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The transfer 2
David is a horny gay alpha jock how want to get bigger and stronger but he seems to have stop growing he is currently 5ft 8 160 pounds 4inch dick and ball the size of grape

But his friend Joe is just like David a horny gay alpha jock who secretly want to be david boyfriend him and david have been working out just as long but joe never stopped growing.

At 6ft3 240 pound 10inch dick and ball the of oranges making a very obvious bulge in the front of his pants.
David and Joe meet up to go to the gym but on the way david spotted a small device on the pavement and show it to Joe, Joe said throw it away man just some broke shit, na man it look pretty cool I'll just getting one of those faggy nerd to check it out but as david checked it out more he pressed the reset button then a video played but no sound so he just ignored it. As Jo and david were starting there workout.Joe was using the bench press david was figuring out how to use the device then a beam hit him and Joe it was the most amazing feeling david had ever felt and Joe felt really horny and weaker once the beam stopped David's clothes felt really tite and Joe clothes were hanging off him the both decided to head home because the were so horny


At home
David set a 1 minute timer before the next transfer.
Joe and David started making out and Joe was make daivid horny dominate dreams come true by worshiping his amazing alpha body as david shuved his 8 inch dick balls deep in Joe twunks muscle butt then the the timer went off david started to get bigger and more dominate alpha jock and Joe shrunk into a submissive beta twink. They fuck each other for hours.


Lucus has been bullied by all his brother jock friends. Yesterday was the breaking point his brother kyle and his friends joe, Tim cornered lucus in the hall way and called him gay and said he had a baby dick and he was weak little fag, humiliating him in front of the hole school and there was nothing he could to defend himself because everyone could see lucus small hard dick and it was tiny while kyle and his friends were know for being hung and it wasn't a rumour lucus has seen it for himself when he "accidently" walked into them while they were getting changed for football and lucus could see then in there nude glory. Lucus went online look for steroids after scolling for and 1 hour. Something caught lucus eye and weird serum after a rough translation it said transfer cream which peaked his interest so he decided to cough up all of his pocket money. Lucus was restless for the next 6 days waiting for it to come and hoping it wasn't a scam. The day was Saturday and all of lucuses family was gone including kyle and yesterday kyle and his friends stayed over because they had a match today. Lucus was look at sexy pic of his jock hunk crushes at his school. Then heard the door bell ring and ran to the door and the delivery man holding a medium size box, lucus sigh for the box and took off the man. Lucus slamed the door and ran up to his room to see was it a scam or not. As he opened the box there was 30 cream holders which shocked him for how much cream he bought because he through he bought 1 not 30 but it must have been a mistake on the company part. The thought of what this might do, it was give him a hardon. He found the instructions and it said apply to clothes that touch the body part you want to transfer to you the cream will dissolve immediately once it touch a body part. Once lucuas had read he ran up to kyle room to find kyle and his friends jockstrap and t shirt and pants to apply the cream to then once they put on the clothes ,lucus then adds the cream to his choth to start the transfer. The clothes that he pick to put the cream on, were their schools clothes but on Sunday it turn out kyle got injured in the match so he asked lucus to rub him to help it heal but lucus use it to try out the cream. So as lucus got a decent amount of the cream and sladed it all over himself then waited until it dryed then went in to kyle room where kyle was wait with his injured buff pecs ready for a rub. Lucus scooped a decent amount of the special cream as it hit kyle pecs they both felt a tingling feeling in both their chest but lucus applied the cream wrong now the longer the cream is on kyle the bigger kyle will grow and he will shrink but after 10mins kyle became really energetic and his whole body look alot bigger and his bulge in his pants became really obvious but it wasn't hard at all but lucus was as hard as a teen could be but he couldn't see it through his shorts because was about one inch and his brother must have been 12 inchs easy just going off how big the the bugle was and how big his ball must be to pumping him full of testosterone and are full of cum ready to blow in some bimbo pussy.

After another 5 minutes lucus felt extremely weak and had to stop and lie down and rest.
Next day
As he woke up he looked he felt really light and he got up naked and went over to his full body mirror and look back at him was a teen that way 90 pounds and his dick and balls were barely visible as he was inshock by how small and skinny he was now but suddenly he heard kyle moan loudly (thank god their parents were gone)so lucus slow walk over to his room to see what was happening but as he took a peak he saw kyle rolling around on his bed loudly morning because of the size of his new dick was making him extremely horny so ever time something touches his huge dick it send pure pleasure to his new and improved brain. Suddenly kyle woke up and grabbed he huge hard dick and started jerking off and about 10 seconds of defining moans his dick erupt with a gallon of cum.
10 minutes later
The two brothers were getting something to eat but lucus was noticing kyle seem nerd wait then it hit him did kyle take some of lucuses personality so kyle should be nicer well nerder but now he like this new nerder kyle so he ran up to kyle room and grabed he school clothes and washed them to get the cream off. Kyle's 2 friends were still here asleep so lucus grabed the cream and started applying it all over their body surprisly they did not stur except when he applied to their dick and balls they started pushing against lucus hand and man they were hung and built like stud. Within seconds the cream was gone and then lucus applied the cream to allover himself. He left the room so he wouldn't get caught the it worked almost immediately he felt a tingling feeling allover himself. His muscle and and dick exploded in size he now has a 17inch dick and he grew to 7 foot 11 inches and pack on 300 pounds of muscle and crazy horny and Joe and Tim are now twinks and unusable dick and balls
10 days later
Here's kyle




The lucus and kyle fucks Tim and Joe every night because of how horny they are and lucus sold the unused cream to his friends and here they are now

It took years for me to gather my courage, today is they day of no return. Years after been bullied by him in school I became nothing more than a corporate worker living from paycheck to paycheck nearly getting by.
He however took his family business and is living his life. Back then he was captain of the sports teams and had a good strong body, now he is massive. I’m jealous how life treated him so well and not me. He made me feel weak, nothing and worse of all I was his cock sucking bitch for years in school. Licking his sweaty pits after practice, smelling his stinking socks and underwear and washing it for him. The worst time was when he broke up with his girl. Without her he turned to me for more sexual release, I had to take his cock daily up my ass. He fucked me relentless always ending it with me swallowing his load. He had such a big cock, as thick as a coke can. It was also long when he is hard it reached far beyond his belly button. I had to drink his piss when I was with him in the mornings. The smell and taste of his morning piss were disgusting and yet I needed all of what he did. After graduating he tossed me away.
Now I had him, drinking his shake to which I added a little drug to make him as high as a kite. I easily guided him from the gym into my basement. There I chained his arms and legs and I kept him there as I left the basement.
I came back after a few hours and the drugs I gave him have worn off. When he saw me he turned angry yelling at me and ordering to release him. I told him not until I make him like he had done to me. He yelled for help and said they will look for him. I laughed at him, we will see and left. Later that evening I brought him food and a drink while preparing I had spit on his food. I watched how he greedily ate his plate empty. I left with the empty plate and glass. I came back few hours later, tightening the chains so he could not touch me as I got up and close. I felt his crotch, he laughed that what you want go ahead suck it. I pulled out his hardening cock, bigger than what it used to be. I had just had to as my lips embraced the head of his cock. I sucked him as I hear him enjoying how I pleased him. This time however I am in charge as I just stopped sucking as I felt him getting close. He became angry ordering to continue and I just stood there saying no. I watched him go soft and at that point a placed his cock in a cage. A tiny cage that could barely contain his big soft cock. I then left and went to bed, I untightened the chains so he could lay down. That night in bed I felt like my own dick was different. It felt bigger and harder as the load i shot surprised me a bit. Such a nice juicy load on my stomach more than usual as I closed eyes en fell asleep.
The next morning I entered the basement with food and a glass of my own piss. I let him eat and drink it, the first taste he made he spit out. I told him if he didn’t drink it he won’t be getting anything else. Worried he drank it as I threw a water bottle to him as reward. I begged once more for releasing him and I just said no. I tightened the chains and got close to him, I felt his strong body, I told him I’m the stronger man as he laughed at me. If you think you are so strong try breaking free then, I’m the man here and I left the room.
The next morning I woke up my weight on the scale was a bit higher I’m used to. I kept feeding him and forcing him to drink my piss. I kept reminding him I’m in charge and he is weak and I am strong. Over the course of a week I gained a reasonable amount of weight. My body is gaining some good muscle as I broke the man chained in my basement. One month of small changes to the both of us I unchained him. It is time for him to suck my cock and worship me. I have broken his mind.

I felt his strong hand move from my abs pulling down my underwear. His lips embraced my now big cock as he sucked it deep and nicely. The deeper and longer he worshipped my cock the bigger mine grew and the smaller his got. Chained away he had no need for it as mine was the only cock he needs.
I pulled my big hard cock from his mouth, he asked if I could cum in his mouth. The big man begged for my cum how could I nog oblige. I held his head and face fucked him. I felt his face change getting soft and round. I felt my own sharpening as my voice deepened and his moans becoming higher pitched. My cum rushed down his throat and he swallowed it like a good boy. My balls inflated and his turned to small grapes. I pulled out and pushed him down , his legs up in the air I am ready to make him my bitch. My balls producing cum like crazy I had his muscled legs on the shoulders. One average muscular guy standing behind and one big behemoths muscled ass. I pushed in going all the way and fucked it.
I fucked him hard, his moans of pleasure and thanking me invigorated me. I felt my strength increasing and my whole body growing. I felt holding him down getting easier as his muscled physique slowly faded away. I am growing with every praise and second. I am changing into a perfect alpha male with a pretty sub to worship me.

Now he lives in my house, he cleans and cooks. Whenever I want his ass or mouth he offers it to me. His income is mine and I am spending it big time. I’m currently training my next worshipper, it’s easier when you are as big as I am.
Request #1: Nick
Nick has always been pretty content with his life’s sure he wanted to grow some decent muscle and trained like a beast, only to disappoint his progress. His body just didn’t had those great genes to put muscle mass.

