Male Muscle Growth - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Muscle brothers (Chinese)




週五早晨,正陽從地下室走到一樓,他全身的肌肉線條非常明顯,腹肌就像是石頭雕刻出來一樣,那晨勃的巨龍佈滿了青筋,正陽把比賽要用的東西都收進背包裡,包括完成品的formula x,這是正月他們三個都起床下樓了,正陽看到他們三個因為藥效已經退去,身體已經快要變回原本的大小,肌肉也不像昨天一樣明顯,正陽看到後就把從健身房裡拿的藥全部放都餐桌上說:「這些給你們用吧,讓你們變得更大,今天我回來就跟你一起…」正陽沒說完就直接出門了,但是弟弟們都知道哥哥想要說的事情,三人都想像著晚上的畫面勃起一邊吃著早餐,正月、宇晴和盛良吃完早餐後就帶著哥哥給的要藥出門上學,到了學校後就直接到精液泳池,這時在泳池的所有人身體都因為藥效退去而變回原來的大小,正月直接跳進精液泳池裡大口喝精液,正月的身體開始慢慢變成昨天的大小,這時其他體育社團的學生都到游泳池來了,一位籃球隊的學長說:「聽說你們這裡有幾位肌肉發達的學弟,我們想看看是什麼樣的人。」突然間一個巨大的身影從精液泳池裡站起來露出上半身,那巨大的肌肉比在場的所有還大,巨大的公雞直接頂的正月的胸肌,正月因為精液池中的藥效而被淫欲占據理智,他那巨大的肌肉、硬挺的巨根和龐大的身軀讓所有人都勃起著呆站在原地,籃球隊的學長走進泳池裡到正月的巨根前面不自覺舔著從馬眼流出的精液和淫水,突然間,學長的身體因為精液中藥效,肌肉變得緊實、身體稍微變大,他把身上的衣服全部脫掉直接抱住正月的巨根瘋狂的舔著,就像是吃了性藥一樣,泳池旁的其他人都看著這畫面,也一起跟身旁的人做愛,宇晴看到學長舔了正月精液的反應跟盛良說:「盛良你脫下褲子。」盛良把褲子脫掉露出巨大的巨屌,宇晴開始幫盛良手淫,當盛良的陰莖開始勃起,流出淫水時,宇晴舔了一口,他瞬間感覺身體非常的發熱、陰莖瞬間硬挺衝破褲子,宇晴心想:「難道昨晚吃大量的性藥讓我們的精液也有性藥的藥效了。」宇晴的意識也馬上被淫慾給佔據,直接把盛良撲倒在地上,並拿出正陽早上給他們的藥丸直接吃下了10顆,宇晴的肌肉瞬間暴漲,他將硬挺的巨根直接全部插進盛良的肛門內,盛良瞬間爽到快要失去意識,宇晴馬上也給盛良吃下10藥丸,盛良的身體和肌肉都變得跟宇晴一樣大,這時越來越多人都跳進精液池裡喝著精液一邊做愛,整個泳池已經變成了一個淫亂野獸的地盤,大家在泳池激烈的聲響引起學校裡的同學的注意,越來越多人聚集到泳池,大家一到泳池就被看到的淫亂畫面和從空氣中飄逸的性藥氣味搞到勃起,最後都忍不住一起加入淫亂的行列,就這樣過了4個小時,在泳池的所有人都擁有健美肌肉男的身材,其中正月他們就像肌肉巨人,所有人都疲勞的躺在地上,而正月他們三個都因為性藥的關係,性慾一直平息不了,三人分別跑到校園裡面的班級裡,所有學生都被他們的肌肉身材和硬挺的巨根用的勃起,以正月三人為據點,校園裡各個角落都都是淫亂的做愛場面。


正當正月他們正在把游泳池處理的時候,正陽也到了學校的活動中心,準備聯校合宿的隊長徵選健美賽,正陽走到後台,看到參賽所有人都穿上包覆著巨根的比賽褲,都吃下formula x後做最後的衝刺,大家那巨大的肌肉和厚重的下體讓正陽又忍不住勃起,正陽忍著想發洩的慾望到自己的選手準備室裡,他摸著自己的巨屌說:「今天比賽後就能大肆發洩了!」邊說邊把完成品的formula x吃下,正陽感覺他的身體開始發熱、一直流汗、剛平靜的巨根瞬間勃起起變得更大、肌肉脹大一倍,身上的衣服都被肌肉撐破,就連訂製的比賽褲都快要被那覺醒的巨龍撐破,這時正陽的淫欲和睪丸內存了一個禮拜的精液已經快要到了讓正陽變成一隻淫欲野獸,沒多久健美比賽開始了,比賽請所有年級的學生來投票選出一二三年級分別的隊長,前面從三年級開始,當肌肉男隊伍開始走上舞台時,在場的所有人都看到這不是一般健身肌肉男會有的肌肉和體型給驚呆了,很多人看到台上的選手那巨大的肌肉和比賽褲內的厚重感都勃起了,很快的三年級和二年級的隊長都選出來了,輪到了一年級的選手出場,前面剛出來,一樣讓大家驚嘆連連,這時在隊伍最後的正陽走上舞台了,在場所有人都瞬間勃起了,正陽比台上其他人都還要高大的體型、那完美結實的肌肉和線條、在比賽褲內不斷流出淫水的巨根,讓全場的學生都興奮的叫好,在全場的歡呼聲中,選手們都開始擺姿勢展現自己的肌肉,這時正陽心想:「好多人在看我的肌肉,就像是正月一樣。」正陽想起正月之前一直看著他肌肉時的表情和心情,想著就突然勃起了,正陽的身體開始發熱流汗、肌肉也慢慢變大,台上的選手跟台下的同學都看到勃起,這時正陽的忍耐終於到了極限,突然大吼一聲,他那勃起的巨根直接衝破比賽褲射出了一發精液,所有的人看到這一幕後都一起射了,正陽的精液直接射到活動中心四層樓高的天花板,正陽全裸的站在台上,他的巨根一直流出淫水,台下的同學都忍不住了,都把正陽當成意淫的對象開始打手槍和跟身旁的人一起做愛,這時正陽身旁的選手都撲到正陽身上飢渴的舔著正陽的身體和巨根,「正陽,我們忍不住了,一個禮拜的量,就在這裡做吧!」所有選手都跑上台開始互相做愛,正陽直接被三個學長狂插,他的巨根被好幾個人猛舔,活動中心變成了一個關著一大群發情淫獸的牢籠,過了三個小時,所有人都發洩了淫欲後累倒在滿是精液的地上,而正陽因為藥效的關係性慾一直高漲,不斷的用自己的肛門榨取台上所有人的精液,過了一個小時,正陽的肚子被精液灌滿,就像是塞了兩顆籃球一樣,精液瞬間被正陽的身體吸收,圓圓肚子變成了結實的腹肌,肌肉再次暴漲一圈,巨根變得更粗更大更長,正陽慢慢的恢復理智,身體也感到疲勞,他拖著疲憊感走回選手準備室,正當他在休息時,他的手機收到了一則訊息……

正陽200/145公斤 屌40/9 勃起 75/11

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4 years ago

Young At Heart

Young At Heart

“You want to try again?” Thomas asks.

“No, no.” David replies, breathing heavily. “Let me just catch my breath.”

“Alright. I’m gonna go get a glass of water." Thomas leaves the covers of the bed, exposing his naked body as he leaves the room.

David sighs as he watches Thomas exit. The two have been together for almost six years and this had been the first time he’d “underperform” in the bedroom. David’s friends would tease him about their big age gap, with David being almost twice Thomas’ age, but David knew that after all these years he’d finally found the one. They were in love and to him, age was just a number. But after tonight he finally began to have doubts.

Thomas walks back in with a glass of water in hand. “Here, drink this.”

“Thanks, babe.” David and Thomas share a quick kiss as Thomas sits back on the bed. “I’m sorry about that.” David apologizes.

“Don’t even worry about it. It happens.” Thomas tries to reassure him.

“Not really. This is the first time I’ve had this problem.” David points to his dick. “I couldn’t even get it all the way up.”

“Well, we always knew in the back of our heads that this would eventually happen. But that doesn’t change the way I feel about you.” Thomas gives David a side hug. “I’m sure they have medicine or pills for this stuff anyway.”

“That’s the thing, I don’t want to take medicine just to be able to get a hard on.” says David. “I want to be able to keep up with you naturally. That’s why I continue to work out at my age!” David stands up and faces Thomas. “You know any other 62 year old who looks like this?”

Young At Heart

“That’s not the only reason I love you though. Come back to bed.” Thomas pulls back the covers, inviting David to come join him.

“No, it’s late anyway. Go to bed, I know you have an early day tomorrow.”

“Ok, so go to bed with me.” Thomas pleads to David.

“Go to bed without me. I just need to take a drive. You know it helps me clear my head.” David puts on a white top and some grey shorts.

“Alright, but don’t stay out too late.” Thomas watches as David get his car keys and leaves the room. “Love you.”

“Love you too.” David replies.

In the dead of night, David leaves the house and walks towards his car. As he gets in and starts the ignition, the sound of loud and thumping dubstep plays over the radio. Thomas must have used the car before him as David immediately changes the station until he finds one playing some classic rock. He then looks at his phone to see a text from Thomas which reads “miss u already xox”. David smiles and then focuses on the background picture on the screen.

Young At Heart

The picture of the two of them just reminds David about how old he is. His thoughts are all over the place as he thinks about how soon enough he’ll have to worry about breaking a hip while they have sex, how Thomas will have to watch him get old and flaccid, having to take care of him after he develops dementia.

“I wish I was young again.” David suddenly blurts out.

A minute of silence goes by and David decides to text Thomas back. As he does so, a piece of text scrolls across the car’s monitor.

“Wish granted. 🧞“

The text scrolls away before David has a chance to notice. He puts his phone away and is about to put the car in reverse when he suddenly feels a weird sensation pulse throughout his whole body. Unbeknownst to him, his body was about to change.

