si... I couldn’t do shit from the bird’s nest.” You interlock your fingers and squeeze his hand.

“What help are you if you ended up dead?” His shoulders drop. “I don’t know what I would’ve done with myself if you did.”

You can feel tears prick at the corner of your eyes, “Simon... let me see you.” You nudged the edge of the mask with your free hand.

Simon slips off the mask, his eyes are bloodshot-a result of hours of crying. You cup his face with a shaky hand. “But I am here now, that is what matters, yeah?”

He leans into your palm, tears streaming down his cheeks. You sigh, pulling him towards you. Pressing your forehead against yours, he sighs against you.

“I’ll make sure to be safer next time, okay?”


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We Can't Leave Now.

Ghost x M!Reader Warnings: Angst, Hurt no Comfort, Implied Character Death A/N: I was gonna try and upload regularly and be super cool but that clearly didn't happen. Sorry if this is a bit late after my last fic :] Ghost is in his feels after you get pronounced MIA (And assumed to be extremely dead)

We Can't Leave Now.

Pacing back and forth, Ghost huffed before leaning into his radio again, "(Name), how copy?" He felt liked this was the thousandth time he'd asked, only to be met with silence. It was eerie looking around the quiet street. Seeing bullet holes in walls and bodies sitting just below them. A hour ago the 141 was fighting for their lives to move through the men here. The sound of gunfire, screams and people barking orders on both sides filled the air. But now? Utter silence. As if the town was abandoned, Ghost swayed slightly where he stood. Choosing to avert his eyes to Price when he saw a small hand peeking from the rubble of a building.

Price was talking to the evac pilot before he noticed Ghost staring him down. He said something into his radio before walking over to the Lieutenant, "Ghost what's the word on (C/S)?" He asked gruffly, his eyes scanning the horizon for you like you'd magically appear after being radio silent. It was Price's job to keep a cool head and think about survival first. Keep the team alive no matter the cost, and they'd already been waiting for you for far longer then he'd feel comfortable with. Each second they stayed here they risked having enemy backup coming and finishing the job. You'd split from the team during the start of the fire fight. Ducking into a building for cover that collapsed into a pile of dust, cement and metal beams. No one knew where you were or if you even lived long enough to make it out of that building. Nobody wanted to say it, but the entire 141 was already assuming what your fate had been. Ghost let out a short grunt, acknowledging Price before leaning back into his radio. Holding it tighter then he was before as a pit formed in his stomach, "(C/S). How. Copy." He strained through gritted teeth as he saw Prices face grow uneasy. Price turned, grabbing onto his vest as he looked at Gaz and Soap sitting down against a wall, cracking jokes and talking despite how visibly exhausted they were. Blissfully unaware of the building panic in Ghost, and the call that Price was about to make. "We don't have enough time to look for him, evacs on its way and enemy reinforcements could be here any minute." Price sighed as he turned back to Ghost, no happier about it then the masked man was. Ghosts eyes widened as he stared at his Captain, his body becoming rigid as he read the implications what he said had. "What are you suggesting?" Ghost seethed through gritted teeth. Not even close to comfortable at the idea of just, leaving. Not without you, not without bringing you home. Price let out a long sigh, looking up to Ghost and simply shook his head. Somewhere deep down Ghost knew that Price was right. Saving the life of many was always going to beat saving the life of one.

