Fortnite Plague - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Reblogging from my main account

Me, during “The Device”, as my plague preset Vaude: Where’s Midas? Pls sir... I’m jus.. a thursty birb 🥺💛🥺

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4 years ago
CAPTION: [Photos Taken Moments Before Disaster.]
CAPTION: [Photos Taken Moments Before Disaster.]

CAPTION: [Photos taken moments before disaster.]

Taken from my last solo match before I went to bed the other night, where I got vibe checked by a freakin’ shark. Lesson well learned...

**I really want to re-draw these, without the reticle or health bar**

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4 years ago

Genius Idea or Bad Pun? (ft. DJ)

DJ: *talks about the new Silver Surfer stuff in the shop*

Me: *looking through the shop at the same time* Yeah, I think I just want the surfboard glider.

DJ: *nods* That would be cool.

Me: *grins* Okay, so my main skin is Beaky Boi™️ right? What if I used the surfboard primarily for him?

DJ: Okay??

Me: Then he would be a Surfin’ Bird!! *starts singing the song*

//He muted me in the Xbox party chat for a bit, as I quickly figured out, but it was well worth it 🤣//

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3 years ago

Sorry for the delay y’all. Yesterday my internet was down most of the day and today my family insisted on a hiking adventure (I got a lot of super cool photos from it). Without further ado, here are my character based presets!

(Let me know if there are any you want a bit more info on.)

Vaude Deville

First up, my pre-designed plague doctor OC: Vaude Deville (Plague) // Dumb-ass Birb Boi who seeks the love and attention of 1 Goldie Boi (Midas), My idiot child


Ricochet (Seeker) // Mercenary for hire, rumored to be a forgotten son of Chaos agent?


Beverly (Diamond Diva) // Pro dancer, loves Winter because the sparkling snow in the sun is similar to her sparkling sense of fashion.


Louis (Llambro) // Himbo to the max, loves Backstreet Boys, BTS, and smoothies, Best friends with Vaude, Has an imaginary companion named Louis Jr/LJ (burst case scenario emote)


Natalie (Wilde) // Friends with Beverly, The more adventurous friend, Will go exploring abandoned buildings while looking good doing so.


Phantom (Centurion) // Special forces, Expert of stealth tactics/Master at camouflage, Somehow has connections with Agent John Jones, Approach is discouraged, but is to be met with caution if mandatory.

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3 years ago
A Confused Father And Son Dont Know What Theyre Doing, So They Decide To Cook Instead??
A Confused Father And Son Dont Know What Theyre Doing, So They Decide To Cook Instead??

A confused father and son don’t know what they’re doing, so they decide to cook instead??

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3 years ago

You have to wear the same clothes your current icon wears every day for the rest of your life! How screwed are you?

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3 years ago

Sweet, Dumb Birb Boi

Elizabeth: Vaude found out he could sneakily stick post-its on people’s backs.

Elizabeth: But he doesn’t know they should say things like ‘Kick Me’, so they all just have smiley faces on them.

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3 years ago

RIP Elizabeth’s Sanity...

Elizabeth: [answering the phone] Hello?

Vaude: It’s Vaude.

Elizabeth: Oh god. What did he do this time?

Vaude *confused*: No, sister. It’s me, Vaude. Like, it’s actually me.

Elizabeth: ......

Elizabeth: What did you do this time?

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3 years ago

Introducing the HimBros (ft. Elizabeth Deville)

Elizabeth: I currently have seven empty notebooks and I have no clue what to put in them. Suggestions?

Vaude: Put spaghetti in it!

Elizabeth: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone except you.

Lewis: Put spaghetti in it!

Elizabeth *becoming irritated*: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone except for the two of you.

Bryce: Put spaghetti in it!

Elizabeth *seething*: I am no longer taking suggestions.

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3 years ago

Vaude does have a brain… Technically

Elizabeth *exasperated*: Vaude, you don’t have the brains needed for a procedure of this caliber.

Vaude: Sure I do!

Vaude: [comes running back with arms full of jarred brains] Tah-Dah!!

Elizabeth: Brother, where did you get those brains?

Vaude: [backs away slowly with his brains]

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3 years ago

So what do the birds do? Like what are there hobbies, work, and free time?

Deville Twins: Howdy! Thanks for the question friend! 👋🏻

Elizabeth: My brother and I both work as medical personnel on Apollo. I specialize in collecting herbs and mushrooms to produce natural health items.

