Holy Shit This Is Hilarious - Tumblr Posts
Im not booksmart nor money smart but a secret third thing (fucking stupid)
Im enjoying the longevity of tumblrs recontextualization style of humor. a seemingly innocuous post followed by like "posts that a gnome would make" or like "are you a phone"
JJBA Theory: Jotaro Doesn’t Actually Know Anything About Poker
This is the most important post I have ever made in my life
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Okay I don’t normally post about my professional life on here, but…
I teach an undergraduate level Biology lab and tomorrow we’re covering cell membranes using the red blood cell as a model. I’m HUGE on etymology and I wanted to break down the term “hemolysis” to make it easier to remember, since it literally means “blood breaking” (hemo- = blood, -lysis = breaking).
So, to help them out, I was trying to find a word with the prefix “hemo-” that they’d be more familiar with. And what I MEANT to put in my teaching notes was “hemoglobin,” because that’s something a lot of people are familiar with.
What I had ACTUALLY put down, I found when I returned to proofread, was “hemotype.” As in “hemotyping.” As in “hemospectrum.” As in Homestuck.
I probably could’ve gotten away with it (I’ve already referenced Twilight when we studied mitosis and they ate it up), but I still shudder a little thinking about it.