ultram0th - UltraM0th's TF Stories
UltraM0th's TF Stories

🔞Here's some stories and pics from around the Internet that involve TF, either made by others or myself. (If you see your work on here and would like it removed, please message me and I will do so immediately!) 🔞Asks/Requests are currently paused.

309 posts

31 Days Of Derek Hale

31 Days of Derek Hale

Day 24: Cow

Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │ 15 │ 16 │ 17 │ 18 │ 19 │ 20 │ 21 │ 22 │ 23 │ 24

31 Days Of Derek Hale

Derek grimaced as he swallowed down the odd tasting protein shake. “That tastes weird,” he spat. “What’s in it?”

Theo shrugged his shoulders. “It’s a new recipe I’m trying out,” he answered, smirking slightly.

The werewolf and the chimera had been trying to work more closely together, for the sake of the two packs in Beacon Hills. As a result, Derek and Theo would try to be more cordial with one another. One such activity that the two pack leaders actually didn’t hate to do together was work out at the gym. There was a sort of playful rivalry that the two engaged in, always trying to out lift the other as they worked out, trying to get more gains.

Being an alpha werewolf, Derek easily out lifted Theo and his muscles were way larger by comparison. The chimera, on the other hand, tended to stick with a more toned physique, not allowing any of his jealousy to show on his smiling face.

Which was why he was all smiles as he offered Derek a drink of his own secret concoction. The mischievous chimera had fought hard to hide his triumphant grin as he’d watched Derek take a hesitant sip of the “protein shake”.

Derek still wiped at his mouth with disgust at the horrible shake that Theo had offered him. “Yeah, I think I’m gonna stick to my usual,” he huffed. “Thanks though.”

Again, Theo shrugged. “Suit yourself,” he happily hummed.

The two men went to starting their workouts, Theo keeping a careful eye on Derek.

Derek, oblivious to the chimera’s staring, went to the chest fly machine, racking up a ton of weight before performing reps. As he worked out, he noticed an odd tingling sensation in his pecs that wasn’t like the normal burn that he’d expected. Instead, this one felt almost electrifying and oddly… good. Really good.

Derek blushed slightly as his chest tingled, his nipples feeling as if they were hardwired directly to his cock. His cock started to stiffen up in his shorts, and as he continued to perform reps, Derek had to hold back a moan.

“Mmmm,” Derek moaned as he tried his best to keep his lips pursed. His blush deepened when he looked over and caught Theo staring.

The alpha werewolf quickly diverted his gaze and tried his best to continue his workout.

Derek was trying so hard to ignore the odd sensations emanating from his pecs that he hadn’t even registered the growing tightness of his shirt until he heard a loud rip echo throughout the nearly empty gym.

He let go of the weights, letting them bang loudly back to the machine. Cocking his eyebrow, Derek looked down at himself, gasping loudly at the large pecs attached to his chest.

“M-my pecs!” Derek stuttered out of shock. “They’re huge!”

Staring downward, Derek’s previously proportional pectorals had been wildly inflated. They jutted out dangerously from his chest, looking round and bulbous. It looked like someone had sliced a soccer ball in two, glueing both halves onto the werewolf’s hairy chest, looking incredibly out of place on his muscular body. Worse for Derek was that his nipples had even enlarged, growing thicker and protruding off of his massive chest like nubby fingers.

Derek blushed when he squirmed in his seat on the machine, feeling how much his chest bounced and jiggled. Oddly, his pecs felt so heavy and cumbersome, and when he moved, he felt an odd sensation of something sloshing deep inside of them.

Theo snickered as he looked the top-heavy alpha up and down. “I’d say so,” he teased. “Those are some serious udders you’ve got there, Derek.”

Derek shoved himself away from the pec fly machine and hurried towards the privacy of the locker room. As he moved, he noticed the arched back stance that he had to take in order to accommodate for his inflated pecs. This caused the enlarged mounds to be thrusted outwards and more into the open, being impossible to conceal. They bounced and jiggled with every step the frantic alpha took, that sloshing sensation growing in fervor.

When he reached the locker room and stared into the mirror, Derek paled at his warped reflection. His pecs and nipples were huge, easily out-shadowing the rest of his impressive musculature, every other body group looking like an afterthought. His jaw dropped, resting upon the cresting pecs that were pushed upwards and out.

Theo, a devilish smirk still plastered on his face, sauntered into the locker room. He crossed his toned arms over his proportional chest as he studied Derek. “They don’t look that bad, Derek,” he snickered. “Maybe we can get you a bra?”

The color gradually returned to Derek’s face as he turned red, slowly putting the pieces together. “You did this to me?” he accused, gesturing down at his massive chest.

“Duh,” Theo scoffed. “I grew tired of always being the small one, so I did some research and found that a really good growth formula contains alpha milk. Hence, all I needed to do was get you to produce some.”

“‘Alpha milk’?” Derek repeated, looking down hesitantly at his large pecs, frowning when he couldn’t anything past their bulbous size.

Theo walked over and didn’t give the alpha any warning before he reached around and grabbed Derek’s meaty pecs.

“Oohhh!” Derek couldn’t help but moan as his muscletits were fondled. Despite his panic and frustration over having his chest altered, he couldn’t ignore the surge of pleasure that rippled through him. In addition to increasing in size, his pectorals also drastically increased in sensitivity. Every touch from the other man’s hands lit up pleasure receptors that Derek had never had before. His knees buckled and his head rolled back as he was felt up. No amount of sex or playing with his cock could ever compare to the brilliant sensations on his chest, and deep down, Derek felt himself craving more.

Theo began to thumb Derek’s nubby nipples, and the werewolf felt as if he’d explode at any second. His heavy pecs lurched and he felt that sloshing inside of them grow even more; and Derek swore that his pectorals began to feel slightly larger.

Derek tensed up, shooting his load. However, instead of cumming, his nubby nipples squirted out a white substance. The pressure in his muscletits subsided the slightest bit, but Derek felt something else bubbling deep within him. He tried to swallow it down, but the alpha werewolf couldn’t help himself.

As his nipples leaked, Derek bellowed out a deep, “Moooo!”

