Supernatural Rpg - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Everyone’s talking about Ib, and Corpse Party, and The Witches House.

But does no one remember Pocket Mirror???

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8 months ago

For info about the light stones, they are mysterious magical artifacts, which can produce light of their color, and there is one for each color of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, with maybe more light stones. Gofurias’ theft of the light stones is what starts the primary plot of the main story in yokei Godneu, if sometime early on is the winner, the light stone theft plot won’t kick in right away, once the story starts. The other two will have the light stone theft plot start basically right away.

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7 months ago
Tami: Since So Few People Voted, Tristarnova Is Going To Ignore This Decision, And Just Go With Their

Tami: since so few people voted, tristarnova is going to ignore this decision, and just go with their original idea of around like 8-9 main areas which spilt the contient of terranum into 9 sections, and the tutorial area, outside it.

As They Said, There Will Probably Be Dlc Too, On Top Of A Tutorial Area Like 7 Other Areas.

As they said, there will probably be dlc too, on top of a tutorial area like 7 other areas.

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7 months ago
Say Hello To Bapho, The Traveling Merchant Of Yokei Godneu, And The Planet Of Pheron. A Mysterious Figure

say hello to bapho, the traveling merchant of yokei godneu, and the planet of pheron. A mysterious figure how sells a wide variety of magical items, bapho hides their true appearence form everyone. Suspicious as ever, bapho does make good deals for their items, and they usually work as intended, though often these magical items have to do with transformation. Purely chaotic, bapho doesnt have any sort of allegiance with anyone and anything, it’s not even sure what their gender is, all that is know is that they are not human. Bapho is always accompanied by a pet slime that they use to make their various transformation potions and objects, I can’t show it in this photo, but I promise, you will see them later.

What is below is spoliers for yokei godneu

Bapho like her name suggests is actually a powerful baphomet, the demon species of sloth, how actually is doing something, equipped with a powerful scythe in her true form, bapho is rather powerful for a Demon. However, despite this, bapho is a peaceful baphomet, just preferring to sell stuff, than fight, unless she has to, and bapho isn’t even her real name, she just uses it to respect the leader of the baphomets, though I haven’t come up with it.

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7 months ago

Allow me to introduce Alice/alex, how I would say are the player character of yokei godneu, as the player is not actually in the action of yokei godneu. You are alice if you choose female, and Alex if you choose male, with you being able to choose between either one are agender. They aren’t seen during the main story of yokei godneu, acting as the voice of the player, how helps the group and the narrator of yokei godneu. Major Spoliers for the designs of the player characters/narrators are below, this is important to the plot of yokei Godneu, and reveals a major plot piont in yokei Godneu: to be a hero, and that you don’t know about until one of the last areas, so don’t look below

Allow Me To Introduce Alice/alex, How I Would Say Are The Player Character Of Yokei Godneu, As The Player

They are the ones reading the book of yokei godneu in the real world, allowing them to act as the narrator to the party, working at a book store, discovering the crystaline book, known as yokei godneu. When the final boss of yokei godneu is defeated, during the credit cutscene, the party discovers the copy of yokei Godneu in the book itself, and meet up with Alice/alex, leading into the postgame exclusive area, and the dlc areas of yokei godneu.

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7 months ago

Passive Monsterization Yokei Godneu

This goes over the passive type of well monsterization, or natural monsterization, the process of something that isn’t a yokai of slime becoming one of those species, I will post about the types of monsterization later.

Monsterization is a strange process in Yokei Godneu: To Be A Hero, and is the result of objects and animals absorbing excess magic produced by the emotions of sentient beings.

Magic is primary the source of all sentient life in yokei godneu, without magic, nothing can’t be sentient, as such, all beings how are sentient can use magic.

Emotions, primarily the emotion of love, also produce small traces of magic, and can power magic up. This is how monsterization primarily works.

Monsterization is the process of an object or non sentient organism turning into a yokai, due to them absorbing residual magic around the area, transforming them into a yokai, or tsukumogami.

For objects, enough emotions towards the object will trigger the monsterization process, with them gaining the ability to move on their own, slowly and steadily gaining a soul, and becoming a tsukmogami.

Tsukumogami are artifical yokai that are born through the object passive monsterization process, mostly the result of an object going under either type of monsterization, leading to a wide variety of their appearance for the tsukumogami class of yokai

For animals, it’s a little different, animals already have a soul, so the magic is more of a steady process, they will start walking on two legs, and gain the ability to speak, slowly and steadily turning more humanoid over time, soon turning into the yokai corresponding to their species.

Plants and mushrooms combine the two methods, gaining a soul like the tsukumogami, and turning more humanoid over time, the process completing with them, fully turning into the yokai of their species.

As explained previously in slimes: yokei Godneu monsterization also turns liquids into slimes made of their liquid, despite them not being yokai, probably because slimes can be made of any sort of liquid, and can speed up by using magic.

