Loss Of Iq - Tumblr Posts
Lost a lot of my stories when I deactivated my old blog, but I managed to find this one. It’s been one of my most popular, and the guy in the picture in super hot!

Caleb rested on the dock, trying to ignore the drunken antics of his so-called friends and past football teammates. The stud had reluctantly decided to go back home for a visit during break from college, irritated over his southern small town’s simple way of thinking and living.
The muscled up country boy had spent years at college trying to dispel the stereotype of the less than intelligent redneck, irked that many of the students who were from more metro areas automatically viewed him as inferior or stupid. That led to Caleb taking incredible joy in the surprised looks on their faces whenever he would “casually” drop into conversation that he had a full merit scholarship for the university’s computer engineering program. He’d even fought hard to hide his southern accent so that people wouldn’t make false comparisons between him and a hick. His 129 IQ was something he was extremely boastful about, and now as he was at the lake with some of his old friends he’d left behind, he was quickly realizing that he’d outgrown them.
“Hey man, why ya sittin’ here by yourself?” the old quarterback, BJ, asked him as he sat by him on the dock, playfully nudging his broad shoulder.
Caleb inwardly cringed at the pronounced southern accent that only grew more prominent the more beers the guy drank. He ignored it and shrugged. “I guess I’m just not that excited to be home,” he admitted. “I was thinking about heading back early.”
BJ mock frowned. “Pussy,” he teased, handing the annoyed man a beer. “Just drink up and you’ll feel a lot better.”
Caleb took the offered bottle that didn’t have a label because it was most likely bootlegged. He waited until BJ had wandered off to go be a nuisance elsewhere before rolling his eyes. Still, a beer was a beer.
Caleb took a deep gulp of the bitter drink, grimacing a little from the intense alcoholic aftertaste.
“Whoa doggy!” Caleb whistled loudly out of instinct, wincing at the backwoods phrase he’d unintentionally uttered. He cleared his throat and pulled his phone out to read up on some engineering articles so that he could maintain his number one position in class.
As the stud read some of the articles, he knitted his eyebrows together. Normally the genius could tear his way through countless scientific articles in an hour. However, for some reason, Caleb found himself struggling to concentrate. A thick fog seemed to be forming in his head, clouding his thinking and making it difficult to understand what he was reading.
“Ma-macheen— Machin… uh?” Caleb tried to sound out M-A-C-H-I-N-E-R-Y, struggling to figure out what the letters spelt out. In fact, all the letters on his phone screen didn’t make any sense at all.
BJ smirked over at his friend, enjoying the sight of the hunk scratching at his head absentminded as he stared intently at his phone. “Doin’ alright over there, Smart Guy?” he called out.
Caleb looked up from the confusing words on his screen, glancing over at his shirtless friend. “I can’t figure out none of these words on my dang ol’ phone!” he answered, his southern accent back into his voice full force, even stronger than when he’d left for university. He paused and thought that something sounded weird, that something was wrong. However the fog in his head thickened and all Caleb could seem to focus on was BJ’s thick, meaty pecs and the large bulge in his trunks.
One of the other guys began to laugh. “Damn, BJ, you gave it to him?” he called out.
Gave what to who? Caleb struggled to grasp what was happening, but it was getting so hard to think. His thoughts seemed to melt in his head, no matter how desperately he grasped at them. He would force himself to think of something in one of his lectures, like cir… circuit… uh, something. Caleb’s heart began to race in his beefy chest as he slowly began to piece together that something was indeed wrong.
He stood up and took a step forward before he got distracted by his reflection in the lake. The man who stared back had an empty, glazed look in his blue eyes and his jaw was hanging open. Then he got distracted by the way his own meaty pecs moved whenever he took a heavy step.
Caleb dimly giggled. “Hey y’all!” he called out in his country boy accent. “Check out mah tits!” He bounced his large pecs, laughing to himself as the large mounds bounced and jiggled in front of him.
The rest of his friends began to laugh at him, some even cheering him on.
Caleb didn’t know why his friends were laughing, but they seemed to really enjoy the way his pecs bounced, so he kept on giving them a show, a dim smile on his handsome face.
“Dude’s gotta be stupider than a flat tire,” one of his hick friends mocked him.
Stupid? Caleb wasn’t stupid, he was a genius. He was smarter than his bumpkin friends and they were all super jealous of it. He opened his mouth to offer a retort, spill some knowledge about what he’d learned in university, but he struggled to even remember sitting in a lecture at all.
The muscled dummy gasped loudly as he realized what was wrong.
“What’s up?” BJ patronizingly asked, wrapping a buff arm around his broad shoulders.
Caleb forced himself to look away from his friend’s muscles, which felt like a herculean feat. “Bro!” he whined, stomping his foot like a child throwing a tantrum. “My head feels slower than a three-legged dog!” His accent was so exaggerated it was comical now, making him wince. “What’s wrong with me?”
BJ smirked as he rubbed a comforting hand over Caleb’s large pectorals, making the idiot whimper and shiver. “You poor dumb redneck,” he cooed. “We all got tired of you thinkin’ you were better than us all ‘cause you went to that fancy school.”
“I’m not some dumb redneck!” Caleb tried to argue, but when he stomped his foot again, his pecs bounced from the motion and he got distracted and started to squeeze them, moaning loudly for the other guys to hear.
“If I had to place a bet,” BJ smirked, “I’d say that 129 IQ of yours is probably down to 60. You’re good for nothin’ but fuckin’. You’ve got to be the dumbest redneck I ever did see.”
The fog continued to thicken in Caleb’s mind, and he was lost in the sensation of his strong hands fondling his own meaty pecs. It didn’t take long before the other guys joined in on the action, feeling up the stud’s muscles. All the while the redneck howled, happy to be back home with his fellow hicks.
My favorite professor is over worked and exhausted, he's such a good guy and I want to help him relax. I wish he was a young, dumb, jock who didn't have to worry about work, or papers, or deadlines. Also maybe I could be a jock too and be his buddy?

You made your wish as you sat in the lecture hall, taking a seat in the first row as you tried to pay attention to the chemical equations protected onto the board.
"...and as you can see from this formula here, the resulting reaction..." your professor, Prof. Andrews, droned. He looked incredibly drained and like he could collapse at any second. He was your favorite professor, always quick to friendly interact with the students, and looking really handsome whenever he grinned their way. Therefore, you felt horrible as the older man struggled to teach a lecture on chemical equations.
You sighed to yourself out of compassionate guilt and scribbled down some notes in your notebook, glancing down at your paper for a brief moment. When you looked back up at Prof. Andrews, you flinched back in confused wonder.
