I write fics for black readers. ✨ BIG SIS ✨ She/Her. 💅🏾 💀No longer active 💀
104 posts
I'M SO IN LOVE WITH THIS!!!! The Writing Is Everything Like Omg.
I'M SO IN LOVE WITH THIS!!!! The writing is everything like omg. 😭😭😭

Winter 5 ❄️
Pairings: Park Sunghoon x Black!Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of racial discrimination
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 |

My dear,
“Would you ever give me a chance to correct that mistake I made that night? I’ve spent countless hours trying to imagine a scene where I did get on the train. As I am celebrating my 19th birthday, it feels my seasons are going by so fast….”
These were the words I wrote when I was 19 and wanted nothing more than to feel your embrace around me. I never knew why we wanted to be in the snow so much, why the cold became the center of our relationship. Maybe it was because of the heat we received for being together. My skin was the problem, but we knew we could always hide in the snow. It allowed us to be mellow and cool. I took a detour on our trip to freedom and now i see that the detour was only fear. Fear has held me in cage and tied my hands. It left me helpless and so I never reached out to you.
If not for the people around me, you wouldn’t have gotten my letter. And so now I ask you; as I am drowning and being buried in what seems to be my last season: Would you ever give me a chance to correct the mistake I made that night?

“Mistake?”, Sunghoon thought out loud to himself. For the last couple years, He wanted nothing more than to hear from you. Your voice, but instead he gifted with your words coming from a piece of paper being read to him by his Neighbour.
Jake sat on the chair next to Sunghoon’s desk; he watched the boy pace back and forth. The sleeves of his white sweater rolled up to his elbows, Jake folded the paper and put it back in the envelope.
“So, she’s the one that you use to get drunk and mumble about?”, He asked. The question brought Sunghoon to a halt. “Yes”, he replied.
All his thoughts made sense he realized what he wanted to say to you. “What mistake is she talking about?”, Jake asked. The only thing wrong with his question was that there was no mistake. Sunghoon sighed; turning to face him.
“Y/n and I had a plan. We were bestfriends-”, he paused; clearing his throat, “that eventually fell in love. And we were happy together but others around us didn’t approve-”
“Because she was black”, Jake finished his sentence for him. Sunghoon nodded in agreement. Jake knew that there was a beauty standard and discrimination in Korea. Sunghoon continued, “So we made a plan to run away, We’d take the midnight train to next city”.
In the past, if he ever had to tell this story; Sunghoon would break. “But she wouldn’t get on the train. She wasn’t ready to leave everything behind but I still left without her.” The night he got on that train he promised himself that he would build a beautiful before he went back for her.
That is why is continuously wrote letters, He needed to have something to show her. A moment of realization dawned on Jake as he came to understand the mistake. “So the mistak-”, he started.
“There was no mistake. I’m glad she stayed, I couldn’t put her through the same struggle I went through when I got here”, He stated. Sunghoon from 5 years ago would’ve never said such a thing but he has grown.
“She doesn’t deserve that. I built a stable enough life for us to share here. But I’m not sure It’s perfect for her.” Jake hummed as took in everything. He’d known sunghoon since he got here and they’ve been close.
They’ve laughed and shared their sorrows, Sunghoon had always been the one to give the advice but now it’s his turn. Jake stood up, facing him.
“If you keep waiting for perfect, You’ll never have her”, Jake said, “That’s my best advice”. There was nothing but the sound of the air conditioning as the boys looked at each other. “I don’t know if this is bad timing but Jay and Jungwon are going out tonight”, Jake shoved his hands in the pockets of black jeans, “Would you like to come?”
Sunghoon rubbed his forehead, “Not tonight”. With that Jake left and Sunghoon once again sat at his desk alone. He sat there for about an hour before opening the desk and pulling a sheet of paper. Twirling his black pen in his finger; he thought about her last question:
Would you give me a chance to correct the mistake I made that night?

