The edgiest thing of all is kindness. Art and other nonsense, I also lurk elsewhere on AO3 as miss_grimm. this slowly seems to be becoming a Megaman ZX focused blog, whoops.
200 posts
I am unreasonably happy about this, I mean look at the album art! It mimics Vent's pose from the Megamerge scene!!
Plus the YouTube link for good measure:
Honestly I think it actually kicks the ass of the ZXA Tunes version and that's not something I say lightly!
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More Posts from Unintentional-edgelord
JJBA Theory: Jotaro Doesn’t Actually Know Anything About Poker
This is the most important post I have ever made in my life
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Okay I don’t normally post about my professional life on here, but…
I teach an undergraduate level Biology lab and tomorrow we’re covering cell membranes using the red blood cell as a model. I’m HUGE on etymology and I wanted to break down the term “hemolysis” to make it easier to remember, since it literally means “blood breaking” (hemo- = blood, -lysis = breaking).
So, to help them out, I was trying to find a word with the prefix “hemo-” that they’d be more familiar with. And what I MEANT to put in my teaching notes was “hemoglobin,” because that’s something a lot of people are familiar with.
What I had ACTUALLY put down, I found when I returned to proofread, was “hemotype.” As in “hemotyping.” As in “hemospectrum.” As in Homestuck.
I probably could’ve gotten away with it (I’ve already referenced Twilight when we studied mitosis and they ate it up), but I still shudder a little thinking about it.
Went back and re-uploaded an old piece of writing, as catharsis; a short story based off the concept album The Crimson Idol by W.A.S.P. .
Said album had me absolutely stunned the first time I listened to it - I was in the middle of studying, got to the final song and had to put down my pen to do nothing but listen, then proceeded to re-start the album and hear it all over again without my brain being focused on organic chem. To this day it still lives in my head rent-free.
In my opinion there's something very Faustian and tragic about it in between all of the epic rocking; if anything, said epic rocking just makes the eventual protagonist's fate even sadder. Blackie Lawless did a phenomenal job at portraying the darkest possible aspect to this lifestyle, all wrapped up in his signature wailing and crooning.
As for why I went back to it, certain events in my life irl have reminded me of this and the character's eventual fate.
So as I've said in the notes in the last chapter, never ever forget the world is a much better place with you in it.
You are cherished, wanted, and loved.