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2 years ago
The Secret Curse

The Secret Curse

David had no clue why he was recently attracting so much attention… specifically, male attention. 

The athletic stud stared at himself in his bedroom mirror, trying to understand the odd sensations and brand new looks he’d been receiving. Everything seemed to be in order, further confusing the straight man who had been growing uncomfortable over the past week with tons of men catcalling and whistling at him as he walked down the street. David took pride in building up his body, but he’d always been cautious to avoid building his pecs too much or from making his ass too big. The two areas were targets for the eyes of lustful men. 

David couldn’t wrap his head around it. His pecs appeared to bulge the same in the mirror, yet he could’ve sworn that there was more bounce to them when he walked, and his shirts all felt really tight. Not only that, but when he was at the gym, he’d had lots of guys commenting on his chest gains, some even teasing him and calling his pecs, “Muscletits”. The hunk would always look in the mirror in wonder over the arising comments, only to be confused over his regular-looking pecs that were in perfect sync with the rest of his muscled frame.

However, the biggest source of frustration for David were all the horny comments surrounding his butt. Being an athlete, the hunk was used to having people drool over his bubblebutt, but the amount of people talking about it had skyrocketed exponentially. No matter where he went, David’s butt always garnered attention. Eyes honed in on it, and it seemed that every man who saw couldn’t help but ask for a ride or to squeeze his cheeks, making the straight man frustrated.

That being said, David was one-hundred percent certain that his pants fit tighter and that his ass cheeks felt larger. He could’ve sworn that he’d feel the large butt jiggling with every step he took and that his cheeks tantalizingly shifted against each other over and over, acting like a billboard for other men to stare at.

“Everything looks the same…” David muttered to himself as he stared at his seemingly normal reflection in the mirror, sounding unconvinced even to himself.

His doubts only heightened when he pulled on his t-shirt, having to struggle to fit his pecs inside. The fabric made groaning sounds and the bottom of it stopped above his navel. His pants were worse. The stud couldn’t even button them closed, and a large expanse of his bare asscrack peeped out the top of them. Yet, with one last look in the mirror, David was convined that his clothes had to have shrunk in the wash (again).

“What the hell is going on?” David asked to no one in particular, shrugging his broad shoulders before steeling his nerves to leave his house so he could go buy some new clothes. He already knew that every single guy at the mall would stare at his chest his ass, and both areas jiggled and bounced as he walked, further confusing the stud.

“Hey David!” his new neighbor, Vince, called out at his waved at him. “Lookin’ good!”

David only blushed and waved at the older man, unaware of the mischievous smirk Vince gave him as he stared at his growing butt.

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2 years ago

How about a story of Erik Haula having his ass, thighs and hips blown up to massive proportions? As a bit of a twist, let’s say he intentionally did it. Like he loves the attention his ass has gotten, so he got a ton of work done over lockdown, and the story could be about the rest of his team’s horrified responses? I’d like to see them humiliate and embarrass him for what he’s done to himself, and turn him into a cock addict. Bonus points for gangbang and EHaula eating his teammates fat asses!


[I don’t really know a lot about hockey… or sports in general, so please forgive any incorrect terminology or player names!]

Hockey player Erik Haula relaxed in his home, watching TV when his notification ringtone pinged on his phone. The stud groaned as he stretched out his limbs to reach it, sore from his strenuous workout. There was a big game coming soon and the athlete was trying his absolutely best to keep his body in peak performance condition to ensure a win.

Erik opened up the notification on his phone that had some weird spiral logo on it. As soon as his thick finger tapped it, flashing colors lit up the tiny phone screen, and the athlete’s jaw hung low as he was mesmerized by the kaleidoscope effect, even drooling a little bit. There was a robotic, staticky voice that whispered out a singular word, creating brand new gates and pathways within Erik’s mind.

“Bubblebutt,” it whispered to the stud…

— — —

“Where the hell is Haula?” one of the players on the team, Craig, asked, looking around the locker room for him. The big game was set to start in a half hour and the center player was nowhere to be found.

Ted shrugged his broad shoulders as he changed into his jockstrap that struggled to contain his meaty cock. “I have no clue,” he muttered. “The guy’s been M.I.A. for a while.”

The five men who remained in the locker room looked around at one another in confusion, wondering where their teammate could have disappeared to. They were about to call the coach when the door swung open.

“Sorry I’m late!” Erik Haula huffed as he waddled into the locker room, his gym bag slung over his broad shoulder. “I had a little trouble getting started this morning… none of my pants fit for some reason.”

Sure enough, the athlete was wearing his usual hockey jersey over his torso, however he was also clad in what looked like a tiny pair of terry cloth booty shorts. The small fabric bunched up near his groin due to the massive size of his wide thighs which rolled over each other as he waddled, looking more a pair of bright pink underwear.

All five of the other hockey players gasped loudly when Erik dropped his gym bag to the floor and turned to open up his locker, presenting his side profile them.

They’d all heard of “Hockey Butt”, but this was a whole new level. Erik’s bubblebutt had somehow inflated to epic proportions, looking like it had tripled in size. The cheeks were obscenely round and jutted out from the stud’s body so much that they almost formed a ninety degree angle from his back. The tiny shorts were stretched to the limit as they struggled to cover the massive cheeks. The bottoms of the mounds were slipping out down the bottom of the shorts, while the top of his ass crack was easily visible over the top. The seams of the shorts groaned as the stud moved around, his giant ass bouncing with every step he took.

“Erik!” Ted gasped. “What the fuck happened to you?!”

Erik cocked his eyebrow. “What do you mean?” he asked, sounding genuinely confused. The bottom-heavy hunk struggled to take off his tight shorts, having extreme difficulty balancing himself as he stepped out of them with his thighs pressing against each other so much. The jockstrap that he wore was also stretched to bursting. It was tight over his normal-sized cock which looked small by comparison as it was nestled between inflated thighs, and his globular ass was even visible from Erik’s frontside, looking like he was trailing something behind him.

“Your ass is massive!” Craig shouted, going so far as to point an accusing finger at him. “You look ridiculous! How’re you gonna play let alone walk around with a wagon that huge?”

Again, Erik looked confused as he glanced at his inflated ass, giving it a tentative poke. “I guess it does have a slight pump to it,” he murmured. “I have been getting a few looks here and there. Kinda nice, if I’m being honest.” The stud shook his hips slightly and the small movement caused his colossal ass to jiggle wildly.

All five other men in the room couldn’t help but stare at the shaking, large globes affixed to Erik’s backside. Watching the stud wiggle his massive ass sent an unfamiliar sensation throughout them, each one of them getting painfully hard.

Erik noticed and he found himself getting hard as well for some reason. The stud used to think that it was odd that he was enjoying showing off his ass so much and that none of his pants seemed to fit him anymore, but he found that he couldn’t bring himself to care. Instead, he smirked as he continued to advertise his massive cheeks to the other men, a growing desire to be stuffed forming within him (for the hundredth time this week).

“Come and feel it,” Erik purred, pressing both of his palms against the cool metal locker and sticking his inflated bubblebutt out further into the air, presenting himself to the other men.

The other players rushed forward, pawing and worshipping the giant butt their teammate owned. Erik’s head rolled back as he moaned loudly at the sensation of the men feeling up his cheeks. Ted even shoved his face between the massive mounds and tongued the stud’s hole, sending stars shooting into his vision.

“Oohhh!” Erik moaned, his toes curling as he was eaten out and felt up. He still had no idea why people were acting so differently around him, but he couldn’t deny that he was loving every second of it. He had a giant hockey butt, and he loved to show it off; and he loved it even more when guys wanted to play with it.

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2 years ago


“Damn it!” Mark hissed as the top few buttons of his shirt popped off. He sighed as he saw his pumped up pecs already shoving their way through the opening of his ruined shirt, and he shook his head in resignation.

“What is it?” his workout buddy, Jorge, asked, eying his top-heavy friend up and down.

Mark gestured down at his exposed, meaty pecs. “That’s the third shirt this week,” he huffed.

Jorge cocked his eyebrow at the other man. “Well, I mean, you have been doing nothing but Chest Day for the past few weeks,” he countered, thinking back to the last couple of times the two of them had ventured to the gym together. No matter what muscle group they were supposed to work on, Mark had always made his way to the chest-focused machines, working on growing his larger chest. It was odd since Mark had always focused on staying proportional and building his muscles in perfect sync. However, ever since that one day when some random nerdy-looking guy who wouldn’t stop checking out Mark had commented something about how Mark should do more Chest Days, it seemed as if chest was all Mark was able to do.

And Jorge would never tell his straight friend that he thought he looked so fucking hot with his large, meaty pecs completely warping his previously in-sync musculature. Mark’s muscled arms and legs still bulged the same, but they were nothing in comparison to the massive pillows that his pecs had become. What had used to be modest and chiseled pectorals had become huge, pumped mounds of muscle that jutted off the stud’s chest to form a shelf. The crevice between them had deepened significantly, and his nipples were forced to the point of sticking straight downward.

Jorge had to force himself to look away from his friend, getting hard at the sight of Mark struggling to squeeze his large pecs into his tank top.

Mark frowned again at his reflection, blushing at the way his cumbersome pectorals forced their way over the swoop of his tank top. They were in full view, making the shirt something more of a formality since it left nothing at all to the imagination, especially with his hard nipples poking around the small straps.

“Yeah…” the stud mumbled as he scratched his head, “I think I should focus on a different group today. These are getting too big for my taste. I’m already growing out of the new shirts I bought the other day.”

