Geared Up
Geared Up
Second original story! Hope you all enjoy it.
Thanks to @mrrharper for providing nice images to use and proofreading!
Aaron was never type that would ever consider applying at a security company, much less applying to be someone's personal muscle.
However, the pandemic had struck Aaron quite hard. He was now living on what little he had left in his savings. Needing to pay rent he had already sought out any opportunity to work, but never had any luck. Thanks to the coming of A.I. it seemed his graphic design degree had become nothing more than a literal paperweight now.
In order to make ends meet Aaron he turned the next best option, working at Geared Security Inc.
Geared Security was a new company in town. They were actively looking for new employees meaning he could start quickly if he got through the interview.
Upon second consideration Aaron realized it wasn't a bad deal after all. The pay seemed good, no prior job experience was required, and he would even get a say in how his hours were scheduled.
Aaron decided he needed to take action as soon as possible and rung up the place, scheduling a interview for tomorrow.
The following morning Aaron had made his way to the industrial park where Geared was located. The building was a old hangar which seemed to have been renovated recently. It proudly showcased "Geared Security Inc." on large banner plastered on front. As Aaron entered the building, he was surprised to see no one inside. He looked around seeing the brown leather chairs lined up side-by-side in front of the wooden reception desk. Looking at his phone he realized he got there a tad early, still having about 15 minutes before his interview would start.
Despite the amount of job openings the company had he was surprised to see the absence of applicants.
"Better chances for me" Aaron thought to himself.
"I'll be right with you" a baritone voice boomed from the back.
"Ah.. Alright" Aaron replied taken aback by the deepness of the man's voice.
Moments later a large man appeared from the back.

Aaron could not help but notice his massive arms. What's more, the man's traps and neck were equally as developed, visible through any layer of clothing he would be wearing.
"Aaron, am I right?" the absolute unit of a man asked.
"Ah... uh... Yes, sir." Aaron replied, snapping back to reality.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Dan" he said, offering his handshake
As Dan shook hands with Aaron, his biceps could be seen straining against his uniform.
At the same time Aaron, still mesmerized by the hunk in front of him, felt a little zap as they firmly shook hands.
"Alright Aaron, please follow me to the interview room" Dan said, making his way towards to the room located left of the reception.
The layout of the room was simple. A large table accompanied by two chairs placed opposite of each other. Aside from the table, the only other notable thing was the carpet floor and the black door on the right.
"Please, take a seat" Dan said, looking directly Aaron.
As intimidated as Aaron felt by Dan, he also admired the level of confidence he exuded. He always stood tall and proud whenever he interacted with Aaron.
"You're here to apply for security guard, is that correct?"
"Yes, sir." he replied.
Dan scanned Aaron from top to bottom with a stern look as he grabbed the file in front of him and started skimming through Aaron's personal details.
"23 years old... City local... College degree..." Dan murmured to himself as he read more about Aaron.
He sat nervously, unable to read into whatever his interviewer was thinking.
"So Aaron, what made you want to take this job?" He asked.
Aaron realized he might not be the best guy suited for the job since he wasn't a literal wall of muscle unlike most security guards. He was however quite fit always making sure to keep up his running habit even after finishing high school.
"I've always had a knack for justice, plus I'm quite a fast runner since I've done track and field ever since I was in high school." Aaron replied, highlighting his skills.
"Good" Dan replied, nodding in approval of Aaron's athleticism.
The interview continued. As Aaron kept answering Dan's questions, he felt more at ease. He was getting more confident in passing the interview.
"You're hired."
Aaron was ecstatic.
"Before you're formally employed we will have to go over the employee conduct policy and sign some legal papers, okay?" Dan told Aaron.
"Yes, of course, I understand." Aaron answered, relieved at the idea of finally having an income stream again.
Dan shuffled through his stack of papers, finding one filled to the brim with text and bullet points.
He walked around the table, reaching over Aaron's shoulder and placing it in front of him.
Instead of sitting back in his seat, Dan now stood at the door behind Aaron whilst he waited for him to sign it.
In the meanwhile, Dan took the opportunity to read conduct policy out loud.
"As personal muscle employed from Geared Security Inc.," he started.