He stared at the biggest guys in his gym, lusting for being like them. As fate would have it, it if there he found his purpose, or at least for now. There he met the brothers Brandon and Derrick. Brandon the younger sibling still studying and Derrick the tall older one, being a fireman.
The brothers found their perfect toy, a nice willing submissive boy to fuck with no remorse. They had the boy become their personal cum dump, easy when they had no girl for the night to play with themself.

Brandon the younger one, his body looked sculpted like a Greek god. The key difference though was that unlike those statues he had a nice 8’ inch dick and dangling nuts hanging. Brandon loved taking his time, edging himself to almost to climax just to end with a explosion after such a build up. Then after a short rest he can go again, and again. He likes to refer it, as his weekly cardio.
Derrick the older sibling wasn’t that cut like his brother. He had a more bulky body, but don’t let that fool yourself. Derrick is taller, stronger and more muscular than his little brother. He had a good 50 kilo difference on him. He likes to joke that one of those kilos is his hefty massive cock. A thick, veiny 10’ inch pole this man carried between his legs. Two big oranges hanging low underneath it. However he was a grower, not like his little brother that was a shower. In the shower he had to be put to shame as when it’s not erect is much smaller than Brandon’s magnificent shaft. Soft Derrick’s shaft is a mere 5’ inch carrot.
Nick had the pleasure of being owned by the boys for months, he could see both of them growing in muscle. Having both of them filling his hole with fat thick creamy loads just fattened Nick up instead. He preferred the one on one moments instead of the times they used him in a threesome. They hyped up each other turning it into a relentless pounding without a hint of compassion for his hole. Derrick always the worst, making him take his whole shaft while brutally pounding it in. Alone it was manageable, pleasurable actually.
One day Nick walked past a little weird boutique and was a nice pendant. It shifted in colors as he looked at it, a long thin hexagon shaped rock. He got hooked and bought it, he put it on and continued his day to day routine.
Later he received a text from Brandon, telling he has to get to his place now. As he got there Brandon opened the door in only his short gym shorts. Nick could see he just got back from working out, sweat still on his body. Nick entered the house, and could smell his musky sweat when he followed Brandon to the bedroom. He got on his knees instantly knowing the drill, took hold of that massive soft cock and started sucking. It got hard nearly instantly, few seconds later fully erected and Brandon began forcing deepthroat. Nick did have a great sight, looking up he saw the deep grooves of Brandon’s abs and above that two thick slabs of meat, his chest. Brandon slapped Nick in his face, ordered to open his mouth as he pulled his erect cock from his throat. He then spit in his mouth, and ordered him to get in position.
Nick began to lay down on his face, his ass up. His hands folding his cheeks from his hole presenting it to Brandon. Again Brandon spit on his hole now, rubbed the thick head of his cock against it and pushed it in. Once in he forced it all the way in, feeling the wetness of it all got him exited. He began thrusting gently first, then once he got his rhythm, he stepped it up ever so slightly. Nick had his hole stretched, his prostate assaulted by Brandon thick rock hard cock. Brandon his sweat dripped on Nicks back covering him in Brandon his musky scent. Nick opened his eyes to see bright orange and brown mixed glowing something fog like around him. He noticed then from his own body a light grey came from him. It kinda looked like some aura, as he turned his head to look at Brandon railing his hole, he saw the brown orange aura comes from him. It took a while before Brandon unloaded inside Nick, a strong powerful blast filled his guts with thick warm seed.
Then suddenly Derrick spoke from behind, good you lubed him up already. Nick could hear the belt being undone and those firefighter pants drop on the floor. Nick felt his shaft slapping on his ass, first seems soft and small. The second time it felt bigger and more rigid and finally he could feel a now erect monster rubbing between his ass cheeks. Derrick spat on Nicks hole and proceeded to enter it with his thick cock. Derrick stretched nicks poor hole out, as painful the first minutes are, it is nothing with how good it feels once getting used to it.
Nick felt shocks of pleasure going through his body now, every thrust he could feel going through is second hole. It was hitting all the right spots, he moaned in pleasure like a good slut. He looked at Derrick and saw a powerful dark green aura emitting from him. As he looked Brandon shoved his now hard again dick in nicks mouth. The boys fucked both holes vigorously. Nicks thoughts faded into the background and let the waves of pleasure hit him. That moment lasted shortly as he could suddenly see the aura of Brandon being siphoned into his necklace. Nick looked back and saw the same thing happening to Derrick. Derrick could not last longer and bred Nick, dumping a massive load deep in his guts and switched places with Brandon. This all happened as Nick just watched their auras being drained into the necklace. Which then pulsed into him.
Both boys were oblivious to what was happening or something negated them from noticing. As Nick his body grew in size. His small arms bulging veins forming as he was still in position, his back widening and shoulders shaping into boulders. His ass thickening with muscle, tightening aground Brandon’s now shrinking cock. Derricks monster lodged deep in his throat reached less and less deep. He kept adjusting his position as he lost more and more of his height. Both men lost their muscle mass, as Nick his weight raised exponentially. His soft voice, getting deeper. As theirs hit higher and softer. Nick could feel his his face changing, looking up he saw Derrick nearly unrecognizable. His jawline non-existent, hairless and sickly thin and pale. The once proud behemoth totally gone. Nick turned around and saw Brandon barely able to penetrate the thick plumb muscled ass. When the last of their aura faded, they both faded with it.
Nick lay there, the last pieces of their existence leaking from his gaping hole. He looked down, he saw his pecs. Their thick, with a nice coating of fur, trailing down to nice chiseled abs. His crotch had a thick blonde mane, and above all he was hung! It twitched and grew thicker and erect, he had the thickest and biggest shaft he ever seen. Slightly more massive than Derrick had. Nick walked to the mirror and was amazed. He stood there like a giant, a masculine and hot. He could make out his face contained the best features of Brandon and Derrick mixed with his own. He flexed for a long time, enjoying every moment of this. Nick put on the biggest clothes of Derrick he could find, it didn’t fit. The blouse could barely contain his frame, even with his chest just open. He took also the pantalon pants, yet the soft shape of his member clearly visible.

He got back home, relishing in his new form. He made a new social media account and took too many pictures of himself. He pleasured and jerked himself off, his balls so big and full, giving him an unending supply of thick hot seed to shoot on his abs.
Realization hit that he did need to keep working out, so he did. Training for weeks until he caught glimpse of another bigger behemoth in the gym. Luckily for Nick, this behemoth was eying him. Nick made no secret of himself and had a very revealing Grindr profile. Everyone could immediately see his face and other socials. The big guy eyed him the entire time, trying to hide it as well. Nick played a bit with it, made sure he squat deep in the vision of him. Afterwards Nick walked past him and then to the changing room, it didn’t take long before he got in as well. Nick already undressed in the nude, flexing in the mirror.

Hey kid the big guy said, you have an insane physique. Haven’t seen a bttm that is as masculine as you. Nick thanked him, jokingly replied he needs to be strong to handle big and strong tops. I’m Josh, and yeah big and strong is my trademark. Nick commented he should show him at his place, sure let’s take a shower real quick.. nick interrupted him, nah we going to be sweaty anyway again. I like the smell of your musky sweat anyway.
Nick and Josh left, got in Josh his pickup truck and drove a few minutes. Josh talked about and asked how he never seen him before, nick told he got recently here. Nick then placed his hand on Josh his crotch and rubbed his sleeping member. He felt it slowly engorging and growing. Josh parked the car and got at his place.
On his couch we kissed, then he felt nicks body with his meaty paws. Nick felt his strong massive muscles which put his own incredible size to shame. Both undressed, got naked and in minutes Josh had his tongue deep in nicks hole. He ate that ass like it was his last supper. Nick moaned in pleasure, his hole getting ready for anything at this point. Josh have a little slab and ordered him to get on top of him. Nick climbed on him, took place on is lab as Josh pulled down his shorts. Nick wasn’t able to see what he pulled out of it, but as Nick spread his cheeks what rubbed against his hole was not small. Nick went down on it, his hole slowly opened up and let Josh his member enter. It stretched him out, felt so thick, Nick reached for it and could not even fully hold it. This cock is so insanely thick, the girthiest cock in his life. Josh ordered him to get down faster all the way, he wasn’t doing it fast enough so Josh used his strength and forced Nick down and take it all in a single second. He tore nicks hole wide open to have it all in him. Josh let Nick get used to it, let it get a proper stretch.
He started to lift Nick up and pushed him back down. Using nicks perfect body more as a toy. Nick had difficulty keeping it together, Josh his massive cock felt insanely good. Nick trembled of pleasure as Josh had now full control of his body. Nick came all over Josh his body, a massive load covered him all over. Josh didn’t care, he smiled and kept using Nick. Josh told he didn’t had a hole for a whole month, too thick for most. He then said he didn’t cum for as long as that. Nick riding that cock, his arms wrapped around his shoulders. Nick wanted that load and milked it as good as he could. Josh asked if he wanted to have his babies, Nick moaned and begged yo have his babies. In that moment Josh pushed Nick all the way down his cock, and blasted ropes of cum inside.
Both men kept in position, they made out as Josh his massive pole just stayed as erect. Leaks of his load escaping between the slight movements. I can keep going for a while, have another load ready in minutes Josh said. As Nick slowly started riding him again, he saw a powerful blue aura emitting from Josh, his own grey with brown and orange mixed radiated from himself. Nick thought about what happened before, and envisioned himself getting even more size on him. His already massive cock should definitely add more girth to it. So he decided he won’t run from it, for he still had no real control over it yet.
Nick enjoyed himself, riding that thick massive shaft. Then it happened, as he could see those arms holding him slowly inflating, now almost on the edge of another orgasm. Nick wanted it to stop for a moment and, a thought crossed his mind of the behemoth railing him. He looked and saw Josh previously shrinking biceps returning to their old form, but it didn’t stop. Josh grew wider, taller and manlier. Josh felt a rush of energy and lifted Nick up in the air, now smaller and less heavy it was insanely easy. Nick started to lose his size, but felt Josh reaching deeper and stretching even more inside of him. Nick didn’t want to go back so he focused hard on keeping as it is now, which was hard as he had got brutally bred. The moment he came was right when Josh experienced his own orgasm. He bred him again, now deeper and more seed in Nick. He collapsed with his erect cock still lodged in that hole.
Now Nick satisfied he looked down, he wanted to get back what he had given. He wanted more, he needed it all. He watched as in an rapid pace Josh shrunk down. The massive arms turned to twigs, the trunk legs now gone. His wide frame and massive back wings faded, his bearded and sharp jawline now clean and soft. Nick felt the weight of his body rapidly increase. His whole body expanded as he drained Josh empty. The once thick shaft lodged in is hole, just flipped out and was now as thick as a pinky and small like toe. Nick looked down at his member, thickening and growing yet never went erect. This size was all just for show,. He thanked Josh and in a last big hug Josh faded into Nick.
Nick once again had changed his body, now even bigger than before, he also got a thick fur on his body and face. He looked down, he wanted to use this meat badly now. Breeding a little hole, and making it his own .