David slowly began to feel his body and limbs get longer. He soon felt cramped in the position he was sitting in and had to scoot his seat back a bit in order to properly fit. His 5′8′ frame was now 6′2. Next, he noticed the muscles in his arms, torso, and legs began to get more swollen. David was already decently fit, but his muscles got bigger and bigger, expanding to sizes he never thought imaginable. They were more toned and hard to the touch. His wrinkly and saggy skin also became smooth and tight. He watched as it’s splotchy white color began to slowly turn caramel. In total shock, David turned on the light and looked at the rear view mirror. He saw his blue eyes turn dark brown and the rest of his facial features began to change as well. His Caucasian features turned ambiguously ethnic.

His white hair turned black, with most of his beard falling off, leaving a little bit of stubble behind. David felt his new face, he no longer had the wrinkles around his eyes he always hated. For the final change, David felt his cock grow exponentially and press up against his tight shorts. A large grin appeared on David’s face and he continued to feel himself. He couldn’t wait to go back inside and show Thomas his new self.

Young At Heart

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4 years ago

Double Agent

The sound of metal clanging against metal echoed throughout a mostly empty room, bouncing off the bare concrete walls. In the middle, a lone steel table sat with a man laying atop, chained from both his wrists and ankles. The man who looked to be in his thirties struggled against the restraints, attempting to reach something tucked away in his tightly fitted tuxedo but falling just short due to the restrictive chains.

Double Agent

“Q, you son of a bitch. You just had to put the lazer pen in that pocket.” The man spoke to himself, his voice sounding unmistakably British. “How am I going to get myself out of this?”

The man contorted his body in many different ways in order to reach into his suit but to no avail. Suddenly, the loud sound of footsteps could be heard approaching the sole door to the room. The door’s handle twisted slowly and in came several men. Their similar attire and stoic expressions made them look like stereotypical henchman. As the men flooded the room and stood against the wall, the man in the suit looked on as one final person entered. A slightly older man with Turkic features made his entrance, walking in with a wooden cane adorned with an intricate knob handle. He took off his fedora, allowing the shining light to reflect off his bald head.

“I wish we could have met under better circumstances Mr. Bond.” The man slowly walked towards the table, giving off a villainous grin.

“No need for the formalities, call me James.” The man retorted. “You look like the big man in charge. You’re Hasan Polat I presume?”

“That is correct.” Hasan continued to walk around James, like a vulture circling its prey. “It was very brave of you to infiltrate my base of operations alone. But I was especially impressed by how you were able to incapacitate most of my men. You have some skills Mr. Bond.”

“James.” He was quick to correct him. “Glad I was able to put on quite a show. How about you release me from these chains and we can talk about it over dinner?” James said with a snarky tone.

“You have quite a mouth on you. That’s going to need some fixing.” Hasan said rather ominously.

“What do you mean by that?”

“From now on, you work for me.” Hasan said bluntly. “As you’ve seen, my men are rather inept.” He points at the line of henchmen standing against the walls of the room, looking unfazed at Hasan’s remarks. “A man with a skill set of your caliber will fit in quite nicely.”

“As much as I appreciate the career opportunity, I’m afraid I’m going to have to decline the invitation.”

“Oh, Mr. Bond. I don’t think you’re in any position to be declining anything.” Hasan bangs his cane against the chains bound to James’ wrists and ankles. “Get the serum ready.” He yells to his men.

“Serum?!” James appears rather worried as he tries once again to free himself from the restraints.

“Just a little something we’ve been concocting in our labs. Don’t worry, it’ll be done and over with real quick.”

One of Hasan’s men then comes in carrying a metal tray with a syringe on it. The syringe is filled with a bubbling red fluid which immediately catches James’ attention.

“Get him ready.” Hasan commands his men as they proceed to bring the table James is on to an upright position.

“Listen, you don’t have to do this.” James pleads with Hasan as he struggles against the chains once more. In this new position, he is able to barely reach into his suit and pull out a pen with the tips of his fingers. Unfortunately, the pen is slapped away by Hasan’s cane before James is able to make any use of it.

“You’re under my employment now, Mr. Bond. I’ll turn a blind eye this time, but don’t get used to my generosity.

Hasan takes the syringe and suddenly injects it into James’ neck. James grunts in pain as the red liquid slowly makes its way inside his body, circulating through his bloodstream. He feels a warm sensation emanate from every inch of his body which only gets hotter and hotter until he feels like he’s on fire.

Hasan just watches with fascination as he sees his serum taking effect. In front of his very own eyes, he observes James begin his transformation. James’ slender and lean build begins to fill out his suit as his muscles expand underneath, eventually causing the suit to tear along his upper chest and arms. Two glorious pecs become visible as they burst through the buttoned shirt James was wearing. The same thing occurs to his lower body as his pants rip along the seams due to the increase of mass in his thighs.

Changes to his face then begin to occur as his Caucasian-colored skin turns shades darker. His ovalesque face and sharp jaw becomes much broader and more squarish. His blue eyes turn dark brown and the neatly trimmed beard he once sported is now short stubble. His perfectly shaped eyebrows become bushier and unkempt and his face as a whole appears more weathered, looking more like a man in his mid to late forties. The finishing touches of his physical transformation take hold as his styled brown hair turns black and curly, and recedes into his head except for the back which instead becomes longer. Now donning what appears to be a mullet, James’ overall appearance resembles that of a brutish and hulking Turkish man, erasing the prim and proper Englishman he once knew himself as out of existence.

Double Agent

Now in a dazed state, James transformation is almost complete as his past memories and experiences are replaced by new ones. He no longer remembers growing up in the busy streets of London to a wealthy family, instead having worked in the countryside outside Istanbul with his parents. His memories of working for Her Majesty the Queen as a secret agent are completely wiped as well. He only remembers serving Hasan as his personal bodyguard. How else could he repay him for getting his family out of poverty? James, or Fatih as he is now called, would take a bullet for that man.

Hasan looks at his newest henchman in complete satisfaction. Not only was he able to foil the espionage attempt against him, but got a skillful and qualified bodyguard out of it. He orders his men to unchain Fatih who’s been going in and out of consciousness. Fatih slowly comes to his senses and stands up straight when he notices his employer watching him.

“What can I do ferr you, boss?” He asks in his new, deeper voice. His broken English now spoken with a Turkish accent. All Hasan can do is smile at his new creation.

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4 years ago

Career Change


Dominic fumbled with his keys as attempted to unlock the door to his apartment. It had been a long, grueling day at work and he wanted nothing more but to get cleaned up, unwind, and rest before he’d have to repeat it all over again the next day. Finally finding the correct key, he entered his barren-looking apartment consisting of plain, white walls with little to no decor. A cheap, worn out sofa and a 48’’ TV were the only things occupying the living room. For all the hard word he did at his job at the construction company, the pay was barely enough to cover his rent along with the child support he owed his ex. So that meant Dominic had to live a frugal life.

After a quick shower, Dominic put some food on the stove to cook and jumped on his laptop in order to find a movie to watch while he ate. Now because Dominic didn’t want to waste money on a subscription to a streaming site, he chose to watch his movies and tv shows on torrent sites instead. Once he had found what he wanted to watch on whatever sketchy website he stumbled upon, Dominic attempted to start the movie by clicking the play button. However, a well hidden pop up ad instead redirected him to a different site.


A flashing banner moved across the screen, promoting what appeared to men performing lewd acts on camera. Dominic didn’t blink twice at all the naked men in front of him, instead trying to close out of the window so he could get on with his movie. However each time he attempted to exit out, a new window would pop up. After trying several times, Dominic would wind up with numerous pop ups on his screen, each one advertising a live webcam show.

Eventually deciding to force shut down his laptop, Dominic put his finger on the power button but before he could push down to hold it, something on the screen caught his attention.

A live cam show was about to begin on one of the windows. In it, an incredibly ripped man wearing only a tight colorful Speedo appeared. His bulbous pecs and abs glimmered with light as he moved around, dancing seductively with a sexy gaze focused on the camera recording his every action. Dominic wasn’t even gay but he was mesmerized at how the man moved across the screen. Almost as if he was being hypnotized by how the man wiggled his hips.

Dominic would snap out of whatever trance he was in and notice that over a thousand people were watching the same stream. Every now and then, donations would scroll across the screen. Five dollars, ten dollars, twenty, even fifty dollars were being given to this guy for just dancing in front of a camera.

The chat alongside the stream was just lusting for the man, demanding he take off his speedo, go full nude, some people offering even more money for him to do so. Dominic just sat there, watching these horny people offer up their hard earned money to a guy just doing the bare minimum in entertainment. He had to admit though, it seemed like a pretty sweet set up. Barely any work for a what appeared to be a decent living wage. Definitely beat his current situation.

Dominic’s eyes then started to wander across the screen, eventually settling on a brightly colored button off in the corner. “JOIN US” was written in bold letters. Dominic scoffed at even the idea of deciding to get into a career as demeaning as this. In his mind, no real man would be caught parading themselves around in that manner.

Meanwhile, the man on the screen would continue his raunchy dancing. As Dominic kept watching, unaware that his food had been ready for a while now, a thought slowly crept into his head. He’d wonder what it would be like if he set up his own show. Dominic was a pretty good looking guy after all. He could probably get a small following. They would most likely be a bunch of guys, but money was money after all. Doing all those provocative dances though, all while oiled up and barely dressed was a deal breaker. Just imagine if any of the guys from work found out. He’d never hear the end of it.

“$100 donation received.”

The bright words flashed across the screen as a generous viewer made another hefty donation. Dominic was dumbfounded. That was nearly a day’s work of pay and that man easily made that and more in just several minutes. That settled it. Dominic, although not sold on the idea at all, was at least now curious as to how the process worked. He slowly moved the cursor over to the “JOIN US” button, giving the link a single click.

