tradermoe - tradermoe

29 posts

Tradermoe - Tradermoe - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

The Killer species dysphoria is making me think a lot about the "your soul is becoming more like mine" line

Yeah! Gets even more interesting if you go with the idea how some characters in Undertale eventually start not seeing Frisk as human.

Saying things along the lines of, “Hahaha... you're not really human, are you? No... you're empty inside, just like me. In fact, you're Chara, right?”

“My brother would really like to see a human. So it would really help me out... if you kept pretending to be one.”

“The way you shamble about from place to place...”

“Human... no, WHATEVER you are. For the sake of everyone's hopes and dreams... I, UNDYNE, will STRIKE YOU DOWN!”

“What kind of monster are you? Sorry, I cannot tell.”

I’d imagine Killer heard many things similar to these things during his and Chara’s Genocides, although more along the lines of no longer being a monster and not being Sans. And perhaps this is something Chara reinforced.

And considering how Stage 2 was said to exist in the state that it does precisely because Sans is fighting back against Determination, that makes it neither human nor monster. Stage 4 was described as “Chara wins, feels nothing.”

And during the Stage 4 comic, the Chara in Killer’s head commented that Stage 4 was “getting worse.”

Perhaps Stage 4 is exactly what Chara meant when they said Sans’ soul was becoming like theirs—something not monster anymore, not human either, the way they are no longer human.

The way they’re apparently the demon that comes when you call its name. However, Sans’ soul was fighting back—creating Stage 2; who certainly is like Something New Chara in terms of mindset, behavior, and a bit of personality (also said to be similar to Flowey as well.) Rahafwabas did describe Killer’s soul as a war between two souls— a monster soul, and a Determination soul.

I’d imagine this really does fuck with Killer a lot; especially when his body doesn’t match up with his identity, and his self perception. Could very easily lead to a lot of species dysphoria. A lot of, “What am I?”

{ @justanidiotartist }

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6 months ago


geno belongs to loverofpiggies

reaper belongs renrink

do not repost.

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6 months ago
Gamer Dust
Gamer Dust
Gamer Dust

Gamer dust

Murder/Dust by ask-dusttale

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6 months ago
Unfinished Flowey Drawing I Made Bleeghhhhhhh.....

Unfinished flowey drawing I made bleeghhhhhhh.....

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6 months ago
Got Around To Changing The Old Designs. Looks Much Better Now, The Conception Designs Were Pretty Impulsive,
Got Around To Changing The Old Designs. Looks Much Better Now, The Conception Designs Were Pretty Impulsive,

Got around to changing the old designs. looks much better now, the conception designs were pretty impulsive, these ones are now backed up by research lol

Got Around To Changing The Old Designs. Looks Much Better Now, The Conception Designs Were Pretty Impulsive,

FreeSprite!Dream by me

FreeSprite!Nightmare by me

Dream by jokublog

Nightmare by jokublog

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6 months ago

hey, how fucked up are nightmare’s legs? like, does he half to use tentacles to support himself sometimes, or are they fine unless he’s weakened? also, does Dream or any of his gang know thats his weak spot? does he even know himself but gaslights himself into believing he’s fine and not weak?

I just really like this headcanon and would love for you to share more about it <33

Extremely fucked up

As in, he will not be able to feel, or move them at all had it not been for his negativity goop fucked up

They’re mostly fine unless he gets weakened, even if weakened a little, it could cause him problems with using them

I say that they’re mostly fine cause i like to believe Nightmare can’t use them for long periods even when he isn’t weakened at all

That’s why generally you’d see Nightmare sitting if he doesn’t need to stand/walk or use his legs, he tries to keep them as comfortable as possible cause otherwise they’re gonna give him trouble

And while he can use his tentacles to support himself and even walk with them instead of using his legs, Nightmare prefers not to, as they are directly connected to his spine, which means any wrong move/jolt could cause him immense pain/discomfort, and that pain /discomfort can last for days before finally letting up a bit (so you can imagine the pain Nightmare is in after missions as Nightmare primarily uses his tentacles to fight)

