truthinlifetarot - Truth In Life Tarot
Truth In Life Tarot

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326 posts

There Are Some Jobs That Would Be Perfect For Me If Society Would Just Let Me To Be Me While Doing It.

There are some jobs that would be perfect for me if society would just let me to be me while doing it. For example, I would be a great personal trainer. But imagine getting your sets in at the gym and you hear a woman screaming at the top of her lungs “TRESPASS INTO THE DOMAIN OF THE GODS!!! DO IT!!!”

They’d throw me out and I’d be out of a job. But would my client have completed that workout? Abso-fucking-lutely.

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1 year ago

Who Has Something To Say To You?

Who Has Something To Say To You?
Who Has Something To Say To You?
Who Has Something To Say To You?

How to Pick a Pile? Some of us focus on the image that seems to call to us most, some intuitively choose regardless of picture. Don't overthink it. Choose whichever pile you feel called to. It may even be more than one!

Gif credit: @leah-jeffries 🔮Join Patreon for exclusive video readings and extended readings ❣️ PAC Readings and Shorts on Youtube 💖Check out Etsy for personal readings 🎉Donations and gifts are never required but always appreciated!

Who Has Something To Say To You?

Pile 1: This person may have broken your heart. There is a heaviness that they have given you and it has left you… sore, in a way, They may be a fire sign or make very quick and energetic moves. They are not very in touch with their emotions. I’m getting a masculine who, for example, goes to the gym instead of going to therapy. This person is kind of surface level in how far their ideals and emotions go. 💕Support me by becoming a Truth Seeker on Patreon, purchasing a reading, comment/like/share my content, or check out my work across the web!

Who Has Something To Say To You?

Pile 2: This person is very direct even if they are not always successful. They may have some status or be well off in some way. It feels like they want to lay some ground work with you, or to work with you towards something solid. This may not be the first time they have considered this, but this time there is a more resolute energy. 💕Support me by becoming a Truth Seeker on Patreon, purchasing a reading, comment/like/share my content, or check out my work across the web!

Who Has Something To Say To You?

Pile 3: This person is leaving something. They may have just come to a conclusion that something needs to come to an end and they are leaving the situation. This person wants to tell you, but not necessarily in a celebratory way. They want to tell you this raw truth of theirs and that they are looking to the future with their head held up, even if this stings for awhile. 💕Support me by becoming a Truth Seeker on Patreon, purchasing a reading, comment/like/share my content, or check out my work across the web!

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