Prof. Andrews still tiredly taught up in front of the class, but you could've sworn that his skin looked a bit darker. It was as if he'd been going to a tanning salon or had spent days out under the sun. His face had a golden hue, hiding some of his eye wrinkles. "...looking at the reactant side, you can discern that the compounds involved are..."
You rubbed at your own eyes, figuring that you were just tired from Finals Week and were finally cracking. However, the second you reopened them, you were greeted with another sight.
The older man's hair had been a salt-and-pepper color and had been cut in a standard, cheap high and tight style. However, now he had deep chocolate brown hair atop his head, and it had been slightly lengthened and stylized into a more modern fashion. Even more shocking was that his previously smooth face now had a trimmed beard, his lips looking slightly more plump as they were framed by the new hair.
"What is going on?" you whispered under your breath. You took a quick look around the room to see if any of the other students were noticing this too, but they were all taking copious notes or staring uninterestedly at the presentation, somehow unaware of Prof. Andrews's changes.
When you looked back at the professor, you couldn't suppress your surprised gasp.
"...and then, like, the metals will totally form a really suuuuuper reactive thing..." Prof. Andrews chirped, his hands waving around wildly as he spoke in his new ditzy dialect. What was even more shocking was that the older man was now wearing nothing but a bright yellow poser which popped against his tanned skin. The man was actually packing, the pouch of the skimpy suit struggling to contain his large cock. The back of them was slipped between his cheeks. He wasn't entirely unfit, but there was a slight beer gut that protruded over the front of the posers and he had love-handles.
"What the fuck is, like, even happening right now?" you muttered to yourself, too shocked to notice the ditzy quality to your own voice. Again, you did a double take at the other students who didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.
You looked back over at Prof. Andrews, jerking back in your seat at the muscled hunk who stood in his place. Where the older professor was supposed to be, was some tan, muscle-bound himbo-looking stud. The stud wore skimpy posers and his muscles were large with power and glistened underneath the fluorescent lights in the classroom. He kept waving his hands around flamboyantly as he spoke, sounding like a dim muscleslut.
"And, like, that's totally it for the lecture," the altered Prof. Andrews smiled widely. "Class is dismissed."
The other students quickly stood up and exited the room, leaving just you and the professor by yourselves. Taking this opportunity, you shot out of your chair and hurried up to the front.
"Prof. Andrews!" you cried. "Like, what even happened to you? You look so sexy!" You flinched when your words hit your ears and when it dawned on you that you felt the room's A/C blowing over exposed skin.
You looked down at yourself and gasped when you saw that you'd undergone a similar transformation. Your muscles had inflated and your skin had tanned to make you look like a beach muscleslut, clad in tiny blue posers that did little to hide your large cock from view.
You were speechless as you explored your new body, unsure what had happened to you or the professor. The two of you had been transformed into identical twin musclesluts, looking like you two were perpetually ready for some kind of gogo dance.
In a panic, you looked up at Prof. Andrews to ask for help, to try and figure out a way to return to your old bodies. However, your words evaporated in your thick throat when you saw the large, albeit dim, grin plastered on the professor's youthful face. He no longer looked tired and instead appeared a lot more ecstatic and excited as his large muscles twitched with anticipation as he ran his eyes up and down your bulging form.
"Ready to earn some extra credit, Stud?" he asked, reached over to teasingly pinch one of your protruding nipples.
You could only moan as you flexed your inflated ass, eagerly tailing the new slutty professor into his office.

Brad lumbered throughout the gym, a glazed look on his face. The sight of other muscle men like himself put him at ease, and he tried to follow their movements. He grabbed a weight and stared blankly at it, some drool starting to drip from his slacked jaw.
“Hey Brad,” Danny said, waving at him from the other side of the weight pile. “You doing okay?”
Brad glanced up at him, that blank stare still on his handsome face. His blue eyes traveled up and down Danny’s thin, bookwormish form, and a toothy grin formed on his face. Under the concerned gaze of the smaller guy, he felt some pressure in his shorts… good pressure.
“Brad lift,” Brad grunted in a deep voice. “Brad get muscle.” He brought up one arm and flexed a bicep for the smaller guy.
Danny furrowed his brow and nodded slowly, confused with what was happening to the bodybuilder who was normally talkative and gave great pointers on macronutrients. “Um, did you hit your head or something?” he asked him. “Do you need me to take you to the doctor’s?” He rubbed the back of his neck in wonder, his small bicep barely flexing the smallest bit.
Brad noticed the thin man’s barely-visible muscle, and his beefy hand began to paw at his erect cock which formed a large tent in his basketball shorts. It looked like he tried to jerk off, but was too dumb to figure out that he needed to slide his hands inside the shorts that he wore. Instead, he kept pawing at the covered cock, licking his lips as he stared at the other guy.
“Cock hard,” Brad moaned loudly as he continued to paw at himself. He kept eying the confused guy, that dim smile plastered onto his face. “Danny hot. Danny fuck Brad?” He turned around and bent forward the smallest bit, presenting his large muscle butt towards the smaller guy.
Danny was hit with an internal dilemma: Obviously there was something wrong with Brad… but the sexy bodybuilder looked over his broad shoulder at him, playfully swaying his plump rear from side to side.
“O-okay,” Danny swallowed, following the lumbering bodybuilder towards the locker room, passing the gym goer who smirked in their direction. He could vaguely recall talking to someone online about how hot he found muscle guys who were too dumb to do anything besides work out and fuck. But that had to be a coincidence, right?
He entered the locker room, stunned when he saw Brad smiling widely at his own reflection while bouncing his massive pecs. He continued to paw at his covered erection, but once he saw that Danny had followed him, he rushed over to a bench and got on all fours.
“Fuck Brad,” he repeated in his slow voice, his massive bubble butt playfully swaying back and forth.
“Fuck it,” Danny shrugged, figuring that it was a wish well spent. He hurried over to the dim Brad who couldn't figure out how to take off his own shorts.

After bullying the nerds at his college for so long, Josh finally met his comeuppance.
Over the course of a week, the jock felt himself getting dimmer and dimmer, having much more difficulty concentrating in class or even performing some of the simplest tasks. All he seemed to really be able to concentrate on was working out in the gym and flexing his big muscles for the scrawny nerds.
It came to a climax when Josh spotted Nicky, one of the Mathlete nerds, getting pushed around. Out of instinct, Josh pushed his muscled chest out and rushed over, feeling some inane protective instincts over his nerd.
Due to his size, Josh easily intimidated the jock and sent him scurrying off.
"Thanks, Josh," Nicky smiled, patting the dumb jock on his meaty shoulder. "You're such a good boy."
Josh beat his large pecs with pride, holding his head up high as he assumed his role as the nerds' dumb musclepet.