Immediately after clicking the button however, the screen on Dominic’s laptop instead turned completely white. A dull white at first, the screen slowly brightened up to the point where starring at it blinded Dominic a bit. This is when the changes would begin to occur. Although not aware of it at first, Dominic would soon learn what he really signed up for when he clicked that button.

From out of nowhere the fabric of Dominic’s clothes quickly disintegrated, disappearing into nothing and leaving him in just his underwear. The farmer’s tan he had developed after working years under the hot sun was on full display, perfectly accentuating his lean build. This was not going to last long however, as his tan began to even out, giving his whole body a sun kissed complexion. Before even having the chance to react, Dominic witnessed his body gain even more mass than before. His previously lean chest especially swelled up, forming a pair of sizable, juicy pecs. Cupping them in both hands, Dominic was in complete shock at the changes his body was undergoing. His previously flat stomach was next as one by one, rows of abdominal muscles would push against his skin and bulge to form a six pack.


After his torso was completed, the changes would then begin to affect his lower body. A fair amount of fat would accumulate around his tight ass, making his bottom more rotund. His thighs would also begin to thicken, creating a pair of powerful legs. These changes slowly filled out the saggy pair of underwear Dominic had been wearing. But the more mass that Dominic put on, the more stretched out his undergarments had become. Eventually it would begin to tear but from out of now where they’d be replaced by neon pink Speedo which perfectly complimented his new appearance.


Lastly, drastic changes would begin to affect his face. The scruffy beard he once proudly wore withered away, with light stubble taking its place. His thin lips got more plump, becoming more kissable in the process. His hardy and intense demeanor, a result of years of taxing physical labor, softened up. The masculine, blue collar worker was replaced by a big bottomed, gym obsessed himbo. In the end, Dominic was a completely different person.

Unknowingly, Dominic’s personality and memories were beginning to reconstruct themselves to better match his new appearance. His time as a laborer was replaced by the numerous shows he did as a cam model. And the extra revenue he was picking up allowed him to live a pretty extravagant life. Dominic could afford to go out every night, hook up with a guy every now and then, and then come back to his lavish apartment.

Dominic, having been lost in thought the entire time, eventually came to his senses. He took a look at the time and realized that he had one more show starting in just a few minutes.


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3 years ago

The Interview

Cory stood in line at the coffee shop, scrolling between the different apps on his phone and messing with his tie at every chance he got. He was never one to get all dressed up, but he had a job interview coming up that day. He was definitely nervous and all the angst was beginning to show. The interview was for a position as a bartender at a night club and even though it wasn’t the most lavish of jobs, it was definitely a step up from where Cory found himself currently.

Finally getting his coffee to help calm his nerves, Cory snapped a selfie of himself, cracking a smile, and posted it on his Instagram. “Wish me luck! #interview”.


After finishing up, Cory made his way towards Russian Roulette, one of the hottest clubs in the city. Cory had heard from his friends that the tips alone were reason enough to apply. And he knew he was more than qualified for the job. He’d spent years working as a barista at coffee shops and a bartender at other local bars. All he had to do was nail the interview and the job was as good as his.

The problem, however, was that Cory was terrible at making good first impressions. He lacked the confidence required to let his amicable and charming self show. Instead he rambled on, losing his train of thought, and derailing the whole conversation before it ever had a chance to go somewhere.

Before he even realized Cory already found himself in front an imposing building. A large, neon sign with the words “Russian Roulette” sat atop of the main entrance. Two hulking men in black shirts with the club’s name stood at each end. The club wasn’t even open yet, so Cory thought about how strange it was that the bouncers were already at work. Cory approached one of the men, who did not even acknowledge his presence.

“Hi, I’m here for an interview.” Cory said shyly. The man said nothing as he opened the door for Cory, letting him go inside. Once through the front doors, Cory wandered throughout the building. Numerous men and women were walking about, working. Some were cleaning up from the night before. Others were loading in supplies from out back. Cory then finally saw the bar where he hoped he’d be working at soon.

A young, good looking man was standing behind the bar, seemingly doing inventory as he stood focused on some forms on his clipboard. Cory approached the man and explained that he was here to interview for a bartending position. The man stopped what he was doing and looked at Cory. 

“You’re Cory?” The man said in a thick Russian accent.

Cory nodded as the man told him to stay put while he went to get his manager. The man walked into another room where Cory noticed yet another bouncer standing guard. He definitely thought it was strange to have this many guys on site during closing hours. But before he had a chance to finish his thought, the manager waved for Cory to come on over.

“Hello, welcome Cory, come sit down. I’m sorry for all this mess.” The manager invited Cory in as he attempted to straighten out his desk from all the papers, folders, and other office supplies laying about. The man also spoke in an accent. “I’m Anatoly, the manager of the Russian Roulette. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you as well.” Cory replied, still trying to get over his nerves from before.

“So I am just going to ask you a few questions about the job.” Anatoly said as he sat down behind his desk, grabbing a pen and a few forms from his drawer. “Ok, so tell me Cory, why do you think you’re a good fit for our club.”

Cory took a second to think about his response before finally arriving at an answer. “Well I’m a very outgoing person. I love talking to people. I’m also the kind of person who can keep organized even while multitasking, which I think is something important for this position.”

“Ok, ok.” Anatoly wrote on the forms. “How well do you handle performing under pressure.”

“I like to think I excel at that.” Cory responded.

“Wonderful!” Anatoly’s eyes gleamed. “Let me give you a scenario and you tell me how you would respond.”

“Alright.” Cory listened intently.

“You have two guys fighting on the floor. They are drunk. They are throwing fists as you Americans would say. And it is just you. How do you break it up?”

The question somewhat confused Cory. Last time he checked, breaking up fights wasn’t one of the job duties of a bartender. Norway security would intervene. But Cory really wanted the position so he played along. “I guess I’d call for back up and try to separate them?”

“Have you ever been in a fight yourself?”

“Not like a bar fight, but I have taken taekwondo before.” Cory said, reassuring Anatoly that he wouldn’t at least be helpless in that situation.

“Interesting.” Said Anatoly. “Now tell me, Cory, do you have any kind of experience working security?”

“Security?” Cory was confused. “I’m sorry Mr. Anatoly, but I think you have the positions mixed up. I thought this was an interview for a bartending position.”

Anatoly stared at Cory for a second, looking him up and down. “Oh you’re right. My mistake. It appears I had the wrong forms.” Cory was relieved. In no way was he qualified to work as one of those bouncers so he was happy to see that everything was straightened out. Anatoly stepped out of his office and called to the bartender.

“получить напитки” He yelled out in Russian.

Moments later, the bartender stepped inside the office with a tray with three drinks. 

“These here are our three most popular drinks. All you have to do is tell me what each of them are and the job is yours.”

This couldn’t have been that simple. But the way Cory looked at Anatoly, he could tell that the club manager was dead serious. Cory took the first drink and sniffed it real quick. Without even taking a sip, he could tell from the strong smell that it was straight up vodka. He looked at Anatoly who was watching intently and took a drink. The liquid burned on its way down. And within a matter of seconds, Cory could already feel his body warm up. “This vodka is some strong stuff.”

“We only import the best Vodka from our homeland.” Anatoly said as he pushed the second drink towards Cory.

This one came in an old-fashioned glass. The drink was served with ice and was mostly white with a dark, brown-colored base. Pulling it up to his nose, Cory noted the smell of both alcohol and coffee. Taking a sip, the taste of vanilla cream became clear as day. “This is a vodka cocktail, White Russian?”

“Indeed.” Anatoly was pleased with his answer. He then pushed the last drink in his direction. This one was purely white and had no distinguishable smell. Cory took a small sip and besides the alcoholic after taste, he was unable to make out what it was. Worried he wouldn’t be able to figure it out, Cory consumed more and more of the drink, attempting to make out any discernible details. Before he even realized, he had already consumed it all. 

“I can make out the taste of milk. Maybe fermented milk? I really don’t know. This one is new to me. I’m sorry.” Cory had absolutely no idea what this drink was. He’d never had it before nor had he ever prepared anything like it.

“Give it a minute.” Anatoly reassured him. “This is a special drink that comes all the way from the Ukraine.”

All of a sudden, a memory started to form in Cory’s head. And with that came a single word. “Ryazhenka.” Cory said out loud, not knowing what it meant or how he even knew of it.

“Amazing! That is correct!” Anatoly stood up from his desk and approached a Cory. “You will fit in here quite well.”

Something didn’t sit well with Cory however. How strange was it that the name of the drink just appeared out of no where. It was such a foreign drink too. No way he ever would have guessed it like that. Cory continued to obsess over it until a faint memory started to manifest itself.

Growing up with the white, winter snow back in Soviet Russia. Spending hours upon hours at work in the factories years later only to attempt to forget the day away with bottles of Ryazhenka.

Cory started getting a feeling of homesickness. However, these were not his memories. He never lived through any of that. He was born and grew up in sunny California and he was barely a baby during the days of the Soviet Union. So none of this made any sense. The more Cory got caught up in his own head, the less he became aware of what was happening to him. Meanwhile, Anatoly just stood there, watching in contempt as he witnessed Cory begin to change in front of his very own eyes.

Cory started growing, his body stretching itself until he reached a height of 6’5. Meanwhile, his thin and lanky frame began accumulating pounds of muscle. A stupid amount at that. His biceps and triceps expanded, stretching out the seams of his dress shirt until the whole thing disintegrated into pieces of fabric. His thighs filled out his ironed pants. On Cory’s chest, his previously flat pecs ballooned to incredible sizes, perfectly complimenting the row of abs that bulged out more and more in his stomach. Once his body was done changing, his skin tone started to darken just a bit. His ghostly white skin turning a shade or two darker.

Finally came the changes to his face. Years of hard work and experience were added to his youthful complexion. Looking to be somewhere in his thirties, Cory’s demeanor also changed as his friendly face slowly turned more serious. The facial hair he had been sporting shortened into a tight stubble while his styled hair became a crew cut. 

Anatoly had been watching all this in silence. The man sitting in the chair nearly indistinguishable from the one who came in for the interview. 


