Iwaizumi X Y/n - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

A/N: I saw this earlier today and Iwa-chan first popped into my mind. Have fun reading lol.

A/N: I Saw This Earlier Today And Iwa-chan First Popped Into My Mind. Have Fun Reading Lol.

Warnings: slightly suggestive

Genre: fluff

You’re just doing the dishes on a normal Tuesday afternoon, when your phone rings.

Setting aside the plate you were just scrubbing down, you dry your hands with the kitchen towel on the counter before grabbing your vibrating phone.

You don’t recognize the number that’s calling you, so you frown in confusion before swiping your lock screen to answer it.

“Hello, this is (Y/N) speaking.“

“Good afternoon, am I speaking to the spouse of Lieutenant Iwaizumi Hajime?“

You feel your heart drop in your stomach, already fearing the worst: death, accident, arrest, murder, sudden enlistment,…

You gulp down with a heavy heart and answer back.

“Y-Yes, this is them.“

“Hello this is Captain Shimazaki speaking. I am calling to inform you that your spouse Lieutenant Iwaizumi Hajime came into work with a bruise on his neck. Actually multiple dark bruises along his neck.” He stops to cough awkwardly. “Although he looked pretty satisfied and happy this morning, please move your love marks down, so they can’t be seen when in uniform.“

You can feel your face heat up a thousand degrees, utterly embarrassed and wishing to sink 500 feet into the ground to disappear.

“U-Uhm s-sure, I will remember that for next time.“

For next time? Could you have worded that any worse?

“Appreciate it. Have a good day.“

“You as well, goodbye.“

You hang up simultaneously and put your phone down on the counter, leaning both hands on the cool graphite stone to actually process what just happened.

Too much distracted in your thoughts, you don’t even hear the front door unlock.

“Hey baby, I am home.“ Iwaizumi loudly greets you as he steps inside your shared home.

Taking his shoes off and putting them neatly by the door, he waits for your greeting back but receives nothing.

He saw your car in the driveway, so you have to be home.

“(Y/N)?“ The brunette calls out again, this time a little bit louder.

His rough voice finally snaps you out of your trance and you turn to look at him and the first thing you notice are the scattered hickeys along his neck.

Iwaizumi‘s face melts into concern, as he takes in your face. You look like you‘ve seen a ghost because your eyes widen in horror as you stare at your husband.

“Babe, what's wrong? You are as pale as a sheet of paper.“ With deep worry in his voice, he quickly approaches you and puts his warm hands around your face to grasp it gently.

“Uhm.“ You don’t know how to start this conversation.

“Well, your uh… I guess your boss called me earlier, basically saying I should tone it down a notch with uh… my marks on you.“

Iwaizumi takes a few seconds after hearing your words and all of sudden he bursts out laughing.

Slightly jumping at his sudden reaction, you are now even more confused.

“Gosh, this day keeps getting better and better. First I got to make love to my beautiful partner last night and this morning and then had a great day at work and now you’re telling me that you’re the one who should calm down with your marks on me?“ He keeps on laughing and steps closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and gently pushing you against the counter.

He leans in and slightly growls in your ear.

“Good thing they can’t see all those markings I left on you last night.“

Something hard starts to press against your stomach.

“Hajime, you can’t be serious.“

You can feel him pressing rough kisses against your neck, occasionally giving you bites and licks that make you swoon and melt on the spot.

“Come on, mark me up some more. Want to show everyone how sexy and seductive my drop dead gorgeous spouse can be.“

You give in and let him carry you bridal style to your bedroom, both of you leaving marks on each other and both of you so exhausted that Iwaizumi and you call in sick for the next day.

@rukia-uchiha-98 @wake-uptoreality @nerd-of-karasuno

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1 year ago

In honor of Iwa-chan‘s birthday today, a small os for my bestie @rukia-uchiha-98 ❤️

Warnings: mentions of blood

You’re already in a bad mood when your friend drags you to a volleyball game that your school is having.

Aoba Johsai against Karasuno.

Now, if it were an actual match, you‘d understand her hype a lot more but the thing is, she really wants to watch that smug bastard Oikawa play.

Neither you or your friend knows anything about volleyball though, it’s just an excuse to watch pretty sweaty high school boys play ball and run around.

Pulling you by your uniform to some free places along the side of the gym hall, you and your friend sit down.

As soon as your friend spots the Captain of Aoba Johsai, she squeals in excitement and shakes you a little bit by the shoulders.

Letting her do what she wants, you just sit there with an annoyed expression and wait for her to calm down.

In the beginning, you watch the ball going to your team‘s field and the opponent‘s field but after a while, you get bored, so you fish your phone out of your hand.

Swiping through your homescreen, you open your Pinterest app to look at some more Satoru Gojo fanart to distract yourself.

All of sudden, your friend next to you screams out your name and she ducks to the side.

Before you can even react, an extremely heavy force lands on your face, making you see a white light for the moment.

Only a few seconds later, a vastly pain spreads through your face.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God (Y/N) are you okay?!“ A shrieking voice rings in your ear.

You barely acknowledge your friend‘s voice, as you hold on to your nose with your hands, when you felt a warm wetness against your hands.

Slowly pulling your hands back, you see blood covering your hands.

Due to your huge shock, your feel a lot of tissue papers being shoved into your face, covering half of it.

„Owwww….“ you mumble out.


„2012 and stop screaming in my ear, I am right next to you. Oh gosh this hurts so bad.“

„Oh sorry… let’s go to the nurse‘s office, maybe she can give you some ice.“

With both of you heading out to the gym to the school nurse‘s office, you hear a voice shouting behind you.


Both turning around, you see a muscular guy in his Aoba Johsai uniform running towards you with the number „4“ on the front of his shirt.

His dark brown hair is slightly spiked up, it reminds you a little bit of a cute hedgehog.

The sweat is slightly running down on his face, his cheeks red from probably running after you.

His face shows deep concern and big regret and you can guess from his guilty face that he was the one that slammed the volleyball into your face.

Your friend is just as much as in shock like you, surprised that the Wing Spiker followed the two of you.

„Are you… are you okay?“ He pants when he stands in front of you.

„I uh… I am okay… just in pain…“ You retort.

„(Y/N) I will leave you be, since Iwaizumi is here, text me later what the nurse says.“ Your friend farewells you with a smirk on her face.

As you and the volleyball player stare after your friend, you mentally curse her for her devious smirk.

When the brunette turns around to look back at you, he frantically starts apologizing.

„I am really sorry, I-I uh…-“ You gently interrupt him.

„It’s not your fault that the ball flew in my direction, unless of course you did that on purpose, then I will slam a ball into your face.“ You threaten with a dangerous tone in your voice.

He looks even more horrified at the thought of him doing it on purpose.

„No! I swear! I tried receiving the ball from the opponent and it bounced off and flew with an incredible amount of speed into your direction.“ He mutters with a redness on his cheeks.

You hum at his explanation.

„We‘ll just blame physics then.“ You try to smile beneath the bloodied tissues, getting into the nurse‘s office.

The handsome looking stranger mirrors your smile, follows you into the room after making sure you’re okay with it because he still feels bad for your probably broken nose.

After the nurse has checked out your nose, she confirms that it is indeed broken and tells you to go to the hospital to have it checked out. She did give you some pain medication and a cold compress to hold against your nose. Luckily your nose stopped bleeding.

Both of you exiting the office, you notice you don’t even know his name, so you ask for it.

„Call me Hajime.“

„What a beautiful name. I‘ll see you around Hajime. Thank you for accompanying me.“

„Goodbye (Y/N), I‘ll see you around.“ Iwaizumi blushes a bit around his cheeks, the tips of his ears gushing red as well.

You part your ways, with you heading home and Iwaizumi back to the gym.

With a small smile, Iwaizumi walks back to the gym, a tumbling feeling settling in his stomach, like his heart is making more jumps than usual.

When he reaches the locker room, he sees his teammates almost done with changing into their school uniforms.

Hanamaki notices Iwaizumi first when he walks in.

„So? Got her number?“ The Outside Hitter asks intrigued.

Iwaizumi frowns at that.


„We saw you running after that girl like a headless chicken, don’t try to deny it, we followed you until you both went inside the nurse‘s office.“ Matsukawa explains.

„You guys have nothing better to do than spy on my personal life?“

„Nope.“ They all say in sync.

„Iwa-chan, can I be the best man at your wedding and tell your future wife that you still collect Godzilla merch like a 10 year old geek?“

Iwaizumi throws a bottle from the bench at Oikawa, who barely dodges it.

The rest of the team laughs at their banter, happy that Iwaizumi may have found someone special in his life.

@nerd-of-karasuno @wake-uptoreality @darthferbert

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1 year ago

''All I Want Is You'' - Hajime Iwaizumi x Reader

A/N: During a hot summer day, this idea came to me while I almost suffered a heat stroke at the public pool.

Warnings: cursing

It is boiling hot in Miyagi, no doubt the middle of July not doing any favor to the volleyball team of Aoba Johsai. Training has been canceled due to the extreme heat and the teenagers are extremely bored, not a clue on what to do to kill some time.

Matsukawa, Hanamaki, Iwaizumi and some other members are sitting in the shade of a tree, trying to protect themselves from direct sunlight. The only person that is missing is currently their Captain, Oikawa.

„Ugh, it’s so hoooot.’’ Hanamaki groans in annoyance.

„What made you think that?’’ Matsukawa snorts as he fans himself with his English textbook.

Most of them have taken off parts of their uniform, only leaving them in their dress shirts and a lot of them have loosened ties.

Iwaizumi has his sleeves rolled up to his shoulders, wondering where his best friend is lounging around.

All of sudden, their misery was interrupted when Oikawa came jogging to them with a large grin on his face that screams trouble.

Standing in front of his teammates, he looks at them with excitement.

„Fellas, I know now what we can do to cool off!’’ The brunette proudly announces.

The team looks at him in annoyance but still waits for him to go on.

„A little birdie told me that the swim team is currently away in Tokyo for competition week, so that means the pool is unoccupied.’’

Iwaizumi looks incredibly skeptical and frowns at his best friend.

„Did someone shit in your brain? It’s off limits for non-club members, if someone catches us, we’ll probably get suspended.’’ The brunette warns him.

„Actually, I am in, even if it means I just get to dip my legs in the water for 10 minutes.’’ Hanamaki agrees with Oikawa.

The Ace is even more shocked now.

Hanamaki, Matsukawa, Yahaba and Watari all get up, ready to follow Oikawa to the pool.

Iwaizumi remains seated, not wanting to get in trouble with his teammates.

„Come on, Iwa-chan, live a little and come with us.’’ Oikawa tries to persuade him to come with them.

„No thank you.’’ He declines and makes his way to the school building.

„Just for fifteen minutes at least, come on Iwaizumi. Just 15 minutes and then we will leave.’’ Yahaba tries.

Iwaizumi ponders for a few moments, actually reconsidering his decision.

After a few seconds, he sighs and turns to the direction of his team.

„Fine. Just fifteen minutes and then we will leave. If someone catches us, I am going to hunt every single one of you down and choke you in your sleep.’’

Oikawa cheers, not being intimidated by his threat.

„Don’t worry Iwa-chan, I promise no one will be there. After all, the swim team is gone for the week, no one will be there.’’ Oikawa promises him.

Still, Iwaizumi can’t help but think this is a bad idea.

When they reach the gate of the pool, they look around, double checking no one is there and tries to open the door, only to find out it’s locked.

„God damnit!’’ Hanamaki curses.

„Well, it looks like the universe is trying to tell us something. I am going back.’’ The dark-haired brunette with the spiky hair bluntly states, beginning to turn around and walk back when Yahaba grabs a hold of him.

„Not so fast.’’

When the Wing Spiker turns around again to see Watari beginning to pick at the lock with some instruments he has grabbed from his bag, he widens his eyes at his classmate’s ability to pick locks, watching him as he highly focuses on getting the lock to open up.

After hearing a loud ‘click’ the gate unlocks and Watari proudly steps aside to push the door open with a smirk.

„Where… where did you learn how to do that?’’ Matsukawa asks in a mix between shock and awe.

„I was bored one night and couldn’t sleep, so I watched a YouTube tutorial on how to pick different kinds of locks.’’

Almost like wild dogs, everyone except Iwaizumi begins to run to the pool, taking off their dress shirts and pants to jump into the water.

Multiple people doing jumps cause a big splash of water to land on Iwaizumi and his uniform, almost drenching him to his underwear.

Closing his eyes to try and calm down, he reopens his eyes to watch a bunch of 18 year olds turn into five-year olds.

„Hajime, the water feels amazing! Come and join us.’’ Yahaba floats in the water like a log, looking like he is in bliss.

Sighing in defeat, Iwaizumi rolls up his uniform pants and sits on the edge of the pool to dip his legs in the pool water.

As soon as the cold water consumes up to his knees, he can feel the refreshing cold relaxing his muscles and the Wing Spiker leans his arms behind his back and feels himself relax.

The feeling is indescribable. He can feel his whole body cool off, the heat of the sun now barely noticeable.

It seems like time barely passed because Watari looks at his phone for the time and tells the group it’s already been fifteen minutes.

The boys all look at each other and it’s like they share the same thought of agreeing to stay longer.

„Let’s play Chicken Fight! Maki get on Matsun’s shoulders, Iwa-chan come on mine!’’ The Setter suggests with a gleam in his eyes.

„Chicken wars? What are you? 12?’’ Yahaba laughs.

„I am not getting on your shoulders Crappykawa, first, I don’t trust you, second, I played this last time I was 8 years old.’’ Iwaizumi declines.

Oikawa pouts at his best friend’s answer, turning to Yahaba again.

„Shigeru come on, don’t be a sissy.’’

Yahaba’s eye twitches in annoyance, nonetheless, he accepts the challenge.

„You’re on, captain.’’

Iwaizumi watches his friends with a small smile, happy that they can enjoy their time together before they graduate next year in spring and part their ways to different life paths. Some might stay in Japan, others like Iwaizumi are planning on traveling to the United States for becoming an athletic trainer.

„What the hell do you think you guys are doing?’’ A stern voice interrupts the fun of the rowdy teens.