But he refused to except it, he refused to bury a picture. "Ghost you know we can't stay longer, we're not going to survive if more men come. If he doesn't show up when evac comes-" Price began to try and reason with him. Ghost stepped forward, using his height advantage despite it not affecting Price he interrupted, "So we're just going to leave him here? You're going to let him die out here and just leave?" Prices expression changed into one Ghost couldn't decipher. Before anyone had a chance to say anything Prices radio crackled to life. The pilot's voice echoed through the tense silence explaining that she was close and planning on landing in the town center. On cue the entire team heard the helicopter flying through the air as it approached the town. Price looked up at Ghost, his skeleton glove clad hand gripping his own radio so tight Price was surprised it didn't break. Saying a small "Understood" into his radio, Price turned around to signal Gaz and Soap to stand up and follow him. Soap piped up as Price did, "Wait, where's (C/N), why are we leavin' without him." The scot questioned as he jogged to keep up with Price. "(C/N) is," Price paused, looking back at Ghost as he stood where Price has left him, "Is considered MIA from now until we confirm his status. We have to leave without him." Ghost could feel his throat tighten as he stared at the building that he saw you in last. A small crack snapped him out of it as he looked down, the shell of his radio splintering off into his gloved hand. You still didn't respond. --------------------------- I wrote this while very tired but I think I'm pretty happy with it. Hope you enjoyed :D

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9 months ago

Ways I think Simon “Ghost” Riley asks for consent without explicitly asking.

MDNI, This Blog & Post Aren’t For Minors!! This gets sexual real quickly, but Reader's pronouns aren’t specified.

His thumb brushes across your bottom lip when he wants to kiss you, waiting to see if you lean into the touch.

His fingers gently grip the hem of your shirt or the waistband of your pants, silently asking you if he can undress you. He does this with each and every article he wants to undress.

He’ll give you a very heated once-over when you’re both laying in bed, showing off the bulge in his pants/boxers so you know how horny he is.

Trails his fingers up your thigh (clothed or unclothed) and stops just short of where your sex is, his head in your neck so he can listen to if your breath hitches in arousal at his touching.

Spreads his legs open and pats his waiting thigh when sitting on the couch. It’s similar to the bed one, since his bulge is prominent.

Settles himself between your legs, putting his beefy hands on the insides of your thighs. Leaves the decision up to you, you can choose to beg for more or just be content with him between your thighs.

If you have hickeys from previous sexual encounters with him, he’ll trace them to tell you that he’s thinking of giving you more.

Leaves your towel on the bed when you come home and he’s showering, the towel a form of invitation to join him.

If you’re already naked and done with one round (or several), he squeezes your hips twice to signal he's ready for another round if you are.

He rubs his noses against yours before parting his lips slightly, mouthing motions made when kissing.

His eyes have trouble straying from your lips, trying hard to look you in the eyes only for his attention to dart back to your lips. He might even lick his own lips, if you're both alone and he doesn't have his mask or balaclava on.

Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and request something! (Check the rules in "Rules for Requesting NSFW" before requesting.)

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5 months ago



more simon corrupting religious reader thoughts.

simon, who likes to pick you up from church. your pretty smile turning into a bitten lip, your cheeks heat up as the guilt of what his figure means to you makes your heart race.

simon, who talks to your friends and pastor. his hand never leaving your waist, his big frame making you look so tiny. your legs squeeze against eachother as his hand starts to rub circles on your hip.

simon, who cant wait to take you home. he just drives to a secluded area. making you strip on the back of his black truck.

simon, who bends you over his lap, punishing you for being so dirty. poor thing just got out of church and is soaking wet on a big mans lap);

simon, who mocks you and pounds into ylu even harder when he hears a little 'oh god~' come out of your mouth.

simon, who has your eyes filled with tears as he is fucking into you, your faces smashed into the window, where you could see the side of your church, big cross standing tall above it.

simon, who knows that all you need is him. his big arms around your body comforting you.

"shhh, i know love, i know. don't cry, im here..."

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2 years ago

It's too cute!!!

legit listening to "beautiful boy - John Lennon" rn hear me out ghost and his Mreader hubby cuddling with their new baby just wholesome fluffy stuff yknow🤯

When I tell you I cried writing this-- UGH! Thank you so much for this request! It was so sweet.

