ultram0th - UltraM0th's TF Stories
UltraM0th's TF Stories

🔞Here's some stories and pics from around the Internet that involve TF, either made by others or myself. (If you see your work on here and would like it removed, please message me and I will do so immediately!) 🔞Asks/Requests are currently paused.

309 posts

I Wish My Best Friend Could Stop Being Bullied For Being A Little Runt. Would Also Be Great To Have A

I wish my best friend could stop being bullied for being a little runt. Would also be great to have a big sexy boyfriend out of him too

I Wish My Best Friend Could Stop Being Bullied For Being A Little Runt. Would Also Be Great To Have A

You whispered your wish under your breath when you and your best friend, Ethan, went to the beach. You felt a little bad for him when you saw that he refused to remove his t-shirt despite how hot it was.

“You gonna leave your shirt on?” you asked him, giving him the up-down.

He shrugged his slender shoulders. “Yeah,” he shyly admitted, taking a hesitant glance around the beach at the other guys who were there. They were all muscled up, looking like models straight out of a porno. then he held his slender arms up as if to illustrate his point.

Ethan had always been skinny, something that he was irritated with the older he got. He’d tried to bulk up and put on some muscle, but it never seemed to work. You’d taken him to the gym plenty of times too since you had a lot of muscle on your body, so you knew the exact workout plans and diets to follow; but no matter what the two of you did, Ethan remained skinny.

You moved to reassuringly pat your friend on the shoulder, however, the moment the two of you made contact, there was a little shock that you felt. You instinctively moved to recoil, but found you couldn’t. It was as if your hand was superglued to him.

You gritted your teeth as you tried with all of your might to pull away, but it was futile.

“Dude, what’s going on?” Ethan panicked.

Then the two of you noticed something else happening.

Your eyes widened at the sight of Ethan’s body rapidly inflating. It was as if someone had attached an air hose to him, and started to pump him up with muscle. His traps inflated and started to slowly engulf his widening neck to the point where it looked like he lacked a neck at all. The growth traveled down to his arms which packed on meat and bulged like crazy, making his biceps look like the size of melons. His pecs ballooned out in front of him, completely obscuring his view of the lower part of his body.

“Holy shit!” Ethan gasped in shock.

“I know! You’re getting huge!” you breathed, unable to take your eyes off him.

“No,” Ethan shook his head as best as he could with his lack of a neck. “You’re getting smaller.”

“What?” you wondered, looking down at yourself before screaming. 

All of the hard-earned muscles in your body were deflating, becoming flat. Your biceps grew smaller and smaller until your arms were stick-thin and shapeless. Your pecs flattened against your chest and left your torso entirely undefined and slender. 

You fought hard to remove your hand from Ethan’s broadening frame when you realized that your friend wasn’t so much as growing, but he was stealing all of your muscles.

Ethan’s shirt exploded off his growing frame, exposing his thick roid gut and mountainous pecs that should’ve been yours. Your bathing suit fell to the ground the more muscle you lost, your thin legs looking tiny and unimpressive. With your free hand, you struggled to hold them up.

When you finally managed to pull your hand free, Ethan was left as a large over-muscled bodybuilder and you were a skinny twink.

“What the fuck happened?!” you panicked, looking down at your slender frame, figuring that you had to have lost at least sixty pounds, leaving you small and boyish. You were so busy freaking out that you barely noticed it when Ethan waddled over towards you.

“I dunno,” he said, staring down at you hungrily. “But I have to admit that you look really cute like that.” He wrapped his barely-flexible arms around you and shoved you into his massive muscletits that should have been on your body, not his.

Despite how freaked out you were, you couldn’t help but melt into the new muscle man’s bulky body. Your horniness clouded over your fear and you ran your slender fingers over Ethan’s massive pecs, enjoying how his bulky muscles twitched with want as you did so.

“So what now?” you asked him.

He smirked down at you. “Let’s go to my place and you can worship these big muscles of mine,” he laughed, literally throwing you over his broadened shoulder and carrying you to the parking lot.

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More Posts from Ultram0th

2 years ago

Maybe a story about muscle modifications morphs? Like a guy says he’d like a body like a Greek statue and ends up like the enormous ass Perseus he morphed?

