If you are looking for my BTS only blog: BTSNoonaSquad '89'er! (Meaning, born in 1989.) I have no idea of what I want to do with this... I realized when follow people, it shows this page which used to be something else. Ha.
162 posts
Drabble 01/01/2022
Drabble 01/01/2022
My four random words:
"Are you serious right now? Really?"
The voice sounded irritated as the woman kept checking her watch as she started to tap her toe.
"Look, we don't have much time! You're moving as slow as a snail and I-"
"I can't hurry any faster, " you state as you make sure to grab your boots to finish off your outfit. "Don't worry, we have ample time to make it to the celebration," you say with a smile, trying to reassure your anxious friend.
"It's my year again! Year of the Tiger is only every 12 years-" Dahyun starts.
"As does every sign," you state with a laugh. "I know this awesome girl born in 2010 who wants to be a Robotic Engineer. She too is a Tiger, just so you know."
"Don't lump all of us together," she states, trying to hide her smile.
"Right right right," you say, as you stand straight, your boots on. "Let's go. That Lunar New Year party can't start without us," you said with a grin.
"Hosts late to their own party, what a sham!" Dahyun exclaims as she grabs your arm. "Let's gooooo!"
and so you two leave, and just like you said, you have PLENTY of time to make it. You can't wait to rub it in her face later about her being a drama queen.
More Posts from Unsureofwhathappens

I do that with Fanfictions here allllll the time!! Yes.
It is that time of year!!! Time to make my vision board and make plans…
I know a few I am going to do, and just remembered ones I forgot to add. So that will be done - I hand draw the items so the pictures aren’t that great but I have fun doing it. Also makes me appreciate those with talent because apparently I have no patience for it XD
I think one I want to try is to make at least a story or writing a month…. That is one I need to add.
And I want to keep improving! What do y’all normally put on your vision boards? (They help me recenter and focus on what I want and who I hope to become. ^•^)
World Building
Creating Land
⥇ agriculture
⟿ what is grown in abundance? how common is farmland? where is the farmland?
⥇ architecture
⟿ what kind of buildings? how tall/spacious? what are they made of? how well made? how well planned?
⥇ animals
⟿ what wild animals are lurking in the area? hunting? any animals affecting the livestock or agriculture?
⥇ biomes
⟿ desert? tundra? grassland? forest? savanna?
⥇ bodies of water
⟿ seas? lake? ponds? rivers? fresh water/salt water? fishing? keep in mind, settlements are often built near bodies of water
⥇ climate
⟿ dry? rainy? temperate? tropical? polar? how have people adjusted to this climate?
⥇ elevation
⟿ altitude? how does the altitude affect lifestyle?
⥇ geology
⟿ rocky? types of rocks?
⥇ landforms
⟿ mountains? valleys? plateaus? plains? hills? glaciers? peninsulas? volcanos? canyons?
⥇ latitude / longitude
⟿ location on planet? how does it affect other elements of land?
⥇ livestock
⟿ common domesticated animals? common animal usages?
⥇ minerals
⟿ any valuable minerals / metals? are they mined regularly? how are they used?
⥇ natural disasters
⟿ earthquake? tornado? volcano? duststorm? flood? hurricane? tsunami? how often do these occur? protocols?
⥇ population
⟿ how many people? how dense is the population? how does the population affect surrounding nature?
⥇ resources
⟿ what is abundant? scarce? how are they used? how available are they?
⥇ sacred land
⟿ religiously important land? historical importance? widely accepted as sacred? how is it honored?
⥇ soil
⟿ good or bad for vegetation? rocky?
⥇ tectonic activity
⟿ earthquake frequency? volcano frequency? trenches?
⥇ topography
⟿ how common are maps? how accurate? how long have they been around? who makes them?
⥇ vegetation
⟿ what is abundant? scarce? what grows easily? with difficulty? what is commonly foraged? who forages? plant types? tree types?
... So I just found out I have "questions asked" and one of them was such a sweet message and I feel horrid that I didn't see them until now!
To explain-
I don't believe many people read the stuff on this page - but if there is someone who DOES -
Be aware - I will be posting random writings, things out of order, just getting things out there for me to really get started. Sometimes maybe even stuff that doesn't even go with the main big story I am writing. XD
I don't know what is going to happen next, what I will post next, or what random spur of mind type stuff I will be doing. So... I am sorry that none of it will make sense. XD