
she/her| Requests: OPEN Guidelines Masterlist

81 posts

Uhhlucid - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago
A Better Version

a better version

2 years ago

Part. 8

Part. 8

pairing: iwaizumi x black!fem reader

synopsis: on pointe! (updated weekly) previous parts in masterlist

word count: 2.3k

type: fanfiction

a/n: i really struggled with the ending here lmao

Y/n woke up around three to a note on the table. Mrs. Aveline took Frankie, Oikawa, and I for ice cream. Elissa agreed to go with you for costumes. Y/n couldn't see how Oikawa nor Frankie could accept that offer. Traitors, she thought. Since she hadn't gotten the chance last night, she hopped in the shower. The warm water hitting her skin helped her to relax.

She turned the water off and wrapped herself up in a towel after stepping out. She texted Elissa to meet her in front of the male dormitory in 45 minutes. The led mirror her mom had bought when she first arrived came in handy while she did her makeup. Since it was just shopping she wore a pink tube top and flared jeans.

She slid on her older cousin's hot pink jelly platform sandals and grabbed her purse. She did a quick once-over in the mirror and left the room. As promised Elissa was out on the male dormitory steps with Carter and Iwaizumi. Her hair was freshly silk pressed and she wore a white beanie. A long sleeved white crop and baggy khaki pants that almost completely covered her shoes was her outfit of choice.

"Hey. I can't believe Oikawa and Frankie took up her offer," Elissa stood up when she saw Y/n. "I expected Lia and maybe Oikawa, but Frankie?" "Oh well. Let's just go find some costumes. I've already found the main pieces for mine." The four headed off campus to the nearby party store. "What are you two going as?" "Princess Peach and Mario. You'll see the costumes tomorrow."

Iwaizumi opened the door to the party store and a wave of cool air greeted them. The store had all sorts of spooky decorations and moving props. The only visible worker seemed uninterested behind the counter as little kids ran around with candy and costumes in hand. The shelves seemed overstuffed despite Halloween being tomorrow. The group walked to the back where there were changing rooms and adult costumes.

Y/n combed through the isles looking for an alien costume with Iwaizumi close behind. "Can we use these?" He held up two spandex alien costumes. "How will we breathe Haji?" He shrugged. "This is the one Oikawa and Lia got." "Fine we'll get it." Iwaizumi grabbed the two costumes and headed for the front counter. Meanwhile Elissa and Carter were looking for accessories.

They had to go to the kids section to find a Mario hat. Carter was glad Elissa had come up with the costumes. He hadn't even had time to take her on a real date yet. The thought had been nagging him since Thursday. He had to practically beg his parents to go out on Halloween and had accidentally mentioned that he was going out with someone so naturally they wanted to meet her.

He watched Elissa grab white gloves for the two of them. "What's on your mind?" she asked him. She ran a few fingers through his dirty blonde hair that reached the base of his neck. He gave her a small smile. "Nothing. Let's keep shopping." They bought the closest shoes they could find to the original character and headed for the front. Iwaizumi and Y/n were already there waiting. Carter offered to pay for everyone despite it being the last of his allowance for the month.

Iwaizumi and Y/n said they were going to take a detour and meet them later. Carter wondered what that was about, but didn't dwell on it much. "Something's bothering you Carter," Elissa stopped and looked dead in his face. "It's nothing you have to worry about," he tried to continue walking. "I think it is." He sighed. Elissa sure was persistent. "It's just about the party. That's all."

"Omg you haven't told your parents?" "I did. Maybe I said more than I should've." "Your being really vague right now. What else is bothering you?" He wanted so badly to say the fact I haven't taken you on a date. "I wanted to hang out with you, but I just blew my allowance." "Just wait till Tuesday when you get a new one. Is that really all?" His parents would kill him if they knew he hadn't made the first move. Or any types of moves at all. She always initiated any type of physical contact.

He nodded. "That's all. Let's go try on our costumes."

Iwaizumi and Y/n were going to have an ice cream party of their own. Iwaizumi wondered why Oikawa had even accepted the offer. He couldn't let that ruin his day however. Tomorrow was finally the day he'd been waiting for all summer. The pair reached their destination. A corner store. The freezer with all the ice cream was right by the door on the right side. They gained a few odd stares from other patrons as they gathered all the ice cream they could.

From bars, to sandwiches, to cones, to pints of ice cream; they set it all on the counter. The attendant raised an eyebrow, but rang them up. Iwaizumi and Y/n split the bill and grabbed the bags. They left the building and sat on the sidewalk out front. "I bet Oikawa isn't eating this much ice cream right now." Y/n took her first bite of a twisted chocolate and vanilla cone.

Iwaizumi agreed and opened one of the pints of ice cream. They obviously couldn't finish it all and began giving it away to kids passing by until all of the ice cream was gone. "We should get back. I bet Mrs. Aveline is back by now," Iwaizumi suggested. Y/n nodded and they walked the eight blocks back to their school.

After walking up the main steps and going through the administrative building, they reached the main campus. Students were sprawled out everywhere practicing. Iwaizumi and Y/n headed to the female dormitory. There were lots of people on the first floor, chatting, stretching, and doing whatever they like before the big party.

Lia was nowhere to be found in Y/n's dorm which meant she had to be in Oikawa's. Iwaizumi took the costume out of the packaging and went into the bathroom to change. He noticed their bathroom was significantly cleaner and had more lotions and shampoos. He quickly changed and left the bathroom.

Iwaizumi was surprised he could see out the costume and even more surprised he could breathe. He saw Y/n in her costume sitting on her bed. She giggled. "Who're you texting?" "Lia." "What's so funny?" "Nothing. Tomorrow's going to be veeery interesting." Iwaizumi thought Y/n was acting really weird especially since she was agreeing with Lia. He took off the costume and changed back into regular clothes. As he was heading out, Lia was heading in. She had various bags and when asked about it she simply laughed.

Iwaizumi left the two girls alone and could only wonder what they were up to.

"Kourtney c'mon we kissed. You can't deny it now." Kourtney turned the other way. She twirled her hair around her finger. "All I'm asking is that you go with me," Serenity gave her a genuine smile. Kourtney knew this was bad. She knew Serenity had an addiction problem and was extremely toxic. She took Serenity's hand. "Sure. I'll go with you." "Great. Let's go get dressed." Serenity took Kourtney to her dorm.

Elissa was still sleeping when they arrived. Serenity yapped about how pretty Kourtney was while she was doing Kourtney's makeup. Kourtney knew she was just saying that to convince her more. This wasn't the first time she'd been wrapped around Serenity's finger. She grabbed her handheld mirror and pushed it into Kourtney's hand. "Don't you look so pretty?" Kourtney nodded in agreement.

"Your dress is hanging up in the bathroom. Hurry though cause I need to use the sink for the hair wax." Kourtney peered in the bathroom to find a bodysuit that looked like it was made out of leaves with a green sheer piece that connected at the waist and had the leaves spread out on it. There wasn't a full length mirror in the bathroom so she had to step out to see herself.

Serenity was busy doing makeup and didn't notice Kourtney come out. After twirling in the mirror a few times she sat next to Serenity. Serenity glanced at her. "You look pretty. I'm going to take a while." Kourtney nodded and glanced around the room. It wasn't her first time here. The windows were always open and the wet rags by the window were turning dry. Serenity must've been smoking earlier.

Kourtney watched Elissa's sleeping figure. She wore a shirt that was way too big and she wondered where'd she got it. Serenity suddenly got up and went into the bathroom. Kourtney was scrolling mindlessly on her phone when a sudden noise scared her. "Kourtney? What time is it?" "Like eight forty-five why?" "Fuck how long was I sleeping?" The sun was already beginning to go down and they hadn't even left yet.

Kourtney watched Elissa grab a pink dress from the closet and set it on her bed. Serenity emerged from the bathroom with her hair split dyed red and black in two pigtails. She had a spiky black choker that Kourtney didn't remember Harley wearing. She had fishnets up to her chest with a split black and red cropped tank with the black and red diamonds on either side.

The shorts were also split black and red but were opposite of the shirt. The shorts barely covered her ass. Typical Serenity. She had the split gloves and socks with regular black combat boots. "Let's go Kourtney." "I can't even get a hi?" Elissa asked." "Hey. Now let's go." Kourtney gave Elissa a sympathetic look and followed Serenity.

Elissa rolled her eyes. Kourtney was so scared of Serenity. Serenity knew better then to treat that poor girl like that, but that was none of Elissa's business. Elissa took a quick shower and brushed her teeth. She was admiring her reflection in the mirror when her phone buzzed. Carter had texted her. She quickly responded and put on her dress. Someone knocked on her door and before she could answer, she already heard the door open.

"Elissa c'mon. We're about to leave," the voice sounded like Y/n. Elissa finished putting on her accessories and carefully opened the bathroom door. Y/n and Lia were right outside it. They wore matching iridescent tube tops and skirts with green body paint. Lia had even dyed her hair a silvery color with glitter pieces. "I thought you guys were wearing spandex suits." "There was a change in plans," Lia explained.

The three headed out the female dormitory and towards the train station. It was extremely crowded because of Halloween night and Carter's house was all the way out in the suburbs. The train stopped and they got off. Elissa lead the way to a neighborhood with beautiful front lawns and huge driveways. They stopped in front of a house with a huge wraparound porch.

Carter was anxiously pacing the porch while waiting for them outside. "I didn't think you'd show." He greeted Elissa with a kiss on the cheek. "Serenity woke me up late." Elissa rolled her eyes. Carter led them inside down a winding hallway and down the stairs. Shots were being passed around while the music blared. Lia went off to find Oikawa while Y/n and Elissa headed off to dance.

"I didn't think you were serious about having a girlfriend." "Brittany you scared the fuck out of me." Brittany was nearly as tall as Carter and they had been childhood friends for years. Brittany went to one of the local high schools however. Tonight she was dressed as Cassie from Euphoria, already possessing the blonde hair and cheer uniform. "Why would I lie about having a girlfriend?" "I don't know you're just sorta shy?" "I'm not shy." "You are around girls. And let me be the first to tell you. You have a really pretty girl." "I am not shy around girls." "Did you make the first move?" Carter ignored Brittany's question.

He knew she was smiling to herself under the dim lighting. "Who wants to play Never Have I Ever?" Brittany screamed loudly. The crowd erupted in hoots and hollers and those who wanted to participate sat around in a circle. Carter sat in between Elissa and Ronald, one of his friends from school, for the game. He noticed he didn't see Y/n and Iwaizumi but didn't focus on it. Drinks were passed around in the standard red plastic cups and the game began.

At first it was simple stuff like cheating on a test, but then it got amplified to stuff like never have I ever had a threesome. He watched Elissa drink more then he had expected her too. "Carter your friend Brittany is so fun. You should've introduced me sooner." Brittany shot him a wicked grin when Elissa said this.

