unreone - We Smiling Our Friends
We Smiling Our Friends

https://ko-fi.com/unreone β™₯︎ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­ β™₯︎ 21 β™₯︎ She/They πŸ¦– local dinodemon blanchead 》 OC and AUs ASKS OPEN PLS ASK ME AAAAAγ€Š πŸͺ„ HTF Pamaypay since 2009

665 posts

Yall Have Seen My 2017 Artstyle, Now Here's

Yall have seen my 2017 artstyle, now here's

2019 edition

Happy Tree Friends

Somber Wood Foes/Fiends

Personalities and motivations inverted

β–ͺ︎ Somber is the coolest antonym I found for Happy, Wood is a darker alternative for Tree, and Foes is the opposite of friends

EXTRACTED DESCRIPTION: Cub is finally a teenager but he still dies because of his father's negligence and clumsiness. He is really tired of the cycle and he desires to be in an opposite world where Pop would actually make constant efforts taking care of him. After an encounter with his opposite counterpart at the well, the two switches places to live the lives they think they wanted.

Yall Have Seen My 2017 Artstyle, Now Here's
Yall Have Seen My 2017 Artstyle, Now Here's

β–ͺ︎ Lye (Wolf in Sheep's Clothing) and Byte (Cheetah with headphones) are like Cub's classmates. They knew how Buc and Cub switch places so they'll do their best to try to make it nothing's out of the ordinary-

Yall Have Seen My 2017 Artstyle, Now Here's

β–ͺ︎ This is the chapter's cover of Somber Wood Foes/Opposite AU that~~I never have the chance to write~~ I really adore :DDD

It features Cub, Frankly and Wifty

I called the white featureless creatures "Bases" because I haven't known the word "Generic Tree Friend" yet-

The Respectably Refined Readily Righteous Raccoon Rangers are the main helpers for Cub to adapt to the world.

Yall Have Seen My 2017 Artstyle, Now Here's
Yall Have Seen My 2017 Artstyle, Now Here's

β–ͺ︎ The ones with Crystal in it are really cool, her role is to like guide Cub around. First image is of Cub getting introduced to Inversed! Cuddles, Giggles and Toothy. Second image is Cub telling Wifty about Crystal. He's unsure of her existence since he is the only one who have seen her so far.

Yall Have Seen My 2017 Artstyle, Now Here's

β–ͺ︎ I forgot how this chapter supposed to go but I rembe about Cub trying to survive the "executioners"


Flippy > Fiasco

(Fiasco is a bloodthirsty executioner whose goal is to have the most kills each day. He is quick, ruthless, and loves the creativity in his kills. He avoids places containing wholesome stuffs since he will flip into his little alter, Freaky.)

Russell the Pirate > Rascal the Bandit

(loves gold, hoards gold, will kill for anything that looks like gold)

Flaky > Ruby

(she doesn't have flakes, fearless, adrenaline junkie, uses her quills as weapons when needed, loves to compete on having the most kills for the day)

Yall Have Seen My 2017 Artstyle, Now Here's
Yall Have Seen My 2017 Artstyle, Now Here's

β–ͺ︎ These are AMINO art requests of the Inversed critters yeeee

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More Posts from Unreone

1 year ago

What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn't happen much, though.

β€” J.D. Salinger. (via. luciferifilia)

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1 year ago


Precious contributions under cut:



Day 9:Β Snail


Whistling, Disco Bear is just another face in the street, with music in his soul and groove on his feet. His attention is quickly grabbed by a sharp "Psst!" Turning to the dark alleyway is a stand filled with beauty products and goods. Standing behind it are Lifty and Shifty. The twins, who normally sold shady items like "magic" beans, insisted this particular product would be the miracle for his beauty to become flawless. Disco Bear's eyes light up as they tell him its effects. It's just what he's been looking for! Without a second thought, Disco Bear hands over the money and scoops up the cream in his hands. He then went on to his destination.

That evening after his dance rehearsals, Disco Bear applied the snail cream to his face, feeling the strange and slimy substance as it spread across his bear skin. He notes how he never heard of the brand before. Still, this doesn't stop Disco Bear to stare at himself in the mirror, admiring the results of the snail facial cream. He couldn't believe how flawless his skin looked, the once wrinkly fabric of his body now smooth as butter. He felt as if he had transformed into the most beautiful being in the world, a dazzling disco ball shining brighter than ever before. At first, nothing seemed unusual to happen. He danced in front of the mirror, admiring his handsome face, as the cream began to dry.