The very second Derek walked into the cramped, dimly lit room, he struggled to maintain his composure. His eyes landing on the nerdy game board that rested on the tiny table in the center of the cramped room. Around the table stood three skinny guys along with Stiles, all of them dressed up in geeky cosplay— Stiles wore rubber elf ears.
Trying his best not to irk his boyfriend, Derek forced a smile on his face as he headed closer. “You almost done?” he asked Stiles, putting an arm around the human’s small shoulders.
Stiles, pursing his lips, shook his head. “I’m stuck at an obstacle and I don’t quite know how to defeat it,” he muttered, his eyes laser-focused on the tiny plastic figurines on the board.
Derek had never played Dungeons and Dragons before, so he was totally lost and didn’t really have much to offer his boyfriend in the way of advice. “That sucks,” he finally said, growing antsy and wanting to leave.
It was due to a combination of not having any interest whatsoever in Stiles’s fantasy game, and also because of the creepy stare he was garnering from some nerd dressed up in Halloween wizard clothes.
In fact, Derek couldn’t help but notice that the scrawny wizard’s stare was a little too intense for his liking, seeing the corners of his mouth slightly pull up to form a mischievous smirk.
“Stiles the Great,” a nerd who was dressed up in cat ears chimed, adding a fake accent to her voice, “doth thou desire’th to employ the usage of thine trusty steed?” She nodded at Derek, making him grimace.
Stiles, unfortunately, gasped loudly, indicating that he thought the nerd’s idea was a good one.
Derek’s broad shoulders fell and he knew that they’d be stuck in the cramped room for longer than he’d initially wanted.
“I run across my boyfriend, Derek the Hotness, and he uses his skills to defeat the aboleth—”
“Hold it!” the wizard interrupted, narrowing his gaze at Derek. “You can’t just add in another character midway without giving us his backstory!”
The others around the table murmured in agreement, making Stiles blush.
“Um,” he stalled as he tried to think up a backstory for Derek the Hotness, which Derek promised he’d bring up later that night, “Derek has twenty strength and—”
“What is he?” the wizard cut off again, making Derek swell down a growl.
Again, Stiles took a moment as he searched his mind for an answer, his eyes darting all over the board as he looked for an idea.
The wizard’s smirk grew even larger. “Why don’t you roll for it?” he suggested, reaching into his pockets and placing a ruby red die on the board. It shimmered under the faint light of the room, and the numbers on it had a glittery quality to it.
Stiles eagerly snatched the die off the board and shook it in his hand, even blowing on it for luck. “Fine!” he agreed. “With this die, I declare that Derek the Hotness is…” He tossed the die onto the board, letting it clatter around until it landed.
The wizard cocked his head to the side, his smirk fully formed now. “It looks like Derek the Hotness is an orc,” he mused, snapping his fingers playfully.
At first, Derek cocked his eyebrow in wonder at the odd actions from the nerd. However, he was soon alerted to the tingling sensation that ran all over his body. His boyfriend gasped again, and Derek then noticed something terrible happening.
Holding his hands up in front of his face, Derek’s eyes widened when he saw his skin steadily darken to a greenish hue. Before he could further react, Derek tensed up as his body underwent further changes.
He couldn’t exactly see it firsthand, but all of Derek’s muscles began to inflate to obscene proportions. His arms packed on pounds of muscle, bulging with power. His chest grew to crazy proportions, tearing his shirt to shreds and further exposing his green muscles. His thighs widened and caused him to reposition his feet, his legs pushing against each other so much that his walk would now resemble something closer to a waddle. All of Derek’s muscles had pumped up, but they appeared more so for strength as opposed to aesthetic, as was evident by their rotundness and the lack of abs. Instead, his stomach had a powerlifter belly that hung over his tattered pants. Speaking of pants, the bulge in the front of them inflated and a large beer can-width snake crept down his pant leg. To top everything off, Derek’s lower jaw widened and dimples, looking large and cartoonish. His brow pushed forward, giving the hunk a brutish appearance. Finally, his lower canine teeth elongated and protruded out of his mouth, effectively giving Derek the appearance of a muscled up, dim-witted orc.
Stiles’s jaw hung low in silent shock as Derek swayed slightly to and fro.
Not understanding exactly what had just occurred, Derek shook his head and rubbed at his temples. “Uh,” he groaned, noting the much, much deeper quality to his voice, “Derek feel funny.” His eyes widened to the size of saucers, having intended to say that he felt weird, unsure as to why he’d sounded all slow and had spoken in the third person. Derek cleared his throat and tried again. “Why Derek talk funny?”
Finally, Stiles stomped forward and placed a reassuring hand on Derek’s green bicep. “Turn him back!” he ordered, narrowing his eyes at the wizard.
Derek shook his head, trying to clear it of the fog that seemed to be creeping up in it. He knew that something had definitely happened to him. However, he couldn’t stop but admire how cute his boyfriend looked and how perky his butt looked in his tight pants.
Without thinking, Derek wrapped both of his large arms around Stiles, grinding his enlarged cock against the tiny human. In his haze, Derek noticed something else. “Stiles…” he grunted in his baritone, “Stiles smaller?”
Stiles bit down on his lower lip, looking completely adorable as he did so, making Derek grind his hard cock into him even more.
The wizard continued to smirk. “Sorry Stiles the Great,” he mock-frowned, “the only way to turn him back is if you defeat the aboleth.” He gestured back down at the die.
“Fine!” Stiles shouted, snatching it back up off the board. “But let me warn you, once he’s back to regular self, I will personally kick your ass!”
[Fifteen Minutes Later]
“Yeah, sorry, I thought that I could win,” Stiles muttered, his head hanging low as he and Derek walked out of the house and towards the Jeep.
Derek lumbered as best as he could, trying hard to get the hang of waddling with his extra large, green muscles. His thighs kept rolling over one another, and his chest was so heavy that he had to arch his back in order to support his huge pecs. His muscle gut jiggled slightly with every step he took. However, his hard footlong cock waved tantalizingly in front of him, oozing precum at the sight of Stiles walking in front of him. Derek’s slowed mind struggled to piece everything together. He knew deep down that something had happened to him, but his brain was full of such lust for his tiny-looking boyfriend that it was hard to concentrate on anything else.
“Stiles cute,” he gushed in his deep voice.
“Yeah thanks, but focus, Derek!” Stiles said as soon as they reached the Jeep. “We need to go to Deaton to see if he can fix this!” He hopped into the driver’s seat and looked at his orc boyfriend expectantly.
Derek struggled to get inside the Jeep, trying to get the hang of moving his muscled body. His broadened shoulders kept banging against the sides of the door, preventing him from getting in head on. His lower IQ prevented him from immediately turning to the side until Stiles coaxed him into it. Once he was inside, his massive arms and pecs kept getting the way of him fastening his seat belt, leaving the orc struggling with the tiny strap.