My love,
Your choice was not a mistake.
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More Posts from Unique-high
Kpop x Blk reader request are open.
Hello, I'm taking request for Kpop groups x Blk reader. Boy or Girl groups. Blk Fem Reader or Blk Male reader. I'll write whoever you want just let me know which group they are from so I have the right person and I can do my little research on them.
I don't write requested smut so I deeply apologize.
If you want you can check out my MASTER LIST
Leaving Tumblr.
I'm leaving Tumblr. It's been fun writing here. So thank you to everyone who has read my silly little fics ☺️. I'm sorry I couldn't fulfill request that were made so I deeply apologize. Goodbye. 🥺
hi hi can u make a valentine’s day themed thing for whatever u want for sohee from riize please 🫶🏾
The first time, Sohee tells you he loves you on Valentine's Day. (sorry if it's a bit angst and double sorry that it was rushed since it is Valentine's Day I wanted to have it done before it ended :) ) Thank you for requesting! Sorry for any mistakes.
💘 “It was easy falling in love with her.” Sohee thought. “She made falling easy.”
💘 Sohee could never verbally tell you that he loves you, but he did it in little gestures that said “I love you.” Sohee wanted to say it out loud, yet he's cautious though. Scared he might get hurt again if he fully gave that part of himself away too soon.
💘 And you knew this. You knew how badly Sohee had been hurt in the past by people he gave his love away to. From September to February, you showed him it was okay to love again. To trust that love wasn't this awful thing that could hurt you. Your love for him was pure, kind, sweet, and forever lasting.
💘 Sohee loved the way you made love feel. “Oh, your love is like spring, when everything starts to bloom.” He tells you one day.
💘 Sohee practiced saying I love you a million times, cringing a little when he got overly excited when he said it. Since today was Valentine's Day, he wanted to tell you on the most romantic day.
💘 You both were at a Valentine's Day party at a friend's condo. You were eating a heart-shaped cookie when Sohee pulled you out of the party.
He puts his jacket around you when you both make it to the roof. The night was clear, and the air was crisp.
“Everything okay, Sohee?” You asked.
He gave a nervous smile. “Uh, Yeah. I just–I just want to tell you something. I should have made this moment more romantic or something, but I've been wanting to say this for a very long time.” Tears gathered in his eyes.
You dabbed at his eyes with the sleeve of your sweater. “What is it?”
“... I love you.”
“I love you!” His voice shakes, and then his lips pull into a big smile. “I love you, y/n.”
“Awe, Sohee,” you said.
“I'm sorry, I never said it sooner.”
“Honey, it's okay. I knew that you loved me by the little things you did for me. But hearing you say those words to me makes my heart so full.”
“I love you!” Sohee laughed. “I love you. I love. You. I love you.” he gently grabs your face and kisses your lips. You both melt into the kiss.
He didn't know how good it could feel to actually say those words to you and he planned on saying I Love You every single day until you were sick of hearing it. But you could never get sick of him saying I Love You.
“You made my Valentine's Day even more special, Sohee.”
Omg omg omg thank you so much!! 😭

BTS fic recs: December 2023

HAPPY NEW YEARS!! 🥳 May every single one of you lovely people out there have the best and brightest year to come ✨
I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹
❗Most of these fics are smutty as hell, so minors dni.❗
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the original fic’s post 💜And if you want more fic recs you can follow me to stay updated 🙂
BTS fic rec index → May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep (jjk)(knj) | Oct (pjm) | Nov (*) | 💜 (ksj)(kth) |
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, yandere = 😈, thriller/dark = 👻, personal favorites = 💯.