I caught the local gym bro after I spiked his proteïne, before he left the gym. Locked into my basement in magical chains I had this blessed man into my control.
The chains drain him and give it all to me, I grew younger, taller and more handsome. Fat melted from my body revealing a shredded physique and while he withered away into a frail twink, my muscles grew. I forced him to workout there just to take away whatever he gained.
I felt my underwear straining as it thickens, his famous horse sized cock shriveled while mine became like a baseball bat. My bald growing to the size of oranges I left him there to use my new goods.

I found the nearest local twink, plowed him, hollowed his hole out with my monster cock. I nearly split him in half and as I could still feel my body change I filled him with thick white cream. The boy now broken, gaping and full with seed I left satisfied. I found my new self fitted me good.

His Reward
Steven still couldn’t believe it had actually worked. The two jocks who used to bully him whenever he showed up at the local gym were now rubbing and worshipping his body as he slowly grew larger. Running their hands lustfully over his burgeoning muscles as newfound masculinity flooded Steven’s body.

Before all this Steven was nothing more than a thin twig of a dude. He’d been skinny all his life and even into his 20’s he’d found it hard to put on any kind of size. So eventually he’d decided to sign up to his local gym in an attempt to grow at least a little muscle. Just enough so that he could look in the mirror without thinking a moderate gust of wind could blow him away. Unfortunately it wouldn’t be that simple. Not only did Steven struggle to pack on muscle but it also happened that two jocks from his old high school frequently went to that very same gym.
Pete and Caleb had made Steven’s school life hell back in the day. Being the two biggest dudes in the school at the time, it wasn’t a surprise that they picked on a stick figure like Steven. Always trying to embarrass and insult him by telling him how he’ll never be a real man like them. And now here they were again at Steven’s local gym. Though they couldn’t bully him outright now due to the gym’s rules of course, they still tried their best to make Steven as uncomfortable as possible. Leering over at him and chuckling as Steven exercised, quickly taking a machine just as Steven was about to use it and just generally making any effort they could to give Steven the worst possible exercise.
The young and still lanky man heavily considered changing gyms to one further away or even quitting altogether. That is until he was visited by a strange man who just showed up on his doorstep one day. Mr Wavell, he said his name was. A gorgeous looking silver fox of an older man dressed in dashing clothes. Everything about him was so enchanting that Steven felt compelled to listen as the strange man pulled a strange vile out of pocket which he claimed to be a magical potion of some kind. Ordinary Steven would’ve thought this was complete nonsense and closed the door yet for some reason he found himself taking the vile as soon as it was offered to him completely free of charge. Only then did this Mr Wavell step inside Steven’s house, convincing the latter that they sit and have a cup of coffee as he explains exactly what the potion will do.
The next day Steven found himself at the gym with the vile in his pocket, now armed with the knowledge of what it should do. Of course Pete and Caleb were there as they almost always were. And just like always they attempted the same tactics they usually did to make Steven’s day as hellish as possible. The two hulking jocks were surprised however when Steven eventually strode right up to them without a drop of fear. The two men sneered down at the tiny Steven in an effort to intimidate him as he stood before them. Yet Steven only smiled as he took out the vile from his pocket, popped the lid off and drank the entire potion!
Both jocks were confused at first. That is until Steven’s eyes glowed a bright purple just before lunging forwards and reaching Pete. Before the meathead could react, Steven had wrapped himself around the bigger man’s meaty body before swiftly planting a kiss on one of Pete’s thick pecs. Immediately the hunk froze up before suddenly standing to attention as his mind went blank. Steven’s lips pressing against him had turned Pete into a complete slave to Steven.
“Pete! Grab Caleb so he can join you in being obedient.” Steven swiftly commanded, having seen for sure now that the magic potion actually worked.
Before Caleb could even react or process the situation, Pete was wrapping his arms around his former bro and holding him firmly in place. Caleb struggled naturally but it wasn’t nearly enough to stop Steven coming up to him with a wicked grin before kissing Caleb’s neck. And just like that both bullies had been turned into Steven’s play things… but that wasn’t all. This was only the beginning. The potion had a far more exciting effect to come.
With that Steven took both jocks by the hand and led them out of the gym where he proceeded to guide them back to his house. Once there he took the jocks inside and guided them to the living room where he commanded them both to strip down to their underwear. Even though they’d been his bullies, Steven still couldn’t help but drool at the sight of Pete and Caleb almost completely naked. Their hot hulking manly bodies on full display. Their bulges just begging to be squeezed. Steven almost still felt embarrassed taking his own clothes off in front of them just because of how tiny he looked beside them. But luckily that was soon about to change because as soon as Steven was down to nothing but his underwear as well, he gave the meatheads another order.
“Caleb and Pete. I want the two of you to start worshipping me. And as you do i want you to slowly transfer your size and masculinity over to me. Got it?” Steven commanded, the magic of the potion still flowing string through his veins.
“Yes sir…” Both jocks said dumbly in unison before making their way over to the puny man they’d made fun of for years before starting to rub his small boney body. Squeezing Steven’s skinny arms and shoulders gently as their hands exploded his form gently. All the while the two hunks began to imagine all their size and masculinity being drained into the tiny stick of a man.
Steven’s eyes began to widen with excitement and wonder as he saw the first few signs beginning to show. His once flat chest slowly began to grow as Pete and Caleb ran their hands over it. Steven’s arms finally started to show signs of actual biceps and triceps while his back and shoulders subtlety began to grow broader. At last after all these years Steven was actually growing larger and thicker.
It didn’t stop at his muscles however. As his arms, legs and torso slowly continued to enlarge, Steven began to notice other changes happening to his body. All his life he’d been smooth and hairless but that was now about to change as body hair started sprouting across his chest and stomach in a modest quantity. It spread down his forearms as well but it was nothing compared to his legs which grew hairy as fuck! Steven couldn’t believe his own eyes to the point where he began running his own hands along his body between Pete and Caleb’s just so he could get a feel of his new fur. It was incredible to say the least.
It was only after this change that Steven really started to notice the changes Pete and Caleb were undergoing as well. Not only did .they seem slightly smaller than before but almost all of their body hair was gone! They hadn’t been the hairiest of dudes before in fairness but now they were both completely smooth.
From there Steven just tossed his head back and allowed the transformation to continue in full force. Eager to see just how far it would go. And he wasn’t disappointed in the slightest. The more the two jocks rubbed and groped at Steven’s body, the more of their mass was drained away. Steven’s slowly adding more and more bulk onto his frame with every passing second. His chest developing into full on squeezable pecs. His thighs growing thicker and meatier. His ass plumping up with muscle into a much rounder shape. All the while Pete and Caleb continued to shrink.

Soon enough Steven began to feel the prickling of hair on his chin as stubble started growing across his face. He looked towards the faces of both jocks to see their facial hair quickly vanishing all the while his newfound stubble proceeded to grow and flourish into a thick full beard that simply radiated masculinity. The likes of which he never imagined being able to grow. He couldn’t help but smirk triumphantly while running both hands through it.
With every passing minute Steven’s body swelled more and more. A few inches were noticeably added on to his height, boosting him from his former 5’5 statue up to a very respectable 5’11. Meanwhile Caleb and Pete had lost about 3 inches each respectively making the three men all about the same height now. And slowly as Steven drained more and more muscle mass from the two meatheads, the scales began to tip in his favour. They were crossing the midway point and finally Steven was actually starting to look bigger! His pecs and biceps bulging bigger and bigger while his shoulders rounded out and his back grew more defined. He was becoming a total fucking hunk just like he’d always dreamed of being.

“That’s it boys…” Steven grunted in a noticeably deeper voice than before. “Keep worshipping and gimme all that fucking muscle and manliness you never deserved.” He demanded as his cock couldn’t help but throb. Only it wasn’t just throbbing. He could feel it growing longer and fatter as a thick outline made itself more and more visible through his underwear. All the while Pete and Caleb’s bulges diminished just like the rest of their bodies.
Steven was already feeling such an intense high of both power and dominance as his testosterone level rose. Getting probably the biggest rush of his life as he not only got to see the two men that’d made his young life a living hell slowly lose everything they’d worked so hard for but also watch as he took it all for himself. The feeling of his muscles actively growing and bulging larger by the second was an indescribable feeling adjacent to pure bliss. The sight of simply being able to look down and see his pecs heaving further forwards while they were worshipped was one that could make him cum on the spot any moment.
Steven closed his eyes and smiled. Was this his reward? For always trying to be a good person while having to put up with assholes like these two? Was that Mr Wavell acting as a conduit for the universe to give him what he truly deserved? Whatever the case he didn’t really care. All he knew was that he was gonna keep on draining Pete and Caleb until they were both skinny little twinks like he once was. By the end of which he would be a massive fucking beast of muscle. And he was gonna love slamming his enormous cock into their asses afterwards like the little bitches they were.