Derek cocked his eyebrow in wonder as he stared down at his inflated, green pecs. “Derek has big muscles!” he gasped, his eyes widening in shock. The surprise disappeared as soon as Derek looked over at Stiles. “Stiles cute.” His hard cock bobbed in front of him in the air, twitching with want.
“Well…” Stiles mused, “maybe we can go to Deaton in the morning.”

Request: Love this one! I’d love to be turned into a huge guy like that. 😍😍😍🍆🍆 [Link]
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Your life magically changed one day at the gym. You were working out after a particularly hectic day at the office, blowing off some steam at the weight pile and enjoying the sights of the muscled up studs as they waddled around.
Your attention quickly snapped away from your workout when you instantly went hard, your five inch cock rocketing to life. At first, you blushed at how tented out your shorts were, but then your eyes widened when you witnessed your cock throb and lengthen.
Every time your member throbbed, it pulled further away and thickened until your normal five incher had morphed into a nine inch beast that was nearly as thick as your wrist.
Before you could react, your entire body seemingly exploded with size. Your shoulders broadened as your back muscles thickened to larger proportions. Your arms followed suit, beefing up with serious size, turning your biceps from little mounds to the size of bowling balls that clashed with your inflated lats. Your pecs puffed up and protruded off your chest at a crazy degree, stretching your tank top to the limit. You were forced to readjust your stance as your thighs steadily grew rounder and larger, forcing you to stand almost bowlegged. The sheer size of your thighs forced your lengthened cock and orange-sized balls out in front as they pressed noticeably against your shorts. The thin material of your shorts seemingly vacuumed around your package of your ass ballooned to the size of basketballs.
As a final touch, you felt your skin start to prickle as manly hair sprouted out, covering your inflated muscles, especially your massive chest.
"Holy shit," you mumbled to yourself, bristling at your deeper voice. You examined your hulking form in the mirror, figuring that you must've packed on at least one-hundred pounds of beefy muscle.
Without a second thought, you flexed a massive bicep, marveling at its size. The action left your hairy pit exposed and the stench of manly musk permeated the air, causing your throbbing cock to twitch with want.
"Damn, wait 'til the guys at the office see..." you trailed off and your eyes widened as a fog settled inside your head. A brief flicker of panic rippled through your new bodybuilder form as you struggled to remember your office job... or really much of anything. You even looked towards one of the placards on the gym wall and scrunched up your brow in confusion as you tried hard to read what it said. Your slow brain struggled to focus on anything besides muscles and cock.
The panic quickly left when one of the other guys at the gym walked up and clapped a hand onto your broadened shoulder. "Lookin' big, Dude," he gushed.
Without a moment's hesitation, you threw both of your massive arms above your head and performed a double biceps pose. "Wanna feel, Little Man?" you asked the much smaller guy, leaning in closer.
The other guy hungrily ran his hands over your bulging muscles in awe.
The whole time, your cock throbbed as he worshipped you, and you gradually fell into your new life as a dumb, perpetually horny musclestud.

Request: Aaron bigoted over religious straight homophobic man harasses Brad for being gay. Which ends up being a big mistake. Brad turns Aaron into a proud gay musky slutty man and makes him his boyfriend. Aaron tries to fight the changes but loses the fight. Aaron remembers his old life, but he is reprogrammed to remembers his old life but he is reprogrammed to love the man he is now. A out and proud slutty gay man
Brad was heading to his dorm room after a rough day of seemingly endless lectures. All the slender guy wanted was to lie down and numb his aching head with some random cat videos.
Before he could reach his dorm, he was hit with the sickly stench of beer as a red solo cup was tossed at him. Drenched in beer, Brad huffed as he looked up and saw none other than Aaron.
The big, beefy jock was a pain in Brad's ass. For whatever reason, the jerk had made it his mission to make Brad's life as hard as possible. He was always there to pester him or even "playfully" shove him too hard, always muttering some sort of slur under his breath.
Aaron mock-frowned at the wet Brad. "Sorry 'bout that, Ma'am," he almost sneered. "I thought you looked thirsty, but I didn't have some fruity cocktail. Hope that works."
Normally, Brad would've just tried his best to shrug off Aaron's homophobic shenanigans. However, this time, he was prepared.
The skinny man reached into his pocket and grabbed a fistful of the pink, shimmery powder that he'd purchased from a mysterious woman the other night. Then, like a scene out of a cartoon, Brad tossed the powder into Aaron's face, smiling widely as the larger man winced as his face was covered in pink.
"What the hell was that?" the muscled jock sputtered as he wiped at his face.
"You'll find out soon enough," Brad lowly chuckled as he prepared himself to watch was was going to happen.
"What does that mean-- UUUhhhh!" Aaron's voice cut off as all of his muscles seemed to tense up. It looked as if the big jock was flexing, but soon his eyes widened when he felt the cool air on his torso. Looking downward, Aaron was surprised to see that his shirt was gone, exposing his plump pecs and washboard stomach. "Wha--?"
His voice trailed off when he witnessed his pecs shudder before it looked as if they were beginning to inflate. The jock's jaw dropped when he saw his pecs steadily grow larger and rounder. It wasn't an exaggerated growth, especially when the rest of his body followed suit. His muscles grew in size, taking his body from jock to bodybuilder in mere seconds. He paled when he saw his abs gradually grow fainter until they disappeared, his stomach rounding out to form a firm musclegut. His pants felt painfully tight as his butt swelled up, his cheeks going from perky to full on beach ball size. They grew so large that they began to push his jeans down, exposing the top of his hairy crack to the whole dormitory. As a final touch, Aaron's skin began to itch as hair started to sprout over his body, leaving him with copious amounts of body hair, with most of it concentrated on his pits and chest.
When he was done growing, Aaron had to have gained at least fifty pounds of muscle and had sprouted lots of hair. His large hands explored his larger, hairier body, blushing when he caught of a whiff of the pungent musk that seemed to radiate off of him in waves, almost as if he'd just finished an intense workout.
"Whoa," Aaron groaned in a much deeper voice, "what happened to me, Bro?" He flinched at the slowish quality to his voice and the way he'd said Bro unconsciously. "My head feels so slow."
Brad just smiled at his work, thinking that this new Aaron would be a much better guy than the old one. "You're the new you," he grinned.
"The new me...?" Aaron wondered aloud, freezing when his eyes landed on the smaller guy before him. His heart began to race in his beefier chest, and despite himself, he felt his cock start to stiffen. Worse was that he felt an odd emptiness forming deep within his ass, and he unconsciously flexed his huge bubblebutt with want.
No matter what his brain told him, Aaron was horrified to find that he viewed Brad as... cute!?