He was so caught up in the feeling of pleasure that left tingles all over his skin, especially his burning nipples, that Derek didn’t even have time to feel humiliated over that fact that he’d mooed like a cow.

Meanwhile, Theo strategically placed his bottle under the alpha’s leaky nipples, collecting the milk that had seeped out. Placing the cap on it, he grinned widely.

“We’ll have to do this more often, Derek,” he happily said. “There’s a lot of guys out there who’d give a fortune for some alpha milk so that their muscles can grow bigger. And just think, it’s all thanks to you and these udders of yours.”

Derek wanted to be angry, to lash out at the chimera for turning his pecs into large muscletits. However, Theo reached out and teasingly flicked a protruding nipple, causing a lustful haze to cloud over Derek’s mind.

“Mooo!” Derek bellowed again, his giant pecs jiggling with want.

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More Posts from Ultram0th

1 year ago

31 Days of Derek Hale

Day 12: Bunny Boi

Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12

31 Days Of Derek Hale

“You’ve got to be shittin’ me,” Derek growled as he looked over the ridiculous outfit that was in the bag.

Derek had lost a bet with a fellow alpha, and as punishment, he would have to wear an incredibly embarrassing outfit for the day.

Derek grimaced at the lacy corset that had matching garters, and a cringey set of bunny ears to top everything off.

There was a loud knock on the other side of the bathroom door. “You better move it, Hale,” laughed Nate, the other alpha who was apparently a total freak.

“Son of a bitch,” Derek spat, taking off his leather jacket and jeans so that he could put on the stupid bunny outfit. The alpha werewolf slid on the panties first, rolling his eyes at how small they were. His cock was so big that it filled the tiny pouch to bursting, yanking the tops of the underwear downward to show off his trimmed bush and the base of his dick. Clenching his jaw, Derek pulled on the corset, which was at least two sizes too small for his muscular body. It was nearly impossible to close it shut around his thick waist, and his pecs completely spilled out over the top, his nipples poking out noticeably. It was so tight, in fact, that Derek felt as if his midsection was being squeezed so tightly that it shoved his pecs outwards even more. He put on the lace garters, feeling ridiculous the whole time.

When he was finally all dressed up in his humiliating outfit, Derek begrudgingly opened up the door, revealing a smirking Nate.

“Lookin’ good, Hale,” Nate whistled, making a show of eying the alpha up and down. “Oh, but wait! You forgot something.” He reached over and snatched the bunny ears off the sink before plopping them on top of Derek’s head.

“Gee, thanks,” Derek muttered under this breath, the headband attached to the bunny ears giving him a little headache.

“Well, c’mon, I’ll show you what chores you can do, and then we can call everything even,” Nate boasted as he stomped down the hallway, his broad back swaying with every powerful step he took.

Derek blushed as he took a step in his stupid outfit. His muscles squirmed against the tight fabric, making him have to almost arch his back in order to get semi-comfortable. The action only led to his large pecs being thrusted forward, his nipples resting atop the lacy corset, constantly rubbing against the soft fabric. The way the straps from the corset attached to the garters around his thighs made his steps resemble more of a mincing movement, soft and delicate.

Nate led Derek to a messy bedroom that completely matched Nate’s frat boy attitude. Clothes were strewn all over the floor, the bed was a total pigsty, and there were pizza boxes and empty beer bottles scattered all over the cluttered floor.

“Go ahead and start with my room,” Nate laughed.

“What a fuckin’ mess— Oh!” Derek squeaked when Nate gave his butt a playful smack. His cheeks bounced from the motion, and Derek’s face grew red.

Worse was that his cock twitched for some reason, almost thrusting out of the confines of his small panties.

“Fuck off,” Derek barked, stomping angrily into the messy bedroom, trying to shield his hardening member from the other man.

He snatched a trash bag out of the pile of cleaning supplies, starting to toss a bunch of the garbage into it. As he moved around, Derek’s nipples get rubbing up against the lace of the corset. It must’ve been due to the softness of the outfit, but it seemed as if Derek’s nipples were hardwired directly to his throbbing cock.

The alpha bit down on his bottom lip, trying desperately to resist the electrifying feelings that rippled through him as the corset stimulated his sensitive nips.

“This is so fuckin’ stupid,” Derek growled, tugging the collar of the corset downward to give his nipples some relief. However, once he let go and it snapped back into place, he had to bite back a moan as it started rubbing up against them some more.

As he continued to mince around the bedroom cleaning, Derek’s hard cock kept throbbing with want inside the tight confines of his panties. The cotton was stretched to the limit, and every so often Derek would give in and rub his aching bulge with one hand while using his other to thumb one of his nips.

Derek started to toss the other alpha’s clothes into the hamper. He flitted about the room, hard nipples and harder cock, bending down and grabbing fistfuls of Nate’s clothes. His musky scent clung to every fabric, that manly musk permeating Derek’s senses.

Derek grabbed a jockstrap off the ground, seeing that it was a size XL.

“Ooh, big boy,” he cooed, before flinching and slapping a hand over his mouth. “Why’d I just say that?”

His perky nipples still burned and his cock throbbed like crazy, at full mast. Still, it hadn’t burst through the small panties, and Derek couldn’t help but reach down again to feel himself up. His hand ran over his rock hard cock, freezing as his fingers grazed his bulge.

“I-is it smaller?” Derek gasped, looking over his pecs to the bulge in front of his humiliating panties. Sure enough, the lump in front of his meaty thighs wasn’t as prominent as it had been moments before, looking tight and compact.

Derek quickly tugged the panties downward, paling at the sight of the four inch cocklet poking out of his trimmed bush. With a shaky hand, Derek reached down at his shrunken member, wrapping his fingers around it.

“Oooh,” he moaned, unable to keep his lips shut at the surge of pleasure that rippled through him. Despite the panic that was coursing through his veins, the werewolf couldn’t help but fondle his tiny cock that made him feel even more ridiculous with his massive muscles in such a girly costume. He knew that he should be panicking even more, to tear the apparently cursed outfit off, but his frazzled mind was so clouded over with lust that it was difficult to think about anything else.

“Did I say that you could play with yourself?” Nate’s deep voice bellowed.

Derek jerked back and blushed as the other man stared him down. 