All freeze, slowly turning around to the voice that cut in on their fun.

It is a girl, around their age, wearing the Aoba Johsai uniform, but she is missing her blazer.

The boys can’t help but gawk in amazement at the beauty queen standing in the sun, glaring at them while tapping her foot in annoyance.

„I locked that gate for a reason, you know. This pool is the property of the Aoba Johsai swim team only. Not for the volleyball team to cool off in or anyone else.’’

Oikawa finds his voice first.

„Well you see cutie-’’ You immediately interrupt him, your gaze gaining more stern.

„Don’t. Call me that.’’

„I give you all 30 seconds to get out of there before I kick your asses out of here myself.’’

As soon as you say those words, the rest of the team scrambles out of the water so fast that you don’t have to say it a second time thankfully.

You watch as they quickly get dressed again, not being fazed by their muscular bodies that glisten in the sunlight from the water.

Running past you, they quickly apologize, just leaving you and Iwaizumi now.

As Iwaizumi is about to walk past you, you say something that makes him stop next to you.

„Out of the bunch of you, I thought you‘d be the most rational person in this group and I admired you for that. Guess I was wrong.“

Taking a deep breath, Iwaizumi continues to walk his path, feeling guilty for breaking the gate open and probably causing you trouble.

He doesn’t see any of his team members, they probably scrambled away like startled cats.

Making his way home, the Wing Spiker can’t help but keep thinking about the words you said to him.

For some reason, he can’t help but think you look familiar. He has seen that beautiful face once or twice but he can’t figure out where.

You never told them your name but you were wearing the school uniform.

As Iwaizumi lays in bed that night, he makes it his priority to find you tomorrow and apologize properly to you, even if it means apologizing for his team as well.

The next morning, Iwaizumi gets to school earlier than usual, waiting by the closed gates in front of the school.

Extremely tired, he leans against the gate, waiting for students to show up. It’s barely light outside, the sun just showing its first rays of the day.

The sky does look beautiful though with just a hint of orange and red showing up on the horizon beneath the woods.

About thirty minutes later, more and more students show up but Iwaizumi doesn't spot you among them.

Finally giving up and not wanting to be late to morning practice, the dark brunette walks to the gym.

During three-on-three matches, the Wing Spiker can barely focus, messing up receives, slamming the volleyball into the net more times than he can count.

“What’s up with you today? It looks like you’re playing volleyball for the first time.” Kindaichi says to the Ace.

“I don’t know, something keeps bothering me but I can’t pinpoint it exactly.”

Having listened to their conversation, Hanamaki makes his appearance, swiping his sweat off his face with a towel.

“Sounds to me like you’re feeling guilty Hajime. Is this about the girl from yesterday?”

“Girl? What girl?” Kindaichi frowns in confusion.

“We broke into the swim club’s pool yesterday for cooling off and the manager that stayed behind caught and scolded us.” Matsukawa laughs.

Iwaizumi stays quiet, pondering if he should try again to look for you and apologize on his and his team’s behalf.

All of sudden, he feels a heavy arm wrap around his neck, startling him.

“Awwww Iwa-chan is in looooooove.” Oikawa taunts him.

Elbowing the Caption in the stomach, the Setter groans in pain, immediately letting go of him.

After morning practice is over, the third-years make their way to the classes, talking among themselves and laughing together.

Iwaizumi is walking next to Yahaba in the back, about to enter the classroom, when he sees a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye that halts his steps.

It was you.

You are putting a paper up against the poster board in the hallway, having a neutral look on your face as you put pins in the corner of the paper.

“Hajime, you coming? Maths is about to start.” Yahaba interrupts.

“Yeah… I… uh… I will be right in.” Iwaizumi says distractedly, making his way over you.

Yahaba shrugs, making his way to his seat.

The heart of the Wing Spiker begins to beat rapidly, he can feel his hands starting to sweat, his stomach doing somersaults, the closer he gets to you.

Last night, he practiced what he wanted to say to you, so this should be no problem.

Until it is.

As soon as he is close enough, his throat gets dry and his mind is blank.

What did he want to do again?


Sensing that Iwaizumi is standing there, not getting a word out with a face so red, you’d think his head is about to pop off.

Raising your eyebrow in confusion, you wait for him to say something but he stutters incomprehensible words out of his mouth, not being able to form proper sentences.

“You okay? You having a stroke?” You ask.

Iwaizumi has to calm down, before he actually gets one from all the stress his body is going through at this moment.

Clearing his throat, he finally finds his words.

“Listen. I am sorry about me and my team’s behavior yesterday. It was wrong of us to break into the pool, I hope you didn’t get into trouble.”

You stare at him for a few seconds, looking deep into his eyes, thinking if he actually means his apology or not.

His dark green eyes show certainty though, regret reflects among it.

“Alright. I forgive you. Thank you for having the courage and maturity to apologize personally to me. And I am sorry too. For indirectly calling you immature.”

Iwaizumi smiles at your apology and you can feel your heart skip a beat.

That smile really suits him, better than the frown he usually carries on his handsome face.

“May I ask for your name?” Iwaizumi rubs his hand against his neck. A small blush spread across his cheeks.

Giggling at his nervousness, you introduce yourself.

“My name is (Y/L/N) (Y/F/N). Class 3-C.”

In return, Iwaizumi introduces himself as well.

“Iwaizumi Hajime, pleasure to meet you (Y/N).”

Oikawa watches the scene behind the door frame, happy that his best friend managed to find you and has the courage to talk to you.

Nonetheless, he has to have fun poking the bear with a stick every now and then.

‘’You know (Y/N)-chan, Iwa-chan here has a weak spot for cute, nerdy girls that work for the swim team and would LOVE to have your number.’’


@rukia-uchiha-98 @wake-uptoreality @nerd-of-karasuno @darthferbert

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1 year ago

A/N: I am sorry it’s so short, I am working on two more things currently but I am working so much in my job, I barely have the energy to continue the long OS I currently have in my draft. Enjoy some yakuza!Iwaizumi.

Iwaizumi Hajime is currently doing pull ups on a bar in a dark gym, close to Seijoh‘s headquarters.

Grunting with effort, he pulls himself up on last time, jumping to the ground when he let go of the bar.

The different colored tattoos shine with sweat on Iwaizumi’s chest.

The white and turquoise dragon starts from his left pectoral muscles, the whole scaled body wrapping itself around his upper arm to his elbow.

Each unique tattoo of the Wakagashira shows part of being in the yakuza of Seijoh.

But there’s one tattoo that the brunette didn’t get to show off his status in the yakuza.

It’s the initials of his significant other, resting on the inside of his left wrist.

It’s 100% the most meaning one for the young man.

None of the members besides Oikawa, the Kumicho of Seijoh know about you, Iwaizumi‘s pretty girlfriend.

Swiping his sweat off of his face and chest with a big towel, he doesn’t hear you come in.

"Working out again? Did Oikawa let you do the dirty work again?" You tease him from the front door.

He laughs before he turns to look at you.

"Doesn’t matter what Shittykawa does, it‘ll piss me off nonetheless."

Laughing along with him, you get closer to your lover.

The closer you get, the more Iwaizumi eyes you up and down like a predator.

Tracing your finger around his shoulder, you take very slow steps around him, rounding him.

Following the art lines of the black and white koi fish on his strong back, you see goosebumps forming on his skin.

Smiling at his reaction, you lean up a bit and wrap your arms around his neck from the side.

"So, you have some energy left for cardio?" You whisper in his ear.

Eyeing you with his dark green eyes from the side, he puts his hands on your waist and pulls you into an tight embrace, resting his tattooed knuckles on your thighs.

Lifting you up without any effort on his part, the brunette gives his all in an inviting kiss, doing cardio for a good two more hours.

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1 year ago

Warnings: suggestive content, mentions of sex

Having Oikawa as a temporary roommate doesn’t sound too bad at first.

Unless you’re dating his best friend, Hajime Iwaizumi.

Both you and Iwaizumi have been high school sweethearts, now dating officially for almost 8 years.

While your boyfriend, actually fiancé now, is working as an athletic trainer for the national Japanese volleyball team, you work as a pharmacist in the local hospital.

When Iwaizumi came home after a work-out one night, he had an annoyed expression on his face when he entered your apartment.

Pausing your actions on making dinner, you know that face already.


Iwaizumi sighs, drops his gym bag and walks over to you with an exhausted expression.

"Those shitheads are really getting on my last nerves. Thought I lost them all already back in high school with Oikawa." The brunette hugs you from behind and can feel himself relax when he smells the familiar smell of your pineapple and coconut shampoo.

Which reminds you.

Oikawa texted you yesterday, asking if he can stay at your place for a week while he is training with his Argentinian team at the Ajinomoto National Training Center.

And the Setter knows the former Outside Hitter all too well, knowing 100% already that Iwaizumi would just leave him on read when he reads Oikawa’s message about staying at your guys’ place.

Which is why Oikawa asked you instead, knowing you’re Iwaizumi‘s kryptonite.

And Iwaizumi can never say no to you.

"Say love, don’t be mad at me."

The bliss on Iwaizumi’s face disappears and he turns you around to look at you with a frown on his face.

"What did you do?"

"Uhm… you know how much I love you? Your muscles certainly got a LOT bigger-" Tracing his firm pegs with your finger, you start to get distracted.

"Don’t try and sweet talk your way out of this. Just tell me." He gives you that look.

"Oikawa is coming to visit Japan and he needs a place to stay."


You look at him with pleading eyes and he realizes immediately.

With big eyes, he steps away from you and the realization turns into deep annoyance.

Iwaizumi turns around to walk to your shared bathroom, he can’t deal with this right now.

"So does that mean you’re okay with it?" You call after him.

The only reply you hear, is a frustrating scream coming from the shower after a while.

"Eh, he’ll be fine." You mutter as you turn around to finish dinner.

The next day, Oikawa arrives bright and early at your front door, thankfully you’re both already awake, due to Iwaizumi’s early morning jog routine and you having the opening shift of the pharmacy.

A storm of the ringing doorbell makes the athletic trainer walk towards the door, and when Iwaizumi opens it, Oikawa jumps to hug Iwaizumi.

Not seeing in coming, Iwaizumi falls to the ground with a loud grunt, impacted by Oikawa’s weight.

"Get off of me you stupid idiot!" He pushes Oikawa off and can feel himself breathe again.

"But Iwa-chaaaaaaaan! I missed you dearly! Is this the way to greet your best friend who you haven’t seen in 4 years??" Oikawa pouts and when this chocolate brown eyes find yours, he yells your name out excitedly and runs towards you with alarming speed.

"My beautiful future best-friend-in-law looks gorgeous as always!" The giant Setter hugs you tight.

Giggling at his enthusiastic hug, you return it.

"It’s nice to have you here Tōru." You smile at him, parting from Oikawa.

"Come on, Shittykawa, let’s go on a seven mile run, like I do every morning."

The Setter pales like a ghost at that.

"But- I just got here and you’re already making me run? You can treat those mediocre third class athletes at the gym like that but not me, your best friend who just traveled half the globe to see you!" Oikawa tries to make an excuse but it doesn’t sit well with Iwaizumi.

"I am dead serious. Get your Argentinian ass outside, now."

Huffing in defeat, the brunette joins his best friend.

Now, originally Oikawa only meant to stay for a week, but one week turned into two and now the stay is reaching the third week.

In the beginning, it was only a stay because of training but now the practice time is over and before the real game starts, the coaches gave them two weeks off additionally.

You have the patience of a saint, really, while Iwaizumi feels each day his patience getting thinner and thinner. You can’t blame your partner, since he sees him at work AND at home.

The worst part for Iwaizumi is, he can’t have sex with you, because whenever he tries to seduce you or vice versa, the Setter seems to have a hidden talent on knowing when the two of you want some alone time.

On the couch, in the kitchen, the bathroom, you can’t even have alone time in your own bedroom because Oikawa is bursting in your bedroom every night, complaining and gossiping about every. single. player. while laying in the middle between you and Iwaizumi.

But now, even your patience begins to run out, your sexual frustration beginning to eat you alive.

So on a Tuesday night, you and Iwaizumi want to go out on a date, hopefully stopping by a hotel afterwards to relieve some of that tension. Or all of it.

And Oikawa wants to tag along, not wanting to be left alone in the apartment by himself, while the athletic trainer is trying to hint at his best friend that he wants to have sex with you.

"Why can’t I come with you?" The Setter whines.

"Because (Y/N) and I are going out tonight, we want some privacy to ourselves, because you couldn’t give us any for the last damn three weeks."

Oikawa nods.

"Just the two of us."

He nods again.

"Alone." Iwaizumi feels like speaking to a four year old.

"Alright, no problem, I’ll try to hit up Matsun or Maki." Oikawa whistles while making himself comfortable on the couch again, texting his former teammates.

Iwaizumi feels his anger rising abruptly, about to snap his neck and before you have to clean up a crime scene, you push your lover out of the apartment before an accidental murder happens.

In the end, you and Iwaizumi don’t even make it to dinner because you teased him during the ride, caressing his thigh up and down.

You don’t come back to the apartment for another two days, missing thousands of messages from Oikawa, enjoying each others bodies like you did the first time you got intimate.

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Sexy time with Seijoh boys!

Sexy Time With Seijoh Boys!

Fandom:Haikyuu Pairings:Oikawa,Iwaizumi X Fem!reader Genre:Smut Format:Drabble (its more than 100 words but still lol) Warnings:NSFW content,Ass slapping,Fingering,mentions of pet names(baby girl & princess) Word Count:0.4K

A/n:wrote smut drabbles for m'Inarizaki boys,so why not give it a try with these two? :D

Inarizaki Smut Drabble

Sexy Time With Seijoh Boys!