“вставай” Anatoly said, appearing to snap Cory out of the trance he was in. “твоя смена скоро начнется.” He then goes on to toss a black shirt over to him, urging him to put it on as his shift is about to begin.

“да сэр” Cory, or Dmitri as he now called himself, replied back, speaking perfect Russian and his voice much deeper than before. He does as he’s told, putting on the cotton shirt as it stretches around his bulging body. On the front lies the club’s logo while Cyrillic letters in white font spelling “охрана” are etched across the back. 

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3 years ago


“Coming up later will be Susan Fields, author of New York Time’s best selling book, “Finding Your Inner Self”, the story of a woman who traveled around the world only to find out that her inner Goddess was hiding inside all along.”

Eddie didn’t even think twice before reading aloud the words appearing on the teleprompter. He simply went about his daily routine, working as an anchorman for one of the city’s biggest networks.

“But as soon as we come back from the break, get ready for something a bit raunchy as I talk to adult entertainer, Maxxim Rodovsky, about his upcoming Netflix documentary. We’ll see you back here in just a moment.”

“Three minute break!” A production assistant yelled out as he quickly darted across the set. Eddie took a deep breath as he hunched over in his chair, taking out his phone and scrolling past his feed before deciding to open up the Camera app.


After making sure his hair still looked ok, Eddie put the phone back in his pocket before going over his notes about his upcoming interview. Reading over his list of topics, the newsman could only sigh as he read over all the things his producer had prepared for him to ask during the interview..

All these years spent earning his journalism degree and the amount of hard work he did to move up the ladder within his news network only to be doing ridiculous fluff pieces nobody even watched. Viewership during his segments was amongst the lowest during the broadcast and Eddie definitely felt like he deserved to be doing something more meaningful, something more impactful.

The hard hitting interviews, on location news reports, that’s what he wanted to cover. Things that got people watching and engaged.

While Eddie stewed in his own head, he didn’t even notice the set change in front of him to accommodate the guest he was about to interview. An Adonis of a man walked in his direction. Adorning a pair of faded blue jeans and a white tank top, the man approached Eddie and stretched out his hand.

“Hello, I’m Maxxim, thanks again for having me.”


Snapping out of his own thoughts, Eddie greeted the man, shaking his hand and feeling the absolute strength as Maxxim followed through with a firm handshake.

“To be honest, not many stations agreed to hold an interview. A lot of them aren’t as progressive I guess.” Maxxim commented as all Eddie could do is give a head nod as he arranged his notes together.

“Going back live in 5… 4…. 3…. 2….” Counted down the producer before finally pointing towards Eddie, indicating that the show was now back live.

“Welcome back everyone.” said Eddie, reading off the teleprompter again. “Now we got something real special for you all. Next to me is the star of Netflix’s upcoming docuseries, telling the story of a man at the height of a highly prestigious career who decided to leave it all to pursue a life as an adult film star.” Eddie couldn’t believe the words he was saying as he turned to his side. “Maxxim Rodovsky, happy to have you here.”

“Happy to be here.” Said Maxxim.

“So Maxxim, I think the question everybody wants to ask is “Why?” Why leave the life you had to go into something like adult films?” Eddie asks.

“Well, before all this I used to work as a lawyer in a big and fancy firm. Day in and day out I’d spend all day in a cramped office in a stuffy suit, talking to probably the most boring and uninteresting people in the world.”

“But I’m sure it also had its benefits.” Eddie interjected, going off script while receiving a confused look by his producer.

“Yeah, the salary and the stability was fine. But you lose yourself in a soul sucking job like that. Now I get to be the one doing the sucking.” Maxxim gives Eddie a wink as he delivers the last line. “Plus I get to travel all over the place, meet a lot of different and interesting people, and I’d say you reach a much larger audience than by doing anything else.”

The last few words echoed in Eddie’s head. How could someone with an undignified job as a fucking porn star be a lot happier and much better off than him.

The teleprompter displayed the next question Eddie was to ask, but he instead just ignored it as he was in his own little world. He felt a few little taps on his arm and noticed that Maxxim had been trying to get his attention. Suddenly, everything began to get a lot brighter, as if every light in the studio was turned on to max brightness and were all pointed at him. The intensity of the lights forced him to keep his eyes shut tight.

“Haha, real funny.” Eddie thought to himself, thinking this was his producer’s way of getting back at him for going off script.

Eddie would then inexplicably feel his bare skin exposed as the nice suit he had been wearing suddenly disappeared. In its place, a thin and sleeveless denim jacket alongside a pair of white Colt underwear would be the only things keeping him covered.

Eddie was already a very handsome man, he kept himself in great shape so he was definitely not ashamed of showing a bit of skin every once in a while. However, this was his workplace and whatever kind of prank this was he wasn’t laughing. He would soon learn that this was not some kind of practical joke.

Despite being blinded by the lights, Eddie could feel his body undergo numerous changes. He would feel heavier as his lean body would begin packing pounds of muscle. The biceps and triceps in his arms swelled up, growing to a size he never thought imaginable. The muscles in his forearms grew to match with thick vascular veins pushing up against his skin. His previously thin fingers became thicker as his smooth hands became more rough and calloused.

His upper body was next as his torso expanded, with his pecs filling up like balloons as they filled out the denim jacket. His abs bulging outwards. Eddie was known to shave his chest, leaving the skin smooth and bare, but long, black hairs suddenly grew across his entire torso, covering his whole chest and stomach in a layer of hair.

Eddie’s slim legs almost doubled in size, creating a pair of powerful thighs while his ass became much more rotund, filling in the new pair of underwear he found himself in. Along the crotch, Eddie could feel the fabric stretch to it’s absolute limit as his new and improved member grew to a mouthwatering 9 inches.

The final of these changes were concentrated on his head. The light brown hair Eddie had turned coal black. His beard followed suit. The hair around his upper lip, however, thickened and grew longer forming a rather impressive mustache. His face in general appeared much more masculine. Soon, the blinding lights started to dim, revealing the gargantuan man standing in Eddie’s place.


As the lights dimmed, Eddie opened his eyes and it became apparent that he wasn’t in the studio anymore. He was standing in the middle of a bedroom with what appeared to be an amateur filming set up. A camcorder on a tripod with a few ring lights set up pointing in his direction. Eddie then felt a familiar tap on his much broader shoulder.

“Hey Ed, you ready?” Maxxim suddenly appeared besides him. “We have a flight tomorrow morning for Amsterdam. So we gotta get this done quick.” Using a remote he started the camcorder, with a blinking red right indicating the recording had begun.

Without being able to say a word, Maxxin threw his arms around Eddie, removing the denim jacket and immediately giving Eddie a kiss on the lips. Despite being taken aback, Eddie let himself fall into the kiss, unbeknownst to him his memories were being rewritten in the process.

After dropping out of college, Eddie remembered pursuing a career in the adult film industry. He got in better shape than ever and was able to meet many different and interesting people. Not only that but he got to travel all over the world as a result. All the fucking wasn’t so bad either.

“Everything ok?” Maxxim whispered.

The new memories flooded Eddie’s head but after a moment he finally came to. Looking deeply into Maxxim’s eyes, he proceeded to use his incredible strength to throw him onto the bed and then removed both his and Maxxim’s tight fitting underwear. Eddie had completely settled into his new life, once thrust at a time.

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2 years ago

Witness Protection

“Move aside.” A stern voice yelled out amongst a mob of people. 

“Everybody stand back.” Another one joined in.

Two authoritative figures, dressed in black suits, adorned in dark sunglasses, and built like trucks helped move people out of the way as though the front doors of the courthouse walked out a young man.


Jackson was an accomplished journalist. His impressive investigative work helped bring to light several of the shady activities that plagued the city of New York. He exposed corruption at the highest levels, reported on several scandals, and even aided in the exposé of a powerful businessman.

What would eventually top off his career though would be his work in infiltrating a drug ring and helping take down one of the biggest mobsters in the city. In fact, this day marked the end of the trial for the mob leader and with Jackson starring as the key witness, the Don was found guilty of all charges brought against him.

Jackson pushed his way through the crowd swarming in front of him. The flashing of cameras, microphones and recorders in his face and the constant questions from reporters and journalists nearly overwhelmed him. It was strange being on the other side of the camera, but he trudged on.

“Right this way.” One of the men in black led Jackson to a black SUV parked on the street by the side of the courthouse. Like vultures, the swarm of paparazzi and reporters followed him all the way to the car, prodding Jackson for a comment about the outcome of the case. 

“Anything to say about the verdict?”

“How much do you believe your testimony influenced the Jury’s decision?”

“Do you fear any sort of retaliation?”

Once Jackson and the two men got inside, the car drove off leaving the posse of inquirers behind. The last question lingered in Jackson’s thoughts however. He spent a considerable amount of time with the mob. He knew what he was getting himself into of course, but the reality of the situation was beginning to dawn on him. The group of people he infiltrated were not only violent, but extremely vindictive. And they would surely seek some form of vengeance against Jackson for what he did. 

For this reason he got in contact with the U.S. Marshals. He was hoping they would be able to offer him some sort of protection after all the dust from the case had settled.

Witness Protection

The car ride seemed like it went on forever. Without so much as a peep being muttered, Jackson sat in silence as he sized up the two men who escorted him out of the courthouse. Both were huge, intimidating, and strangely stoic. He was pretty sure they could break him in half if they wanted to. The sudden screeching of tires then broke the silence as Jackson looked out the window, realizing that the car had stopped in front of a large building. A sign read out “United States Marshals - New York Office”.

Being escorted inside, Jackson would soon find himself sitting in what appeared to be a conference room. Left alone, Jackson sat in silence, twiddling his fingers as he looked around inquisitively.  It wouldn’t be long, however, until the door swung open and through it walked in an older-looking man. 

“So you’re the guy who took down the Don, huh?” The man questioned as he sat down across from Jackson. 

“Uhh, yes sir.” Jackson timidly responded.

