Bad Jokes - Tumblr Posts
Hardcore-fujoshi: If I could rate my love of yaoi from 1 to 10, it would be 18+.

Another Picture set from my fic ‘It All Started With A Mistake’, this time commissioned by @bloodsbane with Murder!Sans x Toriel, look at them being so Cute X3
The Fanfic:
I get beards, but growing facial hair on just your upper lip... must ache

I saw this image and I had to do it
Yeah she told me she’s a pathological liar. I honestly couldn’t believe it
I like my men how I like my sandwiches.
The sub way.
What do you call a building made out of shells?
Never run with Bagpipes.
You might get kilt.

Eye can see you.
Hahahaha hehehhHa
I'll see myself out
Tbh. I want to steal a chicken. One for it can be my support animal. Two to just steal a chicken at random. And three is so I can name it Fluffy Blue the Third. So when people can ask what happened to the first and second I can tell them one became chicken tenders and the other became dog food.
Dean: Knock knock
Cas: Who's there?
Dean: Interrupting Moose
Cas: Interrupting Moose Wh-
Sam: So I found this article...
Being a trans woman must suck, at day you have to deal with transphobia and at night you have to respond to a containment breach in a confidential location somewhere in Canada and fight anomalies beyond comprehension knowing that none of your weapons actually work so you shoot the guys with orange jumpsuits instead