This mainly explores the regular old passive monsterization of yokei godneu: to be a hero, basically things that aren’t sentient becoming sentient species, there is another type of monsterization, but I’ll explain that later.

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6 months ago

The tutorial area/prologue Of yokei godneu: welcome to welcome island

The tutorial is the only area where Gofurias does not appear to the party in the main story, as the light stone plot line doesn’t start, until you leave the tutorial area, acting as a simple introduction without any real story presence, basically acting as the calm before the storm

The light stones being stolen would be mentioned, so you have a goal in mind, but gofurias and his allies wouldn’t appear in the tutorial area, plus there also isn’t any light stone in this area too.

As for the area, it is welcome island, an island outside the continent of pheron, it’s a rather peaceful island compared to the more wild continent of terranum, that most of the game takes place on, consisting of a peaceful town and marketplace for all adventures.

Welcome island acts as a little checkpiont, before anybody how wishes to be an adventurer arrives on pheron, as the only safe way to get to terranum is through taking a boat there, so sailors often dropped off at welcome island and made it a community of sorts.

Enemies don’t appear through the 1st half of welcome island, with the tutorial taking place, before a quick miniboss fight against a training dummy, to test the player, after the training dummy is beaten, weak low teir enemies will start appearing.

Since there is no light stone on welcome island, the major boss fight instead occurs, due to the small party you have needing to move onto terranum proper, to get the light stones back form gofurias and his allies, on the only boat that is docked at the time, how has a grumpy old sailor, how doesn’t want the party to go to terranum, cause they just docked and fueled their ship, and was planning to stay on welcome island for a while.

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5 months ago

No matter what, you would basically gain a skill in either before you get the 1st light stone, if the 2nd option is the one chosen, these skills use cp, cp is shared by the whole party, meaning it can be used by everyone in it, and must be charged up, with each light stone skill using a different amount of CP.

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5 months ago

Boss battle idea: yokei godneu.

you see, my family use to have a pool at our old house, and had one of those cylindrical foam water guns, it kinda reminded me of an oni’s kanabo when extended, so that’s where the idea started forming.

So a swimming oni boss was formed, this boss would be fought inside a pool, or reservoir of water, in the boss battle, the oni would use the specially modified kanabo and the water around them to their advantage.

They would guard when not attacking, any attack they would take would push them back but do scratch damage, but eventually, after enough attacks, since pools get deeper the more you move away form the stairs, they would lose their footing, and become vulnerable.

However as damage is dealt, the oni boss will become bigger at specfic points in their healthbar, decreasing the damage you do, requiring more attacks to get them vulnerable, and also changing their attacks, to be more dangerous and powerful.

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5 months ago

If you get them until you get the final boss, confronting the final boss will be the main objective of the final area. If you get them form all the bosses, then you will finish the collection once the final boss is beaten. And if you get them for specfic objectives, then completing each area and beating the major boss will still give you one of them. Please put your ideas in the comments if you have any of course, but don’t just click it, cause that isn’t an option unless you actually have an idea.

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5 months ago

Info about yokei godneu

What is it

Past of yokei Godneu

Tutorial area




Light stones

Time in the joyous nexus



How are humans?

Not made yet

Yokei godneu phanteon


The book of yokei Godneu

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5 months ago

If you get them until you get the final boss, confronting the final boss will be the main objective of the final area. If you get them form all the bosses, then you will finish the collection once the final boss is beaten. And if you get them for specfic objectives, then completing each area and beating the major boss will still give you one of them. Please put your ideas in the comments if you have any of course, but don’t just click it, cause that isn’t an option unless you actually have an idea.

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5 months ago
All At Once Would Take Longer, As I Got To Recreate Them, 1 At A Time Would Take Less Time, But I Would

All at once would take longer, as I got to recreate them, 1 at a time would take less time, but I would still need to recreate them, I should tell you that the minibosses are probably not exclusive to their world.

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5 months ago
Not Sure If I Did This Before But, Just To Be Sure.

Not sure if I did this before but, just to be sure.

There will also be non elemental attacks of course, I’ve also gone for an even number cause you know, it’s an rpg game, so It will have elemental attacks.

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5 months ago

So it appears tami isn’t form yokei godneu, I do got an idea for this, luckily.

Ive Been Thinking Their Angelic Wings Might Be Fake And Just An Accessory. I Will Be Holding More Polls

I’ve been thinking their angelic wings might be fake and just an accessory. I will be holding more polls if certain ones are chosen, or this proves to do bad.

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5 months ago
Pheron Is Very Similar To Earth, So Thats Why I Am Asking, If Tamis Species Has Any Problems On Pheron,

Pheron is very similar to earth, so that’s why I am asking, if Tami’s species has any problems on pheron, they might deal with, these issues can be small as a different language to other problems, that don’t cause tami to die.

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