“It took guts, what you did.” The man said, opening a folder with what appeared to contain files about the court case. “We’ve been trying to take him down for ages. So we at the U.S. Marshals are grateful.”

“I was hoping you’d be.” Jackson spoke up. “I know you guys are able to offer protection.”

The man looked up from his files. “Witness protection is what I’ve been told.”

“Yeah. I’m just afraid they’re gonna come after me.” Jackson pleaded.

“Well, you’ve come to the right place.” The man took out a stack of papers and tossed them in front of Jackson. “Fill these out and we’ll get you started in our Witness Protection Program.”

Jackson gleefully took the forms, reading them over while grabbing a pen from the table.

“Chances are we’ll relocate you to a small town or city in the Northwest. We’ll also take care of arranging your new identity.” The man continued. “New name, new occupation. But all that can be decided later.”

Upon hearing that last part, Jackson stopped what he was doing and looked over to the man.

“New occupation? You mean I can’t keep on being a journalist?” Jackson questioned. “That’s what I’ve spent most of my life doing. I can’t give that up.”

“We can’t risk you drawing unnecessary attention to yourself. You understand that’s the whole point of Witness Protection.” The man proceeded to inform Jackson. “You’re gonna have to settle with living a quiet life.”

“I don’t think that’s something I can do.” Jackson admitted. “I have to feel useful. I have to know I’m making a difference, you know? And the only way I know how to do that is by exposing all the shit doing on in the world.”

The man stared at Jackson for a moment before moving on to the file he had set down. Convinced by Jackson’s words, the yet unnamed man slapped the table and proceeded to get up. “Set those forms down and come with me.”

“Uhh, okay.” Jackson said, not knowing what was going on but happy that his words indeed had an affect on the man.

The man exited the room and with Jackson following closely in tow began to walk down the maze-like hallways of the building. After several minutes, the two reached the very end of a dimly lit hallway, the two standing in front of an unmarked door.

“You said you wanted to feel useful, then go right in.” The man nodded towards the door.

“Thank you.” A grateful Jackson opened the door to the room, turning back to look at the man who he’d never even gotten the name of. Despite not knowing what he was getting himself into, Jackson proceeded to enter nonetheless.

The room was completely empty and windowless. The walls were painted white with the only things one could focus on being a light illuminating the whole room and some vents near the ceiling. A confused Jackson questioned what was going on but before he even had a chance to turn around he heard the door he came through shut tight.

“What’s going on here?” Jackson attempted to open the door, turning the handle with all his might but the door remained shut.

“Hello?! Are you there?!” Jackson pounded at the door, but no answer came from the other side.

Suddenly Jackson would hear the sound of air flowing out of a vent. He’d turn around and see a reddish mist flow into the room, nearly engulfing it within seconds. “What the.. what is this??!”

The moment Jackson opened his mouth to speak, the mist entered his airways and filled his lungs almost immediately. Jackson violently coughed, gasping between each breath causing him to inhale even more of the mist. After a few minutes, the gas had stopped being pumped into the room, but it wasn’t long however until he began to feel its effects.

Jackson could feel his body temperature begin to rise. Radiating outwards from his core, he would soon feel like his skin was on fire with droplets of sweat running down his face. Smothered by the layers of clothing he had worn to the court hearing earlier, Jackson began to undress in a feeble attempt to cool down. Now standing only in his underwear, Jackson hoped that the effects of the mist would subside, but in fact it was only the beginning.

All the muscles on Jackson’s body would soon begin to ache, as if they were tearing themselves apart and healing within microseconds. Jackson could feel himself become bulkier, growing taller. Looking at his hands, his delicate and dainty fingers which he used to type all day became rough and callused, becoming more adept for a blue collar lifestyle. His attention then focused up his arms. His previously lanky forearms became toned as his veins were much more clearly visible. And while his biceps and triceps were nothing to scoff at before, they had now ballooned to the size of his head. Jackson felt them up as they were hard to the touch while still emanating a sizzling heat.

His upper torso was next as his previously flat chest was replaced by a firm yet squeezable set of pecs. Jackson would take the opportunity to feel them up himself, feeling how meaty they felt when relaxed but how rock solid they’d turn when flexed. His hands would go further south passing by the rows of newly formed abdominals until they reached down to his lower body. 

His quads had nearly doubled in mass, now capable of crushing anything that got between them. His ass adding mass as well while still becoming firm. One could easily bounce a quarter off it. Jackson would then feel his underwear become tight at the front. His previous six inch little guy expanded into a 9 inch love sausage. The rush of hormones circulated throughout. After all these changes to his body, Jackson could begin to feel himself cool off. A relief, all things considered.

The process was far from over, unfortunately. All the heat instead moved on to his face where Jackson would begin to feel as if his facial features were rearranging themselves. His styled and quiffed hair receded into his scalp, his hairline moving back giving Jackson a shaved appearance. The stubble he kept trimmed and clean formed a goatee around his mouth, all his remaining hair turning black in the process. His eyes, blue as the ocean, turned into a dark brown. His brow became slightly furrowed, his straight nose becoming wider, and his lips becoming more plump and fuller. The biggest change of all came when Jackson reached towards his changing face, he noticed his pale, white skin becoming darker by the second. Eventually his whole body retaining the complexion of an African-American man.

Finally, the transformation was complete. A well-dressed journalist entered the room, but now all that remained was an adonis-like, half naked Goliath. Drips of sweat were still running down Jackson’s new body. He was still too stunned to speak but in his heart of hearts, he liked what he saw.


The door to the room then swung open with the man from before casually walking in. “Quite the transformation, huh?”

“What did you do? Why am I like this?” Jackson spoke, his voice now several octaves lower.

“We gave you what you wanted.” The man replied. “Now you don’t have to worry about going into hiding.”

Jackson continued feeling up his new body as the man kept talking.

“The mist is a new technology we’ve developed. It lets us hide our valuable assets in plain sight. You should know we don’t offer it to just anyone.”

“Is this.. permanent?” Jackson asked. “It will wear off after a while if you don’t keep being exposed to the mist. Enough exposures though and it can become permanent.”

Jackson thought about his situation, his head flooded with so many emotions and feelings about what had just transpired. He then gets handed a file by the man.

“If you ask me, I say you leave your previous identity behind. Jackson’s a wanted man. He’ll truly never know peace as he goes through the rest of his days continuously watching his back, sleeping with one eye open.”

Jackson proceeded to open the file, immediately revealing a picture of his new self along with other kinds of biographical information.

Witness Protection

“This new identity however, Darrell Williams, gets to start life anew. He gets to work as a U.S. Marshall, serving our country out of our New Orleans branch in Louisiana. Not serving in a way you’re accustomed to, but you’d still be out there making a difference.” The man cracks a smile. “So Jackson, what will it be?”

“The name’s Darrell.” He shuts the file and proceeds to walk out of the room with the man.

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2 years ago

The Mask

Music blasted from the speakers of the car as Tyler drove down the empty streets of the city. Tyler had just finished his shift from work and he was all but eager to go home and drown out the day with a beer or two. He worked for a construction company so the work always left him drained by the shift’s end but this day was especially exhausting, both in a physical and mental sense. To put it short, Tyler was frustrated by his boss’s strict deadlines and his fellow coworkers’ laziness which always left him doing a majority of the work.

The Mask
The Mask

Thankfully it was a Friday meaning a full weekend of relaxation and fun before the cycle reset and it was back to the daily grind. Tyler was very much looking forward to a simple night in to recharge and then spend the rest of the weekend doing whatever activities his girlfriend had planned for them.

The following Monday was Halloween and with his girlfriend being very much into the spooky holiday, she had come up with all sorts of things for them to do much to Tyler’s annoyance. He never liked how extra she’d be. Their apartment was filled to the brim with Halloween decorations. Every movie night for the month would be a different horror movie, even if they’d seen it a million times before. And to top it off, she’d go overboard with her costume, sometimes even spending hundreds of dollars crafting her own outfit that she’d only wear that one night.

Tyler tried to not let it bother him too much. He did enjoy some of the aspects of the holiday. And as long as he didn’t have to think about work, that’d be good enough for him. Tyler continued to drive home, eventually hitting a red light. His phone soon started lighting up with notifications.

Hey. Just wanted to remind you about Hailey and Matty’s party today.

I hope you didn’t forget lol

I’m going with nat so I’ll meet you there

And remember that it’s a halloween party so don’t be lame and come with a costume

“You gotta be fucking kidding me, that was today?!” Tyler said out loud to himself as he realized that his plans for the night had just been thrown out the window. He messaged back a quick “Ok” before turning his attention back to the road.

Tyler grumbled to himself as he continued driving. As much as he liked partaking in some of the festivities associated with Halloween, the idea of wearing a costume felt completely juvenile. Nearing almost thirty years old, Tyler felt like the concept was beneath him. But not wanting to disappoint his girlfriend and trying to avoid what would certainly be another fight, he swallowed his pride and searched for costume stores on his phone as soon as he hit another light.

It was not long until Google Maps redirected Tyler to the closest store. To his surprise, there was one directly on the way home. He did find it strange that he had never noticed it on his commute to and from work every day. Before he knew it though, he was already pulling up to the parking lot.

Stepping inside, he found it filled with all kinds of costumes, accessories and typical Halloween decorations. The odd thing was that it was entirely void of customers. The only person Tyler noticed as he entered was an older gentleman sitting at the check out counter reading a magazine. The man, taking an interest in Tyler, walked over to him and welcomed him to his store.

“Welcome to Gerard’s Costume Emporium.” The man jubilantly greeted Tyler. “My name is Gerard of course, if you need any assistance please don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Will do, thanks.” Replied Tyler as he looked the man up and down who despite looking to be in his mid forties appeared to be in extremely good shape with the way his muscles bulged out of his clothes.

“I take it you own the place. This place is not as packed as I thought it’d be, being the day before Halloween after all.” Tyler said, questioning the lack of fellow patrons in the store.

