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ZXA content that should be made more often

Atlas WITHOUT big tiddy (looking at you Pixiv)

Shitlord/memelord Thetis

Siarnaq having a good time/smiling (in a nonthreatening way)

Aeolus having a good time/getting shit on (in an absolutely comedic way)

Grey wearing his cute belt outfit from the manga

Cash Money Ashe

ok seriously why hasn't anyone done that "winning at Monopoly" meme with all the ZXA Mega Men yet

Giro content... I miss mi boi...

Prometheus and Pandora outside of their Megamerged forms

Aile (specifically ZX Aile) without big tiddy (looking at you PIXIV)

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Prairie content. She deserves some recognition :)

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5 months ago

I've had Ciel on my mind today and whenever I think of her, I can't help but think just how fucked her story and life is.

I've Had Ciel On My Mind Today And Whenever I Think Of Her, I Can't Help But Think Just How Fucked Her

Seriously, she's born as a test tube baby, genetically engineered to be more intelligent with the express purpose of making better weapons and reploids for the dictatorship that created her, likely meaning she didn't have proper parents and no real childhood.

She created Copy X, who then went on to commit straight up genocide, so you know that definitely took a toll on her. Oh yeah she was 9 when she did this. So yeah can't imagine that helped with coping.

She then goes on to try and find redemption by forming the resistance to save reploids that her creation wants to exterminate, becoming the enemy of effectively all of what remains of society as a result, with people constantly dying around her for being part of her organisation. It's to the point where they are on the verge of collapse by Zero 1, this desperation being the whole reason she tries to find Zero in the first place.

During this whole time, Ciel is also working to try and create an entirely new, renewable and clean energy source on the faint hope that Neo Arcadia would cease their genocide of the reploids. An incredibly daunting task for a single person to say the least. Unfortunately it goes completely down the drain by Z3 where giving Neo Arcadia, or really at that point Weil, the Ciel System is completely out of the question. It was naive beforehand of course but it just sucks for her that all her time and effort spent working on the system in hopes of bringing a peaceful resolution basically meant nothing in terms of resolving the conflict with Neo Arcadia at least.

Oh and this was also after the guy who she handed command of the resistance to, massively escalated the conflict with Neo Arcadia, got a bunch of their soldiers killed only for him to eventually go crazy and have to be killed himself. So yeah I can't imagine that was great for her.

Honestly laying it all out like this Z4 is comparitively not nearly as bad for her, until right at the very end where the conflict that she is at least partially responsible for sparking is ended almost entirely by Kraft nuking Neo Arcadia. Fun fact according to the Drama Track, Vile's Incident, included in the Z4 Remastered Tracks CD, Kraft canonically killed approximately 20 Million people when he hit Neo Arcadia so yeah make of that what you will.

And of course after all that, Zero goes up and destroys Ragnarok and himself along with it. We see how grief stricken Ciel is in the game but honestly, listen to the Drama CD version of Zero's final monologue and hearing Ciel's scream shows just how crushing this is for her. Seriously her voice actress screams like part of her soul is being destroyed in that moment.

Honestly considering she goes through everything she does here, well before she even properly reaches adulthood no less, it's a genuine wonder Ciel isn't just completely broken by Zero 4. Worst part is it doesn't even stop after that, shit keeps happening and by the time the ZX era rolls around she's completely MIA, likely still alive through cybernetic enhancements so she's old as hell now and is forced to pretty much exile herself clinging onto the vague hope that the biometals she created will be found and used by an actually good person.

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