Hi! This is my personal blog, basically just consist of random shit I like! I like more things than reblog because I worry about overcrowding everything, but anxiety'll do that for you!! I don't give a toss what pronouns you use about me, generally I use she/her but anything else is also fine! The avatar dog's name is Eddie and he was a VERY good boy, despite occasionally being a bitey little grump!The header dog’s name is Suzie! She is my Big Brave Girl, despite being a massive FraidyPup! Can’t be brave without being afraid!!#things that need to be a cross stitch#where did I put that post I wanted to stitch?
614 posts
Sleepy Hamster Is Best Hamster. Chew Ze Carrot!! Ride Ze Shoopuf!! ^_*
Sleepy hamster is best hamster. Chew ze carrot!! Ride ze shoopuf!! ^_*
Meals and Snacks for Spoonies
We all know how the cycle works. We feel depressed, so we don’t eat. Or we eat crap. This makes us feel like crap, which makes us feel even more depressed, which makes us eat even more crap or keep an even more unhealthy meal schedule. And so the cycle continues.
Here’s a few food and meal hacks for spoonies that I’ve found have helped me actually stay healthy and eat regularly even on days when I can barely get out of bed, be it because of depression or anxiety or chronic pain - no yoga, no expensive produce, no nutritious meals that take three days’ worth of effort. Taking energy level and budget into account, let’s get into it.
Fruits and vegetables that stay fresh for a while and require no peeling/chopping/hassle Choosing fruits and vegetables that will both keep longer and take minimal effort is a great way to try and stay healthy while in a bad state. The following are also pretty cheap. No cooking necessary, either. âśż cherry tomatoes âśż seedless grapes âśż apples âśż carrots (baby or full) âśż broccoli (pre-cut) âśż snap peas âśż pears And if you have the budget, raspberries, blueberries, peaches, and plums are good, too.
Anything canned Foods that usually take a while to make or are sold at higher costs elsewhere are easy to find in the canned food isle. ✿ soup (“chunky” soups have lots of meats and vegetables to nourish you too) ✿ fruits and vegetables (look for minimal sugar content; don’t have to microwave) ✿ pastas ✿ beans (don’t have to microwave) And anything else in the canned food isle that catches your eye.
Nuts Nuts are a great way to get some of those important nutrients without having to splurge on or have to cook meats. They’re also easy to keep at your bedside for executive dysfunction. ✿ peanuts (cheapest) ✿ cashews (best for people that aren’t fans of nuts in general - soft, not a strong flavor) ✿ almonds (very vitamin-rich) ✿ mixed nut packages And any other nuts that you enjoy. Look for lightly-salted nuts so you don’t get too much salt in your system. If you’re not a fan of nuts, get cinnamon-and-sugar dusted nuts. Keep a bag or jar of nuts in your bedroom or at your bedside for difficult days so you don’t resort to binge-eating or skip eating entirely.
Frozen food and microwave-meals I’m sure you know the drill here. Microwave meals don’t need to be transferred nto another dish required as with canned foods. They also offers a wider variety of meals, often more balanced, than canned foods do. Frozen foods have a lot of the same traits as canned foods: stay fresh for a really long time, require minimal effort, but usually have to be dished. ✿ frozen waffles ✿ frozen breakfast sandwiches (easy access to eggs and meat) ✿ no need to list off microwaveable meals here - pick out whatever suits your tastes and your budget. Try not to aim for the nacho cheese corn dogs or double trouble burgers here.
** Meal supplement shakes ** These guys save my life sometimes. On my most horrible days, I reach for them. They’re literally meals in a bottle that you can either sip over the span of a few hours if your tummy isn’t feeling right or you can chug in a couple of minutes if you need a quick meal. Downside: they’re not on the cheap side and don’t stay fresh as long as my other options do. I think they’re totally worth it, though. ✿ my therapist recommended Ensure™ to me. I swear by them. Tastes like real chocolate milk. ✿ stroll down the meal supplements isle and pick out whatever looks most appealing to you. Tip: pour it into a wine glass to feel fancy if you need a morale pick-me-up.