The two men were finished changing into their workout clothes and they headed out of the locker room, Mark having to walk with his back slightly arched to compensate for his heavy pecs, inadvertently shoving them out into the air as if to show them off. There was a slight bounce to them with every step the muscleman took, the humongous pecs demanding the attention of every other bodybuilder in the gym, making the stud’s face grow bright red with embarrassment.

Trying to distract his friend, Jorge piped up. “So, what do you wanna do today?” he asked. “How about Leg Day?”

Over near the treadmills, he could see that familiar nerdy guy looking over at them, his eyes honing in on the top-heavy Mark before grinning.

Mark pursed his lips and nodded. “Yeah, I was thinkin’ about doing chest,” he said before wincing and clearing his throat. “I mean, I think we should do Chest Day… er, I mean, I wanna work on growing my pecs.” Mark’s eyes widened and his jaw clenched as his body went rigid before walking over to the pec fly machine.

“Chest?” Jorge asked in disbelief. “Again?”

Regardless of how absurd doing chest for the thousandth time that month sounded, Mark still couldn’t stop his feet from walking towards the pec fly machine. His following friend was blissfully unaware of the inner turmoil the now top-heavy hunk was having. It was if his body was moving all on its own, without any control from Mark. Even when he’d said that he’d wanted to do Chest Day (again), he’d been horrified at how he’d been physically incapable of saying “Leg Day”. No matter how hard he’d tried to suggest a different muscle group, his tongue had seemed to have a life of its own, forcing the stud to say that he wanted to grow his already obscenely large pecs some more.

As the muscled hunk sat down on the bench and leaned back, he reached up and grabbed the handles of the machine, starting to perform heavy reps that made his massive pecs burn with power. 

Poor Mark was helpless as he did yet another Chest Day. He tried to call out to Jorge, who had simply shrugged and went to do legs, but his mouth refused to cooperate. The hunk gritted his teeth as he fought with all of his strength to stop working on his chest, but his body stayed put on the machine that was right in front of the mirror, showing the man how ridiculous he looked as he performed rep after rep. With each movement, his massive, inflated pecs spilled out of his tank top even more and bulged with power, completely engulfing his thick neck and making it look like the stud’s head rested directly atop the muscled mounds.

His heart raced in his bulging chest as his panicked eyes locked with the mischievous ones of the nerdy guy. Deep down he knew that it was impossible, but a voice in the back of his frenzied mind told him that the guy was somehow responsible. Mark thought back on the past few weeks of Chest Day, which had began ever since their chance encounter. He paled at the future image of himself going to the gym day after day, helpless to do anything but Chest Day— all the while his pecs would continue to grow larger and larger, looking ridiculous as they ballooned off his previously proportional body.

Eventually, Mark finished his workout, his pecs burning from the incredible pump they’d received.

“So,” Jorge began as he met back up with his friend in the locker room, drying himself off after his shower, “how was Chest Day?”

Mark kept his lips pursed in a thin line for a moment before sighing. “It was fine,” he relented, feeling defeated as he grabbed his t-shirt out of his locker. He struggled to slide the fabric over his huge chest, and when he had it on, he tried not to look at his reflection. Despite the t-shirt being two sizes larger than his usual size, his inflated pecs strained the thin fabric to bursting and his hard nipples poked noticeably against it. The collar had ripped slightly, showcasing the deep crevice of his chest. Due to the massive shelf his pecs had become, the bottom of the shirt was lifted above his belly button, looking more like a crop top.

“Well, maybe tomorrow we can do arms?” Jorge suggested, clapping the hunk on the shoulder.

“Sure…” Mark mumbled, wanting nothing more than to have his body be back in sync, but he knew deep down that tomorrow he’d be forced to do chest again, and his pecs would continue to pack on even more meat.

The top-heavy stud waddled out of the locker room and headed towards the exit, trying to ignore the looks his bouncing muscletits garnered. He passed by the nerd who smirked as he passed.

“Lookin’ good, Mark,” he smiled. “I told you that Chest Day would be a great focus for you. You have the biggest pecs of anyone in the gym!”

Someones Been Working Out Their Pecs A Bit Too Much

“Someone’s been working out their pecs a bit too much”

Find morphed pictures like these only for $1 and more on my Patreon.

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2 years ago
Alex Crockford Ran A Shaky Hand Through His Dirty Blond Hair As He Stared Down At The Small Glass Vial

Alex Crockford ran a shaky hand through his dirty blond hair as he stared down at the small glass vial on his kitchen counter. It was silly, he thought, mentally berating himself for throwing down so much money for what looked like a few sips of water.

The fitness influencer had began to grow tired of seeing thousands of followers flocking to other fitness influencers who had advertised workouts very similar to his. He was built and extremely toned, his paper-thin skin stretching over his well-defined muscles. Alex was very attractive and the posts that he shared were always liked by numerous people who both were interested in his regimen and who lusted after his chiseled form. However, he was beginning to notice that he wasn’t attracting as many followers as his competition.

What pissed him off about that fact was that, despite having similar workout plans and muscles that were just as defined, his competitors were all over 6’0’’ tall. Alex never let his height get to him. Standing at 5’8’’, he never thought of himself as short. That being said, recent comments were posted mentioning how people were favoring the 6’1’’ Eric Janicki over him simply due to the fact that people prefer taller guys. At first, Alex had tried to shrug it off, opting to up his workouts and try to put on more mass. He even started to post more pictures of himself in tighter clothes, trying to not-so-subtly show off his bulging seven inches. He’d managed to get a few hundred likes on one of him clad in just his underwear, but it still failed in comparison to Eric’s posts.

What was worse was that it had gotten to Alex so badly that he’d actually sought out some help to rectify his situation. He’d spent hours searching online until he’d stumbled upon an obscure blog post from someone, who conveniently didn’t live too far from him, who’d claimed to be well-rehearsed in herbs and plants. The guy had claimed that for a few hundred, he could solve Alex’s problem. Alex was desperate, growing tired of hearing all the negative comments about how, although he was hot, he was too short. Hence he bought the little vial off of the guy, who’d given him some cryptic instructions:

“Take it before bed and when you wake up, something will contribute to your height.”

“Fuck it,” Alex grunted, pulling the tiny cork out of the vial and swallowing down the bitter liquid in one gulp like a shot. He grimaced at the nasty taste and at his foolishness, feeling as if he’d just gotten scammed. Still, a little gleam of hope flickered within him and the stud lumbered off to bed for the night, inwardly praying that he didn’t get fooled by some random dude online…

The sunlight started to filter in through the bedroom blinds, and Alex started to slowly wake up. His head was pounding like he was hung over, and he stretched out his limbs as he willed himself to get moving for the day. He immediately began to notice that his feet were feeling cold, like they weren’t underneath his covers.

The stud shot upwards and looked downwards, his eyes nearly popping out of his skull at his exposed calves and feet that dangled off the end of his bed.

“Holy shit!” he exclaimed, his heart starting to race in his chest out of sheer excitement. It worked! The vial had actually worked!

The fitness influencer rushed out of the bed and hurriedly stumbled over towards the long mirror in the corner of his bedroom, feeling a little unbalanced as he struggled to maneuver on lengthened limbs. Looking at his arms and legs, Alex could definitely tell that they were longer, but it was a proportional growth and not measly stretching. When he got to the floor length mirror, he nearly cheered in utter jubilation over the fact that he was now too tall to see his entire reflection, his clavicles being the stopping point. He tried to do the math in his head, estimating that he must’ve been at least 6’10’’ now, easily towering over Eric Janicki and the rest of his competitors. His t-shirt was plastered to his torso, looking like a cut off as it ended right in the middle of his torso, leaving his cut abs on full display. His basketball shorts, which used to come to his knees, now ended mid-thigh.

Ideas of pictures that he could post started to filter through Alex’s mind, but he decided to ultimately start off with a selfie of himself in his tiny clothes to illustrate just how much taller he was now than yesterday. With his phone tight in his clutches, he remembered just how popular his post with him in nothing but underwear was, so he opted to drop his shorts and just keep his cut-off looking shirt on. The basketball shorts fell to floor and Alex flexed his abs as he took a picture, immediately posting it.

A wide, triumphant grin on the stud’s handsome face, he couldn’t help but stare at his new picture that was on his account with pride. He looked so tall with his tight shirt and the #GrowthSpurt that he added on there. He was going to gain so many more followers now that he was tall. Now that he was… SMALL?!

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” he screamed out in shock at the baggy and loose looking pouch in the front of his underwear in the picture he’d posted. Alex dropped his phone in shock and looked down at himself, wincing when he saw that it wasn’t just in the picture: the front of his underwear looked all baggy, like there was nothing in them at all.

With shaky hands, Alex tugged his underwear down, going pale white at the puny nub that barely poked out of his trimmed bush. It couldn’t have been more than an inch long, and even his balls had shrunk drastically in size, looking tight against his body.

“N-no, no, no!” Alex panicked, trying to grab onto it to stretch it back to its normal seven inches, but his puny cock was so tiny that he could barely even grip it with two fingers. As soon as he made contact with the nub, a shockwave of pleasure rippled through the addled stud, making his knees buckle. “What the fuck is happening?!”

He couldn’t let go, unaware that while his cock had shrunken, all the nerves in it had compacted, making his nub the most sensitive part of his body now. It didn’t take long before the stud let out an embarrassing shriek of pleasure as he shot his load which looked like just a few drops— but he was still left panting, having felt like he’d just blown the largest load of his life.

“…something will contribute to your height.” The phrase rang out in the micro-dicked giant’s mind, horror dawning on him that, although he was now incredibly tall, he was also incredibly small.

