welcome to my wasteland of BTS trash Jung Hoseok biased so you'll find a lot of that here
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Why Do I Keep Running Into Gangster Hoseok Today? Not That I'm Complaining
Why do I keep running into gangster Hoseok today? Not that I'm complaining
022. gangster!hoseok

022. “sometimes I just can’t control myself when around you.”
Hoseok knows that there are certain things he should and shouldn’t do when other people are around. Hands? Of course it’s allowed anywhere as long as it doesn’t surpass going under where they shouldn’t. Kisses? Nowhere is off limits as long as he doesn’t start revealing any skin that shouldn’t be revealed. Hugs? All day, everyday, anytime, anywhere.
As good as Hoseok knows everything mentioned above, there are days where he just… can’t.
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More Posts from Unintentional-bts-trash
i wish you’d write a fic where hobi is your long term dance partner and he doesn’t even realize he’s in love with you until a substitute teacher comes in one day and randomly assigns dance partners and you two aren together

always been you + dance partner!hobi
As you and Hoseok swiftly move within the beats together, no one can deny your energy and chemistry. The whole world, with the exception of the two of you, can practically see your futures intertwined. But Hoseok only ever thinks about dancing, and as dance is just important to you, you also have a tremendous passion for chemistry.
Ironic, right?
Whether you are caught up between lab hours or Hoseok is busy with his excessive duties at the cafe’s rush hours, you two always find a way to meet up.
Even with that, Hoseok has yet to realize why his eyes light up when he sees your name pop up on his phone. He ignores the fluttering feeling in his chest when he catches you falling asleep when you were supposed to be studying together. And most importantly, he buries the feeling of how badly he wants to hold your softness of your hips for a moment more after the song ends.
You were his friend– his dance partner since high school, nothing more, nothing less.
So why exactly is he mildly irritated the sub partnered you up with Park Jimin instead of him? It’s just practice. Practice between an insanely stunning woman and a, not that Hoseok would ever admit, equally gorgeous man? Park Jimin knew he was the stuff, and he knew his skills were just as beautiful as his looks.
That bothered him.
Once the partners were all dished out, you gave Hoseok a cute smile as you chuckled at his solemn face, one he did not realize he was giving. “This has to be the first time we aren’t paired up together, huh?” You say with an eyebrow raised at how Hoseok stays sitting on the floor while you get up to move towards Jimin.
Hoseok looks towards the direction you were about to head to, only to be greeted with Jimin’s crescent eye smile directed to you.
Clenching his teeth as he finally gets up from his spot to angrily stomp to poor Lee Sunmi, he thinks to himself, What a happy-go-lucky bitch.
Settled not too far from where you and Jimin stand, Hoseok does his warm ups while glaring at how fast you started making jokes as laughter flows between you and Jimin. Jimin starts poking your sides while you bend down to stretch your toes and all Hoseok can think of is the plushness of your skin and how nice it feels. He doesn’t want anyone’s dirty little fingers going anywhere near it, especially Jimin’s.
With a shake of his head, Hoseok sensed what direction his mind was going and he didn’t like it. Thoughts were running through his head: since when have I ever been like this about Y/N?
Hoseok wanted so badly to tell himself to ignore them, but right when the sensual song boomed from the speakers, he wanted to pull his hair out. Out of all days– the teacher had to be absent during this choreography.
Sunmi could feel Hoseok’s lack of connection as her eyes wandered to where he kept glaring at. At the sight of Jimin practically flirting with Y/N, she smiled fondly as she realized he was probably jealous. Again, everyone shipped the two of them together; it was about time Hoseok realizes the vibe the two of them chronically give off. They are practically a couple, just without PDA.
The beat shifted as the moves became progressively more touchy and intimate. Hoseok barely had a grip on Sunmi as he was too occupied watching Jimin’s unnecessary grips on you. The lust dancing in Jimin’s eyes became too strong for Hoseok as he watched your cheeky grin.
The song ended, Hoseok having yet to even look his partner in the eye, but she didn’t blame him. Hoseok grabbed his water bottle as he waited for Jimin to let go of you, but even though the song was finished, Jimin’s hand was still lazily resting on your hip as you turned to grab your towel.
Then the last straw was pulled. Jimin sent a smirk Hoseok’s way as if he knew his eyes were on the pair the entire time. Smoke was practically steaming out of Hoseok’s ears.
Seeing Jimin’s attention elsewhere, your confused eyes landed on a very angry face. You furrowed your eyebrows together as you opened your mouth, ready to question why Hoseok was giving you such a look, bef0re Hoseok crossed over to you and pulled you out of Jimin’s embrace.
“Hobi, are you-!”
You were cut off by Hoseok’s lips roughly capturing yours as his hands rested tightly on your waist. You were shocked to say the least, but you eventually melted into the kiss as your hands naturally raked through Hoseok’s hair–your lips rhythms dancing with each other. You ignored the hoots and hollers as you smiled against his lips.
Needless to say, you definitely became a couple with tons of PDA.
Fic Rec #7