"You only care about lifting and gaining as much muscle as possible"
"You will be dumb and obedient. You will do anything your employer asks you to"
These requirements caught Aaron by Aaron by surprise. In just one moment he became extremely unsure as to what he was getting himself into.
"Actually, Dan I think I might need a bit more time to think this over..." Aaron started, trying to backpedal on the job offer.
Dan remained quiet as he stood in front of the door they had both used to enter.
Aaron, did not the trust the situation. In a quick judgement he ran towards to the only door that was left unguarded, hoping it would lead him to a possible exit.
He thought it was his best option given that he would not be able to get past the boulder that was Dan.
As Aaron got the door and turned the knob, he once again felt a zap as the turned the handle.
Unlike what he hoped the room wasn't anything close to an exit. Instead, the room in front of him was a small storage closet that was filled with clothes and firearms.
Aaron turned back around, expecting that Dan would've chased after him. However, he just stood there, like a statue, waiting idly.
Then, out of a sudden, vertigo hit Aaron. His vision got shaky, as the ground seem to be coming closer.
"What's-" he tried to say. However, the only words that came out were an unintelligible mess.
In a single moment Aaron had forgotten the situation he was just in.
In fact, he had forgotten it all.
The more he tried to remember, the more he forgot.
When he tried to who he was, or why he was here it became hard to think. His mind felt fogged up.
Any attempt at thinking was hard.
Maybe it was best that he didn't think at all.
Maybe, he should just let the thinking be done for him.
Whilst he tried his earnest to remember, the heat proceeded to only grow stronger.
Aaron felt his normally loose fitting clothes start to heavily strain at its confines. Where a once flat chest was, was now two pair of muscular slabs that started to were pushing his dress shirt to its max.
"Let me help you" a voice called out.
As he looked towards the origin of the sound he was met a sense of calmness.
It felt good to listen to the man.
Aaron just stood there as the man's burly hands made quick work of his dress shirt, ripping it apart.
"At ease, guard" Dan commanded as he moved onto removing Aaron's belt.
"Guard..? Who-" Aaron asked, still struck by confusion.
"Yes, that's you. You're a Geared Security employee, did you forget?" Dan stated.
"Ah.. yes.. I'm a Geared Security guard... Yeah, that's right.." Aaron confirmed, slowly gaining back a sense of his self.
Whilst Aaron was slowly puzzling everything together, Dan had finished undressing him. Much like his dress shirt, his pants had also met a similar fate. In mere moments, Aaron's legs had grown heavily, no longer looking the slim muscular legs meant for running. Instead, legs as wide as tree trunks remained, perfect for subjugating any possible suspects.
"Do you know who you are?" Dan asked.
"Yes of course... My name is... Aaron" he replied pausing in between due to his uncertainty.
"That's not correct is it?" Dan quizzed.
Aaron wasn't sure anymore. What the man said made sense. He knew the man was right.
"Yeah, it isn't..."
"Your name is James. You will be referred to by your designation A501"
A501 realized the man was correct, his superiors always are.
There is no Aaron. There never was.
"You were just getting to work and getting changed right?"
Of course, how could he forget. Like many of his colleagues A501 wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Luckily he never had to think much. The only thing he had to care about was lifting weights and gaining muscle. His superiors would do the thinking for him.
Not wanting to embarrass his superior any further, A501 quickly went to the storage closet and starting picking out new clothes.
He put on his large size 12 boots. Followed up by a pair of brown cargo pants which he had to stretch outward to be able to get over his large manhood. Next was the belt containing various tools needed for his job like hand cuffs and his company-issued firearm.

A501 finished putting on the rest of his uniform.
His new clothes fit snuggly, highlighting his large biceps and strong legs.
Revitalized with purpose and a sense of self the fog in his mind started to clear.
"A501, time to work" Dan commanded.
"Sir Yes Sir!"
A501 was now a geared up guard, ready for duty.

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More Posts from User211201
Hey are you still taking transformation applications? Just found this blog and it's great. I was wonder if you could turn my into a dumb himbo surfer? I'm white, 5'9 and a little on the fat nerdy side, but I'd love to be a tall tanned lean surfer dude!