Alex Crockford was too busy panicking over how he was going to fix his tiny cock, too oblivious to the new comments that were filtering in on his new post— all of them commenting on how puny and small his bulge was and how Eric Janicki’s bulge looked a lot larger.

– – – – – 

This was a request. If you have a picture of a stud you’d like me to TF, then message me!

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2 years ago
For @writer-ofstuff! It Was Really Fun Writing This One! And Ive Been Really Enjoying Writing Stories

For @writer-ofstuff! It was really fun writing this one! And I’ve been really enjoying writing stories surrounding Derek and Stiles!

– – –

“This is stupid,” Derek grunted as he and Stiles took their seats in the front row, right in front of the wrestling ring. “Everyone knows these things are staged. If you really want to see a good match, then I should take you to a werewolf wrestling match.”

Stiles perked up, clutching his popcorn close to his chest in shock. “They have those?” he gasped, his mouth full of kernels.

Derek just scowled down at the human, his attempt at joking failing. “No,” he muttered, sitting down with his angry expression still all over his face.

“Dude,” Stiles elbowed him in the ribs, “you agreed that I could pick the location for Date Night every Fifth Friday of the month. It’s not my fault you didn’t pay attention to the calendar.”

Derek growled something under his breath, but still put his arm around his boyfriend’s slender shoulders, both to comfort him and also because one of the wrestlers was making his way towards the ring, staring at them. He was clad in a black speedo that had blue designs over it.

Derek scowled back and tightened his grip on his blissfully unaware boyfriend, even baring his teeth at the staring wrestler.

The muscled man just smirked and… blew a kiss at Derek?

The alpha werewolf cocked his eyebrow and broke eye contact.

The announcer stepped into the middle of the ring and began his spiel, his deep voice echoing out over the crowd of spectators who cheered wildly. Stiles got caught up in the excitement and leapt to his feet to cheer at the top of his lungs.

“We begin our night with the Tag Team Match!” the announcer roared out, followed by an eruption from the crowd.

Stiles leaned in closer to Derek so that he could explain what was happening to his boyfriend, hoping that he’d enjoy the night too. “So Tag Team is when there’s two versus two… like a team,” he laughed, looking over at his boyfriend to see if he was paying attention.

Derek stood beside him, crossing his arms over his white t-shirt that stretched over his muscular chest.

Stiles looked at him in confusion. “Hey Der, what happened to your leather jacket?” he asked, wondering why the werewolf was wearing only his t-shirt which looked like it was painted on. He even glanced at the seat, seeing no sign of his boyfriend’s jacket in sight.

Derek looked down at his torso and shrugged. “I… I’m not sure,” he muttered, his thick eyebrows knitting together.

The announcer continued. “Introducing our first team! On my right,” he roared out, “we have…”

“I’ve seen this guy before at a match I went to with my dad,” Stiles told Derek. “It was a few years ago and— Um, Derek? D-did you dye your hair?”

Sure enough, Derek’s usual black hair was taking on a light hue, looking like could’ve been dirty blond. There were a ton of laser lights in the building, so Stiles told himself he was seeing things.

The announcer carried on, the first member of one of the tag teams storming into the ring and raising his muscled arms above his head, earning a mixture of cheers and boos from the crowd.

Out of the corner of his eye, Stiles could see Derek straighten up, looking like he was actually starting to get into the show. He smiled to himself, happy to be spending such quality time with his boyfriend. Beacon Hills seemed to be an epicenter for all things supernatural, so on the rare occasions he and Derek got to be a normal couple, he wanted to take full advantage.

He leaned into Derek affectionately. “Thanks for taking me here,” Stiles mused, basking in the warmth he felt when Derek wrapped his arm around his shoulders. The heat from Derek’s bare, smooth skin warmed him up and made him feel at home—

Stiles jerked back and stared at the shirtless and definitely blond Derek in shock and awe.

“Dude!’ Stiles cried, almost dropping his popcorn to the ground, but managing to save it. “Your shirt! And your hair!”

Derek looked down at him, confusion written all over his face. “What about them?” he asked the shocked human, his voice sounding a bit deeper and slower. “You feelin’ okay, Bruh? You look a little pale.”

Stiles knew something was happening, he was certain of it. He scanned the crowd for something or someone who looked out of place. However, it was so dark out in the stands that he couldn’t discern separate faces well, and the announcer was loud as the second member of the first tag team entered the ring.

He clutched Derek’s hand tightly, refusing to let it go. “We gotta get you out of here,” he hissed to the werewolf.

Derek jerked back in shock. “Huh?” he asked. “But why, Babe? We just made it, don’cha wanna see the match?”

“Nevermind that! And why are you talking like that?” Stiles cried out, throwing his free hand up in the air frantically. He then paused when he took in the new change. “And why are you wearing those?”

Derek looked down at the black and pink pair of speedos that he wore. They were so small that they forced his bulge out in front of him and cupped his bubblebutt perfectly, even lifting it to accentuate its fullness. Derek grinned as he looked down at it, smiling at his boyfriend. “Looks hot, right?” he smirked.

The announcer continued to bring out the wrestlers. “And, introducing the second team!” he announced. “The first member, with four wins and zero losses: The Trickster!”

The crowd roared with excitement as a muscled man in black and blue speedos ran up and entered the ring, flexing a large bicep for all to see.

Stiles’s eyes widened as he finally witnessed firsthand Derek’s mysterious transformation. The werewolf tensed up and his muscles inflated. His pecs pushed out further in front of him, his nipples even perking up. His shoulders broadened while his back widened, making Derek so wide that he’d have to turn sideways to walk through any standard-sized door from now on. His butt packed on more meat, his thighs following suit to support the weight of the massive pillows, pushing his large bulge further out in front of himself. Lastly, Derek’s already large biceps ballooned in size, resembling bowling balls. By the end of his musclegrowth, Derek resembled a blond wrestler, his pale skin looking slick as it was somehow getting covered in posing oil, making his abs and every contour of his musculature pop.

“And the last member of the second team,” the announcer roared out, “he’s a newbie! Weighing in at an impressive 248: The Wolf!”

The newly transfigured Derek threw his head back and let out a loud howl, making the crowd erupt in cheers. He yanked Stiles into his oily, muscled body, giving the stunned human a hot, possessive kiss. Despite how deep in shock he was over watching his boyfriend somehow turn into a muscled up wrestler in tight speedos, Stiles couldn’t help but feel so turned on by the feeling of Derek’s rock hard muscles.

He let go and waddled up to the ring, his massive muscled thighs rolling over each other and his broad back swaying back and forth with power. His arms were so thick with muscle that they hung akimbo at his sides. Even though he’d been transformed, the new Derek still had his trademark scowl as he entered the ring and stared down the opposing team intimidatingly before flexing his massive chest muscles, oozing masculine power.

Stiles’s heart picked up speed as he watched his altered boyfriend kick ass in the wrestling ring, noting the look of utter jubilation on the werewolf’s face as he fought. He really looked like he was enjoying their Date Night, although it really wasn’t the way Stiles had intended.

The new wrestler Derek looked over at Stiles, giving him a wink and making one of his inflated pecs bounce.

“Oh hot damn,” Stiles gasped. Yeah, he could live with this.

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2 years ago


Hi! Can I make a wish? My chubby friend is the ultimate wingman. Whenever we go out I always seem to land a ton of chicks. I think he’a been getting jealous lately of of not getting action, though. Can you help him size up to being my proper wingman?

– – –

It had been about a week since you’d made your wish, which had inadvertently turned your friend, Russ, from an adorable chubby wingman into a muscular alpha male.

Russ had been ecstatic as he’d watched his gut pull inwards to form sculpted abs that decorated a trimmed torso. His moobs had deflated before puffing back outwards as they transformed into large pecs. His arms had packed on some muscle, becoming huge pillars that hung akimbo at his sides as his lats had packed on some size too. You’d witnessed his transformation, and vividly recalled how your jaw had dropped when you’d seen his height boost up. Russ had gone from an average 5′9″ to an astounding 6′8″. In order to carry his new height and weight around, his thighs inflated to trunk-like proportions, becoming thick and imposing which had left him retaining a semblance of a waddle, but this one due to him swinging his masculine bulk around.

None of his clothes fit over Russ’s impressive new bulk now, but he didn’t mind. In fact, he preferred to strut around his place completely nude, with his swinging nine incher on full display for all of his visitors to see.

However, you were the first one to notice that there was something else afoot when it came to the wish.

Try as you might, you couldn’t help but feel so incredibly turned on the more you gawked at Russ’s new sexy body. The way his large muscles bulged and the sheer size of his cock sent shivers down your spine, causing you to get hard. You’ve never had a gay thought before in your life, but you could not deny that Russ was super fuckin’ hot.

Luckily for you, Russ was more than willing to let you worship his massive muscles. Whereas the two of you used to venture to the bar to pick up chicks, your weekends were now filled with you desperately running your hands and tongue over Russ’s protruding pecs, unable to get enough of the large man.

“You sure you wouldn’t rather be at the club right now?” Russ chuckled as you were down on your knees.

Your mouth was stuffed with his rock hard cock, preventing you from voicing your answer, so instead you just let out a deep moan, already blowing your load from staring at your friend’s chiseled abs as he fucked your face.

“I’ll take that as a ‘Yes’,” Russ playfully growled as he gripped both sides of your head and came, which you eagerly swallowed.