The party had been too loud for Iwaizumi to get his point across to Y/n. They snuck out the back door and were now sitting on the edge of Carter's pool dipping their toes into the water. "I've been meaning to tell you something and I haven't gotten the chance yet, so I figured now would be a good time," Iwaizumi stared directly into Y/n's eyes.

"What is it Hajime?" "I wanna be your boyfriend." Iwaizumi waited a few seconds for her reaction. He opened his mouth to speak just as Y/n kissed him. Her tongue explored his throat as she cupped his face. She pulled away and gazed into his eyes. "Shall we head back?" Y/n nodded and the two went back inside

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2 years ago

Part. 7

Part. 7

pairing: iwaizumi x black!fem reader

synopsis: on pointe! (updated weekly) previous parts in masterlist

word count: 3.1k

type: fanfiction

a/n: once again my drafts don't save :(

"Where are your friends?" Carter didn't mean to come off as rude. His friends convinced him to go eat lunch with his new girlfriend. Currently they were outside sharing garlic bread and bbq pineapple chicken kabobs. "Serenity is off doing god knows what. Frankie eats with the seniors. And the others are practicing off campus. What about you?" "They're sitting at the same table I always do inside. Can I come with to the competition?" "You'll be very disappointed in me if you came. I'm like the underdog. Plus, I don't know if Mrs. Aveline would let you." "Sure she will. You've never asked for anything before have you?" Elissa shook her head. "Then it should be all good. Now let me see your dance before lunch is over."

Elissa's grey skirt fluttered in the wind. Carter had to admit the uniform colors were cute. A pink sweater was over her white button down shirt and she wore grey legwarmers with white sneakers. Carter felt a bit plain wearing just the basic grey jacket and pants with a white button down. She threw her trash away and smiled at him. "You coming?" He nodded and threw his away as well. She led him to a clearing where no one was there to watch.

She set her backpack down and took off her shoes. Her pointe shoes were already ready and waiting in her backpack. "I wish I hadn't picked ballet. Lia's totally going to outperform me." Elissa began stretching. "Celia? Why would she?" "Have you seen her dance? I mean she sucks at everything else, but ballet she's fucking amazing." "Never even spoken to the girl." "The girls were talking in the dressing room about how they were jealous of her because she was dating Oikawa. If they knew Oikawa personally I would not want to date him," she emphasized the not.

Carter had always considered Elissa and her friends popular. Especially Oikawa. "What's wrong with em? He seemed fine last night." "He's just a little weird. And he has a really long skin care routine. He's a bit whiny. Don't get me wrong he has a lot of good qualities." Carter chuckled to himself. "Wonder why Oikawa gets all the ladies. If I was a girl I would choose Iwaizumi." "Omg Carter are you coming out as bisexual? Iwaizumi has fans too just not as much as Oikawa. I heard Y/n has her sights on him though." "Elissa I've been bisexual. This isn't anything new. Iwaizumi and Y/n would be cute." "I know right? I'm glad no one took you before I did."

Did Elissa think Carter had girls at his feet? Did dudes have crushes on him? "Do people really like me like that?" She looked at him as if he had just asked the dumbest question ever. "They say your fighting with Iwaizumi for the second hottest in the school." "I'm not even popular like that." Y/n stood up and handed Carter her phone. "Play the music when your ready." He waited for her to get in position and pressed play. Carter thought she looked regal and elegant while dancing. He imagined them dancing ballet together on Broadway.

When she finished he imagined the crowd clapping and demanding an encore. "How was it?" She sat next to him. "It was great. Just minor things like straightening your leg and stuff." She smoothed out her skirt. "I think I'm just too nervous about it all." "There's a reason Mrs. Aveline chose you for the team. You know she only likes perfection." Elissa gazed into his eyes. Carter felt his heart rate go up drastically. Elissa crashed her lips onto his and swirled her tongue around his. He cupped her cheeks and kissed just as passionately back.

This continued until they heard footsteps approaching. They both quickly turned around and saw a small rabbit picking at the grass. Carter sighed with relief and Elissa giggled. She snuggled into Carter's embrace until the bell rang. "Why can we hear the bell all the way out here," Elissa complained. "I'll carry your backpack for you," Carter picked it up before she could object. "Your lucky we have the same class next." She put her regular shoes back on and put the pointe ones in her backpack. The two headed off to their next class of the day.

The final bell rang and Elissa was dragging her feet along to Mrs. Aveline's office. She was even more reluctant when she saw Mrs. Aveline in her office. She knocked softly a couple times. "Come in." This was her first time in the office and it was exactly as Oikawa had described. She took a seat and Mrs. Aveline was steady typing on her computer. She glanced up. "Elissa, how may I help?" This was the nicest Mrs. Aveline had ever been towards her.

"I was wondering if Carter could come with us to the competition this week?" "Carter?" "Carter Haynes." Mrs. Aveline mumbled under her breath. "Why does he want to come along?" "He wants to see my solo." "Young love is difficult to understand. I'll allow it. It better not distract you." "Thank you Mrs. Aveline. I'll never ask for anything again."' She left the office and was surprised to see Carter waiting in the hallway. "So what'd she say?" "She said yes. Better go to sleep because I'm getting you at 1." "In the morning?" Carter's eyes bugged out of his head.

She nodded. "I'm going to get some sleep," she started back down stairs. "I'll walk you," he quickly caught up. "It's not that far you know?" "I know. I just like spending time with you."

Oikawa waved at Elissa as she walked by. He turned back towards Lia. "I'm trying to take you out on a date. What's so bad about that?" "The day before a competition. I can't screw up like last time." "You will screw up if you don't give yourself a break. Now come to the aquarium with me." She didn't respond for a few seconds. "Let me change first." Oikawa sighed in relief and agreed to meet up in ten minutes. Iwaizumi was in their shared dorm on the phone with Y/n.

He tried pestering him about their relationship, but it didn't work. He changed out of the uniform and went downstairs to find Lia outside the male dormitory. Her thick brown curls were held back by a claw clip. She wore a pink halter and low-rise brown jeans. Her white forces matched her felt tote bag. She sat on the front porch. She hopped up when she saw Oikawa.

She greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. He took her hand and guided her all the way to the train station. Since their school was relatively close to downtown it was unnecessary to take the train, but Oikawa thought it would be much quicker. The aquarium was one Y/n had showed him when they first became friends. It was on the smaller side and if you didn't know about it you would never find it. A Korean family owned it and also had a restaurant across the street.

Today it was filled with small children and Lia was confused as to why they were in such an unknown part of Sydney. "Kawa where are we?" "The Mangjol family aquarium of course. Their daughter is the only family member working though. The other employees are probably our age." Lia nodded. Oikawa must be rambling again.

They first looked at all the tropical fish. Lia pressed her face up against the glass. "Kawa look at how colorful they are." He smiled. "Let's go see the penguins." She followed after him. The attendant there let them sit in the penguin inclosure. First they had to put on a similar suit and then the employees told them not to touch or feed the penguins. Oikawa complained about not being able to pet them, but other than that Lia enjoyed the penguins.

"Let's go eat across the street. I can totally get us a discount." Oikawa and Lia took off the suits and thanked the employees. Lia skipped along across the street with Oikawa following behind. It was a brick building with Korean letters on a black sign above the door. Under it in English read "Korean Bbq House." Lia opened the door and an older woman, introducing herself as Chi-Yong Manjol, led them to a booth close to the kitchen. She had smile lines and wrinkles under her eyes.

Her hair was tied back and she wore an apron over her dress. She pulled out a pen and notebook from the apron. "I'll be your server for today. Another server will be over to cook your meal." "Can I just get rib eye steak with water?" She quickly jotted it down. "And for your side?" "Just some rice." "I'll have the spicy pork and squid with bean paste stew, whatever veggies you have, and a water." When the server walked away Lia kicked him under the table.

"Why'd you order so much?" "I come here all the time and order the same thing. No big deal." A younger boy with bubblegum pink hair on the left and jet black on the right came up with their order. He set everything down and got to work. Lia was amazed how he could cook the food for multiple tables at once. Once the meat was done Oikawa said they could finally eat. Lia munched and watched as he wrapped the pork inside the lettuce.

She did the same with her steak and began trying it with other vegetables. "You should really try this squid," he held it up to her mouth. "I don't know I mean doesn't it have suction cups and stuff?" "It tastes really good," he pushed the squid up to her lips. She reluctantly took a bite and chewed slowly. "It's okay. I don't like the texture." "That's fine. Just glad you had fun."

Oikawa paid for the meal and they walked back to the school hand in hand. "I'm still worried you know." "I know." "You made me forget for a little while." "That's the plan. Now go get some sleep." He kissed her hand and headed for the male dormitory. Iwaizumi was already fast asleep when he arrived. He slipped off his shirt and shoes and went to sleep.

It was the first time Iwaizumi woke up Oikawa for a competition. Oikawa sat up in bed as he watched Iwaizumi put on a t-shirt and sweats. "You should get to packing," Iwaizumi commented before going into the bathroom. Oikawa forced himself to get up and took his costume inside the garment bag from the hook on the door and folded it carefully in his backpack.

Oikawa barged in and joined his friend in brushing his teeth. "I really wish you wouldn't do that." Iwaizumi spit into the bowl. "It's fine. We're saving time this way. Now I need to do my hair." Iwaizumi and Oikawa continued to share the mirror. Oikawa brushed his hair while Iwaizumi spiked his up. The clock read 12:45 when they left.

Oikawa and Iwaizumi were sure they would be the first to get there. Elissa and Carter had completely beat them. "Hey Lissa. I didn't know Carter was coming," Oikawa sat next to her. "Told you to stop calling me that. I'm surprised the queen let him. Carter and I made breakfast for everyone. We tried something completely new." Elissa reached in her bag and brought out three plastic containers.

"Are these tacos for breakfast?" Oikawa seemed amazed. "Pancake tacos. Filled with cream cheese, strawberries, blueberries, and powedered sugar. My mom used to make em all the time," Carter proudly announced. Oikawa and Iwaizumi took one. "These are sooo good. Carter how come you haven't made them sooner?" Iwaizumi nodded in agreement with Oikawa. It was too early, in his opinion, to talk.

Y/n arrived next and happily took one. Frankie took one next and him and Y/n were doing handsprings on the sidewalk. Mrs. Aveline was last bringing Serenity, Kourtney, and Lia with her. "Mr. Haynes if you become the reason Elissa doesn't do well you won't have a chance at performing." Carter nodded and that seemed to satisfy her. Serenity had her dirty blonde hair in a messy bun and wore a simple white tank and shorts. She had her arm around Kourtney while playing with her ear length jet black hair. They seemed to be matching with white tanks, but Kourtney wore sweats. They sat at the back of the bus and Iwaizumi thought what could Serenity possibly be up to.