Adoption was no easy feat, anyone with a right mind would know that. There is a lot of paperwork, a couple of interviews, as well as money that goes into it. It was more difficult with your growing family, you decided bitterly. Most agencies looked at the jobs you and your husband held, you as a freelance writer at home and him as active duty military- well, the active duty military was more of a raised red flag to them. Especially because the two of you were looking for a baby, not a child- an infant.

When the struggle with adoption started, your focus turned less away from your work- which did ultimately have a deadline, to what could be done. In your heart, you felt this emptiness that needed to be filled, and Simon expressed himself the same at home. You sometimes wished that like him, you could separate it while working… but you had too much heart in you. (Those were Simon’s words- and he said that he was glad you were like that)

Tonight was one of those nights that you couldn’t focus on your work. All those creative writing and English classes in college, gone throughout the window. So, you settled on looking through other adoption agencies- maybe even some women who were pregnant that didn’t want the child, but wouldn’t do an abortion. What was the name? Ah, you didn’t care much to remember. The aged whiskey in your hand helped with that too.

As per usual, you spent about three hours looking for something new. A couple emails sent out to some agencies, the last two that would maybe consider interviewing you and Simon. The analog clock next to the TV expresses how late it was, so did the yawn that left your mouth. You decided the whiskey glass could be cleaned in the morning as you set it down on the coffee table, your closed laptop next to it. The front door and its eighteen locks (that’s an exaggeration, it only had four) needed to be turned before you could sleep. Right after you locked the first one though, you heard something through the door- something like… crying?

Now, you and Simon live in a nice neighborhood- with little to no crime activity, but that doesn’t mean something could happen. You retreat from the area for just a moment to grab one of the tactical knives hiding in the coffee table, then walked back to the front door. Very quietly, you undid the lock you’d just turned and very slowly opened the door. Nothing was directly in front of you, so you looked down and your heart shattered.

It’s always in the movies, so the scene in front of you is unexpected in real life. There is a large woven basket with an infant tucked comfortably with a blue blanket. Before you investigate further, you look around your yard and towards the sidewalk but see no one walking about- or running away. So, you bend down and pick up the basket, taking out the little note that’s sticking out as you walk back into the house. Just for a moment, the basket is set on the couch as you read it.

‘To who little Gregory comes to,

I’m sorry I couldn’t take care of him myself. When he was born in the hospital, everyone in the room was happy to see him but me. Gregory is the result of a… you know what case. I looked at him, and I couldn’t see myself at all- only him. I hope that you can find yourself to take care of him. Love him. 

Thank you.’

Oh… “Fuck.” You look down at the baby- who has been crying this whole time, and quickly pick him up from the basket. It’s probably really uncomfortable in there- and oh, how long has it been since Gregory has been fed? Christ on a Cross, when you talked about jumping into parenting, this isn’t what you meant! “Hey, Siri!” You’re trying your best to calm the infant in your arms, who is still crying, but it’s thankfully gone to hiccups now. “Call Simon’s work on speaker.”

“Calling Simon *work* on speaker…” You take a seat on the couch, careful not to disturb the now sleeping infant as you pick up your phone and bring it closer to your person. Gregory seems… smaller than the other infants you’ve seen with the adoption agencies, you wonder if it’s a birth cause or he wasn’t taken care of before being handed off. “Hey, I’m about to go on a mission. Are you okay?”

You breathe in and exhale slowly. “Simon. You need to come home, tell Price it’s an emergency.” Your husband makes a noise on the other line, and you can hear him beginning to protest it all- “Someone dropped a baby on our doorstep- I… I cannot do this alone right now.”

There is a lot of noise coming from the other line now, you hear shouting- it’s Simon doing it. And… Gregory has woken up, he’s crying again. “Och. Simon, on your way home, which you better be doing- or I’m going to find your captain and kick him into next month- get some supplies, like we’ve talked about. I’m gonna hang up because he’s woken up due to the noise, but if I don’t see your arse in thirty minutes, there will be words, Simon Riley.” Before he can reply, you press the ‘end call’ button and turn your attention back to Gregory.

