she/her| Requests: OPEN Guidelines Masterlist

81 posts

Sanji My Beloved

sanji my beloved

More Posts from Uhhlucid

2 years ago
American women can obtain abortions in Canada if Roe v. Wade falls, minister says
Families Minister Karina Gould worries Canadian women from border regions could lose abortion access in U.S.

American women will be able to obtain abortions in Canada if the United States Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade and returns abortion law to the state level, says Karina Gould, minister of families, children and social development.

In an interview with CBC News Network’s Power & Politics on Tuesday, Gould was asked if American women would be allowed to access the procedure in Canada.

“I don’t see why we would not,” she told host Vassy Kapelos. “If they, people, come here and need access, certainly, you know, that’s a service that would be provided.”

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Tagging: @politicsofcanada

2 years ago

i was writing a kenma one-shot but idk how to write anymore godddd

2 years ago

pirate au fic??

2 years ago

Part. 5

Part. 5

pairing: iwaizumi x black!fem reader

synopsis: on pointe! (updated weekly) previous parts in masterlist

word count: 2.3k

type: fanfiction

a/n: i'm so excited for summer break wowowow

Iwaizumi woke up in the middle of the night to Oikawa leaving their room. This wasn't an unusual thing as he usually left to hook up with some random girl. What was different was Iwaizumi noticed his dance bag was gone. He quickly grabbed his own and was out the door. There were a few students out at this time. Some coming out for a midnight smoke, some coming out for what Oikawa usually came out for, and some practicing a dance routine out on the open sidewalk.

He half expected the school building to be closed but it was unlocked. He followed his friend downstairs to the dance studios. The lights were all turned off which gave the basement an eery feel. He followed him to the last studio where he switched on the lights and began warming up. "Jeez Iwa you have to be sneakier then that," he stretched in front of the mirror. "Why are you here so late?" He dropped his bag besides Oikawa's.

"Just trying to get my choreography done," he said it as if it was normal to do these sorts of things this late. "We have school tomorrow," Iwaizumi reasoned. "I have to perfect my solo. What kind are you doing?" Iwaizumi shrugged. "I guess a hip-hop solo. It's the easiest thing." Oikawa chuckled a bit. "Yeah I guess that's like you. I'm doing a more contemporary thing." "You shouldn't stress it too much. Your like the best dancer here," Iwaizumi assured him.

"You know we're competition this week right?" Oikawa started his music. "Right right. I'll see you tomorrow then. Good night Shitty-kawa." "Hey that's not very nice Iwa-chan," Oikawa pouted. Iwaizumi ignored him and grabbed his bag. He took the long way back to his room using the extra time to plan out his routine. Was everyone as stressed as Oikawa was about their solos? Guess he would find out tomorrow.

The next morning at breakfast Y/n convinced Iwaizumi to try the parfait she was having. He was surprised he liked it and wondered why no one had ever introduced him to the dish. "How's everyone's solo?" Elissa asked. "I'm doing a ballet one. It's the only thing I'm good at," Lia fell silent. "I'm doing an acro routine. Seems easy enough to please the queen," Serenity smirked. It was common for students to call Mrs. Aveline "the queen". "I'm doing lyrical," Kourtney murmured. Iwaizumi was glad everyone was doing different styles so it might be easier on the judges.

"Are we doing costumes all by ourselves?" Y/n queried. Oikawa announced, "Guess we have to wait for our queen to speak." The bell rang and the group dispersed. Iwaizumi didn't see any of them until lunch when Mrs. Aveline called all of them to the company studio. "I've decided to interrupt your lunch for costume fitting," she remarked.

"Are we going to get extra time to eat?" Frankie raised his hand jokingly. "No," she deadpanned and began walking towards the seamstress. Iwaizumi didn't care much about his costume, but he enjoyed watching the others get all dressed up. Y/n emerged from behind the curtain and asked Iwaizumi for his opinion. She wore a leotard with cream being the color of choice and a plum color for below the waist. It featured what Iwaizumi liked to call "pirate sleeves", a cream colored bow at the neckline on the back, and was backless. "It looks great on you," he responded without a second thought. She smiled, satisfied, and returned behind the curtain to slip back into her school uniform.

