Those Summer Nights ~ T.H
Those Summer Nights ~ T.H
chapter five: summer lovin’
series masterlist

Week 4
When you woke up in the morning, Tom was nowhere to be found. His bunk was unmade, as it always was, with a note lying on his pillow.
“Meet me in the kitchen.” It read it his sloppy handwriting. You smiled a little before quickly getting dressed.
“Hey. I missed you this morning.” You said as you walked into the mess hall kitchen.
“Sorry I had to leave you. I see you got my note.” He smiled and gestured to the note in your hand.
“I did. What’s all this?” You wondered and nodded to all the bowls and ingredients he had out.
“Pasquale gave me a sneak peak at the menu for this morning.” Tom explained as he handed you the daily menu.
“Scrambled eggs?” You scrunched your nose.
“Yeah. I know you get grossed out eating them if you think too hard about it.” Tom chuckled.
“I can’t help it. The texture is disgusting. And I’m a picky eater.”
“I remembered that.” Tom pointed to you. “I couldn’t let you go hungry all day so I talked to Pasquale and he said we could cook before the campers get up.”
“You set this all up so I wouldn’t have to eat scrambled eggs?” You smiled in disbelief when you realized just how much Tom had prepared.
“Yeah. Is that too much?” He asked, sounding unsure of himself for the first time ever.
“No. It’s perfect. Thank you.” You gave him a reassuring smile before leaning in to kiss his cheek. Tom’s face burned in a shy pink blush that you pretended not to notice.
“So what are we gonna make?” You asked him.
“Blueberry pancakes.” He told you. “Because it’s the only recipe Pasquale had that was in English.”
“I love it.” You laughed. “Come on. I’m hungry.”
Tom helped tie an apron around your waist before getting to work. Now that he knew he had a chance with you, he was flirtier than ever. Only this time, he had a new tactic.
“Excuse me, sorry.” Tom put his hands on your waist and brushed past you as he grabbed something he clearly didn’t need. He did it again two seconds later, making you giggle.
“Sorry.” He said as he put blueberries onto your cooking pancake by enveloping you in his arms from behind. You playfully rolled your eyes as he kept one hand on your shoulder while the other hand helped guide your hand that was holding the spatula.
“Sorry. Didn’t see you there. Sorry.” He continued to tease you as he purposefully bumped into you. You preferred this to the relentlessly flirting, mostly because you thought it was cute that he was making up excuses to touch you.
“I have to say, I’m impressed.” You said as you piled up the pancakes on a plate.
“You are?”
“Uh huh. I’m wearing my shortest pair of shorts and you haven’t made one comment about them.” You teased him.
“Don’t take my silence for indifference, love. I noticed the shorts. I’m just too much of a gentleman to comment on them.” Tom replied as he held up his hands.
“Oh, are you?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Yep.” He shrugged and never once looked down at your shorts.
“Hm. Have you ever seen Legally Blonde?”
You gave Tom an innocent smile before purposefully knocking a fork to the floor. You slowly bent down and grabbed the fork before snapping back up. Tom watched you and cleared his throat, quickly looking away when you stood up. You smirked when you noticed his blush and began to cut up a pancake.
“Now that is an impressive pile of pancakes.” Tom complimented. You stabbed a piece and blew on it before holding it up.
“Open up. I want you to have the first bite.” You smiled. Tom returned the smile and opened up his mouth. You cupped your hand under his chin to catch any crumbs as you fed him the pancake. Tom swallowed the bite with a smile on his face before taking the fork from you to feed you a piece.
“Wow. You make a pretty good pancake.” You told him.
“I make an even better boyfriend.” He winked at you and popped another piece in his mouth.
“We’ll see.” You smirked and put the plate down. You divided the pancakes up on to two plates and handed Tom his. As you ate together, you couldn’t help but wonder something in the back of your mind.
“Can I ask you something?”
“9 inches.” Tom replied immediately.
“Shut up.” You shoved him. “That’s not what I was gonna ask.”
“Then what were you gonna say, love?” He asked between bites.
“Why me?” You wondered. “You’ve been chasing after me since the first day and you didn’t even know me. Why did I become the object of your affection or whatever?”
“Because you’re beautiful.” Tom said simply.
“I don’t believe that. There is no way you act like this every time you find a girl beautiful.”
“I don’t.” He admitted. “But there’s just something about you. As soon as I saw you, I wanted to know you. And I figured if I acted like an idiot on purpose, I couldn’t act like an idiot on accident.”
“I have to say. Your logic is pretty solid. You definitely act like an idiot.” You teased, making Tom laugh.
“I know. I’m sorry about all the flirting, love. I don’t normally act like that.” He said quietly as he held your gaze.
“You don’t have to be sorry.” You shrugged. “I liked some of it.”
“Did you?“ He smirked and leaned in a little.
“I said some.” You smirked and leaned in as well.
“That’s good enough for me, pretty girl.” He said lowly as his eyes dropped to your lips. Before he could kiss you, you shoved a blueberry into his mouth with a wicked smile. He returned the smile as the chewed on the blueberry.
“This isn’t over, love.” He warned. “I’m gonna get that kiss.”
“Yeah?” You smirked. “We’ll see.”
Week 5
“Welcome campers to our midsummer talent show! Who wants to go first?” You said into the microphone as you stood on the wooden stage. All your campers blinked back at you, none of them wanting to be the first to get on stage. You looked around the crowd before looking to Tom for help. He got up on stage and stood by your side.
“I think they’re a little shy.” He whispered to you.
“Yeah.” You frowned. “No one wants to be the first one up.”
“I have an idea.” Tom winked at you and grabbed a microphone from another counselor.
“Would you guys feel better if counselor Y/n and I kicked this off?” Tom asked into the microphone.
“What are you doing?” You lowered your mic to whisper to him.
“Come on.” He grinned. “We’re singing a song.”
“What? I don’t sing.”
“Neither do I. But we’re gonna do it anyway.” He told you before going over to the sound system. He whispered something to the counselor behind the board and you watched them both nod.
“Tom, I really don’t sing.” You repeated when he came back on stage.
“Just trust me. The kids will love it.” He assured you as the beginning of a song started to play.
“I don’t know this song.” You whispered to him as you listened to the music.
“Yes you do. It’s in there somewhere. Deep in your heart.” He poked your heart gently before raising his mic to his lips.
“But I don’t-“
“Summer loving had me a blast.” Tom sang into his mic with a surprisingly good voice.
“Summer loving happened so fast.” You sang before you knew what you were doing. Tom gave you an excited smile and an encouraging nod.
“I met a girl crazy for me.” Tom sang as he tucked some hair behind your ear.
“Met a boy cute as can be.” You sang and rolled your eyes as Tom pointed to himself and mouthed “me?”
You continued to sing the chorus, gaining confidence as you went. The kids nervous smiles melted into grins of excitement.
“She swam by me. She got a cramp.” Tom sang as he moved his arm like a wave.
“He ran by me. Got my suit damp.”
“I saved her life. She nearly drowned.” Tom sang before deadpanning “Jesse.”
“He showed off splashing around.” You laughed through your next line.
“Summer sun, something's begun. But uh, oh those summer nights.” You and Tom sang together as you looked in each other’s eyes.
“Oh well, oh well, oh well oh, uh. Tell me more, tell me more. Was it love at first sight?” The campers sang from their seats.
“It was.” Tom said into his microphone, making you laugh again.
“Tell me more, tell me more. Did she put up a fight?” The boy campers sang.
“Don’t love that line.” You said into your mic.
“Took her bowling in the arcade.” Tom sang as he twirled you under his arm.
“We went strolling, drank lemonade.” You sang in response.
“We made out under the dock.” Tom smiled through his line and cupped your chin.
“We stayed out 'til ten o'clock.” You playfully swatted his hand away. “Summer fling don't mean a thing.”
“But uh, oh those summer nights.” Tom sang to you as he pulled you closer by your belt loop. You wagged a finger at him and strutted away.
“He got friendly holding my hand.” You sang as Tom slipped one hand into yours.
“Well, she got friendly down in the sand.” Tom made eyes as you as he sang the cheeky line, all while moving his hand in a downward motion.
“He was sweet, just turned 18.” You sang while circling around Tom with your hand on his shoulder.
“Well, she was good, you know what I mean.” Tom replied as he followed you around like a lost puppy. You continued to sing the song as you did some soft choreography on stage together. You were just having fun and singing as if no one was watching, something you had never done before you met Tom. The campers ate up every second of the performance, practically jumping out of their seats to sing the chorus with you.