“I opened the store just a few weeks ago. Been worried more about setting up rather than advertising I guess. But business comes and goes. It’s what I love about owning and working at a place like this.” Gerard replied. “I get to do whatever the hell I want and even if it gets busy, I know that things will eventually settle down and I get to relax from time to time.”

“That must be nice.” Tyler said, the thought of work still lingering in his head.

"Yeah, but enough about me. Feel free to look around. I’m sure you’ll find something you’ll like.”

Tyler took the man’s offer and surveyed the aisles of the stores, looking for a costume he deemed suitable.

The Mask

Despite the variety in selection, Tyler found it difficult to find something he liked that was in his size. Everything was either for women, children, or not to his taste. After searching for a while, Tyler grew frustrated at not being able to find even an iota of a suitable costume he could wear. He eventually took out his phone and started texting his girlfriend.

Babe I can’t find anything at this store

Like there’s literally nothing here for me

Im just gonna show up with what I’m wearing hope that’s ok

Seconds later, his girlfriend responded.

You better not come wearing some plain ass clothes

Omg at least get a mask or something

Tyler rolled his eyes at his girlfriend’s response, something which Gerard took notice off as he began to approach the frustrated-looking man.

“Is everything going okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, yeah.” Tyler answered back as he scanned the entire store before finding what he was looking for.

Tyler walked over to a wall at one end of the store. The entire wall was covered with displays of various types of masks. Tyler carefully studied all of them, trying to pick out the best one, but with so many to choose from it was hard for him to make a decision. As a result, he called Gerard over for an opinion.

“You got a recommendation?” Tyler asked.

“Hmm. Let’s see.” Gerard scanned the wall of masks. “What about one of those Scream masks? Can’t go wrong with a classic!”

“You're right.” Tyler pondered for a moment. “But it feels a bit basic, no? Got anything more inspired?”

Tyler didn’t realize how quickly his apathy towards wearing a costume turned into genuine interest.

Gerard thought to himself, giving Tyler a quick look over and then smirking.

“I do have something in the back I can have you take a look at.” Gerard proceeded to walk towards the back room as he continued talking. “It’s not really Halloween related which is why I didn’t have it out, but I think it would suit you well and it’ll get the job done.”

Gerard came back with a small bag. “Have a look at this.”

Tyler opened up the bag and pulled out a pretty colorful luchador mask. It was primarily blue with white outlines and red stylized eagles going down each side. Above the eye holes also sat a red cross.

The Mask

“What do you think?” Gerard asked.

Tyler stared at the mask. Memories of his childhood came flashing back to him. “Not gonna lie, it’s pretty cool.” He remembered spending Saturday nights watching wrestling on TV with his dad. The feeling of nostalgia hit hard. “How much for it?”

“I’d normally sell it for $40, but for you I’ll mark it down to $20.” Gerard said. “But let’s try it on first before deciding on anything. These kinds of masks need  to be properly laced up so that they’re not too loose.”

“That’s true.” Tyler agreed with Gerard as he handed the mask back. Gerard then proceeded to walk him towards one of the dressing rooms adorned with a full length mirror.

Taking the mask, he loosened up the laces on the back to allow the hole to open wide enough. Standing behind Tyler, Gerard promptly adorned the mask on Tyler’s head, shifting it around so that the holes would align with Tyler’s eyes and mouth.

Tyler felt the lycra push against his skin and the curves of the mask followed the contours of his face but something didn’t quite feel right. 

“It feels a bit loose. You don’t think the mask’s a bit big for me?” Tyler shared his concerns with Gerard.

“You’ll grow into it. Don’t worry.” Gerard replied as he begun tightening the laces in the back, finishing by tying them into a solid knot.

Before Tyler had a chance to react to Gerard’s strange comment he began to feel a pulsing sensation emanating throughout his body. Starting at the head, going down his body and onto his legs, each pulse caused his muscles to tighten up. Every few seconds a pulse would traverse downwards before Tyler was eventually left completely immobilized. At this point, Tyler would figure out that the pulsing originated from the mask, but all he could do was stare at his reflection in the mirror. A sense of panic took over him, trying his best to move his arms to remove the mask, but it was all futile. He was helpless as he could see Gerard still standing behind him, grinning as he simply watched what was about to unfold.

The pulses would then begin to increase in intensity. With each pulse, his body would add pounds of mass. A combination of muscle and fat, his once lean body would begin to fill out more and more. The most drastic of these changes occurred to his arms and torso. The six-pack abs Tyler was never afraid to flaunt disappeared under a newly formed gut. His defined chest was transformed into a pair of meaty pecs while his shoulders broadened and his arms bulged from all the added muscle. 

Tyler continued to look at himself in the mirror, helpless to what was going on. The tattoos that ran down his right arm faded away and a light covering of hair grew along his chest and arms. At this point his body was almost unrecognizable but Tyler’s face underneath the mask remained unchanged. That was until the pulses emanating from the mask increased in intensity. 

His thin face started filling out, becoming pudgier and rounder. The mask no longer felt loose, but now fit tightly and properly on his head. The light stubble he sported thickened and darkened, covering the entirety of his lower face. Tyler could also feel his hair receding into his head as all that was left beneath the mask was a buzz cut. 

Tyler’s clothes had suddenly disintegrated and in their place emerged a spandex leotard, enveloping his body tightly and showcasing all the mass Tyler had accumulated within the past few minutes. The pulses soon stopped allowing Tyler to move again, but he continued to stand still, motionless.

The Mask

Gerard appeared from behind Tyler, running his hand all across the man’s hulking body.

“Told you the mask was going to be a good fit.” Gerard whispered into Tyler’s ears. “Now let’s see what we’re working with.”

Gerard begun untying the knots in the back of the mask, loosening up the laces as Tyler stood still, still in a trance-like state. The mask eventually came off, revealing the face of a completely different man than the one who originally put it on.

The Mask

With the mask off, the haziness in Tyler's head dissipated and he finally started coming to. He looked at Gerard, a sense of familiarity overcoming Tyler as if he'd known the man standing before him. Known him for a long time actually. Then it clicked. Gerard was his husband.

"You doing ok, babe?" Gerard asked, knowing exactly what he'd just done to the man.

"Yeah, yeah. Just spaced out for a bit." Tyler responded, his voice much gruffer than it used to be.

He looked around, his brain still making connections but ignoring the fact that he was wearing a wrestling leotard for whatever reason. Tyler then noticed the plethora of costumes and other halloween decorations spread around him. He remembered unloading them from their boxes after he and Gerard opened up the store several weeks ago. He remembered loving being a co-owner of his own business with his husband.

He had a good life. He was happily married to a man who loved him to the moon and back. He was his own boss, never really stressing about work, and even when things got difficult he had someone to help him shoulder the load. Tyler grabbed the man in front of him, pulling him closer as he kissed him passionately. The two embraced, rubbing their hands across each other's bodies.

"What if we closed shop early? Neither of us got anywhere we gotta be." Tyler suggested as Gerard just gave him a sly look.

The Mask

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6 months ago

Olympic Dreams

A loud cacophony of cheers and applause rattled the inside of the Indianapolis Aquatics Center. A group of Olympic hopefuls situated themselves in their positions on the starting blocks, ready to compete in the 100M Freestyle and book their tickets to Paris later that summer. The venue turned eerily quiet as the swimmers waited for the starter’s command. A loud buzz and they were off.

Olympic Dreams

Swimming vigorously along lane 7 was Chase Kovacs. Chase had dreamed of going to the Olympics since he first watched Dutch swimmer Pieter Van Den Hoogenband win gold at Sydney 2000. That moment kickstarted years worth of training, diligence, and determination to one day be able to call himself an Olympian. That dream however always seemed out of reach. Whether it be due to injury or not performing well on the day, Chase would just miss out on making the team. Now 28 years old, Chase could feel time fleeting away. As hard as he trained, he knew he couldn’t keep performing at this level forever. It was Paris or bust.

Not even a minute after the starting buzzer went off the event was already over. The men who had just swam their heart out looked at the digital scoreboard that held their fate with baited breath. 

Olympic Dreams

Chase’s heart sank as he saw the results. His personal best at the trials, but that didn’t seem to matter as his name appeared further down in the rankings than he would have liked. He wasn’t out yet, but he remained on the bubble and had to agonizingly wait to see how his time would hold up after all his competitors had raced.

A few hours and hundreds of laps across the pool later Chase would finally learn if he could start packing his bags or not. And he could, but not for the reason he would have liked. He was named an alternate. That’s what Chase was left with at the end of the day. Not officially on the team but forced to remain on standby in case of injury or someone was forced to withdraw. A devastating blow, but Chase tried to keep hope alive.

Olympic Dreams

Throughout the entire month leading up to the games, Chase continued his training. He did early morning practice sessions in the pool, aerobic exercises, and strength and conditioning workouts. One would think Chase had made the team considering how dedicated he remained to his training, but Chase wanted to be ready on the slim chance he got the call. But the closer the Olympics came, the less likely he felt like that opportunity would come.

Finally in Paris, Chase arrived with the rest of Team USA. He’d partake in practices and hang out with his friends and fellow teammates, but due to his status as an alternate would be excluded from several things as well. He could not stay at the Olympic Village and most importantly could not join the rest of Team USA during the Parade of Nations at the Opening Ceremony.

Olympic Dreams

As hundreds of athletes from the participating countries rode the boats sailing down the Seine, Chase could only sit back and watch the Opening Ceremony from the TV in his hotel room. He stirred in his seat as he waited for Team USA to pass through. Although he was told since the beginning that his chances at actually competing would be slim to none, he was only now growing to accept the reality that his dream would not come true. All his years of dedication to this singular goal would be for naught. And it’s not like he was asking for a lot. He wasn’t aiming for a medal, to stand atop of the podium. He just wanted a chance.

Trying to keep the negative thoughts away, Chase decided to sneak away from his hotel and swim a few laps around the pool to clear his thoughts. 

As Chase arrived, he’d find the aquatics center empty with no one in sight. He figured everyone was either taking part in the Opening Ceremony or getting rested before the first day of the swimming events commenced, so he had the whole place to himself. Chase swam several laps, and for a moment felt like all his troubles went away. 