Packaged snacks Stay good in the cabinet for months. I keep a pack of crackers by my bed all the time in case I find myself bed-ridden. âśż cheese sticks âśż granola bars âśż fruit snacks âśż individually-packaged lunch meat âśż yogurt cups âśż fruit cups âśż packs of crackers âśż any other packaged snacks you find appealing. Try to steer clear of individually-packaged ice creams or cookies if you struggle with binge eating. Go for a tub of ice cream or package of cookies instead for better habits and a lower cost.
Foods you can make in advance and eat for a few days You shouldn’t live exclusively off of these foods for days, but they make great meals if you have a high-energy day and can make a batch. ✿ rice (storage: let cool, wrap tightly in cling wrap, keep in fridge.) ✿ pasta (boil some water, chuck the noodles in, store it. Storage: let it cool, put it in a bowls/container, cover, refrigerate.) ✿ couscous
Easy-access starches Stay fresh for a while, pretty cheap if you don’t buy a fancy brand. ✿ loaves of bread (not sandwich bread, I’m talking those big loaves) ✿ bagels ✿ cereal (sugary or pure granola - you do you)
By the way, thank you all for your support lately! I hope I’m not being overbearing by repeating how greatful I am over and over again, but I’ve never really had encouraging people in my life before. It means a lot.

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Because it’s just THAT~GoshDarn~ easy, right!?
Shit Abled People Say #76
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Okay, but imagine if a Slytherin champion was chosen in the Triwizard tournament.
Imagine the Slytherin champion not needing Crouch’s help to figure out the egg, because their entire Hogwarts career they’ve known there are mermaids in the lake. They’ve seen their shadows occasionally drift by the common room windows since they were eleven years old.
Imagine the Slytherin champion finally having a chance to give their house a good name by paying Harry back for the tip about the dragons. Not in that polite Hufflepuff way, off course - just a note thrown across the Great Hall at Harry’s head that burns to ash immediately after it’s read: “Potter, open it underwater. We’re even, got it?”
Imagine the Slytherin champion inviting a Muggleborn to the Yule Ball because they genuinely have a crush on them, and everyone getting to see through Harry’s eyes that not every Slytherin is Draco Malfoy.
Imagine the Slytherin champion fighting their way through the maze, not agreeing to a tie but not leaving Harry behind either and they just so happen to touch the Cup at the same time anyway.
Imagine the Slytherin champion standing up in the graveyard, wand at the ready and back to back with Harry because clearly this is another part of the Tournament meant to test reaction on their feet, but it doesn’t matter how prepared they are because regardless of House or blood status, they are the spare and nothing can block the Killing Curse.
Imagine it being not Hufflepuff house, but Slytherin in mourning at the end of year feast. Imagine Slytherin for the first time in a thousand years not caring who won the House Cup because one of their own is not there to celebrate it.
Imagine Slytherins standing up after theirs is the first official casualty of war. Imagine Slytherins disavowing Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad, and instead joining Dumbledore’s Army for their fallen champion.
Imagine Slytherins forging Muggleborn friends into their family trees, teaching the first years to pretend to be under the Cruciatus curse well enough to fool the Carrows so no one actually has to torture eleven-year-olds, lying with silver tongues and hearts made not of Gryffindor gold but of solid fucking steel - imagine Slytherin house helping overthrow Voldemort and his regime at Hogwarts as only Slytherins could.
Then tell me how you know that last part didn’t happen, with or without a Slytherin champion, just beyond Harry’s limited view. Tell me that Slytherins whose parents weren’t loyal to Voldemort, who wanted to help but knew the other Houses wouldn’t trust them couldn’t have been cunning enough to hide their assistance from the second Dumbledore’s Army. Tell me that none of them stayed to defend the castle with their Ravenclaw friends, their Hufflepuff romances, their Gryffindor rivals. Tell me that none of them stood toe to toe with a distant or perhaps not so distant relative in Death Eater robes, meeting them spell for spell and not backing down because Hogwarts was their home too.