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2 years ago
I Know That Halloween Was A Week Ago, But I Finally Got Around To Finishing This Story!
I Know That Halloween Was A Week Ago, But I Finally Got Around To Finishing This Story!

I know that Halloween was a week ago, but I finally got around to finishing this story! 

And thanks to @alec789 who made the incredibly hot morph of Tyler Hoechlin / Derek Hale as an actual bodybuilder!

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“You cannot really be expecting me to wear that,” Derek scoffed as he stared daggers at the costume in his boyfriend’s clutches.

“Aww, c’mon, it’ll be fun,” Stiles frowned, already dressed in his costume as some obscure indie superhero, his slender body wearing the sexy costume perfectly, making Derek’s mouth water despite his anger.

He handed the grumpy werewolf a muscleman costume, which consisted of padded, skin-colored fabric that would make the alpha appear even bulkier than he is. Halloween had already passed, so he’d already thought that it was idiotic to go to some costume party. That, and he was irked over the cheap-looking material and the slight insinuation that Stiles didn’t think he was buff enough.

The werewolf had muscles for days that filled out his shirts to the point of bursting, and he’d never heard his boyfriend complain about his physique before. Perhaps it was a slight burn to his fragile ego, but Derek Hale was a bit put off at the idea of wearing fake muscles when he already had some.

Despite wanting to argue, the pleading look in the human’s eyes melted the sourwolf’s resolve and he rolled his eyes as he snatched the muscleman costume away from Stiles.

“Fine,” he growled, pulling the polyester outfit on. The padded muscles made him look ridiculous. He fought a sneer as he stared at himself in the mirror, a tight grimace taking over this face as he saw how large and unnatural his already big muscles now looked. Derek felt like he was some kind of superhero caricature with the impossibly humongous muscles that were beyond the realms of possible. Due to his already bulky size, Derek looked like a bodybuilder, making him cringe at the idea of actually being one of those guys who obsessively worked out in the gym to grow their bodies to grotesque sizes.

“I think you look pretty hot,” Stiles offered, walking up and placing a hand on Derek’s padded shoulder.

The werewolf meant to give Stiles a snarky response, but instead he felt himself flex an arm, the padding bunching up to actually look like he was flexing his bicep. “Makes me look swole, right?” he said, his eyebrows scrunching together at what he’d just said.

Stiles didn’t think anything of it and instead smiled widely up at his boyfriend. “I knew you’d get into it!” he cheered. “The shop owner said that this costume would fit anyone! I tried to get you a cowboy one, but he said that you’d look great in this one. Says he knows you. Small world, right?”

Derek started to piece together what he’d just heard, his wide eyes darting back towards the mirror immediately.

“I gotta use the bathroom and then we’ll be out!” Stiles called out as he left the bedroom.

Some unknown shop owner had persuaded Stiles to buy this costume for him, and apparently he knew him? Derek knew that sounded too coincidental, especially since Beacon Hills seemed to be an epicenter for all things supernatural.

The alpha werewolf frantically reached behind him to unzip the costume and tear it away from him. However, the stud audibly whimpered when his hands ran over where the zipper was supposed to be, only to be met with a smooth patch of skin. Even the edges of the costume had fused with his skin, making it near impossible to discern what was fabric and what was flesh.

“What the fuck?” Derek panicked as he ran his hands all over his body, a shiver running down his spine when he noticed that the padded muscles had started to feel harder, more like actual muscles. That, and he felt the sensation of running his fingers over bare skin, not a costume.

His heart raced in his larger chest as Derek’s eyes ran over his muscled up form. The muscleman costume had somehow fused with his body, effectively turning him into some oversized bodybuilder. The werewolf ran his fingers all over his new form, wincing when he noticed just how limited his range of movement was. His biceps and pecs kept pushing against one another, and his back was so broad that he felt his bulky form sway from side to side when he took a step. His massive trunk-like thighs rolled over each other, turning his walk into a waddle; and he felt his massive, muscular asscheeks shifting and bouncing with every waddle. He was huge— a massive, overinflated bodybuilder.

Stiles came back into the room where Derek was in a silent panic. “Wow, that costume looks really good on you,” he commented, visibly turned on by seeing Derek with such cumbersome pecs. “Like, really good.”

Derek wanted to beg for help, to ask Stiles to help turn him back into his normal body. He didn’t want to be some massive bodybuilder who was so huge that he’d always be the center of attention with his size, never being able to wear regular clothes and always showing off. However, whatever curse the costume had prevented him from doing so. Instead, Derek felt himself throw his almost inflexible arms up into the air to perform a pose.

“Yeah, I love how huge this makes my muscles look,” Derek purred, noting the deeper quality to his voice. “Now let’s get goin’ to that party. I gotta show this hot bod off to everyone.” He bounced his pecs excitedly, both fearful at the thought of being stuck as some cocky bodybuilder, and turned on at the thought of flexing for the smaller human.

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2 years ago
Edgars Rested On His Bed, Mindlessly Scrolling Through Emails On His Laptop As He Tried To Stay Focused.

Edgars rested on his bed, mindlessly scrolling through emails on his laptop as he tried to stay focused. His inbox was stuffed to the brim with junk from fishy-sounding sponsorships that promised lucrative amounts of money for a few pictures of him barely clothed next to their product.

Edgars rolled his eyes and deleted a majority of the messages he saw.

Then one caught his eye: a message with the title from a semi-familiar company called H-Boost that he’d heard of in passing in the gym. Shrugging his broad shoulders, the muscled hunk clicked on the message.

Edgars frowned when he saw that the text was so tiny that he had trouble even reading a single word. He tried to zoom in on the message with the browser tools, but it didn’t work for some odd reason.

The hunk was about to give up when he saw a little blurb down near the end of the message in bold letters reading: CLICK TO ENLARGE!

He hovered his cursor over the words and clicked.

Thank you for trying out our new product: Pecs-Boost! flashed on the screen for about a second.

The text didn’t enlarge a single bit, but instead Edgars felt what seemed like a massive weight being set down onto his chest. He was confused at first, but gasped loudly when he felt the very unfamiliar sensation of his pecs brushing up against his chin.

“Fuck!” Edgars gasped out loud when he looked down at his body which was blocked by the sight of inflated pecs that ballooned off his chest at an almost comical degree. He tossed his laptop to the side and shot off the bed, nearly tumbling down face first thanks to the added weight to his front. The muscled hunk winced as he stomped over to the bathroom, feeling his chest bounce with every step he took. His biceps even kept grazing his inflated pecs as his arms moved, making his stomach drop.

When he stood in front of the mirror, the stud’s mouth dropped at his warped reflection. His previously proportional physique was gone, replaced by a reflection of a guy who spent too much time doing Chest Day. Edgars’ pecs were massive and jutted off his chest, causing him to have an arch in his posture, which further accentuated the mounds. Even his nipples were bigger and seemed to stand off his pecs at perfect attention. He knew that there wasn’t a shirt on that planet that would cover his enormous chest, making him panic about how he would go through his day-to-day life with such obscene pecs.

As crazy as it sounded to him, Edgars knew that it was the email’s fault that his pecs now resembled small melons. He rushed back into his bedroom and snatched his laptop off the bed, his giant chest making it difficult to hold the machinery in front of him with both hands. 

His hold was so awkward that his fingers accidentally pressed down on the touch pad and a little chime rang out as his eyes widened. The top-heavy man gulped as he realized that he’d mistakenly sent the cursed email to all of his contacts which comprised of fellow muscle models and bodybuilders, all of whom would wind up with exaggeratedly huge pecs like his if they clicked the mysterious link.

(Image Source: https://www.deviantart.com/piuitg/art/Smart-working-2020-846972308)

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2 years ago
One Day I Was Mindlessly Scrolling Around Instagram, Looking At The Pictures Of Hot Men, Growing Rather

One day I was mindlessly scrolling around Instagram, looking at the pictures of hot men, growing rather annoyed with how the studs seemed to adopt the mantra of “Chest Day Every Day”. Don’t get me wrong, big meaty pecs on a man definitely turns me on, but sometimes it’s nice to admire a man’s backside too. However, most of the studs online seem to associate having a fat, meaty bubblebutt with being a gay influencer. I don’t understand it.

Anyways, I was getting ready to give up on my search when I stumbled upon a picture of a hot, sexy hunk of a man with arms built so large that they looked like girders. His impressive pecs strained his gas station uniform shirt to the brink of nearly bursting. Best of all was that he had such a hot, sexy smirk that let me know that he knew that he was incredibly sexy. I clicked on his profile and scrolled through his pics, again disappointed to see a complete lack of ass pics.

Sure enough, there was one picture of the hunk that showed him working out at the gym, seated at the pec fly machine with the caption: Chest Day! 💪

“That’s it,” I huffed, grabbing my car keys and heading out.

Being a trickster, it wasn’t hard to warp reality, bending the fabric of space around me until I found myself driving in an unfamiliar town. I couldn’t help but smile when I saw the large, lit-up Chevron sign in the near distance.

I sped up and stopped at one of the gas pumps, snapping my fingers as I headed towards the entrance, the other patrons suddenly deciding to buy gas at another station so as to give me and my guy some privacy.

The gas station doors dinged as I walked inside, and I smiled as I saw that familiar stud working the counter. Due to the lack of customers, he was looking at his phone, but as soon as he saw me, he perked up and greeted me with a customary, “Welcome!” His voice was deep and full of manly bravado.


My heart began to speed up as I finalized my plan. I approached the counter and tried to look as friendly as possible. “Hello,” I said back, “could I please get forty dollars on Pump Five?”