Maybe A Story About Muscle Modifications Morphs? Like A Guy Says Hed Like A Body Like A Greek Statue

“Babe, this is stupid,” Beau yawned as he followed his boyfriend, Darren, around the museum. Beau had told his boyfriend that he was fine with going to the museum that had a special exhibit on Greek statues, but he’d only been saying that to be nice. Truth be told, the stud had absolutely no interest in art or going to boring museums. However, Darren had complained earlier how the two of them never do much together besides sex.

Darren frowned. “Well, let’s look at this one,” he said, pointing to a statue of a naked man.

Beau rolled his eyes and crossed his buff arms over his muscled chest which stretched his t-shirt to the limit. “If you wanted to check out some muscles, then I could’ve given you an up-close-and-personal view at home,” he muttered under his breath.

Darren didn’t hear and was already on his way to look at the other marble statue.

Beau sighed heavily and leaned against an empty podium that had a “Coming Soon” plaque on it. As soon as he rested against it, he felt an odd shock ripple through him, making him gasp.

“What the fuck?” he grunted, taking a step away from the vacant space. He looked around for some indication that someone else had seen, only to realize that he was by himself in the wing of the museum.

He shrugged and started to make his way towards where his boyfriend had walked off, feeling an odd tightening sensation across his body— RIIIPPPP!

Beau froze in his spot and looked down at his body, his eyes going wide as he witnessed his muscles packing on meat. The ripping sound had been from his shirt unable to contain his growing mass from his arms bulking up and his pecs plumping out in front of him. He took a nervous step, hearing yet another loud ripping noise as his shorts tore away from his expanding form.

“Fuck!” he gasped as his thighs started to push closer to one another and he felt an immense weight on his back side. He looked over his shoulder and nearly passed out as his bubblebutt started to get bigger and bigger, his cheeks inflating outwards and puffing out at the sides to inflate to the size of basketballs.

When the growth was finished, Beau looked over his larger form in shock. A part of him was ecstatic over his larger muscles, but he was also embarrassed over his immense ass that jutted out from his body at a severe angle. He blushed when he realized that he was naked and stuck in a warped body that was more akin to one of the Greek statues than his normal self.

He saw the back of his boyfriend as he studied a nearby painting, and opened his mouth to yell for help.

Beau strained and tried to yell out for Darren, but no noise came out of him. He cleared his throat and kept trying over and over, but all that came out from him was silence. Beau frantically rubbed at his neck, but something caught his eye.

The bottom-heavy hunk cocked his eyebrow as he looked at his hands, noticing that they were paler than normal.

His heart sped up in his larger chest as the stud watched the paleness grow in intensity until his hands looked as white as the marble on the statues in the museum. He waved his buff arms around wildly, as if he could shake off the marble color that was taking over, but all it did was continue to spread, consuming all of his buffed up body.

Then Beau felt his large legs start to propel him forward without any control on his end. He gritted his teeth as he fought with all of his might to stop walking towards the empty podium, wincing as he felt his much larger asscheeks shifting and jiggling with every step he took. Beau positioned himself up onto the podium and raised one of his buff arms, props appearing out of thin air in his grasp and on his buff body. He even felt himself push his large bubblebutt out to accentuate its roundness.

A cool breeze blew over Beau’s warped, pale body and he found himself frozen in a pose, stuck as one of those Greek statues in the museum. He tried with all of his strength to scream or to move a muscle, but he was helpless— stuck silent and motionless.

He saw Darren walk back into the wing, looking around for him. “Beau?” he called out, looking confused as to where his boyfriend went.

Beau screamed internally as he witnessed his boyfriend looking around for him before leaving to another part of the museum to continue his search. All the while, the bottom-heavy statue was stuck in his pose, forced to hear the many comments from the other museum goers about how large his muscles were and how hot his massive ass was.

He was a work of art.

Maybe A Story About Muscle Modifications Morphs? Like A Guy Says Hed Like A Body Like A Greek Statue

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2 years ago
Lost The Story That Went With This

Lost the story that went with this  😢

But I love headshrinking, and I really love it makes Alex’s body look even bigger.

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2 years ago
Alex Crockford Ran A Shaky Hand Through His Dirty Blond Hair As He Stared Down At The Small Glass Vial

Alex Crockford ran a shaky hand through his dirty blond hair as he stared down at the small glass vial on his kitchen counter. It was silly, he thought, mentally berating himself for throwing down so much money for what looked like a few sips of water.

