1167 posts
Could You Do 4/4 The First Time He REALIZES He Loves You Like He May Not Say "ily" But What's Going Through
could you do 4/4 the first time he REALIZES he loves you like he may not say "ily" but what's going through his mind?? thank you dana ily!!!!
idk I think with ashton it’d be when you’re over visiting his family with him, and like, he’d look over and see you helping his mom with the meal in the kitchen while he’s trying to wrangle in his siblings (harry has this bad habit of always trying to tackle ash to the ground omg) and he’d just kind of look up and see how you interact with his mom and how you’re so natural around his family. and it just kind of hits him that he really likes this- seeing you with his family. that he can imagine being domestic with you, that you and he would switch off nights when you were cooking and he was doing the dishes, and he would go grocery shopping and you would help him get the house ready for his family to come over. it’s like, in a single second he could see a future with you, and it was enough to make him break out in a grin but also want to throw up because oh shit now i have to tell her
with luke i think it’d be late at night. like, you had come to visit him for a show or something and he’d just be so overwhelmingly happy that you were there, you could see it in the way that he bopped around on stage and the grin that never seemed to leave his face. the boy just seemed to exude happiness. and he had gone back to the hotel with you, hopping in the shower quickly but fully expecting to get sweaty again underneath the sheets with you, so when he opened the door and had a towel slung around his waist and was rubbing at his hair with another towel, he just kind of sunk down when he realized that you were fast asleep in bed because of jetlag. and like, there was no way that he was going to wake you up, so he just stumbled around in the dark for a pair of boxers before sliding into bed next to you, pulling you in close. and it’s like, it’s when he realized that he was just as happy to have you in his arms as he would be if you two were having sex, that he realized that he loved you. just like, fuck, I love her
and with michael, I don’t think there would be a single solitary moment where he knew that he was in love. it’s like, I feel like he’s the type that dates with the intention of marriage; he doesn’t hop around from relationship to relationship. so it wasn’t like he woke up and BAM he’s in love, it was more of a growing thing that he was aware of. just constantly knowing that with every little action you did, little quirks about you that he got to know about, that he was falling in love with you. he was hyper aware of the fact that he was falling in love. it would just kind of be obvious to him- don’t get me wrong, it would scare the shit out of him- but from the minute he started dating you he just knew that he was going to fall in love with you. michael loves too easily and unabashedly, and should be protected at all costs
and cal would try and fight it like all hell. he didn’t want to admit to himself that he was in love because that would mean an inevitable end to his bachelor days and would either end up really well, or really badly. cal shuts himself up inside and doesn’t really let anyone get into him to see that. but like, him realizing that he was in love with you would be more of an oh fuck moment, and he would probably curse himself for suddenly realizing that he cared about you way more than he had ever cared about another person. and tbh it was probably when you were with his friends, and he had gone off to grab you a drink and came back to see you mingling with his friends like he hadn’t even left you side, the way that you were comfortable around them in a way that made him grin from ear to ear. and then it would just hit him that he could get used to this- used to you, because although the thought of a serious relationship had crossed his mind quite a few times, this raised it up a few notches
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More Posts from Urgurlsbtsblog
34 ashton
“If you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed.”
“What?” Ashton grinned cheekily, acting like he had no idea what he was doing.
“You know exactly what you’re doing, asshole. You know when you look at me like that with those fucking mesmerizing hazel eyes and stupid cocky grin gets me so fucking wet for you,” you rasped against his ear. You started nibbling on his earlobe when you felt his grip on your waist tighten, him bringing you closer to him.
“Okay, listen here princess. I’m going to go tell the boys that you’re feeling sick and that we’re going home. The minute we get home, I want you naked on the bed, do you hear me?” You gulped as you nodded quickly, the wetness practically pooling between your legs now.
“Yes what?”
“Yes, sir.”
So I saw a thing and can you write something about neck kisses? Preferably Michael but do whatever floats your boat
because michael would be totally weak to neck kisses. you two would be on the couch and you’d be straddling his lap and just completely going for it. and your lips would travel from his lips to his jaw and then down the length of his neck and this boy would just melt, like full on, head falling back, arm brushing down your back, light moan melt. you wouldn’t even need to give him a hickey to get a response out of him, although he did love it when you licked and sucked at his skin, leaving dark purple marks on his pale skin that he would have to explain the next morning
and with calum, it would be in the middle of a hot and heavy make-out session, when you’re pulled on top of him and grinding up on him, and his hands are cupping your ass over your jeans, pressing you into him. and his lips are soft as pillows and welcoming as all fuck, but you just have the most primal urge to kiss his tan skin on his neck and right by his jaw and down by his collarbones because holy hell he has the nicest collarbones. and you would kiss and kiss and kiss, not staying in one place too long but savoring the taste of his skin, sucking a hicky right above his collarbone, yelping when he smacks your ass because “baby, I’m going to get so much shit for that tomorrow morning”
and luke luke luke omg scruffy neck kisses down your neck while he’s laying half on top of you on the couch and the tv is blaring in the background but you’re just focused on his lips on yours but- wait- you lose contact with him only for him to begin peppering kisses down the side of your neck, brushing your hair out of the way to give him access to more skin. and the scruff along his cheeks tickles you, and you start to giggle before he bites down harshly on your skin at the base of your neck, nipping playfully as his hand comes around your waist and pulls you in closer to him, rolling you underneath him
ashton would focus in so hard on what he was doing because he knew that there was one spot that always made you weak; and he knew this because the last time you two were making out like you were now, he had hit that spot, and you had let out the most pornographic moan that made ashton swear that he would find that spot again. and so he lifts his mouth off of yours and begins pressing kisses down the hollow of your neck, tilting your chin back and kissing all the way down to your sternum. and there’s just a lot of moving around and testing the area out until he hits that one spot, right underneath your jaw, and you lace your fingers tightly through his hair and let out a gasp, grinding your hips against him.
submitted by: myboyashton
Okay, daddy Luke having a baby girl and struggling to make enough time for his daughter and his band since the mom literally popped out the baby and left, and he needs to get a babysitter because he has a band thing tonight and his first instinct is to call you because he knows you really well and trusts you with his baby’s life (literally) and also has the biggest crush on you (he always denies it when the band teases him about it though) (“I dont have crushes I am a grown man”) and he’s about to be late because he literally spent SO LONG telling you what to do if this happens, how to handle that situation, how she’ll only go down if she has her purple monkey, and you’re like “omg Luke I’ve got this go to your thing” and he’s like okay okay and reminds you to call if you have any problems and he’ll be right home because no one can calm her down if she wakes up but him, not even his mom, like baby hemmings would be such a daddy’s girl. And so he’s been gone for about three hours and baby girl hemmings went down about an an hour ago so you’re just quietly watching tv and holding down the fort. Then you hear little cries coming from Luke’s room where baby hemmings’ crib is in the corner and you walk in and she’s awake and sniffling a little bit so you just pick her up and start bouncing her and singing one of her daddy’s songs and it takes a few minutes and she did cry a lot at one point but soon she’s asleep and drooling on your shoulder and you’re still singing to her even though she’s conked out and Luke has been in the doorway for the last five minutes watching you calm his little girl down and he’s just thinking “how the hell did she do that no one but me can do that” and when you notice him standing there you smile and hand off baby hemmings to her daddy and he’s just like “fuck it” and asks you out on the spot.
daddy!5sos night!