“Sure thing,” the stud said as he began to punch away on his register. His biceps constantly curled out of his tight sleeves and the buttons on his polo threatened to burst off as they struggled to contain his massive pecs. On his right pec was a name tag that let me know that his name is Jett. He definitely was a sight to behold.

I snapped my fingers again. “Is is really full service here?” I asked, trying to sound pleasantly surprised as I pointed at the new sign below the logo that had in bright lit-up letters: FULL SERVICE!

Jett looked out at the new sign, my magic starting to have an effect on him. Since I’m not fully trained, it sometimes takes a while for it take complete control. Hence, the stud furrowed his brow for a moment before slowly nodding.

“Oh yeah,” he muttered in a confused tone. “I guess I forgot about that.”

He walked out from behind the counter and I trailed behind him as we headed to my car. His broad back was thick was muscle and his crazy broad shoulders swayed back and forth with masculine power as he sauntered. However, his butt was lacking the smallest bit, if I’m being honest. Sure his jeans were nice and tight and hugged his perky rear perfectly, but in comparison to the rest of his build, it was obvious that Jett skipped Leg Day every now and then in favor of another upper body workout.

I can help him with that.

Jett filled up my car and checked the fluids before he pulled out a pressure gauge from his pocket that I made appear there. The hunk squatted down and began to check the air pressure from my tires and I snapped my fingers, watching eagerly with anticipation.

Jett checked my air pressure, completely unaware as his decently sized rear appeared to shudder before pushing away from his backside. The back of his pants filled up until his growing ass was pressed tightly against it, but that wasn’t enough. His meaty cheeks kept inflating, rounding out and pushing down the top of his pants. His shirt became untucked and was stuck on top of the shelf created by the new globes that only continued to get bigger and bigger with each passing second. His growing cheeks pushed his pants and shirt further away from each other, looking like a caricature of plumber’s crack.

I snapped my fingers again and the growth stopped, and as a fun touch I made his boxers disappear so that nothing was obscuring my view of his deepened crack.


“You know, I think the tires are okay,” I said, satisfied with my work.

“Oh, if you say so,” Jett said, standing up.

He was perfect now! The hunk still had his beautiful and meaty pecs and biceps, but now those were completely overshadowed by the massive bubblebutt he possessed. The inflated ass stuck out from his back at a near ninety degree angle, and the bottom of his uniform shirt rested on the shelf created by them, showing off his deep ass crack constantly.

“Thank you very much for your help,” I thanked him, even tipping him since it seemed about right.

“Of course, have a great day,” Jett grinned as he took a step back towards the gas station. The bottom-heavy stud froze in confused wonder as he felt the unfamiliar shift from his giant asscheeks shifting wildly behind him. Again, he scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion, and I could see in his worried eyes that he knew something was wrong but my magic wouldn’t let him voice his concerns. He absentmindedly scratched at the back of his head and waddled the rest of the way back inside the gas station. I watched as he left, admiring the way his massive bubblebutt bounced and jiggled with every step he took, and loving how the rotund cheeks threatened to spill out of his incredibly tight pants, exposing more and more of his crack.

I got back in my car and glanced back at the gas station, seeing Jett through the window as he gave his giant ass a tentative poke. My magic finally took over and I could see him visibly relax and go back to manning the store. He waddled around the store, tidying up, all the while his massive ass bounced and swayed behind him.

The next day, I excitedly checked Jett’s profile, eager to see if he posted some delicious booty pics now that he has the goods. Sure enough, he had one incredibly sexy pic of himself doing push ups, his rotund, inflated bubblebutt sticking proudly out into the air. However, with his powerful arms flexed, his booty unfortunately wasn’t the main focus.


Then I read his caption: Chest Day! I have to focus more on upper body since I seemed to overdo glutes! 💪 😅

Damn it!

That was not how this was supposed to pan out! Now instead of getting to see tons of sexy ass pictures from Jett, he’s going to let that massive bubblebutt I gifted him with go to waste. I frowned as I realized that this means that Jett’s just going to post more arms and pecs photos (I’ll definitely admire them, but still).

I was hoping that he’d put two and two together and work with what he now has, but I guess he needs a little nudge in the right direction.

I snapped my fingers and checked Jett’s profile again after about a half hour.

“Nice,” I grinned and as I liked his new post.

The bottom-heavy Jett posted an incredibly sexy booty pic that no doubt made sure that his new bigger ass was the focal point of the photo. He was completely nude and had his broad back turned to the camera, his bare, round cheeks being the first thing my eyes honed in on. Best of all was the caption that he added which read: I so gotta find a man to fukk these massive cheeks of mine!! Any takers? 🍆💦🍑


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(Final Photo Source: https://twitter.com/VMorphs)

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2 years ago
Thank You All So Much For Following And Taking An Interest In My TF Stories! I Dont Have A Regular Updating

Thank you all so much for following and taking an interest in my TF stories! I don’t have a regular updating schedule right now thanks to work, but hopefully soon! 

As a thank you, here’s another TF Voting! And I have no clue who this man is, but I think I’m in love… haha!

This is Chase, a 23 year old rough and tough country boy who likes to drive big trucks and fuck chicks. After a chance encounter, he starts to notice something off, but what is it?

A). He turns into a muscle daddy with a large (and sensitive!) roidgut

B). He gets shorter but doesn’t lose any mass (Muscle Compression)

C). He turns into a micro-dicked sub with a fat ass

Or send me your own idea!

I will try to have this up by Saturday or Sunday!

Thank you again for taking an interest in my work! I hope you all enjoy!

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2 years ago
Thank You All To Have Followed And Liked My Content! Im To See That Other People Out There Also Enjoy

Thank you all to have followed and liked my content! I’m to see that other people out there also enjoy TF stories! And I’ve grown addicted to these Voting stories because they’re fun and sometimes I’m not 100% sure what to do to some of these studs, haha!

This is Cooper, a 20 year old college wrestler who’s doing a favor for his roommate by filling in for a model at a magazine shoot. What’s the title of the article?

A). Flamboyant Twinks with Insatiable, Hungry Holes 

B). Hairy Bears who Love to Get Topped by Skinny Guys

C). Muscleboys Addicted to Synthol and Implants

Please cast your vote and I will try to have this story up by Friday or Saturday!

Thank you!

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2 years ago
Wish:Hey Please Do What Ever Youd Like To Me

Wish: Hey please do what ever you’d like to me …


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You were sitting at your desk, typing away on your laptop when you started to squirm in your chair. A tingling sensation blew over you and before you could react, your body started to feel flush.

The first thing you noticed was that your hoodie started to feel snug, almost constricting. Your first fear was that your clothes were shrinking, but the moment you tore your top layer off, you were quick to realize that you were in fact growing.

Your jaw dropped when you witnessed your arms bulk up, your biceps blowing to insane proportions and curling out of the short sleeves of your white t-shirt. Your pecs were next and they bubbled out in front of you and you had to readjust your arms around them due to their massive size, looking like they were straining your shirt to burst.

“What in tarnation is happenin’?” you asked aloud, wincing at the odd way you spoke and the new southern accent you’d acquired.

You shoved yourself away from your desk in time to see your sweatpants turn into a deep blue color, the cotton material growing firmer as they morphed into bootcut denim jeans. Out of nowhere, cowboy boots appeared on your feet. They had flecks of dirt on them, letting you know that you’d been hard at work. Speaking of, your beefier hands grew rougher as callouses formed, illustrating your new hardworking lifestyle.

You hurried over to the mirror and stared in shock at the reflection that looked back at you.

In the mirror was a muscled up cowboy who wore a tight t-shirt that did little to conceal his heavy pecs and pants that hugged his bubblebutt tantalizingly. You noticed you were also wearing a cowboy hat that completed your sexy look, making you look like a country model on the cover of those cheap romance novels.

Your fear quickly disappeared as you examined your bulky new body in the mirror, smiling widely as you flexed your massive arms, enjoying the groaning sounds of your sleeves as your biceps flexed.

“Dog gone, I gotta be the finest cowboy out ‘ere!” you beamed, walking out to your Dodge Cummins to head to the bar to pick up a guy who was into cowboys.

Wish:Hey Please Do What Ever Youd Like To Me

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[Photo Source: https://www.deviantart.com/bigbergman/art/Cowboy-Muscles-481020105]

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2 years ago

I can’t find any of the other posts from this short collection :(

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The Cursed Gym 2

Collin had joined the gym in order to get his Summer bod.

The jock took his body and fitness extremely seriously, which was why he watched his diet like a hawk and made sure to up his cardio once the weather started to get warmer.

Things took a turn when the stud was at his gym, going hard on the treadmill in preparation for a beach trip where there would be ample time for him to show off his hard-earned muscles for all the girls there to gawk at.

Collin watched the TV as he ran, finally realizing that something was up by the odd churning he felt in his stomach. At first he thought that it was just from him ignoring running for too long, but the churning worsened and morphed into a sensation that was even worse: jiggling.

The jock immediately looked at himself, almost fainting as he saw his flat washboard stomach steadily pushing outwards.

“What the fuck?!” Collin panicked as he lifted up his shirt, only to find that his abs were completely gone and the beginnings of an impressive roidgut were coming into view. 

The stud hopped off the treadmill, his shirt springing up over his growing gut which ballooned out in front of him and obscured his view of his lower half. In his panic, Collin clutched at the inflating mass in front of himself, paling when he felt the squishy layer of fat that covered his muscle, solidifying that he’d somehow grown a massive roidgut out of nowhere.