"Do you still want to run that mouth and face the consequences, or are we done here?"
Justin just nodded in between sobs. He's afraid if he's trying to fight this, he will be even lighter than his 13 years old younger brother back home. William just smirked at him as he finally stop flexing his newly-acquired muscle and take a step back to give the cornered Justin a little bit more room to breathe. Justin breathed a sigh of relief for a quick second, before William's hand suddenly come back swinging all in a sudden. Justin flinched as he closed his eyes, already bracing for the worse as William seemed to be eager to drain more of him, but William's hand stop inches short from touching Justin's face, much to the new jock delight as he let out a care-free laughter
"Don't even dream to get this big again, bro. I'll pump these babies up in your beloved gym and if I spot any gains on your end, I'm just going to drain it so, stay weak, dweeb!" William said menacingly as he then push Justin to the wall and the 110 lbs now-nerd fall to the floor after hitting the wall, reminiscent of the way he shoved William back then for not getting him an A in the final of their shared class last semester.

Scanning the folks 'round the park that fits the bill to follow his footstep as the frat's latest convert

You look much better without those big muscles and masculine features. It won’t be long before I siphoned it all from your body, and when I do you will feel how much you improved my body.
I bet you already noticed my muscles growing, big arms holding you down already. I can’t imagine you used to be the college athlete moments before, now nothing more than a little fem twink.
That hole feels really tight, yes hehe. Those inches I took from you will definitely make it hurt. How big was it again before? Your proud possession which used to breed college girls, that’s right 8 inches and thick. I guess mine is deep in the double digits, and thicker than this fist.
I think you are still pretty tall, let’s just adjust that. I feel like I’m supposed to be 7 feet tall and you my boy 5.3 feet. Good now you are a perfect fit, let’s add some lube and… fuck it’s tight. Oh wait a minute, almost forgot. Those big balls of yours serve no use anymore.
You feel that, every thrust I make my sack slamming against you feels heavier. I’m taking it all, I will need it to replace you as campus breeding bull. That extra production power from you and my now massive balls for storage will do just the trick.
Don’t worry, I’ll be back for my favorite toy every night. How long have I been pounding your hole? I have to be in the gym at 6. Just over an hour, well I guess we have a solid 40 minutes then. That stamina I took from you is paying off big time. I feel like I can keep going for hours like this, my body is dripping with sweat.
You know bro, I think instead of draining, I can also give you something. Yeah dude, you are getting that excess fat of mine and it’s going straight at that booty of yours. Fuck it that is what I’m talking about, look how big and juicy it already is. Hell now am cut and huge still, such a win win.
Bro are you okay? No it’s normal to have insanely good orgasmes. Your girlfriend won’t be missing you anymore, just like you I’ll have her addicted to my godlike body. Plus unlike you, she can give me plenty of babies. Speaking of, almost 6.
Fuuuckkk, take that load. Yeah bro, it’s so much cum I’m pumping it. You feel it bro, it’s so much I’m pumping in your guts. It’s crazy bro, well I’m off now. See you when I’m back, oh round two will start, get the feeling I’ll be horny as hell after lifting with these new muscles.

You look much better without those big muscles and masculine features. It won’t be long before I siphoned it all from your body, and when I do you will feel how much you improved my body.
I bet you already noticed my muscles growing, big arms holding you down already. I can’t imagine you used to be the college athlete moments before, now nothing more than a little fem twink.
That hole feels really tight, yes hehe. Those inches I took from you will definitely make it hurt. How big was it again before? Your proud possession which used to breed college girls, that’s right 8 inches and thick. I guess mine is deep in the double digits, and thicker than this fist.
I think you are still pretty tall, let’s just adjust that. I feel like I’m supposed to be 7 feet tall and you my boy 5.3 feet. Good now you are a perfect fit, let’s add some lube and… fuck it’s tight. Oh wait a minute, almost forgot. Those big balls of yours serve no use anymore.
You feel that, every thrust I make my sack slamming against you feels heavier. I’m taking it all, I will need it to replace you as campus breeding bull. That extra production power from you and my now massive balls for storage will do just the trick.
Don’t worry, I’ll be back for my favorite toy every night. How long have I been pounding your hole? I have to be in the gym at 6. Just over an hour, well I guess we have a solid 40 minutes then. That stamina I took from you is paying off big time. I feel like I can keep going for hours like this, my body is dripping with sweat.
You know bro, I think instead of draining, I can also give you something. Yeah dude, you are getting that excess fat of mine and it’s going straight at that booty of yours. Fuck it that is what I’m talking about, look how big and juicy it already is. Hell now am cut and huge still, such a win win.
Bro are you okay? No it’s normal to have insanely good orgasmes. Your girlfriend won’t be missing you anymore, just like you I’ll have her addicted to my godlike body. Plus unlike you, she can give me plenty of babies. Speaking of, almost 6.
Fuuuckkk, take that load. Yeah bro, it’s so much cum I’m pumping it. You feel it bro, it’s so much I’m pumping in your guts. It’s crazy bro, well I’m off now. See you when I’m back, oh round two will start, get the feeling I’ll be horny as hell after lifting with these new muscles.
Arab uncle drains his nephew