Nate smirked as he crossed his beefy arms over his large chest. Derek hadn’t noticed before, but Nate had large muscles that were so big and manly. His pecs stretched his t-shirt to bursting, and his biceps curled out the tight sleeves. His bulge in the front of his jeans was much, much larger than Derek’s diminished one. And manly musk radiated off of Nate in waves, making Derek’s mouth water.

“No, Sir,” Derek answered promptly, his voice light and almost airy. Instantly, he dropped his muscled arms to his side, his tiny cock throbbing as it stood at attention in front of him. The more Derek stared at the other alpha, the more his small cock throbbed and his perky nipples burned with want. His unknown desire was starting to creep up to higher levels, and he couldn’t help but shift his feet under Nate’s gaze, rubbing his thighs together in anticipation.

Nate gave a tsking motion with his finger. “Well, finish up then, Bunny,” he ordered. “Then I’ll let you play with your tiny nub.” He walked away.

“Yes, Sir!” Derek excitedly said, picking up his pace as he minced around the room, his pert little cock bouncing in front of him as he moved. 

He didn’t know why his heart raced at the thought of being ordered around by such an alpha like Nate. The frat boy was stacked with such manly muscles, and some of his chest hair curled over the collar of his t-shirt— a stark contrast to Derek’s smooth muscletits that bounced with every step he took. His little nub leaked precum the whole time he finished cleaning. Once he was done, Derek eagerly rushed over to Nate to deliver the good news.

“All done, Sir!” Derek reported, smiling widely at the alpha.

Nate looked away from the TV. He’d taken off his shirt, resting his arms behind his head, letting his musky, hairy pits air out in the open. “Good job, Bunny,” he grinned at Derek. “Why don’t you take your uniform off? Don’t wanna mess it up while you service your alpha.”

“Yes, Sir!” Derek happily gushed, practically ripping his panties and corset off. He paused for a moment as he looked over himself. His tiny, three inch cock was as hard as ever, yet it seemed so small and utterly tiny— especially in comparison to the large eight inches that Alpha Nate had. And even though his corset was off, Derek’s pecs were still pushed upwards and out, looking slightly larger and more bulbous than they should’ve. His nipples were hard and nubby, sticking off his muscletits like little erasures. Something was wrong, this wasn’t how Derek should’ve looked… was it? He didn’t know why a tiny voice in the back of his head shouted that he was supposed to be a manly alpha like Nate, not some sub bunny boy.

Nate unzipped his pants and fished his own cock out, letting his large member bob in the air. “You gonna stand there or are you gonna take care of this?” he bellowed.

Derek quickly squashed the voice in the back of his head and hurried forward, his muscletits bouncing with every minced step he took. Dropping to his knees, Derek leaned forward and hungrily took the entirety of Nate’s cock into his mouth, sucking it like a pro. 

“That’s a good bunny,” Nate teased, toying with the bunny ears that were atop Derek’s bobbing head.

“Mmmm!” Derek loudly moaned, his little nub spurting tiny droplets of cum as he sucked off his alpha, loving his role as his muscled up bunny boy.

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1 year ago

31 Days of Derek Hale

Day 08: Cock TF

Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08

31 Days Of Derek Hale

When Derek woke up, all that he could see was darkness, as if there was a sheet yanked over his head. Instinctively, he moved to yank whatever was covering his head, but he realized that he couldn’t move.

Immediately, panic started to seep throughout Derek as he realized that he was practically paralyzed, unable to move a limb. He thought that it was sleep paralysis at first, but eventually he felt himself shift around and being moved without any say so of his own. Derek panicked as it felt as if he was being carried, unable to feel his legs carry him towards something, that fabric still covering his eyes like a blindfold.

“Ready for a surprise, Derek?” a familiar voice asked the alpha.

“What? Theo?” Derek asked, growing angry over what was happening. “What the fuck is going on?!”

“You were always such an annoyingly cocky alpha, so check this out!” Theo chuckled.

The “blindfold” was ripped away from Derek’s face, and the first thing he noticed was Theo’s smirking face. However, it was wrong in the fact that it was much higher up than it should’ve been, as if Theo were several feet taller than the alpha werewolf. That thought was quickly ignored when Derek looked directly into the mirror that he was standing in front of, screaming loudly when he noticed what was wrong.

“What the fuck?!” Derek roared as he stared in horror at his altered form.

All Derek could see was Theo’s long cock that dangled between his thick thighs. However, instead of a regular-looking cockhead, Derek saw his own head attached to Theo’s shaft. It looked as if someone had photoshopped Derek’s head on top of Theo’s cock, editing out his arms and legs.

Theo chuckled as he shifted his hips a little, causing his cock to wag back and forth, and thereby make Derek a little dizzy. “I was so tired of you and your big dick energy,” Theo explained, “so I decided to turn you into my cock. I thought about making you my butt, but I like this idea better.”

“You turned me into your cock?!” Derek repeated incredulously, unable to wrap his head around what was happening. “You better turn me back, right now! You hear me? Now!”

Theo mock frowned. “Don’t be like that, Sourwolf,” he teased. “I’m sure that you’ll love your new life as my cock.” He reached down and fondled himself a little, causing his cock to grow harder.

Derek’s angry face froze, and he wore a stunned look as he felt his new body stiffen. It was as if all of the muscles in his body was flexing in unison, becoming hard and rigid as his new cock body hardened. His head rose and stood out at an angle on Theo’s boner, bobbing the air.

Despite his panic, Derek’s hormones surged throughout his new body and all he could concentrate on was getting off. He was incredibly horny and all he wanted to do was jerk off his new body; however, without his arms, he was helpless and trapped at the chimera’s mercy.

Luckily/unluckily, Theo reached down and wrapped his fingers around Derek’s new shaft body, pumping his fist up and down.

Derek nearly went crossed eyed as his new body was jerked off, feeling as if tidal waves of pleasure were coursing all throughout his altered form. Memories of Derek jerking himself off paled in comparison to having his entire body felt up and played with. All of the nerves in his new body were intensified, forcing every touch on his smooth skin to electrify every pleasure center he owned. Derek couldn’t hold back his low moans as he was played with, almost loving it when Theo ran his fingers over his cock body.

