treymendoza18 - Big Man Trey Here
Big Man Trey Here

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↳ 3.15 chapter fifty: american dreams

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More Posts from Treymendoza18

4 years ago
MICHAEL EVANS BEHLINGAll American (1x02 - 99 Problems)
MICHAEL EVANS BEHLINGAll American (1x02 - 99 Problems)
MICHAEL EVANS BEHLINGAll American (1x02 - 99 Problems)
MICHAEL EVANS BEHLINGAll American (1x02 - 99 Problems)

MICHAEL EVANS BEHLING All American (1x02 - “99 Problems”)


MICHAEL EVANS BEHLINGAll American (1x02 - 99 Problems)

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6 years ago
Mi Cumpleaos Est Cerca Y Mama Prometi Que Traera Un Mago Para Mi Fiesta. Ltimamente Ella Acta Muy Extrao

Mi cumpleaños está cerca y mama prometió que traería un mago para mi fiesta. Últimamente ella actúa muy extraño cuando papa y mi hermano mayor salen de la casa, pues una vez nos quedamos solos, ella cierra todas las cortinas y de forma precavida deja entrar a un joven a la casa, no me deja hablarle y me dice que solo es un amigo que a papa no le agrada y que era mejor que no le dijera nada a nadie.

El matrimonio entre mama y papa no va bien últimamente, mi hermano mayor dice que mama ya no ama a papa y es probable que se separen. Yo no quiero eso y sabía que el joven que mama siempre entraba a la casa tenía mucho que ver con eso.

El gran día había llegado, mi fiesta era genial y todos mis amigos del colegio habían asistido, mama nos dijo que nos preparáramos para la sorpresa principal pero teníamos que esperar un rato mientras que ella recibía un pedido, por supuesto yo sabía que ella iba a preparar la sorpresa así que no aguante las ganas y la seguí sin que se diera cuenta. Me asomé por la ventana y vi que aquel joven estaba dentro de la sala, no sabía que hacia aquí hoy, ya que papa estaba en la fiesta, así que decidí esconderme por fuera de la casa para que no me viera y con ello poder saber que era lo que pasaba entre él y mama.

Mi Cumpleaos Est Cerca Y Mama Prometi Que Traera Un Mago Para Mi Fiesta. Ltimamente Ella Acta Muy Extrao

En seguida paso lo impensable, él le dijo a mama que era hora de que todos se enteraran de lo que ocurría entre ellos, mama dijo que en la fiesta no y salió de ahí un poco nerviosa. Una vez que se quedó solo en la sala, empezó a desvestirse, susurro que si ella no quería demostrarle su amor ante todos, él si lo haría frente a papa. Yo estaba muy triste porque papa se acercaba y si lo veía ahí desnudo, mi familia se destruiría.

Mi Cumpleaos Est Cerca Y Mama Prometi Que Traera Un Mago Para Mi Fiesta. Ltimamente Ella Acta Muy Extrao
Mi Cumpleaos Est Cerca Y Mama Prometi Que Traera Un Mago Para Mi Fiesta. Ltimamente Ella Acta Muy Extrao

Debía actuar rápido, no sabía que hacer así que empecé a llorar, de repente todo se puso blanco y una voz me dijo “para proteger los vínculos que más amamos, debemos hacer sacrificios” cuando volví a tomar consciencia, ya no era yo, estaba en el cuerpo de ese joven y estaba desnudo en la sala de mi casa.

Comprendí que el sacrificio que debía tomar para proteger el matrimonio de mis papas era dejar de verlos y el de él era tener que ver a mama todos los días y ver el matrimonio entre ella y papa. Pero antes de eso debía salir de ahí sin que me viera papa o todo estaría arruinado, busque rápidamente sus boxers y me los puse, me escondí detrás del sillón esperando que no me vieran y cuando todos salieron corrí hacia las ventanas, cerré las cortinas para que él joven y nadie me viera dentro y busque ropa porque mama se había llevado la que el joven traía puesta.

Mi Cumpleaos Est Cerca Y Mama Prometi Que Traera Un Mago Para Mi Fiesta. Ltimamente Ella Acta Muy Extrao

 Una vez vestido hui para nunca volver. Sin embargo, no puedo negar que ser este chico se sentía bien, por alguna razón sentía una sensación que me causaba placer, bueno, lo que viene será conocer esta nueva vida y conocer este nuevo yo, la vida trae muchas posibilidades.