“It turned colder, that's where it ends.” You sang and dramatically threw your hand over your forehead.
“So I told her we'd still be friends.” Tom said as he took your chin between his fingers again.
“Then we made our true love vow.” You sang with a smile.
“Wonder what she's doin' now.” Tom sang back with a soft smile. You were looking directly into each other’s eyes as you sang and suddenly, the crowd disappeared.
“Summer dreams ripped at the seams.” You sang together. “But, oh, those summer nights.”
When you finished your songs, you lowered your mics but never dropped eye contact. You both panted as smiles broke out of your faces.
“Give it up for counselors Tom and Y/n!” Another counselor said into their microphone as they came on stage. You grabbed Tom’s hand and held it up before bowing for your campers. They all cheered and clapped as you walked off stage. Once you were back on the ground, you threw your arms around Tom and pulled him into a tight hug. Tom spun you around before carefully setting you down on the ground.
“That was so much fun.” You gushed. “I’ve never sung in public before.”
“Me either.” He grinned. “I always wanted to, though. When I was a little boy, I wanted to be Billy Elliot on the West End.”
“I bet you’d still look good in a tutu.” You shrugged with a flirty smile.
“I know I would.” He flirted back as he took a step closer to you. You couldn’t help but smile as you looked Tom up and down. He said he was gonna be a gentleman for you and you liked that he was a man of his word,
“Thanks for making me do that. You totally brought me out of my comfort zone. You’ve been doing that all summer, actually.” You smiled shyly at him.
“I’m glad. I like this confident version of you. Not that you weren’t amazing before.” He assured you. “It’s just nice to see you loosen up and stop doing things that the itinerary tells you to do.”
“The itinerary is important.” You said as you took another step towards him.
“I wouldn’t know.” He smiled. “I never read it.”
Your smile slowly slipped off your face as your eyes fell down to his lips.
“I know, I know. I’ll read it one day. I promise.”
“Tom.” You said again, with urgency this time.
“Just as soon as I find out what an itinerary is. I’ve heard it’s like a menu of the events of the day but-“
You went up on your tiptoes and kissed him before he could finish his sentence. Tom’s eyes flew open before fluttering shut. He put one hand on your face and the other around your waist and he pulled you tighter against his body. When you pulled away, you exchanged shy smiled.
“You just kissed me.” He said in disbelief.
“Sorry.” You shrugged with a coy smile. “Couldn’t help it.”
“But it hasn’t been five weeks yet. I haven’t proven to you what a good boyfriend I can be.” He reminded you as he tried to process what had just happened. Before you could respond, a camper ran up to you.
“Counselor Y/n! Come catch fireflies with us.” She said as she tugged on your hand.
“I’ll be right there, sweetheart.” You smiled at her. She nodded and ran back to her friends.
“Are you coming?” You asked Tom.
“In my pants, yeah.” Tom quipped.
“And he’s back.” You chuckled. “There’s the Tom I know.”
“Sorry. Couldn’t help it.” Tom smirked and used your words from before.
“Come on. Let’s go catch some bugs.” You slipped your hand into his and pulled him back towards the campsite. Tom smiled to himself as you held his hand as he thought to himself about how this was the first time you initiated something between you. You only dropped his hand when one of your youngest campers pulled you away. You gave Tom an apologetic smile before getting down on your knees or help your campers catch lightening bugs. Tom watched your curiously before looking over at his own campers. He saw the little boy who’s hand holding he once rejected standing by himself. Tom went over to him and got down on his level before giving him a smile. You looked over your shoulder at one point and saw Tom helping his campers catch the bugs. They all watched him with wide eyes, enchanted by his every movement. A lightening bug landed on Tom’s arm and he flexed his muscle, making the bug light up. You laughed and excused yourself before going over to Tom.
“Hey stranger.” You softly kicked his side to alert you to his presence.
“Well hello beautiful.” He smiled and stood up. “Back so soon? I mean, I knew you would be. I’m just pointing it out to you so you know how pathetic you are.”
“Please.” You laughed at his joke. “Like you haven’t been staring at me this whole time. You still have my chapstick on your lips by the way.”
“I’m watching you to figure out what you’re doing. I’m trying but I’m not catching any.” Tom blushed as he wiped your chapstick off his lips with his fingertips.
“Probably because you dose yourself in big repellent every morning.” You said as you easily caught another lightening bug.
“And who’s gotten the least amount of bug bites this summer?” He teased. “This guy. Don’t think I don’t hear you scratching your ankles all night.”
“Shut up. Here. Take mine.” You laughed and opening your hands a little to give Tom some of your bugs.
“What? You caught so many.” He gasped as you held your hands together to keep the bugs from flying away.
“Yeah. This isn’t my first rodeo, Holland.”
“They must like you.” Tom smiled at you. “That’s how cool you are. Even bugs like you. I wish they liked me.”
“It doesn’t matter if they like you or not. Because I like you. And I’m better than any bug.”
“That’s pretty conceited of you to say.” Tom scrunched his nose. “Bugs are pretty rad.”
“Shut up.” You laughed and leaned in to kiss his scrunched up nose. Tom was surprised by the affection and desperately wanted more.
“Can you meet me by our cabin before dinner?” He asked. “There’s something I want to tell you.”
“Okay. Sure.” You smiled back at him. Tom hesitated for a moment before leaning in to kiss you again. You kissed him back but kept it quick so your campers wouldn’t see. Unbeknownst to either of you, Jesse was watching the interaction from the woods. He clenched and unclenched his fists, eyes only on you.
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More Posts from Ultravante
Those Summer Nights ~ T.H
chapter three: got my suit damp
Synopsis: you don’t like the new camp counselor, but he really likes you
Series masterlist

Week 2
“All right campers.” You clapped your hands. “Today we’re making lanyards.”
“Yay!” Tom cheered. “Lanyards!”
He wrapped an arm around you and whispered in your ear, “What are lanyards?”
“You’ve never made a lanyard? How did you get this job?” You wondered as you pushed his arm off.
“Because I am very charming.” He said suavely. “And my aunt is on the board.”
“Really? I haven’t noticed.” You said sarcastically.
“You knew about my aunt?”
“No, dummy.” You playfully hit his chest. “I noticed that you were charming.”
“Ohhh.” He realized. “You’re adorable when you flirt with me, darling.”
“Tom.” You glared at him.
“Oh, sorry.” He held up his hands. “You’re adorable when you flirt with me, pretty girl.”
“Stop it. Sit down and make your lanyard.” You said as you walked over to the wooden bench. You started on your lanyard as Tom hesitantly picked up the plastic string. He tried to tie two pieces but they immediately came apart.
“I have no idea what I’m doing.” He mumbled as he twisted two strands together.
“What is that?” You laughed when you looked over at what he was doing.
“Duh. A rainbow.” He scoffed.
“It’s pink and purple. Neither of those colors are in the rainbow.”
“Purple is.” Tom said smugly as he held up his creation.
“Violet is. That’s not Violet.” You pointed to his lanyard. “You’d find that color on a Lisa Frank poster.”
“Wow.” He rolled his eyes. “Where’d you learn that, smarty pants?”
“The colors of the rainbow?”
“Kindergarten.” You smiled sweetly. “You should go sometime. It would do you some good.”
“Maybe you could tutor me.” He smirked. “It wouldn’t me the first time I’ve had a crush on my teacher.”
“Shut up and focus on your lanyard.” You nudged him playfully.
“What lanyard?” He sighed and dropped his lanyard. “I can’t do this. When do we go swimming?”
“Next week.”
“Next week?” Tom’s eyes widened. “What?”
“You didn’t read the itinerary?”
“Don’t ask me that. You’ll just be disappointed.”
“You’re ridiculous.” You chuckled. “I’ll read it to you tonight.”
“Ooo. So we have plans tonight?” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“No. Give me that.” You dropped your smile and took his lanyard from him.
“What are you doing?” He asked as you began to fold the different colored strings around each other.
“Starting your lanyard for you. Here.” You handed it back. “Keep doing it like that.”
“Wow. That’s really cool.” He said sincerely as he admired what you had made.
“I know. Does anyone else need help with their lanyard?” You asked the table. Every single camper looked at you raised their hand.
“Oh wow.” You sighed. “Okay. Who’s first?”
After an hour of making lanyards, you clapped your hands it get your campers attention.
“We’re gonna come back to lanyard making tomorrow.” You told them. “Follow counselor Tom and I over to the rock climbing wall.”
You picked up your youngest camper and held your free hand out for another camper to take it. Tom slipped his hand into yours and managed to keep it there for a minute before you realized. You gasped and dropped his hand but couldn’t help but crack a smile at his attempt.
