Megaman Zx - Tumblr Posts
Chapter 12 is up!

Valentine’s Day Contest Flashback Post - Day #26

And of course, another reminder that you can choose to draw a theme from any of these prior contests if you are submitting a wildcard entry this year.
We’re past the halfway point in looking back at previous contests, and are now up to the 2013 entries. That year’s contest had a talent category that focused on creating a Harlequin-styled romance novel cover, with a requirement of including Jewel Man as the leading man on it. The humor category borrowed from a kinky romance novel title, but the content was much tamer. Entries for the “50 Shades of Ashe and Grey” category just had to draw either Ashe or Grey in a situation that made them blush and turn all sorts of shades of red. No NSFW bondage included.
And here are the remaining “50 Shades of Ashe and Grey” humor entries. Beginning with @borockman ‘producing’ his recurring Sigma dream-themed recurring entry, this time cleverly educating you all on how tomatoes actually ripen. Did you know the oils from your skin quickly deteriorate the quality of an eggplant if you touch it? So no touchy the Siggplant, ladies! Following that, Nat Grim’s Ashe has her own classic Marilyn Monroe incident, as a certain windy Model user interrupts her and Vent’s intimate moment. And then finally, once again, I have to break up a Fenril-Huayra entry into multiple pieces just to fit and be legible on tumblr. Images 3-7 consist of his massive comic telling the romantic secret tale of Grey’s ZX Advent special ending. Since it is so really, really, really hard to achieve in the game, it’s a good thing we are able to archive the ending in this way.
Artist Credit:
1.) Borockman - Ashe x Sigma (Image 1)
2.) Nat Grim - Ashe x Vent (Image 2)
3.) Fenril-Huayra - Grey x Aile (Images 3-7)
i will revive the zx tumblr fandom i will even if i am the only member

Most normal sworn enemies on the planet
Rambling under the cut! Important tl;dr though these guys are adults here, I'm not being creepy I promise