In fact, I’d say Nightmare suffers from chronic pain when it comes to his back and legs

The thing about Nightmare tho is that he’s super used to pain, as there’s no pain worse than what he felt when he first got corrupted, and he lived with that chronic pain and the problem with his legs for over 500 years, so despite any pain Nightmare might feel, you genuinely wouldn’t know it cause it will not be apparent on him at all, like looking from the outside you’d think he’s pain free with how collected he looks

But of course, he’s just collected in front of people cause he absolutely would not want to look weak in front of anyone, when he’s alone he’s more open with the pain/discomfort he feels, and believe me it makes him mad

Nightmare is completely aware of his legs’ problem, he just tends to be in denial about it when they give him trouble, that’s why this panel exists in the “on the topic of kindness comic”

Hey, How Fucked Up Are Nightmares Legs? Like, Does He Half To Use Tentacles To Support Himself Sometimes,

Nightmare unfortunately tends to associate his disability with being weak, it’s half internalized ableism, and half trauma related response

So yes, he’s fully aware of it, he just tends to lie to himself about it, and that’s not really productive when it comes to making his life easier by admitting that he has a problem

Instead of taking measures to make sure his health is taken care of, he ignores the fact he’s disabled and mostly just does the bare minimum just to make sure he doesn’t get to a point in which he loses his ability to move them at all

Otherwise he just lives with his chronic pain and dysfunctional legs without giving them much thought, cause i mean, isn’t it normal to live with such pain and disability without any aids? (It’s not normal but Nightmare never got to know otherwise)

When it comes to others knowing about his disability, the only ones who know are Killer, Color, and Dream

Killer knows cause he tends to observe Nightmare like a lil lab rat, Killer knows so many things he shouldn’t about Nightmare (Nightmares is unaware of Killer’s knowledge of his disability), Killer keeps it to himself like he does with so many other things he knows about Nightmare

Color knows cause he saw Nightmare’s struggle with his ability to use his legs himself (on the topic of kindness comic), it was easy for him to put 2 and 2 together, Color never tells anyone about Nightmare’s disability, cause he doesn’t believe it’s his place to do so

Dream knows cause he’s seen Nightmare’s state after he’s injured by his positivity arrows, Dream knows Nightmare isn’t comfortable with his disability becoming common knowledge, and so he pretends he doesn’t know and keeps it a secret, it’s the least he could do as simple basic respect, he also doesn’t believe it’s his place to tell anyone about it

Otherwise, no one knows, Nightmare’s great at playing pretend after all

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6 months ago
Welll Well Well If It Isn't Good Ol Lazynick Forgetting To Update His Tumblr Once Again. Oh Well, Have

Welll well well if it isn't good ol lazynick forgetting to update his tumblr once again. Oh well, have my headcanon of Chara before falling.

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6 months ago
After Almost 7 Years I Finally Am Gonna Dig Into Nostalgia And Make The AU I Wasn't Able To.

After almost 7 years I finally am gonna dig into nostalgia and make the AU I wasn't able to.

I hope my younger self will be proud.

I named it WhichTale to be a play on words of which undertale AU it is because if you look down my history I tried making one in the first place. Cringe but it was very story-driven, just how I liked it.

I didn't go beyond what I had already made so I didn't post much.

Let's just say this is a whole ass reboot. A big one. Idk if I'll be able to draw for this AU as much but it will be more story-heavy.

I'm a little shy with posting my own stuff in a community as old as this, but since nostalgia has fallen into my hands I might as well revive this mess of an account.

(Ironically it was thanks to Undertale Yellow that it went back to my algorithm. Got me to realize I'm a better artist than I was and a not-so-bad writer, so why the heck not.)

Warning! The way lore and story plots will be a bit non-linear. If I ever make enough ill try to link it all up but for now it's gonna be a cluster fuck of a find.


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6 months ago
You Know How HP Can Stand For HOPE? I Wonder What His Hp Would Look Like After So Many Monsters (and
You Know How HP Can Stand For HOPE? I Wonder What His Hp Would Look Like After So Many Monsters (and

You know how HP can stand for HOPE? I wonder what his hp would look like after so many monsters (and humans?) wishing upon him?