⭐Good Neighbor @sugaurora [0.7K] // knj x f.reader // neighbors!au, winter!au // 🥰🥰🥰
📝 Namjoon’s solitary tendencies versus the cookies. Spoiler: The cookies win.
🗨️ God, this was so fucking sweet 🥹 like sugary sweet fluffy fantastic! I loved it 💖 the way Namjoon just observes oc, and then helping her in the end 👏🏾 even though this is short, it’s fucking brilliant. The writing is just 😘😘 like I wished there was so much more, but I’m also so pleased with just what is 😌
⭐A Word from our Sponsors 💯 @ugh-yoongi [17.5K] // knj x f.reader // podcast!au, f2l, idiots to lovers // 😂🥵🥰
📝 You’ve co-hosted a podcast with namjoon for three years; have known him even longer. the two of you have always been the picture of platonic, but that hasn’t stopped the internet from doing what the internet does. the shipping? a little weird at first, but you can understand it: two attractive twenty-somethings always in close proximity to one another, obvious (platonic!) chemistry—people have created ships for less. the fanfiction, though? also pretty funny… until you can’t stop thinking about it.
🗨️ Okay. This. Was. Exceptional ✨🥹 I am slightly speechless, so this review might be short or long or just a rambling of my dainty thoughts. Here goes: it was amazing, seriously one of the best fics I’ve ever read 😭 everything just had that perfect flow, the writing was incredible, like I can’t even speak? The characters, out of this world fantastic ✨ the whole thing, just, perfect. Perfection. I don’t know what else to call it, sorry. The world building and tension was so fucking delicious I just ate it up! 😭 And their banter and chemistry was just off the charts amazing. Perfection. And it was so fucking hilarious too!! Many times I was just laughing or chuckling, like the lovesick fool I am 😂 it was definitely worth it to stay up late tonight to finish this masterpiece ✨ And them reading the fanfiction 💀 😂 priceless ✨👏🏾
⭐The IKEA Test by @yoon-bug [9.1K] // ksj x f.reader // established relationship // 🥵🥰😂
📝 One review on IKEA’s website called the BRIMNES bed frame the leading cause of divorce due to its difficult assembly. You and Seokjin had laughed when you read it. Now, you weren’t so sure.
🗨️ Their banter and all the sexual innuendos are damn hilarious! I thoroughly enjoyed this very much 💜
⭐I Don’t Think I’m Okay by @ressjeon [4K] // ksj x f.reader // slice of life, idiots to lovers!au, childhood friends!au // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 With many chances wasted, you couldn’t even resist anymore.
🗨️ A cute little Seokjin fic 🥰
⭐Turn Back Time 💯 by @raplinesmoon [13.3K] // ksj x f.reader // time travel!au // 🥵🥰🌩️😂
📝 After total humiliation at his middle school baseball try outs, Kim Seokjin wants nothing more than for his awkward years to fade away until he’s thirty. Cue a magic baseball glove, and his wish is finally granted. Seokjin suddenly wakes up seventeen years later, now the star pitcher of the team he’d always dreamed of playing for. Confused and overwhelmed at the prospect of the new life waiting for him, he turns to the only person who seems to understand him — you. Will Seokjin learn what it truly means to be thirty, flirty, and thriving? Or will he find himself wishing he could turn back time?
🗨️ Seokjin’s childhood/school was just, ugh, I really felt heartache for thirteen year old Seokjin 🥹 So very common as a kid, to wish you’re older – and then it’s just not what he expected at all. I really loved it! There were a few times I was laughing so damn hard, times where I was shedding a few tears as well. Just, incredibly good; very well written, the story was captivating and motivating, just yeah, brilliant. (Sorry, I’m suddenly bad with words). I loved the ‘lessons’ he learned, and then having the luxury (I’m using that word because we don’t have that irl) of going back to his childhood (almost like starting over) and damn it was good 👏💯
⭐Sinful Lust [series; ongoing] 💯 by @oddinary4bts [wordcount loading…] // myg x jjk x f.reader // established relationship, bisexual boyfriend!Yoongi, slice of life // 🥵🌩️
📝In an attempt to spice up your bedroom life with your boyfriend Min Yoongi, you suggest bringing another man into the action. Yoongi seems reluctant at first, but when you mention his friend Jeon Jungkook, he can’t deny his attraction. All that’s left to do is to convince Jungkook into participating…