This ship was my darling since I was 13-14 years old! Safe to say, I always thought these characters were much older than me. Kids saving the world was so dumb to me even when I was a kid - can you tell I never played as Grey? (Still love that kiddo though lol). I've always assumed Ashe was at least in her early twenties and Prometheus had some sort of 20-for-200 years Edward Cullen crap going on - hence why jamming them into the Twilight universe for Fluorescence felt like a natural fit to me. I think it's a pretty normal approach many of us take, but I felt the need to clarify in case anyone thinks I've got something creepy going on.
Anyway, I love Prometheus being crazy and intimidating as much as anyone, but it amuses me greatly to think he could also be a little pathetic and embarrassing, as a treat. Ashe's got enough ego to jump at the chance to be someone's knight in shining armor, and maybe Prometheus is secretly juuuuust babygirl enough to let her do it...listen if I can't be silly with them what is even the point okay
I finally, finally got my hands on the Zero/ZX Legacy Collection after long last, and have a lot of thoughts on the transition between Girouettes' death and the iconic Double Megamerge scene in the original ZX. It's a pretty well done sequence, hammered home by how cleaned up the cutscene was for the Legacy Collection.
I was originally going to write about the specifics of this scene, namely how it's a powerful reversal of X sacrificing himself/dying during the Omega battle in Z3 with Girouette giving his life and his Biometal to save Vent and Aile, and the emotional implications, but instead I got carried away exploring Girouettes' perspective of how everything plays out.
Ergo, there'll eventually be a companion post to this exploring Vent/Aile's feelings on everything, the contrast between this Double Megamerge and the one in Advent, and how the music mirrors that.
But TL,DR; Even if it was expected for Girouette to die, the lore and concept art of ZX lets you infer that his backstory had to have been similar to Vent and Aile's. Alongside what we see in the game, the emotional implication of the scene and the music really hammer home what a pivotal moment the Double Megamerge is, and how Girouettes' massive sacrifice drives the story forward. He knows that he'll die, but he'd much rather they live. And not not only that - he knows full well the pain, the sorrow and grief caused by his death will give them the fuel and determination to carry on and become "a hero who can protect everyone."
And this is exactly why he goes through with it.
From Girouettes' perspective, with a healthy dose of headcanon thrown in:
You were fairly young when you experienced loss. Your town was devastated by a maverick raid, and your younger siblings perished. Grief and trauma were hard to work through, but you got there, began to establish a life for yourself After. Started working, joined an organisation to prevent others from experiencing this same loss. Made something of yourself.
And not long after, you were given this immense power to wield that seemingly no-one else could - and you don't know why you were chosen for it. There's the borrowed power of an ancient hero singing in your veins and whispering encouragement in your head, teaching you how to use this strength for good. With his guidance as your partner, you slowly become a seasoned, veteran fighter - learn to balance your role as a defender, investigator, protector with that of a fledgling businessman.
A veteran fighter who rescues a traumatised kid in the aftermath of a raid, so very similar to the one you experienced years ago.
This child has no-one left except you, their rescuer.
And so you make the decision.
The decision to stay out of action and care for this traumatised kid.
You hide the fact that you've been a fighter to keep them safe; to keep them from losing family ever again. Your partner is proud of you and - though he misses the action - does what he can to guide you through this, as well.
Together, you do everything in your power to be the best father figure you can to this kid, to help them through the trauma; they slowly become both an employee and like your own child. Despite the war waging on somewhere in the background, it seems like your days of fighting are over.
And then through a series of unfortunate events, you watch as your adopted kid is able to wield the same power as you; bonds with and borrows the power of another of these ancient heroes. Horrified, you realise that no no no, they're about to get dragged into this war, as well, despite how long you've spent hiding that you're part of it from them.
But you think, at least I can be there to protect them. At least I don't have to hide this part of myself anymore. I can guide them like I was guided so they won't have to do this alone.
You watch your adopted kiddo run headfirst into danger in the name of saving people, so no-one loses family the way they once did, the way you did, too. So you think, I'll clear a path for them. I'll go ahead, go keep you safe.
And then you get ambushed.
There's three of them and one of you - your body isn't as strong as it used to be, crippled by an old injury, and through your shock and fighting for your life you dimly register that one of these men is the president of the company that saved our country? He's been lying to us the whole time!
You try your best, you get several good hits in but you simply can't win, no matter how hard you try, and they overpower you.
That's when your employee, your child, arrives; horror and fear twist and stab into your gut like a knife, and you're screaming for them to RUN! but your voice won't respond to your body.
But something else is responding and it's not the ancient hero; his voice has gone quiet, too. Instead it's this horrible, whispering force that takes over your body, and just barely you manage to tell your child, shoot me! before you're locked into your own head. Your feelings of fear, anguish and agony are mirrored on your child's face; you're unable to stop yourself from trying to murder your own child in cold blood, and use whatever little power you have left to restrain yourself from a killing blow.
They manage - miraculously, somehow, they manage to fight you to a standstill, begging you to stop the same way you're begging yourself to do so. Your heart is breaking, shattered into pieces at the tears streaming down their face - barely, just barely, you feel that terrible whisperings' influence ease away.
Moments later you're both struck down - and you know the only thing keeping you alive is the armour encasing your body, the power of that ancient hero on loan flowing through your veins. Said ancient hero's voice is once again echoing in your ears, in your head, telling you to stay put, that you're close to death, that I can't lose my Chosen, you're my partner in crime, Girouette, we'll make it through this. The thing that sets a Zero apart is our inability to stay dead. We're going to make it.
But outside of your head - there they are.
Your child.
Barely clinging to life, the loaned power of an ancient hero flowing through their veins is not enough. They're not strong enough yet, their breathing growing more pained by the second and tears forming in the corner of their eyes.
You can't leave them to die.
And so you make the decision.
To give them your strength - your partner knows what you're asking, why you're asking it.
Makes certain that you're sure.
You know you're going to die; you didn't want to go yet. But it's worth it, to see your child survive, live on, thrive.
The last of your life, the power flowing through your veins to them; the very last gift you'll ever give them.
The power to protect.
And as you slip into the nothingness, your partner whispering his goodbyes to you and your child's screams of anguish echoing in your heart, the very last thing you think is, I'm so very proud of you.
I love you.
And on this mortal plane, you are no more.
Companion post to the previous regarding Girouette and the Double Megamerge, though it goes more into differences between the one in ZX and that in Advent.
From Vent and Aile's perspective, while the double merge has given them the power to keep going, what they had to go through to get there is nothing short of horrible.
The ZX script straight-up tells us that they consider Girouettes' death their fault - Model Z does so, as well. We don't know anything about their dad so we can perhaps assume he was never in the picture, but either way, Giro's death now means that Vent and Aile have lost not one, but two very important parental figures in their lives. Sure, they've got a guiding force in Model X, but unlike Giro they've been matched with him for a week at most, and that bond hasn't been forged quite to that extent yet.
This is also at a point in their lives where they think finally, finally, they have exactly what they need to stop any more lives from being lost instead of being that helpless child they were at the theme park, so it's bitterly ironic that the moment they get the power to do this, they lose yet another parent.
The musical cues in the original ZX add an additional layer to it. On first playthrough, you wouldn't be likely to realise that Fragments, one of the "sadder" songs of the game which is present when Girouette dies, has the same melody as Snake Eyes, the theme of Slither Inc. HQ - interesting that they chose to use this theme instead of Metallic Soul, which is considered the theme of the Biometals and used during other sad moments of the game. Perhaps it's in direct reference to Serpent having a hand in Girouettes' death, the same way it's played right at the start of the game when Vent and Aile are talking about their deceased mum?
Either way, the one-two gut punch of that transition from Fragments to Trinity is powerful as hell; the fade out from Fragments leading into the bass line of Trinity lets you know there's some serious ass-kicking about to happen. Interestingly enough, the leitmotif of Trinity (that synthy bit) doesn't appear elsewhere in either ZX soundtrack; maybe in Rockin On if you squint really hard with the intro electric guitar It's honestly a damn shame because it's one of the coolest tracks in the game. Determined Eyes from Advent didn't allude to it either - but that theme is a whole other level of badass, so I'm not too fussed. Just would've been a really cool callback!
Anyhow, the title "Trinity" as well could not only be a reference to Vent/Aile and both Models X and Z, but could also be in reference to Girouette and the Biometals; those lending the protagonists their strength. The whole tone of the track and the way it's built up really gives you the feeling that something monumental and never-before-seen is about to happen.
It's also interesting to contrast the original in ZX to the Double Megamerge cutscenes in Advent.
In the first one, Vent/Aile look like they're visibly in pain from the strain of the merge, as you can see:

