this is the blog about my comedic fantasy rpg game idea, still in development, yokei godneu: to be a hero
605 posts
Basically Do You Perfer The Jester Design,
Basically do you perfer the jester design,

the issun boshi design,

Or would you prefer something else
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Press F to pay respects for gangle

Just did a quick Caine sketch pls reblog not repost
If anyone likes this tell me who to do next
When tami was younger than she is even now for her species, tami was smaller than a snowflake, around the same size as the micro froggit, believe it or not, but that small size did allow her to survive suprisingly well, despite being alone.

This is nunvi.ko, one of the worshipers of earthy: the goddess of life, nature, and flora in yokei godneu. Nunvi.ko is a rather werid fella, who wishes for all things good across pheron, of course worshiping the goddess earthy, and acting as their guide or envoy. She is not that important of a character, compared to rest of the cast, but she is rather an interesting character to say the least, acting as a guide for the party. More peaceful than earthy, nunvi is on the lawful good side, and hates people how litter or damage the environment like her goddess.

Tami: since so few people voted, tristarnova is going to ignore this decision, and just go with their original idea of around like 8-9 main areas which spilt the contient of terranum into 9 sections, and the tutorial area, outside it.

As they said, there will probably be dlc too, on top of a tutorial area like 7 other areas.