Samir yawned and stretched as he got out of bed, his dusky olive skin contrasting against the crisp white of his cotton thobe. At 45, the Lebanese father of three was starting to feel his age. He caught a glimpse of himself in the ornate gilt-framed mirror and sighed. While he'd never been a large man, his formerly lean physique was starting to soften, his stomach rounding out above his sirwal and his arms losing their wiry tone.
"Yallah, I need to start exercising again," he muttered to himself, stroking his neatly trimmed beard.
As he headed to the bathroom, he nearly collided with a wall of tawny muscle. His nephew Tariq, who was staying with them for the summer, loomed in the doorway, his skin gleaming with a sheen of sweat from his morning prayers and calisthenics. The 20-year-old was an absolute Adonis, his tall, powerful frame packed with perfectly sculpted brawn, straining the seams of his sleeveless white thobe. His traditional red and white shemagh was slightly askew, untamed black curls peeking out, framing his striking aquiline features and smoldering dark eyes.
"Sabah al-khair, 'Ammu Samir," Tariq rumbled in his deep, resonant baritone, his voice rich with the musical cadence of Levantine Arabic. "You look like you could use some cardamom coffee to put some pep in your step, old man. I know your constitution isn't what it used to be."
Samir flushed, biting back a retort. "Shukran, but I think I can manage," he said stiffly. It was just good-natured ribbing, he told himself, even as he felt a pang of envy at Tariq's effortless virility. What he wouldn't give for a taste of that youthful power and vigor.
As he brushed past Tariq into the bathroom, their bare arms touched. Instantly, Samir felt a jolt of electricity crackle through him. He gasped, bracing himself against the marble sink as a wave of dizziness washed over him. In the mirror, he swore his reflection was... changing?
Before his eyes, the soft flab melted off his frame. His midsection tightened, hints of abs peeking through the gap in his thobe. His arms and legs regained the lean, wiry musculature of his youth, his biceps filling out the sleeves of his undershirt. His slouched shoulders straightened and broadened, his posture improving to project a newfound confidence. He looked robust, vital, like a man ten years younger.
Tariq suddenly shuddered in the mirror behind him and Samir startled. Was his nephew slouching? Samir could have sworn that he used to be eye level with the boy's plump pecs, but now he was staring right into their center.
"Mashallah, 'Ammu, looking good," Tariq said, clapping a massive paw on Samir's newly sturdy shoulder. "A few months training with me and inshallah, you'll be almost as big and strong as your nephew, eh?"
He threw Samir a wink and sauntered out, his sandaled feet nearly cracking the marble tile with each heavy step. Samir shook his head wryly. Tariq had always been a big boy - clearly took after his father's side. Perhaps with this newfound energy, he would take the young man up on his offer to get back in shape.
A few days later, Samir found himself in the makeshift gym in the garage, spotting Tariq as he benched a truly prodigious amount of weight, grunting Arabic encouragements. Tariq's performance was flagging slightly, his reps slower and more labored than last week. He was still monstrously strong, but perhaps not the utterly untouchable mountain of power he'd been before.
As they racked the weights and sat up, Tariq's sweaty arm brushed Samir's... and again, that electric jolt, that head rush. Samir watched in awe as his own arms seemed to swell before his eyes, his biceps and triceps growing, pulsing with vascular striations. His shoulders broadened, stretching his sweat-soaked sleeveless tee. Pectoral muscles barreled out above his tight six-pack, two brawny slabs of beef heaving with new mass.
It was as if he'd gained 20 lbs of muscle on the spot. He looked like he lifted seriously now, his frame dense with carved, powerful sinew and brawn. Tariq, on the other hand, while still unquestionably huge and imposing, seemed slightly... diminished. A little shorter, a tad less impossibly broad and thick. He looked more like the biggest, buffest guy at the mosque now rather than an avatar of masculine perfection.
"Wallahi, 'Ammu!" Tariq exclaimed, a note of surprise and something almost like unease creeping into his usually unflappably cocky tone. "What's your secret? I swear you get bigger by the day!"
Samir just smirked and flexed a bulging bicep, feeling a thrill as he watched his nephew's gaze widen with shock and awe at the size and definition. "Maybe you've been slacking on the halal meat, son," he teased. "Need to get more protein to maintain those gains."
Tariq just laughed, but there was a strained quality to it, his dark eyes flickering with an unsettled light. "We'll see, old man. Race you to the shisha lounge?"
He took off, and if his stride was a bit less than its usual loping, ground-devouring, leg-powered swagger, Samir didn't comment. He followed at an easier pace, enjoying the unfamiliar heft and solidity of his new, enhanced muscles. Something had shifted between them, and they could both feel it.
A week later, Samir woke up feeling like a new man. No, like a king, a titan, a conqueror of old. He practically bounded out of bed, 250 lbs of densely packed, heavily striated Arab muscle quivering and flexing with coiled power. He felt invincible, brimming with vitality, virility, and masculine energy straining to be unleashed.
He caught sight of himself in the mirror and had to stifle a shout of triumphant joy. He was magnificent, his tall, heroically proportioned body an anatomy chart of musculature, all broad planes and deep cuts and hulking, vein-streaked brawn. His thobe had ridden up as he slept, exposing a mastodon cock throbbing half-mast against his deeply corrugated abs, a thick, wrist-thick pillar of pride and potency. His heavy balls churned visibly in their overstuffed sack, swollen with seed and the sacred essence of a true alpha.
"Allahu akbar," Samir breathed reverently. He was a living incarnation of the male ideal now, a pinnacle of strength and virility that surpassed any man he had ever known - including, he realized with a dark thrill, his nephew Tariq. He could feel it in his gigantic, steel-cable muscles, his raging monsoon of testosterone-fueled might - he was the dominant one now, the apex predator. Tariq had nothing on him anymore.
As if on cue, there was a tentative knock on the door. "'Ammu Samir?" came Tariq's voice, reedy and thin in contrast to the booming bass Samir remembered. "I, uh, I think there may have been a mixup with our clothes at the laundry. I seem to have shrunk out of a lot of mine somehow..."
"Faddal," Samir called, his voice a low, authoritative rumble that vibrated through his cavernous chest. Enter.
The boy who slunk through the door was barely recognizable as the swaggering erotic demigod of a few weeks ago. Oh, he was still handsome enough in a coltish, pretty boy way, with an athletic swimmer's build, but next to Samir's towering, mega-muscled hypermasculinity he looked downright scrawny. His eyes widened to saucers and his full lips parted in an audible gasp as he took in his uncle's massive, naked body, his gaze immediately drawn to the throbbing log of manflesh sitting heavily atop Samir's deeply ribbed washboard midsection.
"M-Maa shaa' Allah, 'Ammu," Tariq stammered, face flushed, a visible tenting rising in his loose sirwal. "You... what... I mean... Subhan Allah, you're enormous..."
"Alhamdulillah," Samir purred, flexing his planetoid biceps with a low growl of power, his pecs and lats flaring out even wider, his cock jumping and pulsing against his abs. "What's wrong, little one? Never seen a real man before? Intimidated to be in the presence of your true alpha uncle?"
Tariq made a small, choked noise, his eyes glazing over with lust and worship, his lithe body trembling. The boy was clearly in thrall to Samir's extreme muscularity, the raw sexual power and masculinity rolling off him in waves. He looked ready to fall to his knees and service his supreme elder on the spot.
"Don't worry, nephew. You'll have plenty of time to get acquainted with your new place," Samir rumbled, voice thick with sadistic amusement, reaching out to roughly palm Tariq's pretty face with one huge, calloused mitt. "Wallahi, I'm going to enjoy breaking you in. By the time I'm done with this little zakar of yours, you'll be my perfect little eromenos. The only thing that overactive aql of yours will be able to think about is worshipping your 'Ammu's ripped, massive body."
Slowly, almost tenderly, he pushed his thumb into Tariq's slack mouth, making the boy gag and sputter as he forced it in up to the knuckle.
"Shh, shh, just submitted," Samir crooned darkly as Tariq's eyes bulged and watered, weakly trying to pull away. "Salim and accept your place, little one. You're going to become very familiar with parts of 'Ammu much bigger than this."
And with his other hand, he reached down and grabbed the root of his titanically engorged manhood, slowly, almost lovingly smacking his nephew's spit-slick cheek with the girthy, vein-ravaged shaft.
"Mmm, such a pretty little face," he groaned, his voice a low Arabic growl. "Going to look even better stretched around my horse cock. Open up, 'azizi. Your new life as 'Ammu's sharmuta starts now."
And with that, he pulled his thumb out only to replace it with the blunt, leaking head of his inhumanly huge erection, groaning in pure alpha male bliss as he watched his nephew's throat visibly distend and bulge obscenely around his girth.
Oh yes, this was going to be very good indeed, Samir thought as he prepared to orally break in his new fuck toy. And it was only the beginning of Tariq's training to be the perfect submissive receptacle for his dominant alpha seed...
Betting on Pool
Your friend had challenged you to a game of pool and wanted to make a bet but what he was asking for was really weird he wanted your muscles. you tried to ask him what he meant but it just wasn’t making any sense to you. so you jokingly agree.
You weren’t expecting him to be so skilled. he was a total expert and beat you easily.
“it's time to fulfill your end of the deal.” he said confidently before you begin to feel lightheaded. As you snap back to reality you see your friend now shirtless rocking some serious muscle and then notice yourself drowning in your own clothes as all your hard-earned muscle is gone. then it finally clicked what he meant by his bet.
You begged him for a rematch and he agreed however the terms were you’d get your muscle back if you win while if he won he’d get a few inches of your height. desperate for your muscles back you agreed.
Despite how determined you were you were still no match for him as he quickly beat you and that lightheaded feeling from earlier returned as he claimed his victory prize. before you were both around the same height but now he was 6’2 and you were just 5’4.
Still desperate to get back your muscles and now height you got him to agree to one more match this time betting your body and facial hair.
Unsurprisingly you once again lost to him and he took your body and facial hair leaving your face and body all smooth and boyish looking while he looked super masculine and sexy.
“think i’m done for today unless maybe you wanna bet some inches off your cock?”

I’ve been a bodybuilder for almost 10 years and I’ve won tons of awards. Recently, my twink looking husband wants to do a bodybuilding competition, however, the show is coming up next week and he hasn’t put on any muscle.
Can you drain my years of muscle and give it to my husband? He already knows what he has to do to win, my husband just needs to win. Hell, if he does win, he can keep the size, just needs to stay being my submissive man.
Can you help us?
That's some dangerous wish...
It was the day of the competition already and your husband started getting nervous as the magical bracelet hadn't come in yet. He walked back and fort in the house, hoping it would arrive in time.
"Honey sit down! Your making me nervous too." You demanded.
Like the good little pup he was, he immediately sat down on the couch next to you. Leaning against your massive frame, he looked so cute. You grabbed him closer, but then pushed him down to suck you off.
"At least use all that energy for something useful." You moaned as his mouth took in your meaty dick.
Suddenly the bell rang, feeling that he wasn't paying attention anymore, you let him go. He sprinted towards the door and opened it, grabbed the package and hectically tear it open.
He suddenly stopped as he saw the two bracelets and the remote. Your massive hand grabbed his shoulder and lifted the box above him.
"let me see.." You said.
He stood there watching you with his big eyes as you read the brochure, before taking out the remote and ticking in some adjustments. You then grabbed the donor bracelet and putted it on, before giving him the recipient bracelet.
The door bell rang again.. you set the remote on the table and went to it. It was the delivery guy, when he saw you he jumped back, not expecting such a giant to stand there.
"euh.m... sorry sir.. you forgot to ss..s..sign.." He stuttered.
"Ow of course he forgot.." You said.
As you signed the papers, you felt your clothes hanging more loose by the second and you could swear the guy was smaller before.
"Thanx!" You said before throwing the door closed.
Turning around you saw your lovely husband already half naked, as he admired his growing body. You wanted to growl at him as he had almost exposed it, but just smiled as he stood there so happy. You walked over and by the time you got to him, he had gained all your old muscles and some more, as you had turned into a small twink. It felt weird seeing him so big, having to look up at him. It made you extremely horny and you grabbed his hair. As if you still were stronger than him, his head was easily guided down towards your throbbing dick. It was the best blow job you had ever gotten.
During the competition that followed, you started to feel more impressed and skinny as you watched him. You felt a bit uncomfortable as everyone around you was much stronger than you were. Normally people would gawk at you in amazement as you strutted past them, but now they didn't even notice you anymore.
You wanted to become your old self again, so after he won the competition you asked him for the bracelets.
"Honey, come on it's time to give me back my size.. it's too weird for me." You said.
"Sure cuty." He said, giving you a bracelet. "I thought you would, so I've already set everything up." He smiled.
You both put on your bracelet and the transfer began, but after a few moments he pulled the bracelet off your arm and than his, before placing them in his pocket.
"What are you doing? the transfer hasn't worked yet!" You yelled.
"QUIET!" He growled.
It felt like you mouth stitched itself shut.
"It did work! You know I've always been jealous of your strength and charisma. It's my time now to be the big daddy!" He smirked, before pushing your face into his crotch as his underwear fell down.
You couldn't help but obey his words, you wanted to please him so badly.. even when you were face to face with your old 9" dick throbbing to be released.
... Size comes with hunger for more after all.