Mi Cumpleaos Est Cerca Y Mama Prometi Que Traera Un Mago Para Mi Fiesta. Ltimamente Ella Acta Muy Extrao
Mi Cumpleaos Est Cerca Y Mama Prometi Que Traera Un Mago Para Mi Fiesta. Ltimamente Ella Acta Muy Extrao
Mi Cumpleaos Est Cerca Y Mama Prometi Que Traera Un Mago Para Mi Fiesta. Ltimamente Ella Acta Muy Extrao
Mi Cumpleaos Est Cerca Y Mama Prometi Que Traera Un Mago Para Mi Fiesta. Ltimamente Ella Acta Muy Extrao
Mi Cumpleaos Est Cerca Y Mama Prometi Que Traera Un Mago Para Mi Fiesta. Ltimamente Ella Acta Muy Extrao
4 years ago

Never Going Back

I’ve had a crush on Miguel for months now. He was so big and so sweaty, everytime I saw him out mowing his lawn it drove me crazy. I knew since the day I laid eyes on him, he would be mine, but little did I know that those words would eventually come true.

I had to lie in wait until the perfect moment came, as Miguel and I weren’t close at all. He was a muscly jock who I saw bring home bitches every night and I was a miserable fat pig who lived alone. After a few months, I had finally memorized his routine enough to pull off the moment I had been waiting for.

It was the fateful Saturday morning that I had been planning for months. Every Saturday at 8 a.m., Miguel goes out and buys groceries for himself, and comes back around 9:30 a.m. He has been doing this exact routine for months now and I was confident I could sneak in, get what I needed, and get out without anyone noticing. He didn’t have an alarm system and I had been learning to pick locks for months. I was confident that my scheme would pull off smoothly.

I sat in front of my window, watching as the tattted stud left his house in his sweat-stained gym clothes for a run to the local supermarket. He put his earphones in, locked his front door, and jogged down the street until he was out of sight. Instantly, I pounced, leaving my house from my back door and as stealthily as my fatass could, got to his front door. Of course, it was daylight out, but most people in our neighborhood didn’t start the day until 10 so I didn’t need to worry about someone seeing me.

Taking out my lock picks from my pocket, I tried the method I had been learning and practicing from youtube and to my surprise, it worked. I smiled mischievously, entering his house and shutting the door behind me.

The inside of his house was, disorganized. His walls were filled with plaques from his soccer days and smelly clothes were tossed around the floor. I was cautious not to move a single item as I tiptoed to his bedroom. I checked my watch, taking note of the time being 8:30. I wanted to hurry up, just incase he came back early, but just being inside of Miguel’s house was turning me on.

I crept into his room, trying my best to keep my raging boner in control, but his room’s scent perfectly matched Miguel’s musky odor. It was a somewhat large bedroom, with a closet in one corner, a messy desk with scattered papers covering it, a large bed he’s had copious hours of sex in, and posters of women in bikinis plastered upon his walls. I opened his closet drawer, and took in the pure scent of sweat and men from his unwashed gym clothes. The erection in my pants grew bigger, as this was my first time attempting anything like this.

Rummaging through his clothes, I finally found what I needed, a pair of unwashed, cum-stained underwear. My smile grew big as I brought the pungent undergarments to my nose and took it all in. The scent of drying cum, most likely from this morning, the smell of his hairy creamy balls, and the odor of his thick latino cock. My cock was driving my crazy as I ripped the clothes off my body until I was ass naked right inside Miguel’s manly room.

I looked down at my fat covered body, immediately turning myself off. I was disgustingly obese, not even having my first kiss yet, and I was disappointed in who I was. Careful not to tear it, I carefully slipped into his cum filled boxers, instantly turning my boner back on. I moaned aloud, almost jizzing myself to the fact that I was living out one of my deepest fantasies. I started to rub my cock through his tight underwear, letting precum flow out and mix with Miguel’s own sperm. I stroked my pathetic 4 inch meat back and forth, thinking about how Miguel had done this before, and about just Miguel himself; his sexy muscles and sweaty body from his gym sessions and the bulge in his pants I saw when he got the mail. Even his Miguel’s accent turned me on, as well as his fuckable ass. I kept thinking about how I would worship Miguel’s body if I could just get the chance, running my tongue across his muscles and slobbering up his sweat and musk. Finally, I creamed inside of his underwear, letting out a moan as the sperm left my cock and filled the tight drawers I had been dreaming about for years. I breathed a sigh of pleasure and excitement, ready to leave his house until I heard the front door open with heavy footsteps coming in.