Derek tensed up and felt one of the waves of pleasure inside of him break. A snap ruptured deep within him, and the alpha werewolf felt a pressure building deep within him when—

“Ooohh!” Derek moaned, his jaw opening wide as cum squirted out of it and onto the mirror in front of him. The salty substance coated his mouth and as he came; he blushed as he realized that he’d truly been turned into a cock, cumming on Theo’s behalf without a second thought.

Worse was that Derek couldn’t deny that he’d loved it. It was such an intense surge of pleasure that he’d felt, easily outweighing any solo session or any sex that he’d ever had. Being a cock was truly the gateway to the ultimate pleasure, Derek fearfully began to realize. 

That epiphany was soon forgotten when Derek stared back into the mirror, shocked to see his thick black hair beginning to recede. It slowly pulled its way back into his scalp until the alpha’s head was smooth. However, he saw that his head was oddly shaped, not looking as round as it should. Instead, there was an odd curvature to it, especially near the bottom that made it look more like a mushroom cap than a head.

Derek’s eyes winded even further when a slight indentation pressed inward at the top of his head, forming a piss slit. The stunned werewolf was helpless to do anything except watch as his mouth closed, his lips fusing shut until it vanished altogether.  His nose shriveled up and disappeared next. Finally, his eyes were next as they closed tightly and fused, yet he was still able to see.

When all was said and done, Derek stared back at a cock. The shaft and head blended in seamlessly, giving absolutely zero indication that it was Derek before. 

Derek couldn’t say anything or beg to be changed back. The only response he could give was twitch, causing Theo’s cock to throb and rocket back to life.

On cue, that glorious surge of pleasure erupted throughout Derek once again. He new head, the perfectly shaped cockhead, oozed precum.

“I’m gonna use you to fuck Stiles’s tight ass,” Theo snickered, wrapping his fingers around Derek’s cock body again.

Immediately, Derek succumbed to the intense pleasure rippling throughout his new body. He instantly gave in, knowing that his new body was built solely for pleasure and sex. He loved being a cock and he looked forward to all of the sexual experiences that he’d get to have.

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1 year ago

31 Days of Derek Hale

Day 17: NippleslĂźt

Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │ 15 │ 16 │ 17

31 Days Of Derek Hale

Alpha Derek Hale was taking a shower, a little irritated that he was rock hard and his husband was working the nightshift. Normally whenever Derek got a little frisky, he was all too happy to rush over to Stiles and go to town. However, he was a little miffed that he was all cocked and loaded, yet he was stuck all by himself with just his hand.

“Damn it,” Derek growled as he pumped away at his throbbing cock, even using some of Stiles’s shampoo to help do the trick.

Still, jerking off just failed in comparison to actually fucking. 

Derek was about to just give up and turn the water to ice cold when he spotted an unknown blue vial in the shower. Picking it up, he eyed it and read out the chicken scratch writing on the label that read out Liquid Lust. 

“‘Liquid Lust’?” Derek scoffed, rolling his eyes at his husband’s antics. Stiles had been practicing potions with Deaton, and every so often, Derek would find remnants of his experiments around the house.

Still, wanting to encourage his lover’s endeavors, Derek opened the vial and sniffed at the concoction. It reeked of musk, making the alpha gag and flinch.

Unfortunately, Derek’s jerky movements caused him to lose grip of the tiny vial in the shower, leading it to falling out of his grasp.

“Fuck!” Derek huffed as the smelly liquid fell out of the bottle and landed all over his hairy chest. It splattered across his pectorals, seemingly absorbing straight into his skin. The musky aroma clinging to Derek like it was emanating from him directly.

Immediately, Derek felt his nipples go hard. The little nips perked up before actually stretching out and elongating, inflating until they were large and nubby, looking like a pair of thumbs attached to his chest.

“What the hell?” Derek gasped as he looked down at his altered nipples. He tentatively reached up with one of his hands to prod at them. “What kind of potion is this— OOoohhhh!”

Merely grazing his fingers against his enlarged nipples sent a ripple of pleasure throughout Derek, his voice breaking out into a moan as his knees buckled. His cock throbbed even more, leaking precum. It was like a surge of pleasure never felt before. No amount of sex or jerking off had ever felt nearly as good as just touching his nipple just had.

“Wha-what the fuck is going on?” Derek panted, his meaty, hairy pecs heaving up and down as he struggled to catch his breath. His nipples seemed to burn with want, their own hardness competing with his cock’s, demanding attention from the alpha.

Almost unable to control himself, Derek reached up with both hands, running his thumbs over his hard nubs.

“Uuugghhh!” he squealed, his head rolling back as he toyed with his chest. The pleasure was mind-numbing, and Derek was helpless to do anything besides rub his nipples.

This soon turned to him grabbing a strong hold of both of them with his hands, lightly tugging on his huge nipples. It felt as if Derek had two cocks on his chest, his ignored dick bobbing uselessly between his meaty thighs as he pinched his big nips.

“Oohh fuuuck,” Derek bellowed out, the normally silent guy unable to stop moaning loudly, his deep voice echoing throughout the bathroom. “Holy shit, that feels so good— UUGHHH!”

Derek nearly shrieked as he came, his cock erupting and spewing out globs of cum that splattered against the linoleum in the shower. Basking in the post-orgasmic bliss, the werewolf felt as if he’d just shot the largest load of his life. He couldn’t help but chuckle in disbelief as he tried to catch his breath.

“Holy shit,” he breathed, rinsing away his cum off the walls. His nipples remained perky and hard, and after masturbating by tugging on them once more, Derek finished his shower and toweled off.

He wiped the steam away from the mirror and frowned when he saw that his nipples were still huge and hard. They poked noticeably off his chest, looking ridiculous on his muscular, alpha male frame.

“Um, maybe this’ll wear off in the morning?” he guessed as he glanced at the vial of the liquid lust, finding no other information about it on the bottle. 

Derek stumbled over to his bedroom, biting down on his lower lip at the shiver that traveled down his spine as the cool air from the A/C blew over his hairy chest, caressing his hard nipples. Just that light sensation was enough to make his cock begin to stir back to life, but he tried to ignore it.