↬Hajime Iwaizumi He's not mad at you,or that's what he told you at least; but then why was he slapping your ass so hard,lying on top of you while biting your ear lobe,enjoying the sight of you shivering with pleasure everytime his hands got close to your drooling cunt? he knew that you weren't flirting with his trainees, and he knew that you weren't trying to catch their attention on purpose,and he wasn't mad,but still… you have no right to be this gorgeous. and that was exactly what he told you before cupping your dripping pussy, smiling at your flushed salient cheeks. "whats the matter,baby girl? I havent even touched your cunt and its so wet for me already" "Haji-please,need you inside me…" your pretty voice,your pretty face,your pretty body, how could he even think about turning down the offer? Hajime Iwaizumi was not a fan of watching other peoples suffer,and you were no exception. "just say the word,darling"

↬Tooru Oikawa "T-Tooru..Mhm!" Oikawa didn't respond,he was to busy making out with your pussy to even talk to you,but he would be lying if he'd say that your quivery voice didn't turn him on.He liked it when you called his name,and what better time than when you were sitting on his face,moaning and desperately calling him by his first name,telling him how good his wild tongue felt againt your heated cunt? "let go baby,i wanna hear your pretty voice" he whispered as he got a taste of your juicy clit,gently rubbing his tongue on it to see your reaction,suddenly sucking on it without any warning whan he saw how stubborn you were,trying to hold back your voice. "Sh-shit! ah! Tooru! p-please!" "please what,princess?" he innocently looked up to meet your eyes,half open from the Euphoric feeling you were experiencing.of course he knew what you wanted,but he wasn't done with you yet. not until hes satisfied with swallowing all of your juices. you wanted to tell him how empty you felt without his pretty cock against your walls, how well he was treating you and how lucky you were to have him by your side, but all of your thoughts disappeared from your mind the minute his tongue slipped inside you. "A-ah!!"

Reblogs are apprecaited!

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ok, ok, I'm back. I don't find that mbti type relevant enough and I despise tags, maybe because I have multiple personalities 🤣 instead, I will give you a quick description. Oh, and I choose Haikyuu as the fandom.

Adult girl, short, brunette, skinny with a big ass👀 I am very understanding and kind until someone really steps on my nerves. I have quite enough patience, however I multitask a lot and freak out when some things don't go according to plan.

I'm bi, if it matters, dom with women but totally sub with men (tbh, just my bf, but you get the point).

As of interests, I am a writer (started off with porn, but now I write mostly angst). I am also a photographer. I like to read, swim, watch series and well.. write. I do that way too much, never enough.

I like all animals besides birds 🙃 but my favourites are dogs and horses. I tolerate spicy food, but don't expect me not to cry while eating it. Oh, and speaking of crying, I cry SO EASILY when something touches me (be it a positive or a negative thing.)

If there's anything you need to ask, go ahead and dm me 😌

Fandom: Haikyuu

Format: Headcanons

Warnings: Nsfw content cuz you're VIP

Word Count: 0.K

A/n: tysm bestie :D Here you go

Ok, Ok, I'm Back. I Don't Find That Mbti Type Relevant Enough And I Despise Tags, Maybe Because I Have

I match you with...

Ok, Ok, I'm Back. I Don't Find That Mbti Type Relevant Enough And I Despise Tags, Maybe Because I Have

Hajime Iwaizumi!

Ok tbh I always imagine Iwaizumi every time you talk about your boyfriend lol idkw

Oof I see a relationship between two understanding people. Iwaizumi has a HIGH common sense, and he has a high tolerance too, despite what people think of him.


He's not one to freak out (thankfully lol) so he would be there to calm you down by talking to you or helping you with your tasks. In the end you feel relieved cause the results are far better than expected, due to the help of your supportive boyfriend.

Lmao you a sub with men? That's nice cause I definitely see him as a top and let me tell you, he's a pro in bed🚶🏻‍♀️takes care of you like no one has ever had, and might be a little mean but it's just a teeny tiny bit and ngl it turns you on but you didn't hear this from me lol🚶🏻‍♀️

YEAH so overalls, a really fine man in bed :D I see him as the type of guy who would want to make his s/o faint from pleasure. He loves the expression you make when he drives you crazy with his cock so I contact is a must for him, which is why I think missionary is his fav position cause he gets to hit that sweet spot inside you and watch you roll your eyes back as you moan his name.

Did I mention that he's supportive? Like, A LOT. Would encourage you to do anything you want to as long as it's not harmful lmao. If it's kinda dangerous and you still insist on doing it then he's coming along, you cannot stop him.

MAN HAS THE MANLIEST VOICE EVER. Imagine him reading one of your favorite books before going to bed. He would have your head on his chest, holding the book with one hand and caressing your cheeks with the other one. If you're in for it then his hand might go to other places too🚶🏻‍♀️But it's rare cuz he just loves how you stick it to him and he gets to watch you drift to dreamland. He will slowly plant a kiss on your forehead, adoring how pretty you look when you're asleep.

He would always how his arm on your waist when you're out in public cuz mf is POSESSIVE as hell but is really good at hiding it. If anyone dares to flirt with you, he will give them a death stare and also a peace of his mind if they don't stop.

Treats his s/o like a princess. Anyone will forget about their problems once theyre out with him, and you are no exception. Would hold you and comfort you when your crying and will remain quiet, if you need him to be.

So yeah he's a gentle man, so you better not lose him🚶🏻‍♀️

Tysm for participating biscuit, and I hope you like this! :D

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4 years ago

"Everything I hold dear resides in those eyes.."

Falling for Iwaizumi Hajime was unavoidable. The man was perfect. He was a great friend, always there to help others, devoted to being a good person and being a great volleyball player. He gave that sport his heart and soul and wanted nothing in return, the sheer happiness that overcame every cell in his body when he was on that court was better than anything he ever felt. He knew when he got too hot headed and knew when to reel back and calm down.

Meeting Hajime and Oikawa when you became assistant manager for Seijoh in your first year was a blessing. You three immediately hit it off and became best of friends. You supported them at every game and helped them out with schoolwork whenever they needed it. When they didn't have practice you would all meet up at Iwaizumis place to watch movies, play games and just hang out.

That went on for the next three years and your feelings for Iwaizumi changed. You no longer viewed him as just a friend, he was so much more. He was always there for you when you needed him, whether it was just talking to you and helping you calm down after you listened to your parents fight, taking you out for a walk or coffee when he knows you were cramped up in your room studying all day. These little acts of kindness meant so much to you, making you fall in love with Iwaizumi.

You decided to confess your feelings towards your best friend on a chilly afternoon after school but what you didn't expect to see as you headed to the gymnasium is to see Iwaizumi kissing a girl you didn't know. Your heart broke at the sight of him pulling her closer, his arms wrapping around her waist as they kissed. The sting in your eyes turned into silent tears before you turned around and ran home. Were you too late? When did this happen? How is it possible that neither you nor Oikawa noticed or knew? Many questions ran through your mind as you reached your front door, quickly taking your shoes off and running up to your room.

The next few days were spent avoiding your best friend, leaving the room when he came in, not showing up to their practice and trying to avoid any place where he could show up. You didn't even know why you were feeling so sad and betrayed because its not like he was aware of your feelings towards him. It was inevitable for him to find a girlfriend but how you didn't know he was seeing someone, was beyond you.


You decided to check in with Oikawa and see if he knew anything about Iwaizumis girlfriend so you met up with him in a coffee shop close to your home. You sat down nervously before ordering coffee wondering what Oikawa knew. When he joined you he offered a soft smile as he sat down.

"How are you doing Y/N?" He asked softly as if he knew everything going on in your head, those warm brown eyes reading you like a book.

You bit your lip before taking a sip of your coffee and looking back at him. "Did you know about her?" You asked sounding heartbroken.

Oikawa shok his head with a sigh. "I saw them outside the gymnasium a few days ago. Which I assume is the same thing you saw since you're avoiding Hajime like he's got the plague.." he said with a slight chuckle at the end, trying to make you feel better.

His small comment did get a smile out of you and made you realise how much you missed your friend. "Is it that obvious Toru?" You asked with a sigh. "How did you know? About my feelings for Iwa chan?" You asked softly.

Oikawa chuckled and shrugged. "I saw it in the way you looked at him, how you started blushing around him.. You're quite easy to read chibi chan.." he teased slightly making you blush softly.

"I love him Toru.. But I can't have him anymore.. I was too late because I was too afraid of ruining our friendship. I was afraid I was going to lose him.." you admited as your lower lip trembled as your emotions started flowing over you.

"Well I think you should tell him. I don't know if the girl he is seeing is something new or nor or if its serious. You won't know unless you try and what's the worst that can happen huh? You'll just continue avoiding him anyways.." Oikawa said with a soft shrug. "I think you should tell him how you feel because he might feel the same.." he said as if he knew something.

You frowned and nodded. Oikawa was right, you were already avoiding both Haijime and Toru and it wasn't fair. You were also abandoning the rest of the team and were of no help to the the coach, something you should be doing as the teams manager. You were going to face Iwaizumi and tell him how you felt. To hell with consequences and more heartbreak. What's the worst that can happen? You stop talking? That was already the case. You'd need the courage to tell him how you felt but you had to try.


You were grateful an extended weekend had you away from school and responsibilities as it gave you some time to think of what to say and how to say it. So when the new week rolled around and the team had practice after classes you showed up, the team happy to have their manager back. You helped out the coach, helped the guys practice and took notes of the new attacks and defenses the team practiced. You missed it, feeling the energy of the entire team playing as one, the energy and passion you could feel everytime you watched them play.

As the practice wrapped up you could feel your heartbeat speed up as you knew that your time was now or never. Iwaizumi was finished putting away the balls and helping Oikawa clean up. Toru agreed to help you keep Iwaizumi in the gymnasium the last so you could talk to him and not be interrupted. Gratefully it worked and now you were face to face with Iwaizumi. You were about to speak but he got to it first.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He asked with a frown. His green eyes looking straight through you making you look away, tumbling nervously with the hem of your shirt.

"Because I had a lot on my mind. I didn't know what to do or say so I stayed away for a bit.. " you said as you cleared your throat slightly before looking back up at him. You could see something in his eyes but couldn't quite put your finger on it.

"So what did you want to talk about? Oikawa is horrible at lying and saying he needed help. He doesn't ask for help, not even from me." He said softly with a small smile. He didn't seem mad and his smile helped you relax.

You took a deep breath before nodding and speaking up. "I saw you with that girl last week. I guess that it hurt me.." you softly said.

Iwaizumi frowned at your words. "I don't understand what you're saying Y/N?" He asked softly.

"I was jealous Iwa chan. Seeing another girl with you.. Because I have feelings for you." You said mumbling out the last part, your cheeks flushing red. You took another deep breath before continuing. "I have feelings for you Iwaizumi Hajime. I have had them for a while. You are always there for me, you make me laugh and you never made me cry." You explained breathlessly "Well until last week but that's not the point. You are perfect for me Iwa.. I want to go to your games and cheer on you, to be there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on, to be able to hold your hand and do whatever we want.. " you said with a warm smile as you took his much larger hand in yours. "Everything I hold dear resides in your eyes.. I.. I love you Iwaizumi and even if you don't feel the same I had to get this of my chest because being away from you hurts and I don't want to do that again. I don't want to avoid you.. I want to be next to you, even if its just as your friend. ". As you finished you felt a weight lift of your chest and warmness flood you, you spoke your truth and it felt good.

What felt even better was the feeling of Iwaizumis arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you into him, his other hand coming to rest on your cheek, cupping your face as he angled your head to look up at him.

"That's how you felt all this time Y/N?" He asked with a soft chuckle. "And you were afraid of what? That I didn't feel the same way?" He said before chucking. "I felt that way from our first year together. Ever since you spent the whole night trying to help StupidKawa and me pass that test. Every time we spent time together after that I could feel my heart jumping out of my chest but I was afraid. Afraid of ruining our friendship and loosing you for good.." he said with a sigh. "The kiss with that girl was a mistake and I haven't seen her ever since.. " Iwaizumi admited softly. "There is only one girl I want to kiss. Only one girl I want cheering on me from the side of the court. Only one girl there for all the wins and loses. That girl is you Y/N." He said with a smile.

You didn't know when the tears rolled down your cheeks but you noticed when his thumb swiped under your eyes drying the small streaks. But those were happy tears, your best friend and crush of three years finally confessed his feelings for you. He loved you too.

"Can I kiss my girl now?" He asked with a small smirk. His beautiful eyes darting from your lips to your eyes. With a small nodd from you he leaned in, his lips melting against yours as everything fell into place at last.


Inspired by the song Power over me by Dermot Kennedy

I love the song and am really feeling Iwaizumi content right now, I hope you are enjoying it too!

Thank you for reading and liking my work!

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4 years ago

" I want all of you, all the strings attached.."

Warnings: 18+, mentions of alcohol, oral sex, begging, passionate sex

Genre: fluff, smut, some angst

Wc: 3.2K

Big thanks to @karasimpno for being my first beta reader (I think that’s the expression) and giving advice on how to make this fic better! Bonus points for being an amazing human and being my first friend on here ! <3

" I Want All Of You, All The Strings Attached.."

When you first met Iwaizumi you were awestruck by how handsome he looked and how well he played volleyball. You were lucky to have a friend like Oikawa who introduced you two and you hit it off immediately.

You went to all their games, cheering on your two favorite boys from the sides and celebrating every victory as well as getting through every loss, even though Seijoh didn't have many. You were their number one fan and during the three years you spent hanging out with them you grew closer and closer to Iwaizumi.

The last time they celebrated getting through to the Spring Tournament finals you were there too. A huge party held at Oikawas and Iwaizumis house was filled with people from school, their friends, other teammates and people you didn't even know. On that night though, your celebration with Iwaizumi went much better than ever before.

You helped Iwaizumi and Oikawa set up the party to celebrate Seijoh getting to the finals. It was supposed to be a small party with the team members and some friends but it blew up. Everyone wanted to be a part of the biggest celebration of the year. The house they shared was full of people, loud music blasting through it with everyone dancing and drinking. Even though it got a bit our of control it was a nice atmosphere and everyone was enjoying themselves. You filled up your cup and headed to the living room as that's where you last saw Oikawa and Iwaizumi and you were happy to see at least Iwaizumi still there, talking to a friend. You walked over right as he turned to flash you his gorgeous smile, causing something in you to stir and make you bite your lip.

You couldn't say that you never thought about Iwaizumi as more than just a friend, that you never imagined the two of you as something more, whatever that would be. You wondered if he ever thought so too.