Getting everything he needed from that swim, Chase headed to the locker rooms for a quick shower. With a towel around his waist, he looked at himself in a mirror and smiled. He had finally accepted that it maybe just wasn’t mean to be. Perhaps life had a different plan for him. And it certainly did.

Olympic Dreams

As Chase stood in front of the mirror, a strange feeling overwhelmed him. He felt off but in a way he couldn’t describe. He had no idea what was going on, that is until he looked at his reflection. His body, which he took great care to keep in peak condition, began undergoing changes. 

Large portions of his body started accumulating mass, a mixture of both muscle and fat. His defined pecs grew saggy and soft. His visible abs and obliques now hidden by a protruding stomach. While his shoulders remained broad, his wingspan shortened in size as his long and lean arms changed into short and muscular ones. His long legs also shortened causing Chase to lose a few inches in height. But what he lost in height he gained in weight as his thighs and ass became the biggest recipients of his newly gained mass. Finally dark, thick hairs sprouted all over his previously shaved body. No inch of skin was spared as a carpet of fur covered his chest, stomach, arms and legs. The hair spread upwards as a well-trimmed beard formed on his previously clean shaven face. The angular features of his face also contorted into softer, rounder ones. A broader nose, more furrowed brow, and a different hairstyle added the finishing touches to Chase’s miraculous transformation.

Olympic Dreams

Chase looked at his new self in awe. His swimmer’s body transformed into a bulkier, heftier one. One meant to do something else. Unable to completely process what just took place, he explored his new body, flexing his enormous biceps almost out of instinct. His confusion as to why this happened kept him from freaking out. But his questions soon got answered as memories started implanting themselves in his head.

While his old ones weren’t necessarily replaced, these new memories took centerstage in his psyche. His passion to join the Olympics still burned as bright as ever, but not as a swimmer. Fate took him on another journey instead as his body was built for a different sport. One that required power over speed. This version of Chase aimed to conquer the world in the sport of shot put.

Olympic Dreams

Unlike the swimmer who proved unsuccessful in his attempts, this new Chase managed to find his calling in this sport. With multiple world championships under his belt, qualifying for this track and field event proved to be a rather easy feat. But for Chase, making it to the Olympics wasn’t the primary goal. No longer did he have to barely scrape by, but he was ready to thrive. He had his eyes set for gold, something which seemed very much possible with this new and improved body.

Once these memories settled inside Chase’s head, he finally got a grasp of the situation he faced. He was presented with the possibility of not only making his childhood dream come true, but exceeding that dream and reaching heights he never thought possible. He'd have to leave his old life behind, but to Chase this was more than worth it.

Ready to embrace this new version of him, Chase looked at the time. If he rushed, he might even make it in time to join his fellow Olympians for the Opening Ceremony.

Olympic Dreams

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4 months ago

Clothing TF? Check.

Cop TF? Check.


Getting The Job

(Original story posted November 7th 2021. Original story title “Better Life, Cop Life”) This story has been mildly Updated!

Recently Eric’s life had been going down the drain. First he split up with his boyfriend Jake after discovering he was cheating. Then he lost his job due to staff cuts. And to top it off he then lost his old apartment since it was all in Jake’s name. Now his ex was living in their old place with the guy he cheated with while Eric was struggling to find a new job while living in the cheapest apartment he could find. As he applied for shitty job after job he couldn’t help but wonder what he’d done to deserve all this? Was it all some kind of cruel universal joke?

As he was job hunting, one of the positions that popped up was a job at a small clothing shop called “Threads for Life”. The description of the job itself was extremely vague but he assumed it would just be retail. Working a till and serving customers etc. So he applied.

Surprisingly they were the first to get back to him about his application and in such a short time frame as well. They emailed asking for him to come in for an interview. Of course Eric accepted. Why wouldn’t he? The only weird thing was how close this shop seemed to be. It was just down the road from his old apartment and still rather close to his current one but he could swear he’d never seen or heard of the shop before. He just chalked it up to him being unobservant and forgetful.

On the day of the interview Eric found the shop just where it was said to be. Even after seeing it though, nothing clicked. He could’ve sworn it wasn’t here before. He shook the odd feeling off however as he stepped up to the front door perfectly on time and looking his best.

Upon entering he was greeted by a middle aged man who introduced himself as the owner of the establishment, Tony. The two exchange greetings before Tony ushered Eric to follow him. Eric expected to be taken immediately to an office but instead Tony simply walked through the many isles of clothing with him while chatting casually about the shop and its history.

Before Eric had assumed this to be a simple clothes shop. One that sold shirts, pants and all the rest like most other shops. And it did. But something Eric was quick to notice was how most of the clothes seemed to be matched together in outfits. Rather than being separated into different sections, almost all the clothes in the shop had already been prematched. There were plenty of casual combos like t-shirts and jeans or shorts and tank tops however as they moved from aisle to aisle there were a very noticeable amount of clothes that seemed more like costumes.

Some were more understandable like suits. But a lot of the others?… Eric took note of medical scrubs, fireman uniforms, motorcycle gear, handyman clothes, police uniforms, cowboy costumes, construction clothes and so much more. Eric also couldn’t help noting that none of the clothes seemed to be marketed towards women. He supposed the shop specialised in men’s attire specifically. Still he couldn’t help but find the layout of the store to be… strange.

“Soooo… Eric was it? Before I can give you a job. I want to ask you a couple questions.” The owner said as he sat down on a cushioned stool near the back of the shop, prompting Eric to do the same.

Eric of course agreed to this as questions were standard procedure for almost any interview so he was ready for it..

“Okay first question then. Growing up, did you ever have any dreams of who you’d eventually become? What job you’d want to strive for? What kind of man you’d want to become?” Tony asked.

It was a strange question for sure but Eric still pondered it for a moment before answering. “Well I don’t think I was ever dead set on anything but I remember wanting to be something along the lines of a fireman… or a police officer maybe?”

Tony nodded, seeming pleased with that answer. “Okay then second question. Are you content with the current direction your life has taken or would you still like to fulfill that childhood dream if you could?”

Eric chuckled at the bizarre question. “Well… my life hasn’t exactly been going in a good direction recently. If I could change some things I would. But if you’re asking me whether I’d wanna become a cop then… I just don’t think I have what it takes.” He gestured down at his body. “I’m thin and lanky. Don’t really go to the gym that much and I’m not all that good with confrontation. To be honest I just don’t think I have the right mindset to be a cop you know?” Eric huffed before looking back up at the owner. “And no offense but what does that have to do with me working here?”

Tony didn’t answer at first. He just smiled before standing back up again. The owners eyes glanced around the store, mainly at all the costumes and then turned back to Eric.

“Alright. I think I can give you a job.”

Eric was surprised when he heard that. All he’d done was answer two silly questions. He tried to query as to how those questions even mattered but Tony simply asked Eric to follow him. Confused as ever, Eric did just that.

The pair made their way back down the isles of outfits. They passed by the suits, doctors scrubs and all the other costumes yet again. Only the weird thing was now that Eric was getting a closer look at them, he started to notice how real the costumes looked. They weren’t just silly fake costumes you’d wear to a party. They were the real deal! Actually looking as though they belonged to real firemen and real doctors. Even the tradie outfits looked dirty as if they’d been used for actual tradie work.

Tony stopped in front of the police uniforms. Eric was quick to notice just how real those looked as well. Not just uniform but genuine looking police badges as well. Not to mention the radio, utility belt and even a body cam that all looked completely real. As if they’d been taken directly from actual cops and put on display.

“Pick one.” Was all Tony said.

“What? Seriously?” Eric was baffled. This had to be some kind of joke right?

“Oh come on. Humour me a little. Pick one out.” Tony urged, patting Eric on the back. “Though if I were you I’d certainly pick that one.” The shop owner pointed out a specific uniform amongst the selection. Eric didn’t really see why it’d matter which one he chose as they mostly looked the same anyway.

Eric sighed. “Fine, I’ll pick that one then. Now what? Want me to go try it on.” He joked only to be met by an affirming nod from Tony.

“Changing rooms are just over there.”

Eric raised an eyebrow at the man but decided what the hell. He took the uniform off the rack along with the equipment. Tony then picked up the large black boots and placed them on top of the uniform in Eric’s hands. Eric shook his head as he turned and walked off towards the changing rooms.

He shut the blue curtain behind as he stepped into one of the stalls. It was a fair bit bigger than he’d expected it to be. Eric sat the uniform down on the bench before striping himself down to his boxer briefs. After setting his own clothes to one side, he began to get dressed in the police uniform.

First thing he did was pull on the pants which he found to be rather baggy. He sat down to prevent them from falling as he grabbed the shirt, pulling it on and buttoning it up. He made sure to tuck it into his pants before grabbing the utility belt and strapping firmly around his waist. He still couldn’t believe it had a real taser attached to it and everything. Lastly Eric slid his feet into the heavy black boots which were clearly a couple sizes too large.

With that Eric stood up to take a look in the mirror. He looked ridiculous. The uniform was far too big and baggy on him. He looked like he was playing dress up more than anything. He slid his hands into his pockets as looked at himself a little more, amused by the uniform. Though as his hands dug around in the pockets, he realised something was in one of them. It was small and metallic. Eric pulled it out to reveal a name tag with “J. Desmond” engraved on it. Jokingly Eric decided to pin it to his shirt for a laugh.

Eric shook his head again at how silly this all was. Why had Tony made him put this one anyway? With a shrug he was just about to start taking the uniform off, not wanting to look stupid when he stepped out of the changing room. But before he could even start unbuttoning the shirt, he began to feel…weird. Like a warm wave of pure pleasure began flowing over him. A wave so incredible that he almost didn’t notice his body starting to change.