“All right campers. I am now going to demonstrate rock climbing.” Tom said once you reached the rock wall.
“Hold on a minute.” You frowned. “Why do you get to demonstrate?”
“No reason.” Tom shrugged. “I’m just stronger and faster. That’s all.”
“Move aside. I got this.” You narrowed your eyes at him and pushed him out of your way. You started to climb the rock wall and immediately regretted your decision.
“I thought you didn’t like heights.” Tom asked as you struggled to go any higher.
“I don’t. But I like you even less.”
“Careful up there, pretty girl. You might break a nail.” Tom taunted from the ground.
“I might break your face while I’m at it.” You grumbled as you went up another peg.
“Please be careful. You don’t have to prove anything to me.” Tom’s time changed when he saw you beginning to shake.
“I’m not doing this for you.” You called down and went higher.
“The view I’m getting right now says otherwise.” Tom teased as he looked up at your butt. You let out a groan and reached for a red rock.
“I wouldn’t grab that one.” Tom told you.
“I don’t need you help. AH!” You screamed as you hand slipped off the tiny rock.
“Told you.” Tom said. “Please come down, darling. You’ve made your point.”
“Fine.” You rolled up it eyes before looking down. You gulped loudly and quickly looked back up. You had climbed higher than you thought and that fear of heights was starting to kick in.
“What’s wrong?” Tom called up at you.
“I can’t.” You shook your head. “I’m too high. I hate heights.”
“Darling, just come down the way you came.”
“I can’t.” You said again and he could hear the fear in your voice.
“Then let go. I’ll catch you.”
“That’s way worse. I’ll take my chances.” You said and started to climb down.
“Don’t step on that-“ Tom tried to warn you, but it was too late. Your foot slipped off the rock and you fell towards the ground. You didn’t even have time to scream before you were safely in Tom’s arms. You looked at him in shock and wrapped your arms tighter around his neck.
“Woah.” He smiled at you. “Does this mean you fell for me?”
“Put me down. I’m embarrassed enough.” You quickly scrambled to get out of his arms as the campers snickered to each other. You noticed them laughing and looked down at the floor.
“Counselor Tom, can you show us how it’s done?” One of the older boys snorted. Tom looked at you and felt guilty for embarrassing you.
“I can’t, actually.” Tom told the campers. “I’m really scared of heights. I can’t even look at the rock wall. I’m not nearly as brave as counselor Y/n.”
You looked up in surprise as a smile tugged at your lips. Tom returned the smile and winked at you to let you know he had your back.
After rock climbing, you led the kids to the mess hall for lunch. You and Tom grabbed peanut butter and jelly sandwiches from the kitchen before heading outside for a walk.
“You’re really great with kids, you know.” Tom told you. “They adore you.”
“I’ve known a lot of them for a few years.” You shrugged. “You form a special bond after a while.”
“I hope I can do that.” He sighed. “I can’t get my campers to stop putting worms in each other’s beds.”
“If you threaten to take away desert privileges, they stop right away.”
“That’s a good tip. Do you have anymore?”
“Always wake them up ten minutes early, but tell them it’s 8 o clock.” You advised. “Then, when they ask for ten more minutes, you can give it to them and not be late.”
“Wow. That’s really smart.” He smiled. “You’re really good at this.”
“I try.” You shrugged and looked away to hide your smile. “You’re good too.”
“Please don’t flirt with me. I find you repulsive.” Tom grimaced before cracked a smile.
“I’ve noticed.” You played along. You continued to walk around the campgrounds in a comfortable silence, both of you feeling a connection beginning to form.
Week 3
“Woah. To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you in a bathing suit?”
“It’s swimming day. You need to start reading the itinerary.” You told Tom as you pulled your jean shorts on over your red one piece. You could feel Tom’s eyes on you the entire time as you pulled your camp shirt on over your bathing suit, but you didn’t mind.
“But then I wouldn’t wake up to lovely surprises like this.” He smirked as he climbed down from his bed.
“Get your swim trunks on and meet me by the dock. I’ll go wake up your campers. Again.” You said pointedly.
“Thank you, darling. You know, some would say we act like an old married couple.” He smiled as he walked to the bathroom.
“No one would say that.”
“Wishful thinking, then.” He winked at you before shutting the bathroom door.
You woke Tom’s campers up and waited with them by the lake. He showed up soon enough in light blue swim trunks and his yellow camp shirt.
“Aw. You look like a jelly bean.” You laughed as he walked up to you.
“And you look as beautiful as ever.” He replied, sounding completely genuine. You gave him a small smile before turning to the kids.
“All right campers. We’re gonna start things off with a little race. Everyone, to the dock.” You announced and led them out onto the dock. They swam and raced for two hours until you blew a whistle to call them back in.
“Everyone out of the water.” You called. “It’s lunch time.”
“Counselor Y/n. I lost my googles.” A younger camper of yours said as she pulled on your hand.
“Where did you lose them, sweetie?” You asked, bending down to be her height.
“Out in the water. They’re pink. My moms gonna be so mad. I always lose them.” She said as her eyes filled with tears.
“Hey, don’t cry. I’ll go get them, okay? Wait here.”
“Thank you.” She sniffled as you wiped her face with the bottom of your shirt.
You gave her a reassuring smile before heading back towards the lake. It was a camp rule that you were forbidden from going into the lake alone, but you figured you’d been in and out in a minute. You looked around and saw that the lifeguard was off duty now, making you feel a little uneasy. You shook your nerves out and got back into your bathing suit before wading into the water. Once your feet stopped touching the ground, you plugged your nose and went under. You forced your eyes open and looked through the murky lake water for her goggles. You spotted them in the distance resting in the middle of a large patch of vegetation and swam towards them. Once you picked them up, you tried to swim you but found your leg tangled in a fishing net. You tugged on your leg but the net was tightly wrapped around you ankle. Water bubbles floating up the surface as they escaped your mouth. When you watched them do you, you realized just how far down you were. Your eyes and ears felt like they were going to explode from the underwater pressure. You gave your leg one last tug before feeling yourself be slowly lulled to sleep.
“Where’s counselor Y/n? She always makes us towel hats after swimming.” A camper whined as they tugged on Tom’s hand. Tom looked around to see a bunch of your campers tempting to make towel hats but didn’t see you anywhere.
“I’m not sure.” He frowned. “I thought she was right behind me. She must be around here somewhere.”
He left the campers with another counselor and began to look for you. He saw Jesse by the campfire with his guitar resting on his knee and approached him.
“Have you seen Y/n?” Tom asked him.
“Not since we were swimming.” Jesse shrugged. “Why?”
“I can’t find her anywhere.” Tom told him, growing more worried by the second.
“I’m sure she’s fine. She probably ran to the showers.” Jesse said and went back to strumming his guitar.
“She wouldn’t leave her campers.” Tom insisted. “Especially not with me. She knows how dumb I am.”
“Relax, dude. She’s gotta be around here somewhere.” Jesse brushed him off once again, but Tom was not convinced. He ran back to the campers and gathered them.
“All right, guys. When was the last time you saw counselor Y/n?” Tom asked them.
“When we were in the water.” One camper answered.
“Did anyone see her get out of the water?” He asked, heart sinking as they all shook their heads.
“I did.” One little girl spoke up.
“Did you see where she went went got out of the water?” Tom bent down to her level to ask.
The girl said nothing as her pruny hand emerged from her towel and pointed outwards. Tom followed her finger and stared at the lake. It was completely still and completely empty.
“You saw her get back into the water?” Tom gulped but tried to sound as calm as possible.
“Uh huh.” She nodded. “I lost my goggles. She went back to get them.”
“When did she go back?” He asked slowly, never taking his eyes off the lake.
“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “A while ago. Do you think she found them?”
Jesse came back over and saw the campers staring out at the lake. They were pointing and murmuring to themselves, already theorizing what might have happened to you. Hesse frowned in confusion before looking at Tom.
“Tom? Is everything all right?” He asked when he noticed Tom’s ghastly expression.
“Stay with counselor Jesse. I’ll be right back.” Tom announced to the campers before bolting towards the lake. He dove into the water and began to swim downwards. Jesse couldn’t contain the campers as they all ran to the shore of the lake. They pushed and climbed over each other to get a better view.
“Everyone stay calm.” Jesse announced, but he didn’t feel very calm himself. The kids chattered with anxiety and excitement as they waited to see what was going to happen. Suddenly, there was a ripple in the water towards the back of the lake.