Vaude: And I usually help the patients with basic first aid and cheering them up. (Whispers) Lizzy doesn’t really trust me with any sharp objects to do surgical stuff.

Elizabeth: 😑 For good reason, clutzo. As for hobbies, I sometimes like to sketch or bake sweets.

Vaude: And I love eating them 😋! But other than that, I’ve been playing the guitar since I was about 16 years old. My favorite genre to play is rock. Ouh! And I consider annoying my sister and lovely boyfriend, Midas, a hobby too!

Elizabeth: Unfortunately 😒. So yes, in our free time we engage in our hobbies, or even go on walks around the island. We both love nature, and hanging out with friends on our walks. You never know what adventures we’ll go on with this one. (Elbows Vaude)

Vaude: (Holds ribs) Hey! Meanie 🥺.

Deville Twins: Anyway, we hope this answers your inquiries! Please come back any time, friend 🖤

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3 years ago

Vaude Only Looks Like a Cinnamon Roll...

Vaude: Life will become death, and I will watch the crimson blood leak from your neck!

Guggimon: Dude, that little kid is hardcore goth.

Shadow!Midas: Hardcore goth.

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3 years ago
uarmyhusband - You are the standard for Happiness ♡

Vaude Only Looks Like a Cinnamon Roll...

Vaude: Life will become death, and I will watch the crimson blood leak from your neck!

Guggimon: Dude, that little kid is hardcore goth.

Shadow!Midas: Hardcore goth.

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3 years ago

Hello and they have pets? If they did what would it be?

Vaude: Lizzy, look! It's our friend again 😄!

Elizabeth: (Looks up from her book) Oh, hello again 👋🏻! How have you been?

Deville Twins: So the question is, "Do we have any pets?"

Vaude: Since being with my Goldie Locks, I sorta consider Meowscles as a pet. He *is* a cat after all, despite being a man-sized one 😅. Other than that, Lizzy is always getting onto me for keeping frogs I find in the swamps.

Elizabeth: That's because they're supposed to be for experiments, not to be kept as pets 😑.

Vaude: (Pouts) But frogs are cool 🥺.

Elizabeth: (Rubs a hand down her face) Vaude, I'm not having this discussion now... Anyways, with my work, I find that I'm too busy to care for a pet. If I *did* have one someday, though, it would be a snake because they're interesting and unique creatures. Plus they're cooler than frogs 😏.

Vaude: (Mumbles) I'll show you who's cooler...

Elizabeth: What was that brother ?

Vaude: Nothing 😳!

Elizabeth: Thought so.

Deville Twins: Moving on. Thank you for visiting us again friend, and remember: You are always welcome at the House of Deville! 🖤🖤🖤

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3 years ago

Vaude and Elizabeth looked at each other, then back at Rosso and Casey. Vaude smiled and clapped his hands together.

“Alright! Let’s get this show on the road then,” said Vaude. He paused, then continued, “Though, money isn’t an issue when your partner can literally turn anything to gold.”

Vaude chuckled, and Elizabeth placed a hand on her hip.

“Yeah, you have all that bank and yet we still lived in a shack.”

Vaude shrugged. “Midas only gives me a certain amount as a weekly allowance.”

Elizabeth shook her head and sighed. “Anyway, we should probably start making our way to meet… Catalyst, was it?”

Vaude made his way to where he left his bag and picked it up. Elizabeth made sure that the bag and medicine inside were secured.

“Hey you two. It’s me Rosso. I got a new look and it looks like we made it to a new island or well that got flip over.”

🔴 Rosso McKnight

Deville Twins: Ross! Thank goodness you’re alright!

Elizabeth: That was something else… I knew the island was gonna be bad, but to be flipped over? It’s crazy 🙁

Vaude: (Sighs) Yeah.. We lost the shack. At least Lizzy and I were able to salvage some of our meds.

Elizabeth: (Nods) And then some. I’ve been doing some research and have come up with ways to make a health juice, sort of like slurp juice, and a healing mist.

Vaude: Now we can heal on the go, and we’re already distributing it to others as well. The only problem now is trying to find a new place to live 🤔.

Elizabeth: How are you and your people holding up?

Vaude: Yeah, what about the kingdom 😦?

Deville: Hope everyone is okay, and thank you for stopping in, friend 🖤.

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3 years ago

Vaude unwrapped Midas’ arms from around him and turned to face him. Vaude lowered his head as he spoke so the other man couldn’t see the tears forming behind the lenses of his mask.