Lia was next to receive her garments. Hers was a black velvet leotard with floral mesh sleeves. The platter tutu had a layer of red jewels on top of the black mesh. A fancy lace fan and choker completed the look. She walked in a circle on pointe to test it out before returning the garments. Next was Kourtney. For her lyrical routine, she chose a blue sage velvet leotard complete with a halter neckline, chiffon off-the-shoulder sleeves, and a chiffon skirt. Serenity opted for a simple black spandex with embroidered mesh cutouts on the leg and a wrap around side cut out.

They returned when there was only about five minutes left for lunch. Y/n and Iwaizumi split a salad bowl and Oikawa kept making kissy noises while Lia tried to get him to taste her kale smoothie. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful and everyone was too busy working on their solos to make plans. Once the final bell rang, Iwaizumi recievd a tap on the shoulder.

"Wanna practice together? We can use the dance building." The dance building, as the students called it, was never used. Mainly because everyone had dance classes in the school's basement. It was only crowded when there was going to be a show and everyone needed extensive practice. It was the perfect place for the two. Iwaizumi followed Y/n. She swiped her student id and was surprised to find a few seniors there including Frankie.

He paid them no attention and the two used a studio down the hall. Y/n left to get changed leaving Iwaizumi to work on his solo. He took off his jacket and set it on one of the bars. He scrolled through his list of non copy right music looking for a hip hop song. Y/n returned in a simple black leotard and jazz shoes while he was still choosing. "How about we both do some improve and work on the kinks later?" she suggested.

He nodded in agreement and she sat at the mirror. He selected a song and began. Dancing was as natural to Iwaizumi as breathing. Especially hip hop. Oikawa usually joked that he should be in one of the popular street dancing groups in Japan rather than studying at a ballet school. The music ended and Y/n clapped. "I didn't know you did hip hop." He was in disbelief. Hip-hop was his main thing.

He sat at the mirror and gulped down his water bottle as Y/n picked a song. The song she chose was upbeat and fun and matched her personality. Mrs. Aveline always stressed that they had to "tell a story" with their movement. Iwaizumi thought dances looked better when the dancer was just having fun. She finished and plopped next to him, gulping her water in a similar fashion. "Still need to tweak a few things," she said after a long silence. He simply nodded.

The studio door swung open and to no surprise it was Oikawa with Lia shuffling behind him. "Lia's mom is performing tonight and she invited us. Can you believe it?" Oikawa flaunted his phone in Iwaizumi's face. "Yeah yeah." "And we get to perform," Lia added. "Perform what?" Y/n was suspicious of the legitimacy of this performance. "Our dance from Saturday what else?" Oikawa said as if it was obvious.

"Do you even have the dance memorized?" Y/n looked Lia up and down. "Of course. Oikawa and I have been practicing all afternoon. Now get your costumes and we'll meet you out front in fifteen minutes," Lia didn't give them a choice to object. "What about curfew?" Iwaizumi asked but they were already out the door. "That was weird," Y/n started to stand up. "Wanna do it?" "I don't like the girl, but I do love to perform."

Iwaizumi and Y/n parted ways, each heading for their own dorms. Iwaizumi found the costume in one of his various costume drawers and stuffed it in his dance bag along with a few snacks. He was the last to arrive and the group headed for the train station. "So where is your mom performing?" Y/n was sure Lia was bringing them to their deaths. "The Sydney Opera House of course! She's coming all the way from France to perform with her company," Lia's face lit up. At least loving ballet was one thing she hadn't lied about.

The majority of riders got off at the opera house station and the group went with the crowd. Iwaizumi had been only once before and that was to watch Oikawa on stage. The theater was just as huge and beautiful as it had been last year. Iwaizumi couldn't help but stare at the ceiling as the design was magnificent. However Lia was in a hurry and rushed to the back hallways. Almost immediately they were stopped by a guard. It was a short, pudgy man that had a bead of sweat running down his forehead that he kept wiping with a handkerchief. His jet black hair was slicked back with so much gel his head shined.