“There he is!” One of Tom’s campers shrieked in excitement and pointed to the lake.
Everyone on the shore watched as Tom emerged from the water with your limp body in his arms. Your skin was drained of color and in your hand, a pair of pink goggles.
“My goggles!” The little girl exclaimed and ran to you and Tom.
“Somebody get a towel. Get every towel. And start the campfire.” Tom instructed as he carried you past the shore. Some counselors ran to start the campfire. Other counselors put a towel on the ground and Tom gently laid you down on it. Campers gathered around to see you, some gasping in horror and others asking a million questions.
“Someone get these campers out of here.” Tom ordered.
“Come on kids. Let’s go get some popsicles.” One of the older counselors led the campers away to the mess hall.
“What happened?” Jesse asked as he knelt by your side.
“Her foot was caught on a net.” Tom replied as he covered your body with towels to try to warm you up.
“How long was she down there?” Jesse asked.
“I don’t know.” Tom snapped. “A long time. Is there a nurse?”
“There’s a medical tent. Didn’t you look at the camp map?”
“Is now the time?” Tom whined as he started to do chest compressions on you.
“Do you know CPR?”
“Does it look like I know CPR? I could crack her chest if do it incorrectly. Go get the medic. Now.” Tom shouted. Jesse nodded and ran towards the medical tent.
“Help me move her to the campfire.” Tom asked the counselors. “Her skin is ice cold.”
Everyone took a corner of the towel and carried you over to the campfire. Tom began to panic at how long the medic was taking, so he started to do chest compressions himself.
“Come on. Don’t do this. Wake up.” He said as he pumped on your chest. He put his head down to listen to your heartbeat and heard nothing.
“Please wake up. Please?” He pleaded and started compressions again. “You have so much to live for. You haven’t even seen me naked yet.”
Tom bent down to listen to your heartbeat again and heart a faint thumping this time.
“Okay. Good.” He sighed in relief. “You’re doing great, pretty girl. Just come back to me. Keep coming back to me.”
He pinched your nose closed and opened to it mouth to blow air into your mouth.
“Don’t do it again unless you see her chest rise.” A counselor told him.
“Do you know CPR?” Tom hoped.
“No. I just watched a lot of Greys Anatomy.”
Tom gave the counselor and angry look before returning his attention to you. He continued doing chest compressions and bent down to blow air into your lungs again. When he pulled away, he saw you stir a little. He patted your cheek to see if you would wake up but you still didn’t open your eyes.
“She’s not waking up.” Tom gulped. “Why isn’t she waking up? And where is the goddamn medic?”
The counselors had no answers for Tom as he went back to CPR. He blew air into your mouth again and felt yout lungs inflate.
“Dih.” Came out of your mouth, barely audible but still something.
“Darling?” Are you trying to say something?”
You coughed again and slowly opened your heavy eyelids. Your eyes met his and he instantly melted.
“Did you just try to wake me up with true loves kiss?” You said, sounding out of breath and weak. He smiled in relief and nodded.
“I did just wake you up with true loves kiss.” He played along. “Some people call it CPR but they obviously have no idea what they’re talking about. I knew it would work since you have such a big crush on me and all.”
“You’re such a dickhead.” You cracked a smile before erupting into a coughing fit. Tom helped you sit up and patted your back as you coughed up water.
“She lives!” Tom cheered before hugging you tightly.
“Move. I think I swallowed a fish.” You pushed him aside and threw up some more water.
“Medics here.” Jesse said as he arrived at the campfire with another man.
“Dude.” Tom looked completely unamused as he gestured to you. You were already awake, no thanks to the medic.
“What? It’s not my fault. He was on lunch break. I had to find him.” Jesse grumbled.
“What happened?” The medic asked you.
“What does it look like happened?” Tom asked as he wrapped a towel around your shoulders, rubbing your arms up and down to warm you. You couldn’t help but smile at how defensive he was being over you.
“Let’s get you back to the medical tent.” The medic said. He and Tom helped you stand up, both feeling the way you were shaking.
“Can you walk?” Tom asked you.
“I think so.” You nodded.
“Cool.” Tom said and scooped you up anyway. You laughed a little but let yourself be carried by him all the way to the medical tent. Tom dropped you off for an examination and ran back to your cabin to get you some clothes. He grabbed the warmest clothes he could find and ran back to you as soon as possible.
“You’re okay. You’re lucky you were pulled out when you were. A few more minutes without oxygen going to your brain could’ve left you with permanent brain damage.” The medic was telling you as Tom came back to the cabin. He smiled at you and sat quietly until your examination was done. The medic left you along for a minute and you changed into the clothes Tom brought you.
“Are you okay, darling? You had me worried sick.” Tom asked now that you were alone.
“I’m okay. Thanks to you.” You smiled softly at him and pulled the sleeves of the hoodie he gave you over your hands.
“You would’ve done it for me.” He said as he scooted closer to you on your cot.
“Probably not.” You shrugged. “I would’ve let you drown.”
“Mean.” He smiled and playfully pushed you.
“I told you. I want my own room.” You replied. Instead of hitting you with a comeback, Tom pulled you into a tight hug. He kept his hand on your head as he held you against his chest, relaxing a little when he felt your heartbeat.
“I’m so glad you’re okay. I was so worried.” He said as he pulled away. He continued to cup your face and you let him.
“Thanks for pulling me out of there.” You smiled softly. “It almost makes up for the time you pushed me in.”
“Almost?” He chuckled. “Saving your life doesn’t make up for me pushing you in the lake when I was 10?”
“Nope. But trying to wake me up with true loves kiss did make you for the time you…” You trailed off suddenly as your smile fell.
“The time I what?” Tom wondered.
“Nothing.” You lied and faked a smile, not wanting to bring up the event of Lovers Lake all those years ago. Tom wasn’t satisfied with your answer and was about to ask more when Jesse came into the tent.
“Hey.” He smiled sheepishly. “So glad you’re okay.”
“No thanks to you.” Tom scoffed. “You told me she was fine. She could’ve drowned down there if I had listened to you.”
You looked at Tom curiously and wondered what you had missed while you were down in the water. Jesse looked embarrassed and Tom just looked angry.
“I’m sorry, okay?” Jesse sighed. “I thought she went to take a shower or something. I didn’t know she was in the lake.”
“It’s fine.” You said to appease both boys. “Did you need something, Jesse?”
“Yeah. I just had a tiny little question. You’re not gonna sue right?” He asked with a hopeful smile. Tom rolled his eyes and gave Jesse a death glare.
“Don’t worry. It was my fault.” You shrugged. “I broke the sacred rule and went into the water alone. And I love this camp too much to sue.”
“Good.“ Jesse smiled in relief. “All the campers are in the mess hall for dinner. You should join us when you’re ready.”
“We will.” Tom said as he wrapped a protective arm around you. This time, you let him keep his arm there and leaned into his side. Jesse watched the two of you with a clenched jaw before leaving the tent.
“We should go to the mess hall. I’m starving and I’m sure the campers saw everything and think I’m a zombie now.”
“What? They didn’t see everything.” Tom’s eyes darted to the side as he lied.
“I’m sure.” You chuckled and went to get off your cot.
“Here. Let me help you.” Tom stood up and picked you up again.
“I can walk, you know. You can stop carrying me everywhere.” You said as he carried you out of the tent.
“Why? So you can go drown again? I’m never letting you out of my sight so get used to this.” He replied, sounding completely serious.
“Eh.” You shrugged. “I guess that’s fine. I could get used to being carried.”
He smiled and carried you the rest of the way. He gently set you down outside the mess hall and tucked some hair behind your ear.
“You smell like the inside of a fish.” He told you with a timid smile on his face.
“Can you please stop flirting with me?” You rolled your eyes before cracking a smile. Tom returned the smile and you stood there for a minute, just looking at each other in the lighting of the setting sun.
“Next time I kiss you, you better be awake.” He said as he opened the door for you.
“What was that?” You asked as you entered the mess hall.
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i know | jj maybank
hellooooo i’ve risen from the dead and its with a fic about outer banks… i’ve fallen in love with jj… thats my baby
this was supposed to be a 5+1 concept and it still kinda is but i got really really carried away. as my new friend @captainpogue calls it the too much gene. so buckle up and grab a snack this is 21k words lmaoooo i hope you enjoy
i love you already

warnings: nothing more than what is mentioned in the show
You were laying on your stomach, on your bed, flipping through a book. It didn’t have your full attention as your mind was elsewhere. Music filtered in through your headphones but you weren’t really listening to it, either. It was almost dark outside and with the power still out, the few candles lit in your room did little to help you focus on the words in front of you.