🗨️ Holy 😱 😱 😱 this is just completely unadulterated sin 🥵🫣 I can not describe how much I love this fic! It has A LOT of angst and at times it’s just sad reading how each character falls apart 😭 it’s amazing! If you’re into stories that will have you question your own morals and who to root for, this is for you 💖
⭐In Between the Pages of You [series; ongoing] @unique-high [wordcount loading…] // myg x f.reader // s2l // 🥰😂🌩️
📝 Yoongi fell in love with you. A girl he had never even met before. Knew everything that you were made up of within 96 pages of a worn red journal with a nirvana sticker on front, with coffee and tea-stained pages that also smelled of lilacs and summer.
🗨️ I can already tell that this story will be amazing; it’s so sweet, cute and tender. The storyline/idea is really cute and fluffy, like who wouldn’t love that?? 😭 And as someone who wrote countless journals as a teen, this one just hits differently. It’s so cute and the concept is gold 💜 I really, really look forward to reading the next chapters and what Yoongi will uncover of OC through her journal. And if he can return it to her sometime and they meet! 🥹
⭐F*ck Christmas 💯 @sailoryooons [23.4K] // myg x f.reader // f2l // 🥰🥵
📝 Making hating Christmas your entire personality was never the plan. Then again, it seems bad things only ever happen around Christmas - like discovering your fiancé cheating on you, forcing you to move back to your sleepy hometown. But Min Yoongi happens to love Christmas, and if there is one thing your very stubborn childhood crush is going to do, it’s try to reignite your Christmas spirit. Even if he has to force-feed it to you with gingerbread cookies and too-sweet eggnog.
🗨️ Gosh, I remember reading this sometime last year and it was perfection - it still is! ✨ It’s so so so fucking good. If you haven’t read it, please do so 🥹 it’s also one of the best Christmasy fics 💜
⭐Ho Ho Horrible 💯 @ugh-yoongi [5.6K] // jhs x f.reader // e2l, neighbor!au, holiday!au // 🥵🥰😂
📝 (or, the one where your neighbor is a relentless christmas caroler and refuses to take a hint, but at least he's really hot.)
🗨️ No– this was just so freaking cute! 😭 Like fluffy cute and also extremely funny, just what I love. I loved this so much 💜 OC’s friendship with Tae, their banter was 💯 and then with Hobi, just so so good! It was so cute and OC’s internal dialogue is just funny 😂A really cute holiday themed Hoseok fic that I can’t recommend enough!!!! Everything was just great. Had me smiling and giggling a few times – please go read it 🥹💜
⭐Started with a Sparkle, now we’re on Fire @the-boy-meets-evil [6.5K] // jhs x f.reader // f2l // 🥵
📝 You're feeling self conscious about your recent break-up and hoseok is more than happy to teach you a thing or two.
🗨️ Really really good! I really liked it 💜 I really loved how both sweet and demanding Hoseok was, guiding oc through everything.
⭐Couchsurfer 💯 @heartbeatan [6K] // pjm x f.reader // s2l // 🥵🥰
📝 This was left intentionally blank 🫥
🗨️ Omg this was so fucking good! 💯 First, really well written and the pacing was lovely, even though it’s short and one night they spend together 🥹 the build up of their tension and their chemistry was off the charts! So impeccably done! Fuck. I loved it ✨ it’s insane how good this story is and Jimin is just so sweet, romantic and nasty 🥵 I can’t tell you how turned on I got by the description of how Jimin handled OC, like damn 🥵 this is so fucking good, please don’t sleep on the this beauty 💖 Normally, I’m not one for one night stands, because I catch feelings for the characters, but this has a lovely ending that I loved - so fucking good!
Lol. Can not stop screaming about this one. Please go read it, fuck. PLEASE 😌 ✨
⭐Paper Hearts @namfinessed [9K] // pjm x f.reader // f2l, college!au // 🥰
📝 hearts fragile like paper, tear it or don’t?
🗨️ I think it is both cute and heartwarming, with their foolishness and stubbornness towards each other. I loved how the fic becomes full circle with the description of love by both Jimin and reader and then again at the end - really, really beautiful! 😍 I really loved this, it was well written, their friendship and love really shined through too! If you haven’t read this one yet, you really should 💜