Iwaizumi brought you out of your thoughts as he waved a hand in front of your face with a chuckle. "Earth to Y/N? Hello?"

You shook your head with a chuckle "Uhh.. Sorry I spaced out.." you said as you took a sip of your drink. The alcohol coursing through your body was giving you the courage you lacked when you were completely sober and that's why you took his hand in yours dragging him to somewhere more private. "I wanna talk to you about something, come with me.." you mumbled as you led Iwaizumi to the first room you could find, it ended up being Oikawas room.

Once behind closed doors you turned around ready to lay your thoughts and feelings out in the open and see where it would lead, but what you didn't expect was Iwaizumi pushing your body against the door, his hand on the back of your neck pulling you into him. His lips crashing into yours in a heated and passionate kiss. You couldn't help the moan that escapes your lips as your bodies pressed into each other against the door.

With both of you out of breath, lips puffed and swollen from the passionate kisses exchanged, you pulled away to breathe, your eyes opening and meeting Iwaizumis as you stared at each other without a word.

"You wanna do this kitten?" He asked with a soft smirk playing on his lips, as his hand came up to caress your face. You were shocked by his action but when you thought about it, this was exactly what you wanted. To have Iwaizumi as yours. With another glance at the gorgeous man in front of you nodded, ready to face the consequences later.

That was all the confirmation he needed before his lips met yours in another heated kiss. He pulled away though, teasing you with the most devilish smirk you had ever seen. Even Oikawas couldn't compare. He easily picked you up and with your legs wrapped around his waist, carried you over to the bed.

As he hovered over you, you couldn't help but admire how handsome he was but you were once more brought out of your thoughts when his lips attached to your neck, earning a groan out of you. Your hand went over his chiseled abbs and torso before tangling in his hair and tugging him closer to you, while your other hand gripped the shirt he was wearing in your fist. His lips left a blazing trail as he went lower, over your collarbone and to the soft flesh of your breast right above the hem of your shirt. He looked up asking for permission which you granted with a soft smile. He sat up, strading your hips as he took your shirt off, his eyes burning through you as he looked down at you, laying under him with your lacy black bra on. He took of his shirt throwing it to the side as he leaned down and continued kissing the newly revealed soft flesh and trailing his kisses down.

"Iwaizumi please.. Stop teasing.." you whined as his kisses reached the top of your jeans. He looked up at you with a smirk before shaking his head. "You are impatient kitten.. Want me to lose these tight jeans or yours?" He asked teasingly. With a roll of your eyes and a nod your jeans were off. He groaned as he was met with a matching pair of black lacy panties. He took his jeans off and took his time as his eyes swallowed the sight before him, your beautiful body half naked begging for him to take.

You whined again as he wasn't doing nothing to help the ache you felt between your legs, your arousal probably seeping through the thin material of your panties. "Iwa chan please.. I can't take it anymore.. I need you.." you whined with puppy eyes trying to get him to do something.

He shook his head with a smirk but decided to answer your pleas with action. His hands swiftly took the lacy panties off and his tongue was on you in seconds, licking up a stripe from your entrance to your sensitive clit earning a loud crying moan out of you. That was all he needed as a confirmation that you were enjoying it as he began sucking on your clit. He dragged two of his fingers over your wetness, making you shiver and moan. He slowly eased them in before begining to pump softy all while his tongue worked on your clit. Your hands tugged on his hair hard, pressing him into your heat as he worked on you.

He pulled away with a smirk licking his lips as he looked up at you chuckling at the whine you let out. "You are greedy little kitten aren't you?" He asked as he continued to pump his fingers into you, watching as your face twisted in pleasure. He pulled them out though wanting to see your reaction

You groaned and sat up, balancing your weight on your elbows as you looked down at him between your legs. "If you don't fuck me right now Iwaizumi Hajime I will go out there and find someone who will! Should I grab Oikawa maybe?" You asked with a light growl in your threat.

Iwaizumi didn't like your words and in an instant he had your hands pinned above your head as he pressed his growing erection into your wet pussy. "Don't go saying things like that kitten. Do you think he could make you feel this good?" He asked as his lips brushed against yours. "You are dripping.. Dripping for me.." he groaned into your ear as he ground his hips into yours, earning a whiny moan.

"Please Iwa chan I need you." Desperation dripping from every word as you looked into his eyes.

He couldn't deny you for much longer, even though he was enjoying the sight under him. He wanted to remember this night for he didn't know if it would ever happen again. His fantasies were coming true, after countless nights of waking up in cold sweat after dreaming of you in his arms, his cock deep inside of your heat as you reached your highs. Now his dreams were coming true. He had you where he wanted you and he was going to enjoy it.

"Okay kitten.. You have me." He said before placing a soft kiss of your lips. He moved off you for a few moments to take his boxers off, his hard cock springing free and hitting his stomach. He reached to the small bedside table grabbing a condom out of it. He brought the silver packet to his teeth, tearing it open and rolling it down his painfully hard cock.

He lined himself with your entrance, running the tip of his cock over your wet folds looking into your eyes. You gave him a soft nod, letting him know it was okay but he just smiled back. Even with the visible precum on the top he was still teasing you.

You rolled your eyes and groaned at him continuing to tease you. "I should really go find Oika-..." but you didn't get to finish your sentence as Iwaizumi slammed himself into you, making you scream out in pleasure not caring who heard you.

"The only name you'll be saying is mine Y/N chan. Only mine.. " he whispered in your ear as he let you adjust to his size, giving you a few soft thrusts.

You nodded breathlessly as your arms wrapped around his neck. The stretch was painful but the feeling of him bottomed out inside of you, filling you up like no one else did before made you moan in pleasure. "Please Iwa chan move.." you cried out softly as you wrapped your legs around his waist, making the tip of his cock kiss your cervix.

He nodded before pulling out almost all the way before sliding back in. He was stretching you and taking it slow but as soon as your nails dug into his back he groaned and picked up the pace. He had the stamina and it was showing as he began pounding into you, making your eyes roll back and your back arch off the bed.

Iwaizumi didn't take it easy on you and you were loving it. His brows were knotted in concentration as he looked down at where you connected, watching your pussy pull him in and swallow his cock up making him groan before looking back up at your face.

Your eyes were closed, head thrown back in pleasure as Iwaizumis hips pistoned in and out of you. The pleasure and the pain mixed as his cock stretched you to your limits. In the moment you couldn't think of any man coming even close to Iwaizumi.

Iwaizumi groaned as you moaned his name over and over again, it made his cock twitch inside of you, but he couldn't finish yet. He had to make you scream and beg for it and he had to make you cum first. He took your legs and put them up on his shoulders, letting him enter you at a new angle which had you screaming out in pleasure as your back arched off the bed.

"Holy shit Iwaizumi yes!" You cried out in pleasure managing to open your eyes and look at him. His eyes were on you making you melt under him.

His hand slid down from your neck, over your nipple and down your stomach, right to your sensitive clit. His fingers worked wonders on it as he leaned in, his lips trailing kisses down your neck.

You were a moaning mess, Iwaizumis name falling from your lips as you felt the familiar knot form at the pit of your stomach. "Iwa chan I.. I'm going to cum.." you managed to mumble against the skin of his shoulder.

He couldn't feel it too, he was close and he felt how tight you were squeezing around him. With a few more thrust he felt you close around him and realese with the most beautiful scream of his name he ever heard. He pushed in one more time as he came undone. He let most of his weight rest on you as his hand rested on your face. He could feel you shaking under him and it made him smile, because he to was shaking as the pleasure coursed through both of you.

You welcomed the added weight of your lover on top of you as you both lay there breathless. Your hands slid down from his hair until they stopped on his lower back. Your head buried in his neck as you tried to catch your breath.

The best night of your life happened, your fantasies came true and the real thing was much better than anything you could have ever imagined.

You two cleaned up and rejoined the party which was beginning to die down. You were grateful since you were exhausted and just wanted to go and sleep in the blissful state you were in.

After the guests were out you helped the boys clean up, stealing glances with Iwaizumi and ignoring Oikawas comments about the two of you disappearing for a while during the party. You both shut him up and went about the clean up. Since it was too late and the guys didn't want you to take a taxi alone you spent the night in Oikawas bed as he took the couch. Lying in the sheets you shared with Iwaizumi lulled you to sleep as soon as your head hit the pillows.

Ever since that night Iwaizumi agreed that the experience was amazing and that you should keep it up. The pleasure was guaranteed but you agreed. No strings attached. That seemed like the best possible idea as he was still actively playing volleyball as well as considering his plans for the future and you too. You were working hard to get into law school and fulfil your own dreams. Leave your small town, travel and enjoy your life. Your arrangement was pretty much perfect, allowing you to blow off the steam and enjoy each others company and it went on for a few months.

This would have been perfect if it was just sex. If you used each other to get your releases and go your separate ways. But Iwaizumi took care of you. Before, during and after sex. He would hold you in his arms as you both tried to catch your breath after spending most of the nights in each other. He took care of you after the act, had showers with you, cleaning your body and his, made you breakfast after you stayed the night and it was impossible not to develop feelings.

With every kiss and every night you spent together those feelings grew and were now flooding your mind. You wanted more out of this. You wanted to have him as yours. To be more than just a friend with benefits.

Lucky for you he was away for training camp for a week and you had a week off from exams and school to think about everything. He was your friend before he was a sex buddy and even though you hooked up you still remained great friends. Together with Oikawa you went to the movies, had game nights and goofed around as usual. Would that stay the same if you admitted you caught feelings for him? Or would you drift apart.

You decided to tell him about your growing feelings when he was back and see where it went from there.

The week passed by quickly and the guys were back, with you waiting for them after school. When their buss rolled around and the boys came out you ran to give them both a hug. The hug with Iwaizumi lasted longer earning a groan and a pout from Oikawa who demanded you got them pizza and have a movie night with them. A proposal you agreed to in a blink of an eye as you drove all three of you back to the house.

Once everyone had more than enough pizza, you were sprawled out on the couch in food coma barely paying attention to the movie playing in the background. Iwaizumis head rested in your lap, your hands running through his hair as you looked down at him. He was awake, unlike Oikawa who was snoring softly resting against the arm of the couch.

You leaned down and placed a soft kiss to Iwaizumis cheek before turning his face to look at you. "I wanna talk to you about something.. " you whispered softly against his lips. Lucky for you he nodded and slowly got up before the two of you headed to his room.

He closed the door before pulling you onto the bed with him so you were sitting in his lap, straddling him. He began to kiss down your jaw and neck before coming back to kiss you. You relaxed and bit your lip before pulling away from the kiss, your hands resting on his shoulders.

"If we go there I'll never say what I need to say Iwaizumi. Just give me a bit okay..?" You said softly as your thumbs caressed his cheeks. With a deep breath you began. "I like you Iwaizumi. I know we said that catching feelings was a no but I want all of you, all the strings attached.." you said softly. Your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest as you admitted your feelings. "I will support you and be there for you, I'll take care of you and I know we can make it work.. Its us.." you said with a soft smile.

Iwaizumi froze at your words. He couldn't say he wasn't expecting this when you told him you wanted to talk to him about something. You seemed serious and your confession confirmed it. The look on your face and the soft weak smile you offered him was breaking his resolve. He would be lying if he said he didn't develop feelings towards you too. He did but he was afraid of them. Soon you would both go your separate ways, possibly to the other sides of the world. Could you risk it? Could you make it work? Many questions flooded his mind but he was snapped out of it as he felt you tremble in his arms. Why were you trembling? Why were you afraid?

He shook his head, getting out of his thoughts to meet your expectant eyes which were staring into his. He could see them glossing over and even your lip trembling. He frowned and cupped your face before smiling softly. "Why are you trembling kitten? Why are you afraid?" He asked before giving you a soft smile.

You leaned into his touch closing your eyes softly. "I'm afraid of your answer. I'm afraid of losing you Iwaizumi.." you said softly as you opened your eyes to look at him and you saw him smiling.

"Well I think you shouldn't be afraid. I too have developed feelings even though we said no strings attached.. I want more with you and I know that we could make it work. Somehow we will but we won't know unless we try right?" He said with a soft smile.

You felt the weight lift from your chest as he spoke, a smile spreading on your face. You leaned in kissing him but chuckling into the kiss. He returned the kiss with the same smile as his arms wrapped around your smaller frame.

"All strings attached huh? I could live with that." Iwaizumi said with a smile as he nuzzled his face in your neck. "I could live with that.."


More Iwaizumi content because he my man and he my boo!

Any feedback from you guys is appreciated!

Every like, reblog and note means so much to me so thank you for reading!

Tags :
1 year ago
As The Shadows Of Discomfort Settled Within You, Iwaizumi Hajime Was Attuned To The Subtle Shifts In

As the shadows of discomfort settled within you, Iwaizumi Hajime was attuned to the subtle shifts in your mood. He navigated the unspoken language of your body with an intimacy that transcended words. On those days when your spirit waned under the weight of cramps and fatigue, he transformed into a gentle guardian.

Iwaizumi, perceptive and compassionate, moved with an innate understanding. His touch was tender, fingers trailing soft patterns against your back as you curled up together. A warmth radiated from his presence, soothing the ache that plagued you.

He'd offer a hot water bottle, prepared without a word, anticipating your needs before you could voice them. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat echoed through the room, a comforting lullaby that eased the restlessness within you.

His gaze spoke volumes, a silent promise to stand by you through the storm of discomfort. There were no grand declarations—just the assurance that he was there, a steadfast anchor in the ebb and flow of your body's natural cycle.

Iwaizumi's love manifested in the quiet moments, in the way he fetched your favorite snacks or brewed a comforting cup of tea. His understanding was a balm, a reminder that vulnerability was not a burden but a shared experience.

In his eyes, you were not defined by the inconveniences of biology but by the strength that arose from enduring it. As he held you close, providing both physical and emotional support, Iwaizumi became a sanctuary—a safe haven where the discomfort of the present melted away in the warmth of his love.