I also think dream and wish would get along well :-]

Wish!-Hope!sans by @julia-jck

Dream by jokublog

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6 months ago
If You Guys Can Parse Through This Congrats T_T

if you guys can parse through this congrats T_T

developing and thinking about the doodlesphere and if it was populated instead of barren!

If You Guys Can Parse Through This Congrats T_T

Risk inspired this piece

If You Guys Can Parse Through This Congrats T_T
If You Guys Can Parse Through This Congrats T_T

Ink by comyet

Fellowmen/Genies by me

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6 months ago

Ok completely random, but I have a genuine question for any horror sans fans out there- Does it seem plausible, (in a Nightmare gang scenario) that horror would know how to cook?

I am all for him being the chef of the house but where would he have possibly learned that. His underground literally had a famine there was no food to cook.

Why is this just hitting me. Im so conflicted.

Chef horror vs Horror who has never made anything other than hotdog/cats and maybe ramen noodles in his whole damn life.

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7 months ago
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Click For Quality
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The promised horror^-^

Horror by sour-apple-studios

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7 months ago

As much as i do like doting horror where he is commonly cooking, taking care of members.

Realistically, I see him being hopeless in taking care of any other thing, where he can barely look after himself. If he was reintegrated into a relatively functional dynamic where food is plenty, he will still forget to eat and if asked to cook, wouldn't know a pot from a pan(not really but he certainly wouldnt know his way around a kitchen). His mind must be so very degraded from malnutrition and the state of his AU that any form of normalcy would take heavy conditioning to break his habits and compulsions

I even feel it might be rather cruel to get horror to cook anything anyway at least at the start of his emergence from his AU, it would surely be very overwhleming and uncomfortable for horror to suddenly be faced with an over abundance of the source of his loved ones misery and a reminder of his guilt and/or the way he has changed. Because if resources are at his fingertips, and he knows his AU truly didnt have to suffer, he must wonder what the suffered agony had all been for.

But then it could be discussed that because nm's members are not emotionally aware and would stick horror with a cooking job anyway, regardless of if he was of sound mind to do it, and horror will have to confront disjointed thoughts about it while somewhat unhealthily or forcefully dealing with his issues. So maybe he partially mends a relationship with food in that he can handle it, but its more of putting a bandaid ontop of a bullet wound, where the core damage hasnt been dealt with.

Im not sure if horror could ever go back to his selfless ideals at the start of his undergrounds doom. Where he would share anything he had to other monsters more in need. Im sure that well-loved and personable part of his spirit is still curled inside of him, but has been crushed to pieces after betrayal and burdened with the self fulfilling prophecy of sustaining his small community. I feel he is far too broken and self-loathing to truly go back, which entirely seperates himself from classic. This is why a healing narrative of horror would be so satisfying, you can completely deconstruct his thought processes from a horridly altered world.

Hmm why is he portrayed so fatherly or too-serious too? Or maybe too slow to get jokes or keep up in conversation? He would join in on the fun of killer, dust, etc. just as any other sans, do people forget his unnerving hand spike? How insane! Hes certainly not some wiser than his years guy or stickler for caring action, he seems sharp and witty and just as lazy as his original counterpart

Either way, i dont disagree about putting horror in a pretty pink apron :-3

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7 months ago
Hi So I Did This Like A Month Ago In Like The Biggest Spree Know To Man And Then School Started And It
Hi So I Did This Like A Month Ago In Like The Biggest Spree Know To Man And Then School Started And It
Hi So I Did This Like A Month Ago In Like The Biggest Spree Know To Man And Then School Started And It
Hi So I Did This Like A Month Ago In Like The Biggest Spree Know To Man And Then School Started And It

Hi so I did this like a month ago in like the biggest spree know to man and then school started and it got completely wiped from my mind BUT IT HAS 2 PANELS LEFT so i finished it

The idea is a littleee silly to me now but I think its just cause I forgot about it cause I did like the little concepts I had going on anyway its cross again love you cross have a good day cross miss you maybe ill go crazy about it again and make more someday lol