Frankie's blonde roots were starting to show through his mint green hair. He wore his usual black hoodie and jeans with Doc Martins. He sat in front of them. He'd been protective of Kourtney ever since she was a freshmen. Y/n sat next to Iwaizumi and fell asleep leaning on his shoulder. Elissa and Carter seemed to be the most energetic and kept yapping about new recipes to try. Lia was by the window fast asleep while Oikawa talked with them.

It was a long eight hours and Y/n woke up to Iwaizumi tapping her shoulder. She grabbed her bag and headed off of the bus with the rest of the team. Since everyone was in the solo category they were all rushing at once to get ready. Mrs. Aveline was nowhere to be found and Y/n was beyond frustrated because of it. She sat in front of her mirror and tried to focus on her makeup.

The threat of probation and possible suspension was looming over everyone's heads. Y/n didn't even hear Lia when she asked if she wanted to get some fresh air with her. "Huh?" "I asked if you wanted to take a quick breather." Y/n nodded slowly and followed the girl down the stairs and to the parking lot. As soon as they were away from everyone Lia broke down in tears.

She sat on the concrete as warm tears rolled down her face. Y/n quickly tried to dry them up so her makeup wouldn't be ruined. "Everybody there hates me," Lia said in between hiccups. "No they don't. They just see you as competition." "Aren't we teammates?" "Not this week." "Y/n Oikawa's gonna break up with me. I haven't made a single friend yet," she broke back down into tears.

"You're just going to have to prove everyone wrong then, huh?" Y/n gave her an optimistic smile. Lia sniffled and slowly stood up. They walked back to the dressing room and Lia reapplied her makeup. Y/n didn't know why she just comforted her competition. She had no time to dwell on this as their division was starting and she needed to run through her routine.

She saw Elissa and Carter in the halls practicing. Elissa was really talented, but Y/n knew she didn't stand a chance against Lia. The first one to dance was Oikawa. Everyone was too busy doing their routine backstage to watch his performance. Serenity was next and from the look of her face Y/n could tell something has gone terribly wrong. Frankie was next and it being his last year he clearly wanted to go out with a bang.

Kourtney was up, then Elissa, then Lia then Iwaizumi. He reassured her they were saving the best for last. She began her solo and felt as if she were flying. The motions were so fluid she felt like the stage was a huge pond and every step she took was on a water lily. The routine ended and the team went backstage to change and get lunch. Carter was from Melbourne so he showed them a restaurant called Chin Chin.

Despite it being lunch time, everyone ordered desserts. Frankie used his older brother's id to order a cocktail instead. "The queen is going to be so upset we aren't eating with her," Kourtney was stuck in Serenity's embrace. "Who cares? She should've been there to help us prepare," Serenity exclaimed loudly. They all paid for their own meals and left the restaurant.

To pass the time, they played tag in the halls and did cartwheels on the sidewalk outside. Mrs. Aveline got out of a taxi and caught them on the sidewalk. She gave them a stern look and went inside. "Are we supposed to follow her or?" Y/n peeked into the door. "She should've said so then," Oikawa was firm about it. They walked across the street and bought an ungodly amount of lemonade whenever it got too hot.

Lia said they must've paid the rent for the store for the next few months. They went inside when the sun began to set. Mrs. Aveline was on the phone when they got to the dressing room. She waved them away whenever they tried speaking to her. They eventually gave up and just headed for backstage.

The announcer named all the teams competing for their age division and then allowed the dancers on stage. Serenity was eighth and she grumbled that it was because she slipped on one of her stunts. Kourtney was seventh and Y/n had forgotten what kind of dance she'd done. Elissa was sixth and Y/n was fifth. She stood proudly next to Elissa holding her medal. "Bet you Lia gets first," Elissa whispered to her.

Iwaizumi was fourth, Lia surprisingly third, Oikawa second, and Frankie first. He beamed even though this had to be the 100th time he'd won first place. Mrs. Aveline was as quiet as a mouse as they packed up. "Who lost?" she asked. "I didn't lose. I fell," Serenity muttered. Mrs. Aveline simply nodded. "And who was right before you?" "Kourtney," she mumbled. "Both of you are on probation until you prove you can be a part of this team. I don't want to hear any complaining. Let's go home." Y/n wasn't surprised she didn't ask about who won.

She never wanted to give credit when it was due. She sat next to Elissa on the ride back and listened to her talk about how she hated how good Lia was at ballet. Y/n felt everyone probably hated Lia. They got back the same time they left yesterday. Serenity seemed angrier than usual about being on probation. Y/n guessed this had to be her fifth time on probation.

She sluggishly dragged her feet through the gate and to the right in the direction of the dormitories. She assumed Iwaizumi whispered good night, but her sugar rush had slowed down hours before. Lia was in their bathroom putting her hair in a bun and all Y/n could manage was putting on her bonnet and crashing on her bed.

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2 years ago

Part. 6

Part. 6

pairing: iwaizumi x black!fem reader

synopsis: on pointe! (updated weekly) previous parts in masterlist!

word count: 2.4k

type: fanfiction

a/n: F/n=first name L/n=last name

Iwaizumi, Y/n, Oikawa, Serenity, Frankie, Lia, Kourtney, and Elissa were all eating breakfast together per usual. "Tooru Oikawa, Celia Lafitte, F/n L/n, and Hajime Iwaizumi please report to the main office immediately. Tooru Oikawa, Celia Lafitte, F/n L/n, and Hajime Iwaizumi to the main office." "Oooo the queen has got ya now," Frankie teased. The four reluctantly stood up and dumped their trash. "I was almost done with my cereal too," Oikawa whined. They made their way up three flights of stairs to the office. The main office was on the first floor, but they all knew Mrs. Aveline wanted to see them personally.

"This has to be about last night," Y/n whispered. Mrs. Aveline's office was the first on the floor and was all glass. She stood outside her office waiting for them. Her bright ginger hair was done up in a bun at the base of her neck showing off her wrinkles. Her stern green eyes were as unwelcoming as always and her pale skin made her seem like a ghost. She wore a pantsuit and pumps to work everyday except when she was teaching a dance class. She opened the door for them and they sat in the four seats in front of her desk.

The room's walls were littered with pictures of her from her dancing days as well as pictures of her and her husband. Various cd's were scattered on her desk as well as costume sketches. "It has come to my attention that you four have broken the curfew rules." Lia spoke first, "We were just going to visit my mom. No worries right?" Mrs. Aveline sucked her teeth. "I saw all of you on stage." Lia's face froze in fear. "You all will be prohibited from practicing for the rest of this week." She stood up and opened the door for them.

"It's like she wants to see us fail so she can put us on probation," Y/n complained. "I don't even know who she's biased towards anymore," Iwaizumi grumbled. "And I didn't get to finish my cereal," Oikawa whined. Iwaizumi went to his first class and tried to forget about it. There was no way he was going to place without any practice. He sent a quick text to the other three and waited until it was time for lunch.

"Why are we leaving when there's perfectly good free food here?" Oikawa wondered. Iwaizumi, Lia, Y/n, and Oikawa were standing right outside the school's gates. "We're going to go practice in the park. Long as Mrs. Aveline doesn't see we're fine." "What about the food problem?" Lia had yet to eat today because of the office run-in. "I'll buy us a pizza or something. Now let's go practice," Iwaizumi urged. The four walked to the nearest park that was pretty empty considering everyone was at work. They found an open square of concrete and began changing their shoes. Oikawa and Iwaizumi took off their uniform jackets.

"I'll go first," Oikawa volunteered. "We can offer each other critique after each routine," Y/n offered. "You guys are still my competition." Oikawa never failed to remind Iwaizumi of that. Oikawa explained that he was playing the role of a boy lost at sea: trapped, afraid, and lonely. Iwaizumi didn't like dark dances, but Oikawa made it look so good. Other visitors of the park stood around to watch. "Are you guys street performers?" one man asked. "No we're with Charlene Aveline's Dance Company," Iwaizumi responded. "When's your next show? I've got to see it," the man inquired. "The week before Christmas I would assume. You would have to contact the school."

"We could make money from this," Y/n whispered to Iwaizumi. She grabbed Oikawa's shoe bag and placed it just outside the square. People began placing money in as they walked past. Oikawa finished and his small audience clapped. He took a bow and thanked them for their support. "We should do this more often," he told Iwaizumi. He stuffed his pockets with the cash. Y/n was up next. An even larger crowd began to gather. They seemed amazed at how high Y/n could go for her jumps. She thanked them for watching and placed the tips in her purse. Iwaizumi was next and decided to show off a bit. The crowd clapped during the performance this time and Lia was looking uneasy.

She started her music and began. They were so amazed at someone dancing on pointe it was like they were dumping their wallets into Oikawa's bag. She finished her routine and batted her eyes. "We, students of Charlene Aveline Dance Academy, will be here tomorrow at the same time," Lia announced. The crowd whooped and clapped before dispersing. "What do you mean tomorrow? I like to eat lunch," Y/n protested. "With all this money we can eat whatever we want in the city," Lia seemed confident.

They walked a few blocks to Debby's Burgers. It was very crowded because of the lunch rush. Iwaizumi didn't think they would make it back in time. It took around fifteen minutes for them to get seated and Iwaizumi was positive that they wouldn't get back. They ordered a family meal which consisted of a large order of onion rings, a large order of fries, four soft drinks, and four cheeseburgers. It was weird thinking how they were kind of their own little family.

The food took around ten minutes to arrive and they laughed and joked until then. "Mrs. Aveline is going to be so mad," Oikawa grinned. "She'd be even angrier if we ate our food in class," Y/n pointed out. The waitress arrived with their order and plenty of extra napkins. By the time they finished eating they must've missed a whole hour of class. They took the train back and ran to the back of the school.

Oikawa helped Lia over the fence and Iwaizumi did the same with Y/n before they lifted themselves over it. They went through the back door of the school building just as the next class had begun. "We have to do this tomorrow," Lia said before disappearing to her next class. Iwaizumi knew he wouldn't have a choice in the matter. They didn't end up getting caught and Iwaizumi had time to do his homework today. A soft knock came from outside the door. He opened it and was surprised to see Y/n.

"I was wondering if you could help me with my chem homework?" Y/n was still in the school uniform. He opened the door to let her in. Oikawa was sitting cross-legged on the floor with his notes spread out. Y/n set her backpack down at the foot of Iwaizumi's bed and sat at the desk. Iwaizumi sat next to her. "What part did you need help with?" "I just take shitty notes. Can we go over your notes together?" "I was in the process of rewriting my notes neater actually." "Then let's both do that," she beamed.

The next two hours were spent revising and rewriting their chem notes until Oikawa let out a loud groan. "Iwa-chan let's go get some dinner." "Yeah I'm starving too," Y/n closed her notebook. She explained she would change then meet them at the cafeteria. "I don't understand why you two aren't dating. You guys act like a couple," Oikawa began to gather his notes. "I could say the same for you and Lia." "Lia and I are dating though? Thought that was obvious." "You two haven't kissed." "Sure we have. We make out in here all the time while your at the gym. We even-" "That's enough Shittykawa. I don't need to hear all that." "Its all stuff everyone's done before. Well I mean everyone in our grade. I wouldn't expect the freshmen to be fucking."

