toytel-mod - Strangely Working
Strangely Working

All the time.

496 posts

Ralik Uncolored. Reason For His Design Is By How He Is Mostly A Flame User Unlike His Brother Toytel.

Ralik Uncolored. Reason For His Design Is By How He Is Mostly A Flame User Unlike His Brother Toytel.

Ralik uncolored. Reason for his design is by how he is mostly a flame user unlike his brother Toytel. Ralik is the type of fighter whom will at all cost win a fight at his best if pushed to a bigger limit. He can combust into flames, but mostly leaves his lower half with skin since the flames do burn clothing and will leave him out... Yeah... So yeah, Ralik, twin brother of Toytel. Fire user. Leaving it inked for anyone to color in if they wish.

  • ask-ghostly-mist
    ask-ghostly-mist liked this · 9 years ago
  • latenightfallon
    latenightfallon liked this · 9 years ago

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