As The Shadows Of Discomfort Settled Within You, Iwaizumi Hajime Was Attuned To The Subtle Shifts In

A/n: This was self indulgent as i had really bad period cramps today :( But it made me feel so much better

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2 years ago
Iwaizumi Brainrot Hours

iwaizumi brainrot hours 😩


Iwaizumi Brainrot Hours

You didn’t think that giving a flirtatious smile to your boyfriend on your way home from a party would land you in this situation.

But here you are, with Iwaizumi’s hips slamming into your own and your palms pressed against the car window, your moans filling the small space. His shirt is partially unbuttoned, tie loose around his neck as he fucks you senseless, groans spilling out of his lips at the sight of his cock disappearing into your dripping cunt, walls soft and clenching around his length.

“Ah, shit. You’re so pretty, y/n…” his calloused hands grip your waist tightly as he continues thrusting into you at a pace that has you practically drooling. He moves one of his hands up your back, tracing between your shoulder blades and knotting his fingers into your hair, tugging it slightly.

“R-right there…” You head is spinning and you can barely form coherent thoughts, the only thing on your mind is Iwaizumi, and how his cock is hitting that one spot inside of you that sends shockwaves of pleasure through your body.

“You gonna cum, pretty baby?” You can hear the strain is Iwa’s voice, and you nod your head, hands curling into fists against the window as you feel your high approaching. Every inch of your body feels like it’s lit up with a vibrating electricity, and you can barely remain upright as your orgasm hits you, legs shaking and sounds of pleasure leaving your lips.

“Fuck.” You feel Iwa’s load spill inside of you as his grip on your waist tightens. Leaning over, he kisses down your back as you both catch your breath.

“Hopefully no one was walking by at this hour.” He helps you back into your dress, cradling your form and pressing a kiss to your forehead.

“I doubt it, Iwa.” You lean into his touch, letting out a small sigh. “Not that you care, do you?”

“Not at all. People should see themselves as lucky if they even get a glimpse of you.” Taking your hand, he assists you in getting back into the front seat, and he starts the car.

“Let’s just go home. I’m exhausted.” Your eyes flutter shut and your head rests against the window, and you can’t help the sleep that overtakes you as Iwa drives you both back home.

Iwaizumi Brainrot Hours

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5 months ago

october 9th - thigh riding w/ toji, oliver, iwaizumi

content warnings - thigh riding, slight degradation, swearing


October 9th - Thigh Riding W/ Toji, Oliver, Iwaizumi

toji fushiguro

October 9th - Thigh Riding W/ Toji, Oliver, Iwaizumi

“You know, you could at least…shit- pay attention to me a little,” you scoffed, frustration lacing your voice as you pressed yourself against his thigh. The heat radiating from his skin felt electric against yours, and you craved any friction you could get. The unrelenting coil in your stomach twisted tighter, a mix of irritation and desire simmering just beneath the surface.

Toji, completely unfazed, flipped through the channels on the TV, the bright flickering lights casting soft shadows across his face. Each change in the screen seemed to pull him further away from you, his focus unwavering and indifferent to your plight. “Maybe if you weren’t such a little bitch earlier, I would pay attention to you,” he mumbled, his eyes still glued to the glowing flat screen on the wall.

The sound of his voice was low and gravelly, barely breaking the rhythmic click of the remote. You whined at his response, a frustrated sound that echoed in the quiet room, but you couldn’t help yourself. You continued to grind against him, the soft fabric of your clothes brushing against his leg with desperate need within you.

Every movement sent a jolt of sensation through you, a tantalizing reminder of the tension building in your core. You could feel your arousal pooling on his thigh, an undeniable mix of embarrassment and longing. The room was filled with the faint hum of the television, but all you could focus on was the way his body felt beneath yours, solid and unyielding, yet impossibly close, teasing you with the promise of attention you so desperately craved.

“Can you really ignore me when I'm literally begging for your attention?” you asked, squeezing your eyes shut in frustration. The plea hung in the air, thick with tension, but Toji remained unfazed, his casual demeanor unwavering. He shifted slightly, the movement causing your heart to race, but his gaze stayed glued to the screen, flickering images reflecting in his dark eyes. You could feel the warmth radiating from his thigh, a tantalizing contrast to the cool air of the room, and it only intensified the longing pooling deep within you.

“Begging?” he replied, his tone dripped with sarcasm, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. “You’re just making it harder for yourself.” You bit your lip, the frustration bubbling over into something more primal. The coil in your stomach tightened, sending waves of heat coursing through you. You felt the urge to reach out, to pull him into your world, to break through the wall of indifference he had built around himself. But with every passing moment, it became clearer that he relished the way you squirmed, the way you craved his attention while he acted like you were just another channel on his TV.

“Seriously?” you huffed, your voice barely above a whisper, laced with irritation and need. You opened your eyes, locking onto his profile, searching for a flicker of acknowledgment. But Toji’s focus remained unwavering, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the remote as if he hadn’t a care in the world.

You leaned in closer, shifting your weight to intensify the friction, your breath hitching as you pressed against him. “I’m not going to just sit here and let you ignore me,” you murmured, a challenge in your voice.

He finally turned his head slightly, the corner of his mouth quirking up just enough to let you know he was aware of your struggle, yet still so nonchalant. “You could try a little harder,” he teased, his voice smooth and casual, as if the entire situation was nothing more than a passing thought.

oliver aiku

October 9th - Thigh Riding W/ Toji, Oliver, Iwaizumi

“I don’t remember saying you could use your hands, slut.” Oliver smirked as he watched you struggle to ride his thigh without any support. He was enjoying this, as usual. Soft whines and moans escaped you, your eyes squeezed shut to concentrate on the rough surface of his sweatpants covered thigh.

Suddenly, a ‘click’ pierced the air. You opened your eyes to see his holding his phone in front of you, taking a picture of your demeaning position. “What are you—” you started to protest, but he cut you off with a playful grin. “What? I’m just taking a little keepsake to remember you by.” He chuckled, the sound light and teasing, before locking his phone and slipping it into his pocket. “I’ve got to keep pictures of all my girls; otherwise, I might just forget who’s who.”

With a casual shrug, he shifted his focus back to you, his hands finding their way to your hips. His grip was firm, almost possessive, as he nudged you to move again. The mixture of excitement and unease coursed through you, leaving you torn between wanting to resist and the thrill of his attention. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, a reminder of the connection that lingered between you.

“Don’t stop now,” he said, feigning disappointment and pouting in a way that was almost comical. “I’ve got a whole hour before I get to hook up with Stacy.” His words hung in the air, and as he guided you back into a rhythm, you struggled to concentrate on what he was saying. The way his sweatpants brushed against your panty-clad mound sent waves of sensation through you, making it increasingly difficult to think straight.

“Who’s S-Stacy?” you stammered, the name slipping out before you could fully process it. A mixture of curiosity and unease bubbled within you, threatening to pull your focus away from the moment. Your heart raced as you felt yourself nearing the edge of something intense, caught between the thrill of the connection you shared and the nagging thought of the girl he mentioned.

He smirked at your reaction, clearly enjoying the effect his words had on you. “Oh, just some girl I dm'd on Instagram. She got some new tits I wanna try out,” he replied nonchalantly, as if the casual mention of another girl didn’t send a jolt of insecurity through you. The tension in the air thickened, and you felt the dichotomy of excitement and jealousy swirling within you, making every fleeting moment even more intoxicating.

"You didn't seriously think you were the only one, did you?" he raised a brow, his tone laced with mock surprise. The playful glint in his eyes did little to ease the knot forming in your stomach. You hesitated, searching for the right words, but they eluded you. The realization hit hard, twisting your emotions into a tangled mess. “I—I didn’t know,” you managed to reply, your voice barely above a whisper.

He leaned in closer, his breath warm against your ear. “Oh, come on. It’s all part of the fun. Keeps things interesting, don’t you think?” His words dripped with a confidence that both intrigued and unsettled you. As he spoke, your mind raced, grappling with the implications of what he was saying. The thrill of the moment felt tainted by the truth of his casual nonchalance. “So, what do you want from me?” you asked, your heart pounding as you stared into his eyes, trying to gauge his intentions.

He chuckled softly, a sound that sent shivers down your spine. “Just a little excitement. A little distraction. Nothing too serious.” He lightly patted your hip, igniting sparks of electricity that both captivated and confused you. “Is that all I am to you?” you questioned, feeling vulnerable yet daring to challenge him.

He paused, the smirk fading slightly as he tried to find words that would sound sincere. “You’re more than just a passing moment. But let’s not complicate things. We can enjoy this for what it is.” He spoke as he forced you to move again.

hajime iwaizumi

October 9th - Thigh Riding W/ Toji, Oliver, Iwaizumi

“You sure that feels good?” Iwaizumi asked, his voice low and attentive, eyes glazing over as he watched you rub against his leg. The warmth radiating from his skin felt like an inviting heat, drawing you in deeper as you sought out the friction that had you on edge. Each subtle movement sent a ripple of sensation coursing through you, blending desire with desperation, and you couldn't help but whimper softly.

You nodded, biting your lip as you leaned closer, the fabric of your clothes brushing against his. The cotton of your shirt clung to your skin, damp with a mixture of heat and anticipation. The room was dimly lit, shadows dancing across the walls, but the glow from the nearby lamp cast a soft light on his features, highlighting the intensity in his gaze. You could feel his breath, warm and steady, brushing against your cheek, sending shivers down your spine.

“Yeah? You like that?” he pressed, his tone shifting, a hint of teasing lacing his words. There was a spark in his eyes now, a flicker of interest that ignited something deeper within you. You could sense the shift in the atmosphere, the way tension crackled like static electricity in the air.

“More than you know,” you replied, your voice barely above a whisper, thick with longing. You shifted your weight, pressing your body against him more insistently, the contact igniting a fire in your belly. The heavy scent of his cologne mixed with the faint aroma of the evening air that slipped through the window, creating a heady combination that made your pulse race.

As you continued to rock against his thigh, you felt the muscles flex beneath you, strong and unyielding, every movement echoing the desire that was building inside you. Iwaizumi's breath hitched slightly, and you caught the briefest glimpse of surprise in his eyes, as if he hadn't quite expected your boldness.

“Is that so?” he mused, his voice low and teasing, but there was an undeniable edge of curiosity laced within it. You could see the way his gaze flicked down, drinking in the sight of you, and it sent a rush of heat flooding your cheeks.

October 9th - Thigh Riding W/ Toji, Oliver, Iwaizumi

Tags :
4 years ago

warnings: nsfw!! and oikawa not really cockblocking you and iwa

no thoughts, just your boyfriend, iwaizumi, fucking you against the wall inside the janitors closet during recess. he couldn't take his eyes off of you since you were wearing your thigh highs and your skirt was very short, making your ass peep a lil from under the skirt. because of that, he also couldn't keep his hands to himself anymore.

"iwa, please," you said, as he continued to rock his hips from behind. "not gonna put it in until you beg," he slapped your ass making you moan. "iwa, please, i need you to put your cock in me, please," you whimpered as iwa kissed the nape of your neck. "see? that wasn't so hard," he smirked, rubbing his tips against your dripping cunt.

he pounded, pounded and pounded multiple times into your wet pussy, making you scream out loud (and cream around his dick) in the process. the students who were passing by pretended not to hear the sinful sounds until you both heard oikawa complaining to shut the fuck up from outside the door.

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4 years ago

𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

; you were having trouble with your math assignment so you asked your boyfriend to help you 

note: you both watch jujutsu kaisen :)

warnings: slight dirty talk//oral//vaginal intercourse//soft smut ig

“come on, the question isn’t that hard,” 

iwaizumi said gently from across the table. you gripped the pen harder, face crinkling in concentration. the sounds of your pen scribbling the paper with multiple tries echoed the room as iwa laughed again at your incorrect answer.

“ugh, stop laughing, ass face,” you yelled while throwing the crumpled the paper towards him. a sigh left your lips as you stretched your arms, yawning in the process. “ok ok, i’ll help this time,” he chuckled. iwa moved and sat next to you. he explained the process one by one, making you understand at every step of the way. 

“okay now, try this one yourself,” he said, handing over your pen. incoherent whispers and murmurs were heard as you solved half of your assigned homework. you were about to proceed on the next question when you felt something riding up towards your core. 

“stop it iwa, i’m busy,” you huffed sternly while smashing numbers into the calculator. you suddenly gasped when a finger pressed a damped spot on your panties. your hand quickly grasped his. “i said stop, didn’t i?” you asked, jaw clenched as you gripped his hand harder. 

 “come on, baby, you’re nearly finish and plus, you’re wet,” he whispered the last part into your ear, nibbling the lobe as well. “and you’re, all of a sudden, horny,” you rolled your eyes, mind concentrating back to your homework. “it’ll be a quick one, i promise,” he said. you didn’t reply to his comment. iwa smirked at your gesture. he silently stood up and went behind you. 

“ah, finally finish!” you breathed out, closing your books happily. “hey iwa, should we go get something to eat? my brain needs an energy recharge,” you asked,  but was answered by a silent atmosphere. a pair of arms suddenly hoisted you up and threw you on top of your bed. you smirked as iwa came crawling on top of you. looks like he has better plans than going out for food. 

“why should i get food when the meal is right in front of me?” 

red hues burned your cheeks as your head turned away from facing him, avoiding his lustful gaze. “eyes on me baby,” he commanded making you turn your head again. iwa’s stomach exploded with butterflies at how your eyes were filled with purity and by the looks of how embarrass you are at his compliment earlier makes his heart flipped (and his cock twitched). 

he gently took off your shirt and threw it somewhere across the room. his breath hitched at the sight of your bare chest. his lips attached to yours as your hands gripped his hair, deepening the kiss. heavy breathing were heard between the both of you. his hands grabbed your both of your tits, pinching both of your nipples, still not breaking the kiss. “ah, fuck,” you huffed. 

his lips trailed down towards your neck, biting and nibbling along the process. you let out a moan, signaling that he has found your sweet spot. he kept on sucking there, hands still haven’t left your breasts, twirling the bud along his long fingers. you eyes squeezed shut at the little pleasure his giving you. your hand travelled down towards your shorts, sliding into your panties. you insert a finger into your dripping core, trying to create friction down below. 