“Alright dude, welcome to the Amalia Aquatics Center. We have been looking for more surf instructors and you are the man for the job. The name’s Kellan and I’ll be your boss.”
You look at the tall surfer guessing he had to be about 6′7″, almost a foot taller than you. His muscles are lean and his skin is tan. He looks like a stereotypical, but tall and slightly more built, surfer. He even spoke like one. Hardly the professional you were expecting from what you saw at the front desk.
“I’m just here to help you get used to your job. I’m sure it won’t take long for you to fit in, brah.” He chuckled, “Now why are you wearing a shirt?”
You look down, a little embarrassed for even trying this. You look back up at Kellan and he his simply looking back at you with a smirk on his face. Your eyes look down at the beginnings of moobs and gut pushing at your shirt.
“You want to be a surfer or what?”
You grip the hem of your shirt in frustration. Struggling to pull it off, you finally do, red in the face. Kellan is just chuckling, “See that wasn’t so hard.”
A blush fills your cheeks again. You look down at your lean, tanned torso wondering why you wouldn’t want your shirt off. You love going shirtless.
“And we like our surfers to be blonde. Longer hair is preferred.”
You run a hand through your hair, remembering you got it died a few weeks ago.

“Oh and the clients usually like a big cock. From your swimsuit I see no problem there.”
You smirk, thinking of the 7-inch soft torpedo in your swimsuit.
“And our surfers always love getting fucked as a tip instead of cash.”
Your ass suddenly feels very hungry and your cock grows to a full 9 inches at the idea at your prospects for sex. Not that your brain even knows what a word like “prospects” means anymore.
“So dude I think your ready to start.”
You smile dumbly, not even realizing you had changed, “Awesome dude.”
mrrharper Masterpost
what's up bros
to make this blog a bit more accessible, this is gonna be an index of all of my stories and other stuff connected with me, neatly divided into themes
everything's under this pic of a hot stud

Jock TF
Todd goes to a gym / Academic requirements / A Son, Reformed / Muscles In Chains / The Rookie's Figuring It Out / Headphones In, Guns Out / Waiting For The Roommate / Mandatory PE Class / A Real Jock's Supposed to Be Dumb /
Under Armour Jock™ / Coach's Process of Developing a Jock / More Loyal, More American, More The Same / Muscle Memory / Inside A Jock's Mind / Script For A Jock / No-Trade Clause /
Cop/Soldier reprogramming
Programming Adjustment / Law, Order and Musk / Personal Muscle, Uniform Included / A Guard Programmed To Control And Obey /
Gym Bro TF (and adjacent)
Gym Bro / Bro Advice / A Workout Break / This Is How You Recruit Gym Bros / Waking Up Huge And Jocked / Empty Eyes, Pumped Bis
Other stuff
Commissions - I am open for commissions. Want me to write you a story? Check the linked post for all the necessary details
#AMA - you can see all the questions I have answered from previous AMAs under this hashtag
Ko-fi page - you can support me and my work on ko-fi
Massive & Mindless
--- Original creation #3 ---
"You want to be a jock?"
Asher, the school's quarter back looked at you quizzically.
You didn't look like the type that would be interested given your small frame and size.
"Hmm. No can do I think. Not like this at least"
You became nervous as the quarter back stepped closer to you, giving a clearer view of his pecs that were nearly spilling out his stringer tanktop.
"You see," he started saying as he grabbed onto your arms, lifting them both up. "you need some serious arm muscle if you want to do a ball sport".
Pure ecstasy came over you as your arms expanded in size. You looked at your arms as you flexed them seeing them grow even larger in size.
Barely recovered from the kick you feel his hands touch your chest.
"Of course, you can't move your arms well if you don't have good pecs to match"
Immediately you felt the pull your shoulders pulling on your chest. What was once flat had now become two slim yet firm slabs of muscle to accompany your new strong arms.
"How could I forget about a good core?" Asher said, thoroughly enjoying your face of pure euphoria.
He now looks you in the eye as you feel him draw a line vertically across your chest. Next, you feel his finger go horizontally. As you look down you can see his work. Where his finger went were now deep grooves forming an impressive core, including beautifully sculpted obliques.