Collin blushed and futilely tried to stretch his shirt back down over his new gut, but it kept bouncing upwards and bunching up atop his belly that jiggled as the now ex-jock left the gym in a panic.

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2 years ago

I wish my best friend could stop being bullied for being a little runt. Would also be great to have a big sexy boyfriend out of him too

I Wish My Best Friend Could Stop Being Bullied For Being A Little Runt. Would Also Be Great To Have A

You whispered your wish under your breath when you and your best friend, Ethan, went to the beach. You felt a little bad for him when you saw that he refused to remove his t-shirt despite how hot it was.

“You gonna leave your shirt on?” you asked him, giving him the up-down.

He shrugged his slender shoulders. “Yeah,” he shyly admitted, taking a hesitant glance around the beach at the other guys who were there. They were all muscled up, looking like models straight out of a porno. then he held his slender arms up as if to illustrate his point.

Ethan had always been skinny, something that he was irritated with the older he got. He’d tried to bulk up and put on some muscle, but it never seemed to work. You’d taken him to the gym plenty of times too since you had a lot of muscle on your body, so you knew the exact workout plans and diets to follow; but no matter what the two of you did, Ethan remained skinny.

You moved to reassuringly pat your friend on the shoulder, however, the moment the two of you made contact, there was a little shock that you felt. You instinctively moved to recoil, but found you couldn’t. It was as if your hand was superglued to him.

You gritted your teeth as you tried with all of your might to pull away, but it was futile.

“Dude, what’s going on?” Ethan panicked.

Then the two of you noticed something else happening.

Your eyes widened at the sight of Ethan’s body rapidly inflating. It was as if someone had attached an air hose to him, and started to pump him up with muscle. His traps inflated and started to slowly engulf his widening neck to the point where it looked like he lacked a neck at all. The growth traveled down to his arms which packed on meat and bulged like crazy, making his biceps look like the size of melons. His pecs ballooned out in front of him, completely obscuring his view of the lower part of his body.

“Holy shit!” Ethan gasped in shock.

“I know! You’re getting huge!” you breathed, unable to take your eyes off him.

“No,” Ethan shook his head as best as he could with his lack of a neck. “You’re getting smaller.”

“What?” you wondered, looking down at yourself before screaming. 

All of the hard-earned muscles in your body were deflating, becoming flat. Your biceps grew smaller and smaller until your arms were stick-thin and shapeless. Your pecs flattened against your chest and left your torso entirely undefined and slender. 

You fought hard to remove your hand from Ethan’s broadening frame when you realized that your friend wasn’t so much as growing, but he was stealing all of your muscles.

Ethan’s shirt exploded off his growing frame, exposing his thick roid gut and mountainous pecs that should’ve been yours. Your bathing suit fell to the ground the more muscle you lost, your thin legs looking tiny and unimpressive. With your free hand, you struggled to hold them up.

When you finally managed to pull your hand free, Ethan was left as a large over-muscled bodybuilder and you were a skinny twink.

“What the fuck happened?!” you panicked, looking down at your slender frame, figuring that you had to have lost at least sixty pounds, leaving you small and boyish. You were so busy freaking out that you barely noticed it when Ethan waddled over towards you.

“I dunno,” he said, staring down at you hungrily. “But I have to admit that you look really cute like that.” He wrapped his barely-flexible arms around you and shoved you into his massive muscletits that should have been on your body, not his.

Despite how freaked out you were, you couldn’t help but melt into the new muscle man’s bulky body. Your horniness clouded over your fear and you ran your slender fingers over Ethan’s massive pecs, enjoying how his bulky muscles twitched with want as you did so.

“So what now?” you asked him.

He smirked down at you. “Let’s go to my place and you can worship these big muscles of mine,” he laughed, literally throwing you over his broadened shoulder and carrying you to the parking lot.

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2 years ago
Wish: Id Love A Story About This Dude Taking Some Kind Of Dodgy Pill From The Internet That Makes His

Wish: I’d love a story about this dude taking some kind of dodgy pill from the internet that makes his already huge ass enormous.


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“Good evening everyone!” Brandon smiled as he waved at the camera that was set up on his desk. “Today, we are going to be opening up some fan-mail!”

The fitness influencer grabbed the nearest box to him and held it out in front with his beefy hands. Ever since Brandon had begun posting his workouts online, the stud had amassed quite a sizable fanbase. He had thousands of adoring fans who followed all of his workout plans and who liked all of his posts; however, the stud was also a little aware of the occasional DM from a bit more bold fans who asked for nudes or for private videos of him playing with his ass.

Brandon fought his frown at that last thought. Sure his body was blessed with large muscles that bulged with manly power, but he was a little miffed that no matter what muscle group he worked on, his glutes always seemed to be his largest feature. That only served to attract the wrong kind of crowd, many of whom lusted over the stud’s big butt and brazenly forewent all modesty to let him know. Still, Brandon did appreciate all of the fans he had managed to garner, and now that he hit 400K followers, he wanted to do a fan-mail video to demonstrate his appreciation.

“Let’s see,” he muttered as he examined the small box in his hands. “It doesn’t look like there’s a name on here.” He opened it up, finding nothing but a little plastic bottle labeled Workout Supplements.

Brandon looked all around for any info in the box so that he could properly thank the sender, but he couldn’t find anything.

“Um, thank you!” he said, shaking the bottle of pills in front of the camera. “I’ve actually been looking for some new supplements, so this is perfect.” To reiterate his point, the hunk opened up the bottle and popped in a pink-colored capsule, swallowing down the pill dry.

Brandon continued to open up various boxes and envelopes, thanking his followers for their thoughtful gifts. It didn’t take too long until he squirmed in his seat, feeling a little flushed.

“Uh, sorry, I don’t feel too hot all of a sudden,” the stud mumbled, a tightness forming in his lower body. He stood up to go to the kitchen to grab some water. 


Brandon’s eyes widened when he heard the sound of his pants tearing and when he felt a cool breeze blow over his ass. The shocked stud looked over his shoulder and gasped at the sight before him. His large, yet manageable, bubblebutt had somehow inflated to at least three times its previous size. It looked like someone had magically affixed beach balls to the fitness guru’s behind as his new cheeks acted like a shelf that jutted away from his back at a near ninety degree angle.

He took a shaky step, wincing internally when he felt the foreign shifting and bouncing of his newly enlarged cheeks with every movement of his foot. His proportions were completely ruined, and Brandon’s heart raced at the knowledge that, without a doubt, his giant ass would be the focus of all of his content from now on, whether he liked it or not.

The bottom-heavy stud was so caught up in his panic that he didn’t see a comment pop up on his chat, far too busy examining his warped reflection in the posing mirror.

Looks like someone got my gift 🍑

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2 years ago
I Tried My Best To Photoshop Chris Evans But I Think He Still Looks Hot Haha!
I Tried My Best To Photoshop Chris Evans But I Think He Still Looks Hot Haha!

I tried my best to photoshop Chris Evans… but I think he still looks hot haha!

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Actor Chris Evans cleared his throat as he stood in the recording booth, ready to deliver his lines for the iconic character Buzz Lightyear. He’d landed the role of the titular character in the new upcoming movie, and was excited to be part of such a lavish project.

“To infinity, and beyond!” Chris announced, puffing out his chest to deepen his voice. He peeked over at the director who was on the other side of the glass, a glazed look on his face.

“Um, Chris,” he said as he leaned over and pushed a button to allow his voice to echo out over the intercom in the tiny recoding booth where the actor was, “that was nice… but why don’t we try to add a little more baritone to your voice?”

The actor nodded, thinking that it was an odd critique. He was well known for his roles in superhero films, so having a deep masculine voice was never really an issue for him. He shrugged and chalked it up to production wanting him to match the natural deepness of Tim Allen’s.

He cleared his throat again. “To infinity, and beyond!” He made sure to lower his voice as best as he could, feeling the vibration deep in his muscled chest.

For a second time, Chris looked over at the director who had a frown set deep on his face. “Not quite deep enough,” he muttered, reaching over and pressing a few buttons on the control panel before him.

Chris felt a rush of wind from the A/C unit, a tingle spreading over his skin and making his face feel a little prickly. The sensation was gone as soon as it had come, making him doubt that anything had happened in the first place.

“Try it one more time,” the direction grinned.

Chris Evans nodded and steeled himself to bellow out the iconic line. He sucked in a deep breath of air and puffed out his mighty chest, his pecs straining his shirt to the limit. “TO INFINITY, AND BEYOND!” the hunky actor bellowed, a sexy bass-like quality consuming his voice. It was deep in the sense that it oozed masculinity and sent a rumble throughout Chris’s muscles as he spoke.

The director’s grin widened and he clapped his hands. “Perfect!” he cheered.

Chris Evan’s own smile stretched out his face and he nodded. “Thank you,” he said, his voice still a deep bellow, sounding several octaves deeper than his usual speaking voice. The actor flinched and cleared his throat a couple times before trying again. “Thank you…”

His voice got caught in his throat as he heard the deep bellow from earlier seemingly stuck in it.

Chris took his headphones off and rubbed at his throat in wonder.

“What the hell?” he asked aloud in his bass-filled new voice, but winced when his hand brushed up against his chin which felt like it was much lower than it should’ve been.

Gasping, the hunky actor looked at his blurry reflection in the windows of the recording booth, his stomach dropping at what he saw. As impossible as it was, Chris Evans’s chin had seemingly tripled in size, looking incredibly wide and broad and stretching his face and adding exaggerated length to it. With shaky hands, Chris ran his hands over his new chin, feeling his familiar stubble and the physical sensation receptors on his skin picking up on it perfectly.