"Oh no," Aaron groaned, paling at this new realization, especially as new memories started to filter into his brain. He was still a college jock attending university on a football scholarship, but now he was also the muscled up and dim-witted boyfriend of Brad. He could see crystal clear mental images of himself wearing the skimpiest clothing and flexing for the small man on command, loving it whenever his huge ass was stuffed full with Brad's cock. And not only his, but their supposed relationship was flexible enough to where Brad was cool with Aaron getting fucked and sucking off every other guy on the football team. Apparently not a night went by when Aaron wasn't bouncing on cock after cock and showing off his large, hairy muscles to every guy on campus... but apparently he had a huge soft spot for Brad.
Brad basked in the warmth that this new Aaron brought him. He stepped forward and ran an admiring hand over Aaron's hairy pecs, loving the way the formerly straight jerk shuddered at the contact.
"Hey, Babe," he teased, "why don't we go to our dorm and I'll fuck that huge butt of yours?"
Aaron wanted to decline, to beg to be changed back, but instead he felt himself pick up the smaller man with one arm and flex his other one. "Hell yeah, Bro," he smiled dimly, "you're gonna fuck me so damn hard all night!"
31 Days of Derek Hale
Day 20: Jock
Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │ 15 │ 16 │ 17 │ 18 │ 19 │ 20

Derek sighed as he walked into his bedroom for the night, feeling incredibly drained from his argument with Eli. “I just don’t get it,” he huffed, throwing himself down onto the bed in a huff. “No matter what, we just can’t seem to see eye to eye.”
Stiles frowned and ran a caring hand over his husband’s chest. “He’s a jock,” he said. “All his high speed brain can focus on it sports.”
Derek frowned deeply. “I guess,” he growled. “I just wish that I could understand him better. Like, as if we were on the same wavelength.”
Derek lied back and rested next to Stiles, having trouble sleeping due to his fight with his son. He and Eli had been fighting with one another lately, usually due to typically father-son issues, such as Eli letting his grades slip due to his intense interest in sports, which tended to lead to Derek threatening to pull Eli from whatever team he was on that month. His son was a total jock, something that Derek didn’t really experience while in school.
As Derek drifted off to sleep, he felt his limbs tingle, his mind constantly wishing that he could understand the jock better…
The alarm blared, and Stiles sleepily slapped it silent.
Derek stretched his muscled arms above his head, yawning loudly as he woke up. As he moved, his face scrunched up as the stench of musk and sweat hit his nose, emanating in waves from his hairy pits.
Even Stiles could smell it with his dulled human senses, jerking back and plugging up his nose. “Damn Der,” he gasped, “no offense, but you reek.”
Derek felt his face grow warmer as he blushed. “Yeah, Bro,” he heard himself balk in his deep voice, “I must’ve worked up a big sweat last night.” Derek was puzzled over how deep and slow his voice sounded, and the way he’d called this husband “Bro”.
For a brief moment, Stiles scrunched up his brow in confusion, but it smoothed out rapidly as a small grin formed on his face. “Typical jock,” he lightheartedly laughed, slowly getting out of the bed to get ready for work.
Jock? Derek puzzled over what Stiles had said as he got out of bed, his body automatically lumbering towards the dresser. He yanked open the top drawer and paused as he was greeted with an array of jockstraps— his boxers nowhere to be seen.
As if his body had a mind of its own, Derek felt his muscled arms move and snatch up a jockstrap. He yanked the small garment on, the pouch filled to the limit with his massive cock and balls while his perky ass bubbled out the back.
“Don’t you want to take a shower?” Stiles asked, the tone in his voice indication that he’d hoped that Derek would listen to him.
“Nope,” Derek heard himself scoff, answering without any thought of his own. He even leaned down and sniffed at one of his stinky pits, the musky stench filling the confines of the bedroom. “I’ll be fine. Besides, I’m gonna get all sweaty at practice anyways. So what’s the point?”
Derek was so caught up in his odd behavior that he’d barely noticed when he’d opened up another dresser drawer, grabbing a football jersey. He yanked the tight garnet on, noting how his muscles pressed against it, illustrating his athletic prowess. Next, he grabbed some small workout shorts that only came up to mid-thigh and were so tight that his butt and package pressed noticeably against it, almost as if they were on full display.
When he looked at himself in the mirror, Derek inwardly winced at the dim smile on his face. He still looked the same, with his mature and masculine beard that had flecks of gray in it; however, he felt ridiculous being dressed up like a total jock, feeling childish.
His body evidently wouldn’t let any of his inner turmoil show as he lifted up a buff arm, flexing a large bicep. “Damn,” he heard himself say, “I’m getting fuckin’ huge, Bro!”
Despite himself, as Derek flexed in the mirror, he felt his cock start to stiffen within the confines of his tight jockstrap. The pouch tented outwards as it struggled to maintain his meaty cock, looking as if the werewolf was smuggling a summer sausage in his pants. Instead of blushing or trying to conceal his package, Derek felt himself place this hands on his hips and shove his crotch forward expectantly.
“Hey, Bro,” he said, “I’m so fuckin’ horny. Wanna help me out?”
Stiles smiled at his husband, chuckling as he shifted off the bed. “Damn, Der,” he laughed, “that thing’s always cocked and loaded.”
Always cocked and loaded? Derek’s eyebrows rose as new memories filtered into his foggy head, being filled to the brim with Derek being hard and rutting against whatever crossed his path. The stud was always incredibly horny, his cock seemingly rocketing straight to attention after a few moments after cumming. He wanted to blush at the image of himself sauntering down the street in his tight jerseys, his hard cock pressed tightly against his thick thigh for all to see.
Derek’s frantic thoughts slowed down significantly as his husband dropped to his knees in front of him, wasting no time in taking in his full member.
“Oooh!” Derek loudly bellowed, his deeper sounding voice bouncing off the thin walls in the house. “Yeah, suck that cock, Bro. Bet it’s the biggest ya ever had!” The normally silent werewolf couldn’t keep his mouth shut as he was sucked off, moaning loudly and cockily bragging about his cock. No matter how humiliated the alpha was over his uncontrollable behavior, he couldn’t help but bask in the warmth of pleasure that washed over him. All of his panic was momentarily forgotten until all of his ample muscles tensed up. “Uunghh!”
Derek cried out as he came, shooting what felt like the biggest load of his life. He was left spent and trying to catch his breath as Stiles stood up and went about getting ready for his day at work.
“Thanks, Bro,” Derek heard himself say. “I gotcha next time!” Already, at the mere suggestion of sucking off his husband, Derek’s cock plumped up and it took him a few moments to realize that he’d been absentmindedly fondling his hard bulge after tucking it back into his jockstrap.