Iwaizumi tuned him out and headed down for dinner. Y/n had changed into a green sweater and jeans and was waiting with Lia. "We got you both Cajun chicken pasta. Where's Oikawa?" Iwaizumi sat down next to Y/n. "Babbling about sex in our room. I think he's gone nuts." Both girls giggled and began eating. Oikawa came down a short while later. He grumbled about having to reheat his pasta.

"So where are we eating tomorrow?" Lia asked. "The cafeteria?" Y/n said it in a duh sort of tone. "We have to go back to the park. I mean you see how much we made. We could be rich." "This only covers my skin care products for the next month." Oikawa sat down next to Lia. "Why do you have that many products as a boy," Y/n teased. "I like my clear skin thank you very much," Oikawa pouted. The four finished dinner and returned to their own rooms. "Hey Hajime, Lia mentioned matching alien costumes. Are you in on it or?" I should've never agreed to that, he thought. He simply nodded dismissively. "Great! We can shop for costumes after the competition." Iwaizumi was not looking forward to another unintentional double date.

The next day they once again were missing class. This time Mrs. Aveline called them down to the studio to see how their solo's were going. She was extremely stone-faced about all of them except Lia's to which she praised to no end. Iwaizumi thought Serenity wasn't even trying. It was more of a gymnastics routine. The tricks were nice, but there wasn't any dancing. Mrs. Aveline thought so too and she quickly voiced her opinion yelling and screaming about how she wasn't taking the opportunity seriously enough. After calming herself down she dismissed everyone back to class. Serenity was snickering about it in the halls and Iwaizumi knew she was going to be put on probation.

The first meeting of the planning committee was that afternoon in Carter's dorm. Carter had eagerly accepted the idea because it meant spending more time with Elissa. Elissa was easily the prettiest girl he'd ever seen with dark brown skin and an afro. He didn't think he stood a chance mainly because he was pale as the mayo on the sandwiches the school served. He didn't give up however and focused on improving his good qualities such as his muscles and his brains.

Y/n and Oikawa were the first to arrive and they brought various snacks and drinks for everyone. Carter was worried Elissa might not show up. He even offered to have the party at his house which he hadn't even asked his parents yet. "Carter you good?" Oikawa asked. "Yeah I'm all good. Can I ask you something?" He turned his attention away from Y/n. "What's up?" "How'd you ask out Celia?" "She was clearly into me so I just kissed her one day. Then I asked to be her boyfriend." "I'm happy for you man." Carter wished it was that easy. Serenity and Elissa arrived a few minutes later.

Elissa wore a purple headband and silver hoop earrings with a silver cross necklace. A lacey white crop was covered by a lavender cardigan. She had a grey jean mini skirt with knee high white socks and Mary-Janes. Her hands displayed an array of silver rings. She sat down next to Carter on his bed and set her bag down next to her. Serenity's blonde hair was even messier than usual and she still had a cigarette in her mouth. She kicked her sneakers off and placed them by the door.

"Sorry we're late. Serenity insisted on" she trailed off and motioned towards her friend. "An addict is an addict." she simply replied. She volunteered to bring all the weed that would be needed. Carter would be so dead if the basement stunk of weed all night. "When is this happening?" Y/n interjected. "Halloween night of course. Which reminds me of the costumes," Elissa's face lit up. Carter caught himself smiling. "We're going as aliens," Oikawa seemed proud of coming up with that idea. "Who is we?" Serenity was quick to object. "Iwa, Lia, Y/n, and I. I came up with it," 'Of course you did," Serenity muttered. "What're you going as?" Carter tried to ease the mood. "I'm gonna convince Kourtney to go with me as Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy." "You should just ask the girl out already," Elissa complained. "Your one to talk," Serenity smirked. "You know I would do it if," Elissa clamped her mouth shut.

"Do it then. You won't. I dare you." Carter knew where this was heading. Any time Elissa or Serenity dared the other to do something they had to do it or the other would do it for them. "Really tonight?" Elissa tried to reason with her. Serenity wasn't letting up however and nodded. Elissa groaned and took Carter's hand and dragged him out the room. "What now?" Y/n asked. "I'm going to smoke," Serenity announced and left as well.

Elissa took him to the very end of the school fence where the beach was. "Woah wait Elissa, where are we going?" "We're hopping the fence." She quickly navigated over the fence and looked expectantly at Carter. He did the same and followed her. "I'm going to get sand all in my shoes," he tried convincing her to stop walking. "A dare is a dare," she stopped and turned around. "I don't even know what the dare was about." "Man are you dense." She quickly grabbed his face and kissed him. It was all so quick he didn't understand what was happening. "I don't know why she picked a fucking beach." "The dare was to kiss me on the beach?" She rolled her eyes. "It was to kiss your crush on the beach." Carter was speechless.

"Can I be your boyfriend?" "Yes of course. Why else would I kiss ya?" "What about the party?" "Oh yeah. We should totally go as Princess Peach and Mario." "I meant the- you know what never mind. Just kiss me again." Elissa happily obliged. "We should get back. You should've heard how Mrs. Aveline was punishing people out after curfew." She headed back towards the fence. "What'd she do?" "She banned Y/n, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Lia from practice because they were performing at the opera house with Lia's mom." Carter's eyes widened. "And she was upset? I would've been proud." "She doesn't think anyone should be great except through her. Typical Mrs. Aveline." "Can I see your solo tomorrow?" "Sure. Mrs. Aveline said it wasn't artistic enough whatever that means." "Old women don't know shit."

Carter and Elissa walked hand in hand back to the women's dorm. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and she walked back inside. His heart was racing a million miles per hour and he kept asking himself, Did that really happen?

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2 years ago

lemme search for some old shi to post

2 years ago

i was writing a kenma one-shot but idk how to write anymore godddd

2 years ago

pirate au fic??

2 years ago

Part. 5

Part. 5

pairing: iwaizumi x black!fem reader

synopsis: on pointe! (updated weekly) previous parts in masterlist

word count: 2.3k

type: fanfiction

a/n: i'm so excited for summer break wowowow

Iwaizumi woke up in the middle of the night to Oikawa leaving their room. This wasn't an unusual thing as he usually left to hook up with some random girl. What was different was Iwaizumi noticed his dance bag was gone. He quickly grabbed his own and was out the door. There were a few students out at this time. Some coming out for a midnight smoke, some coming out for what Oikawa usually came out for, and some practicing a dance routine out on the open sidewalk.

He half expected the school building to be closed but it was unlocked. He followed his friend downstairs to the dance studios. The lights were all turned off which gave the basement an eery feel. He followed him to the last studio where he switched on the lights and began warming up. "Jeez Iwa you have to be sneakier then that," he stretched in front of the mirror. "Why are you here so late?" He dropped his bag besides Oikawa's.

"Just trying to get my choreography done," he said it as if it was normal to do these sorts of things this late. "We have school tomorrow," Iwaizumi reasoned. "I have to perfect my solo. What kind are you doing?" Iwaizumi shrugged. "I guess a hip-hop solo. It's the easiest thing." Oikawa chuckled a bit. "Yeah I guess that's like you. I'm doing a more contemporary thing." "You shouldn't stress it too much. Your like the best dancer here," Iwaizumi assured him.

"You know we're competition this week right?" Oikawa started his music. "Right right. I'll see you tomorrow then. Good night Shitty-kawa." "Hey that's not very nice Iwa-chan," Oikawa pouted. Iwaizumi ignored him and grabbed his bag. He took the long way back to his room using the extra time to plan out his routine. Was everyone as stressed as Oikawa was about their solos? Guess he would find out tomorrow.

The next morning at breakfast Y/n convinced Iwaizumi to try the parfait she was having. He was surprised he liked it and wondered why no one had ever introduced him to the dish. "How's everyone's solo?" Elissa asked. "I'm doing a ballet one. It's the only thing I'm good at," Lia fell silent. "I'm doing an acro routine. Seems easy enough to please the queen," Serenity smirked. It was common for students to call Mrs. Aveline "the queen". "I'm doing lyrical," Kourtney murmured. Iwaizumi was glad everyone was doing different styles so it might be easier on the judges.

"Are we doing costumes all by ourselves?" Y/n queried. Oikawa announced, "Guess we have to wait for our queen to speak." The bell rang and the group dispersed. Iwaizumi didn't see any of them until lunch when Mrs. Aveline called all of them to the company studio. "I've decided to interrupt your lunch for costume fitting," she remarked.

"Are we going to get extra time to eat?" Frankie raised his hand jokingly. "No," she deadpanned and began walking towards the seamstress. Iwaizumi didn't care much about his costume, but he enjoyed watching the others get all dressed up. Y/n emerged from behind the curtain and asked Iwaizumi for his opinion. She wore a leotard with cream being the color of choice and a plum color for below the waist. It featured what Iwaizumi liked to call "pirate sleeves", a cream colored bow at the neckline on the back, and was backless. "It looks great on you," he responded without a second thought. She smiled, satisfied, and returned behind the curtain to slip back into her school uniform.

Lia was next to receive her garments. Hers was a black velvet leotard with floral mesh sleeves. The platter tutu had a layer of red jewels on top of the black mesh. A fancy lace fan and choker completed the look. She walked in a circle on pointe to test it out before returning the garments. Next was Kourtney. For her lyrical routine, she chose a blue sage velvet leotard complete with a halter neckline, chiffon off-the-shoulder sleeves, and a chiffon skirt. Serenity opted for a simple black spandex with embroidered mesh cutouts on the leg and a wrap around side cut out.

They returned when there was only about five minutes left for lunch. Y/n and Iwaizumi split a salad bowl and Oikawa kept making kissy noises while Lia tried to get him to taste her kale smoothie. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful and everyone was too busy working on their solos to make plans. Once the final bell rang, Iwaizumi recievd a tap on the shoulder.

"Wanna practice together? We can use the dance building." The dance building, as the students called it, was never used. Mainly because everyone had dance classes in the school's basement. It was only crowded when there was going to be a show and everyone needed extensive practice. It was the perfect place for the two. Iwaizumi followed Y/n. She swiped her student id and was surprised to find a few seniors there including Frankie.

He paid them no attention and the two used a studio down the hall. Y/n left to get changed leaving Iwaizumi to work on his solo. He took off his jacket and set it on one of the bars. He scrolled through his list of non copy right music looking for a hip hop song. Y/n returned in a simple black leotard and jazz shoes while he was still choosing. "How about we both do some improve and work on the kinks later?" she suggested.

He nodded in agreement and she sat at the mirror. He selected a song and began. Dancing was as natural to Iwaizumi as breathing. Especially hip hop. Oikawa usually joked that he should be in one of the popular street dancing groups in Japan rather than studying at a ballet school. The music ended and Y/n clapped. "I didn't know you did hip hop." He was in disbelief. Hip-hop was his main thing.