“Wh-what happened to me?” he uttered in his deep, bellow voice.

The director just continued to grin before he leaned over and spoke into the intercom again. “We spent a lot of money getting you onto this project,” he explained to the altered man. “I just need to make sure the production company’s investment is protected.”

“You can’t do this!” Chris shouted, trying not to look at his warped reflection, feeling as if he were staring into a funhouse mirror whenever he caught sight of his massive jaw. He tried to leave the recording room to find a doctor or someone who could help him and return him to his normal form. He had no idea how he could get any new roles now by looking like a caricature of some action figure with such a huge chin. And he sounded ridiculous with his bass-filled voice that put James Earl Jones to shame. However, the door was locked, effectively trapping the actor in the recording booth.

“No, you’re not going anywhere,” the director scoffed. “Now we have to record the next two movies in the series because Disney milks everything to death.”

Chris Evans paled, running his hand over his rounded and bulging chin in disbelief as he stared at his shocked, altered face.

“Aww, don’t be so nervous Chris,” the director teased. “Think of it: You will be the best voice actor from now on with that hot, sexy baritone you possess.”

Chris Evans sighed, feeling defeated and having no idea what else to do. “Fine,” he muttered, and even though he tried to speak softly his voice still bellowed out deeply and manly, like he was imitating some cartoon superhero, which was how he would sound forever and for the rest of his roles.

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2 years ago
Robert Forstemann Flipped His Bike Over, Resting It On Its Seat And Handle Bars. The Two Wheels Were

Robert Forstemann flipped his bike over, resting it on its seat and handle bars. The two wheels were sticking up straight into the air, the front one looking a little flat.

“Damn,” the bicyclist muttered to himself as he looked at the flat tire. He was at the track with a few of his fellow competitors, ready to get some practice before the big meet next week. He was dressed in his tight spandex, the skin-tight material clinging to every curvature of his musculature, especially his plump ass and meaty thighs that he was well known for on Instagram.

Robert waddled over towards the sidelines where a few of the bicycle pumps were. The bottom-heavy man’s ass swayed from side to side as he walked, his large thighs rolling over each other as he moved. A few of the other men looked at him with envy, mentally comparing their much smaller legs to the German machine’s.

“Got a flat?” one of his competitors, Alaric, asked him when he snatched up a bike pump.

Robert just nodded, not really interested in making small talk. He just wanted to pump up his tire and get out onto the track for practice, desperate to keep his title as one of the best bicyclists in Europe.

Alaric got the hint and pursed his lips as his eyes ran up and down the other man’s bubblebutt as he walked away. With a devious gleam in his eye, he muttered something under his breath and grabbed a bike pump of his own before stomping over towards his own overturned bike.

Robert set the pump down at his bike and affixed the hose to the nozzle on the tire. It was one of those standard pumps with the plastic sticking out at the bottom for the user to stand on while they pump at the handle to inflate air into the tire. Robert put his feet on the bottom and gave the pump one large crank, and then another, and another.

The bicyclist cocked his eyebrow in confusion when he started to feel a tightness in his legs, more specifically, in his glutes. They seemed to start to ache a little, almost as if he’d just completed a strenuous leg workout in the gym for hours.

But the tire didn’t inflate in the least.

“What the hell?” Robert wondered aloud as he scratched at his stubble in confusion.

He double checked the connection of the hose and gave the pump one more thrust, but the tire didn’t inflate.

“Damn, this must be busted,” Robert grunted. He shifted his weight from foot to foot as he tried to come up with a solution to his problem, immediately freezing when he felt an unaccustomed weight at his backside as he did so.

The stud cocked his eyebrow in confusion and looked behind him, not quite knowing what to expect. He didn’t, however, expect to see his butt looking as if it had tripled in size, pressing against his spandex shorts to the point of bursting.

“Scheiße!” Robert exclaimed in shock, his eyes going wide at what he saw. He knew that it was impossible, yet he stared down at his much larger ass that seemed to form a perfect right angle from his back. His cheeks were massive and they were perfectly round. His tight spandex shorts did nothing to conceal them from public view, being stretched so tightly that his deep crack was even visible from the white synthetic material.

The cyclist gave his new bubblebutt a tentative poke, his knees buckling as the mere touch of his ass sent tidal waves of pleasure throughout his body.

“Oohh… oh, oh no,” he panted, blushing as soon as the realization of what had happened to him hit him. Robert realized that somehow his butt had inflated to an incredible size, and it had mysteriously become insanely sensitive.

Robert panicked as he frantically looked around at his fellow cyclists for help. None of them seemed to notice that anything was wrong, all of them paying more attention to their own bikes than to his massive ass.

“You doing alright, Robert?” Alaric asked him, nodding his way.

Robert shook his head incredulously. “No!” he cried exasperatedly, gesturing at his large asscheeks. “Look at my ass! You gotta help me! Get me to a hospital, call 112!”

The other man laughed, even cocking his head to the side innocently. “I don’t see anything wrong,” he teased.

“Nothing wrong?!” Robert repeated, going so far as to turn all the way around to showcase his caricature of an ass, wincing when he felt the cheeks jiggle as he moved. “Look at this thing!”

Alaric approached and playfully gave Robert’s inflated ass a slap, making Robert moan loudly and his cock start to twitch to life.

“Oohh, wh… what are you doing?” he panted, incredibly humiliated, yet deeply turned on. Worse was that the formerly straight stud longed for the other man to touch his ass again, and he found himself arching his back to push his larger cheeks closer to him.

Alaric ignored him for the time being, taking immense joy in the needy whimpers from the other man. Instead he grabbed a hold of the bike pump and gave it a few pumps.

Robert’s eyes widened when he felt that odd pressure in his bigger ass, only to see the cheeks inflate even larger. “Wait! Alaric, please don’t!” the bottom-heavy stud begged, only to keep feeling his ass grow larger and larger…

– – –

(Photo Source: https://twitter.com/alakazam1988)

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2 years ago

Maybe a story about muscle modifications morphs? Like a guy says he’d like a body like a Greek statue and ends up like the enormous ass Perseus he morphed?

Maybe A Story About Muscle Modifications Morphs? Like A Guy Says Hed Like A Body Like A Greek Statue

“Babe, this is stupid,” Beau yawned as he followed his boyfriend, Darren, around the museum. Beau had told his boyfriend that he was fine with going to the museum that had a special exhibit on Greek statues, but he’d only been saying that to be nice. Truth be told, the stud had absolutely no interest in art or going to boring museums. However, Darren had complained earlier how the two of them never do much together besides sex.

Darren frowned. “Well, let’s look at this one,” he said, pointing to a statue of a naked man.

Beau rolled his eyes and crossed his buff arms over his muscled chest which stretched his t-shirt to the limit. “If you wanted to check out some muscles, then I could’ve given you an up-close-and-personal view at home,” he muttered under his breath.

Darren didn’t hear and was already on his way to look at the other marble statue.

Beau sighed heavily and leaned against an empty podium that had a “Coming Soon” plaque on it. As soon as he rested against it, he felt an odd shock ripple through him, making him gasp.

“What the fuck?” he grunted, taking a step away from the vacant space. He looked around for some indication that someone else had seen, only to realize that he was by himself in the wing of the museum.

He shrugged and started to make his way towards where his boyfriend had walked off, feeling an odd tightening sensation across his body— RIIIPPPP!

Beau froze in his spot and looked down at his body, his eyes going wide as he witnessed his muscles packing on meat. The ripping sound had been from his shirt unable to contain his growing mass from his arms bulking up and his pecs plumping out in front of him. He took a nervous step, hearing yet another loud ripping noise as his shorts tore away from his expanding form.

“Fuck!” he gasped as his thighs started to push closer to one another and he felt an immense weight on his back side. He looked over his shoulder and nearly passed out as his bubblebutt started to get bigger and bigger, his cheeks inflating outwards and puffing out at the sides to inflate to the size of basketballs.

When the growth was finished, Beau looked over his larger form in shock. A part of him was ecstatic over his larger muscles, but he was also embarrassed over his immense ass that jutted out from his body at a severe angle. He blushed when he realized that he was naked and stuck in a warped body that was more akin to one of the Greek statues than his normal self.

He saw the back of his boyfriend as he studied a nearby painting, and opened his mouth to yell for help.

Beau strained and tried to yell out for Darren, but no noise came out of him. He cleared his throat and kept trying over and over, but all that came out from him was silence. Beau frantically rubbed at his neck, but something caught his eye.

The bottom-heavy hunk cocked his eyebrow as he looked at his hands, noticing that they were paler than normal.

His heart sped up in his larger chest as the stud watched the paleness grow in intensity until his hands looked as white as the marble on the statues in the museum. He waved his buff arms around wildly, as if he could shake off the marble color that was taking over, but all it did was continue to spread, consuming all of his buffed up body.

Then Beau felt his large legs start to propel him forward without any control on his end. He gritted his teeth as he fought with all of his might to stop walking towards the empty podium, wincing as he felt his much larger asscheeks shifting and jiggling with every step he took. Beau positioned himself up onto the podium and raised one of his buff arms, props appearing out of thin air in his grasp and on his buff body. He even felt himself push his large bubblebutt out to accentuate its roundness.

A cool breeze blew over Beau’s warped, pale body and he found himself frozen in a pose, stuck as one of those Greek statues in the museum. He tried with all of his strength to scream or to move a muscle, but he was helpless— stuck silent and motionless.

He saw Darren walk back into the wing, looking around for him. “Beau?” he called out, looking confused as to where his boyfriend went.