Hi So I Did This Like A Month Ago In Like The Biggest Spree Know To Man And Then School Started And It

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7 months ago

Oh, nightmares loathed weakness- dream knows him too well t.t he would see right through the bluff

NM is a little shorter than all of his primary subordinates BUT he has such an incredibly imposing aura that anyone around him doesn't notice this

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7 months ago

NM is a little shorter than all of his primary subordinates BUT he has such an incredibly imposing aura that anyone around him doesn't notice this

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7 months ago

Errorink is so interesing bc, what do you mean that while you were embraced by the multiverse and lead to a new life away from the one that hurted you so much that you killed yourself, what do you mean i lost the life that i loved so much, the life i finally thought i could have my happy ending without any more suffering and lost bc of my own curiosity.

Wdym we both have reborn in a white space, in the nothing, we both passes though the same thing but in the end we ended up in different sides, wdym that while you wanted desesperely to die bc you wanted to be something new, while i wanted to desesperely to live bc i didnt want to lose my old life

Wdym we both cant connect properly with people bc of how fucked up we are and see others, wdym that while im constantly feeling pain bc the multiverse is trying to delete the "Error", you cant feel pain and you got to be part of the multiverse in a way nobody else can, being connected to all universes and creators.

Wdym that we arent so different, but at the same time we are both the ends of one spectrum, that we complete eachother imperfections, that at the same time we are the only ones that can understand the one another.

Wdym we are both suicidal beings that are willing to do their jobs bc they are our only life purpose, the only way we think we can find joy, but at the same time the thing that is dooming us to our suffering


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7 months ago

I think NM would recruit other monsters/people than exclusively sans's. Maybe they wouldn't be permanent members but it would seem likely a classic chara would be approached by NM for them to visit him periodically, or when it suits them, to be temporarily contracted to him. I just cant think of what kind of leverage Nm has over Chara, or if he would have something others would want in exchange for their services. Maybe the deranged truly dont need anything in return, and are happy to exercise their brutality simply for the sake of it ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ hm

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7 months ago
Nim Is A Frisk Variant Of DreamTale*. Their Age And Sex Is Unknown. Nim Is A Witness To Their Motherlands'

Nim is a Frisk variant of DreamTale*. Their age and sex is unknown. Nim is a witness to their motherlands' invasion and occupation - They are an aboriginal population of Mesoamerica, specifically belonging to a culturally indigenous group long ago, and now forgotten by Nim, not to say that they don't often reminisce on something lost to their degraded memory. Immortality left Nim's recollection in ruin.

Nim has been reduced to just her arm these days /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ I've made him a very sad character

Nim by jokublog

Friskvar Nim by me

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7 months ago

In reference to my previous post! Its not really a 'swap dream' as he's known.

It is not an AT of dreamtale, but what i would imagine dream would come to be if hopes and dreams were seen to evolve into a toxic psyche. So essentially the same premise of swad but not so in the sense that this is 'corruption'.

This is possible for nightmare to become also (although overwhelmed by negativity instead), so both freesprite!dream and freesprite!nightmare would be able to exist in the same universe and time.

Its just a balance standard both twins have to mind unless they lose themselves to this transformation. The message is the same - leaning on one thing too much and it will eventually collapse under your weight

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7 months ago
Click For Quality

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My kind of version of swad

Design under construction ⚠️

More under ✂️

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this i created before i consolidated the design :/ it was a thought of a free spirited dream poisoned by surplus positivity (free sprite!(◕‿◕)). Its centred around themes of my own ideas about dreamtale design wise and fits into my own philosophy about a dreamtale rewrite

Click For Quality

A nightmare design too to keep dream company - NM was actually the first one involved in the conception of the free sprites 🎇 I tried to make them mirror eachother but have a distinct style too.

Coherent outfit model

FreeSprite!Dream by me

FreeSprite!Nightmare by me

Dream by jokublog

Nightmare by jokublog

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7 months ago
7 months ago
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I've been rooted in place

Nightmare by jokublog

Dream by jokublog

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