As the werewolf continued with his morning routine that didn’t involve a shower, he couldn’t help but wince whenever he lifted his arms and his musky stench would waft out from his pits, smelling as if he’d just finished a killer workout at a crowded gym.
Derek walked downstairs and paused at the front door where Stiles gave him a quick kiss. “Can’t forget this, Coach,” Stiles said, handing Derek a silver whistle attached to a small chain necklace.
Derek was confused over both the whistle and why Stiles had called him “Coach” for some reason. However, the confusion quickly vanished when Derek realized that he no longer worked at his auto shop but was instead a coach at Beacon Hills High School. His stomach dropped when he tried to recall the massive amounts of paperwork that were supposed to be waiting for him on his desk at the shop, all of them detailing receipts and parts on orders; yet, now the werewolf’s muddled brain struggled to comprehend what all of those numbers meant. He paled even further when his knowledge of business management wasn’t the only thing gone. In a panic, Derek’s eyes darted around the house and sure enough, simple items seemed to be way beyond his mental grasp. For example, although he’d used it hundreds of times before whatever the hell happened to him, Derek stared at the coffee maker that was in the kitchen, unsure what all of the buttons meant… luckily Stiles was there to help him out since he was such a dumb jock.
Derek inwardly flinched at that last thought, recalling the stupid wish he’d made last night. He’d wished that he could understand jocks more.
Now Derek was a dumb, horny jock.
His days were filled with nothing except working out, playing sports, and fucking. That’s all a dumb jock like him was good for.
Still, Derek put the whistle around his neck and puffed out his large pecs against his tight spots jersey. “Thanks, bro,” he dimly smiled before leaning forward to rut his hard cock against Stiles’s thigh. “You gonna come during my lunch break to help me out with this?”
“Of course,” Stiles said, resting an admiring hand on Derek’s bicep, which the werewolf flexed out of instinct, “I can’t have my big jock going too long without any release. Poor guy would be all pent up.” He mock frowned, a hint of playful condescension audible.
Derek’s foggy mind didn’t pick up on it, and instead he just smiled back widely. “Yeah, Bro,” he agreed in his deep voice, “if I don’t cum at least five times a day, I can’t think well.” He paused at the odd words leaving his mouth, but then the alarm on his phone went off and he perked up. “Oh shit. I’m gonna be late! Love ya, Bro!” He kissed Stiles on the cheek before hurrying out of the house and lumbering towards his Camaro, his hard cock tenting out his tight shorts.

Here's a request from @physical-lust
Sorry it took so long! Hope you like it!
-- -- --
Alec sighed as he logged onto FaceTime, getting ready to talk to his classmate, Van.
The two of them had been close friends back in high school, however, they quickly drifted apart when they went to college. Despite going to the same school, Alec had received a baseball scholarship, and therefore tended to hang out solely with his fellow teammates, living it up as the stereotypical American jock. On the other hand, Van had opted to follow in the new, mysterious paranormal tract at school. The diverting paths had caused the once close buddies to become strangers.
Which was why Alec wasn’t too keen on asking Van for some tutoring help with his Biology class. Due to his focus being on partying and trying to fuck all the girls on Sorority Row, Alec had let his grades slip and he was at risk of losing his scholarship. Van had always had impressive grades all throughout high school, so he was the one Alec had contacted.
It didn’t take long for the app to connect, and Van popped up on the screen.
The physical differences between the two young men was also noticeable. Whereas Van was slender and wore thick glasses to help him read the numerous textbooks for his advanced classes, Alec’s body was blessed with toned muscle. Alec had a perfectly proportional body with toned pecs and a perky butt. His shaggy brown hair and sparkling blue eyes made him look like a model ripped straight from an Abercrombie & Fitch bag; and he made sure to use that to his advantage. The jock had scores of women falling over at his feet (and a few men, but he didn’t pay them any attention). Even now on his FaceTime chat with his tutor/friend, he wore a tight t-shirt that displayed his impressive chest.
“Hey there, Alec,” Van happily waved on the screen. “Long time no see, right?” In the background, Alec could barely make out a treasure trove of large books, all of them looking ancient and like they’d take years to finish. The lighting was so dim that he couldn’t make out the rest of Van’s dorm, but he could see a fancy-looking candle flickering on the desk next to Van’s open Biology textbook. There were ornate carvings on it, and the way the yellow flame danced was almost mesmerizing and Alec had to snap himself away from staring at it.
“Yeah, hey, how’s it goin’?” Alec mumbled, trying to keep this tutoring session quick so that he could go nail the girl in his English class. He snatched his textbook and flipped it open to the chapter on the citric acid cycle. “So I was having some trouble with—”
“We have plenty of time for that,” Van said, waving a thin hand dismissively. “How’s your year been going? I’ve been really busy with my studies, but it’s totally worth it. One of my professors even asked me to be his personal assistant and we’ve been studying all sorts of ancient artifacts that have been used in all of these ceremonies.”
“Wow, that’s so interesting…” Alec huffed, trying not to let his annoyance show since Van was technically doing this for free.
“It really is,” Van blabbered, oblivious. He paused, a slight smile on his face.
The candle flickered in intensity, the yellow light growing in fervor and shining even brighter.
“Y’know,” Van began, “I’m actually really liking your new look. Blond is a good color for you.”
Alec cocked his eyebrow in confusion, knowing that his hair was brown, not blond. He shrugged it away and chalked it up to Van’s thick glasses not really helping his sight. Poor guy. “Uh, sure,” he muttered. “Thanks.”
The two of them began to go over some of the notes on the science chapter, with Alec having a difficult time keeping up with Van’s teachings. Much to his chagrin, Alec was starting to feel a little slow, having a hard time grasping the highlights of the section in his textbook. He scrunched up his face as he stared at the chemical formulas, none of them making even the slightest bit of sense to him.
Alec scratched at the back of his head in irritation, trying to not let his frustration show on his face.
Van could pick up on it through, and playfully said, “Don’t worry, Alec. I know that some things are a little hard for you to understand.”
The fog seemed to deepen in Alec’s mind, completely destroying any chance of him understanding anything during this tutoring session. The more Alec looked at the textbook, the dumber he felt. He struggled to piece together the information in the book, but could barely recall anything he’d learned at all in class… that is, when he bothered to go to class.
Van shrugged his thin shoulders. “At least you have a deal with the professor,” he added. “It’s nice of him to pass you just for a daily blow job.”
Alec jerked back in his chair in shock, confused by what Van was saying. He didn’t have some sort of sexy deal with his Biology professor. The teacher was a large man in his early fifties, with a trimmed beard and thick salt-and-pepper colored hair. He was a total daddy of a man, always dressed in suits that showed off his nice muscle gut.