I’M BAAACK! The second I got out of my entrance exam, I went for a quick holiday lol. I truly don’t know how many fics I read in the meantime (probs not much) but It’s been a long time since I posted out a new fic rec post. So here we go!
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Worth Saving / hybrid!au - Hoseok

1. | Jungkook | Taehyung
Hoseok watched the call end on the screen of his phone, his heart slowly sinking as he put his phone in his back pocket. He looked around, street lights already turning on as the sun began to fall. The city was still bustling with people, weekend fun commencing as the night approached with laughter and noises of commute. All the plans he had in his head vanished after he talked to Jungkook only to find out he wasn’t going meet up with him either.
It used to be all four of them together when they were younger. Those days Hoseok had no worries; getting through school with decent grades and he had a good group of friends he wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. When the hybrids came out of course Hoseok joined in on the fun, wishing he had one like the others. He didn’t know that everyone was really going to get one when they got older.
Seokjin was the first to get his hybrids, and after that he never really came out that much like he used to. Taehyung made sure to show Cherry off to everyone before he locked himself away with her and his work. He thought he and Jungkook would stick together, Jungkook didn’t seem too interested in them when he got older. But that all went away when Taehyung surprised him with one.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want one, hybrids were highly expensive and he didn’t think they were that much to brag about. He was enjoying his simple life for now, work wasn’t that bad and he liked hanging out with his friends during his free time.
He wished his friends had free time for him too.
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Request for like a bad boy kookie or jhope where there's just something about him that draws you in and idk there's a party or something and they have some fun ;) up to you how you'd like to end it though!
Kinda went in a different direction, but I hope you still like it, doll!
Bad To The Bone
Summary: leather jackets are such a cliche, but it doesn’t stop you from looking (bad boy!au)
Warnings: sex; yes, there will be sexy times
The raucous youths at the neighbouring table makes you sigh with annoyance. It’s no longer a strange sight to see one or more members of the group causing a scene in the cafeteria, and today, the culprit seems to be none other than Jung Hoseok.
“Does he think he’s cool wearing that leather jacket?” your best friend asks. “This isn’t Grease, and he sure as hell is no Danny Zuko.”
“They’re like the desperate wannabes from Mean Girls,” you reply, looking over to see Hoseok up on the table, lewdly dancing to a song he is not doing a good job of singing. “But worse.”
Your friend laughs loudly, and all of a sudden there’s are multiple pairs of eyes on you. Seeing your eyes on him, Hoseok grins.
“Like something you see, sweetheart?” he says, his friends cackling loudly. You roll your eyes.
“Settle down, you Taeyang-wannabe,” you reply, standing up and gathering your things. “You have nothing I wanna be looking at.”
His friends ohhh and clap, nudging Hoseok teasingly, who remains unaffected, watching you walk away.
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Fricken cute I think I combusted