"What're you kids doing? Go on and enjoy the show." Lia began throwing a fit. "Mister you don't know what your talking about. We're supposed to be performing." He yawned. "Mhm. Go back to your seats kid." "My mother is Celine Lafitte." Her French accent was starting to worsen. "Funny story. I have no idea who that is." "How can you not know who's performing in your own show?" she whined. "I'm going to have to use force if you kids don't move." "Force on minors? I'll sue." He snorted. "Can't you see we're supposed to be here? I'm Celia Lafitte damn it." Iwaizumi noticed a woman coming up behind the security guard.

She had thick dark brown curls just like Celia except hers were in two low pigtails. She wore a white leotard with a romance tutu and a blue gingham apron over it. Rosy red slippers completed the look. She was paler than Celia however and their noses were completely different. "Sorry that my daughter and her friends bothered you. They'll be no more trouble yes?" "Mama he didn't even know who you are," Lia whined. Her mother didn't respond and motioned for us to follow her. "You guys will be the opening act. Tonight we're performing the Wizard of Oz." "My mama's got the lead role," Lia grinned.

Her mom let them change in her private dressing room while she went to warm up for the show. "Can you believe we're about to perform at The Sydney Opera House?" Oikawa beamed. "You've done it before," Iwaizumi mentioned. "I totally forgot about that. We stood outside in the freezing cold waiting for the doors to open," Y/n laughed at the memory. The four quickly got changed and stretched and did a few run throughs of the dance. Celine peeked her head through the door, "It's showtime." They followed her where they passed many other dancers who were stretching or talking amongst themselves. Iwaizumi was jittery with nerves. His first performance in the opera house and it wasn't even a dance he'd perfected. Y/n smiled at him. "Your gonna do great Hajime," she comforted him.

He smiled back and gave her hand a quick squeeze. "You are too." The stagehand signaled them and they waltzed out on stage. Because there were only four performers they changed the chorography so that both Lia and Y/n were spotlighted. Iwaizumi had always struggled with pirouettes on pointe, but he pushed himself. His toes were going to be so sore after this. A few times during the performance his eyes darted towards Lia. Everything about her performance was amazing from the technique to the way she carried herself to her focus. If she performed like this at nationals surely she would hold the national title. The piece ended and they waltzed off stage.

Celine pulled her daughter into a hug. "I'm so proud of you. Your making such great friends too." "Yeah friends," Y/n snorted under her breath. Lia's mother disappeared to prepare for going on stage. The four found their way back to the dressing room and got changed. "My mom thinks I have lots of friends. It'll suck when she finds out the truth," Lia broke the silence. "It's not your fault. Mrs. Aveline brings in a new boy or girl yearly and just slaps them on the team. They never last and they never have to try out like we do. Once she even brought two and we were all competing to not get replaced by one of them," Oikawa attempted to shift the blame.

The four munched on some of the snacks in Iwaizumi's bag on the way to the train station. "Well I had fun at least. The bright stage lights and all the people loved seeing us dance," Y/n attempted to lift the gloomy mood. She twirled as they crossed a street. "Maybe one day we'll all be up on that stage. Dancing for the same company," Iwaizumi hoped. "Definitely not dancing for Mrs. Aveline's company," Lia joked. Maybe Lia wasn't so bad after all, Iwaizumi wondered. They rode the train back and there was no sight of Mrs. Aveline. "Woohoo! Another day of sneaking out without getting caught," Lia cheered. Oikawa smiled and the four parted ways.

Iwaizumi and Oikawa walked back together. "Maybe you were right about Lia," Iwaizumi spoke. "Oh yeah? You should trust me more Iwa-chan. What about you and Y/n?" He shrugged. Things were the same as last year. They hung out together and did normal teenage things. "Iwa can we all go as aliens to the Halloween party?" He had completely forgotten about that. "Sure whatever. I'm so tired and my toes are so sore," he complained. "I can carry you," Oikawa offered. "Never in a million years Loserkawa." "That's so mean," Oikawa whined. "Dumbass." They continued bickering until they reached their dorm.

Iwaizumi fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. A part of him was looking forward to the party and the other half was terrified. But he had to confess at some point, right?

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2 years ago

terushima moviestar au?? another one of my recycled wattpad fics lol but it takes so long to write