I frantically checked my watch, and realized that it was 9:32 a.m. “Holy shit.”

“Huh?” said a confused, accented voice downstairs. I had forgotten to lock the front door again after I had broken in, and Miguel had most likely realized that by now. I prayed that maybe he would think that he forgot to lock it, but he set down his groceries at the kitchen, opening one of his drawers and taking out what I presumed to be a knife.

There was no way out for me, the only place I could go through was the front door. I was heavy, loud, and noticeable. There was no way I was getting out of this unless I changed my plans. I left his room, thudding heavily across his carpet floor.

“Come out puto!” Miguel taunted in his sexy, deep voice and mexican accent.

I walked into the room, wearing nothing but Miguel’s boxers, and began the final act of my plan.

Never Going Back

There he stood, the man I had been in love with for so long. I got turned on at the sight of his juicy tits and muscles, he was shirtless and it was driving me crazy.

“Who the fuck...aren’t you my neighbor! What the hell are you doing in here cabron!” He demanded insultingly.

I gulped, took a deep breath, and started to explain myself. “Listen, dude, I’m sorry. I’ve just had a rough couple of months and I sort of developed a crush on you. Miguel...I...I’m so sorry-“

His eyes widened at my proclamation, backing away from me slowly, heading towards his phone. “W-what the fuck bro.” He scanned my body, finally realizing that I was naked, and that I was still wearing his underwear. “Pinche pendejo! Is that my fucking underwear you faggot?”

“Y-Yes but Miguel I-” I stammered embarrassingly.

He had backed away enough to get to his phone and I realized what he was going to do. “I’m fucking calling the cops bro, you’re insane!”

My eyes widened with embarrassment, fear, and anger. My whole face turned red as he began to dial the number in his phone. I didn’t know what to do, trying to figure out what to say in time I blurted out something off the top of my head.

“M-Miguel you’re mine!”

It didn’t make sense at all, and instantly I regretted saying that, but as I said those words magic began to happen.

There was a whoosh of magical power that surged throughout the room as Miguel’s boxers started to glow. The words had somehow activated the mixture of semen inside of the undergarments, and a spell was casted by my fervent wish to own him. Instantly, Miguel dropped his phone onto the counter top and started flying towards me as if there was a vaccum sucking him in. His whole body flew towards my cock area and as his toes made contact with his drawers, his body began to absorb into it.

Miguel screamed in horror as his entire body was turning his own underwear. His brown, toned skin turned into the comfortable fabric he owned. His muscles and abs thinned away as years of the gym disappeared. All of his energy drained away as his life force turned inanimate. The surge of energy was empowering me, I felt myself growing stronger and stronger the more he transformed and eventually all that was left of him were the boxers that comfortably fit my toned body. The magic had faded, and I blacked out.

I opened my eyes to the sight of the kitchen floor. My head was pounding like a bitch, and my body was aching like I had just gotten gotten out of the gym. I grabbed onto the countertop and pulled myself off the floor surprisingly easy, I felt stronger. I grabbed stood up, leaning on the stove with my eyes closed trying to remember what happened to me. As the pain in my head faded away, the memory of Miguel’s transformation became clear in my mind.

Frantically, I looked down at the boxers I were wearing, and let out a gasp as I realized what happened to me. Instead of the fat covered chest and man boobs that previously clung onto my body, I had prominent, juicy pecs and washboard abs. My whole chest and body was covered in a layer of shiny sweat, glistening under my bright kitchen lights. Instead of my small, shrimp like cock, I could see a giant bulge hiding under my tight, cum soaked boxers, and I wasn’t even hard. My legs were covered in a thick bushy layer of hair, yet they felt stronger, like they were trained for cardio. My feet were much larger than before, I could even smell the odor coming off of them from where my nose was.

“Could it be?” I whispered under my breath, running over to the closest mirror and checking to see who I’d become. Of course, it was Miguel.

I stepped away from the mirror in pure shock and horror, almost tripping on myself, I had become Miguel. I looked down at myself one more time, just to confirm what I was seeing was true.

Never Going Back

“H-holy shit,” I stammered in Miguel’s sexy hispanic voice, “I’m him-”

My thick latino cock instantly hardened at the realization of my new body, and it was an insane feeling. Just having huge fucking meat was a turn on for me, and I had to see it in action.