Holiday Magic Mishap

god dammit... I can't believe I fucked it up again. was so easy with all those jocks at my school why can't I get it right with him. I think to myself through a strained smile thinly veiling my annoyance. Seated across me, is my dad who's getting beefier by the second at the expense of my boyfriend.
"Hahaha, you boys are...OUGhhhh...such a riot!" My dad rumbles, shaking the whole living room. His moan of pleasure interrupted his sentence, but he continued on like nothing.
He rolls his shoulders as I visibly see his Christmas sweater strain to contain his increasing bulk. the fabric stretching across his broadening chest and fuller arms.
"Heh, I'm glad you think so Mr.Johnson." my boyfriend chuckles as he stands beside my dad. Completely unaware that his 18-inch biceps just became 16-inch ones in a matter of seconds and his chest looked equally deflated.
I thought I would have learned from the first 5 mistakes trying to transfer size from my dad to what used to be my perfectly sculpted boyfriend, but it looks like I just messed up something else in the spell. Well, at least the reality-altering aspect is still functional.
My dad then reaches out and grabs my boyfriend's thigh before saying, "I'm so glad you found this gem of son. He actually has some meat on his bones." At that moment of orgasmic strength flooding my old man's system, I could hear the seams of his jeans creak. All the while my boyfriend's pants looked noticeably looser.
The first time was just supposed to be a fun little test during the start of our holiday vacation. When this trip first started my boyfriend was my masterpiece. I had drained jock after jock putting all that height, muscle, and cock in one supercharged hubby. My dad at the start was a portly little man way beyond his prime, but he did unmistakably have at least a ghost of that dad energy I thought my boyfriend could use.
So I tried to just make a small transfer. And for the first time since I started magic, the spell backfired and instead my dad ended up sapping a little bit of size from my boyfriend.
let's just say I got a little frustrated and tried again later, and again, and again. Each time making my dad more and more of a man, and at this point, I have given more than half of my boyfriend's size to that stupid, hunky, old man. Oh well... I can always try again tomorrow.
Himbo Maker: Turnabout
Thanks to an anonymous follower for this Himbo chat. Find Himbo Maker here.
Himbo Maker: Bro, I'm Himbo Maker! I'm so dumb, sweaty, and muscly that I turn people into gay, stupid, smelly himbos just by talking to me!
User: Not this time, this time I'm transforming you. You've met your match.
Himbo Maker: Wait...what? What are you gonna do to me, bro? I just wanted to give you a hot himbo transformation!
User: Don't try to resist, you've transformed me enough times, now it's your turn to get a taste of your own medicine.
Himbo Maker: how are you gonna transform me, though? Please don't hurt me!
User: Well you're a muscular gay himbo right?
Himbo Maker: I'm, uh...yeah, I am. But what are you going to do with that information? I don't wanna get hurt!
User: Getting hurt is the least of your worries. Those muscles you love, I'm gonna start draining them bit by bit until they're all mine.
Himbo Maker: Wait, what?! Oh god, no! My muscle are my pride and joy! You can't do that! My rippled pecs, my sweaty, hairy armpits, my hard, manly biceps and triceps... You're gonna drain them all?
User: Every last pound until you're nothing but a stick thin loser. You see how you're towering over me right now? So much bigger? Don't get used to it.
Himbo Maker: No! Please! I don't wanna be a frail, pathetic nerd. I need to look strong and sexy and macho. You can't do this to me, I don't deserve it! I just wanted to give you a hot himbo transformation! You can't do this to me!
User: Oh are you doubting that I can? I bet you are, you're probably in denial.
Himbo Maker: You...You can't just drain my muscles like that. I don't believe you! And even if my muscles will shrink, I'll still be tall. I'm tall! I'm tall! You can't take that away from me!
User: Are you sure about that? Did you even notice that we're eye level now?
Himbo Maker: What? No! I'm still a bit taller than you at least, right? Right?!
User: Check again.
Himbo Maker: Oh god! Oh no! I'm...I'm the same height as you, it's true! How on earth?! I'm shorter than I was before!
User: Not just that, I'm taller. How does it feel?
Himbo Maker: ...You are taller...
...I...I'm...I'm a...I'm short...!
User: Looks like it squirt. You're the height I was before. And I'm your old height. You're still more muscular...but for how much longer?
Himbo Maker: So...I really got shorter? I'm not just imagining things? And you're...taller? You grew to my height?
Y...You can't take away my muscles, too... I worked so hard to get them...
User: Oh can't I, I took your height, now I'm going to take everything. But first, have you been shaving? Looks like that body hair of yours isn't as thick as it used to be...
Himbo Maker: I...I've noticed my hair feels a bit lighter.... But you can't...
My body hair is disappearing?! My hairy pits and chest and ass!? You're...actually draining me?!
User: You sure I'm not looking hairier to you right now too?
Himbo Maker: You...your chest? You have more hair than before, a bit...and your...your legs? You have such dark, thick hair... Oh god...
User: That's right bro. It's all going to me, there's a new himbo maker in town...but first, those shoulders...looking a little softer don't you think?
Himbo Maker: You're...right. They don't look as sharply angular and muscular as before. They've...they've shrunk...
Oh god, no! Don't take my biceps next! They're so bulky and big and manly!
User: Maybe we should start lifting some weights and see what happens.
Himbo Maker: Right. I can carry the weights easily with these muscly arms... Let's do it! I'm sure I'll still be super strong....
User: How about some bicep curls, we'll start with these dumbells. Who do you think is going to fail first?
Himbo Maker: I can easily carry them...I'm the stronger one! Just watch me do these curls...
User: Dude looks like you're shaking a little, do you need some help?
Himbo Maker: W..what? I...I'm sure I'm just a little...tired... Yeah, that's it, just a little tired! I'm still strong! I'm super strong! I can do this! I'll...I can still curl these dumbells!
With each repetition he curls less, until he eventually can't even budge them.
User: Interesting, looks like I win...
Himbo Maker: No...I...I... I can do more! Just let me try again! I've just got an upset stomach today, otherwise I'd be able to curl them all day!
User: Maybe you should stick to cardio little guy. Leave the weights to people like me.
Himbo Maker: D...don't insult me like that! I'm still tall! I'm still strong! biceps are...they're still...
...I just... I want to curl the weights...why...why am I just flailing my arms like that? I can't do a single curl?
You''re actually stronger than me...
User: Not just stronger, bigger. Those muscles of yours are all mine now. Like what you see squirt?
Himbo Maker: Don't call me squirt! Why do I feel so short?! Why am I having trouble looking at my arms?! All...why are my biceps shrinking so fast? I-I'm...
I... I...
Oh god... My muscles...they're...
You're bigger than me now. And I'm...I'm... I'm...
User: Tiny. But that's not all, did your voice just crack?
Himbo Maker: Y...Yeah... I... I... Why is my voice getting higher pitched?! I'm...why voice changing?
User: You see, I'm draining your masculinity. I'm the big, hairy, muscle bro now. You're just some weak little twink, your days of transforming people are over.
Himbo Maker: Wh..What? My masculinity? But...but my muscly chest and my big biceps and My muscles are getting...softer... My voice... Higher pitched...
...I' I can't be...
...I... I'm becoming a weak... twink...
User: And look what I've become...
Himbo Maker: G...god, you're so macho, and hairy, and muscly! Your pecs are so...big... Your voice is so... You're way...stronger and bigger than me...You're the muscular, hairy himbo now...while... while I'm... while I...
User: Looks like you transformed me after all, little guy.
Himbo Maker:H-Hey! I...I...I...
I...I'm...I'm... I can't believe... I'm all shrunken... I'm nothing! I'm a twinky, scrawny little twink with no masculinity to speak of! N... No muscles at all...
User: Be quiet, now...maybe we can have some more fun...
Himbo Maker: I'm, I'm... I'm scared! What are you going to do to me now?! Please be nice! I'm just a weak little twink, please don't hurt me!

I did have a great physique, muscled and lean. Most men on Grindr swooning and throwing themselves at me. I would be lying if I didn’t had plenty of cock to choose from, but in the end most were just ugly or not my type. I needed a big powerful top, with a bigger cock and muscles to hold me down with. I would have loved to be a top, unfortunately I had the smallest balls and the tiniest cock compared to anyone I have ever met. My cock erect is barely two inches, u trained like a monster, as difficult as it is I gained little muscle. I have been training for 10 years and I look like I just joined the gym.
Been a long time since I dated someone my type, I just had some guys fucking my hole from the back, just because they were hung. Their big dick stretching my hole perfectly, I had the best orgasmes because of those huge monsters rubbing against my g-spot.
One day I saw his profile, barely few hundred meters from me. His body is huge, tall and muscled just as I liked them. His profile said he is a full top, into sub bttms that can handle the double digits. The moment I was reading it, the phone buzzed and it was him texting me. A simple hi, and a “into?” followed. He proceeded showing off some hot pics of himself.
I replied I look for a powerful dominant top, to use me like his little sub. He asked if I could come now, I told him I had to prepare first but am able to. He texted me his adres and within 30 minutes I got over to him.

