uarmyhusband - You are the standard for Happiness ♡
You are the standard for Happiness ♡

Woofie 🐾 | 26 | He/They | Avid Fortnite player | Metalhead | K-pop multi-stan (ULT. BTS) | Ask/RP blog: fn-devilles

528 posts

Sled Not Included

Sled not included 🛷❄️

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More Posts from Uarmyhusband

3 years ago

Vaude and Elizabeth looked at each other, then back at Rosso and Casey. Vaude smiled and clapped his hands together.

“Alright! Let’s get this show on the road then,” said Vaude. He paused, then continued, “Though, money isn’t an issue when your partner can literally turn anything to gold.”

Vaude chuckled, and Elizabeth placed a hand on her hip.

“Yeah, you have all that bank and yet we still lived in a shack.”

Vaude shrugged. “Midas only gives me a certain amount as a weekly allowance.”

Elizabeth shook her head and sighed. “Anyway, we should probably start making our way to meet… Catalyst, was it?”

Vaude made his way to where he left his bag and picked it up. Elizabeth made sure that the bag and medicine inside were secured.

“Hey you two. It’s me Rosso. I got a new look and it looks like we made it to a new island or well that got flip over.”

🔴 Rosso McKnight

Deville Twins: Ross! Thank goodness you’re alright!

Elizabeth: That was something else… I knew the island was gonna be bad, but to be flipped over? It’s crazy 🙁

Vaude: (Sighs) Yeah.. We lost the shack. At least Lizzy and I were able to salvage some of our meds.

Elizabeth: (Nods) And then some. I’ve been doing some research and have come up with ways to make a health juice, sort of like slurp juice, and a healing mist.

Vaude: Now we can heal on the go, and we’re already distributing it to others as well. The only problem now is trying to find a new place to live 🤔.

Elizabeth: How are you and your people holding up?

Vaude: Yeah, what about the kingdom 😦?

Deville: Hope everyone is okay, and thank you for stopping in, friend 🖤.

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3 years ago
New Beginnings (Welcome To Artemis)

New beginnings (Welcome to Artemis) 🌅🏝

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3 years ago

Vaude cringed at the icy feeling of the water that cascaded over him. Elizabeth wiped a hand down her mask and the front of her black dress, unfazed.

“Jeeeeezz, that was cold!” Squawked Vaude.

Elizabeth helped him wipe the water off and murmured, “You’re fine. Stop being a baby about a little water.”

Vaude huffed and replied, “I don’t like water, I can't swim.”

He stopped mid-sentence as Midas approached him. Midas tried to apologize, but Vaude cut him off at the end of his sentence. “No, Dominic,” Vaude said sternly. He took a deep breath before he continued, “You had plenty of time to reject my advances and tell me what was going on from the beginning. Honestly, I feel very hurt that you hid this from me and I feel stupid for wanting to build a life with you. The next time you visited, I was going to discuss marriage because I loved you. I say loved because right now, I don’t know how I should feel after finding out that you had a wife all this time.”

Elizabeth sensed that Vaude was about to break down again, so she grasped his should and gently guided him a few steps back from the man in front of her brother.

[Part 1] @fn-devilles

“Oh wow thanks Elizabeth. This sure comes in handle. You know what would be great. A healing and drink item.” Rosso suggest an idea for them. “Also yes you can. Nero and my two brothers will be there. There names are Blu and Verde. Mostly Cat is pregnant and there girlfriends are there to help.” He adds.

“Though what would it be, for the drink to be? I mean I got this orange soda with me.” Casey holds out the soda and takes the healing spray and so did Rosso.

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