He sat at the mirror and gulped down his water bottle as Y/n picked a song. The song she chose was upbeat and fun and matched her personality. Mrs. Aveline always stressed that they had to "tell a story" with their movement. Iwaizumi thought dances looked better when the dancer was just having fun. She finished and plopped next to him, gulping her water in a similar fashion. "Still need to tweak a few things," she said after a long silence. He simply nodded.

The studio door swung open and to no surprise it was Oikawa with Lia shuffling behind him. "Lia's mom is performing tonight and she invited us. Can you believe it?" Oikawa flaunted his phone in Iwaizumi's face. "Yeah yeah." "And we get to perform," Lia added. "Perform what?" Y/n was suspicious of the legitimacy of this performance. "Our dance from Saturday what else?" Oikawa said as if it was obvious.

"Do you even have the dance memorized?" Y/n looked Lia up and down. "Of course. Oikawa and I have been practicing all afternoon. Now get your costumes and we'll meet you out front in fifteen minutes," Lia didn't give them a choice to object. "What about curfew?" Iwaizumi asked but they were already out the door. "That was weird," Y/n started to stand up. "Wanna do it?" "I don't like the girl, but I do love to perform."

Iwaizumi and Y/n parted ways, each heading for their own dorms. Iwaizumi found the costume in one of his various costume drawers and stuffed it in his dance bag along with a few snacks. He was the last to arrive and the group headed for the train station. "So where is your mom performing?" Y/n was sure Lia was bringing them to their deaths. "The Sydney Opera House of course! She's coming all the way from France to perform with her company," Lia's face lit up. At least loving ballet was one thing she hadn't lied about.

The majority of riders got off at the opera house station and the group went with the crowd. Iwaizumi had been only once before and that was to watch Oikawa on stage. The theater was just as huge and beautiful as it had been last year. Iwaizumi couldn't help but stare at the ceiling as the design was magnificent. However Lia was in a hurry and rushed to the back hallways. Almost immediately they were stopped by a guard. It was a short, pudgy man that had a bead of sweat running down his forehead that he kept wiping with a handkerchief. His jet black hair was slicked back with so much gel his head shined.

"What're you kids doing? Go on and enjoy the show." Lia began throwing a fit. "Mister you don't know what your talking about. We're supposed to be performing." He yawned. "Mhm. Go back to your seats kid." "My mother is Celine Lafitte." Her French accent was starting to worsen. "Funny story. I have no idea who that is." "How can you not know who's performing in your own show?" she whined. "I'm going to have to use force if you kids don't move." "Force on minors? I'll sue." He snorted. "Can't you see we're supposed to be here? I'm Celia Lafitte damn it." Iwaizumi noticed a woman coming up behind the security guard.

She had thick dark brown curls just like Celia except hers were in two low pigtails. She wore a white leotard with a romance tutu and a blue gingham apron over it. Rosy red slippers completed the look. She was paler than Celia however and their noses were completely different. "Sorry that my daughter and her friends bothered you. They'll be no more trouble yes?" "Mama he didn't even know who you are," Lia whined. Her mother didn't respond and motioned for us to follow her. "You guys will be the opening act. Tonight we're performing the Wizard of Oz." "My mama's got the lead role," Lia grinned.

Her mom let them change in her private dressing room while she went to warm up for the show. "Can you believe we're about to perform at The Sydney Opera House?" Oikawa beamed. "You've done it before," Iwaizumi mentioned. "I totally forgot about that. We stood outside in the freezing cold waiting for the doors to open," Y/n laughed at the memory. The four quickly got changed and stretched and did a few run throughs of the dance. Celine peeked her head through the door, "It's showtime." They followed her where they passed many other dancers who were stretching or talking amongst themselves. Iwaizumi was jittery with nerves. His first performance in the opera house and it wasn't even a dance he'd perfected. Y/n smiled at him. "Your gonna do great Hajime," she comforted him.

He smiled back and gave her hand a quick squeeze. "You are too." The stagehand signaled them and they waltzed out on stage. Because there were only four performers they changed the chorography so that both Lia and Y/n were spotlighted. Iwaizumi had always struggled with pirouettes on pointe, but he pushed himself. His toes were going to be so sore after this. A few times during the performance his eyes darted towards Lia. Everything about her performance was amazing from the technique to the way she carried herself to her focus. If she performed like this at nationals surely she would hold the national title. The piece ended and they waltzed off stage.

Celine pulled her daughter into a hug. "I'm so proud of you. Your making such great friends too." "Yeah friends," Y/n snorted under her breath. Lia's mother disappeared to prepare for going on stage. The four found their way back to the dressing room and got changed. "My mom thinks I have lots of friends. It'll suck when she finds out the truth," Lia broke the silence. "It's not your fault. Mrs. Aveline brings in a new boy or girl yearly and just slaps them on the team. They never last and they never have to try out like we do. Once she even brought two and we were all competing to not get replaced by one of them," Oikawa attempted to shift the blame.

The four munched on some of the snacks in Iwaizumi's bag on the way to the train station. "Well I had fun at least. The bright stage lights and all the people loved seeing us dance," Y/n attempted to lift the gloomy mood. She twirled as they crossed a street. "Maybe one day we'll all be up on that stage. Dancing for the same company," Iwaizumi hoped. "Definitely not dancing for Mrs. Aveline's company," Lia joked. Maybe Lia wasn't so bad after all, Iwaizumi wondered. They rode the train back and there was no sight of Mrs. Aveline. "Woohoo! Another day of sneaking out without getting caught," Lia cheered. Oikawa smiled and the four parted ways.

Iwaizumi and Oikawa walked back together. "Maybe you were right about Lia," Iwaizumi spoke. "Oh yeah? You should trust me more Iwa-chan. What about you and Y/n?" He shrugged. Things were the same as last year. They hung out together and did normal teenage things. "Iwa can we all go as aliens to the Halloween party?" He had completely forgotten about that. "Sure whatever. I'm so tired and my toes are so sore," he complained. "I can carry you," Oikawa offered. "Never in a million years Loserkawa." "That's so mean," Oikawa whined. "Dumbass." They continued bickering until they reached their dorm.

Iwaizumi fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. A part of him was looking forward to the party and the other half was terrified. But he had to confess at some point, right?

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2 years ago

two chapters in one day i'm on a roll💪🏾

2 years ago

Part. 4

Part. 4

pairing: iwaizumi x black!fem reader

synopsis: on pointe (updated weekly)

word count: 1.9k

type: fanfiction

a/n: previous parts in masterlist as usual. this was originally a fluff but that's too boring so.

Iwaizumi and Oikawa were up before the sun was. They bickered about who got the shower first and who got to brush their teeth first. It was a warm day which Iwaizumi took as good luck. Once Oikawa and him were ready, they set off. Everything on the campus was closed at this hour. The birds weren't even awake to begin their chirping. Oikawa was very hyper for it to be so early. They navigated to the front entrance where the charter bus was waiting. Mrs. Aveline and Lia were already there. Iwaizumi sat on the steps and lingered back as Oikawa and Lia began eagerly talking about the competition.

Frankie arrived next with bagels for everyone. Iwaizumi munched away as Serenity, Elissa, and Y/n arrived. He checked his wristwatch which read 1:02am. "I don't think we'll make it in time for registration," Iwaizumi started to say. Mrs. Aveline quickly shushed him. "Not to worry. I did it all online." He had never heard of such a thing before but his opinion didn't matter. They took a quick photo and boarded the bus.

It was rather spacious considering there were only seven students going. Iwaizumi took the window seat and Oikawa flopped next to him still engrossed in his conversation with Lia. The driver started the engine and off they went. Iwaizumi watched bleary-eyed as they drove away from the school and onto the highway. He soon fell asleep.

He suddenly regained consciousness when Oikawa shook him awake. "We're here." Iwaizumi had been to Gold Coast before but it was still an amazing sight for him. He reluctantly stood up and stretched. He grabbed his backpack from the overhead bin and followed the others outside. The other dance studios seemed to have arrived already as the outside of the building was deserted.

He followed Mrs. Aveline into the building where they got their wristbands. "I think Lia's really nervous," Oikawa whispered. "Isn't she supposedly better than all of us?" Iwaizumi questioned. "It's her first competition," he replied rushing to her side. Iwaizumi thought he was babying the girl. They arrived at their dressing room a little after 8. Oikawa was still right by Lia's side doing her makeup for her.

"Can you help me run through my solo really quickly?" Y/n came up behind Iwaizumi. He nodded and followed her into the hallway. Tons of dancers were practicing there so it would be easy to see your competition. He watched intently as Y/n did her routine. He had to remind her a few times to keep her knees straight or to remember her facial expressions. "I keep forgetting everything you tell me," she complained. "It's probably just your nerves. Your going to do great," he reassured her.

"Thanks for your kind words." She enveloped him into a hug before they began calling for her division. Iwaizumi watched her head off to the stage and joined the team in the audience. The first dancer from their school to perform was Lia. Iwaizumi had to admit she walked in with poise and grace. The music started and Lia's technique was flawless. He noticed her expressions would falter slightly especially when she came out of a turn.

Her routine was soon over and there were a few numbers before Frankie's turn. Frankie being a boy gave him an advantage in a female majority competition. Frankie doing a lyrical piece was almost guaranteed he would win. He told a story when he danced and the judges seemed all in. Even Mrs. Aveline seemed pleased. The number ended and it was Y/n's turn. A tragic look greeted the crowd just as they had practiced.

Iwaizumi was proud at the way she had buried her anxiety. The number ended and the judges seemed to be smiling. The team had little time to focus on the judge's opinion as Iwaizumi and Y/n had to get ready for their duet. "Congrats Y/n. You did amazing," Iwaizumi sat next to her. "Thanks I owe it to you." Iwaizumi and Y/n quickly got changed and went over the dance.

It was hard for him to focus however because she just looked so cute in her costume. Once they went though the dance, Oikawa and Y/n were putting makeup on her face. Iwaizumi was a tad jealous but he knew his friend had no ulterior motives. Once the makeup was finished they rushed off backstage. "I'm glad I get to do a duet with you," Y/n took Iwaizumi's hand in her smaller one. "Glad to dance with you too," he quickly responded before she went to the other side of the stage. The number before theirs ended and they both waltzed out.

Once the announcer was finished, the music started. Iwaizumi felt as if he was on cloud nine. The familiar stage lights and eager crowd reminded him why he chose dance in the first place. He loved it when he twirled Y/n around and picked her up for their stunt. He loved how in sync they were for their pirouettes. He loved the part where they were on different parts of the stage, but still completely in line with one another. He felt once you danced with someone you had a certain type of unbreakable bond.