Hesitantly, I pulled down my sweaty cum-filled boxers, and my eyes widened at the sight. Miguel was hung like a fucking horse bro. Under the giant bulge was a hairy, uncut 12 inch cock. Thick, black curly pubes blanketed my crotch, turning me on even more. I wrapped my giant hand around my third leg, the full 12 inches of it. I groaned, feeling full control over my new body and cock, I was Miguel now, the man I was obsessed with for months. I was never going back to my old life, never. I stroked my cock slowly, moving up and down, feeling the euphoric sensation of having a big cock, before rapidly stroking the full of it. I started groping my giant, juicy tits with my right hand, rubbing my nipples over and over again. I kept jerking, fondling my sweaty pecs and smelling my musky pits. In seconds I came all over my floor with a final, manly grunt.

I took in some deep breaths, calming myself down after the pure euphoria I had just felt with my meat. I was Miguel now, and he was trapped inside his own pair of boxers for eternity, and he would never come back out.

I cursed under my breath, it was already 3 p.m., and Miguel I should be at the gym right now. I ran back to my room, each step causing my fat sweaty tits to bounce, and got dressed in my outside clothes, covering my massive bulge and the old Miguel in a pair of jeans I grabbed off the floor. “Sorry bro...” I said aloud to seemingly myself, but maybe somehow he was in there and conscious.

Never Going Back

I grabbed the unwashed gym clothes from my closet and stashed them inside my bag in a rush, as my sweat and musk was impossible to wash away anyways. I was Miguel now, and his life was now mine.

Slowly over the course of the next few weeks, my brain was adjusting to Miguel’s life. I knew his routine by heart, his body was easy enough to manage; a shower every week and jizz every 4 hours, even his dieting and work outs I adjusted to in a few days. As Miguel, life was perfect. I had even picked up a few hotties from the gym already, and each one of them asked to fuck again bro. It’s amazing being me, I kinda feel like I’m getting dumber though. Miguel didn’t seem the brightest but having to talk like a jock these past few weeks has been really affecting me dude. Fuck, is it effect or affect? Whatever bro, basically what I’m tryna say is that my life is amazing now and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. This attractive face, sweaty body, meaty pecs and biceps, manly musk, giant fucking cock, and even my new mexican heritage and culture are all so perfect. The old Miguel is just underwear now, and hopefully he likes the scent of my sweaty balls and cock because he’ll be there for the rest of my life, unwashed and filled with cum.

I’m Miguel now, and I’m...


Never Going Back


Never Going Back


Never Going Back
6 years ago

I love your work! Can you maybe make a story of somebody who switches bodies with Logan Paul?

Astor didn’t like to work out in front of the mirrors at the gym. Partially because that’s where all the asshole bodybuilders chose to lift, so that they could see their handsome reflections staring back at them as they pumped, but mostly because Astor didn’t have much of a reflection to stare back at. He wasn’t “un” attractive, he’d had boyfriends in the past who told him he was cute (and big where it counts), but by and large Astor tended to disappear into the crowd. He told himself he was unremarkable. And that’s how he stayed.

It was a Tuesday afternoon when Astor went in to run on the treadmill for a couple of hours. Usually, the gym wasn’t too crowded that time of day, but as he pulled up to the parking lot in his old Ford Explorer, he noticed there weren’t but two free spaces.

Inside, it was even worse. The gym was packed with dozens of people, none of which even looked like they were regulars, all sniffing around on their phones as if they were playing Pokemon Go.

“Did someone spot a Mewtwo in the saunas?” Astor asked jokingly to a young girl in her late teens.

She shook her head. “Even better. Someone said they saw Logan Paul here about an hour ago!”

The name sounded vaguely familiar. Some YouTube star? Astor thought to himself. Never mind. All he wanted to do was run in peace. He muscled his way through the crowd to the locker rooms.

Even those were crowded. This Logan guy must be pretty hot, he realized; the locker room wasn’t filled with the usual douche balloons who frequented the gym. These guys were clearly gay. Slimmer, happier, casually checking each other out as they searched around for just a glimpse of celebrity meat. Astor even thought he recognized a few from Grindr.

He tried to hide his ever-growing erection as he put his stuff away, stripped down, and headed to the showers. The gym had individual shower stalls, and Astor often went there just to clean up (and to lower his water bill). He picked a stall at the far end and tore open the curtain.