What did some babies fall asleep to? What would calm the storm that the call to your husband created? You remembered seeing your sister sing softly to her child- but you can’t give bars for shit. So, you decide to hum, very quietly ‘Hey Jude’. And just like with your niece all those years ago, it seems to do the trick. Gregory stops crying, moves to hiccuping then starts cooing at you- reaching at your face with his little chubby baby fists. He’s just so cute… You wish you could fall asleep with him, but the other thing your brain processed is that this would be the beginning to several nights of restless sleep.

It’s another thirty minutes of you humming different soft songs, mostly rock- because you can’t think of an actual lullaby for your life right now. Africa, Every Breath You Take, Tears in Heaven, Hard to Say I’m Sorry, Can’t Help Falling in love, Beautiful Boy… so many others. It works like a charm with little Gregory, he only wakes up for a moment to gurgle and reach for you, before falling back asleep.

Ten minutes later, your front door opens- almost slamming, but Simon catches it. He’s carrying several bags from the local grocery store- all in full gear. He shuts the door as quietly as he can, but it’s a little noisy with all of the plastic bags in his arms as well as his gear. Everything in his hands is set on the ground in front of the coffee table, then Simon’s walking over to you, eyes widening as he looks at the infant in your arms. “You weren’t…” His words die down when you point with a random finger to the note that had been left. Simon scans over it while taking off his mask. “Oh… just the baby then? Was there anything in his basket?”

You shake your head, stopping the humming so you can speak- hopefully Gregory won’t start crying again. “Just him, his blanket and that note.” You gesture with your head to the bags. “Do you have baby formula? Bottles? I don’t know the last time he’s had anything… there was no information on it.”

Simon brushes Gregory’s head, moving some of the hair, then walks over to the bags. He takes out a lot of formula and a couple bottles. “Woman at the register looked at me like I was mad. Told her I had a newborn and she calmed her tits.” You snort and shake your head. “I’m gonna make some warmed milk for him, then set up his crib- that’s still in the car.”

All those agencies that said the two of you were incapable of raising an infant were incorrect. You were careful in waking Gregory and giving him the bottle, once your husband had come back with it. Before leaving the room to go get the crib he needed to build, he looked at you and… well, the kid was his son now, he’d say. There is a rare instance that tears are building in his eyes, and he allows them to fall. “Simon,” you call softly from the couch. He snaps out of it and walks over to you. “Why don’t you hold him? I’ll go get the crib.”

For a moment, his brain goes to the fact that his hands aren’t meant to hold something so small and precious- his hands are those of a killer’s… but the way you look at him, a hopeful look in your eyes and the softest smile. He slowly takes Gregory from you, one arm curling around his tiny body and the other keeping leg support and holding up the bottle. “Hi, Gregory,” he whispers. The baby coos back and makes the same grabbing motion towards him, the chubby fist brushing against his paint.

“Simon,” you’re now next to him. The crib that needs to be built is in the corner of the room. “Why don’t we just sleep on the couch tonight? The three of us? It’s in a way that we won’t crush him… and it’s late.” He nods silently and gets on the couch first, handing you Gregory so he can get properly comfortable. You follow suit, lying your head against the side cushion and setting up a little pillow wall with one of your hands. “Love you, Simon.”

He breathes in deeply, pressing a kiss to your forehead. His arms go around your waist, hands cupping around the side of Gregory’s body. “Love you too.” Simon waits until both of you are asleep first before closing his eyes. His mind drifted into how lucky the two of you were to have Gregory now as sleep took over.

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8 months ago
Ghost Fics By Other Creators
Ghost Fics By Other Creators
Ghost Fics By Other Creators

Ghost fics by other creators

Ghost Fics By Other Creators
Ghost Fics By Other Creators
Ghost Fics By Other Creators

Red= dark fic

Orange- fem reader

Green- g/n Reader

Purple- male reader

? - I’m not exactly sure

(I’ll keep adding DONT get mad bc there may be more than others..)