Once the dance was finished, Iwaizumi and Y/n were panting hard. They sauntered off the stage together and Y/n hugged him as soon as they got off. They returned to their dressing room where their teammates congratulated them. There wasn't enough time for that however and they quickly got dressed for the group number. "Man Iwa why do we have to slick our hair back?" Oikawa grumbled. "I think it looks cute on you," Lia commented.

Iwaizumi slicked his hair back using Oikawa's gel and stood up. He hoped he wouldn't sweat too much in this outfit. He watched Y/n practice her turns in the deep indigo tutu that showed off her legs. "Iwa can you help me?" Oikawa was still grumbling. Iwaizumi complied and applied the hair gel while Oikawa did Lia's makeup. The whole team then searched the hallway for a suitable place to practice. Mrs. Aveline kept getting frustrated with the group when really it was Lia's fault. She couldn't grasp it as quickly as the rest because she wasn't used to learning choreography that fast.

Mrs. Aveline eventually gave up and stomped back to the dressing room. The dancers gave each other uneasy looks as they made their way back stage. Oikawa attempted to calm Lia down while a few others snickered. "You would think Mrs. Aveline would learn by now not to add new students," Serenity muttered. "She's old. She can't remember her mistakes," Elissa added. The music on stage stopped, signaling it was their turn to go. They all got into position and the music started.

Their dance wasn't terrible, but it certainly wasn't the best there. Iwaizumi could just imagine how much Mrs. Aveline would be yelling about it. Lia didn't know where she was supposed to be for the majority of the dance and that threw the others off. Serenity kept snickering and Kourtney joined in. By the time the dance was over they were all a laughing mess. Well everyone except Lia. As soon as they got off stage she ran off crying. Oikawa ran after her. "Of course she's fucking crying. She's the reason we lost," Kourtney could barely stop laughing to finish her sentence.

Iwaizumi felt bad for the girl because of how quickly she was rushed into it all. Y/n and Iwaizumi decided to go downstairs and look at the other dancer's routines to avoid Mrs. Aveline's speech. He hated to admit it but the other teams were good. Like really good. He didn't think the group stood a chance at placing at all. The two didn't return until the soloists for their division were called onto the stage. Iwaizumi wished her good luck and joined the team in the audience. "Where's Mrs. Aveline and Lia?"

"Oh they're on the bus. Lia is soooo dead," Elissa commented. Lia and Y/n tied for second, but Lia was nowhere to be found. As expected Frankie got first. He currently held the national title for their division from last year so this made him a prime target. Duos/Trios was next to get awards. Iwaizumi and Y/n got first place and Iwaizumi couldn't stop smiling. The group got ninth place and the whole team was laughing on stage. "We should lie and tell her we didn't even place. Imagine how mad she would get," Serenity suggested.

"Its not like it's our fault. The feature threw all of us off," Y/n mentioned. "It was her first time so go easy on her," Oikawa defended. "Which is why she shouldn't have gotten a lead in the first place," Elissa fired back. "I don't know why your defending her. Usually your on our side," Frankie added. Oikawa said nothing in response and continued packing up his stuff. Iwaizumi couldn't believe he was this hung up over a girl from France. They finished packing up and headed back to the bus. It was already dark out when the competition was finally over. Mrs. Aveline was sternly waiting on the bus and snatched the plaque from Frankie's hand.

Iwaizumi could barely stand and collapsed onto his window seat just as she began to yell. "Ninth place?! Is this what we represent? Frankie you hold a national title for fuck's sake. You all are veterans. You should've placed higher. And don't give me a sorry ass excuse either." Frankie grinned with a twinkle in his eye. "I was just following the lead." This made Mrs. Aveline even madder and Lia burst into tears. "Look at what you did." Frankie shrugged. "I didn't do anything. She's just sensitive."

Lia seemed to nod in agreement in between hiccups. Mrs. Aveline slumped down in her seat. "Let's just go back home." She hadn't acknowledged the duet win or Frankie's win or Lia's win for that matter. Iwaizumi thought she was being unfair, but who was he to judge. He fell asleep on the ride back as well. They arrived back at the school at 7 in the morning and he woke up still tired. He dragged himself to the cafeteria and thanked Y/n for the fruit she got him.

"Mrs. Aveline was totally freaking out." Today it was just Y/n and Iwaizumi at the table. The others were off doing god knows what. "She wants to meet us at nine. I wonder what for," Iwaizumi mentioned. Y/n sighed deeply. "Hasn't she said enough? I'm just glad our duet did so well." "Of course it did because you were in it." She laughed. "You were pretty great too." They finished up their meal and headed to the company studio. The others were already there and Mrs. Aveline didn't look any less pissed off than last night.

"Because of your poor performance, all of you are doing a solo. Whoever places the lowest is on probation." "What if multiple people don't place?" Kourtney asked. "Then I'll ask the judges for individual scores. You all will practice on your own with the teacher of your choice with the style of your choice. That is all."

"This seems more like a reward," Oikawa told Iwaizumi. "I don't see how this solves the problem though," Y/n replied. "Yeah the problem is the group. Getting individually stronger is nice and all but," Iwaizumi trailed off. "Mrs. Aveline isn't the most critical of thinkers, huh?"

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2 years ago
American women can obtain abortions in Canada if Roe v. Wade falls, minister says
Families Minister Karina Gould worries Canadian women from border regions could lose abortion access in U.S.

American women will be able to obtain abortions in Canada if the United States Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade and returns abortion law to the state level, says Karina Gould, minister of families, children and social development.

In an interview with CBC News Network’s Power & Politics on Tuesday, Gould was asked if American women would be allowed to access the procedure in Canada.

“I don’t see why we would not,” she told host Vassy Kapelos. “If they, people, come here and need access, certainly, you know, that’s a service that would be provided.”

Continue Reading.

Tagging: @politicsofcanada

2 years ago

you don’t need to ask for jane anymore: a guide to coming to chicago for a safe, low-cost abortion

A lot of people in the US are super worried about the Supreme Court axing Roe v. Wade, but what they might not know is that some states have laws in place that will protect the right to reproductive choice and abortion if that happens. One of these states is the state of Illinois. In 2019, a law was passed that protects abortion rights within the state even if the federal right to an abortion falls. This means that if Roe v. Wade is overturned, abortion will still be a protected right in Illinois. Even before Roe, Chicago was a haven for safe abortions- you just called and asked for Jane.

Now, safe abortion access is the law of the land in IL, and there are several groups who can help you. This post is long, but I think it’s worthwhile. Even if you don’t read all the way through it, maybe save it for later. You or someone you know might need it. If you want to stop now, the TL;DR is this:

f you’re a minor and you can’t tell your parents, get a waiver of notification from the IL Judicial Bypass program.

Schedule your appointment.

Contact abortion funds to get financial aid. Your home state might have s fund, and the Chicago Abortion Fund can help.

Secure housing for the procedure through the Midwest Access Coalition or by talking to the intake staff at the clinic of your choice.

I’d like to start by saying that the closer to home you get your abortion, should you need one, the easier it will be for you… probably. It depends on your individual situation AND your safety. If I still lived in Indiana and I needed an abortion, I’d probably leave to get it done, even though there are abortion providers in Indiana, because Indiana is super hostile and there’s lots of clinic protestors- for example, when I was taking my GRE my senior year at Notre Dame, the testing center was in this little strip mall in Mishawaka next to Planned Parenthood. Despite the fact that the PP in Mishawaka does not provide abortions, there were protestors who yelled at me for going in there. I wasn’t even going to PP. I’d like to say that I said something devastatingly cool but I just ran in flustered. Point being: It really, really would have sucked if I was there for healthcare instead of a standardized test for graduate school. And that’s a very tame, mild situation! Real abortion clinic protests are often much more devastating! 

ANYWAYS. The less you have to travel, the easier things tend to be, if it’s safe to get an abortion where you are and if your state will have protected abortions if Roe is overturned. If you’re not sure what might happen in your state in that case, this map has a clear, succinct overview of the legal status of abortion in each state and all US territories. You will want to click through to that link, because this image isn’t interactive.


[ID: a map of the US with states and territories sorted by their legal protections for abortion into four categories: expanded access in the case of Roe v. Wade being overturned, protected, not protected, and hostile. IL is highlighted.]

So let’s say you live in any of those red states. (Yellow and blue are safe- abortion access is protected there.) Let’s say, worst case scenario, Roe gets overturned and you get pregnant and you want to terminate. You will be able to do that in IL, and it’s relatively easy to do that in Chicago for a relatively low cost and with the benefit of a robust support network of people who want to reaffirm your reproductive choices.

First, if you’re a minor and you don’t want to tell your parents because it’s not safe for you to do so, get a judicial waiver of parental notification. The IL ACLU has a judicial bypass hotline. This will come at no cost to you. Do this ASAP, because it takes time to get it set up! You can do this by calling the hotline at 877-442-9727, texting 312-560-6607, or emailing judicialbypass@aclu-il.org.

Next, you need to get an appointment set up. You could get a referral from someone local to you, but this can be tricky- 87% of counties in the US don’t have an abortion provider, and google can lead you to a crisis pregnancy center. They will not help you. If you have a local Planned Parenthood, call them. Even if they don’t provide abortions, they can refer you to someone who can. If you’re coming to Chicago, which this post… kind of assumes you are… you can call any of these groups to talk about your options and what clinics can help you. I recommend starting with FPA or PP; those are two actual clinics. MAC and CAF are funds- they can direct you but they can’t schedule an appointment for you.

Family Planning Associates (FPA): 312-707-8988 or use their online schedule tool, found here: https://www.fpachicago.com/schedule-now/ Chicago Abortion Fund (CAF): Phone: 312-663-0338 (note: the helpline is only staffed MWF from 3:30-6:30 PM CST, or email helpline@chicagoabortionfund.org Midwest Access Coalition (MAC): 847-750-6224 or email support@midwestaccesscoalition.org Planned Parenthood of Illinois (PP): 1-800-230-7526

You might want to shop around and see which clinic costs the least, and is the most practical for you to get to. FPA has a lot of patient resources, as does PP. Don’t be afraid to ask for financial assistance. The people staffing those organizations have extensive networks and deep compassion for their patients- if the clinic can’t help, they might know who can.

Once you’ve made an appointment, now’s the time to start gathering financial aid. Some insurance, including IL Medicaid, covers it. If yours does not, or if the copay is still too much, this is where abortion funds come into play. Many states have their own abortion funds for state residents, so you might have to look around to see who can help you. I’d start with the National Network of Abortion Funds.

