🔞Here's some stories and pics from around the Internet that involve TF, either made by others or myself. (If you see your work on here and would like it removed, please message me and I will do so immediately!) 🔞Asks/Requests are currently paused.
309 posts
"Coach," Evan Blushed As He Gestured At His Muscletits, "that Protein Powder You Gave Me Only Seems To

"Coach," Evan blushed as he gestured at his muscletits, "that protein powder you gave me only seems to be helping my pecs grow. And not only that, but... um, they're really sensitive. Like really, REALLY sensitive."
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More Posts from Ultram0th
I see both sides of the fence (and I have to admit, mostly the negative), but it is fun playing with AI artwork generators. Like this "Cowboy Tyler Hoechlin with a hairy chest":


A commission for @anonymouslylurkinghere (anonlurks on Twitter)
Der/ek Hale finds himself in a hanging wedgie, though embarrassingly, he seems to like it. Who's the alpha now?
I love the idea of being a freakishly bodybuilder himbo with long hair, so big that the size is incompatible with the normal world.
Think you can help?

I agree!
Imagine you go to bed in your normal body, feeling some sort of tingling sensation over your skin as you drift off to sleep...
When you wake up to your alarm, you don't notice anything immediately when you roll over to slap it silent. Even when you roll out of bed and waddle to the bathroom, you barely register the jiggling at your backside or the fact the you have to turn sideways to enter through the doorway.
When you finally see yourself in the mirror, your eyes widen as you see your new form.
"Holy shit!" you balk in your deeper, baritone-filled voice, having to brush your now longer hair out of your face in order to get a better view.
Your muscles had grown significantly overnight. You are at least twice as wide as you had been the other day, with a lot of your growth centered around your pecs and ass. Your pecs ballooned out in front of you at a severe angle, with your nipples poking off your chest noticeably. You turned to the side and gasped at the sheer size of your rotund booty, which looked like you had two basketballs strapped to your back.
A dim smile on your face, you shifted your hips and stared at how wildly your cheeks jiggled and bounced. You were so enthralled with how much they moved that it took your a while to gain your bearing and snap out of whatever slow daze you'd been in.
You glanced at your phone and realized that you were running late for work.
As you hurried back to your bedroom, you noted how different your gait was-- your wide thighs kept rolling over one another, and your arms were so thick that they hung out at an awkward angle. Your pecs protruded so far out in front of you that you couldn't see over them, hindering your movement even more.
What you noticed more was that there seemed to be a deep fog settling in your head, making concentrating extremely hard. You kept getting distracted by your massive body, flexing your enormous muscletits in the mirror instead of getting dressed.
When you snapped out of it, you attempted to get dressed for your day at the office. However, you quickly learned that your new proportions made it impossible to wear your work clothes.
Your thick thighs and massive butt prevented you from yanking your pants on. Even your underwear was super tight, looking more like a thong as they struggled to contain your large form. Your shirt was even worse, unable to cover your muscletits and large arms.
"Fuck it," you bellowed in your deep voice.
At least you could wear a thong, so that was enough in your opinion. Besides, why would you want to cover up your massive muscles?
You lumbered to the garage to get in your car, but could barely fit in it. Your pecs kept pressing against the car horn, preventing your from gripping the steering wheel around their exaggerated size. Your big booty was so large that you could barely fit in the seat. And your wide back and broad shoulders were too large for you to close the door.
You snorted and decided to just walk, growing excited at the thought of parading your new form around for all to see.
Your head held high and your chest thrusted outwards, you waddled out the door to live your new life as an oversized himbo.
Would be super hot to see Stiles turn Derek in to a sex doll that he constantly fucks.
Btw loved the 31 days of Derek tfs