As you look up your eyes meet again and you could feel a heat start to rise inside you.
"You've also got to be able to withstand a good bash, can't have you falling on your ass while on the field" Asher said.
You feel your legs grow. The gap between is slowly closing with pure muscle. Soon you find that you can feel your thighs touching each other.
All the while, the heat inside you kept growing. You could feel your excitement rise.
"You need to have a good grip on the ground as well"
Your feet swelled, only able to accommodate size 13 now.
"Of course we like to have fun as well after our games" Asher said, shamelessly staring at the out print of your cock visible on your shorts.
"Like your muscles, we like it massive"
You already knew what was coming. You felt his touch and as he did you could feel your dick grow. It reached a bigger size than you had even seen before.
"Like your teammates, we like it mindless"
You could feel his hands plant themselves on the sides of your face as his face closed in on yours. A pair of lips planted themselves on your face as you felt his stubble rub against your skin.
If you weren't fully excited already, now you were. As you kept kissing Asher you could feel a haze encroach your mind. Every second, you felt your concerns, your worries, everything fading away.
You had reached cloud nine.
As Asher broke contact, he couldn't help but smile.
You were lost in pure bliss. You hadn't even noticed as a slight bit drool escaped from the sides of your mouth.
As a final act Asher stood right up against you. You could feel his crotch straining against yours. As he placed his forehead on yours you could feel new thoughts entering your mind.
Strategies, faces of your teammates, times spent together after practice.
What you would have considered foreign moments ago now felt right, it felt normal.
It felt like it always had been. Like the jock you've always been.

Can u do like one with a dorky geek being forced against his will to be turned into a jock and become like the star quarterback for the team like me

“You see, the problem with modern society is that, suddenly, all the emphasis has shifted from physicality and physical endeavours to cerebral enterprises and the furtherance of technology. Societally speaking, that can only lead to a slow downfall of everything we, the human race, have ever built. We have to get back to basics!” On each word of the last sentence, the man banged the meat of his palm on the desk in front of him, emphasizing each point. His gaze, however, never wavered from the array of students sitting in front of him. His eyes swept the room, as if daring anyone to disagree with him. He held the menace in his teeth, playing the silence out, and suddenly relaxed, shifting entirely into another mode, that of easy-going, affable Coach. “But the pendulum swings, boys, the pendulum always swings. One extreme to the other, and boy, when it comes,” he chuckled, swaying his head and clicking his tongue, “it’s gonna come hard.”
The bell sang its saw-song through the air, jarring everyone from their respective trances. Matthew snorted, turning to his friend. “Are you kidding me? One logical fallacy after another. And that pseudo-social science he was spouting? Did you even hear that? Why did we even have him in class today? What was that supposed to teach us?”
Sanjay shook his head. “Which one do you want me to answer first?”
“Any. None. It doesn’t matter. Just doesn’t make any sense. Why have the coach of the football team lecture us on how intelligence and critical thought and technological know-how is actually, you know, in disguise, the downfall of human civilization! Oh, yeah, let’s prize barbarity and tout physical achievement as opposed to …”
Honestly, Sanjay tuned him out. Sure, Matthew was his friend. Yeah, he was smart. Probably one of the smartest kids in the school, but he had a demanding, needy persona that was just sometimes hard to bear. He could be arrogant, almost preening, constantly displaying his prodigious vocabulary and scorning anyone who didn’t reach his impossible standards. Still, better to have him on your side, Sanjay reasoned, than not.
“So, yeah.” Matthew tossed his hair back from his eyes. He’d been letting it grow long, some rebellion thing. “Wanna watch foreign films tonight?”
“Uh,” God, again? He had a passion for subtitles that bordered on the pathological. Sometimes, he’d even quote the French when the appropriate time arrived. “I can’t, tonight. Family … thing.”
“Oh. Okay. Well, a toût a l’heure, mon ami!”
“Seeya,” Sanjay moved off into the hallway throng. “Weirdo.”