He walked over to his shirt to try to cover his chest, but that proved to be another problem.

“Uuughh!” Derek moaned out again as soon as he tugged his shirt on. His nipples poked against the fabric like crazy, and just the cotton running over the nubs was enough to cause his cock to go erect and shoot out cum.

Derek had to rip the shirt away off of him, panting as he gained a reprieve for his sensitive chest. “What the fuck’s happening to me?” he gasped, his nipples almost simmering in the air as they begged for his attention some more.

That night Derek barely got any sleep at all. He would try to lie down on his back, but whenever the covers brushed up against his hard nipples, he’d go rock hard and have to tug on his nips to ease his horniness. Whenever he tried to lie on his front, it led to the alpha uncontrollably squirming against the mattress, moaning loudly as he ground his chest against the hard mattress, loving how it felt to rub his nipples against it, but also humiliated over what a huge nippleslut he was turning into.

“What the fuck am I supposed to do with these?!” he roared in frustration, looking down at his big nipples. 

When morning came, Derek was slightly relieved to hear the front door opening, meaning that Stiles had come home.

Derek leapt out of the cum-covered bed and raced downstairs to his husband, eager for some answers.

“Hey, Der— what happened to your nipples?” a tired-looking Stiles asked from the entryway once he saw the large nubs attached his husband’s muscled chest.

Derek gestured down at his nubby nipples with a shaky hand. “I accidentally spilt some of that liquid lust potion of yours on them, and now they’re— this! And they’re super sensitive!” he growled, his cock already starting to twitch at the mere thought of playing with his chest again.

Stiles’s eyes widened. “You messed with my potion?” he gasped in shock. “That was just a test. I don’t know if there’s a cure for it.”

Derek paled. “So I’m stuck like this?” he asked, looking down at his hard and sensitive nipples, imagining a life where he’d have to walk around constantly shirtless with his massive nubs on display. They’re so sensitive that he seriously doubted that he’d ever be able to get off again without someone playing with his nipples.

Stiles frowned for a moment before offering a meek smile. “If it helps,” he said, slowly reaching up, “I could play with them, if you’d like?”

He reached up and ran his thumb over one of the nubby nipples, and Derek instantly swooned.

“Ooohhh,” he moaned, his cock going straight to attention. “P-please, play with them some more.” He leaned forward and shoved his chest towards Stiles, looking forward to spending the day having Stiles play with his enlarged nipples, the nubs already tingling with anticipation.

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1 year ago

31 Days of Derek Hale

Day 25: Roided

Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │ 15 │ 16 │ 17 │ 18 │ 19 │ 20 │ 21 │ 22 │ 23 │ 24 │ 25

31 Days Of Derek Hale

[Base Photo Source: https://www.deviantart.com/bbbelly/art/What-did-you-do-again-337582411]

Original Artist here: BBroidbelly

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The host, Matthew Johnson, walked back onstage, eliciting thunderous applause from the crowd. He was a handsome man dressed in pristine white clothes that were tailored to tastefully show off his muscled body.

“Welcome back everyone to The Matthew Johnson Show,” the host smiled to the live studio audience. “We are continuing our series called ‘Living with Curses’. Just last week, we chatted with Scott, the man cursed to shrink down to only five inches tall!”

The audience roared with laughter at the memory of the pipsqueak Scott.

“But today,” Matthew continued, “we have another man here who’s been living with a curse for about two months now. And unlike Scott last week, this curse has caused this man to grow! Everyone, please welcome to the stage: Derek Hale!”

A stunned silence blew over the crowd as Derek Hale walked onto the stage… well, more like waddled onto the stage.

Derek Hale was a massive muscle monster! That was putting it lightly too, because the stud was insanely large. Almost as wide as he was tall, Derek looked like he was struggling to lumber around. His thighs were about as thick as the host’s waist, and they rolled over one another with every step the bulky man took. They pressed against each other, causing the man to have a wide stance. A bulbous roidgut protruded out in front of Derek, making him look almost pregnant with how massive it was. It was round and didn’t jiggle at all, indicating that there wasn’t a trace of fat on his over-muscled form. His pecs were huge and round, and they rested on top of his gut; large, nubby nipples poked noticeably against the tight t-shirt that struggled to contain Derek’s bulk. His back was wide and his shoulders were insanely broad, having to be large enough to carry his enormous arms. Biceps the size of Derek’s head tore through the tight sleeves of his shirt, pressing against his flaring lats that caused his arms to hang at ninety-degree angle.

Derek was so large that he made Matthew look puny by comparison. He was larger than any other bodybuilder that had ever been on TV, and he had such an enormous gut that it seemed to be the epicenter of his growth— being the largest part of him.

As he moved, the hunk breathed heavily and blushed bright red as the stage lights were on him, broadcasting his enlarged form to all of American daytime TV.

Matthew handed Derek a microphone, and the muscled up guest struggled to bend his massive arm enough to bring it up to his mouth, the movement causing his bicep to flex with power.

“Welcome to the show, Derek,” Matthew said. “Now, let me try to understand this: You weren’t this muscular two months ago, were you?”

Derek’s blush deepened and he shook his head. “No,” he grunted in a deep voice that was full of baritone.

On the screen behind the two men appeared a picture of Derek before he was cursed, showing off a toned man that was about a third the size of the swollen bodybuilder onstage.

“You where what, one-hundred eighty pounds in this picture?” Matthew pressed, gesturing towards the image on the screen. “And now you weigh how much?”

Derek took a hesitant look over at the audience, thankful that the positioning of the stage lights prevented him from making out any faces. He was beyond humiliated standing up on stage in his overgrown bulk, but after running out of ideas and failed spells from Deaton, it was his last hope at returning to his usual size.

“Um,” Derek mumbled nervously, “I weigh three-hundred seventy-nine pounds now…”

A loud gasp ran through the audience.

“And tell us, how did you get so big?” Matthew asked, placing a sympathetic hand on Derek’s broad shoulder. The size difference between the two made Matthew’s hand look utterly tiny.