⭐The Wannabe-Photographer Chronicles [series] by @gimmethatagustd [14K] // kth x f.reader // frenemies to lovers // 🥵
📝 You’re so tired of Kim Taehyung’s hipster, wannabe-photographer ass. You’re so tired of Kim Taehyung’s stupid smile and stupid jokes and stupid way of getting under your skin and sticking in your brain.
🗨️ At first I did not realize that this was a series, therefore I’ve linked to the masterlist, lol. Anyway, this series is just so fucking hot, like WHAT 🥵 There’s a lot of banter and their mutual ‘hatred’ for each other just makes this hit incredible hard. Really amazing ✨
⭐Loverboy 💯 by @kookslastbutton [7.1K] // kth x f.reader // established relationship // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 After a startling conversation with your coworkers, you start feeling insecure about your sexual prowess. You don't initiate as much, you haven't worn lingerie yet, and you're still timid about doing much seducing with your body–are you giving your boyfriend boring sex? Taehyung reassures you that you are perfect and have nothing to worry about.
🗨️ These coworkers gotta go, okay?! 😠🤣 Planting seeds of doubt in OC’s head, no, no. Tae to the rescue!! He is so sweet in this too, yes a real ‘loverboy’ 😍 Gosh and then best friend Jimin - that was just pure gold, their relationship and how he helps OC 🥹 That is friendship goals!! A sweet, loving and comforting Taehyung fic - I loved it ✨
⭐Hush, yeah? [series; ongoing/hiatus] by @kithtaehyung [wordcount loading…] // kth x f.reader // brother’s best friend!au, music festival!au // 🥵
📝 Who knew an innocent accident could turn things so dirty..
🗨️ Pure gold ✨ — I don’t really have much to say, except GO READ IT.
⭐Under wraps by @jungkxook [15K] // kth x f.reader // e2l, fake dating // 🥵🥰
📝 There’s nothing you and taehyung seem to hate more than each other - except for christmas. having recently been dumped by your (now ex) boyfriend only seems to make this holiday even worse. but when taehyung suggests that you should pretend to be dating each other to save you both the embarrassment, pity, and bothersome questions from family and friends alike for a fun carefree month of celebrations, you can’t possibly say no.
🗨️ I just love me some good enemies to lovers AU 🥵 the relationship between OC and tae is really good, I think the tension between them was well built 👏🏾 I loved how their relationship unfolded and grew through their fake dating 🥹 the way OC realized she had feelings for him, but he had showed her before in his subtle moves, how much more he relaxed in her presence. I loved the interaction between oc and tae’s parents too, the way that they could obviously tell that OC was head over heels 😂 ah just, It was really really good! It was funny, it was comforting, and such a lovely read around Christmas! And the smut was sweet and tender (also hot!) 😍 a really great fic that I’ll add to my Christmas re-reads for years to come ✨ I loved it! Please go read it if you haven’t already 🥹
⭐Somebody Else 💯 by @jamaisjoons [4.2K] // kth x f.reader ft. yoongi // established relationship + post break up!au // 🥵🌩️
📝 Yoongi doesn’t want you anymore. but he can’t stand watching you with someone else.
🗨️ Holy s– 🥵 I don’t even know where to begin with this one! It’s really good and the that is mainly from Yoongi’s pov makes it truly special – he is observing them and damn is it hot 🥵 Aish, really good 💯
Nothing this month 😞 — I AM SO SORRY that I haven’t read any with JK this month (though he is featuring in some with the other members). My JK ‘to read’ list is the LONGEST imao 😂 I’ll hopefully do better next month – but you can always check my Jungkook Library 💜

I have spend most of December being on holiday/time off, which gave me a lot of time to write my own stuff, which in the end gave me less time to read 😣 But it’s all good! I loved getting some stories and thoughts out of my head and now there’s space to read and obsess over other’s stories again 😀
Borahae 💜
I have a sapphic story that takes place in the early 2000s between two young adults named Samantha and Bo. They go from strangers to friends to lovers. Their story gives off Nana Vibes.

if you see this reblog with a fun fact about your WIP (world-building, lore, characters, anything!)