You also need to figure out transportation and housing while you’re in the city to get your abortion. This isn’t super necessary if you’re just coming for the pill abortion, but if you’re coming for a d and c or other surgical procedure, you will be staying for a couple of days. THIS is why I’m writing this up, because abortion funds typically only are able to help cover the financial cost of the procedure. It’s expensive to stay somewhere and it can be absolutely terrifying if you’re on your own! Navigating while you’re in pain from the procedure can be an absolute devil of a time, too! However, Chicago has MAC (contact info above), which is a practical access fund, which means that they help pay for transportation to the city (bus tickets and train tickets) and around the city (volunteer drivers or volunteers who take rideshares with clients), food, aftercare medicine (painkillers, etc.), and housing, and there’s also free access to emotional support staff throughout your stay. This is not just open to IL residents; it’s open to anyone coming to the city for an abortion. ALSO if you go through FPA, they have a partnership with the Hampton Inn a block away from their location where their patients get a discount. If you go that route, just talk to FPA about housing and they’ll hook you up. This can be super helpful if you need some evidence that you’re on a “business trip” or something like that- if you are in a position where you need an excuse for your safety, that might work well.

Hopefully you won’t need this post- but if you do, I hope it helps. Feel free to share it around. If you have anti-choice opinions and you feel the need to share, don’t. This isn’t the space for it; you will be blocked and your comments removed. And then remember that criminalizing abortion won’t stop abortion. It’ll just stop safe abortions. Also, increased access to abortion, funnily enough, tends to be the thing that lowers abortion rates, because increased access to abortion comes part and parcel with increased access to birth control and general health and sex education.

2 years ago

terushima moviestar au?? another one of my recycled wattpad fics lol but it takes so long to write

2 years ago
Pairing: Oikawa X Fem!black Reader

pairing: oikawa x fem!black reader

synopsis: oikawa teaches Y/n to serve

word count: 521

type: one-shot

a/n: i sorta kin oikawa lmao. also have a love/hate relationship with him.

Y/n had just finished her bowl of cereal when there was a knock on the door. She knew it could only be one person. Before she could answer, Oikawa walked right in. He plopped himself down in the chair next to her on the kitchen island. "Y/n-chan are your parents home?" She shook her head. "Great. Let's go out." He began tugging her hand. "Out where? I need to get dressed." He looked her up and down and noticed she was still in pajamas.

"Let me pick out your outfit," his eyes filled with glee. She reluctantly agreed and trailed behind as he waltzed to her bedroom. Having being over so many times he practically knew the house's layout. He went straight for her closet while she sat on the bed. "I'll pick something light because of what we're doing." "What exactly are we doing?" "That's for me to know and you to find out," he replied in that playful tone of his.

He picked out a simple t-shirt with a variety of butterflies on it and some jogging shorts. "Hopefully no one else will be there," he muttered as she changed in the other room. Once she was finished she did a little twirl and they were on their way. "Gonna tell me where we're going now?" "To play volleyball of course." Of course they were.

"I don't know how to play," she remarked. "I'm just teaching you to serve. Since I'm the best youth server in all of Japan." They finally reached a park where there were various volleyball nets. "Is this where volleyball nerds hang out?" Y/n joked. He ignored her and retrieved a ball. "I'm going to demonstrate first, then I'll guide you through it." Y/n barely paid attention as he served a few times. All she could focus on was the rise and fall of his shirt exposing a bit of his v-line.

"Got that?" he asked. She nodded and went into position. He walked her through it and then stepped back so she could do it on her own. The first time it didn't even go over the net. Same with the second, and the third, and the fourth, and the fifth. Y/n was ready to give up, but Oikawa wasn't taking no for an answer. "We can get smoothies, but you gotta make it over the net." Y/n wasn't sure why he was pushing the idea so much. Eventually she got it over and Oikawa clapped.

"I didn't think you would ever be able to do it. Tomorrow we have to focus on receives," his brow furrowed. "This is a daily thing?" He smiled and winked, "Unless you don't want it to be of course. I had fun teaching you, even if you suck." "Keep winking and you'll have a crowd of fangirls." "So smoothies now? I know this really good place. Iwa showed me it once because he was sick of calling me. And that's so mean of him," Oikawa began to ramble. Y/n smiled to herself and gave her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.

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2 years ago

Part. 3

Part. 3

pairing: iwaizumi x blackfem!reader

synopsis: ballet au fic (updated weekly)

word count: 1.3k

type: fanfiction

a/n: pretend like they start school in october :) (srry i wrote the plans for this a whiiile ago so thats why the timeline is iffy) previous parts in masterlist.

Once again Y/n and Iwaizumi were in the studio together. Having nearly escaped Mrs. Aveline and continuing their afternoon classes, the day was going as planned. Iwaizumi watched Y/n finish her solo with a look of dread just as the routine suggested. Iwaizumi clapped and handed her her water bottle. "You did great Y/n. Wanna practice the duet next?" Y/n nodded and took the water bottle.

Iwaizumi was glad Mrs. Aveline paid no attention to the two as she was too busy with Lia. "I really had fun with you today Iwaizumi." "You can call me Hajime." "I thought your name was Iwaizumi?" "In Japan we call everyone by their last name unless it's someone close like a sister but usually we would call our sisters something else. That's besides the point though. My first name is Hajime."

"Alright Hajime. Is Oikawa his last name too?" Iwaizumi nodded and began to start the music. "So how come you don't call him by his first name?" Iwaizumi didn't answer because he was too focused on dancing. Or was it because he didn't have an answer? They never really discussed calling each other by their first names. Once the dance ended Iwaizumi responded. "Guess we never thought about it before."

Y/n took another sip of water before grabbing her bag. "Well I'm off. I'll probably be down after hours to work on my solo." "Where're you headed?" "To meet with Serenity and Elissa. Apparently they have an idea to "spice up" Halloween," and with that Y/n left the studio. Iwaizumi had completely forgotten Halloween existed. He was busy with the competition and the picnic. Maybe he could find some haunted house to take her to.

He began to head back and was surprised to find Lia in the studio with Oikawa helping her. Iwaizumi found it strange because there was always a new addition to the team but this was the first one Oikawa seemed to like. Iwaizumi had dinner on his own which consisted of leftovers from the picnic. Oikawa arrived much later and didn't bother with an explanation. "You still wanna do homework together?" Iwaizumi looked up from his notes. "Sure. How's Lia's solo?" "I don't know. It doesn't really concern me." "Mhm."

Iwaizumi didn't like being lied to, but he didn't want to pester his friend too much. They completed their homework and went to bed immediately after. Iwaizumi was nothing short of eager to ask Y/n about the haunted house tomorrow.

His plans were instantly shot down as Serenity and Elissa got the chance to talk before him. "So we were thinking of doing a Halloween party," Elissa excitedly announced. Serenity nodded in agreement, "It's gonna be with no adult supervision and off campus. Teachers can't find out. Especially Mrs. Aveline." "So we've made a party committee that will get the funds for it," Elissa added. The committee consisted of Oikawa, Serenity, Elissa, Carter, and Y/n.

Iwaizumi found it a bit unfair how Oikawa and Y/n were chosen before him. Serenity continued going about the planning schedule while Iwaizumi tuned her out. Once the bell rang Iwaizumi quickly got up and walked to class with Y/n. "Can I ask you something?" She nodded. "Wanna go to a haunted house with me after school?" "Yeah that seems fun." They agreed on a time and went their separate ways.

As soon as Mrs. Aveline released them from practice, Iwaizumi and Y/n were on the next train to the street closest to the haunted house. The one he chose was popular as the line spread outside the door. It was moving quickly however and they were able to purchase tickets and go right in. An employee escorted them to one of the seven doors in the hallway behind the desk and closed the door. A single light was in the middle of the hallway. It kept flickering in and out.

It seemed to be a hospital as random medical equipment and beds were strewn about. They walked to the end of the hallway to find a wall. "Guess it has to be one of the patient rooms we passed," Y/n suggested. They went in each of the rooms which each had a specific clue like a number or shape. Eventually they got back to the door in the beginning of the hallway labeled 1. Outside was a security pad. She quickly put in a code and it dinged green. Iwaizumi walked in first and fell.

"I'm fine," he reassured her. She stepped down too and slid down into a ball pit. She saw Iwaizumi standing next to the pit looking around for an exit. "This seems more like an escape room," he muttered. The room featured 8 coffins, four on each side, with a pattern on each. As they walked past the coffins, one shuttered. Y/n attempted to walk faster, but the actor inside the coffin got out and scared her. Iwaizumi looked back and without thinking slapped the actor.

Y/n was laughing until the other coffins began to open. "Hajime I think we should like seriously run." "Way ahead of you." He began fiddling with the lock on the door. The actors were coming closer while he finally got it open. They quickly ran inside and shut the door behind them. Another dark room. When they got halfway through, the walls started to close forcing them back to back. "Owner must be laughing his ass off right now," Y/n said. Iwaizumi began pressing all the walls looking for an exit.

One of the taps triggered a button that caused the walls to stop. A door on the wall opened to what seemed like a meat locker. The only light was from a small room in the back. Y/n peered around the corner and found a man sawing off a head. He glanced at her and suddenly lunged at her with the saw. She screamed and ran back to Iwaizumi with the actor on her heels. He chased the two to the exit and as if there was an invisible wall, he stopped abruptly and went back to his locker.

Y/n was doubling over with laughter. "He was soooo mad. Man that's the most fun I've had in a while." Iwaizumi was afraid to admit he had actually been scared. The two walked back to the train station, but not before getting spring rolls from a nearby shop. They snacked and walked which was something new for Iwaizumi. "Have you ever had a girlfriend before?" she asked him. "No, but I've kissed girls before." "So your never serious about it?" "The girls weren't serious about it actually." "Seems like you suck with picking girls," she smirked.

Hopefully not with you, he thought. They got on the train and rode it back to their school. This time they got back before curfew so Mrs. Aveline couldn't get upset. They joined their friends at the food court outdoors. "Where were you two?" Oikawa teased. "Doesn't matter I had lots of fun," Y/n responded. "What about the party?" Iwaizumi didn't like to speak about romantic encounters in front of everyone. Elissa's eyes lit up, "We decided to have it at Carter's house in the basement. He said he'll provide the drinks and stuff."

"Is it like a costume party?" Lia inquired. Elissa nodded. "What about the competition tomorrow?" Serenity interrupted. "Frankie's a senior so I think he'll win," Oikawa exclaimed. Iwaizumi glanced at Frankie who was sitting with people from his year. He didn't seem worried about tomorrow. Y/n on the other hand was shaking a bit. Her phone buzzed and she left without a goodbye. "Who was that?" Elissa asked. Oikawa shrugged, "Who knows? Let's call it a night." Iwaizumi went with Oikawa to the girl's dorm to drop Lia off before going to his own room.

On the way there Oikawa got a call. "What was that about?" Iwaizumi asked immediately after he hung up. "Oh it was Y/n. She said Carter was asking her for help." Iwaizumi had never even met him before. "Help for what?" "On love of course. She's like the expert." "So she's dated a lot?" "How would I know? We've both known her the same amount of time. Iwa-chan you shouldn't ask such dumb questions."

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2 years ago

idk what to write lol

2 years ago
Pairing: Giyuu X Gn!reader

pairing: giyuu x gn!reader

synopsis: giyuu cuddling hcs!

warnings: none

type: headcanon

a/n: smth quick while I write sex in the city!