Memories of himself down on his knees, with his face shoved into the older man’s crotch started to filter into Alec's mind. His heart starting to speed up in his chest, Alec ran a shaky hand through his hair as he easily pictured himself moaning loudly under the desk as he sucked off his professor, eagerly swallowing down his entire load that he shot down his hungry throat.
Despite himself, Alec squirmed in his seat as he felt his own cock start to harden at the memory. His impressive seven inches plumped up to full size, tenting out his workout shorts noticeably. It throbbed with want under his desk, and Alec had to fight with himself to keep his hands above the desk.
“I, uh, I didn’t know many knew about that,” Alec heard himself mutter, blushing at the words that left his mouth.
Van chuckled. “Everyone knows that,” he laughed. “You love to show off and act like a total slut in front of everyone, remember?”
The candle flickered some more.
Alec paled as his cock throbbed even more. The hunk began to squirm around in his seat as he suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable. The fog in his brain seemed to intensify, and all of a sudden Alec wanted nothing more than to peel out of his overbearing clothes— just being so covered up felt sweltering. Even though it was autumn, Alec feel as if he were wearing a parka in ninety degree weather, and he tugged at the collar of his t-shirt, stretching it as low as he could.
“Everything alright?” Van asked, a smirk detectable in his voice.
“Um, y-yeah,” Alec stammered, still unable to relax. Something deep in his gut told him that he shouldn’t be getting undressed in front of another guy, but he’d already torn his shirt away from his chest before registering it.
The mere second that his pecs were out in the open, Alec felt leagues better. The cool air in his dorm made his nipples perk up and a dull grin formed on his handsome face, and before he knew it, his hands were already shimmying his shorts down to the ground.
Alec’s face scrunched up in confusion as he sat at his desk, wearing nothing at all since he usually freeballed. His still throbbing cock bobbed in front of him, a bead of precum forming at the head. No matter how wrong he felt this scenario was, he couldn’t deny that there was a spark of excitement that rippled through him.
Van’s eyes got bigger as he looked the jock up and down.
Alec noticed that he’d been bouncing his pecs, blushing a little when he’d been made aware… but he didn’t stop.
The two of them continued to go over a few more science problems in the textbook, Alec having immense trouble concentrating. All of the long words on the pages seemed to blur together and he’d quickly get distracted by flexing a bicep or crunching his abs for the camera on his laptop.
The candle’s light shined brighter.
Van cleared his throat as Alec ran a hand over his pecs. “Lookin’ big there,” he commented. “Those tits are getting some serious size.”
If he hadn’t been watching, Alec wouldn’t have believed that his pecs would magically grow. However, the stunned stud went slack jawed as he witnessed his toned pectorals shudder before ballooning out from his chest. They grew larger and rounder as they jutted off of him. Even his nipples enlarged, going from tiny and perky to huge and nubby.
“Wh-what?!” Alec panicked as he palmed his giant muscletits, wincing at how they filled his hands and how he couldn’t see anything below them as they blocked his view. “What’s happening?!”
His heart raced in his chest even faster as he groped his large chest, his cock still throbbing despite his fear. His slow head started to piece together what was happening: all of his weird behavior and foreign memories.
Alec stared up at Van who only grinned from ear to ear on the screen.
“You son of a bitch!” he growled. “What are you doing to me?”
Van simply shrugged. “Isn’t it obvious, Alec?” he teased. “I was growing tired of being ignored by my supposed friend, so I decided to turn you into my own personal himbo.”
“Himbo— ohhh!” Alec snorted before getting distracted by accidentally brushing his hand over an incredibly sensitive nipple. The stud couldn’t hold back his slutty moan, and before he could react, he reached up with his other hand and thumbed his nubby nipples, all the while moaning loudly for the whole floor of his dorm to hear. He knew that he should be angry and demand that Van stop turning him into a himbo, but the pleasure was too much for his dimwitted mind to ignore. He couldn’t stop playing with his chest and pursing his lips like the slut he was turning into.
“See?” Van laughed. “It’s not so bad. And just think about how great it’ll be with that big booty of yours.”
“Uughhh!” Alec moaned as he squirmed in his seat, feeling himself lift up higher as his butt grew bigger. The altered hunk shoved himself away from the desk and stared into the section of the app that showed his own camera feed.
Alec paled as he examined this new reflection. His pecs were massive and the huge nipples they were capped with made him look like some morphed pic off of a fetish site. Not to be outdone, his ass was massive! The meaty cheeks had to have grown at least three times their normal size, rounding out and creating a perfect shelf from his back. As he swiveled his hips, he watched his booty jiggle and shake, in constant motion. The handsome jock had gone from toned to curvy in a matter of seconds. He also noticed that his brown hair was now a bright blond, just as Van had mentioned earlier.
And his hard cock spasmed as he looked at his new himbo form.
“Y-you can’t leave me like this!” Alec pleaded as he envisioned himself out on the baseball field, running around with his huge pecs and bubblebutt hindering his every movements. But then he thought about being in the locker room with all of the other jocks, showing off his warped body in the showers and having all of them either fuck him or let him suck them off— and his cock throbbed even more at the thought.
“I won’t leave you like that,” Van smirked. “Besides, there’s nothing hotter than a slutty himbo jock who’s a strict bottom. So…”
“Hnnghh!” Alec grunted as he tensed up, his pecs and ass bouncing in tandem as he came. His large seven inch cock spewed out cum. It twitched as he came, throbbing and spasming from his orgasm.
But then the jock went wide-eyed as he kept cumming, and his cock kept throbbing— and at the pinnacle of each throb, his large cock yanked itself back into his body, drastically dropping in size.
“Ugghh! Whaaat’s happening to meee?!” Alec moaned as his previously sizable cock dwindled out of sight, his large pecs blocking it from view. The stud reached down and gasped as he felt his rod get smaller and smaller in his hand. He couldn’t see them over his chest, but even his balls grew smaller, starting to look more like little grapes that were tight against his skin. His little cock settled on a pathetic three inches, looking incredibly out of place on Alec’s muscled frame; but as the himbo jock continued to cum, he relished in his pleasure, all fear evaporating from his dim mind.
A dull grin formed on Alec’s handsome face, and Van knew that the changes were about done.
Where a toned baseball playing jock had been just moments before, was a total slutty himbo who was built solely to get other men off. His massive pecs, big bubblebutt, and tiny cocklet illustrated that he was now the perfect bottom on campus, eagerly taking cock after cock.
The altered hunk swayed on his feet, the fog in his brain growing thicker by the millisecond and making it hard to think coherently.
“Well, well,” Van smiled, admiring his work, “it looks like my little experiment was success. You’re now nothing but a dumb himbo. I don’t think that people will recognize you anymore, Alec. So why don’t we call you something else, huh? How about Brad? Brad the Buttslut? How’s that sound?”