“hey, i’m in charge,” iwa said, gripping your hand to a halt. he pulled down your shorts with your panties, discarding them right away. “would you look at that,” he chuckled at the sight of your wet folds. “don’t laugh, idiot,” you said in an embarrass and annoyed tone. he chuckled once again before lowering his head in between your thighs. 

soft kisses pampered your skin as you felt his breath slowly coming up close towards your heat. "fuck," you sighed, throwing your head back, feeling yourself in cloud nine as his tongue licked your throbbing cunt. you gripped onto his hair, pulling his face closer towards your core.

"ow! hey, no biting!" you hit his head softly. his chuckle sent shivers down your spine, making you let go of your release. iwa sat up, fingers collecting your juices and sucking them clean. "you taste good, baby," he complimented. once again, your cheeks heats up at the comment.

"iwa, can you put it in now," you asked, looking at the wall beside your bed. the boy's heart did a flip. a smirk tugged on his lips, hands gripping your waist. "hold on tight, ok? 'm gonna domain expand what's mine," he said as he pushed himself into you.

you winced at the pain before realizing what he had said. you let out a laugh at his dirty joke. "why are you laughing?" he asked, aware that he was already inside of you. "HAHAHAHA you're gonna domain expand-" you laughed again, making him flushed with embarrassment. "tch, shut up," he said before slamming into. your laugh instantly turned into a scream.

iwa lifts up your knees and slams into you again, again and again. after a few minutes of him going feral and bruising your hole, you came, letting out ropes of white around his cock. "shit, gonna cum," he whimpered as your walls started to clamp around him even more. "it's okay, cum in me," you whispered into his ear lovingly.

the boy grabbed a fist of your hair and slammed his lips onto yours. muffled sounds of moans were heard as warm liquid came flooding into your cunt. "you did great, princess," he said, kissing your sweaty forehead. "yeah but the domain expand thing," you chuckled, making him go red again.

"shut up or not i'll make us go another round."

"the gojo joke was funny-"

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4 years ago

hi baee congrats on 600 !! 💖 for your event, i like that i give good advice to my friends plus iwaizumi <33 thank you 🥺

Hi Baee Congrats On 600 !! For Your Event, I Like That I Give Good Advice To My Friends Plus Iwaizumi

A/N: baby baby hi!!! I hope you like this muah

genre/warnings: fluff, mutual pining, kissing at the end, one (1) curse word I think

Hi Baee Congrats On 600 !! For Your Event, I Like That I Give Good Advice To My Friends Plus Iwaizumi

"Helloo," you chime as you pull a chair next to the table your friends are sitting. 

"Y/N! Talk of the- ah!" Oikawa groans when Iwaizumi elbows him on the ribs. "I meant, just the person I wanted to see!"

"Hey, Y/N." Iwaizumi answers almost immediately, burying himself in silence right after. Your gaze trails over him suspiciously. Both of them are in their training clothes, they must be grabbing a coffee before the training, you think. Iwaizumi looks a little tenser than usual today, you notice, your eyes watching him fidget.

"What were you talking about?" You ask with a smile you hope is neutral and not curious, your eyes still watching Iwaizumi's every move. You smirk when he fidgets harder.

Oikawa notices your eyes on his friend, a grin finding his soft, plush lips. "How's your day going, love?" Oikawa grins at you, knowing how much you (secretly) love the pet name. You're about to answer before you realize he has dodged your question.

Your eyes narrow for a second, catching the brunette's attempt on changing the subject that's loosely hanging in the air between him and Iwa. Your gaze locks on the said boy- he's not looking at you, though, his olive eyes watching his fingers hold a tempo, his lips pressed together gruffly. 

"It's fine," you answer, a sly smile sitting on your lips right after. "Yours?"

"Amazing, this thing happened today-" Oikawa starts to explain yet another interesting (not likely) thing that happened to him that day, but your focus isn't on him. 

"And yours, Iwa?"

"Hm? Fine." He answers, but Oikawa's smile says it wasn't exactly fine. "Aw, Iwa, don't be shy now. Tell them what's on your mind."

"Shut the fuck up!" Iwaizumi glares at the brunette, but the cat's already out of the bag. "Oh?" You say, sharing a secluded grin with Oikawa. "Is there something bothering you, Iwa?"

"Yes, there is. He needs advice." Oikawa answers before Iwaizumi can deny it. "And you always give the best advice! I've been trying to convince him into asking you for some, but dear Iwa doesn't want to bother you."

"Bother me?" You repeat with a giggle. "Of course not, Iwa, you're one of my best friends! You can always come to me when you want to talk. Besides, I like being the advice friend."

Iwaizumi looks persuaded, although that doesn't stop him from sending Oikawa an icy glance. 

"Okay, okay." The boy laughs. "I'm leaving you two to it."

An awkward silence follows the brunette's leave, now both of you holding a nervous tempo with your fingers. It quickly turns into an improvised song, which Iwaizumi messes up, making you laugh. 

"If you want advice about tone-deafness, I'm not sure how to help."

That seems to soften his tense shoulders a little, the thin line that's his lips breaking into a smile.

"No, but I might have to come for that again, sometime." He jokes with you. 

"So," you say after another minute of silence. 

"So," he repeats. " I have a problem."

"So I heard."

"It's about- erm- someone." He concludes. 


He nods. "Someone- I might have- I like."

"O-oh!" You exclaim, your eyes widening and fingers clenching. oh. 

"Yeah." He shrugs, seemingly more relaxed now that the worst part is over. "I like them a lot, actually."

"Oh, that's- that's nice." You smile, and now it's your turn to avoid his eyes that are watching your each and every move. "Yeah, but I'm not sure, well, if they like me."

"Hm," you furrow your brows. "I think everyone has a little doubt in their minds when they like someone. But is there any reason you think they might not like you?"

"Well," he starts, shrugging. "They might be thinking of me as a friend rather than- yeah. We're friends and, and I didn't even mean to catch feelings but they're so nice and so cute, so-"

He stops his rambling when you chuckle. "I'm sure they like you back, Iwa."

"Do you really?"

"Yeah! You're the most amazing guy I know, and anyone is lucky to have you by their side, I'd say. And I'm sure they, even more, since I already know how you can get when you take a liking to someone."

"Hm?" He raises his head. "How do I get, then?"

"Well, first of all, you get really protective." You chuckle. "Like a lot. Not in a bad way, though I think it's pretty cute. It makes you feel safe when near you. You start letting yourself go a little more, make jokes that are way funnier than Toorus'-" he chuckles at that, "And you're just- anyone you make them feel like this, I'm sure they'll reciprocate your feelings."

He watches you with a quirked brow, mouth slightly agape as you realize, finally realize what you had just said. "I- of course, I don't mean-"

"You don't?"

"I mean, I do- but-"

He grins, making you stop trying to talk when you very obviously can't. "Well, Y/N," he leans a little forward with a regained confidence. "Do I make you feel like that?"

You stay silent for a few seconds, and his smile must be contagious since you're unable to suppress yours any longer. "If I say yes, what will you do?"

"If you say yes," he leans even more to you, his lips ghosting over yours, eyes locked on them, "I'll kiss you."

"And if I say n- hmph!" Your words are muffled before you can finish the sentence, and you're glad he takes a stop at this torturous teasing you had been making. "I don't-" he heaves, taking pride in the way you do too when he pulls back, "I don't think you'd say no, Y/N."

"But that's-" he's once again grazing your lips softly. "That's some advice." He grinns.

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3 years ago

Iwaizumi x f!reader; cheater!Oikawa x f!reader


Word count: 6,4k

Category: Angst, Smut

Warnings: Cheating, cursing, sex, some choking, slapping and mentions of violence (reader basically asks to be hurt), daddy kink (not ddlg), scummy Oikawa being an asshole, kind of toxic Iwaizumi, uh, that’s about it? Dm me if I missed anything.

Summary: Having your heart broken by Oikawa Tooru is unexpectedly hard, but it’s even harder to let yourself fall for someone new.

Songs that inspired this: “Sparks” by Coldplay, “Song for a guilty sadist” by Crywank and “Skinny love” by Bon Iver 

Huge thanks to @velvet-kissesss for editing this and always being the first to read my stories! <3

Oikawa Tooru is like the sun. His smile is as bright as a summer day, his gaze as cold as ice, but he‘s still your sun. Or he used to be. Clouds of doubt that came in the form of suspicious text messages and excuses clouded his brightness and warmth that never really cleared away. 

He‘s busy busy busy. You‘re always wasting his time, you‘re always annoying him with your silly messages, asking- no, begging for his time; which you know you won‘t get. Your eyes and heart are completely filled with Tooru, your sun.

Even his friends notice the odd behaviour of their former captain yet they mask their concerns for your wellbeing with jokes and laughs once you stop showing up to their weekly dinners. 

The storm started when you overheard the conversation you weren‘t supposed to hear. It‘s a rare occasion to be home at the same time as Tooru, even in your shared apartment, your boyfriend so kindly paid for (You offered to pay rent, but even if he would‘ve accepted your offer, a broke college student would never be able to afford it). His voice sounded slightly annoyed, the notes barely there, but from the time you spent together you could clearly tell he was having an argument. 

“I’m not fooling around. I don’t know what to do,” 

You couldn’t tell what the argument was about, but you pressed yourself against the living room wall that divided the two rooms. Eavesdropping wasn’t good, but you were worried for Tooru. He was never home, never shared his worries and now he was getting into arguments. Your anxiety was rising. What if something was going on? 

“I’m not leading her on, you don’t know what you’re talking about! The only girl you’ve ever dated left you before college started. Adult relationships are so much harder,” 

There was only silence for a moment that seemed to stretch out into infinity. 

“I’m thinking about ending things. I think… I’m almost sure I’m falling out of love with her,”

Everything went silent until then the ringing in your ears took everything away. Your head was spinning, eyes unable to focus on anything, lungs suddenly filled with water and throat with sand. Empty. Empty, so painfully empty but full at the same time. You were the ‘her’ of the conversation. You were the girl Tooru was falling out of love with. 

You didn’t feel yourself falling onto your knees. You didn’t hear the loud thud, you didn’t even notice how cold the floor was until your silent bubble was popped by Tooru’s voice. 

“Shit, Y/N!”

His arm on your shoulder felt so heavy. Too heavy, the water filling your lungs seemed to spill out of your eyes, tears running down your face. Oikawa kneeled before you, pulling you into him, letting you bury your face into his sweatshirt that used to smell like your perfume but now smelled of something unfamiliar and unwelcoming, his hand in your hair stung colder than ice. 

He lets you cry, lets you grip him so hard, as if you think that letting go would be deadly and lets you whisper quiet “You don’t love me’s” until your throat becomes sore. 

“You heard everything,” it wasn’t a question, rather a statement. His hand reached your back, rubbing in gentle circles but it was anything but calming. You felt as if you couldn’t let go because as soon as you did, Tooru would disappear. Your sun would never shine anymore. 

“Don’t leave me, Tooru. Don’t leave me, please.”

His eyes watch your form, so defeated in his arms. 

“I won’t.”

You’ve been together for such a long time, you’ve been there through the highs and lows, always cheering him on, always there to greet him with a smile after a long, stressful day, always so willing to do anything to make him feel better even if your late night love-making ended in being unable to walk the next day and having to conceal the finger-shaped bruises left on your frail neck. Maybe it’s the stress of trying to balance college and volleyball. Maybe it’s the way seeing your face and feeling your gentle touch doesn’t put a smile on his face anymore. 

You at least deserve another chance. Another chance before he’s sure he fell out of love, even if he knows he has. 

“Y/N, I won’t leave you, I won’t,” he repeats like a mantra, like he wants his words to fill you full, like he wants you to believe it; even if he himself won’t. 

You don’t remember being carried to the bed, you don’t remember Tooru covering you in a soft, fluffy blanket but he’s still there when you wake up, with your back pressed against his chest, his long arms draped over you and his head resting against your shoulder. 

It's idle, it’s painfully normal that you can almost pretend nothing bad ever happened, that he still loves you the same way he did before. You can almost feel the brightness and warmth of the sun after being lost in the dark for so long.

The next few weeks go by fast and Oikawa keeps his promise. You never feel lonely, constant fancy dates that feel foreign after such a long time and the awkward smiles of his friends when he starts bringing you with him again. 

It almost feels too good to be true. And it is, as you learn when you return from your shitty part-time job earlier than usual. 

Don’t fly too close to the sun or you will burn. And you were burnt. Like Icarus, the wax of your wings melted and your false feelings of security you held onto are shattered into tiny pieces, never to be collected by anyone. 

He’s in the arms of another woman, another pair of lips is kissing away at his skin, tainting him, the sight making you dizzy when you can’t take your eyes off of their tangled bodies.

The woman notices you first, yelping and pulling the covers to save any dignity she has left. Oikawa can’t look up. He’s physically sick, any minute and he’ll throw up. Is he mad because you showed up early or is he disgusted by himself? The feelings mix into a dangerous combination and he’s unable to say anything. 

Only when you open your mouth do the apologies begin pouring out of his mouth, the girl beside him long forgotten as he climbs out of bed, pulls his sweatpants on and chases you into your shared bedroom. 

He catches your wrist and tries to tug you closer when you reach for anything you can. Your charger, a few clothing items and your favorite perfume he gifted you, tossed carelessly into a bag and all that’s left is the sorrow in your eyes.

He wants- no, he needs you to be mad, but as tears flow down his face he can’t help but shout at you, grab you by your shoulders and violently shake you until you plead to him to let you go, until there’s fear mixing in with the tears in your eyes. 

After he releases his iron grip, you storm off. All there’s left is the bruises starting to bloom on your skin and the voice of another woman. 

Oikawa throws up soon after that. 


Your phone is overwhelmed with notifications from missed calls and messages, but you run until your legs are sore and your lungs are burning. The bag in your hand is the only thing still grounding you to this world while your tears mix with the pouring rain as you fall on the cold, slimy sidewalk once again; your tights ripped and dirty. 

You reach for the door already shaking and even more pathetic-looking than before. The doorbell rings a silly melody and you consider walking away before you make a fool out of yourself, but you don’t have the time to re-think that decision when the door swings open, a slightly annoyed looking Iwaizumi standing before you.