And then they emerge triumphant from it - the pain, the sorrow has now given them the fuel and determination to carry on and become "a hero who can protect everyone." The framing of the scene, coupled with the soundtrack, is iconic and powerful as hell, particularly the shots of the helmet crystal and the hair spreading out like angel wings behind them - both of which are homaged in Advent.

I also like that Advent brought back Metallic Soul and not Fragments for the scene leading up to it. That theme feels a lot more like Vent and Aile's this time around, and hits a lot more poignantly than Fragments would in my opinion. Now if only they'd brought back Rockin On as the boss theme... Advent as a whole could've done a better job of tying into ZX to be quite honest.
As for the scene itself, I know the original in ZX is practically identical for Vent and Aile, but as I've noted previously, they both visibly look like they're in massive pain when they perform the merge for the first time. (It's also never explained why there's an energy surge that kills the mavericks afterwards, although it's super awesome - maybe Models X and Z channelled any excess power from the merge outwards to avoid killing Vent/Aile from too much energy?)
Advent contrasts this for them both, although more so in Aile's case than Vent's. Aile's is obviously a clear homage to magical girl anime, but she looks relaxed pretty much the whole way through, laughing and smiling at X and Z's cyberelves at the start and her joyful expression doesn't really disappear right until the end when she's confronting Grey. Vent's merge hints maybe that he's still in some pain, based on that yell he lets out - but it comes across less like a yell of pain and more like a kiai, feeling incredibly powerful. His scene gives off the feeling that not only has he grown into the responsibility and power that comes with wielding both Biometals, but he also utterly owns it now. Honestly, I don't think I'll ever get over how well-done the snappiness and timing of Vent's scene is.
On a mildly related tangent, though it is nice to see how happy Aile is during the merge in Advent, I will forever be annoyed that her scene doesn't feel as impactful as Vent's. It feels long and unnecessarily drawn out; yes I understand it's a contrast to the original in ZX and yes I understand it's supposed to be a magical homage, but not once (to me, anyways) does it feel to me that "this is the hero who saved the world four years ago."
Not even when we get the iconic helmet crystal forming, or the shot with the hair spread out like great seraph wings.
I mean come on, you're going to compare this from Aile's:

With this, from Vent's?

You did Aile dirty, Capcom.
You did Aile dirty.
(Disclaimer, while Vent is my favourite of the duo, Aile has a special place in my heart as she was who I used during my very first playthrough of ZX, and I'm honestly annoyed they chose to focus more on fanservice than anything else when she showed up in Advent. She so deserved better.)
Preview of a little MMZX/A art project I've been working on :)

You'd better believe there's more coming :)
Normally I'd wait to post more on that ZX/A art project, but I really love how their faces came put, so!!

Behold the Four Doofuses from Advent!!
I hope they still give off the same vibes they did in the game with the more realistic style.
Because let me tell you, they all gave me a decent amount of grief trying to adapt! In particular I didn't want Aeolus to look too close to my rendition of Prometheus, or Thetos too close to Grey.
Who's your favourite of the Four and why? :D
Context-less concept sketches for an upcoming FTGFTF chapter!!

