I’m a huge nerd.
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Uselessbutinteresting - Random Facts I Find Interesting - Tumblr Blog
I love my momma😭😭😭
Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.

I am risking nothing

Will not risk.

sorry followers :(
I really need some luck 🙏

Whelp I’m not about to risk anything after 2020, so here we go I guess.

(via Peter Dickinson/Facebook)

This is why I don’t tell 99% people im bisexual
Sleepy little witch!

69 years ago today (October 15, 1951) the first episode of I Love Lucy starring Lucille Ball was released.
It’s hard to argue that Lucille Ball left an immense impact the entertainment industry, and even current American culture as a whole. She was the first woman to head a television program, and she was brazen in her commentary about the societal norms and traditional gender roles at the time. Her show was an instant success and won over 25 awards, including 5 Emmy awards. She eventually became the first woman to own a major production studio.
It’s important to remember influential women like Lucille Ball, to not only remember what she did for the world, but to remember that it is possible to challenge these societal norms with media. Her legacy isn’t only encapsulated in what she did for the world, it is also in the inspiration she gave to others wishing to do the same.

just an FYI to those who think that the number you’d cases is increasing purely because“ItS bEcAuSe wE aRe dOiNg MoRe TeStInG”
Your actions have consequences. I hope you know that.


[link to post]

Just something I really want to share on here because it’s important.
Can I just say that as a future engineer, and hopeful candidate for the NASA space program Katherine Johnson, and NASA engineer Mary Jackson are the women I look up to. Every day I go to class I get my male peers treating me like I do f have the capability to understand the coursework. I get declined internships because they don’t feel I could handle the workload like the “strong men on the floor.” However none of these small inconveniences even pale in comparison to the suffering these brave, brilliant women had to go through to garner the respect they so deserved. Despite all the hardship, injustice, prejudice, and hate they received from a society who refused to see their worth simply because of what they looked like, these women kept fighting. They fought the good fight, and helped pave the way to a better future. A future where men and women alike could touch the stars. These are the women I want to make proud. These are the women that I want to succeed for.

Katherine Johnson (b. 1918) is a physicist and mathematician who has made crucial contributions to several NASA missions, assuring their success with her highly accurate calculations. She worked with NASA for several decades, and helped advance the rights of both African-Americans and women.
She initially worked as a human computer, and later as an aerospace technologist. She calculated trajectories for missions such as the 1961 Mercury mission or the 1969 Apollo 11 flight. She was portrayed by Taraji P. Henson in the 2016 film Hidden Figures.
That’s not justice

Possibly the oldest “Yo Mama” joke was found on an ancient Babylonian tablet from 3,500 years ago
The tablet was excavated in 1976 by archeologist J.J. van Dijk in present day Iraq. It contained many other jokes and riddles written by an ancient Babylonian student, however The “Yo Mama” joke was the most interesting find. The full joke has been lost to history, however this fragment remains:
“…of your mother is by the one who has intercourse with her. What/who is it?”

The U.S. dollar bill has an average lifespan of 18 months!
If anyone out there wants to learn a bit more about some amazing women, please click the link below!
I was reading through this and thought I should share, there were so many brave women throughout history that make me proud to be a woman today! I think the least we can do for these women is to learn a bit more about their stories!
Article: https://www.factinate.com/people/42-facts-women-made-history/

Movie trailers were originally played after the movie, that’s why they are called trailers. The problem was nobody actually stayed in the theatre long enough to watch them!
Image source: https://coastalcottagesami.com/movie-theatres/

In 1916, Jeanette Rankin became the first female member of the U.S. Congress four years before women had the right to vote.
Image source:

Shark embryos in their eggs can sense when a predator is approaching, and when this happens they freeze and stop breathing so predators can’t sense the electric fields emitted by their movement.
Picture source: http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2018/using-satellites-protect-shark-sanctuaries/
Fact source: https://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/stories/8-strange-shark-facts-to-sink-your-teeth-into