His scowl drops as soon as he sees it’s you and his features form a worried expression when he takes in the state that you’re in. 

“Y/N, what- What the fuck happened?” he doesn’t wait for your answer, already ushering you inside as the warmth of his home seeps into your tired, frozen body. 


He guides you to the living room immediately before turning up the heat and sitting you down on a couch, before sitting beside you.

You don’t dare look at him. 

“Y/N, tell me what happened.” 

He’s worried and you shrink into yourself, the feeling of guilt unbearable. You’re not worth the worry.

“Oikawa he…I found him having sex with another woman.” 

The words come out fast, like ripping off a band-aid. Iwaizumi frowns, his lips part in disbelief. Oikawa told him he was falling out of love with you, but… cheating on you in your own home was a whole ‘nother thing. 

Iwaizumi didn’t know if his face showed any obvious disgust or anger, but your hands started shaking. 

“Should I go?” your eyes find his, fluttering shut to hide the glossiness, “Iwaizumi, tell me if you need me to go. I know that Oikawa is your friend and that I’m just some girl he dated but I didn’t know where else to go, I didn’t know who else to call,” 

He can feel your uncertainty and stress so he does the first thing that comes to his mind; gently grabs your hands, flinching when he finds them ice-cold. 

“First of all, you’re not just some girl, I have known you since our third year of high school. I’m your friend as much as I’m Oikawa’s. And I won’t let you go anywhere, not in the state you’re in.” 

You stare at him in disbelief, hands still shaking. 

“Yeah, Iwa, we’re besties for life,“ your voice breaks as you try to make a joke. 

You can’t help but burst into tears again. Pathetic, fucking pathetic and annoying. Your thoughts run wild, trying to find a reason why Tooru did this to you.

Iwaizumi pulls you into a tight hug while you’re left with your arms awkwardly hanging limp by your sides, your tears and snot soiling his shirt. 

“Listen, you’re cold and your clothes are wet. How about you go take a shower while I make you something to eat? Then we can talk more about it, if you want to. But you will catch a cold staying in those wet clothes.”

The kindness is unexpected. You knew that the dark-haired man never lacked compassion, but he was so painfully kind. Too kind.

“Iwaizumi- It’s too much. I-“ 

He doesn’t let you finish, already letting you go to bring you a set of fluffy, fresh towels. 

“It’s what any friend would do. Please listen to me, I don’t want you to get sick. Please.”

There’s too much “please’s” in that sentence, but you do as he asks and let him guide you into the bathroom, pretending to listen when he tells you something about using any shampoo and shower gel you want.

And then he leaves you alone. Painfully alone again.

You undress, the wet clothes falling to the floor. Your biceps have handprints imprinted on them and you can’t stand to look at yourself anymore as you climb into the huge bathtub. 

The water is boiling and it feels like your skin is going to peel off as you trace patterns on your tired body, trying to burn Tooru’s touch away; but no water could ever be hotter than the sun. 

You don’t know how you find the strength to wash your hair, but the musky, citrusy smell of Iwaizumi’s shampoo untangles the knots in your hair, keeping your head empty. Or, as empty as it can be.

You don’t know how much time goes by but you’re sitting down with your back against the shower wall when a knock comes. 

“Y/N? I don’t want to bother you and you can take your time, but I went through your bag- I- I uh wanted to find you some clothes, didn’t mean to snoop around. But- Uh, but you don’t have any warmer clothes packed so I brought you some of mine. I’ll leave them by the door.” 

There’s no footsteps and you realize he’s waiting for an answer. Is he worried? Afraid you’ll drown yourself in his shower? A soft laugh slips past your lips. 

“Okay.” your voice sounds like it doesn’t belong to you; too distant and unrecognizable. 

The footsteps fade away and you decide to not feed into Iwa’s fears as you step out of the shower, drying yourself off. 

Wrapped in a towel, you open the door and grab the pile of clothes Iwa has left. There’s a pair of panties and a bra from your bag, then a pair of sweatpants and a huge hoodie you don’t recognize so they must be Iwaizumi’s.

Getting dressed feels like a chore. Your arms are heavy and your legs feel like they’re made out of wood. Iwaizumi’s clothes smell just like him, musky and citrusy, erasing the smell of sex that haunted you since you stormed out of your home.

The clothes fit you weirdly but you can’t complain, because they’re warm and comforting.

An aroma coming from the kitchen almost makes you dizzy again and you realize that you haven’t eaten today. 

“Sit down,” suggests Iwaizumi, as soon as you step into the kitchen, “I made ramen. It’s not anything fancy, but I didn’t do any grocery shopping recently. We, uh, I could order you take-out if you’d like that more?”

You hop onto one of the comfortable chairs and muster a smile. 

“Iwa, it’s fine, ramen is fine.”

That seems to calm his concerns, even if for a little bit. You eat in silence. He seems to observe you, blushing as soon as you catch his glance, but you don’t have the energy to ask him anything. 

You want to help him wash the dishes, the guilt of him being so kind and you not being able to do anything in return, but he just asks you to sit down, assuring that he’s got this.

He stands before you after putting the dishes away and once again grabs your hands. You don’t know if it’s to comfort you or because he doesn’t know what to do, but his hands are cold and unfamiliar; though his touch isn’t unpleasant or unwelcome. 

“Do you want to talk about it?”

You manage to shake your head, letting it fall into his chest. The position is awkward, but one of his hands almost automatically begins massaging your back in slow motions. 

“Ok, we will not then. Makki- uh, Makki said that you liked watching ‘Howl’s moving castle’?”

You lift your eyes, raising an eyebrow at the brunette’s statement. 

“Makki remembers stuff like that?”

Iwa lets out a dry laugh, as if trying to lighten the atmosphere. 

“He said you made him watch it with you twice.”

A ghost of a smile graces your lips. 

“No one else would, so Makki was my only option. It’s not like he didn’t enjoy it. I even heard him talking to Mattsun about it.”

It seems like your mind wanders off for a second. ‘Good’, Iwa thinks. 

“Do you want to watch it right now? I can bring you a blanket and like, snacks or something? Or you can go to sleep if you’re tired, I already made the bed.”

You’re lost in your thoughts for a moment and then your gaze meets the former vice-captain’s olive eyes again. 

“Can we um, can we actually watch ‘Jurassic park’ instead?” you ask, uncertain. 

“Yeah, of course we can,”

A good hour passes and you’re halfway into the movie, hidden almost completely under the warm blanket, when Iwaizumi turns his face away from the TV to focus it on you. His slightly chapped lips part, as if he couldn’t voice his thoughts. 

“Everything okay?” you ask, turning your attention away from the blood-thirsty dinosaurs chasing a group of people. 

“Why did you pick this movie?”

You feel heat flood your cheeks, palming the material of the blanket.

“It’s one of Tooru’s favorites. He likes watching dumb dinosaurs and even dumber people.”

Your answer is quiet, but Iwaizumi knew the answer even before the words left your mouth, he only needed you to confirm it. How does watching a movie that the ‘person who cheated on you’ liked could bring you comfort?

“I know it’s stupid and God, um, I probably look pathetic right now and all but,” you pause to take a deep breath, tears threatening to spill all over again, “If I watch it closely enough, I can almost convince myself that everything’s like before. That we’re watching a movie with you and Tooru and he just left to get a drink.”

Soft cries that you fail to silence leave your lips as Iwaizumi pulls you closer, not resisting enough to look at you so hurt and defeated. It’s probably weird to hug you as much as he did today, but you don’t seem to mind, burying your head into his shoulder and crying away. He’s not good with words;  the complete opposite of Oikawa, who makes small talk and comforting words look effortless. Physical comfort is his only way Iwauzumi can show that he truly cares. 

It’s a good half an hour before you’re asleep in his arms, the movie long-forgotten. Iwaizumi’s eyes take in your form. You poor thing, Iwa didn’t really know how to help you or take your pain away besides taking care of you the best he could. 

He reaches for his phone on the edge of the sofa, wanting to check the time and probably carry you to the bed but he finds tons of notifications still ongoing. They’re all either from Oikawa or the groupchat of the former third years. 

He doesn’t bother responding to Oikawa, opting to read the groupchat. He can’t care enough to read all the messages they’ve exchanged while he was gone so he scrolls a good bit. 

Shittykawa: fuck, you really don’t know where she is?

Makki: for the 10th time, we tried calling her friends. 

Makki: none of them know, how do you expect us to know?

Shittykawa: just fuck

Shittykawa: shit, this is so bad. What if something bad happened to her?

Mattsun: Yeah? Something like her boyfriend cheating on her?

Mattsun: Oh wait :D

Makki: mattsun, now’s not the time

Makki: oikawa you fucked up and I want to personally beat you up, but blowing up the groupchat won’t help you find Y/N

Makki: take a breather, calm down. I’m sure she just went to some friend we don’t know or something

Shittykawa: I’ll try calling her

Iwaizumi scowls, fingers typing out a fast response.

Iwa-chan!!: don’t

Matssun: Iwa? Wtf 

Iwa-chan!!: she’s at my place

Iwa-chan!!: she’s safe and asleep, just finished crying her eyes out

Shittykawa: what the actual fuck

Shittykawa: I’ve been calling fucking everyone and NOW you decide to tell me she’s at yours?

Makki: why is she at yours tho? 

Mattsun: Yeah, would’ve guessed she went to Mina’s or smth

Iwa-chan!!: well im her friend too so

Makki: yeah, it’s just weird

Mattsun: She also could’ve went to ours lol

Makki: good thing she’s at Iwa’s

Makki: I couldn’t handle another marathon of fucking studio Ghibli movies

Mattsun: Where’s Oikawa tho? 

Shittykawa: omw to Iwa’s

Iwa-chan!!: wtf no

Shittykawa: I’m taking her home

Mattsun: Yeah, probably not the best idea

Iwa-chan!!: she just fucking cried because of you, you think she wants to see you

Makki: you should give Y/N space, Oikawa

Makki: I doubt she wants to see you rn

Shittykawa: don’t care

Shittykawa: open the door Iwa

Iwa grunted, gently moving you away from his shoulder and slightly increasing the sound of the movie, not wanting to wake you up when the inevitable screaming match between him and Oikawa breaks out. 

Makki: wanna bet ¥1000 that Iwa at least slaps Oikawa?

Mattsun: Nah, I bet ¥2000 that they get into a screaming match and wake Y/N up 

Iwa puts his phone down, not bothering to read any more incoming messages and moving to open his door. He doesn’t want to. Doesn’t want to look his best friend of so many years into eyes. Doesn’t dare wonder what will happen when you wake up and see Oikawa here.

Despite so many reasons to not open his door, his arm automatically reaches for the handle and swings it open. 

Oikawa stands there, looking like a ghost in the pale moonlight. His features seem blurry in the light, warm brown eyes now cold as ice. He pushes past Iwa, uninvited and slams the door shut, eyes searching for any sign of you, as if you’re just going to appear out of nowhere. One of Iwa’s hands clutches Oikawa’s shirt sleeve and holds it tight.

“She’s sleeping, don’t you dare go and fucking wake her up after the day she’s had,” grunts Iwa, dragging his best friend to the kitchen. Despite being there so many times before, today Oikawa seems out of place. 

“I’m taking her home,” states Oikawa, once again. 

“No, you’re not,” retorts the dark-haired man, “Sit the fuck down and let’s talk.”

Oikawa begrudgingly pulls out a chair and sits down. They’re looking at each other for a moment, not daring to break the silence. It almost feels like everything is okay, for a moment, like nothing happened, like it’s another quiet evening spent talking at Iwa’s house. If Oikawa concentrates hard enough he can almost imagine hearing your’s and Makki’s banter over the movie choice for tonight and Mattsun chuckling. Almost. 

“What the hell were you thinking? I thought everything was going okay,” Iwa tries to ask calmly, but the way he talks through his gritted teeth alarms Oikawa that they’re not about to have a quiet, calm conversation. 

“I wasn’t thinking. Y/N wasn’t meant to walk in.”

“So you planned to cheat on her and just go on with your life, God I-“ Iwa stops to take a deep breath. He knows he needs to keep himself level-headed but it’s so fucking hard, “When you told me that you’re falling out of love I was hoping everything would turn out okay. Even if not, I thought you’ll just break up with her, not… Not that,”

Oikawa looks lost. His eyes trace the coffee mugs on the table, then reach the colorful rag near the sink and then travel back to Iwaizumi. Hajime knows that his friend is looking just above his eyes, avoiding the judgemental gaze. 

“What am I supposed to do now?” the former captain’s voice is merely a whisper, the confidence it always carries gone. 

Iwa sees the way Oikawa is suffering, yet he cannot find it in himself to feel sorry for the former captain. The complete and utter selfishness of his actions; disgusting. 

“Get out and sleep it off. Let her rest, that’s the best you can do.” 

“I want to see her, to apologise, to-“

“Would you want to hear apologies from your partner, who you just caught cheating on you?” Oikawa’s face drops even more, if possible. A frown takes its place on his guilt-ridden features, a bunch of different thoughts making it hard to focus.

“I fucked up- I,” Oikawa’s searching for words, but can’t seem to find any, “There’s no coming back from this, is there?”

Iwa looks up. Seeing Oikawa in so much pain almost makes him physically ill. He feels conflicted. He wants to comfort his best friend, tell him that everything will be okay, that this situation has a solution, but Iwaizumi has never been a good liar. The former vice-captain manages to nod and they sit in silence until there’s footsteps. 

Oikawa scrambles to stand up, already at the kitchen entrance before Hajime manages to catch him. It’s like their conversation flies out of Oikawa’s head — he’s trapping you in a tight hug, whispering promises and apologies, while you just helplessly stare at Iwa.

“Let me go, Oikawa,” you mutter, voice completely powerless and void of any emotion. The usage of his surname sends a shiver down Tooru’s spine. Small details begin to fall into place – your red, puffy eyes, the way you hold yourself like you just want to hide and the fact that you’re wearing his best friend’s clothes. You smell like Iwaizumi and that finally snaps Oikawa out of his trance. He lets you go, “If you have any respect left for me and my feelings, please leave”. 