Goth reader - @v1x3n

Meeting Soap - @lovifie

Mermay - @pieckyghost (Johnny included)

Chain breakers - @bunnys-kisses

New recruit - @batfleshh

Tamed - @batfleshh

Lieutenant ghost - @ltash

Ink and needle - @gloomwitchwrites

Older boyfriend - @afatkidclub ?

Simon and his cat - @xoxunhinged

Self aware Simon - @puff0o0

Childhood bsf - @going-to-ikea-for-the-fries

Enemy’s? - @v1x3n ?

House of the rising sun - @vanderilnde ?

Late night visits - @batfleshh

Open the door to another door - @spicyspiders

Hours in silence - @sarahs-secrets2

Bury me beneath the basswood tree - @vanderilnde (Johnny included)

Ghost buster - @going-to-ikea-for-the-fries

Through me- @peachesofteal

Bimbo Reader x Ghost - @tojisun

Poking - @ninothebirb

I’ve got u sunshine - @lostquinn

Gold rush- @midnightarcheress fem reader

Wedding headcannons - @azereus (gaz included)

Affection - @batfleshh

Bunny Reader x Ghost - @pieckyghost

Mermaids - @peachesofteal fem reader

Only dinner - @astroknottt

Dumb cat - @writingoddess1125

Queens guard - @danibee33 fem reader

You fall asleep on him - @witchthewriter (tf141 included)

Rigor mortis - @b33zlebubz fem reader

Bimbo Reader - @yawnderu

Pictures he sends you - @cntloup

Simon being a light sleeper- @ghvst-ing

He saves u from creeps - @cntloup

Times you made him cry - @rodolfoparras

Bigger - @batfleshh

It’s a match! - @going-to-ikea-for-the-fries (tf141 included)

Take it all - @vivwritescrappythings

Him being vulnerable - @midnightcrw

Ur angry - @rodolfoparras

Idk how to title this.. - @shuosen

Bunny Reader x Ghost - @pieckyghost

Barracks bunny - @fortheb0ys

Zombie ghost - @simp4konig

Ghost backstory - @waiting-so-long

Whipped Simon - @c3berus

Dividers by - @cafekitsune

Header by - Pinterest

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7 months ago

Can somebody help me find a fic 😶

I needed to add it to my master lists and forgot..

It was “ congrats general “ or congratulations idk it was ghoap x Male reader I needed to add it so soap and ghosts masterlists but forgot..

Anyways thank you 🤍

Last time y’all helped so much 😭

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10 months ago
Our Desires Werent Meant To Be .
Our Desires Werent Meant To Be .
Our Desires Werent Meant To Be .

Our Desires Weren’t Meant to Be .

𝐢. GHOAP x MALE READER — FILE DEBRIEF : Angst , Hurt No Comfort General Audience MLM Content is Unwarned but Warnings could apply One-Shot — FILE COMPLETION 100%

“I was never meant to be yours even though I wish I was. I never had a special place in your hearts, so I’ve moved on for the better.” “And here we were wishing you were ours all this time. Yet it seems we were to late to even have a chance to love you like we’ve both been dreaming of. We’ve been waiting for this moment for months for it to only remain a fantasy in our hearts.” WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONTINUE ?

Our Desires Werent Meant To Be .





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10 months ago
In Love And Out Of Love .
In Love And Out Of Love .
In Love And Out Of Love .

In love and out of Love .


— FILE DEBRIEF : Angst , Hurt No Comfort General Audience MLM Major Character Death One-Shot — File Completion 100%

Simon “Ghost” Riley’s words are so bold, yet yours don’t need to be to speak volumes. And in the end, Your words could only do so much, while his words only ever reached the wind no matter how bold.


In Love And Out Of Love .





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