The faint, overlapping sound of calls and cries, short and shouted, that echoed from the field. Some grunting. Matthew hated that, in order to walk home, he had to follow the small sidewalk around the back side of the school and around a fairly large chunk of the football field. He usually had his earbuds in, and today was no exception, with Einstürzende Neubaten playing (and only because of the name) in his ears. He tapped his hands idly against his thighs as he walked, tapping out a badly-timed beat to the song he was listening to. His eyes he kept firmly fixed ahead. He refused to look at the game in progress, or the training, or whatever. Can’t deny that his eyes did flick to the left, but he didn’t turn his head, so that doesn’t count. Or so he reasoned.
Out of all the sports, Matthew hated football the worst. He could make concessions for “real” football, or soccer, if he was pressed, but American football, the NFL, all of it, just left a bad taste in his mouth. Stupid celebrity body-glorifying inane banal moronic and, on one occasion, mentally retarded, were all words that came out of his mouth whenever confronted with the topic. Team sports on a whole repelled him: the whole notion of conforming to a set, of being reduced to a function, caused him to shiver way down deep inside his skinny body. He was furiously proud of his body, liked that he could slip in and out of places unnoticed. He wore mostly blacks and grays for the same reason.
Of course, he was bullied. What kid isn’t? Matthew is no idiot. He’s read books, seen movies, he knows. The bully does it because the bully feels like he’s inferior in some way, is over-compensating. Yeah, he knows the “why,” but the “what” keeps happening. Physical threats. He’s been tripped, kicked, spat at. He does not let himself break to the bullies. He knows that he is superior to them, and one day, they’ll be pumping his gas. The knowledge of this certain future is enough to glaze and harden the sneer on his face whenever he runs into them.
He looked up just in time, swerving to miss the outstretched hands of one of his classmates. He didn’t even have time to notice which one it was. All he saw was a wide grin and the palms of the hands, and the world yawed above him, sky to treetops to treetrunks to dead leaves on the ground, and he was falling, poorly, ungainly and akimbo, ass over teakettle, and rolling, crashing through various underbrush, skinning his palms on ill-placed rocks, the world became a splatter of color on a palette, and then turned to gray fuzz as he came to a halt.
“Whoa, kid, kid, holy fucking …” Someone had rushed to his side, but Matthew couldn’t tell who it was. His eyes were unfocused, his ears were slamming loud carillons of hiss and bells, he throbbed, nearly all over. He thought, well, nothing’s broken, and remembered relief. He cracked his mouth and a strange noise flopped out, like a broken bassoon. “Are you OK? Did you just fall?”
“Stupid … question,” Matthew said, and passed out.
He woke up at home. In his own bed. His posters on the wall, his strange Russian propaganda posters, his vintage movie posters. He still throbs all over. That part wasn’t a dream. This is, however, that weird murky space between waking up and really waking up. Surfacing, sort of, through the shallows. He remembered … falling. He remembered … being pushed! His head is like an anvil factory. Jabs of clanging pain twinned to his heartbeat. He groaned, and ground his hand, hard, into his left eye. The pain did not abate. He rolled over, the sheets followed, and he untangled himself, with some amount of confusion. There was a slightly heavy … slightly wet smell in the air, almost as if someone drenched in cologne had been there recently. It wasn’t entirely unpleasant, Matthew thought murkily, then shook his head violently. No! It was awful! It smelled like a locker room. How the fuck did he get home? He reached for his phone, which was where he always kept it, on the night stand next to his bed. He thumbed it open. No missed calls. No new text messages. The time was 10:30pm., on whatever day. He idly thought he might have amnesia. It was dark, and he could hear the crickets sawing feverishly away outside his window. He felt a stab of hunger, and slowly swung his legs out of bed.
The anodyne glow of the big-screen television was near-blinding as Matthew limped down the stairs. Weird, he thought. No one in this house is usually awake at this hour. He moved closer to inspect. No one on the couch. Not a sign that anyone had been there, actually. It was all very Roanoke. He half-expected to find “CROATOAN” carved into the coffee table. It gave him a little, dull chill. As he moved closer, the sound of the television grew louder, and the picture seemed to clear, resolving from white noise to figures, moving back and forth on the screen. The white noise resolved into the sound of … an audience? Matthew squinted at the screen, came even closer, outstretched a finger to prod at its surface, delicately. Then he backed up, shaking his head, chortling. “C’mon,” he said out loud, the sound of his voice flat in the living room. “Don’t be a moron.”