You sat down at your desk, prowling over the multiple textbooks splayed open in front of you in a desperate attempt to get some studying done. With work, class, and a ton of procrastination over the week, you’d postponed your studying for the test to the very last moment, causing you to have to cram everything in in a matter of 48 hours. It was okay though, because you felt like you worked best under pressure.
Your apartment was comfortably quiet, and you were thankful that your roommates were all out so that you could focus on the tasks at hand. You found that the comfortableness of your room was a better environment to study in instead of at the library, where the hard chairs and constant murmur of talking distracted you.
You were just getting into the first few practice chemistry problems when you heard a soft mewling sound. You looked around for the source of the distraction, but found nothing so you shook your head, turning back to your work.
“Okay. Number two. A 1.50 gram sample of a hydrocarbon undergoes complete combustion to produce—“
The sound came again, this time seeming closer. Your head snapped up, eyes glancing around curiously before landing on your open window. The curtains waved lightly with each warm breeze that blew in your room, and you eased out of your chair, tiptoeing towards it to look for the creator of the sound.
Just as you were about to stick your head out the window to look around, black shadow passed by it, causing you to jump back. A slender, black cat with wide gray eyes poked its head in your window, opening its mouth once more to let out a complaining meow before perching itself on the windowsill. It licked its paw lazily in a mocking manner.
“Can you please go away?” you groaned, putting your hands on your hips. You gestured to the mound of homework and books that cluttered your desk. “I’m trying to do work here, and you’re kind of interrupting that.”
The cat gave you an answering meow, almost as if sassing you, as its cold eyes glanced over before continuing to clean itself. You sighed, muttering to yourself about why you were talking to an animal as you walked over to the window to close it, hoping that would solve your dilemma and you would finally be able to get some peace and quiet.
The cat–as if sensing your movements–quickly hopped over the sill, sitting down on your dresser under the window as it returned to its activities. “Ohhhhh no!” you rushed over, shooing at it with your hands as it gave you a lazy look. “You have to go, now. Go back to where ever you came from–you heard me, don’t give me that look–our building has a ‘No Pets’ policy, how are you even here?!”
Seeing that it was not paying you any attention, you hesitated–praying that the cat wouldn’t attack you before scooping it up quickly and setting it back outside. It gave a protesting meow as a complaint, before skillfully scaling the stairs beside your window. You leaned out, watching as its slender body pranced along the railings before disappearing into another open window–the apartment directly above yours.
You pulled yourself back into your room, snatching the window closed and quickly slipping on your shoes by your bed. You weren’t sure exactly what was provoking you to go scold your neighbor upstairs, but you blamed it on good reasoning: you needed peace and quiet for studying. And cats were technically not allowed–if you couldn’t bring your dog from home then why should this person get to have a cat?
You upper levels of your apartment building looked just like the downstairs, so you counted the doors until you reached the number down that yours was. You knocked angrily, standing there with your arms crossed as you waited for the tenant to come open the door.
You heard the sound of a cat meowing repeatedly and some shuffling, followed by a loud shush and murmured talking. “Are you trying to get me in trouble, you rascal? Stop making–”
You knocked again, growing more irritated as you waited. “Listen.” you yelled through the door, sensing that the person didn’t plan on opening it. “I’m just trying to study and your cat–which I might add is NOT ALLOWED–keeps meowing outside my window and–”
The door flew open, revealing an older boy, clad in a black snap back and baggy workout clothes. You stepped back momentarily, mirroring the same alarmed expression he was giving you. His hand quickly shot out, grabbing your wrist as he opened the door wider to pull you inside. “Are you trying to get me caught?” he scolded, his eyebrows pulling together as he frowned.
You tried to sputter out a reply but he talked over you. “I know cats aren’t allowed–did you tell the landlord? Oh my god, please tell me you didn’t.”
“I didn’t tell anyone.”
“Good.” his stern expression faded and a giddy smile replaced it. His entire face lit up when he smiled, showing off both rows of his straight teeth.
You crossed your arms over your chest again. “Look, I just came down here to see what I could do about your cat. It is yours, right?”
He nodded, looking behind you and pointing. You turned to see the same black cat sitting on a tall scratching post, staring intently at you two in the kitchen with its frosty grey eyes. It let out another soft mewl, as if welcoming you.
“I just got her–isn’t she pretty?”
You looked back at him, noticing the same blinding smile still etched on his face. His demeanor was so inviting and friendly you didn’t even want to be mad at him about his cat. You were honestly starting to feel bad for being such a grouch.
You sighed, unfolding your arms. “Yeah, I guess she’s pretty.”
“Her name is gonna be Hwisaek…I think.”
“You think?” you raised an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah–she doesn’t seem to like anything very much. Not even me.” he admitted, laughing.
You cracked a smile too, noticing the way his eyes turned crescent-shaped when he laughed. “What does hwisay–what you said–what does it mean?”
He laughed again, the sound coming out as goofy as he looked making it. “It means gray in Korean. You know–because of her eyes?”
“Oh.” you said lamely, looking over at Hwisaek again. She’d retired to laying on the top of the scratching post, looking out the window at the passing cars on the street below.
“I’m Hoseok, by the way.” he stuck his hand out to you politely. “And I’m sorry again about her, she snuck out of my window when I wasn’t looking. I’m trying to keep her hidden but it’s kind of hard–it’s like she’s determined to be seen.”
You shook your head. “No, I’m sorry, too. I was just heated and came up here in a rush–I’m stressed because I’m trying to do some last minute studying.”
Hoseok’s eyes lit up. “Oh yeah? Me too! What are you studying?”
“The bane of my existence: Chemistry.” you groaned, hanging your head. “What about you?”
“Ah, Biology for me.”
It was awkwardly quiet for a few moments as you stood there, wondering how to leave without being rude but not wanting to go back to your apartment and studying. Hoseok smiled slightly, looking sheepish as he shrugged, “Well, if you ever wanted to study together, I mean, since we’re both taking sciences or whatever–maybe we could help each other out or something. Two minds are better than one, right?”
You smiled at his offer, nodding your head. “Sure, yeah, that would be great.”
“And you could come back to see Hwisaek.” he added, grinning. “Since you two seem to have hit it off so well.”
You laughed, agreeing to come back and saying your goodbyes to both of them before exiting the apartment. You trekked back downstairs with a smile on your face that matched the one Hoseok had given you that set your insides in a knot.
You would keep his secret–for now. And you would definitely be visiting him again soon for a study date.