The fitness influencer had began to grow tired of seeing thousands of followers flocking to other fitness influencers who had advertised workouts very similar to his. He was built and extremely toned, his paper-thin skin stretching over his well-defined muscles. Alex was very attractive and the posts that he shared were always liked by numerous people who both were interested in his regimen and who lusted after his chiseled form. However, he was beginning to notice that he wasn’t attracting as many followers as his competition.

What pissed him off about that fact was that, despite having similar workout plans and muscles that were just as defined, his competitors were all over 6’0’’ tall. Alex never let his height get to him. Standing at 5’8’’, he never thought of himself as short. That being said, recent comments were posted mentioning how people were favoring the 6’1’’ Eric Janicki over him simply due to the fact that people prefer taller guys. At first, Alex had tried to shrug it off, opting to up his workouts and try to put on more mass. He even started to post more pictures of himself in tighter clothes, trying to not-so-subtly show off his bulging seven inches. He’d managed to get a few hundred likes on one of him clad in just his underwear, but it still failed in comparison to Eric’s posts.

What was worse was that it had gotten to Alex so badly that he’d actually sought out some help to rectify his situation. He’d spent hours searching online until he’d stumbled upon an obscure blog post from someone, who conveniently didn’t live too far from him, who’d claimed to be well-rehearsed in herbs and plants. The guy had claimed that for a few hundred, he could solve Alex’s problem. Alex was desperate, growing tired of hearing all the negative comments about how, although he was hot, he was too short. Hence he bought the little vial off of the guy, who’d given him some cryptic instructions:

“Take it before bed and when you wake up, something will contribute to your height.”

“Fuck it,” Alex grunted, pulling the tiny cork out of the vial and swallowing down the bitter liquid in one gulp like a shot. He grimaced at the nasty taste and at his foolishness, feeling as if he’d just gotten scammed. Still, a little gleam of hope flickered within him and the stud lumbered off to bed for the night, inwardly praying that he didn’t get fooled by some random dude online…

The sunlight started to filter in through the bedroom blinds, and Alex started to slowly wake up. His head was pounding like he was hung over, and he stretched out his limbs as he willed himself to get moving for the day. He immediately began to notice that his feet were feeling cold, like they weren’t underneath his covers.

The stud shot upwards and looked downwards, his eyes nearly popping out of his skull at his exposed calves and feet that dangled off the end of his bed.

“Holy shit!” he exclaimed, his heart starting to race in his chest out of sheer excitement. It worked! The vial had actually worked!

The fitness influencer rushed out of the bed and hurriedly stumbled over towards the long mirror in the corner of his bedroom, feeling a little unbalanced as he struggled to maneuver on lengthened limbs. Looking at his arms and legs, Alex could definitely tell that they were longer, but it was a proportional growth and not measly stretching. When he got to the floor length mirror, he nearly cheered in utter jubilation over the fact that he was now too tall to see his entire reflection, his clavicles being the stopping point. He tried to do the math in his head, estimating that he must’ve been at least 6’10’’ now, easily towering over Eric Janicki and the rest of his competitors. His t-shirt was plastered to his torso, looking like a cut off as it ended right in the middle of his torso, leaving his cut abs on full display. His basketball shorts, which used to come to his knees, now ended mid-thigh.

Ideas of pictures that he could post started to filter through Alex’s mind, but he decided to ultimately start off with a selfie of himself in his tiny clothes to illustrate just how much taller he was now than yesterday. With his phone tight in his clutches, he remembered just how popular his post with him in nothing but underwear was, so he opted to drop his shorts and just keep his cut-off looking shirt on. The basketball shorts fell to floor and Alex flexed his abs as he took a picture, immediately posting it.

A wide, triumphant grin on the stud’s handsome face, he couldn’t help but stare at his new picture that was on his account with pride. He looked so tall with his tight shirt and the #GrowthSpurt that he added on there. He was going to gain so many more followers now that he was tall. Now that he was… SMALL?!

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” he screamed out in shock at the baggy and loose looking pouch in the front of his underwear in the picture he’d posted. Alex dropped his phone in shock and looked down at himself, wincing when he saw that it wasn’t just in the picture: the front of his underwear looked all baggy, like there was nothing in them at all.