As the cream seeped into his skin, he felt a burning sensation spreading across his face. His heart pounded as the pain intensified, and his vision started to blur. As much as the music is fun to dance to, it is not enough to distract him from the needle-like sensations. The burning sensation continued to expand, eventually reaching his forehead and his arms that he is forced to stop the speaker. It was then that Disco Bear noticed something strange happening.

Suddenly, his skin started to stretch and become sticky, as if he was turning into a giant, rubbery slime. He looked into the mirror and his heart sank as he saw his face begin to twist and contort into a grotesque mockery of itself.

In horror, Disco Bear watched as his once handsome features slowly melted into a mess of slime and goo. His eyes, once bright and full of life, were now two black beads of a snail's foot. His nose and mouth fused together, leaving a single black hole in the center of his face. He opened his mouth to scream, but no sound came out. The pain was so intense that he lost his awareness of the world around him.

As Disco Bear tried to move, he felt his limbs twisting, bending, and writhing like a snake's. His muscles and ligaments were becoming soft and fluid, unable to support his body weight. The snail cream was turning him into a real life snail! He wasn't sure what to do other than scream in agony, feeling the transformation happening to him like some kind of awful nightmare.

As the transformation continued, Disco Bear was becoming smaller, his body becoming more streamlined like a slug's. He couldn't even move, his body was glued to the floor. He felt his eyes were being covered by a layer of slime, and he couldn't see anything. The only thing he could hear was his own heartbeat in his ear. Even his iconic afro had flattened into soft, gray feathers.

Disco Bear let out a shrill, high-pitched screech as he struggled to escape his new form, his once powerful voice reduced to a high-pitched whine. Silently, he cried as he realized he was trapped in this form forever, doomed to live out the rest of his days as a slimy, disgusting snail, unable to dance or enjoy his once-glamorous life.

β€’ β€’ β€’

"'We're actually in our 40's' my rump. Still, I couldn't believe he fell for your stupid persuasion" Shifty says, counting the heavy cash on his hands, finding its texture satisfying on his paws.

"If it works, it works. Kinda pity him actually. That guy's really desperate it's sad," Lifty said as he catalogues the content of their van. His brows furrowed seeing the bottle of "facial cream" filled with water that was supposed to be with Disco Bear.

"Uhhh... bro, I think we gave the guy the thing that Sniffles ordered for..."

Shifty stopped his counting to let his brother's words sink in. Upon realizing how grave their mistake were, Shifty could only say his own name in response, minus the fourth and sixth letter.


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1 year ago


Day 13: Witch


Giggles stepped onto the stage, clad in her black robes and pointed hat, ready to commence the scene where she would be burned at the stake by the villagers. She took her place on the platform, feeling the heat from the torches burning around her. As the scene began, she began to chant her spells, her voice ringing out over the audience.

But something seemed off. The heat from the torches was getting hotter, and Giggles felt it seeping through her robes. She began to sweat, and her heart raced as she realized the flames were real. She cried out for help, but her cries were drowned out by the applause from the audience. They thought it was simply part of the performance.


Giggles screamed at the top of her lungs, feeling the flames creeping up her legs.

"This isn't supposed to happen!"

But her cries went unanswered. Giggles looked up at the crowd, her eyes filled with terror. She had made a mistake, and now she would pay the price. She couldn't think of anything else to do but scream out in pain. And the irony was, critters were now clapping even more, thinking that Giggles was giving the "most convincing" performance.

As her screams echoed through the auditorium, Giggles felt her strength beginning to fade. She knew that there was no escape, and that she was doomed to die on that stage. And with her last breath, she sighed, "At least they've enjoyed my perfor-"


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1 year ago

not really an ask, just wanna say i really like your art and that i always look forward whenever you post <3



thamk yu oml πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

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1 year ago
Did You Guessed That The Story For My GOREYTOBERY Day 11&12 Is Actually An Alternate Timeline For Read

Did you guessed that the story for my GOREYTOBERY Day 11&12 is actually an alternate timeline for Read Em and Weep where Lumpy didn't arrive at all!??!?!?!?!?!?!?



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