Something grabbed him and pulled him inside. Astor froze, as he was face to face with one of the sexiest guys he’d ever seen. Wavy blonde hair. A perfectly toned body. Jett blue eyes. He was wearing only a pair of red, withe & blue swim trunks, and even in the dim light of the shower, Astor could see his body was not his only asset.

“Shhhhh” the guy said as Astor was about to open his mouth. He didn’t even have to ask who the guy was. He already knew.

“Are you… what are you—?”

“There’s no time to ask,” Logan said. He was quivering with fear. “I need your help with something man. I need you to help get me out of here.”

“Um…” Astor said, “Sure.” This might be the strangest trip to the gym he’d ever taken.

“Great!” The guy peeked his head out, then back in. He pulled out his cell phone. “Alright, when you get a call from your number on here, I want you to say the word ‘flipswitch’ three times fast. You got that? You have to do it right away or the change might become permanent.”

“Yes… wait, what?”

“Practice it right now! We don’t have much time.”

This was fucking ridiculous. Still, if it meant helping this guy out, Astor was willing to do anything. “Flipswitch flipswitch flipswitch,” he said.

And then everything went fuzzy. Almost immediately, Astor felt himself shoot up from 5’ 8’’ to almost 6’ 2’’. As he breathed in, he felt his body tighten itself, like he was going crunches, pull-ups and squats all at the same time. He felt the towel around him wrap around his legs to form a bathing suit, and he felt his now fully erect cock practically tear at the seems as it grew a full two inches longer.

But the strangest part? The guy infront of him was shrinking. Not only that, he was gaining Astor’s ashy brown hair and stubbly beard. His body put on some bulk and fat as his six pack vanished and his swim trunks turned into the towel Astor was just wearing. Just a second later, and he was looking at himself.

“Damn man,” Astor’s body said, “you’ve got to hit the bench a bit more if you know what I mean.”

“I… I…” Astor’s voice had grown a bit deeper. He felt more masculine in Logan’s body. More alive.

“No time to talk,” Logan said opening the curtain, “keep your phone on you, and remember to say it three times when I call!”

Just like that, Astor was alone. Or was he Logan now? He didn’t have much time to think, because after just a second of staring through the curtain, one of the guys spotted him.

“Hey! I found him! I found him OVER HERE GUYS!”

Logan froze. Everything seemed to click into place and he realized that if he didn’t run soon, he’d have a hoard of guys over him in a matter of seconds.

He sprinted out of the locker room, brushing past guy after guy, shouting after him for autographs, pictures, and even blowjobs. Logan tried to ignore them, but as he ran, as he felt his body in action, his slim muscles growing sweaty in the locker room mist, his pecs heaving up and down with every breath, he only seemed to get hornier and hornier. Maybe letting the guys catch up to him wasn’t such a bad idea…

Finally, he burst out of the locker room door and found himself face-to-face with is reflection in the wall of mirrors he’d avoided for so long. He looked magnificent. His body was a work of art; everything down from his feet up to the curves on his face. He was overcome with a rare feeling of self congratulation unlike anything he’d ever experienced before. He wanted to fuck: all the guys in the locker room, all the hot celebrities he’d fantasized about. He even wanted to fuck himself.

Logan didn’t even notice the crowds of people gathering around as he moved doe eyed to the closest pull up bar. He nearly stared at his own reflection, watching those icy blue eyes caress the deep valley between his pecs, the seductive V leading down to the anaconda in his pants.

He lifted himself up with astonishing ease, and watched himself do a hundred pull-ups effortlessly in front of the gawking crowd. He became so transfixed with the image staring back at him, he didn’t even notice the phone buzzing in his pocket.

His mind was already starting to numb, filling up with workout knowledge, memories of his time being a Vine star. He thought about all the fun he was going to have with his fans in the locker room. He thought about shoving his massive dick down their eager asses as he would watch himself flex and moan in the bathroom mirrors.

The only bit of Astor he hung onto was a single word. It fluttered in front of him aimlessly, like a smoke screen image. Flip…. flipswi… flips…fli…

Ah fuck it. There were more pressing matters at hand, like which guy was going to experience the sheer volume of Logan Paul’s dick once he got off these pull up bars. If he ever got off, that is…

4 years ago


↳ 4.01 chapter fifty-eight: in memoriam 

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