At first he's not cuddly at all.

Is very touch starved.

Doesn't know how to make the first move. You have to do it.

He's awkward ab it at first. Doesn't know where to put his hands, arms, etc.

Once he realizes this is something he enjoys, he'll want to do it more often.

But is still too shy to initiate cuddles.

Shinobu teases him ab this.

He likes being the big spoon bc he likes to protect you.

The small spoon is also nice bc he likes being babied. (Doesn't want to admit it)

A faint blush stains his cheeks as your cuddling.

All in all very soft pls give this man cuddles he is vv touch starved.

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2 years ago

new fic coming soon?? p.s. i didn't forget ab my current one. my file didn't save so my work is gone so i've been reluctant to redo it lol. But this new fic has smut which is smth i've never thought i'd write lol.

2 years ago

the sonic movies are the perfect example of how cgi Should be used and the mcu movies are a perfect example of how cgi should Not be used. this is the hill i will die on

2 years ago

sanji my beloved

2 years ago

terrified of bakugou turning 18

2 years ago
Pairing: Bakugou X Gn!reader

pairing: bakugou x gn!reader

synopsis: bakugou cuddling hcs!


type: headcanon

a/n: more cuddling hcs cus lack of mha on my page lol

He will never and I mean never ask for cuddles. You have to ask every single time. No matter how upset or down he is.

As big as a tsundere he is, he will cuddle you all night. Midnight snack? Never heard of it.

Big spoon 24/7 unless he's really feeling down.

When he is small spoon, he likes it when you play with his hair. It calms him down and makes him forget what made him mad in the first place.

Loves hearing you talk as it helps him fall asleep.

Will wrap you up so tightly in his arms you won't need a blanket.

He's super warm already and his quirk makes it even warmer.

He just feels like he can be himself around you and let all the walls down.

Usually he doesn't fall asleep until your sleeping. Doesn't matter how long it takes, but after a while he may fall asleep as we all know this boy falls asleep the same time every night.

He feels as if he has to protect you in that sorta weird way.

All in all. A stubborn little tsundere.

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2 years ago

mfs will say minors dni and draw/write ab minors

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2 years ago

Part. 2

Part. 2

paring: iwaizumi x blackfem!reader

synopsis: ballet au fic (updated weekly)

word count: 1.8k

type: fanfiction

a/n: shortened the story to 12 chapters instead of 20. as always for previous parts check my masterlist :)

Iwaizumi wondered things. He wondered if Y/n liked him. He wondered what he would have for lunch. He even wondered if his dad remembered to send him an allowance. He also wondered why he had an alarm. Oikawa was doing a better job at waking him up then his alarm anyways.

Iwaizumi groggily rubbed his eyes. "What are you doing?" Oikawa smiled. Why was he so energetic this early? "I'm helping you get a date with Y/n." Iwaizumi lazily stood up. "Thought it was a competition?" He yawned and stretched. Oikawa followed him to the bathroom and continued yapping while Iwaizumi brushed his teeth.

"I'm obviously going to win, but you won't go out with Y/n after I win. I'm going to get you to win if you like it or not." Iwaizumi hummed. "Mhm. You'll follow me to the gym then?" "Already packed your gym bag for you." Of course he did. Iwaizumi and Oikawa headed off to the gym. It was still relatively warm considering it was September. Oikawa talked nonstop about the different "techniques" used to get a girl's attention.

On the way to the gym they ran into Lia. Oikawa and Lia began chatting and Iwaizumi took advantage of this to run ahead of them. Once at the gym he was able to relax and exercise. It was just him and his thoughts. He wasn't the best at coming up with date ideas, but he wanted something simple enough for a first date. "I've got just the thing for you." Oikawa appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

"You can take her on a picnic. Just the two of you. Of course this means we have to pack the picnic basket." Oikawa kept going on and on. Despite not wanting Oikawa's help, he found his idea helpful. The rest of the day was uneventful until it was time for practice. The group routine went smoother then yesterday, but Lia's timing was always off.

"If she can't keep up why not just kick her off the team," Y/n spat under her breath. "Seriously I thought she came from an "elite" ballet school," Iwaizumi added. Mrs. Aveline was clearly getting frustrated as well. "That's enough for now. Let's go get costumes shall we?" The team shuffled out the studio and down the hall to the seamstress.

Mrs. Aveline had her own personal team of seamstresses for all her performances. Iwaizumi was glad the costumes weren't too ridiculous. The boys wore a white shirt with flowy sleeves with a deep indigo vest over it. The girls wore matching tutu's with white embellishments on the bodice. The costumes were quickly packaged up so Iwaizumi and Y/n could try on their duet's costume.

Iwaizumi never knew that it was possible for her to get even prettier. The red and gold bodice paired with the tutu was absolutely stunning. Iwaizumi truly understood what breathtaking meant when she spun in the mirror. "So do you like it Iwaizumi?" He nodded. "You look pretty in it."

Lia was next and wore a simple black leotard with an elongated tutu for her modern solo routine. She twirled for Oikawa and even rubbed up against him. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and focused on Y/n's solo costume instead. She wore a simple sage green leotard, but the flowy material of the skirt and bodice really made it shine. Mrs. Aveline was truly evil for giving three solos of similar if not the same dance style.

Once costumes were done being fitted, the team was released so the soloists could practice. It was now or never for Iwaizumi. "Y/n can I ask you something?" She gave that irresistible smile of hers that made Iwaizumi say yes to anything she said. "Yeah?" "During lunch tomorrow how about we go eat in the park instead? I'll bring food for you." "The park with the beautiful fountains?" Iwaizumi nodded. He was shocked that she was considering going with him.

"Yeah sure I'll go. I may run a little late as I have to drop something off that day." "As long as you show up." Iwaizumi's heart did a somersault as he watched her go back into the studio. Oikawa nudged him. "Don't just stand there like a dummy." "Were you watching the whole time?" Oikawa nodded proudly. "I'm so proud of you, but first we need to get some dinner. Then we can plan out the perfect date for you two." Iwaizumi followed after his friend. "What about homework?" Oikawa shrugged, "Missing one homework assignment won't kill you."

Reluctantly he followed Oikawa to the plaza and helped him finish the pizza he purchased. "Now it's time for Operation: Iwaizumi's Picnic Date to begin." "Shitty-kawa what are you talking about?" "Lia and I along with you are going to make this the best date ever." "So you already won the bet?" "Lia and I aren't dating yet. Now c'mon let us help you." Iwaizumi once again reluctantly agreed.

Lia was not very good with hiding as she emerged from a nearby bush Iwaizumi spotted her in since they arrived at the plaza. "Oikawa and I already made a menu. I decided to make madeleines and Oikawa said he'd make onigiri. All you have to do is make fruit sando (fruit sandwiches) and spring rolls. We'll even handle drinks, utensils, and all of that."

Spring rolls and fruit sandwiches seemed easy enough to make, but Iwaizumi was confused on why Lia was helping. The three set off for the nearest grocery store where Lia offered to pay for everything. "Oikawa?" "Mhm?" "Is Lia super rich?" "Not that I know of." "M..hm. and you don't find it weird that she's paying for all of our food?" "Girls do that for me all the time." Oikawa continued with his shopping. Sure enough Lia paid for all of it with her credit card.

They parted ways at the dorms and Oikawa and Iwaizumi headed to the dorm's kitchen. Not many people actually cooked their own food considering they had a cafeteria and if that wasn't enough the plaza had plenty of options. Still, they had a kitchen. Iwaizumi took his time making the sandwiches as he wanted everything to be perfect for their date. "Iwaizumi we don't have all night. Pick up the pace would ya?" Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. "Can't believe lover boy is saying that. Go ask Lia out on a date and leave me alone." "I will ask her on a date after the competition. What do I look like dating a girl that just arrived yesterday?" He whisper-yelled the last part.

The remaining time spent preparing the picnic was silent. They wrapped the food up and placed it in the fridge. Iwaizumi knew no one would be dumb enough to take food that had his name on it. Oikawa fell asleep as soon as he was done with his nightly skin care routine leaving Iwaizumi alone with his thoughts.

Anxiety filled his brain as he thought of countless conversation starters and possible answers to whatever Y/n might say. He took a deep breath to try and calm down. He would never make it to tomorrow if all he did was worry. He laid on his back and stared at the ceiling. Only three days of practice were left before the first competition of the season. There was without a doubt no chance of the duet losing.

He thought about dancing on stage with all of his friends to ease his worries. Once relaxed, he drifted off to sleep.

Iwaizumi was already worried enough about his date, but the whole table bringing it up at breakfast did not help him. Elissa was overjoyed that Y/n was going on a date, Serenity felt that it was finally time for the two to go out, Oikawa was giving himself the credit for the idea, and Lia was trying to tell Iwaizumi what to wear for the picnic. When the first bell rung Iwaizumi had never been happier.

"Ignore whatever they said. We don't need them to have fun," Y/n reminded him before heading to class. Iwaizumi used what she said as motivation to get through morning classes. He was a nervous wreck carrying the picnic basket to the park. He made sure to place the blanket from any nearby fountains that might soak the food. After counting to ten a few times, he sat cross-legged ready and waiting for Y/n.

He wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing that he didn't have to wait long for Y/n to show up. She wore a simple off white crop that tied in the front with a sage green mini skirt and strappy white sandals. "I wasn't sure if I was supposed to bring something or not." She set the boxes of goodies down. The first contained a chocolate cake with strawberries on top with a side of more strawberries and whipped cream. The second box was full of various desserts such as eclairs and macarons.

"You didn't have to bring anything, but I'm glad you did." Y/n peeked inside the picnic basket and pulled out one of the sandwiches. She seemed amazed that the sandwich wasn't soggy. "I always wanted to try one of these." Iwaizumi grabbed a madeleine. "I made them myself." "Wish I could say I made those." The next few minutes were spent bonding over their growing suspicion of Lia and Mrs. Aveline.

"What made you start dancing anyway?" Y/n asked while cutting herself a slice of cake. "I always liked dancing as a kid. Oikawa got me into it seriously. There weren't a lot of dance schools for boys in Japan so in our last year of junior high we transferred. Here it was the first year of high school instead of last year for junior high, so we had to catch up a bit in terms of dance skills." "Look where you are now though."

Iwaizumi finished his onigiri before speaking again. "What made you come here then?" Y/n shrugged. "Someone at our Tampa studio was going to get a scholarship to come here so I tried out. Surprised I made it in. I came here about a month before you and Oikawa arrived." "Where is Tampa exactly?" "Oh it's sort of near the ocean. It's this city in the States where its always warm."

"Maybe one day we could visit your home town together," Iwaizumi suggested before realizing he said it aloud. "I'd like that." Iwaizumi checked his watch. "Oh shit I'm so sorry." "What'd you do?" "We're already late for class. Mrs. Aveline is probably right outside the campus ready to punish us." Y/n grinned. "She won't catch us if we take the back way."

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