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496 posts
Toytel-mod - Strangely Working - Tumblr Blog

Concept car sketches people requested me multiple times. I can't even draw any designs for myself so I needed a ton of references. >~

So it's a first I turned a sketch into full on shading and coloring in gimp 2.0. I'm amazed from what I've done without much practice. >.>

Bask on his burning glory! Anime Forrest Byrnes Senpai!
Thought I heard ya say chaos. :3

Where did that even come from?!
-Those 3 asks from like 2 years ago (sorry D: Hope you don’t mind me using em now)
-That recurring joke since pretty much the second post of this blog (still relevant)
-That one screaming face I did also like 2 years ago (I’m surprised it came in handy again)
-Non-foresty background, for once (seemed appropriate)
-Discord’s face (just the face)
-That one recent ask which I had no idea how to answer to, so it made me think of combining it with other old asks to make something half-decent instead of completely boring
-The collar tag which actually moves on every. Single. Freaking. Panel
-My new kitten that walked on my keyboard and somehow made my browser go back and lose all this crap I had written (seriously, she even went past the “are you sure?” confirmation message. How?!)
Asks @ask-flux-chord and @toytel-mod))
Looking at this program is so much better than Anime studio debut so i recommend getting this when it’s available!
Studio Ghibli’s animation software will be made available via open source this month.
That’s right…💯% free.
Read more on CartoonBrew.com
Eddy's Fun Hell Trailer. New animated series coming soon!
Did the tumblr staff touch minecraft?

what a beautiful day in Minecraft updates are cool
A+ for drawing it in MS paint! :O
✍ Fite Me

It can't be chaos without any bunnies! This is awesome Belgian! :D

@ask-flux-chord @ask-ghostly-mist @arrows-nock @toytel-mod

Ya know, after making the first sprite of a machine being I just couldn’t help myself but to create my group of friends machines into sprites as well. I’m very satisfied with how they all went. :D
@ask-flux-chord @ask-ghostly-mist @arrows-nock @awaffleiron

Oi, I’m in the big mood to turn blogs into these kinds of creatures for each “Like” there is, but maybe less reblogs since I don’t want to break a promise.
We can have them in either: -Sketched -Colored in by pencil -computer colored -sprites
Just put the request in my ask box and it’s all free!

Got really bored and created what I think of @ask-flux-chord and @ask-ghostly-mist blogs. As well as knowing them both personally. Guess whom is more brutal in a fight? :3

Oi, I’m in the big mood to turn blogs into these kinds of creatures for each “Like” there is, but maybe less reblogs since I don’t want to break a promise. We can have them in either: -Sketched -Colored in by pencil -computer colored -sprites Just put the request in my ask box and it’s all free!