It was a game on the television. A football game. NFL, from the looks of it. Uniforms … orange and white and orange and black. The, uh … Broncos and the Browns. Right. That’s a lot of orange. I didn’t even know we got this channel. What channel? Oh, ESPN, right. The football’s pretty fucking elusive, doesn’t seem like anyone can get a handle on - oh, there we go. That guy’s running. He’s got the ball. Feels like something’s going to happen. Oh, hey, this guy’s coming out of the, no, no, he’s gonna make it he’s - oh. Nope. That guy jumped on top of him and he wasn’t close to the end zone.
Matthew felt a strange sense of disappointment, almost deflation. He cracked his neck to one side and frowned a little. The players were reassembling. Some of them look kinda goofy. The uniforms are kinda cool. I mean, sorta. It’s like armor, or something. Representing … uh, like, houses, or … hey, they’re playing again.
He found his muscles tightening, his hands forming into fists, as the football was snapped into play. His eyes watched it as it described its arc over the field, soaring, spiralling, toward the eager and outstretched hands of – and
Matthew snapped back to himself with all the force of a comet smashing into Siberia. He blinked, blinked again, and then shook his head. Was that something rattling around up there? Jesus, he must’ve hit hard. He should get some more sleep. Was he just watching football?
And … was there a moment there, just a moment, where he … kinda enjoyed it?
“Day 2,” Sanjay mimed a gun at his temple, lazing back in his chair. The windows were open, and a light breeze sashayed in. “Seriously, though? Mandated physical education in the form of indoctrination? Not sure that’s what they had in mind, but … hey, it’s gettin me out of class, right?”
“Yeah,” Matthew mumbled. He was still kind of out of it, bruised up and scraped pretty badly, but with no lasting injuries. “Sorry,” he said. “I must’ve really rattled my brains in that fall. Shit…” He dropped his pencil and fumbled around under the desk for it. “I’ve been so clumsy, today, too…”
“Maybe you got a concussion or something, man. You should check in with the nurse.”
“Naw, it’s … I slept, last night, so, I don’t think it’s a, uh, you know. That. Man, this headache. I keep taking all this aspirin.” He shook out a pill from a plain white bottle. “Don’t know if it’s actually helping, or what.”
Sanjay cocked his head at his friend and shrugged. “Suit yourself. Your funeral. And I wouldn’t take so much advil, man. Five, at the most.”
The door to the room slammed shut, and the coach walked in. He never wore street clothes, or, if he did, his street clothes were the same as his regular clothes: basketball shorts and t-shirt, sneakers and socks. He was a younger man, probably in his early 30s, with a corded, muscular body and a commanding presence lightened only by an aloof affability. “Welcome back,” he said, and the room immediately quieted. His eyes swept the room again, much in the same manner as before, as if surveying a course of meats. “I - “ he stopped as his eyes fell on Matthew. “Matt,” he said. “Hope you’re feeling better.“
“It’s Matthew,” he said clearly. “And yeah, I’m fine. No thanks to the guy who shoved me. And I will find out who that is,” he added venomously. “And when I do, you can be sure I’ll be taking it to the proper author - uh - “
The coach seemed expectant, then shook his head and continued. “Well, recent drama aside. We’re here today to talk about the benefits of fitness, and how being physically fit is important in all ways, and, in some ways, how it is the most important. Your brain won’t function if your body isn’t fed, right? And we feed our bodies by giving it nutrition and exercising it just like we would a machine. Sometimes … those machines need a tune-up. I bet most of you here need a tune-up or two.”
“Not me, Coach!’ Brody piped up. Matthew’s eyes skated over to him. He was the QB. He was just over six-foot and weighed twice what Matthew did. He sat in his desk and possessed it of a gawky adolescent superiority. His voice was deep and his face was shadowed around 5 o’clock. “I’m runnin’ on all cylinders.” He lifted his arms and flexed. Most of the class groaned, some of the girls looked sideways, and a paper ball or two was tossed.
“Yeah, well, simmer down there, Bro. It is true, Brody is at his peak physical form for his body type and his age. That’s something you can all aspire to.”