With shaky hands, Alex tugged his underwear down, going pale white at the puny nub that barely poked out of his trimmed bush. It couldn’t have been more than an inch long, and even his balls had shrunk drastically in size, looking tight against his body.

“N-no, no, no!” Alex panicked, trying to grab onto it to stretch it back to its normal seven inches, but his puny cock was so tiny that he could barely even grip it with two fingers. As soon as he made contact with the nub, a shockwave of pleasure rippled through the addled stud, making his knees buckle. “What the fuck is happening?!”

He couldn’t let go, unaware that while his cock had shrunken, all the nerves in it had compacted, making his nub the most sensitive part of his body now. It didn’t take long before the stud let out an embarrassing shriek of pleasure as he shot his load which looked like just a few drops— but he was still left panting, having felt like he’d just blown the largest load of his life.

“…something will contribute to your height.” The phrase rang out in the micro-dicked giant’s mind, horror dawning on him that, although he was now incredibly tall, he was also incredibly small.

Alex Crockford was too busy panicking over how he was going to fix his tiny cock, too oblivious to the new comments that were filtering in on his new post— all of them commenting on how puny and small his bulge was and how Eric Janicki’s bulge looked a lot larger.

– – – – – 

This was a request. If you have a picture of a stud you’d like me to TF, then message me!

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2 years ago
I Know That Halloween Was A Week Ago, But I Finally Got Around To Finishing This Story!
I Know That Halloween Was A Week Ago, But I Finally Got Around To Finishing This Story!

I know that Halloween was a week ago, but I finally got around to finishing this story! 

And thanks to @alec789 who made the incredibly hot morph of Tyler Hoechlin / Derek Hale as an actual bodybuilder!

– – –

“You cannot really be expecting me to wear that,” Derek scoffed as he stared daggers at the costume in his boyfriend’s clutches.

“Aww, c’mon, it’ll be fun,” Stiles frowned, already dressed in his costume as some obscure indie superhero, his slender body wearing the sexy costume perfectly, making Derek’s mouth water despite his anger.

He handed the grumpy werewolf a muscleman costume, which consisted of padded, skin-colored fabric that would make the alpha appear even bulkier than he is. Halloween had already passed, so he’d already thought that it was idiotic to go to some costume party. That, and he was irked over the cheap-looking material and the slight insinuation that Stiles didn’t think he was buff enough.

The werewolf had muscles for days that filled out his shirts to the point of bursting, and he’d never heard his boyfriend complain about his physique before. Perhaps it was a slight burn to his fragile ego, but Derek Hale was a bit put off at the idea of wearing fake muscles when he already had some.

Despite wanting to argue, the pleading look in the human’s eyes melted the sourwolf’s resolve and he rolled his eyes as he snatched the muscleman costume away from Stiles.

“Fine,” he growled, pulling the polyester outfit on. The padded muscles made him look ridiculous. He fought a sneer as he stared at himself in the mirror, a tight grimace taking over this face as he saw how large and unnatural his already big muscles now looked. Derek felt like he was some kind of superhero caricature with the impossibly humongous muscles that were beyond the realms of possible. Due to his already bulky size, Derek looked like a bodybuilder, making him cringe at the idea of actually being one of those guys who obsessively worked out in the gym to grow their bodies to grotesque sizes.

“I think you look pretty hot,” Stiles offered, walking up and placing a hand on Derek’s padded shoulder.

The werewolf meant to give Stiles a snarky response, but instead he felt himself flex an arm, the padding bunching up to actually look like he was flexing his bicep. “Makes me look swole, right?” he said, his eyebrows scrunching together at what he’d just said.

Stiles didn’t think anything of it and instead smiled widely up at his boyfriend. “I knew you’d get into it!” he cheered. “The shop owner said that this costume would fit anyone! I tried to get you a cowboy one, but he said that you’d look great in this one. Says he knows you. Small world, right?”

Derek started to piece together what he’d just heard, his wide eyes darting back towards the mirror immediately.

“I gotta use the bathroom and then we’ll be out!” Stiles called out as he left the bedroom.

Some unknown shop owner had persuaded Stiles to buy this costume for him, and apparently he knew him? Derek knew that sounded too coincidental, especially since Beacon Hills seemed to be an epicenter for all things supernatural.

