Jumpscare? - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Marcille x Male Reader headcanons!

Marcille X Male Reader Headcanons!

She leaves you for a woman.

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1 year ago

where’s that one photo of joe biden where he’s jumpscaring the camera like in fife nights ar freddys

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1 year ago

I went to check the notifications and got a jumpscare from NIGHTMARE WITH A PUMPED FACE

(Now I can't stop laughing at this help--)

Yaoi Nightmare, At The Request Of @swiftmitsu. Blame Them For This. :))

yaoi nightmare, at the request of @swiftmitsu. blame them for this. :))

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11 months ago

Apologies about the Intense Birb Jumpscare!

Once again, I love the wildly different interpretations we got out of this prompt (I suppose 'white bird' with some royal connections gave us quite a few options :D)

Now, caladrius definitely rings a bell, but it wasn't at all what I thought it was going to be a gryfalcon...

A photograph of the side of the head and upper body of a falcon. Its right eye is clearly visible, as is the profile of its curved, sharp beak, including the tomial 'tooth', a jagged part of the beak about halfway down that it uses to dispatch its prey. It is white, with yellow skin around its eyes and nostrils, and scattered darker patterning on its back.

It's the largest falcon species, of which one of the colour morphs is predominantly white, due to living in arctic tundra (I know that the bestiary authors specified it was completely white, but they also said that pelicans kill their chicks and bring them back to life, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).

It also has a royal connection - as I mentioned in my post, the 15th Century Book of St Albans includes an essay about falconry, including a hierarchy of birds and the social classes that were permitted to fly them, and gyrfalcon is listed for Kings... The accuracy of this is, if we're honest, probably limited, particularly when you consider that the appropriate bird to be flown by a Baron is given as one of these...

A photograph of a large bird with long, thick legs and a medium length neck. It has a slightly curved beak, and is standing in a field of grass. It has a short fan of feathers as a tail, and whiskery feathers below its eye. It is predominantly orange-brown in colour, with a white neck and underbelly, and a grey head. Its main feathers have black patterns on them.

(Okay, technically it says "Also ther is a Bastarde and that hauke is for a Baron", which could equally mean the somewhat more plausible 'Buzzard', but I know which is funnier ;) )

I also found out about the term 'Hierofalcon' today (a closely related subgenus of Falco which can often interbreed, includes Lanners, Sakers, and the Gyrfalcon), which sounds awesome :)

A cropped pen and ink sketch of the front view of the head of a bird of prey. It has a flattish top of the head, visible nostrils above its beak, and a very intense look.

Oh, there she is again! 👀🦅

Bestiaryposting Results: Glugreng

My apologies for posting a bit later than usual -- I was on the road most of the day for eclipse-viewing purposes, so it's already nighttime as I start this. (Update: and also Firefox crashed multiple time over the process of writing this post.) Anyway, we've got another vaguely-described bird, but one that I think has some interesting details.

If anyone isn't sure what this post is about, you can find an explanation at https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting. If you want to see the entry from which the artists are working, here is the link:

As a reminder, all previous entries in this series can be found at https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting . The bird called Glugreng,

And in general you can see all of this stuff as it posts at the tag "maniculum bestiaryposting", assuming Tumblr's search function wants to show it to you.

Art below the cut:

A drawing of a raptorial-looking bird with snow-white feathers. It is perched on a post, holding a fish and wearing anklets reminiscent of those used in falconry.

@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) continues to post very impressively-rendered beasts. Here, since the only physical detail we have about this bird is "white", they've decided to take inspiration from the fact that it is kept by royal households. Medieval nobility did keep birds, usually for falconry, so here we have a raptorial design. And look, it's caught a fish! Good work, bird.

Three drawings of a large bird with a prominent feathery crest and tail. In the leftmost drawing, it is on a perch over a bowl with a dollar sign on it, which is being used to collect its droppings. In the middle drawing, it is leaning in very close to a human face to make eye contact. In the rightmost drawing, it is shown in flight, silhouetted against the sun, with particles shedding off it in all directions.

@pomrania (link to post here) observes that cataract-curing excrement is probably pretty valuable and worth collecting, so here we see a bowl with a dollar sign placed under the bird's perch. Honestly my favorite part of this is the very intense, extremely-close-up eye contact depicted in the middle there. Something about the bird needing (or just choosing) to get really up in one's personal space in order to do the curative "looking in the face" thing is charming to me.

A pencil sketch of two birds. Both are peacock-like, with exaggeratedly large eyes. The upper one is captured in flight, head up and looking towards a cartoony sun, wings spread, with the peacock train partially depicted and partially dissolving into ash behind. The lower bird is an all white peacock sitting on a railing, with head turned back to look to the left, towards its tail. On its right side is the outline of a person, slightly leaned towards the bird.

@kaerran (link to post here) also went in the direction of "what kind of bird would be hanging around royal households" and landed on peafowl. There are a couple really clever design decisions here: it intentionally has very visible eyes so it's extra clear whether it's looking at you, and the "burning off the sickness" thing is represented as the feathers from its train being shed. (And thank you for including alt text.)

A songbird rendered entirely in white paint, wearing a golden crown as a collar.

@sweetlyfez (link to post here) went in an interesting artistic direction, I think: since the entry was very clear that the Glugreng is "white all over", she rendered it entirely in thick white paint -- I think the texture is quite cool. Also I love the crown-collar-thing; SweetlyFez notes that she's only seen that in heraldry, and I think that is the only place it really appears. (I've seen at least one piece of marginalia that had an animal wearing a crown as a collar, but I'm like 80% sure that's someone's heraldic device being put in the illustrations for whatever reason.)