Derek sighed loudly, the movement causing his massive shoulders to rise and fall, his shirt seams groaning at the movement. “I was at the gym and got into an argument with some guy,” Derek growled, anger written all over his face as he remembered what had happened. “Words were said, and I called him a ‘Roided-Up Freak’. Then he snapped his fingers, and well…” Derek gestured downwards at himself.

Matthew nodded quietly, and then perked up. “And I understand that your boyfriend, Stiles, has stayed by your side this entire time?”

The audience let out aww’s and coos.

Derek nodded as best as he could due to his huge traps swallowing his neck. “Yeah,” he said. “He’s… my rock.” He admitted it, his heart racing over how grateful he was for Stiles. 

Like Derek, Stiles had been freaked out too when Derek had turned into a roid-loving bodybuilder. He’d tried his best to find spells to turn him back to normal, or at least find clothes big enough to fit over his unwanted bulk. However, unlike Derek, Stiles quickly came around to his boyfriend’s new appearance. He would run admiring hands over Derek’s inflated pecs or marvel over how he couldn’t fit hit hands even halfway around Derek’s biceps… and despite being annoyed, Derek would be lying if he didn’t admit that deep down that he loved having Stiles worship his muscles.

However, despite how great life was with Stiles, Derek was still irritated over his bulky body ruining his life. He couldn’t fit in his prized Camaro anymore. His gut and pecs were too big and they constantly pressed against the horn. Plus, his back was so wide that he couldn’t even close the door thanks to how broad he was. Speaking of doors, it took all of Derek’s cleverness to squeeze himself through any standard-sized one. He always had to go through them sideways thanks to his broad shoulders, but it was always a struggle fitting his roidgut and pecs through the doorway. All of his clothes were now XXXL, and they always looked like they were painted on. Even sleeping was struggle too! Whenever he lied on his back, Derek’s huge back muscles kept his head elevated above his pillow. He couldn’t lie on his side, not with his large arms and lats. His gut and pecs were too big to try sleeping on his front. He had to position pillows and blankets carefully around his body in order to get comfortable. But his large body left zero room for Stiles, forcing the tiny human to sleep completely on top of Derek’s large muscles… but Derek secretly liked that part of the curse.

As the show went on and Derek answered the host’s questions, a loud ripping noise echoed out.

“Oh no…” Derek groaned as his shirt finally lost its battle trying to conceal his bulk. The collar split right down the middle of his pillowy pecs, traveling downward to his gut. His sleeves burst to shreds over his enormous biceps, leaving the large bodybuilder completely topless. Derek blushed, and then winced when he heard another loud tear, this time his huge glutes bursting through the back of his tight pants. Now that he was exposed, his vascular form was on full display, showing off the radiating veins all over his huge physique.

Matthew mock frowned, yet the audience erupted into a fit of laughter, making Derek blush even more.

“Well, Derek,” Matthew said, “we looked into your curse to see if we could help you at all. And guess what? We can.”

Derek perked up a little, hopeful at returning to his normal body after months of being trapped in an overblown, roided-up bodybuilder’s body. “R-really?” he asked, hopeful. 

Matthew reached into his back pocket and handed Derek a card. “Yes, Big Guy,” he smiled. “This here is a fifty dollar gift card to Mens’ Big and Tall. They have all sorts of styles designed specifically for large, bulky men such as yourself.”

Derek frowned as he snatched the gift card away from the host.

Matthew turned back to the crowd. “And coming up after our break, a man whose voice sounds like a chipmunk’s! That and more on The Matthew Johnson Show!”

Derek waddled off the stage, grumbling angrily to himself the whole time. He’d just embarrassed himself on TV for a stupid gift card. “I hope his shit show gets cancelled,” he muttered to himself as he walked backstage towards a waiting Stiles.

Stiles looked up at his inflated boyfriend sympathetically. “Sorry Derek,” he frowned. “I thought that it’d help. I mean, it looked like he helped people whenever I’d watch him on TV.”

Derek huffed and had to take a step backward so that his protruding pecs weren’t blocking his view of Stiles. “Yeah, who would’ve guessed that people lie on TV?” he rolled his eyes.

Stiles’s frown lightened up the smallest bit. “Well, I mean, if you are stuck as a big bodybuilder…” he led, looking at Derek with a hopeful expression.

Derek sighed, but forced a grin on his face as he lifted his muscled arms as best as he could, forming a double biceps pose. “Wanna feel, Little Man?” he asked the usual line that had become a staple in their bedroom activities.

Stiles’s smile grew. “Yes, please.”

Derek couldn’t help but smile back, reaching over and tossing Stiles over his broad shoulder with ease. “I could get used to this, I suppose,” he shrugged to himself as he waddled off, loving how small his boyfriend felt against his bulk.

Tags :
1 year ago

31 Days of Derek Hale

Day 31: Tyler Hoechlin to Derek Hale TF

Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │ 15 │ 16 │ 17 │ 18 │ 19 │ 20 │ 21 │ 22 │ 23 │ 24 │ 25 │ 26 │ 27 │ 28 │ 29 │ 30 │ 31 🎃

31 Days Of Derek Hale

Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you all enjoyed this Derek Hale Tf Marathon! It was so much fun to make, and I hope that you all liked what I put out!

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Actor Tyler Hoechlin filtered through some emails to waste time before he had to get ready. The actor was supposed to make an appearance at some celebrity Halloween party for photo ops. He wasn’t above taking a picture here and there, but he hadn’t even began to think about a costume, nor had his assistant just grabbed one for him.

“I could just wear a bedsheet and go as a ghost?” Tyler chuckled to himself, thinking that it’d be so lame that it’d be good.

He deleted several emails from casting agents who thought that he’d be great in one of their low-budget horror movies that was supposed to go straight to steaming services. Tyler couldn’t help but grimace at doing anything horror related.

After spending so many years being cast as Derek Hale on Teen Wolf, the last thing he wanted to do was something spooky-ish, lest he risk being typecasted. Already, the actor played Superman on Superman & Lois, but he still had several people on the street referring to him as “Derek”. Of course, Tyler was grateful that so many fans appreciated his work on the MTV series, but there was a part of him that was ready to let the role go.