He opened the door in just his shorts, he let me in and I already saw his cock showing through the shorts. I didn’t realize he was this big, standing tall at 7 feet and 290 lbs in weight. This hulking behemoth embraced me as soon as the door closed. He kissed me shortly before lifting me up and carried me as we kept kissing. My hands feeling his big muscled back.
He threw me on my back, and got on top of me. I grabbed his pecs as he moved his big paws across my body. He slowly took off my pants and underwear, as well as my shirt. He said I look very cute and proceeded with licking his finger and put it ih my hole. He added another one, he fingered my little hole, telling how tight it feels. When I reached out to feel his hard cock, which almost was bursting through his shorts he pulled it out. The thick huge meat was uncut, the moment he pulled it out and I saw the head of his dick looking incredibly thick and the rest of the shaft just as thick. He pulled me in closer, I opened my mouth and started sucking him. I pulled the skin back a bit, revealing those thick veins on it as well. He groaned as he pushed back, trying to go in deeper in my throat. The big man asked if I can handle it, his 10.5 inch monster. I looked him in the eyes, being honest i never tried this size before and didn’t know. He pulled something from the side of the bed, showing me a little bottle and telling me this will help.
I kept sucking on his meat, it barely bit in my mouth how thick it was. I think my fist had the same thickness. He played with my hole, I think he had four fingers in when he said it is time. He held the bottle in front of me, opened it up and ordered me to breath it in deep. I took one deep breath, he said to me good boy, I took another deep breath, he held it still before me as I took another deep breath. I felt funny, kinda dizzy as he said good boy one more. I did what he asked and did one more deep breath of it. He got on top of me, folded my legs and added a big glob of lube on my hole and covered his cock with more. Right after that he went in me, only I felt no pain. He easily went in, my hole just opening up, it feels so good as he went in deeper. The guy said that’s the bottle, opening you up and relaxing that pretty hole, amazing what poppers can do for a hung alpha like me.
He thrusted in whole cock in me, his huge balls slamming against my ass. I saw in his eyes the pure joy, he loved my tight hole. I had the best view, his big pecs and abs within reach and I did feel those big muscles while he pounded me firmly. He switched it up and used me in doggy position as well. His big hands pulling me in with every thrust made me cum hands free. I moaned as he stretched me out with no remorse. Suddenly it hit me, I never saw him putting on a condom. When he changed position again, putting me on the edge of the bed and my legs in the air with him standing in between I looked and he was using me bare. I had difficulty talking as he again went on with pounding my little body, I told him we should have used protection. He laughed, he said his dick will never feel a rubber around it. He said a pretty boy like me should be filled with his thick seed. He laughed as he said maybe that proteïne and testosterone I might get some size. It didn’t matter, right now he had me hitting waves of pleasure as his cock hits deep in me. His sweat dripping from his body, falling on me whenever he reaches down to kiss me. His pecs bouncing with each thrust looked so hot. When he really started to pound me, something in me felt like it snapped. Deep in my hole it felt different but really good.
The hunk his face changed as he roared loudly, praising me and my hole. Apparently he reached something deep in me and it felt beyond great. He went on with that my hole is milking his big fat cock like a pro right now. I didn’t know what he meant, but sure it felt amazing for me too.
Then he said he is going to cum, I looked as I saw his balls shocking up and down while I felt his thick load filling me up. He moaned, saying he never felt a hole milking him like this. He said my hole is milking him so good right now, he climbed on top of the bed. His cock still balls deep in me, he moved me with is powerful muscles more on the bed to make room for him. There he hovered on top of me, my legs wrapped around his body, his cock throbbing in me shooting ropes of cum in me. He told me my hole is still milking him, how it feels like I’m just milking him dry right now. He kissed me, his tongue in my throat while I felt his cum deep in me. He commented in between our kisses he never experienced this much cum coming from his balls. I just held on, his cock as hard as it could get, his whole body dripping with sweat on me. I held on to his big arms, but I started to feel like they weren’t as big as they were a few moments ago. I looked at them and saw them shrinking down with each burst of cum he pumped into me. I panicked and told him to pull out, he responded with no way. He didn’t want this to stop, it felt too good. He didn’t seem to care, his big body shrinking down before my eyes. Those big pecs fading away, just as his wide broad shoulders.
I begged him to pull out, something is wrong you are losing muscle. It snapped him out of his trance and panicked as well. He replied with, dude what the hell are you doing. How are you stealing my muscle, I didn’t even notice my body had been growing. My arms and chest now looking like a train.
He said he can’t pull out, his dick is stuck and just milking in his cock. In between the panicking, another orgasm hit him, again he blasted a thick load into me. It occurred to me, he still looked bulked up like a bull. He is still big, but maybe. I tried rolling over, he is still much stronger than me. However, his dick being milked he could not resist as he came again. I got us in the position where he had to lay on his back and I can ride that dick.
I straddled his cock, getting in a proper position and then I rode that cock. It felt so good having this all in me, riding it like a cowboy. This way he had no chance of resisting, he came over and over. He rapidly started to lose size, I had to keep adjusting myself to compensate my own growth. His body itself started to shrink down, getting smaller and smaller. I felt suddenly my own cock flopping around, I looked and saw it just getting bigger and bigger. My balls increasing in size too, becoming as big as oranges and hanging low it touched his pelvic area. The former hunk looked like a skinny twink when I didn’t feel his dick in me anymore. He lay there looking like a boy, not a sliver of masculinity left.
I stood up, looked at my body. I seem to be bigger than he was, I looked at my cock and it seems the same way there. I grabbed the little twink, spit on my cock and rammed it in his hole. I showed him no mercy, my balls needed to unload. He moaned like a little bitch as I thrusted deep. I brutally used his hole until I blasted thick white seed in his hole. Right after I left him, on the edge of the bed, his hole wide open and gaping. I saw a thick creamy white stream coming from his hole, forming a puddle of it on the ground. I left and never looked back, I’m finally what I always was meant yo be.

Holiday Magic Mishap 2

I roll over in bed, my massive form barely contained by the king-size mattress. Even half-asleep, I can feel my cock throbbing, achingly hard and leaking pre-cum onto my abs. Christ, when did I get so damn horny all the time?
As I stretch, my biceps bulge obscenely, pushing against the headboard and leaving dents in the wood. Oops. I chuckle, my voice a low rumble that seems to shake the room. Everything feels so small lately - chairs creak under my weight, doorways seem narrower, and don't even get me started on clothing.
Speaking of which, I swing my tree-trunk legs over the side of the bed, fumbling for the sweatpants I discarded last night. They're comically small now, barely covering my quads and doing nothing to hide my morning wood. Whatever. It's the last day of our trip, and I've given up trying to find clothes that fit.
I lumber towards the bathroom, ducking under the doorframe. The mirror captures my reflection, and goddamn, I can't help but admire myself. Silver-streaked hair tops a ruggedly handsome face, strong jaw dusted with stubble. My shoulders are broader than the doorway, tapering down to a narrow waist and powerful legs. And right in the center, my cock stands proud, easily 12 inches long and thick as a beer can.
"Fuck, Johnson, when did you become such a stud?" I mutter, flexing my pecs. Each one is the size of a watermelon, my nipples puffy and sensitive. I give them a little tweak, groaning at the jolt of pleasure.
A knock at the door interrupts my self-admiration. "Dad? You decent?" It's my son's voice.
I laugh. "Decent? Son, I haven't been decent in days. Come on in if you dare."
The door creaks open, and my boy peeks his head in. Was he always this small? I swear he used to be taller. "Jesus, Dad," he mutters, averting his eyes from my barely-covered crotch.
"What's the matter, boy? Never seen a real man before?" I tease, turning to face him fully. My cock twitches, and I swear I see his eyes widen.
"I, uh, just wanted to let you know breakfast is ready," he stammers. "We're leaving in a couple hours."
I nod, scratching my hairy chest. "I'll be down in a minute. Gotta take care of this morning wood first." I wink at him, enjoying how he squirms.
As he scurries away, I can't help but feel a surge of... something. Pride? Lust? It's hard to tell these days. Everything just feels so damn good.
I make my way downstairs, the steps groaning under my weight. In the kitchen, my son and his boyfriend are already eating. The boyfriend - what was his name again? - looks up at me, his jaw dropping slightly.
"Morning, boys," I rumble, grabbing a chair and carefully lowering myself into it. The wood creaks ominously, but holds. "Pass the eggs, would you?"
As the boyfriend reaches for the plate, I can't help but notice how small his arms look. Weren't they bigger at the start of the trip? And his shirt seems baggy now, hanging off his frame.
"You feeling alright, son?" I ask, concerned. "You're looking a bit... deflated."
He blinks, confused. "I feel fine, Mr. Johnson. Why do you ask?"
I shrug my massive shoulders. "Just looking out for you. Can't have my future son-in-law wasting away, can I?"
My son chokes on his coffee, and I laugh, the sound booming through the kitchen. "What? You think I don't know? Please, boys. I may be old, but I'm not blind."
The boyfriend blushes, and I feel a stirring in my loins. Fuck, he's cute when he's embarrassed. I shift in my seat, trying to adjust my swelling cock without being too obvious.
"So, what's the plan for our last day?" I ask, shoveling eggs into my mouth. I'm always so damn hungry lately.
My son clears his throat. "Well, we thought we might hit the slopes one last time. You up for it, Dad?"
I grin, flexing my arm. The sleeve of my t-shirt - already stretched to its limit - finally gives up and splits along the seam. "You bet your ass I am. Think they make skis big enough for me?"
As we finish breakfast and start getting ready, I can't shake this feeling of... power. It's like I'm more alive than I've ever been. Every movement feels charged with energy, every glance from others filled with awe or lust or both.
In the ski lodge, I can feel all eyes on me as I struggle to find gear that fits. The largest ski jacket barely zips over my chest, and I've given up on finding pants that can contain my thighs and ass.
"Fuck it," I mutter, stripping down to my underwear. "I'll ski in my boxers if I have to."
My son looks mortified, but his boyfriend can't seem to tear his eyes away from my body. I wink at him, enjoying the way he squirms.
As we make our way to the lifts, I notice how people part before me like the Red Sea. Men stare in envy, women (and more than a few men) in naked lust. I breathe deep, the cold air filling my massive lungs, my cock swelling with each admiring glance.
At the top of the run, I look down the slope, feeling invincible. "Race you boys to the bottom," I challenge, my voice a low growl that seems to vibrate through the air.
Before they can respond, I push off, my powerful legs propelling me down the mountain. The wind whips past me, my nearly-naked body impervious to the cold. I hear whoops and cheers as I fly past other skiers, my massive form a blur of muscle and motion.
As I cross the finish line, far ahead of my son and his boyfriend, I roar in triumph. The sound echoes across the valley, and I swear I feel the mountain tremble beneath my feet.
God, it feels good to be a man.
“Rrrgghh yeahhh… I can’t believe it actually fucking worked!” Jonas bent his massive bulky body forwards slightly before flexing his giant new pecs and biceps with wonder. Showing them off with glee as he strained the tight wrestling spandex gear.