The alpha werewolf frantically reached behind him to unzip the costume and tear it away from him. However, the stud audibly whimpered when his hands ran over where the zipper was supposed to be, only to be met with a smooth patch of skin. Even the edges of the costume had fused with his skin, making it near impossible to discern what was fabric and what was flesh.

“What the fuck?” Derek panicked as he ran his hands all over his body, a shiver running down his spine when he noticed that the padded muscles had started to feel harder, more like actual muscles. That, and he felt the sensation of running his fingers over bare skin, not a costume.

His heart raced in his larger chest as Derek’s eyes ran over his muscled up form. The muscleman costume had somehow fused with his body, effectively turning him into some oversized bodybuilder. The werewolf ran his fingers all over his new form, wincing when he noticed just how limited his range of movement was. His biceps and pecs kept pushing against one another, and his back was so broad that he felt his bulky form sway from side to side when he took a step. His massive trunk-like thighs rolled over each other, turning his walk into a waddle; and he felt his massive, muscular asscheeks shifting and bouncing with every waddle. He was huge— a massive, overinflated bodybuilder.

Stiles came back into the room where Derek was in a silent panic. “Wow, that costume looks really good on you,” he commented, visibly turned on by seeing Derek with such cumbersome pecs. “Like, really good.”

Derek wanted to beg for help, to ask Stiles to help turn him back into his normal body. He didn’t want to be some massive bodybuilder who was so huge that he’d always be the center of attention with his size, never being able to wear regular clothes and always showing off. However, whatever curse the costume had prevented him from doing so. Instead, Derek felt himself throw his almost inflexible arms up into the air to perform a pose.

“Yeah, I love how huge this makes my muscles look,” Derek purred, noting the deeper quality to his voice. “Now let’s get goin’ to that party. I gotta show this hot bod off to everyone.” He bounced his pecs excitedly, both fearful at the thought of being stuck as some cocky bodybuilder, and turned on at the thought of flexing for the smaller human.

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2 years ago
Cole Strutted Into The Locker Room With His Head Held High. The College Jock Puffed Out His Hairy Chest

Cole strutted into the locker room with his head held high. The college jock puffed out his hairy chest and forced a smirk on his face. As he changed into his gym shorts and tank top, his friend, Jason, walked up and started to change too.

“Hey man,” he said. “How’d your date go with Jessie last night?”

Cole shook his head and chuckled. “She’s a fuckin’ weirdo,” he laughed. “She was going on and on about some moon ritual and healing crystals. I just said I had to go to the bathroom and dipped. There’s no way I wanna date some witch-wannabe.” He checked himself out in the mirror at the end of his explanation, admiring how his spandex shorts showed off his toned cheeks and how his bulging, hairy pecs stretched his tank top to the limit.

Jason burst out into hysterics and clapped his friend on his beefy shoulder. “You’re such an ass,” he laughed.

Cole laughed too, but stopped when he felt a throbbing sensation in his glutes. He winced and looked down at them, not seeing anything wrong. He figured it was just a spasm or maybe he was still a little banged up from one of his games.

“Ready?” Jason asked when he finished changing. “I need to do legs, so you gotta spot me.”

Cole snickered. “Yeah, with those chicken legs of yours, you need tons of help,” he teased, pointing at Jason’s slimmer form.

Jason just snorted and rolled his eyes. “You are an ass,” he jokingly countered.

Cole winced again when he felt that odd throb in his butt; but as soon as it had appeared, it was gone. He shook it off and trailed behind his friend towards the squat rack for leg day. As he moved, he could’ve sworn that his gait felt off. He couldn’t pinpoint it exactly, but it was almost as if there was more weight— he felt heavier somehow.

Cocking an eyebrow, the confused muscle stud looked down at himself, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. He had partied pretty hard over the weekend, so perhaps all the beer he’d had was making him pack on a little weight. He shrugged it off and began to set the weights onto the bar for Jason.

His friend positioned himself under the bar and began to perform reps, but when he squatted down, Cole noticed that his form was a little off.

“Wait,” he said, having him rack up the bar. “Let me show you how so you don’t break your back like some old man.” He arrogantly pushed the other guy out of the way and positioned the bar on his own larger traps.

“Wow, thanks,” Jason said sarcastically, “…ass.”