It was also extremely hot. You were sweating just laying there. Your shirt was stuck to you and your shorts felt uncomfortable even if they were cloth sleeping shorts. Letting out a frustrated groan, you drop your head down to the book but immediately wince when you feel it get stuck to your forehead. You have to slowly lift your head and peel the page off with your fingers. Gross.
Moving the book, you lay your head down again and just try to breathe. The events of the day are finally catching up to you, making you a bit tired. Your mind is racing as the memories flash through like a movie playing behind your eyelids. Walking down the street and hearing a distressed, “Just shut up, Pope!” You recognized the voice like it was your own and rushed across the street where you came face to face with your group. JJ had looked at you, guilt shining in his eyes as he looked back at Shoupe, “Yeah, it was all me.”
A distressed sigh -one that matched the one you let out as you helplessly watched JJ get pushed into the back of the cop car- leaves your body in a rush and it makes your bed bounce just a little with the force of it. Kiara had moved up to you as you watched Pope let out a scream and storm off, his dad following him angrily with the hat Pope had thrown to the ground. She explained what she knew and all you could do was close your eyes and let out a breath. You knew JJ getting arrested, again, wouldn’t be good for him. He’s seventeen now, still a minor, but he’s so close to being tried as an adult and that scares you.
“Hey, you want to go to the police station, see if we can do something?” Kie had offered when she noticed that you’d done nothing but stare off in the direction the cop car had gone.
“No, his dad will most likely show up.” you stated and winced at your own words. “I’m just going to go home. I’d say text me but you know, towers are down. And my phone might even be dead with the whole no power thing.”
Kie laughed at your tone and it pulled a laugh out of you as well.
Rolling onto your back, you cover your face with your hands and try really hard to keep your frustrations at bay. You know JJ didn’t do shit this time around. You know what he’s covering for and why he’s doing it but god damn it you wished he had a little bit more common sense sometimes. You wish he wouldn’t put others before himself sometimes, even though that wasn’t in his nature. You wish he didn’t have such a temper sometimes, or the need to prove himself, because then that’d help him stay under the radar a bit easier. But you knew that JJ would never lose those parts of himself, that’s just who he was. Someone who cared about others too much because he didn’t want them to feel what he’s felt his whole life but had a temper like no other.
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41. “Dance with me.”
59. “I’m still sore from last night.”

ceo!yoongi x reader
w.c: 1.6k
warnings: a little suggestive if you like squint, sweet teeth numbing fluff
note: please please let me know your thoughts, it helps me out a lot. Also send in a drabble request hehehe.
masterlist || drabble game

Yoongi loved mornings.
Yoongi loved mornings more, now that the two of you had finally moved in together after years of dancing around the subject. He loved waking up next to you, with your face buried into the side of his body and your tiny snores escaping your dry chapped lips, echoing against the eggshell walls of the room. He loved the way the thin rays of the morning sun peek through the slits of the blackout curtains. The light dancing against your body, illuminating all his favorite features. Which was all of you. He loved the way you would stir, and he would race against time to shut his eyes before you could catch him starring at you.
You always did.
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Those Summer Nights ~ T.H
chapter four: tell me more
Synopsis: you don’t like the new camp counselor, but he really likes you
Series Masterlist

Week 3
On your daily walk around the campgrounds while your campers ate lunch, Jesse ran up to you and Tom. Tom was less than happy to see him ever since the lake incident, but you had decided to let that be water under the bridge.
“Hey. I’ve been looking for you.” Jesse smiled as he looked at only you. Tom tightened his jaw and stepped closer to you as he shot daggers at Jesse.
“You have?” You asked.
“Yeah. I wanted to see how your first few weeks of camp went.” He said and gave your arm a gentle punch. Tom let out a less than subtle sigh and rolled his eyes.
“Other than drowning, I would say it went pretty well.” You replied, making Tom smirk.
“It’s been great for me too. Y/n has been showing me the ropes. She’s an excellent counselor.” Tom said as he put a hand on your shoulder. Jesse glared at Tom’s hand before giving him a fake smile.
“I’d love to hear all about it.” Jesse returned his attention to you. “Can we grab dinner tonight?”
“All of us?” You asked and gestured to Tom.
“I was thinking just me and you.” Jesse replied before giving Tom a smug look.
“Oh. Okay. Sure.” You shrugged.
“It’s a date.” Jesse smiled at you as Tom rolled his eyes. He was about to walk away but stopped to pull something out of his pockets.
“Oh, and one more thing. Walkie talkies. We’re giving them to all the counselors now. It’s for safety.” Jesse said as he handed you and Tom a walkie talkie.
“Okay. Thanks.” You said as you took the device.
“Yeah. Thanks.” Tom nodded curtly, never letting up on his glare.
“Counselor Y/n! I need help!” A camper called from the door of the mess hall.
“Coming!” You called back. “Excuse me for a second, boys.”
Tom and Jesse watched as you ran to help the camper. An awkward silence fell into place as Tom and Jesse exchanged awkward smiles.
“Hey, do me a favor?” Jesse spoke up.
“Yeah. Sure.”
“Stay away from Y/n.” He narrowed his eyes. “I don’t know what your game is but she’s mine.”
“Perhaps you haven’t met Y/n. She isn’t anyones.” Tom chuckled as he stepped up to Jesse.
“I’m serious. You think you’re all charming and cute because you’re new? Well I’ve known Y/n for years and we’ve built up quite the connection. Shes had a crush on me since she was a camper here and I know you see that. The girl is mine. So back off.” Jesse said as he pushed Tom a little.
“And what if I dont?” Tom shrugged as he came right back.
“Then you’ll regret it.” Jesse said lowly and shoved Tom harder. Tom looked down at his chest, where Jesse’s hands had been, and laughed a little.
“Did you just shove me?” Tom asked.
“Yeah. What are you gonna do about it?”
“Nothing. Since I’m not 8.”
“Psh.” Jesse scoffed. “You just don’t want to start a fight you know you won’t win.”
“Oh, I would absolutely win.” Tom said simply. “But that’s not the point. The point is, I’m not gonna fight you for Y/n.”
“Because you know you’ll lose.” Jesse said and gave Tom another shove.
“Look, Jesse.” Tom sighed. “I’m sorry that you’re such a little bitch that you have to threaten me because you know at the end of the day you’re nobodies first choice. But you don’t need to take that out on me. I had no control of how much of a little bitch you actually are. It’s probably your daddy’s fault as I imagine he’s a little bitch too. All I’m asking is you keep in mind that Y/n a smart girl. She can make her own choices. If you feel so threatened by me that you need to tell me to back off, that’s on you.”
“Hey guys.” You said as you ran back up to them. Tom and Jesse stepped apart but never dropped their angry glares.
“Woah. What did I miss?” You laughed awkwardly and looked between the two of them.
“Nothing. I’ll see you tonight.” Jesse winked at you before walking away. Tom rolled his eyes and started to walk back towards the mess hall.
“Did that really just happen? Did Jesse just ask me out?” You smiled in excitement and grabbed Tom’s arm.
“I think so.” He faked a smile as he replayed his conversation with Jesse in his head.
“He’s never done that before. I always thought he thought I was too young for him or something.”
“How old is he anyway?” Tom wondered.
“Like 29? That’s not too weird, right? Lots of couples have age gaps.”
“You’re a couple now?” Tom laughed shortly as he gave you a look.
“I’m just saying.” You playfully rolled your eyes. “If he asked me out, it might lead to something more.”
“Do you want it to?” Tom asked quietly as he feared for the answer.
“I mean, I’ve liked him since I was a camper here.” You shrugged.
“That’s kinda gross.” Tom grimaced. “He’s known you since you were a camper and now he’s asking you out?”
“It’s not gross. Don’t damper my excitement. I was just starting to like you.” You teased Tom, making him smile a little.
“I thought so too.” He said under his breath before going into the mess hall.
That night, you got ready in the bathroom while your campers ate dinner in the mess hall. Tom’s leg bounced in anxiety as he waited for you to finish. Finally, the bathroom door opened and you stepped out in a lavender colored sun dress.
“How do I look?” You asked as you finger combed through your hair.
“You look beautiful.” Tom said genuinely, still in awe from the way you looked. He unapologetically looked you up and down as you smoothed out your dress.
“Aw.” You smiled softly. “Thanks.”
“You look really good in that dress. It’s a really nice color on you.” He continued. “I’ve never seen you in something other than cargo shorts. Even when we were campers.”
