The edgiest thing of all is kindness. Art and other nonsense, I also lurk elsewhere on AO3 as miss_grimm. this slowly seems to be becoming a Megaman ZX focused blog, whoops.
200 posts
Okay Last One I Swear (for Now That Is Hahaha, Ashe Has An Outfit But I Haven't Worked Out The Colour
Okay last one I swear (for now that is hahaha, Ashe has an outfit but I haven't worked out the colour scheme)
Introducing the dudes! Minus Siarnaq and Thetis because I kiiiiinda forgot to add them/didn't have outfit ideas for them.

Info on their outfits and individual pics in the read more below!

Absolute fashion disaster/frat boy Vent! I like the idea that he's technically the powerful/manly of the heroes and I thought a letterman jacket would invoke those kinda "American Superhero" vibes. Having said that though, the top underneath is actually a sleeveless crop top paired with high gloves. Vent is also absolutely shredded and that crop top/glove combo is deliberate on his part to show that off. He likes having fun with fashion!
Puts a fair bit of effort into his hair, hence the bun, and threaded through it in pink are little neon bits that glow in the dark! I imagine they're very common in 24XX as part of clubbing getup.

Poor Aeolus who is regretting his life choices right now; the other guys absolutely messed up his hair and popped his jacket collar.
His shirt is silk and has gold thread all woven throughout (I wish I had a thinner pen for that detail work!) and he's That Bitch™ who decided a frock coat was appropriate dancing garb. In his defence, he's a classically trained dancer and thought they'd miraculously gained a sense of class/style and decided to invite him out to an evening of "proper" dancing. Ie, with a waltz and a roulette of partners involved. Poor guy was quite disappointed!
As a note, he's also albino and legally blind in one eye (hence his fringe to cover it, he's a little vain!) and his eyesight isn't fantastic, hence the pince-nez style glasses. Ironically enough though, he's got the sharpest eyeliner of the entire group.
That jacket was an utter nightmare to colour

Grey is just so happy to be here! Look at him, it's his first dude's night out!
But if his outfit looks familiar, it's because it was intentionally designed as a homage to Nero from DMCV. I think it looks good on him! So distressed denim jacket and a lovely comfy mahogany jumper underneath; cool, casual and ssstylish!
Having said that - there's little touches from the other Megamen in there. Aile lent him the necklace that she got from Giro as a good-luck/"come back safe and give it back" charm, so he and Vent are symbolically bros here, and the vaguely skull-shaped earrings he has on are a loan from Prometheus. Additionally, both Prometheus and Pandora argued over who got to do his eyeliner.
Pandora won.

And then there's this bitch.
Absolute delinquent/greaser/biker vibes for Prometheus with his leather jacket; there's a cape-like bit at the back with a massive flame decal on it that he stuck in himself (I'll have to do a sketch of the jackets' back) and his turtleneck has silver thread to give it a chainmail like appearance. His sword earrings are based off of an actual pair I've seen in a shop, and the bright red eyeliner is something he wears to make his eyes pop and stand out under the bright colour of his hair.
The thing about Prometheus is, he's actually very vain and also took the time out to shape his eyebrows prior to going out; dude spent a million years fixing his eyeliner, picking an outfit, and meticulously messing up his hair.
The outfit may also look a little familiar, and that's because it takes some cues from @dumpsterfirepropaganda 's version of Prometheus from the absolutely delightful "It's That Damn Fluorescence," wherein he has the vibes of an "80's Greaser Vampire."
Pretty fitting imo!
This turned more into an analysis of the fashion and why they all dressed like this haha, but enjoy anyways!
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This is one of their songs I reckon should have a video, though failing that, it would make a hell of an ending credits theme to a movie with the same vibes. Just yeah, whenever I listen to it, I have to take a few moments to come back down to Earth.
ZXA content that should be made more often
Atlas WITHOUT big tiddy (looking at you Pixiv)
Shitlord/memelord Thetis
Siarnaq having a good time/smiling (in a nonthreatening way)
Aeolus having a good time/getting shit on (in an absolutely comedic way)
Grey wearing his cute belt outfit from the manga
Cash Money Ashe
ok seriously why hasn't anyone done that "winning at Monopoly" meme with all the ZXA Mega Men yet
Giro content... I miss mi boi...
Prometheus and Pandora outside of their Megamerged forms
Aile (specifically ZX Aile) without big tiddy (looking at you PIXIV)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Prairie content. She deserves some recognition :)
Hello, can I interest anyone in what I think Siarnaq looks like beneath his scarf?
I definitely think his flesh got completely burnt and torn off and that's part of why he can't talk properly; damage to his throat and voicebox.

yes MGR:R Raiden was a big inspiration here, I also haven't quite nailed drawing Siarnaq consistently yet unfortunately, but we'll get there!
also still getting the hang of gel pens :)