Cole squatted down, that throb hitting his ass like a freight train, making him gasp. He straightened back up immediately and put the bar back on the rack in confusion. “What the hell is wrong with me?” he wondered quietly. He was starting to consider going to physical therapy, a little fearful he might’ve pulled something.

“Oh damn,” Jason whistled, “I see you’ve been doing leg day without me.”

“What are you talking about…” Cole’s voice trailed off when he caught sight of his warped reflection in one of the many mirrors aligning the walls of the gym. His upper body was its usual muscled self, but when he turned to the side, he noticed that his butt was a little larger than usual. It wasn’t anything drastic, but he could definitely tell that his cheeks shouldn’t have been as round as they were now. Even as a test, he lightly bounced, his stomach dropping at how much jiggle there was to his rear.

Jason, oblivious to his friend’s inner turmoil, positioned himself back under the bar. “Dude, I need a spotter,” he said. “Can you come over here and stop checking out your ass?”

Cole gasped in horror as he watched his big butt shudder and literally round out the smallest bit, pushing even further outwards from his lower back. The seams of his spandex shorts groaned as they tried to contain the growing globes of his.

He made a mad dash for the locker room, desperate to find out what was happening to him. As he ran, Cole winced as he felt his larger cheeks bouncing and jiggling a lot more than they should have. Given his tight spandex shorts, they were on full display for the whole gym to see, and he definitely garnered a few lustful stares from people admiring his glutes. When he made it to the locker room, he paused in front of the mirror and with a shaky hand gave the alien mass behind him a few pokes, his heart sinking when he realized that it was all real: His butt was growing somehow.

“Wh-what the fuck is happening to me?” he panicked to no one, running a frantic hand through his hair. He paused for a second when he remembered what had happened every time he’d felt that throbbing sensation.

All that was consistent was that he’d heard the word ‘Ass’.

Swallowing down the nervous lump in his thick throat, the pale stud parted his lips. “Ass,” he whispered.

On cue, his own ass shuddered and inflated some more, looking all the more rounder.

Cole nearly collapsed, unable to believe what was happening despite seeing it for himself. It was impossible— there was no way one simple word could trigger his butt to just grow like this. Yet, there he was: in the locker room gawking at the huge cheeks that were attached to him, trembling as he noticed the extra bounce that they had. They were nearly too big for his shorts, so there was absolutely no way he could squeeze them into any of his regular clothes.

“What’s up?” Jason asked as he stormed into the locker room. “Why’d you ditch me like that? You…”

Cole’s stomach dropped and he knew what was coming. “N-no!” he tried to get out.



The spandex shorts burst to shreds as Cole’s massive ass swelled even more, inflating to the size of watermelons. They jutted off his body at a ridiculous angle, looking like something that could only be achieved by a deranged plastic surgeon. Worse was that he couldn’t stop it from jiggling with every step he took, as if his new bubble butt demanded attention.

Jason’s jaw dropped in shock this time. “Dude! What the fuck is wrong with your ass?” he cried.

Cole gritted his teeth as his bubblebutt inflated even more, starting to throw off his balance. He had to lean up against the lockers to avoid from toppling over, his chest pressed against the cool metal while his giant cheeks swayed in the air behind him.

“You gotta stop saying that word!” he pleaded, nearly wailing when he straightened himself and looked at his front reflection in the mirror. His butt had inflated so much that he could even see the sides of the rotund cheeks from the front, looking like he was towing something behind him. There was no way he could hide this and he didn’t even know how he’d stay on the football team with a butt this big— there’d be no way he could run with it bouncing behind him all the time. And shit, how would he even find a uniform, or pants in general, that would fit it?

A devious look crossed over Jason’s face and his smirk made a cold sweat break out on the bottom heavy jock.

“W-wait!” Cole stuttered. “Please don’t!”

“Ass,” Jason laughed. “Ass. Ass. Ass. Ass…”

The more he chanted, the stronger the throb in Cole’s bubblebutt felt. His rear inflated so much that he fell back onto the still expanding cheeks, horrified that his lower back was unable to touch the ground. His bubblebutt kept swelling, growing larger and rounder, and much heavier. Cole was trapped to it, pleading with his friend to stop, all the while feeling that ever-present throb in his growing ass.

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This was a request. If you have a picture of a stud you’d like me to TF, then message me or send me an Ask!

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