Which was why he’d frowned deeply at the email from Jeff Davis, the creator of Teen Wolf. Tyler begrudgingly clicked on it, scanning it a little until he got to the reason for the reaching out:

“…MTV is interested in rebooting the Teen Wolf series, and after the negative reception of the movie, the producers have decided not to count it as canon. Can we count on you to return as Beacon Hills’s resident Alpha, Derek Hale?”

Not even bothering to respond to it, Tyler moved the mouse towards the garbage icon to delete it. Before he could click it, his laptop screen flickered and an odd electric shock sparked out, actually shocking Tyler.

The actor recoiled his hand at the sensation, the electric shock sending a tingling feeling throughout the rest of his body for a brief moment.

“What the hell?” Tyler wondered aloud. He closed his laptop and shoved himself away from his desk, making a mental note to buy a new laptop tomorrow since his was obvious short-circuiting. 

He glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed, seeing that he was supposed to start getting ready for the party. Tyler rubbed his temples and walked towards the bathroom so that he could start getting ready. 

As he undressed, the actor could feel a little apprehension starting to seep into his bones about attending the party. The normally social Tyler Hoechlin, for some unknown reason, began to frown at the thought of being at a stuffy Halloween party that was going to be packed with people, wall to wall. The thought of being trapped in a room, shoulder to shoulder, with other people made Tyler shudder, and he began to think of reasons to bail. He thought that it was odd, but he chalked it up to his social battery just being abnormally low that night.

Still, Tyler told himself that he couldn’t just be a no-show. He’d promised his friend and previous costar, Dylan O’Brien, that he’d show up and the two could catch up over a drink.

Tyler could’ve sworn that his heart started to race in his chest for some reason, his limbs tingling with excitement. “What’s going on?” he mumbled to himself, confused as to why he seemed to be so giddy to see Dylan. “It’s just Stiles. I saw him last week…”

He coughed and cleared his throat, having no clue why he’d accidentally referred to Dylan as his old character, Stiles. Tyler shook it off and hopped into the shower. As he bathed, Tyler couldn’t seem to get Dylan out of his head.

“What is going on with me?” he asked himself, wondering why he couldn’t get the man’s dimples out of his mind. What was even weirder to the man was that his cock started to plump up, sticking straight out in front of him.

Tyler had never had a gay thought in his life, and despite seeing all of the Sterek fan art online, he’d never entertained the thought of him and Dylan together. Yet, for some unknown reason, the more he pictured his toned, mole-spotted body, his cock throbbed even harder.

“Fuck it,” Tyler grunted as he wrapped his fingers around his cock, pumping away.

Tyler was so lost in the pleasure that rippled throughout his body as he jerked off, bellowing out low moans the entire time. His free hand ran over his muscled chest, his fingers running through the thick pelt of chest hair—

“Wh-what?” Tyler grunted as he looked down, still playing with his throbbing cock as he stared down at his previously smooth chest. Despite having just shaved his pecs earlier that morning for some pictures as the smooth-chested Superman, Tyler’s chest was now covered in thick, black chest hair. The hairs covered his meaty pecs and ran down his stomach, connecting to his bush by a noticeable happy trail. “What the hell’s goin’ on?”

Tyler’s confusion was briefly forgotten when all of his large muscles tensed up, and his cock erupted with a spray of cum, shooting a large load against the linoleum of his shower. 

The stud was left panting, leaning against the other wall of the shower as he tried to catch his breath. Tyler ran a shaky hand through his wet hair, trying to piece together the fact that not only was his chest hairy, but he’d also just jerked off to another guy— one of his past costars at that.

“I guess Stiles is kinda cute,” he begrudgingly muttered, flinching for a second. “Um, I mean Dylan.”

Tyler finished up his shower and dried himself off in a daze, struggling to wrap his head around what was going on. He knew that something was up, but whenever he tried to concentrate on it, a new growing part of his brain told him not to worry about it. Even as he dried off his hairy chest, his panic that he knew should’ve been there was barely audible.

The actor was puzzling over it as he lumbered back to his bedroom to get dressed. He opted to grab a nice designer suit of out his closet, one that was supposed to make him look like 007. Yet, when Tyler pulled on the white button shirt, he huffed in irritation over how tight it felt.

“Damn it,” he grunted, unable to close the top four buttons of the shirt over his broad chest muscles. He tried his best to suck in his stomach in order to make himself smaller, but his fuzzy pecs were too large to fit into the tiny shirt. His wide back muscles were far too wide, and his biceps threatened to tear the expensive fabric to shreds. Tyler could’ve sworn that the shirt had fit him perfectly at the store, yet now it was at least two sizes too small for him.

With an annoyed huff, Tyler tossed the shirt to the floor and stomped over to his wardrobe to find something that would fit over his muscles. As he stared at the expensive clothes in his closet, Tyler couldn’t help but feel a large bubble of animosity start to form in his gut. The thought of parading around in such garish and over-priced threads was almost repulsive to him.

Without a second thought, Tyler hurried over to his dresser and yanked on a tight, gray tank top that barely fit over his large muscles. He pulled on some worn blue jeans that hugged his butt nicely. As the finishing piece, Tyler snatched a black leather jacket out of his closet and shrugged it on, feeling much more at home in it than he would some brand name suit.

Tyler paused to look at himself in the mirror before exiting his house, noting that he looked like he was wearing his usual outfit that his character Derek Hale wore on the set of Teen Wolf. He snickered and rolled his eyes, but then gasped.

“What the hell…?” his voice trailed off when he leaned in closer to the mirror, his eyes honing in on his teeth. As impossible as it seemed, Tyler could’ve sworn that his canines were bigger. They stood out much more prominently than the rest of his teeth, looking like the actor was wearing caps over them, trying to make them look larger and sharper. “I, uh, I guess these are supposed to be the sharper teeth… Shit!”

Tyler jerked back in surprise at the way his smooth, freshly shaven chin was now covered in a trimmed beard. The way his sideburns connected to it indicated that Tyler must’ve been growing out his facial hair over the course of a few days, maybe even weeks. However, he knew for a fact that he’d shaved his face not even an hour ago, letting him know that something was indeed wrong.

In disbelief, the hairier hunk grabbed at the hairs covering his chin, shocked that they were real and attached to him.