Formal wear is fun to design!
Grey has a cocktail dress with shiny shorts and cool boots, picked because it's short and therefore easy to move in.
Ashe has a wide-legged pantsuit with a cape and lots of shiny accessories because c'mon, she's Ashe.
Plus a bonus with her:

Mostly because I wanted to draw her in motion, she's jumping over a table haha.
I'll eventually do a coloured version.
Curious to hear everyone's guesses about what this is for!!
Improvement is a sliding scale :)
Was going to wait to post this but I really like how the new version came out.
So behold, Prometheus - 2011 vs 2024!

Proof that hey, we all start somewhere :D
I've been drawing this guy and the rest of the ZX cast for over ten years oh my GOD

Hell's Cinque Ville's Greatest Dad
In celebration of (and as a result of) @tyrantchimera 's latest Finders Keepers chapter coming out, have Girouette and Omega Zero in the outfits of the worst co-parents to ever exist.
I am, of course, talking about Lucifer and Alastor from Hazbin Hotel.
I mean look it was a pretty easy comparison to make.
Giro as Lucifer, the well-meaning but struggling father figure? And he's blonde?
Omega as Alastor, the mysterious, murderous mischief-maker who has ended up as a father figure? Plus the colour scheme?
the paper could not handle all the red on Omega dear gods...
Anyways this may be the goofiest thing I've ever drawn but damn if it doesn't make me smile. Honestly love the idea of these two (Giro and Omega) as ridiculous co-parents to Vent and Aile.

The baddest bitch in the Wild Wild West.
She is the Bounty Hunter, renowned far and wide for her loud mouth, bringing in wanted felons, and unquenchable thirst for adventure and treasure.
However, there have been disturbing rumours that her latest quarry has powers beyond her imagining - and not to be outdone, even more disturbing rumours that she too, is dabbling to even the playing field...
AKA, character concept for Ashe as a bounty hunter in a fantasy old West AU of ZX/A that @dumpsterfirepropaganda, @tyrantchimera and I have been working on here and there :)
So of COURSE, Ashe had to get a really cool, very detailed fit. She does have a hat, and I'll add it next time!
Bonus points if you figure out where I got the inspiration for her pants from.
(Tried cropping with my phone, hope it's not too weird looking!)

The twins?
Yeah, they arrived here and settled in a while ago - they keep to themselves and stay out of trouble for the most part. Can't fault some young people for finding work and making something of themselves.
The lovely lady - y'see, that's Pandora. She's a nurse, creating them tonics and pastes for wounds like a witch making her brews. Heard from her patients that her work is good and she's mighty polite, but she hardly ever talks. A bit eerie if ya ask me.
The gentleman next to her? Her twin brother, Prometheus. He's much louder and much bolder than you'd think for a guy workin' with the dead - funeral parlour, morgue, if you need it embalmed he can help you out. I don't want to know where he learnt how to do that but our funeral director is mighty appreciative!
Still, sometimes I catch em looking sad, like they've lost something or are running away. Wonder why they came here in the first place...?
Presenting Pandora and Prometheus in the Old West AU (affectionately calling them Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumbass)!
They seem to everyone to just be twins who have settled in the town and are integrating nicely - but it's these two. Of course there's some other nonsense going on that they get suckered into. For now, they're just doofuses trying to live their best lives somewhere new!
Fun facts about the designs!
Pandora has terrible, horrible face blindness, so Prometheus wears the bright red eyeliner for her to ID him faster. Her eyes are also kinda crap.
Both of them have naturally silver hair like Grey's and dyed it - you can see it growing out.
Prometheus gets a little stubble. As a treat.

Listen to me!
Listen closely!
If you hear the chant -
(Kill, steal, burn, maim
Leave no person's soul unclaimed
Their time is up in this game
Wreath them all in Hellfire's flame!)
- If you hear the summons -
(Alone on a hill when ready to die
Let the cover of darkness blacken my eyes
Make the mark of the wolf with the blood of a calf
Witch, come forth, I summon thee fast!)
Then RUN.
The Grim Reaper and the Witch are out to play, and if they see you there's no escape!
We don't know why they've appeared here in our town. We don't know what they want, or how to make them go away.
(We need heroes to stop them.)

The Witch of Frost and Thunder
Couldn't get the idea of Pan with black lipstick out of my head, and since it's spooky season I figured why not.
Hi hi ZX fans, and specifically those of Aeolus:
New Rumours chapter!
Enjoy, and feel free to ask any questions you may have!

I have a 16-year-old vent who just started growing his hair out