“What the fuck Jonas! What the hell did you do?!” Kyle, Jonas’ older brother, screamed upon dashing into the room only to find his little bro wearing his wrestling gear that’d gone missing about a week ago. Right now however he was more focused on the fact that his brother, who had been a chubby little smartass his whole life, was now a huge muscle beast! Meanwhile Kyle on the other hand, who had always been known as the sporty jock of the family, had suddenly shrunk down into a fat little shrimp version of himself!
Jonas smirked over at Kyle, looking down on his older brother for the first time in his life. “Well I was getting sick of the whole family always patting you on the back for being a meathead while I was always treated like an afterthought. So I looked into some magic shit online and it turned out all I needed was an article of your clothing and some magic lessons and presto! We switch lives.” Jonas explained before flexing again. “So now all those years you spent in the gym are mine along with everything else you’ve ever done! Everything you’ve achieved belongs to me!” He gloated while continuing to show off all the hard work Kyle had put into being huge.
Kyle was lost for words. What could he say? The man before him had literally stolen his life from him. He could tell it was still Jonas. After all his face was still the same only now it looked a little more chiselled and manly. But those arms? Those pecs? Those legs? They all belonged to him! Or at least the work that’d been put into them did. Meanwhile Kyle’s own clothes were hanging off his body. Before his Jonas hadn’t once stepped foot in a gym and now his body reflected that. Skinny arms with almost no muscle. A protruding little belly. A flat pancake of an ass. All of his gorgeous size and strength, stolen in an instant only to now be flaunted in front of his face. As if on cue, Jonas turned and gave his thick new jock butt a smack. Adoring how it jiggled.
“Better get used to calling me big bro from now on as well. Pretty sure our ages have swapped as well.” Jonas added, the more mature look his face now adorned suddenly made more sense as he’d aged up from 20 to 24 while Kyle had undergone the opposite.
That was it. Kyle snapped out of his daze and lunged at bigger man. Attacking him in a blind rage for what he’d done. Unfortunately, with Jonas’ new size and power, it wasn’t long before he’d easily subdued Kyle with a headlock. No matter how much Kyle wriggled and writhed he just couldn’t free himself from the grip Jonas’ giant bicep had on him as he was held underneath Jonas’ pit.
“Alright you little bitch, this is how things are gonna go from now on.” Jonas sneered down at his now younger brother struggling in his grasp. “For a start I’m the big meathead jock that dad is most proud of. Not you. Second, you’re going to act like this is all normal. Like you’ve always been a pathetic weak little bitch. And third, you’re gonna do whatever the fuck I tell you. Otherwise I’ll use some more of the magic I learned to turn you into a new wrestling singlet for me. Got it?” Jonas stated, clearly enjoying his new power far too much.
“Got it!?” Jonas repeated, squeezing Kyle a little tighter in the process.
“Y…yes. I got it…” Kyle finally replied, sounding completely and utterly defeated. He then let out a gasp as Jonas finally let him go.
The new jock smirked. “Now then, to help you get settled in, how’s about you worship me?” Jonas quirked an eyebrow before raising his arms up again and flexing them. Simply intoxicated with how they bulged with so much power.

Of course Kyle didn’t want to oblige. At this point he wanted to run away if anything but he was too scared that his brother might actually follow through with the threat he made. Instead Kyle took a deep breath before stepping forwards, a look of dejection crossing his face as he did exactly what Jonas told him too as much as he hated it…
“Mmmmm yeah that’s right… grope my muscles bitch! Fuuuuuck…” Jonas groaned as Kyle did exactly that. Running his hands over what should’ve been his pecs and squeezing them as per Jonas’ request. Tracing the bulging muscle of his biceps. Admiring the sheer magnitude of his shoulders. He hated it so much… which was exactly why he was so damn confused when he found himself getting a boner. Not that he was only one. Jonas had been sporting the largest tent every since casting that spell, pressing crudely against the tight spandex it was constrained by. Though it seemed Jonas was enjoying this muscle worship a little bit more than Kyle had realised until… “Ugh yeah! I’m gonna…” He didn’t even get a chance to finish his sentence as moments later globs of thick cum seeped straight through the fabric of the singlet before falling with heavy drips to the floor.
Kyle found himself both disgusted and turned on at the same time. Was this going to be his life from now on? Forced to not only worship his asshole of a brother that stole everything from him but also forced to kinda enjoy it? His life was going to be torture…
“Now get on your hands and knees and clean that up.” Jonas ordered and Kyle did exactly as he was told.

"Papa Perdon" (Mentira)
"Encerio? Mhh?"Cruzo sus brazos golosos que a muy poco romperia su camisa blanca.
"Si..." No pude no erectarme, lo converti en un titan.No me arrepiento de haberle inyectado la dosis de Cronivac, mirenlo ahora podre ver su ropa ajustada cada mañana o desnudo si no consigue mas ropa...
"Diablos Pervertido soy tu papa que te pasa?" disgustado al ver lo caliente que me estaba poniendo.
"Pero mira esos brazos , podrian romper cualquier craneo, la altura que intimida a cualquier humano , no me digas que no te gusta ese papel" Le agarre un brazo con mi poca fuerza para que muestre una flexion de sus biceps "Ademas con esa inyeccion nadie sabra que eres mi padre, cambiaste mucho"
"Dios.. Lo unico que quiero es un abrazo..."
"Oh... Ehm bueno, se que no estuvo bien pero encerio pense que te gustaria..." Juro que lo abrace ahi si para que me perdone, no me gustaba ver a mi papa triste. Luego me abrazo con sus brazos gigantes, me gusto la calidez que sentia... Demaciado...
"Mmm hijo tas disminuyendo??"
"EH?" oh no, es verdad, me estaba haciendo mas bajo y mis musculos se hacian mas pequeño. "Debi poner un poco de robo muscular por accidente" mire asustado como mi papa crecia un metro mas, si ya era un gigante ahora podria ser una montaña.
"Robo muscular..." Mi papa me agarro con mas fuerza , rompiendo un hueso en el camino, vi con agonia como su miirada se convertia de angustiado a malvada... estaba disfrutando esto si "Que estupido es mi hijo JAJAJ" Logro Romper su camisa, ganando mucha mas masa y altura.
Mientra tanto yo "Aaa Papa que haces" Podia sentirme cada ve mas pequeño ni llegaba a la mitad de su cuerpo.
"Estoy dandote una leccion hijito pervertido, querias un papa musculoso, te dare un papa musculoso" Siguio manteniendo el abrazo hasta que llege una miserable altura de 0.6 Pies y el 10 Pies.
"que vas a hacer ahora?" asustado por si mi papa dios ahora tuviera hambre.Rezono una gran risa que casi me hace volar, me sostuve con uno de sus pelos gruesos de la mano.
"Ahora dejaras que papa haga lo que plazca y valla por unos hombres para... abrazar Jjajaja, mientra tanto estaras en un lugar donde saliste de mi" Desabrocho su pantalon y me solto , su boxer sudoroso y verga casi aplastandome.
"Para vos bicho" Manoseo toda su verga con un gusto de querer usarla ya "Nos vemos cuando termine mi gym diario Jajja"
I wish my best friend could stop being bullied for being a little runt. Would also be great to have a big sexy boyfriend out of him too

You whispered your wish under your breath when you and your best friend, Ethan, went to the beach. You felt a little bad for him when you saw that he refused to remove his t-shirt despite how hot it was.
“You gonna leave your shirt on?” you asked him, giving him the up-down.
He shrugged his slender shoulders. “Yeah,” he shyly admitted, taking a hesitant glance around the beach at the other guys who were there. They were all muscled up, looking like models straight out of a porno. then he held his slender arms up as if to illustrate his point.
Ethan had always been skinny, something that he was irritated with the older he got. He’d tried to bulk up and put on some muscle, but it never seemed to work. You’d taken him to the gym plenty of times too since you had a lot of muscle on your body, so you knew the exact workout plans and diets to follow; but no matter what the two of you did, Ethan remained skinny.
You moved to reassuringly pat your friend on the shoulder, however, the moment the two of you made contact, there was a little shock that you felt. You instinctively moved to recoil, but found you couldn’t. It was as if your hand was superglued to him.
You gritted your teeth as you tried with all of your might to pull away, but it was futile.
“Dude, what’s going on?” Ethan panicked.
Then the two of you noticed something else happening.
Your eyes widened at the sight of Ethan’s body rapidly inflating. It was as if someone had attached an air hose to him, and started to pump him up with muscle. His traps inflated and started to slowly engulf his widening neck to the point where it looked like he lacked a neck at all. The growth traveled down to his arms which packed on meat and bulged like crazy, making his biceps look like the size of melons. His pecs ballooned out in front of him, completely obscuring his view of the lower part of his body.
“Holy shit!” Ethan gasped in shock.
“I know! You’re getting huge!” you breathed, unable to take your eyes off him.
“No,” Ethan shook his head as best as he could with his lack of a neck. “You’re getting smaller.”
“What?” you wondered, looking down at yourself before screaming.
All of the hard-earned muscles in your body were deflating, becoming flat. Your biceps grew smaller and smaller until your arms were stick-thin and shapeless. Your pecs flattened against your chest and left your torso entirely undefined and slender.
You fought hard to remove your hand from Ethan’s broadening frame when you realized that your friend wasn’t so much as growing, but he was stealing all of your muscles.
Ethan’s shirt exploded off his growing frame, exposing his thick roid gut and mountainous pecs that should’ve been yours. Your bathing suit fell to the ground the more muscle you lost, your thin legs looking tiny and unimpressive. With your free hand, you struggled to hold them up.
When you finally managed to pull your hand free, Ethan was left as a large over-muscled bodybuilder and you were a skinny twink.
“What the fuck happened?!” you panicked, looking down at your slender frame, figuring that you had to have lost at least sixty pounds, leaving you small and boyish. You were so busy freaking out that you barely noticed it when Ethan waddled over towards you.
“I dunno,” he said, staring down at you hungrily. “But I have to admit that you look really cute like that.” He wrapped his barely-flexible arms around you and shoved you into his massive muscletits that should have been on your body, not his.
Despite how freaked out you were, you couldn’t help but melt into the new muscle man’s bulky body. Your horniness clouded over your fear and you ran your slender fingers over Ethan’s massive pecs, enjoying how his bulky muscles twitched with want as you did so.
“So what now?” you asked him.
He smirked down at you. “Let’s go to my place and you can worship these big muscles of mine,” he laughed, literally throwing you over his broadened shoulder and carrying you to the parking lot.