“You’ve only known me again for a few weeks.” You reminded him as you applied some lipgloss. Tom smiled sadly as he watched you layered on the shiny gloss, knowing it might end up on Jesse’s lips at some point.
“Still. You look amazing.” He said softly, all traces of his normally cocky self gone.
“Thank you. It’s also Jesse’s first time seeing me in something other than cargo shorts so I wanted to make a good impression.” You said as you took one last look in the mirror.
“You definitely impressed me. But I think you look beautiful in anything. The first time I saw you in pajamas, I felt my heart stop.” Tom gave you his signature smile and patted his chest.
“Such a flirt.” You chuckled.
“Such a beautiful girl.” He said genuinely. You and Tom made eye contact and let it linger. You were excited about your date with Jesse, but you couldn’t help but wonder about Tom. He looked upset and you had a feeling it was because of your date with Jesse. He’d really changed the past few weeks and you’d grown to like the guy he became.
“Are you sure about this Jesse guy? You said you’ve known him a long time. Isn’t it a little weird that he just decided to ask you out now?” Tom asked without meeting your eyes.
“I don’t think it’s weird.” You shrugged. “He was probably just nervous before.”
“Maybe. Or maybe it had something to do with us.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean you’ve been going to this camp for years and the summer he asks you out is the summer I show up. The timing seems a little too coincidental. Do you think maybe he got a little jealous of our relationship and stepped in?” Tom asked as he got off the bed. You frowned and took a step back, not liking what Tom was suggesting.
“Tom, you don’t know me and Jesse. We have history. I’ve always liked him and I think he likes me too. This has nothing to do with you.” You said as you stepped back into the bathroom.
“I feel like it does. I think he got jealous that you and I got so close and he’s trying to take you away from me.”
“Um, he can’t take me away from you. I’m not yours.” You said and smiled tightly at him in the mirror.
“Don’t get mad at me. I’m expressing concern as your friend.” Tom said as he leaned against the bathroom doorway.
“We’re not friends.”
“Oh, so we’re back to you pretending that you hate me? I thought we got passed that.” He said as he gave you an unamused look.
“I’m not pretending. I’m just setting the record straight. I think you’re the one who’s jealous.” You replied as you turned around to face him.
“I’m not trying to pick a fight.” Tom told old you. “I’m just trying to look out for you. You shouldn’t go on that date. I get bad vibes from Jesse. I don’t think his intentions are what you think they are.”
“Tom, you don’t even know him. What’s makes you say that?”
“He threatened me.” Tom admitted. “He told me to stay away from you.”
“Now you’re just making stuff up.” You laughed and walked past him.
“I swear I’m telling you the truth. He said I would regret it if I didn’t back off.”
“And I’ve been telling you to back off since the day we met.” You reminded. “Maybe Jesse was just sticking up for me.”
“Why are you getting so defensive? Jesse is bad news. Trust me. I’m just trying to protect you.”
“I don’t need you to protect me. You’re not my boyfriend!” You shouted in frustration. Tom took a minute to let that sting him before responding.
“I…I know that.” He said quietly. “But we-“
“There is no “we”, Tom.” You groaned. “I told you a millions times. This is never going to happen. Just give up already.”
Tom opened his mouth but quickly shut. As hurtful as that was, you were right. You weren’t together and he technically had no reason to be mad about you and Jesse. He knew he wasn’t your boyfriend, but he thought the moment you shared after the drowning incident at least took him out of enemy territory.
“Fine. Yeah. Sorry. I’ll back off.” He nodded and looked down at the ground. You immediately felt guilty for yelling at him and felt your shoulders slump.
“Good. That’s what I want.” You lied and folded your arms.
“I’m gonna take a walk.” Let you finish getting ready.” Tom said without meeting your eyes.
“Thanks.” You smiled and tried to get him to look at you, but he kept his eyes down. Tom left without another word and you felt your stomach sink like a rock. You looked down at your dress and sighed. You didn’t feel pretty anymore. You felt as ugly on the outside as you did on the inside.
Meanwhile, Tom was trying to blow off some steam as he walked around the campgrounds. He said hi to some campers near the campfire and wiped some s’mores off their faces before walking behind the mess hall.
“Oh. It’s just you.” Jesse rolled his eyes when he saw Tom.
“What are you doing back here?” Tom asked.
“It’s the only place I get cell service. I’m trying to call my girl.” Jesse mumbled as he typed away on your phone.
“Wait, what?” Tom raised his eyebrows. “You have a girlfriend?”
“She’s not my girlfriend. She’s just my hookup for when I’m home, you know?” Jesse smirked before going back to his phone.
“I thought you liked Y/n.”
“I do. That’s why I’m taking her out tonight. 8 weeks is a long time, man. I need a little action.”
“No, I thought you liked Y/n. Are you just using her for hookups?” Tom asked angrily as he stepped closer to Jesse.
“Yeah. Why?” Jesse snorted and looked Tom up and down.
“You can’t go on that date with her tonight.” Tom said lowly.
“Oh yeah? And and not?”
“Because she likes you for your personality, which I have yet to see, and you don’t feel the same. She doesn’t know you’re just looking for a hookup.”
“Well she’ll find out soon enough.” Jesse smirked and went to walk away.
“You can’t play with her feelings like that.” Tom grabbed his arm to stop him. “You have to tell her what your intentions are before you take her on a date.”
“Does it matter, Tom?” Jesse rolled his eyes.
“Does it feel like a party everyday, Jesse?” Tom matched his tone.
“What?” Jesse wondered.
“Call the date off. Now.” Tom said as he gripped his arm harder.
“Dude, did you forget who you’re talking to? I’m your boss. And I can do whatever I want to whoever I want. And right now, I want Y/n.” Jesse replied as he pulled his arm away from Tom.
“I’m gonna tell her.” Tom warned. “I’m gonna tell her that you’re just trying to use her.”
“Go ahead. I heard your little fight when I walked by your cabin. She’ll never believe you.”
“You… might be right.” Tom admitted. “But I’m still gonna try. I really like her and I’m not gonna let you hurt you. She deserves to be taken out on a nice date by a nice guy. Not manipulated by someone she thought she could trust. You don’t deserve her. And you never will.”
“What, and you do deserve her?” Jesse snorted. “You’re not that different from me. You’re just as much as an asshole as I am.”
“Whatever man.” Jesse scoffed and walked away. Tom gave him one last glare before going back to the cabin. When he walked in, you had your back turned with something in your hands. When you heard him come in, you turned around and moved what you had in your hands behind your back.
“Hey.” He greeted you with a sad smile, unsure if you were still angry with him.
“Hey.” You said softly.
“Look, I know you’re mad at me but-“
Tom was cut off by you rushing into his arms. You pressed your face against his chest and hugged him tightly. Tom stumbled back a little in surprise before wrapped his arms around you.
“Woah. Hey. What’s going on?” He asked in a soft voice as he stroked your hair.
“Your walkie talkie was on.” You told him, voice muffled from his chest.
“Oh no.” His eyes widened. “You heard all of that?”
You pulled away enough to look at him but kept your arms around his torso. Tom thought you would be upset, but you had a grateful smile on.
“I did. I heard every word. And it made me realize something.” You told him.
“Realize what?”
“That maybe you’re not as bad as I thought.” You smiled shyly. “You totally defended my honor back there. Even after I yelled at you and didn’t believe you when you tried to warn me about Jesse. I thought you were just some cocky womanizer, but now I’m starting to think you’re actually a pretty good guy.”
Tom looked at you curiously, trying to see if you were serious or not. He’d been trying to convince you that he was a good guy for the past three weeks. Somehow, the conversation that you were not supposed to hear was the thing that persuaded you.
You noticed that Tom was lost in his thoughts and smirked a little. You placed your hands on his chest and smoothed out a wrinkle in his shirt before looking up at him.
“And maybe,” you began, “you’re a pretty good guy who would make a pretty good boyfriend.”
This brought a smile to Tom’s face. Now you were speaking a language he could understand. He gently rested his fingertips on your waist and tilted your chin up to look at him.
“I wouldn’t be a good boyfriend, love. I’d be an excellent boyfriend.“ He smirked.
“Then show me who you really are. Drop the cool guy act and the relentlessly flirting and just be yourself. If like what I see, then I’ll meet you by Lovers Lake at the end of the summer.”
“The makeout spot?” His eyes widened.
“Amongst other things.” You shrugged with a coy smile.
“But why do I have to wait whole summer?” He whined. “Camp doesn’t end for another 5 weeks.”
“Are you saying I’m not worth it?” You raised an eyebrow.