A pen-and-ink drawing of a hawk-like bird staring directly into the metaphorical camera.

@cheapsweets (link to post here) jumpscared me a bit with this one. More very intense eye contact, but this time directed at the viewer. They also made the connection royalty -> falconry, and drew a bird of prey. For more details on their thought process, please see the linked post. I like the very intense eye contact conceptually, but also I keep scrolling down so it stops Looking At Me.

A digital drawing of a pelican on a green hill stepping towards the viewer with its beak wide open. The drawing is dominated by bright yellow, purple and pink colors. It is stylized like a cartoon. The background is done in gold foil with a medieval pattern. It is surrounded by a purple frame covered in yellow swirls.

@coolest-capybara (link to post here) has again drawn something that makes me smile -- the art style is of course amazing, and the straight-on view of the pelican just looks so charmingly goofy. They note that pelicans have "so much convenient space to store all your pesky illnesses," and now all I can think of is a medical version of that "Put Baby In Pelican Mouth" post. (And thank you for including alt text.)

A drawing of two small round white birds on a branch. They are nearly identical, except for a small spot of black feathers on the wing of the rightward bird.

@strixcattus (link to post here) was inspired by the bestiary's decision to state that the bird is "white all over" and "has no black parts" in the same sentence. Weirdly specific, right? So they decided to explore in their post why this repetition might be necessary -- regular readers of these posts may recall that Strixcattus writes modern-naturalist-style reinterpretations of these animals. I'm not going to tell you what they came up with. Go read the linked post. Do it.

In fact, you should read all the linked posts, and consider following any or all of the wonderful artists who choose to participate in this weird little exercise.

All right, Aberdeen Bestiary time. A couple people said in their entry that they think they know what this one is, and I am excited to learn what their guesses were.

A medieval manuscript illustration with a red-and-blue decorative border and a gold-foil background. The illustration shows a man wearing a crown, lying in a bed, looking unhappy. A bird is perched on the bedframe, turning to look at the crowned man. The bird looks pretty much like any of the other birds of prey in the bestiary, including an unusually long neck, except that it's entirely white.

Now, since this artist tends to draw raptors in a very standardized way -- this just looks like their eagle but all white -- it's probably not possible to recognize the bird in question from this illustration. However, of course, there's a much larger problem in the way of recognizing this species:

A gif of Brennan Lee Mulligan on the show Game Changer, saying, "this is not a real bird."

This entry is the caladrius, which does not exist. It's another one of those mythical critters that didn't really catch on in the modern era -- or a strange misunderstanding of a real animal, like the salamander was, but honestly those aren't so much distinct categories as far as I'm concerned.

On the other hand, if you have similar Internet Experiences to me, you might have recognized it just now -- as soon as I saw the Aberdeen Bestiary illustration, I had a moment of "hang on, is that..."

A screenshot of a webpage showing a very similar illustration. The art style is slightly different and less richly illuminated, and the bird is standing directly on the person's chest as the two face each other. Accompanying the image is the following text:

MONK #1: what kind of bird tucks people into bed at night
usually I mean
MONK #2: any bird
any kind of walking bird
MONK #1: and when it tucks you in, people usually look…
MONK #2: incredibly worried
it’s incredibly worrying when the bedbird tucks you in

The above is from the 2015 article "Two Medieval Monks Invent Bestiaries" on The Toast. You can check it out here:

A willing foe, and sea room.

(The author is now Daniel M. Lavery, but the byline on the linked article still says "Daniel Mallory Ortberg", probably because The Toast has been defunct for several years so nobody is updating these things.)

Anyway, the "bedbird" is indeed the caladrius. I was able to find the image from the Two Monks article by looking through the gallery attached to the "caladrius" entry on bestiary.ca (which has 94 examples, so it's clearly reasonably widespread). The bedbird comes from British Library MS Sloane 3544. And... I'm going to leave it up to y'all whether you think this should end with the "i've connected the two dots" gif or that quotation about the mystery no one thought was a mystery. It's late, goodnight.

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1 year ago

Kagekao: We should jumpscare Jeff!

Zero: Oh my God yes! I've never tried that before.

Zero: *Hides in a bush with only her legs sticking out.*

Kagekao: *Crawls on the cieling and waits.*

Jeff: *Walks by.* Zero? Are you alright?

Kagekao: *Lunges down and scares Jeff.*

Jeff: *Screams like a little girl.*

Zero and Kage: *tumbles around, laughing.* You laugh like a little girl!!!

Jeff: *Unsheiths knife.* I will not forgive you for this.

Zero and Kage: *Run off giggling.*

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10 months ago
Get Booped By Mr Fresh

Get booped by Mr Fresh

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10 months ago

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6 months ago
You Know How HP Can Stand For HOPE? I Wonder What His Hp Would Look Like After So Many Monsters (and
You Know How HP Can Stand For HOPE? I Wonder What His Hp Would Look Like After So Many Monsters (and

You know how HP can stand for HOPE? I wonder what his hp would look like after so many monsters (and humans?) wishing upon him?

I also think dream and wish would get along well :-]

Wish!-Hope!sans by @julia-jck

Dream by jokublog

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1 year ago

Me get Jumpscare by Hooverton!!

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6 months ago

Me normally watching a YouTube video: :)

The video being about someone with my deadname: what the fuckk??? ○_○

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10 months ago

boo- oof!

well... whoops...

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2 years ago

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11 months ago

for clarity, the scaled text says "aww yeah it's-a da grey blob time!!!11!!!!!!". yes, it's in comic sans.

Made In Mspaint Because I Didn't Want To Go Through The Efforts Of Making A Good Sona Reference (yet)

made in mspaint because I didn't want to go through the efforts of making a good sona reference (yet)

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