“I’m sorry that you got separated, but she’s here and alive now, right?”

Vaude went to reach a hand towards his complicated lover, but decided against it. He instead wrapped that hand around his stomach, a move he learned out of safety and comfort for when he felt nervous. He couldn’t look the man in the eye, though he wanted to see those familiar mismatched eyes he found intriguing.

Elizabeth fidgeted with the hem of her hood. She could only imagine how her brother must feel. She glanced over at Jules when she heard the other woman sigh. She offered a slight pat on the back. Elizabeth was never good at comforting others besides Vaude.

[Part 1] @fn-devilles

“Oh wow thanks Elizabeth. This sure comes in handle. You know what would be great. A healing and drink item.” Rosso suggest an idea for them. “Also yes you can. Nero and my two brothers will be there. There names are Blu and Verde. Mostly Cat is pregnant and there girlfriends are there to help.” He adds.

“Though what would it be, for the drink to be? I mean I got this orange soda with me.” Casey holds out the soda and takes the healing spray and so did Rosso.

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3 years ago

Elizabeth nodded and hummed at Jules’ question.

Meanwhile, Vaude clapped with pure joy as he was carefully placed on the floor. With a brief, “Thank you,” shouted over his shoulder at Midas, Vaude scurried off further into the mall.

Elizabeth observed the trio for a bit and sighed. She felt bad that she was always working, and seeing how happy Rosso, Casey, and Catalyst were together, and even her own brother with his partner, made her wish she had someone to love her. Elizabeth was then startled out of her thoughts by an unfamiliar voice. Elizabeth squinted her eyes and tilted her head. She cautiously stuck out a gloved hand.

“Elizabeth Deville, lead doctor of the island formerly known as Apollo, and hopefully now on Artemis, too. My assistant, who’s my twin brother, was just here, but I think he scurried off to purchase lord knows what. And you are?”

In another part of the mall, Vaude zoomed in and out of stores like a kid with a sugar-rush and no parents to tell him ‘no’. Suddenly a yip from inside another shop made Vaude stop in his tracks. Vaude entered the store and was greeted by several pets. He followed the yipping to a bin of puppies, and a dark brown one with light brown patches jumped at the side of the bin. Vaude picked the puppy up and cooed as he held the wiggling bundle of fur close.

[Part 1] [Part 2] @fn-devilles

Midas looks at Vaude as he stood on his tiptoes and his forehead against his lover’s. Hearing Vaude voice and felt his cheek. “I’m glad to hear you say that. I love you so much. You mean so much to me.” He then hugs him.

Rosso and Casey felt Elizabeth hands on there shoulders. Nero then pats Jules on the back softly to comfort her. “It’s ok Jules. I know it’s hard but, she wants us to move forward. No matter what. We still keep living.” Nero speaks.

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3 years ago

Vaude scratched his beak in confusion.

"Yeah, Mercury sounds familiar? And why would he be a dragon? Wait.. Are there actual dragons on this island and I just didn't know it?"

Elizabeth facepalmed at her brother's dumb rambling and shoved her elbow in his side. Vaude stumbled and yelped from the jab of pain.

Elizabeth nodded and said, "Sounds about right. Artemis has had a lot of protectors since we've all arrived. Who knows what danger awaits us out there."

Elizabeth crossed her arms over her chest and frowned as she thought about all the hell they've been through up to this point.

“Hey you both. It’s me Rosso and came to say hi but, Valentine’s Day is coming up and want to know what are your plans?” Rosso ask

Vaude and Elizabeth perked up at the familiar voice of their friend. Vaude grinned at the mention of Valentine's Day.

"Just like last year, I plan on spending the whole day with my Goldie Locks. Dom tries to plan a romantic activity each year, and I'm excited to see where we're going."

Elizabeth bookmarked the page she was on and placed her medical book on the table beside her. She folded her hands over her lap and sighed.

"I'm afraid no one loves me romantically, so I may just go out and collect more mushrooms and herbs to stock our medical supplies. If I get done in time, maybe then I'll try to hang out with some of my other single friends, but it's nothing spectacular."

Vaude frowned as he watched Elizabeth get up and head to the stove to heat a kettle of tea. Seconds ticked by before he returned his attention to Rosso.

"So, what are your plans for V-Day?" he asked.

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3 years ago

Just a couple of boyfriends

✨🌈 Getting It 🌈✨

I really wish I had the 500 VBucks, but I don’t get anymore until the first of the month, with my crew subscription. It sucks because I really want it 😔.

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