“No. I’m saying I want to kiss you right now.” He said, making your smile drop. Your eyes flickered to his lips and you almost gave in but decided to be strong.
“You can kiss me in 5 weeks. If you behave.”
“Okay. I can do that.” Tom decided. “I can wait that long if it means I have a chance with you. I’m gonna use the next 5 weeks to show you how good of a boyfriend I can be.”
“Are you sure you can do it? You’d have to be a gentleman.”
“Darling, please.” He smirked. “I can be the gentlest of men.”
“Yeah.” You matched his smile. “You’ve proved that to me today.“
“I’m glad.” His eyes softened. “All though, I thought saving your life after you drowned would earn me some good guy points. I didn’t realize all I had to do was yell at Jesse. I would I’ve done that on our first day if I knew it would win you over.”
“Well, you haven’t won me over yet, Holland.” You reminded him. “But at the rate you’re going, I say these next five weeks won’t be too bad. Think you can make it that long?”
“For you?” He smiled. “I could do anything.”
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@wvndavwsion @imawhoreforu @princessatoru @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah @lunar-flwr @itsemohours @olsensnpm @gayyvodka6 @wandamaximoffbae @yeswhatever33 @white-wolf1940 @belovedholland @justliving07 @ciarahollands @dhtomholland
Those Summer Nights ~ T.H
chapter nine: wonder what she’s doing now
Series Masterlist

Week 8
On the last night of summer camp, you went back to your cabin and expected to find Tom inside. Instead, you found a note on your pillow.
“Mess hall. Kitchen. You know where to find me. T”
You bit back a smile and held the note over your heart. You spun around like a girl in a brand new dress and went to your dresser. You put on the one sundress you packed and did some light makeup before heading out to the mess hall. When you went to the kitchen in the mess hall, you found Tom sitting at a folding table. There was a white tablecloth thrown over it and two candles in the center. One either side of the table was a plate with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on it.
“What’s all this?“ You asked as you bit back a smile.
“I thought we could have one last dinner together.” Tom smiled shyly. “I know it’s not the romantic dinner you deserve, but it’s the best I could do for now.“
“It’s perfect.” You told him, making him relax a little. He nervously fixed his hair before pulling your seat out for you.
“After you.” He said, still sounding unsure of himself. You smiled at the gesture and walked to the chair. Before sitting down, you put your hand on his shoulder and kissed his cheek
“Relax.“ You whispered in his ear, making his face turn bright red. He gave you an appreciative smile as you sat down in the seat. He went to sit across from you and nervously cleared his throat. The pressure of making your last night together perfect was making him anxious.
“Um, would the lady like a chocolate milk?” Tom asked as he held up a small carton of chocolate milk that had been previously sitting on a bucket of ice.
“She would.” You laughed and held your glass up. Your glass, being a plastic cup Tom had swiped from the dishwasher. Tom poured some chocolate in your cup before doing the same for himself.
“Cheers. To our last night.” He said as he held up his cup. You clicked yours against his before taking a sip. When you put the cup down, Tom noticed that you looked a little sad.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“I don’t know.” You frowned. “Somethings missing.”
“What is it? I’ll fix it.” Tom said quickly. “I want this to be perfect.”
You smiled a little and got out of your seat. Tom watched your curiously as you walked around the table and took a seat on his lap.
“There.” You smiled. “That’s better.”
Tom sighed and relief and wrapped an around around your waist.
“Thank you for doing this for me.” You told him as you looked at the table he had set up. “I mean, the candles, the sandwiches, all of it. Nobody’s ever put this much effort into a date with me.”
“Then you haven’t been with the right people.” Tom smiled and squeezed your hip.
“No. I haven’t. But I guess what’s a good thing.”
“Yeah? Whys that?”
“Because it led me to you.” You smiled softly and played with the hair at the back of his head. It had grown significantly in the 8 weeks you’d been at camp and you’d been enjoying his curls.
“You know what I like about you? You never fail to surprise me. Every time I think I have you figured out, you do something I never saw coming.” You said as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“I think you’re the first person to describe me like that. Most people assume they know who I am just from looking at me. I like the way you think of me. I like who I am when I’m with you.” Tom replied, too vulnerable to look you in the eyes as he said it.
“Wow should I leave? It seems like you’d rather be on this date with yourself. You know, since you like him so much.” You teased him.
“Don’t leave. I need every second I have left with you.” Tom whined and held you closer. You hugged him back and kissed the top of his head. You sat in comfortable silence for a moment before you went back to your seat.
“Shall we?” Tom asked and held his sandwich up. You hit yours against his before taking a bite. The ambiance of a romantic date slowly dissipated as you ate your sandwiches. With the pressure of this being your last night together handing over your heads, it felt more like a last meal as you ate in silence.
“So when do you go back to New York?” Tom asked without looking up from his plate.
“Tomorrow.” You told him. “I leave at 5. Then classes start the following week.”
“Yeah. My flight back to London takes off at 6.” Tom said as he picked at the crust on his sandwich.
“Damn. I didn’t think it would go by this fast.” You laughed to lighten the mood but your smile almost instantly fell.
“Me either.” He smiled sadly. “I’m going to miss you, darling.”
“We’ll be okay.” You assured him. “People do long distance all the time. We could call every night.”
“My night isn’t your night. We’re five hours ahead.” He reminded you as he peeled the rest of the crust off his sandwich.
“We could write.”
“Yeah.” He smiled unconvincingly. “We could try that.”
You gave him a weak smile in return and looked down at your plate. Both of you knew writing was a death sentence for your relationship but neither of you wanted to be the one to say that.
“Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?” You asked after a beat of silence.
“No. Have you?”
“Yeah. It’s not so bad.” You shrugged.
“Why did you guys break up?” Tom asked as he rolled the pieces of his crust between his fingers into little balls.
“We don’t have to talk about it.” You laughed nervously when you noticed the look of despair on his face.
“Was it because of the distance?” Tom asked as he slowly looked up from his plate. You smiled sadly and nodded a little.
“Yeah.” You said quietly. “It was.”
Tom nodded as if that was the answer he was expecting. He looked at his plate again and began to pull his sandwich apart into tiny pieces.
“It doesn’t have to be like that for us. We could make it work.” You said as you reached across the table to take his hand.
“But we just started dating.” He sighed. “We don’t have a solid relationship yet. I’m worried that this is too much pressure on us before we’re ready. If we can only talk when we’re both awake or have to wait for each other’s letters, I’m worried our relationship will start to feel like a chore.”
“What are you saying?“ You asked quietly.
“I wanna be together. You know that better than anyone.” Tom assured you. “But I want to do it when we can actually be together. I like you too much to just be your penpal.”
“So do I.” You nodded as your eyes welled up with tears. That was exactly how you were feeling. You just didn’t have the heart to be the one to say it. You wiped a tear that fell from your cheek as Tom played with his clothes ti look busy.
“I’ll be back here next summer.” You said after a minute. “I already signed on.”
“So did I.” Tom nodded and gave you a fake smile as he felt his heart crumple into tiny pieces.
“Wait for me?”
“I will.”
The next morning - final day of camp
“Campers! Say your last goodbyes now. Your parents haven’t seen you in 8 weeks. They’re waiting for you.”
Once you finished your announcement, you looked around at the view from the applebox you were standing on. The camp was a picture of chaos at the moment. Kids were crying and hugging each other goodbye while others excitedly ran to greet their parents. You got down from the platform and rallied up your remaining campers. You hugged them each goodbye and wiped their tears before sending them off to their parents. After watching your last camper get into their car, you looked over your shoulder at the campground. You saw Tom with his campers and made eye contact. He waved to you and you felt your heart crack just a little more. You jogged over to him and gave him a weak smile.
“Hey.” He smiled at you. “My last camper just left.”
“Tom, you have like 11 campers still waiting to be picked up. Only one of your campers has gone.” You said as you pointed behind him to his campers.
“I have 11 campers?” He turned around in shock. “It thought I only had 9.”
“Tom.” You groaned.
“Are you serious? These can’t all be mine. I’ve never seen that kid in my life. Swear to God.” He said as he pointed to one of his campers.
“You need to know who your campers are.” You laughed a little and shook him by his shirt.
“I do. Look. This is my camper right here.” Tom smiled at you before pointing to a nearby kid.
“I don’t go here. I’m picking up my big brother.” The kid told him.
“Oh.” Tom grimaced, making you laugh.
“Counselor Y/n. Come say goodbye.” One of Tom’s campers called to you.