(I know that this doesn't look exactly like a sex doll, but it's as close as I can get, haha!)
When Derek and Stiles had begun dating, Derek quickly learned that his boyfriend was insatiable. The human could go all night, seemingly for hours on end without a break. And of course Derek loved every single second of it, but the werewolf was a little embarrassed to admit that he struggled keeping up a little bit. The alpha was easily worn out and left panting after each session, only to feel exhausted when his boyfriend was primed and ready for another round immediately.
One night, after Derek finished fucking Stiles, the werewolf rolled over onto his back, his meaty, hairy pecs heaving as he tried to catch his breath. Basking in the post-orgasmic bliss that washed over him, he internally winced when he felt Stiles prop himself up on his elbow.
“Ready for another round, Daddy Wolf?” Stiles purred, his thin fingers tracing invisible circles on Derek’s pecs.
Despite how turned on he was, the werewolf was begrudgingly worn out. “Um,” he paused, his face burning red, “I actually think I need some more time to recoup.”
Stiles nodded understandingly, but there was still a small frown on his face. “Oh, okay,” he hummed, trying to ignore his throbbing member. He looked down in thought for a second before perking up. “Well, do you mind if I try something?”
“What?” Derek asked, curious and not wanting to disappoint his boyfriend.
Stiles’s smile returned to his face and he reached over to his nightstand and fished out his magic book that he’d been studying for the past few weeks. “It’s a spell that I found that guarantees to help one’s sex drive go on and on, nonstop!”
At first, Derek was skeptical; however, one look at his boyfriend’s eager face had him melting. “O-okay,” he hesitantly agreed.
Stiles was all smiles as he reached deeper into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a small glass vial that contained a colorless liquid. “Drink this,” he chirped, shoving the vial at the werewolf.
“You already had it ready…” Derek muttered, still downing the liquid that tasted a little bitter. He grimaced, but swallowed every single drop. “Now what?”
Stiles’s eyes widened as his grin stretched out his face. “It’s working!” he exclaimed with glee.
Derek cocked his eyebrow before becoming distracted by the stench that filtered into their bedroom. The stale smell of plastic wafted into the werewolf’s nostrils, and he opened his mouth to ask what was going on.
“Mmm-hmmm?!” Derek asked, shocked that he couldn’t get a word out. In fact, the more he tried to speak, the faster the alpha realized that he couldn’t move his mouth at all. He turned his face to look into the standing mirror, paling at what he saw. “Mmmpphh?!”
Derek’s mouth was stuck wide open, forming a perfect O. No matter how hard he strained his muscles, Derek couldn’t seem to close his mouth. That was the least of his concerns as soon as he noticed the shiny sheen that covered his skin.
Derek’s normally gruff appearance was becoming more sleek and smooth as his skin turned into plastic. He stared in shock as he watched his body go from being all buff and muscled to looking more like an overblown balloon in the shape of some muscleman. Derek could still see that he had his muscles, but when he moved his body, he winced internally as he heard the squeaking of plastic. Plus, his limbs felt light as air now, almost as if he’d blow away at the slightest gust of wind. Because he wasn’t wearing any clothes, Derek could see his cock stand at attention as it inflated up with air, growing in length as it become exaggeratedly large, more so for aesthetic. He shifted on his cheeks as he felt them get bigger too, and a stretching sensation formed as his hole deepened and widened slightly, looking like another entrance on a sex doll.
“Mmphh!?” Derek grunted in surprise as he stared at his new reflection in the mirror. Where a tough werewolf should’ve been was a sex doll that looked just like him. His mouth was comically round, ready to receive whatever cock would be thrusted into him.
“You look great, Derek!” Stiles laughed, his already hard cock throbbing in front of him.
Despite his panic over being turned into a sex toy, Derek couldn’t ignore the surge of lust that took over him. He wanted to demand that he be turned back, but his desperate need for Stiles’s cock took over his senses, and all he could do was moan loudly with want.
“You want this?” Stiles teased, gesturing down at his hard cock.
“Mmmm!” Derek heatedly moaned. With his light limbs, he could barely move, rendering him a moaning mess as he craved cock.
Stiles easily lifted up his air-light boyfriend and positioned themselves so that he slid his cock into Derek’s agape mouth.
Derek moaned loudly at the surge of pleasure that washed over him. He’d never felt such intense pleasure like he did now, making him feel as if he was designed specifically for getting fucked, craving it more and more. His shiny, plastic muscles shone underneath the lights in the bedroom, and little squeaking noises echoed out every so often.
When Stiles shuddered and came, Derek swooned at being filled. Normally, he was the top, but there was something with having Stiles’s cock inside of him that made him feel over the moon (probably because of whatever transformation he’d undergone).
Derek was placed onto his back once Stiles was finished. “Damn, Derek,” Stiles gasped, trying to catch his breath. “You’re a natural.”
Derek lied on his back with his mouth still wide open, stuck as a sex doll. However, instead of feeling any frustration over his new form, he was irritated over the new unsettling emptiness he felt in his mouth.
“Mmmmm!” he moaned loudly, desperate to be filled again.
“Ready for another round already?” Stiles chuckled. “Damn, you can go on and on.”
Derek ignored the irony and just moaned like a needy slut as Stiles fucked his agape mouth again, only feeling satisfied with his boyfriend’s cock inside of him.
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Here's a quick rendering of everyone's favorite grumpy werewolf turning into Santa Claus, complete with a big, hairy belly!