You say the sentence with such exhaustion that it seems like it’s physically hard for you to speak. 

“I’m gonna leave, alright?” He leans a bit, so that you can look straight into his eyes. It seems like he has been crying too. You catch Iwaizumi’s gaze in your peripheral vision, “But please know that I’ll be waiting for you to come back, okay? 

Your eyes wander away and he abruptly grabs your shoulders. You notice Iwa tensing up. 

“I know you’re too smart to listen to my apologies, but please consider it, okay? I know you love me, Y/N, so think about it. I’ll come pick you up anytime, alright?” 

You manage a nod and just like that – Oikawa is gone, a quick goodbye to Iwaizumi and he’s out the door.  It hurts, hurts so fucking much. A moment of enlightenment then complete darkness again.

“Y/N…” Iwa is careful when he hugs you, like he’s afraid to hurt you. You step away so that you can look into his eyes. Dark green mixed with olive and brown tones seems to magically reel you in. You just want the pain to go away, even if for a moment. You’re so incredibly close to him and you can’t resist – your lips connect and you close your eyes. Iwaizumi doesn’t seem shocked, and even if he is, he instantly kisses you back. 

His lips are slightly chapped and his hands explore your body carefully – every move and touch thought through. 

He pulls away for a moment and your arms instantly reach to pull him closer, to go back to the state with no thoughts and problems – just pure passion, kisses filled with sadness and longing. 

“Do you really want this?” he murmurs, almost into your lips, “Do you really want me or am I just a temporary replacement you can imagine Oikawa’s face on?”

He can read people so well, even if it doesn’t seem so. There’s nothing else besides physical affection and a long-lasting friendship. You trust him, you trust him to take the pain away, to make you forget your sun. 

“I want you to take the pain away,” you answer him and your lips meet once again, “Please, Ha-ji-me,” you say his name in between kisses and Iwaizumi curses himself. 

He’s an awful person and an even worse friend – leading, no, dragging you into his icy cold bed, when he should be comforting you, kissing away at your neck and quickly undressing you instead of calling Oikawa to come up with a way to fix this mess. He can’t help it, he can’t help himself from marking your pretty tits up when he’s wanted you since third year in high school, since you were utterly and completely Oikawa’s. 

Having something so forbidden is exciting and Iwa knows that he can still back out, can still stay a good friend to Tooru, but why not just give him a taste of his own medicine? God, his moral compass is all fucked up. 

His fingers softly massage your clit until they dip lower, slowly and softly fingering you while his thumb plays with your clit. He swallows up your sweet moans and mewls within his mouth, kissing you roughly and full of passion.

“Good girl,” he mutters, leaving yet another mark on your neck, the possessive side of him enjoying the already visible bruises that litter your upper body. 

You whine when he thrusts particularly hard, hitting the spot that almost makes you instantly cream around his fingers.

“D-don’t be gentle, okay? I’m not gonna break,” you manage to say in between moans, “I want you to cause me physical pain, yeah? O-oh- so t-that I can forget why It’s hurting so much,”

Iwa’s brain seems empty. On one hand, he should be comforting you, not hurting you, but on the other hand, how can he say no when you look up at him, utter and complete sadness clouding your teary eyes, short pants slipping past your plush lips. 

“You want me to make it hurt?” he chuckles, one huge hand enclosing around your neck with the other still inside you, grinning when you lean into his cold hand’s touch, desperate to be ruined, “Okay, I’ll do that.”

Iwa’s not a sadist in bed, most of the time, but you asked him to make you forget. And to be honest, he really wants you to forget. How euphoric would it be if that fucked-out look would be reserved for him only? 

“A-ah, can I come, please?” you ask, hardly able to talk, pupils dilating, hands trembling and reaching to grab his snow-white sheets, looking for something to hold onto. 

“Good girl, such a good girl asking for permission,” he mumbles and your eyes light up, but then the hand on your neck squeezes harder and you’re left with your mouth agape, watching Iwaizumi’s delighted face as he fingers you into completion, “You have to ask nicely if you want to cum. What did you used to call Oikawa?

His fingers slow to an agonizing pace and you let out a groan in frustration. Iwa wonders if he’s crossed a line with his questions, but all his worries are calmed down, when your eyes sparkle with fresh tears and you manage to sob out a frantic “Please, daddy, please, can I cum?” as if you’re afraid the brunette will take away your pleasure. 

“Cum” he orders, high on the power you basically handed to him without any resistance. And then he watches you come undone on his fingers, your face filled with ecstasy as you keen and cream around his fingers.

Iwaizumi gives you a moment to get yourself together and breathe as he moves his hand away, but after that he’s expectantly shoving his fingers with your juices towards your face and beams when you suck his fingers clean; even without him asking. 

He strokes your cheek and pulls out his pulsing cock out of his boxers. He’s so impossibly hard and he just can’t wait to be in you, feeling the heat of your tight walls on his dick. 

You look down and your eyes become as wide as saucers – he’s no longer than Oikawa, but definitely thicker, oh you just know you’ll have trouble walking the next day. 

“Don’t worry your pretty little head, baby,” he chuckled, “Let daddy take care of you.”

There’s thoughts rattling through your head for a moment, but then you give in and nod – still not able to completely think after a mind-numbing orgasm. 

Iwaizumi lines himself up with your creaming hole and then pushes in. You mewl and keen, but he keeps going, swallowing all the noises with comforting kisses, knowing that If you’d really wanted him to stop, you would’ve told him so. Inch after inch and he’s finally bottomed out – your pelvises rubbing together. 

“I’m gonna move now, yeah? Pretty girl,” he can’t help but praise you – so pretty, all submissive and blissed-out just for him.

Iwaizumi’s thrusts are hard and fast – it seems like he wants to engrave the shape of his cock into your tight walls and his name into your fuzzy, pleasure-filled brain.

“Daddy-“ you whine, “So good, feels mmhm- feels so goo-good!” you scream, biting at his neck, making the brunette suck in a harsh breath. 

“Yeah? You’re gonna be my good girl after this, huh?”

You can’t focus your thoughts to answer – the feeling of his cock dragging against your walls, the way his muscles are flexing when he grabs your hips, the way he smells, the-

Iwaizumi slaps you. Not hard, but hard enough to get your attention and for pain to begin blooming in your cheek. 

“Daddy asked you a question. I expect you to answer, honey.” His green eyes are darkened with lust, pet name condescending. 

“Y-yeah, gonna be your good girl, daddy,” you pant, breath coming out in short puffs.

From your expression and the way you’re clenching down on him, he can feel that you’re close.

“You on birth control?” Iwa asks, not completely lost in pleasure, still able to think, but fuck is the thought of coming in you hot.

“Y-yeah,” you cry out, “Cum inside me, yo-you can cum inside me,”

That’s all it takes. His vision flashes, strong arms trembling and squeezing your hips even harder and then he paints your walls white. You come soon after – a little stimulation to the clit and you’re coming on his softening dick. 

You stay there for a few moments, both breathing and collecting yourselves. Iwa falls to your side, pulling you close to him, tucking your head under his chin, your hot breath tickling his neck.

“Thanks,” you manage to say, before blacking out. It seems like today’s events really tired you out. Hajime doesn’t mind. He could get used to this. Used to you in his bed, used to you being completely his. He couldn’t get used to the guilt though. He stays up, lost in thought, until first rays of liquid gold begin leaking through the curtains.


Iwaizumi picks up your things from your’s and Oikawa’s place. You’re miserable yet again – asking Iwaizumi to do it for you through hiccupping sobs. 

His best friend of many years has your bags ready, your shared apartment weirdly empty, cold and unwelcoming without your things. 

“So she’s really not coming back,” Oikawa mutters. He looks even more miserable than you; it’s fucking depressing and the guilt comes back stronger than ever. Fuck.

“Well you can’t blame Y/N. You cheated,” Iwa retorts, tone colder and harsher than he intended. 

“Yeah, that,” Tooru laughs, a noise so empty and pathetic that his best friend cringes, “Does she have a place to stay?” 

“She’s staying at mine’s” 

“You’re fucking, aren’t you?” Oikawa chuckled and Iwaizumi froze, “Figured. I have no reason to be mad at you, Iwa, but I fucking am. Still feels like… She’s mine, you know? And I really wanna fucking beat you up for touching what’s mine, but I’m not going to do that,”

Iwa nods. His best friend was always too good at reading people. Too good for his own good. 

“I’m going to Argentina soon. Got a good deal to play at in professional team while still being able to finish my studies,”

“That’s… That’s amazing Tooru,” Iwaizumi is excited for him – there were no doubts that he was going to make his dreams come true, but it’s like a weight has lifted off of Iwa’s shoulders; Oikawa is going to be miles away from you and you’re not going to fall back into the setter’s awaiting arms. 

“I know you’ll feel like she’s completely yours when I’m gone, but I’m not doing this for you. I want to change, to be a better person. A new country might help. But I won’t be gone from her life, yeah? I’m still her friend, even if it's a really shitty one. Time heals people, who knows what the future will bring.” Oikawa smiles and Iwaizumi’s heart beats in his chest. 

“If you want to get back with her someday-  I won’t- I won’t let you. Okay? Yeah, you have everything and she’s mine. You had your chance, Tooru,” Iwa is about to walk out, your bags in his hands, but there’s something stopping him. Right, “Text me when you’re there, tell me how you’re doing. Still want to know that you’re safe.”

“Will do,” Oikawa responds and the door to his apartment closes. It’s over.  


Iwaizumi blocks Oikawa’s number from calling you. The less you know the better. He’s away now and he doesn’t have time to call you. Everything is over and you’re happy with Iwaizumi. 

But when you press his hand against your neck harder and harder, the look in your eyes looks something close to a prayer, begging. He doesn‘t know if he should cry for himself or for you, because you‘re asking him to hurt you over and over again, harder and harder, for the physical pain to replace the everlasting ache in your heart; if even for a moment. You are completely and utterly Oikawa Tooru‘s and no matter how many  “I love you’s” you whisper into Iwaizumi’s neck on lonely and self-hatred filled nights, when the sun is replaced by the moon, he knows that you’ll never be his. That he’s never going to be your sun. He knows from the way your hands reach for your phone as soon as it rings, from the way your face drops when it’s not the voice you crave to hear, from seeing your eyes tear up when you’re looking at him, your head spinning from trying to imagine a different face instead of Iwaizumi’s. 

It's stupidly foolish of him to hope that he could ever be enough for you. That he could ever replace Oikawa, replace the man you compared to the sun. Iwaizumi was cold and bitter, the care and worry always masked by a scowl. Could he be your moon at least? Would you ever be satisfied with the coldness of the moon, when you once had the warmth of the sun? 

Iwaizumi doesn’t want you to answer the questions he never voices, the ones you have probably already answered hundreds of times in your head. 

All he can do is pull you closer and hope to be enough. The night is filled with sounds from the city that flow through the open window alongside the darkness. He can almost pretend he doesn’t feel the uneven rise of your chest, almost ignore the quiet sobs you try to hold in. 

Iwaizumi buries his face into your hair, the citrusy and musky smell of his shampoo filling his senses assuring him that he’s not in the wrong here. 

So why does it feel so bad to be selfish for once? To hold you in his arms like this, seeking to give you the comfort he knows you crave from another. 

Why does it feel so bad to keep you away from the sun?

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3 years ago


pairing. iwaizumi hajime/reader

contains. fluff <3

note. this is for my lovely angel, nona @aiiwa hi! happiest birthday to you, beautiful <3 i hope this little drabble i made for you will make you happy ♡ consider this as my birthday gift to you hehe. i love you sm, pretty! you’re always such a sweetheart to me and i hope your birthday will be a good one. kisses for you, my love <3


Human touch. Physical affection. The feeling of having someone close to you with the faintest trace of the pad of their fingers across your skin can elicit such emotions. Iwaizumi doesn’t really pay any mind about that before. Yeah sure, he’s got his fair shares of skinship because he’s best friends with Oikawa and his love language is literally physical affection, and sure, Makki and Mattsun do share their own fair amount of hugs and arms over his shoulder here and there but truthfully, he doesn’t see the weight of human touch before.

That is until he met you.

Keep reading

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3 years ago

would anyone be interesting in a iwaizumi ballet au? I wrote one on wattpad but never finished it so lol

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2 years ago



pairing: iwaizumi x femblack!reader

synopsis: ballet au fic (updated weekly)

word count: 343

warnings: none

type: fanfiction

a/n: rewriting an unfinished story from wattpad. inspired by dance academy and dance moms. this is just a intro so the first chapter is coming after. i loooove dance academy btw^^

Charlène Aveline's Dance Company. A prestigious dance school that teaches children from 11-18. With 319 acres of land, the school is absolutely stunning. With fifteen different buildings including a shopping center for students, its better then most universities in Sydney. The most impressive however was the competitive team. There was an elite group of 6 or 7 senior dancers that traveled across the world competing with the best of the best in the industry.

Oikawa and Y/n. Now Oikawa has been his best friend for years. Iwaizumi was proud of his friend for being in the top two. Girls flocked to him after class and teachers constantly praised his ballet skills. Y/n had been Oikawa's friend for years. Iwaizumi was her friend too, but not as close as Oikawa was to her. Y/n and Oikawa fought for the top spot at the end of every semester and many students thought the couple would be cute together.

Many students, but not Iwaizumi. He knew Oikawa didn't harbor feelings for the girl, but knowing that the majority felt that his friend did made him believe it a little bit. Naturally Iwaizumi didn't get as much of the spotlight as his friends, but he didn't mind. With their next year of high school starting, Iwaizumi found it quite difficult to live in his shadow.

He snapped out of his own thoughts and continued drinking his smoothie. As the last day of summer vacation, Iwaizumi and friends were on the beach soaking in the last few days of summer. He watched Oikawa and Y/n sprint back to the rest of the group. He sighed. Oikawa seemed to have forgot his promise to help Iwaizumi over the summer.

At least he wouldn't have to worry about auditions this year. After being on the senior team for two years at least, you wouldn't have to audition anymore unless someone threatened your spot. He watched Y/n laugh as Oikawa whispered something to her. Iwaizumi huffed again. He was going to have to remind his friend about the conversation they had.

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