Beau screamed internally as he witnessed his boyfriend looking around for him before leaving to another part of the museum to continue his search. All the while, the bottom-heavy statue was stuck in his pose, forced to hear the many comments from the other museum goers about how large his muscles were and how hot his massive ass was.

He was a work of art.

Maybe A Story About Muscle Modifications Morphs? Like A Guy Says Hed Like A Body Like A Greek Statue

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2 years ago

Hi I heard you were taking requests and I was hoping to throw one in. I just broke up with my boyfriend recently because I met his OTHER boyfriend, so it would actually cheer me up to get a good revenge story on a cheater. Please and thank you! Love your work, btw!


A/N: Real quick, I am so sorry to hear about that! I’ve been cheated on, a’plenty. It sucks, so let’s mess with some asshole.

— — — —

Lonnie opened up the apartment door, smiling coyly as his boyfriend’s best friend, Bruce, sauntered inside. “Hey there,” he grinned as the toned jock entered the apartment.

The two of them had been hooking up for months now behind Darren’s back. It had started out as a drunken mistake at first, but then it became a second time, then a third, and now they were full on fuck buddies. Lonnie never told Darren that he was fucking his best friend behind his back, mainly because he liked dating the nice guy who was always quick to keep the apartment clean and to buy him something that he’d think he’d like. It was the best of both worlds, in Lonnie’s head: He got to have a doting boyfriend while he got to fuck the brains out of the university’s captain of the soccer team.

“How long do we have?” Bruce asked, already yanking his polo off to expose his toned chest with his chiseled abs.

“He has pharmacology class today,” Lonnie answered, hungrily running his eyes up and down the other guy’s physique, “so we should have three hours.”

Not wasting anymore time, the two studs embraced and began to feel up the other’s toned muscles. Bruce yanked Lonnie’s shirt off and tongued his perky nipples, enjoying how he made his best friend’s boyfriend moan loudly, turning him into putty with one touch. Lonnie’s strong hands slipped into the back of Bruce’s skinny jeans, kneading the stud’s bubblebutt, growing hard himself as he began to look forward to fucking it raw.

His eight inches rock hard, Lonnie playfully shoved the jock back onto the sofa, pouncing. He lusted after Bruce’s abs (something Darren didn’t have), licking at the muscled ridges as he traveled up the jock’s toned chest.

Bruce let out a low moan as the other hunk bit down on his nipple, his head rolling back as his body was taken over with pleasure. His six inches was painfully hard, being confined in his jeans and he struggled to undo the button in his sexual haze.

Lonnie worked his way to Bruce’s mouth, the two of them heatedly making out as they ground their toned bodies together, their pecs and abs jostling against the other’s. The sweat on their chests was already thick, making their skin stick a little bit.

The movements of their chests rubbing up against each other’s started to slow down, the stickiness of their sweat starting to grow in intensity.

“Wait,” Bruce moaned, placing his hands on Lonnie’s shoulders. “Turn on the A/C or something.”

Lonnie shook his head. “Don’t got one,” he panted, feeling like whenever he’d sit down in his car’s leather seats during the summer, his skin feeling like it was getting glued to the other stud. It was feeling a little uncomfortable. “Let me open up the window.”

The hunk tried to push himself off of the couch, but he felt weighed down, like Bruce was holding onto him. He glanced down, his jaw dropping when he stared at their chests.

“What the fuck?!” Lonnie panicked as he stared down at the way his pale and Bruce’s tan skin had seemingly rushed together. With shaking hands, he poked at the fusion sight, his heart dropping when he felt no seam at all. The two of them had somehow become attached, their different skin tones evening out where they met.

Bruce was stunned silent, unable to say a word as he stared down in horror at the way his abs had been completely engulfed by his fuck buddy’s. Fear spiking through him, he tried to shove Lonnie away from him. “Dude, get off me!” he shouted, whimpering when he felt his own body being jerked around from the motion.

“Wh-what’s happening?” Lonnie cried when the stickiness increased, and a force seemingly yanked him in closer to Bruce’s body. Panic immediately began to take a backseat to the immense pleasure he felt as his body slowly merged with Bruce’s.

Both studs couldn’t hold back the moans of pure ecstasy as their muscles combined, feeling as if they were having the deepest penetrating fuck of their lives. Their chest finished molding, each one having one of their arms merged completely. Their asses were next, their new combined one being a little firmer and rounder as both of their muscles seemed to pile on top of each other instead of being diminished. Even Lonnie and Bruce’s cocks merged together, their previously sizes adding up to create a long fourteen inch monster that was as thick as a beer can. Each former respective part of their bodies retained its normal hue, yet the middle mixed together to create a seamless blend of the two young men. The only attributes left untouched were the stunned jocks’ heads, which now sat side by side atop broadened shoulders.

“Unnghh!” both of them grunted in tandem as their shared cock jerked and unleashed a large amount of cum that squirted up high into the air, only to fall back on their shared chest.

Once the orgasmic bliss started to fade, the altered studs began to panic again, each one using the arm that he controlled to feel around their combined body in disbelief. No matter where they touched, both of them experienced the sensation, especially in their larger, shared cock, which appeared to have double the sensitive nerve endings now.

“What the fuck happened to us?” Bruce panicked as he tried with all of his might to stand up to get a better view of his new body in the mirror. The conjoined studs struggled to move, each unable to figure out a rhythm to get the leg that one of them maneuvered to move along with the other’s.

“W-we have to get help!” Lonnie freaked out, having no idea how on earth he was going to explain to a doctor that he now shared a body with his fuck buddy. He turned his head to look at Bruce’s, which felt way too close for comfort as their noses brushed up against the other’s due to the proximity. Even when looking out forward, their cheeks would occasionally brush up against each other, taunting them about their new closeness.

The door unlocked and Darren walked inside the apartment, his eyes widening at the two-headed stud that stood before him.

“Babe!” Lonnie cried out, struggling to rush over to his boyfriend, but he nearly stumbled as Bruce couldn’t keep up with his frantic movements. “You gotta help us! I don’t know what happened!”

Darren’s eyes narrowed behind his glasses as a knowing smile formed on his lips. “Yeah,” he mumbled. “How could this have happened, unless the two of you were here together alone in our apartment? Curious…”

Bruce paled and he opened his mouth to spout something about how he and Darren had been best friends for years, but the smaller man held his hand up.

“You two are incredibly stupid,” Darren scoffed, “I’ve known for quite some time. And all these revenge scenarios ran through my mind, but in the end, I decided to be nice. I mean, obviously the two of you wanted to be closer.”

Lonnie’s jaw dropped while Bruce ran a nervous hand through his own hair.

“B-but, you can’t leave us like this!” he whined, stomping the foot that he controlled.

Darren shrugged. “Apparently, I can,” he smirked as he walked past them, heading to the bedroom. “I’m just here to grab my things. You two have fun. Just pretend I’m not here… again.”

Lonnie and Bruce wobbled down the hall with their lengthened cock dangling wildly with every movement, desperately pleading with the other guy to return them to their own separate bodies. The thought of having to go through life sharing a body was tortuous— always being reminded of how they’d snuck around together.

Now they were closer than ever.

-- -- -- --

This was a request. If you have a picture of a stud you’d like me to TF, then message me or send me an Ask!

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2 years ago
Youre Such An Ass! Sam Roared As He Stormed Into The Gym Managers Office.

“You’re such an ass!” Sam roared as he stormed into the gym manager’s office.

The manager, Greg, tried his best stifle a laugh as he saw the muscle man waddle and try to walk with his pumped up thighs. He was obviously having a hard time with the giant bubble butt he now sported which jutted away from his backside like a shelf, making it look like he had two pumpkins shoved into his tight blue speedos— the only article of clothing that fit him.

“I find it ironic that you’re calling me an ass,” Greg smirked, loving the way Sam’s face turned red.

“You son of a bitch!” the bottom heavy hunk shouted, trying to stomp threateningly over to the desk, but his jiggly booty ruined the effect. “You told me that the supplement would give me a bigger cock and build my stamina, but all it did was give me this giant ass! You have to fix it!” He turned around to show the manager what he was talking about, his massive cheeks seemingly in perpetual motion as he turned. The speedos he wore made stretching noises as they struggled to contain the inflated cheeks.

Greg shrugged his broad shoulders. “I lied,” he simply said.

Sam stood there dumbfounded, unable to look away from his warped reflection in the posing mirror that was in the office. “B-but how can I fix it?” he pleaded.

Greg stood up from his chair and walked around the desk towards the altered stud. “There’s no fixing it,” he simply said. “And before you ask why I did this, I think you know why. You and I both know about how you thought your flirty teasing was going to get me to give you a membership discount. Well, all that teasing came to this.”

He slipped his hand down the back of the speedos, his finger lightly brushing up against Sam’s tight hole.

“Ooohhh!” Sam gasped, his knees going weak as an earthquake of pleasure tore through him.

“But I was honest about your stamina increasing,” Greg grinned, enjoying how Sam’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he circled his finger around his hole. “But, it just so happens to be with your bubble butt now. But don’t worry, I’ve worked out the formula so that you’ll never want to play with your cock anymore. Nope, you’re never gonna cum unless something is shoved up that tight hole of yours.”

Sam’s mind was too overcome with the immense pleasure he felt from having the other man toy with his hole, his cock painfully hard. His head rolled back and he knew that if Greg was telling the truth that there was only one way he’d get release.

“Fuck me!” he begged, falling onto all fours on the office floor and wiggling his massive bubble butt towards the other man.

Greg unzipped his pants…

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