Alec screamed on the inside as he felt himself being locked in a tight box, Brad the Buttslut taking over. The slutty himbo smiled widely and couldn’t help but flex his large arms above his head when he noticed that he was on camera. His pert little nub went hard, almost concealed by the stud’s big thighs.
“Why don’t you come over to my dorm and I’ll fuck that big slutty butt of yours?” Van beckoned.
“I’m on my way!” Brad happily agreed, snatching an unfamiliar jockstrap off of his dresser and yanking it on. The front pouch was loose and baggy, but the hunk’s enormous bubblebutt jutted out the back noticeably. Brad then thrusted his chest out with pride and sauntered out of the dorm and out onto the hall, loving all of the eyes that locked in on his himbo form.
Nobody could tell, but Brad’s tiny cock was rock hard as he waddled down to the hallway to his best friend, Van’s, dorm, throbbing as he anticipated getting his big butt stuffed full. Brad was such a huge buttslut, and he loved every second of it.

Oops, I completely forgot to tell that jock that there's a side effect to his growth potion I'd given him: the bigger his pecs get, the dumber he gets. If he's not careful, he'll end up as some big-titted himbo. Oh well, I'm sure he'll figure it out...
I love the idea of being a freakishly bodybuilder himbo with long hair, so big that the size is incompatible with the normal world.
Think you can help?

I agree!
Imagine you go to bed in your normal body, feeling some sort of tingling sensation over your skin as you drift off to sleep...
When you wake up to your alarm, you don't notice anything immediately when you roll over to slap it silent. Even when you roll out of bed and waddle to the bathroom, you barely register the jiggling at your backside or the fact the you have to turn sideways to enter through the doorway.
When you finally see yourself in the mirror, your eyes widen as you see your new form.
"Holy shit!" you balk in your deeper, baritone-filled voice, having to brush your now longer hair out of your face in order to get a better view.
Your muscles had grown significantly overnight. You are at least twice as wide as you had been the other day, with a lot of your growth centered around your pecs and ass. Your pecs ballooned out in front of you at a severe angle, with your nipples poking off your chest noticeably. You turned to the side and gasped at the sheer size of your rotund booty, which looked like you had two basketballs strapped to your back.
A dim smile on your face, you shifted your hips and stared at how wildly your cheeks jiggled and bounced. You were so enthralled with how much they moved that it took your a while to gain your bearing and snap out of whatever slow daze you'd been in.
You glanced at your phone and realized that you were running late for work.
As you hurried back to your bedroom, you noted how different your gait was-- your wide thighs kept rolling over one another, and your arms were so thick that they hung out at an awkward angle. Your pecs protruded so far out in front of you that you couldn't see over them, hindering your movement even more.
What you noticed more was that there seemed to be a deep fog settling in your head, making concentrating extremely hard. You kept getting distracted by your massive body, flexing your enormous muscletits in the mirror instead of getting dressed.
When you snapped out of it, you attempted to get dressed for your day at the office. However, you quickly learned that your new proportions made it impossible to wear your work clothes.
Your thick thighs and massive butt prevented you from yanking your pants on. Even your underwear was super tight, looking more like a thong as they struggled to contain your large form. Your shirt was even worse, unable to cover your muscletits and large arms.
"Fuck it," you bellowed in your deep voice.
At least you could wear a thong, so that was enough in your opinion. Besides, why would you want to cover up your massive muscles?
You lumbered to the garage to get in your car, but could barely fit in it. Your pecs kept pressing against the car horn, preventing your from gripping the steering wheel around their exaggerated size. Your big booty was so large that you could barely fit in the seat. And your wide back and broad shoulders were too large for you to close the door.
You snorted and decided to just walk, growing excited at the thought of parading your new form around for all to see.
Your head held high and your chest thrusted outwards, you waddled out the door to live your new life as an oversized himbo.

You want to be turned into a beefy musky himbo?
Hmm, this is the first time I’m getting a willing participant to be TF’d, so let’s see how it goes…
You woke up one morning and waddled into your bathroom, shocked to see a completely different refection staring back at you in the mirror. Where a little, skinny twink should have been was instead a total stud. Muscle upon muscle and a killer smile stared back. You couldn’t help but flex both of your massive arms, marveling at the sheer size of your biceps which inflated with power.
Your pits reeked with musk, but the more you sniffed at the manly smell, the harder you felt.
“Nice!” you chuckled in your deep voice, which sounded a little slower than normal. You shrugged it off and lumbered down the hall, eager to show off your new body to all who were willing to take it in.
You exited your apartment and basked in the numerous jaws that dropped from the many spectators who stared at your body. You couldn’t fight the cocky smirk that formed on your face and again, you flexed your massive muscles to show off to the smaller guys.
“Dude!” your downstairs neighbor, a classmate in one of your college courses, hissed rushing towards you. “What the hell are you doing?!”
You’d always thought that he was cute. He was on the soccer team, but thanks to your growth, you now beat him in both height and muscle mass. Plus, the more you flexed, the more that stench from your manly musk penetrated your nostrils, turning you on even more. It was all you could do to stare at your hot neighbor as he ran towards you, and you began to imagine how hot it would be for him to run his hands all over your muscles.
“Showin’ off my bod, Bruh!” you responded, finding your new speech pattern a little odd. You’d never spoken in such a slow register or referred to someone as ‘Bruh’ before, but you realized that you couldn’t seem to concentrate on it with such a hot stud near you.
“Showing off a little too much!” your neighbor pointed out, gesturing towards your lower half.
Confused, you cocked your eyebrow and looked down at your waist, gasping as you noticed that you were completely naked with your hard cock out for all to see. You couldn’t believe that in your excitement, you’d rushed out of your place with no clothes on…
In fact, the more you tried to think about it, the more an unsettling feeling started to sink in. It was so hard to concentrate on a single thought. All that filtered through your mind was how hot the man next to you was and how badly you wanted his cock. Your thoughts were painfully slow, and try as you might, you struggled to even think about where you worked or even what classes you were taking at the university.
The blood drained from your face the more you realized how your wish to become a himbo had affected you. You were now a dumb muscle whore, reeking of manly musk and too slow to think about anything beside flexing for other men and getting your ass pounded by cock after cock.
Speaking of which, your hard cock twitched with want the more you stared at your neighbor who tried to lead you back into your apartment to shield your naked form from prying eyes.
“Wanna fuck?” you asked in your slow voice as you waddled inside, your hard cock bobbing in front of you with every step.
I hope that you enjoy your new life as a himbo. You might not be able to do much else beside lift and fuck, but at least you got a killer bod out of it.