Silly history and science addicted artistShe/her but I really don't care | Ace forever!!!If ya don't like, don't stick around!
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Colorblind, The Silver Coats
Colorblind, the Silver Coats
The silver Coats are the almighthy army of Zeus, a bunch of white, bigots, homophobic and sexist assholes, who only join for the pure feel of being superior.
Agustin De Iturbide’s Father was a Silver Coat and so were his sons, but Agustin had something special.
As you guys know (or not) in colorblind being LGBTQ+ is illegal and in places like US and the whole silver coat territory there’s racial segregation, everybody who is not white doesn’t deserve to be with the whites.
Agustin is gay, he is fucking gay but nobody knows ultil they sent him to Acantempán, to assist the Blue Coats (Tonatiuh’s army) in a battle against the revolutionary general Vicente Guerrero.
Agustin’s gay ass falls for Vicente’s beautiful human being right there in that milisecond where Vicente kills Agustin’s second, Agustin knows it’s wrong, he is gay and he has fallen for a black male and they were going to kill him for it back home.
Fortunaly for Agustin, James Madison and Laurens recognize a gay when they see him, and they suggest to Vicente to give him a hug, in symbol of peace.
Agustin freaks out and kisses the man in the cheek, and they have confirmed it, Agustin is gay and in love. So Vicente takes him to the revolution, and that’s the moment where he joins the movement, cuz he wants to be gay in peace.
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Agustin: You are? I got water... And a dick.
Vicente: .....
Agustin: I don't know if you're dick thirsty or water thirsty.... So I got both....

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Vicente Guerrero ❤️
Hace poco más de dos semanas cerro una exposición en el museo de las intervenciones, llamada Trazos de Historia y en ella estaba un óleo de Vicente Guerrero, el cuál me gusta muchísimo y al que decidí hacerle un dibujo en mi estilo ❤️, espero les guste tanto como a mí❤️
Dentro de la publicación puse los tres pasos por los que pasa cada uno de mis dibujos, antes de llegar al punto final y anexo la pintura original❤️

Vicente Guerrero: smiles
Me: *swoons* “Uh, Pedraza who?”
(Image courtesy of the folks at @OrdenGuadalupe on Twitter)