“I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” You told Tom before running over to the camper. You scooped him up and kissed his cheek, making him laugh. Tom watched you with a fond smile as you spun in a circle with the kid while he held his arms out like an airplane. It amazed him how you managed to form a close bond with all of the campers, even the ones that weren’t yours. Once you handed the kid off to his parents and said goodbye to the rest of Tom’s campers, you went back over to Tom.
“I know we said our goodbyes last night. I just wanted to give you something.” Tom said as he put something in the palm of your hand. When you opened your palm, you saw the pink and purple lanyard Tom had made during the second week of camp.
“Your lanyard?” You chuckled and looked up at him.
“Something to remember me by.” He smiled shyly.
“Oh, Tom.” You pouted. “That’s so sweet. But I made this. You did not contribute to it at all. You are giving me something I made.”
“I know. I just wanted to give you something. It was this or a piece of firewood.” He said as he closed his hands around yours. You looked down at your intertwined hands and felt your lip begin to tremble. It was just a few minutes before you’d say goodbye to him now and it was breaking your heart.
“Remember when I said I was falling in love with you?” You asked as you looked up at him. Not trusting his voice to be steady, all Tom could do was nod.
“I fell.” You told him, a tear rolling down your cheek as you tried to smile.
“So did I.” His voice cracked right before he pulled you into a kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his back as a steady stream of tears ran down your cheeks. Tom wiped your tears with his thumbs as he kissed you with everything he had in him. You heard a honking behind you followed by the sound of your name being called. You pulled away from Tom and tearfully rested your forehead against his.
“That’s my ride to the airport. I have to go.” You sniffled as you kept your eyes shut.
“Okay. Just go.” He nodded and wiped his face. We said our goodbyes. Don’t even turn around. Just walk to the car and go.”
You nodded before turning to walk away. You didn’t open your eyes until you were walking towards your car. You suddenly felt Tom grab your arm and pull you back, immediately enveloping you in a hug.
“I love you.” He said as he held you as tightly as he could. “I love you, pretty girl.”
“I love you too.” You told him. You pulled away to kiss him one last time. In the middle of the kiss, you turned your face and tan towards your car. It felt easier to do it that way. You grabbed your bag and climbed into the back of the car, giving the driver a quick smile. Just as you were buckling your seat belt, your phone rang.
“Hello?” You answered it up without looking at the caller ID.
“Hey. I wanted to call you while we’re still in the same time zone.” Tom said, and you could hear his smile through the phone. You looked out the window and saw him smiling at you, making you smile on return.
“Sorry for calling. I just needed to see your face one last time.” Tom said on the other line. You smiled sadly and pressed your hand up against the glass of the window.
“Summer dreams ripped at the seams, huh?” You laughed sadly as you reference the song you had sung together.
“Yeah.” He smiled. “But oh, those summer nights.”
One year later
On the night before camp, you were organizing things in your office. You had cleaned out all of Jesses junk to put your own things up, one of the many perks of being given his job. You looked around in satisfaction before putting up the finishing touch, a picture of you and Tom in a frame your camper made for you. You heard a knock at the door suddenly and turned around.
“Excuse me? Do you think you could help me start my lanyard?” Tom asked as he stepped into your office.
“Tom!” You screamed and ran into his arms. He picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his torso to hug him as tightly as possible. You had actually gone the penpal route and wrote each other every week. Since you agreed to end your relationship for the time being, the pressure was off. You were able to just be yourselves and maintain your relationship. Even though you agreed to just be friends, you’d both been eagerly counting down the days until you’d see each other again.
You pulled out of the hug and cupped his face between your hands to get a good look at him. His hair was short again and he had his same tan skin and sweet smile.
“I’ve missed you so much, pretty girl.” Tom said as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“I missed you too.” You grinned. “I have so many things to tell you.”
“I know. How was your graduation? Do you have pictures?” He asked.
“I do! Come look.” You pulled your phone out and unlocked it with your face. Tom slung an arm around you as he looked over your shoulder. You scrolled through a few pictures from your graduation before landing on one of you holding a baby.
“Who’s that?” Tom wondered, and you fell silent. You slowly looked up at him and gave him an apologetic smile.
“Thats my daughter.” You said softly. “She’s a couple months old.”
Tom felt a white hot panic shoot through his body as he stared at the picture. He was under the impression that you would rekindle your romance now that you were together in person again. If you had a kid now, he assumed you had a boyfriend too.
“Wow, really? She’s…she’s beautiful. She looks just like you.” Tom gulped as he fought the urge to cry.
“Thank you.” You smiled at him. “I’m sorry I didn’t put this in my letter. I wanted to wait to tell you in person.”
“Yeah, no. Totally.” Tom nodded but you sounded a million miles away. “What’s her name?”
“London.” You told him.
“Yeah. I named her after where her dad is from.” You said and nervously waiting for him reaction. Tom’s head snapped to you as he felt his heart stop.
“What? Her dad? You don’t mean…” He trailed off as he put two and two together.
“Yeah, Tom.” You nodded. “She’s yours.”
Tom put one hand over his mouth and took your phone with the other hand. He looked at the picture closer as he tried to process that he was looking at his daughter. He looked at you in disbelief and you cracked a smile.
“I’m fucking with you.” You snorted. “That’s my niece. My sister had her a few months ago. Tom let out a sigh go relief and grabbed his heart.
“Oh my God. I just had a heart attack.” He groaned as you burst out laughing.
“I’m sorry to do that to you but you have to understand, the opportunity was too good to pass up.” You said as you clutched his arm. “And I just thought of that on the spot! Can you believe that? I’m a genius.”
“Yeah, evil genius.” Tom whined. “That’s your niece? She’s not yours?”
“No she’s not mine.” You said like it was obvious. “I haven’t even gone on a date in the last year. Much less get knocked up.”
“Well I’m glad to hear that.” Tom sighed and put his arm back around you. He kissed the side of your head before going back to looking through your pictures.
“I really got you.” You giggled as you showed him another picture of your niece.
“You really did.” He chuckled and shook his head. You put your phone down and fell into a comfortable silence with Tom.
“I haven’t gone on any dates either, by the way.” He said after a minute. “Not since I last saw you.”
“Wow.” You clicked your tongue. “Virgin much?”
“Very much.” He laughed and pulled you into a hug. You wrapped your arms around him and gently swayed together in your office.
“I haven’t stopped-“ You both started to say at the same time.
“Sorry.” You laughed awkwardly and pulled away a little to look at him.
“No. You first.” He nodded towards you.
“I was just gonna say that I haven’t stopped thinking about you.” You told him as you played with the collar of his shirt.
“Oh. I was gonna say that I still love you but it’s fine. It’s cool that you were just thinking of me.” Tom shrugged as he looked looked away from you. You laughed at his antics and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“I have to tell you something.” You said, catching his attention.
“Is it that you lost the lanyard I gave you?”He asked. “Because I can’t handle that. I worked so hard on it all summer. I can’t take it if it’s missing.”
“Your lanyard is fine.” You laughed. “I keep it on my keychain.”
“Good.” He smiled. “Then what were you gonna tell me?”
“The camp is opening up a couple after school programs around the world.” You told him. “And they offered me a job as the head of a programs at one of their locations.”
“Really?” Tom lit up. “That’s amazing. Congratulations, darling. That’s really incredible.”
“Thanks. I think I’m gonna take it. I love the work we do here and this way I’d get to do it year round. And they let me pick the location.”
“I’m so proud of you.” Tom smiled. “Where is it? What location did you pick?”
“England.” You smirked. “More specifically, London. Somewhere in the Claygate region I believe. Right near this town called Kingston. Have you heard of it?”
“Are you kidding? You picked London?” Tom asked and excitedly grabbed your hands.
“I did.” You grinned. “Do you know anyone who’s looking for a roommate?”
“Me. “He said immediately. “You can move in with me and we can live together and be together all the time and give this thing a real shot.”
The hope in his eyes as he held your hands melted your heart. You brought his hands to your lips and kissed them.
“I would like that. All I want is to be with you, Tom. Not just in the summer. I want you in every season.”
“Wow.” He clicked his tongue. “Obsessive girlfriend much?”
“It’s hard not to be obsessed with you.” You laughed as you leaned in to kiss him. He cupped your face and kissed you back for the first time in a year.
“I know. Because I’m obsessed with me too.” He said between kisses.
“You should be.“ You said as you pulled away to rest your forehead against his.
“I love you, pretty girl.” Tom said as he tilted your face closer to his with his pinky.
“I love you too.” You replied. Tom smirked and couldn’t help but chuckled at the irony of your first meeting in the office to this one.
“And you said this would never happen.”
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