Matthew felt dizzy. The top of his scalp itched. His throat itched, felt swollen. He glanced at the back of his hand. He watched it detachedly as it rose of its own accord, sleepily at first, then erect as a flagpole, fingers straight, unmoving. “Yes, uh, Matthew?”
His words sounded, to his own ears, as if they had been dredged out of him. “How do we .. uh, do that?”
The coach stared at him for a minute, inscrutably. “Good question, Matt.” Matthew let the name go, almost like a bullet in slow motion past his ear, creating auditory ripples in through his ear and passing through his brain - “Well, we can work out, we can play a sport and join a team - shameless plug, football team still needs some good bodies, signup sheet’s outside the door - but there’s lots of different ways to achieve your physical potential.
“You really don’t look so good,” Sanjay commented. “And what was that all about?”
“Nothin,” Matthew said. He felt drunk. “I, uh, it’s fine.”
The class continued, and Matthew sat there, silently, eyes fixed ahead. The buzz and pound in his head continued. It was almost as if the dream he’d had about watching football on the television was still playing, projected on the inside wall of his skull, and he was hearing it from far away.
The bell announced in its shrill, strident way, the end of class. Matthew filed out with the rest, past the coach as he was erasing the whiteboard. “Matt,” he heard, and he stopped. “I just wanted to … are you OK?”
“Yeah,” he heard himself say. “I’m good.”
“Well, you had a nasty spill. You said someone pushed you. You hit your head and you scraped yourself up, but nothing was broken. We used your phone and called your roommate and they came and picked you up.”
“Oh,” Matthew said. “It’s Matthew, you know.”
“You keep, uh, callin me Matt.”
“Well, I guess it’s just easier. Just a nickname. What’s so wrong with Matt?”
“It’s, uh. It’s not my, uh. Yeah. Whatever. Look, I - “
“Want to sign up for the football team.”
“… Huh?”
“I’m joking. What’s up?”
“I, that question I asked. Maybe I should, you know. Work out. So I don’t, you know, ‘fall,’ anymore.”
“Hey, Matt, that’s a great idea! Not to mention it’ll really help build up your confidence. Who couldn’t use some of that, huh?”
“Right,” he agreed, a little uncertain why. A weird molten surge of … something, was starting to heat up in his stomach. “Yeah.”
The coach dropped his big hand on Matthew’s shoulder and grinned. “I’m so glad you want to do this, Matt. I really think it’ll do you wonders. How about I take you down to the gym for your free period and show you the ropes?”
“My - how did you know I have a, next? I didn’t -”
“I get all your schedules. C’mon, I’ll show you and I promise, you won’t be able to stop once you start. It really is addicting.”
“Yeah, right,” Matthew mumbled, but was already being ushered to follow by the coach’s arm and hand. Before he knew it, they were walking down the hallway, out through into the dazzling sunlight, and then back inside via two metal doors with arrowslit-like windows, metal wiring. The gym. The echoes began almost immediately. Basketball sneakers against the floor with their skreek skreeking, rubber on lacquer. The clang and repeated thud of weights against racks. A pumping soundtrack, fading in and out.
“You’ll be right at home,” the coach said. “Trust me.”
I doubt it, thought Matthew, but Matt’s face was grinning, and Matt’s mouth was saying, “Awesome, Coach.”
“So, how’s the recruiting stage going?”
“Great. Aspirin was a great way to hide it. No one knows.”
“And after a minor, accidental, spill, pain relief … is somewhat necessary, wouldn’t you say?”
“Brody is a good QB. He’ll do whatever I tell him to, even if it does include a little … hooliganism. ”
“How about your white whale?”
“Oh, Matt’s doing amazing. You know, you wouldn’t believe it, but the kid’s twice his size. We’ll have him on the football team for this coming season, and he’s gonna make a hell of a QB after Brody graduates. Isn’t even a trace left of who he was.”
“We want to thank you for allowing us to test our new drug out on your student body, as it were, Coach.”
“Well, I understand the need for a return to the fundamentals of society. If that comes at the expense of some brain cells, well, so be it.”
“Quite right. Excellent work. I assume you’ll be having another winning season?”
“Year after year. Year after year.”