His heart began to race in his beefy chest, but he was quickly distracted when his phone buzzed in his pocket. Despite himself, Tyler snatched it out and glanced at the screen, his stomach doing flips when he read that it was a text from Stiles/Dylan.

Hey! I’m at the party! You’re coming, right? it read.

Tyler couldn’t ignore the giddy excitement that rippled through him, and he caught himself smiling like a goofball, his larger canines poking out of his mouth.

On my way, he responded, grabbing his keys and leaving his house. 

Tyler rushed over to his garage and opened the door, not even thinking twice before hopping into his black Camaro instead of his Tesla before he sped down the street towards the party, eager to see Stiles— or Dylan.

He floored the gas pedal as he rushed to the party, irritated when he hit a red light. Tyler groaned impatiently and rested his head against the headrest in irritation. His eyes glanced towards the rearview mirror, and Tyler gasped at what he saw.

He almost tore the rearview mirror off of its fixture as he leaned closer, seeing that his brow appeared much more prominent than it should’ve. That, and his eyebrows were missing for some reason. His ears had elongated, ending in points that protruded far off his head.

Tyler ran a disbelieving hand over his facial features, feeling ridiculous. He had just enough awareness to recall looking in the mirror on the set of Teen Wolf, seeing the same exact look whenever he was made up into Derek Hale’s beta form. Yet, he could feel the nerve endings whenever he touched his new canine ears, paling at what that indicated—


The car behind him blared its horn as the light turned green, snapping Tyler out of his panic.

Tyler just bared his teeth in the mirror and continued on his way. All of the cars on the road, the bright lights of the city, and the too poppy songs on the radio all seemed to get under the stud’s skin, and a firm scowl planted itself onto his handsome face.

It wasn’t long until Tyler pulled up in front of a large convention center that had a valet service up front. He stopped and got out of his Camaro, unable to hold back the intimidating snarl when he tossed the valet his keys.

“There better not be a scratch on it when I get back,” he muttered, noting the deeper quality to his voice. He cleared his throat as he walked up towards the entrance where a large bouncer stood, clipboard in hand.

“Name?” the bouncer asked.

“Derek Hale,” Tyler answered automatically, flinching and clearing his throat again. “Sorry about that, my name’s Der— er, Tyler Hoechlin.” He didn’t know why saying his name seemed like some Herculean feat, the actor having to clench his fists in order to get it out of his mouth.

The bouncer simply looked down at the list on the clipboard before nodding and ushering Tyler inside.

Tyler rubbed at his temples as he tried to piece together what was happening. However, the second he stepped foot inside, all of his senses appeared to have heightened as they were all assaulted at once. 

Tyler winced at the onslaught of stimuli: the lights in the room were far too bright and he had to nearly squint in order to adjust his sight; the music was blaring out of the speakers, blasting at a near deafening volume; and the stench of overpriced alcohol singed his nostrils, making him grimace. The stud was ready to about face until a familiar scent wafted by.

It took a few seconds for Tyler to realize that he’d been sniffing at the air like a search dog, blushing once he’d been made aware of the other celebrities eying him confusedly. Still, the familiar smell of curly fries alerted him to someone else’s presence, and he found himself barreling through the crowd towards the source.

Tyler’s gaze honed in on Stiles, the cute guy standing over by one of the tables. He was dressed in a suit that had a red coat that made Tyler’s heart flutter in his chest. Immediately, he felt his scowl starting to loosen up the slightest bit, and the more he approached, the quicker Tyler noticed the other guy talking to Stiles.

“Grrr…” Tyler growled out of instinct. As soon as the animalistic sound left his lips, the shocked stud slapped a hand over his mouth. He had no idea why he’d literally just growled like a dog, but once he looked back over at Stiles and the other man talking, he couldn’t prevent the sound from uttering from his lips once more, his large chest vibrating from the noise.

Stiles picked up on the noise and looked over in his direction, smiling and waving him over. “Hey!” he called.

Tyler ceased growling and couldn’t prevent the wide smile from growing on his face as he hurried over to his boyfriend— or past costar. As Tyler was trying to figure out why he was so eager to see the other guy, he wasn’t even aware of the fact that he wrapped a possessive arm around Stiles’s waist, pulling the smaller guy closer into him.

Stiles turned to the other man. “Jeff, you remember Derek, right?” he asked before furrowing his brow in confusion.

The other guy just looked over at Tyler and nodded. “I sure do,” he grinned, holding out his hand for Derek to shake. 

At first, the werewolf just sneered at the other man’s hand, jealousy still coursing through his veins. However, after a slight nudge from Stiles, Derek begrudgingly took it and squeezed it tightly, enjoying the slight wincing from the other man. “Nice to meet you,” he grunted.

Jeff didn’t look too fazed. “As I was telling Dylan, er, Stiles over here,” he said, “I was hoping to hear more about your stories in Beacon Hills. I’m with a large production company that would love to—”

“Not interested,” Derek interrupted, having absolutely zero desire to have his pack’s business advertised in any manner. He was as anti-social as they came, and the idea of talking to some big shot production guy made his headache grow.

Jeff frowned. “…yeah, I guess I did write him like this…”

Derek ignored that, and instead held on tightly to Stiles as he led him out of the crowd of people and towards the exit. They left the convention center and handed the valet the ticket.

“Der,” Stiles piped up, looking just as confused as he was, “um, how the hell did we get in LA?”

Derek’s brow furrowed too as he scratched at the back of his head. He felt like something was wrong, hearing some quiet voice in the back of his head that said that he wasn’t an alpha werewolf. For a brief second, his hairy muscles felt far too big and he wondered why he was so turned on by another man. However, the voice was immediately silenced when Stiles interlocked his fingers with his.

“No fuckin’ clue,” Derek finally said, shaking his head as he took the keys back from the valet. He and Stiles got into the Camaro, and Derek sped down the street back towards Beacon Hills. 

The alpha werewolf rested his arm around the headrest of Stiles’s seat, the motion making his large biceps stretch his leather jacket slightly. Stiles leaned in closer to him, resting his head on his broad shoulder. Derek couldn’t help but puff out his hairy chest with pride, his inner wolf howling with content.

Derek Hale smiled widely, absolutely loving his life.

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