His upper body was first to see a transformation. His back widening significantly as his flat chest began to bubble and swell into two thick hefty pecs. Pecs that grew larger until they started to strain his shirt slightly. The same shirt that’d been hanging loosely off his frame moments ago now starting to fill out at an alarming rate. Especially as his shoulders bulged to the size of cannon balls while his traps grew to match. His waist grew larger but tighter at the same time as fat melted away in place of pure raw muscle. Showing itself even more so in the form of abs. They weren’t chiseled washboard abs, they were thicker and softer than that but still impressive all the same.

But his arms. They were what really caught Eric’s attention. Partly thanks to the cop shirt he was wearing being a short sleeve which gave him a full view of their transformation. He got to watch as veins pulsed across his skinny twig-like arms as though they were being pumped full of unseen energy. And then with pain or warning they started to swell. His previously non existent biceps began hulking into reality as the muscle beneath his skin inflated. It should’ve been impossible. Seemingly gaining mass from nothing. But his eyes witnessed it all. His forearms expanded rapidly while his hands cracked and thickened. His biceps continued to balloon with power and size until they stretched his sleeves. Only then did they finally stop. His veins subsided as his arms reached their new colossal size.

His upper body might’ve been massive now but his lower body was getting ready to catch up. Eric’s waist and hips had already widened enough for the waist of the cop pants to fit securely. Now it was his legs turn to catch up.

In seconds they put on an unbelievable amount of sheer muscle mass. It was as though someone had plugged an air pump into his legs and started filling them up. But it wasn’t air. It was pure real muscle. Eric couldn’t help but groan a little as his pants began to feel tighter. He leaned against the wall of the cubicle for support as his thighs and calves continued to bloat thicker and more powerful by the second. The once baggy cop pants now fit him like a glove. But it wasn’t just his legs. His backside started to swell as well. His once average butt growing into a juicy muscular bubble ass that strained against the back of his pants perfectly. Not to mention his feet cracking and lengthening similar to hands. Growing multiple sizes until they fit perfectly inside the black cop boots he had on.

When the next change kicked in, Eric’s eyes widened as one of his hands instinctively flew towards his crotch. Grabbing his bulge tightly as even that began to swell and grow. His eyes began to roll back as his cock snaked down one his legs, growing girthier in the process. Meanwhile his balls followed suit as they bloated into fat heavy nuts full to the brim with cum.

His body was complete but his head still had to change. A stinging sensation came over his face as it started to morph. The shape of his head and all of his features altering dramatically until he was unrecognisable from the man he once was. His new look being much sharper and masculine in a way that would’ve screamed high school jock had he been a little younger. All the while the light stubble he’d always carried grew into more of a short well kept beard while the messy mid length hair he adorned shortened into faded crew cut.

Getting The Job

“Fuuuuuck…” Eric groaned as the transformation subsided at last. There was a clear difference in his voice. It must’ve been altered with the rest of his body. He found himself looking back into the mirror with amazement. No longer was he that scrawny pale figure of a man he’d seen reflected all his life. Now he was… buff. Really buff! And hot as fuck!. It was unreal. The uniform that was more or less falling off him moments ago now clung to him as though he were made for it. He couldn’t stop himself from running his hands up and down his torso, feeling a set of strong abs hiding under his shirt before drifting back up to squeeze his power new pecs through the fabric. He never thought he’d actually have fucking pecs but here he was now! Groping and kneading them.

In all the excitement his cock began to firm up. Eric could feel the blood rushing to his crotch as his growing erection created a clear outline in his pants. He smirked as he brought both hands down towards his crotch. Gently he rubbed his hands across the length of his dick through his pants.

Eric looked back into the mirror before bringing both arms up into flex. His already hard cock twitched at the sight of his biceps bulging, threatening to rip his sleeves in the process. The strength he felt flowing through his arms… No, his whole body was intoxicating! With his left hand Eric proceeded to grasp and squeeze his right bicep. It seemed impossible, like he was living in a lucid dream!

Just then Eric thought of something he’d always wished he could do. He’d never been buff enough to do it before. But now? He lowered his arms to his sides, stood up straight before flexing his chest. His pecs bounced. Eric’s eyes widened in amazement at the sight of his new muscle tits jumping underneath the shirt. He bounced them a few more times before cupping them again with a sense of pure wonder flowing through him. “These feel fucking amazing…”

Once he’d finished admiring his pecs, Eric remembered something else that’d grown. He turned his back to the mirror and looked behind. His cock twitched extra hard this time as he caught sight of his muscular new cop butt straining against his uniform pants. He couldn’t help himself. Before long his greedy hands were reaching back and grasping at his thick bubbly ass. “Oooohh fuuck.” He growled, feeling just how hefty they were. “My ass is fucking huge!…” Eric murmured aloud, lost in the pleasure. So lost in fact that he didn’t even notice Tony peering through the curtains. Watching with a horny gaze as Eric squeezed and groped his fat new ass. Even watching as Eric went as far as to place his hands just under his ass cheeks and start jiggling them, dumbly laughing as he did.

Eric felt his cock pulsing and bucking uncontrollably as he played with his cop butt. So much so that he couldn’t hold back anymore. Soon enough he spun back around to face the mirror again before unzipping his pants. Tony continued to creep in on the show while Eric shoved a hand into his underwear, struggling to free his erection. With a little effort however Eric was able to let out a satisfied sigh as his girthy python sprung free. The thing must’ve been around 9 inches long and insanely thick. It was every man’s dream cock.

A slapping noise could be heard from the changing rooms as Eric began smacking his cock against his hand while he admired it. Every smack sent a pleasurable shiver through his body. He had to stroke it. He was just able to wrap his hand around its full girth before he started to pump. It had to have been at least three times more sensitive than his old cock as Eric couldn’t stop cursing while he pumped it.

He began to jerk faster as he looked over his new body in the mirror again. His handsome bearded face and buff body. How thick his legs were. How buff his arms had become. How massive his chest had grown. Just looking at it all reflected back at him allowed him to jerk off furiously. He then looked down at his cock. He loved seeing it. Soooo thick and excited as some precum started to drip from the tip. With how sensitive it was and intensely he was pumping it, Eric could tell he was gonna to blow any moment.

He turned to his left, getting a perfect side view of his body. He couldn’t help but fixate on how much his ass stood out. He couldn’t stop himself from reaching his free hand back towards it again. Before long he was groping his ass and jerking his cock all at the same time. The new cop was having the time of his goddamn life!

“Fuuuuuuuccck!” That was enough to send him over the edge. Tony, who was still watching, saw Eric's ass clench and his cock erupt with an enormous load. One so big that it shit cum all over the benches adjacent to the new cop as well as his old and now ill fitting clothes. His cock continued to buck and twitch for a good few moments afterwards. Shooting a few more times as it covered the floor in front of him with cum.

“See. I knew you’d like that one.” Tony finally made himself known as he pulled back the curtain.

Eric whipped around, still panting a little. “Fuck I… my deepest apologies sir… I couldn’t stop myself.” He tried to reason.

“No need to apologise Officer.” Tony smirked as he glanced down at Eric’ softening cock, still dripping cum. “Most find it hard to contain themselves after what you just went through. So no need to worry. I’ll even get it cleaned up for ya.” The store manager smiled innocently.

“Officer?…” Eric repeated what the other man had said to him as though it weren’t the truth. It sounded weird and off putting to hear someone call him that. So why did it sound so right at the same time?

“Well you are a Cop now. Officer James Desmond to be precise, so you better get used to hearing it.” Tony nodded towards the name tag that was pinned to Eric’s shirt.

Hearing that name triggered something inside Eric. Memories of being Cop flooded his mind along with a bunch of other unfamiliar memories. He still remembered who he used to be but now he had a whole new life filling his head that made his old one feel like a fleeting dream. A new life as Officer James Desmond.

“Thank you sir. You have no idea how grateful I am for all this…” James stated, his new manners kicking in right away. Immediately after he tucked his fat new cock back into his pants before pulling up the zip. “But I’ve got to be back at the station in half an hour.”

“No worries Officer! I completely understand. You head off and I’ll be sure to get all your ball batter cleaned. Might take me a while though.” Tony joked, earning a chuckle from James.

“Heh sorry sir. Got myself a pair of bull balls down here.” James gave his crotch a quick squeeze. “Well I’m off. If you ever need anything don’t hesitate to ask for me down at the staton.” He said, passing by Tony as he exited the changing cubicle.

“Oh don’t worry I will.” Tony replied, giving James’ ass a smack as he passed. He continued to watch James’ ass shake as he sauntered away up until the sexy new cop reached the front door.

James hopped into his car, not even noticing it’d been morphed into a cop car, before starting up the engine. As he drove towards the station he couldn’t help but daydream about plunging his cock into some other hot cop’s ass or having another cop fuck his new bubble butt. Surely some of his buddies down at the station would be down for some fun. According to his memories he seemed to recall catching his own partner checking out his ass a couple times…

Back at the shop. “Another life bettered and another hot stud on the streets. A pretty good day I’d say” Tony sighed to himself with a smile before turning back towards the changing room. Looking over at the huge mess of Cop nut he now had to clean. “Well… best get to work.”

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Scenes from the Dawn of the Croods episode “Weighting is the Hardest Part“ where Grug and Baitsy both get incredibly muscular and taller following a new personal trainer.

This video is under Fair Use: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act in 1976; Allowance is made for "Fair Use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. All rights and credit go directly to its rightful owners. No copyright infringement intended.

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To Quote Thanos: Fine. I’ll do it Myself.

Hello fellow male muscle growth lovers everywhere!

I’m the MMGArchivist from Twitter and Youtube and I’ve created this blog to post all the videos from my account, including the ones that keep getting struck down.

In addition, this will also be linked to my other blog where you can find my Multiverse of Animated Muscle Madness fanfiction series. 

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Duck Dodgers - Pork Piggler Muscle Growth

Scene from the Duck Dodgers episode "Pig of Action" where after picking up a strange stone, Cadet is transformed into an aggressive, hypermasculine muscle soldier.

This video is under Fair Use: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act in 1976; Allowance is made for "Fair Use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. All rights and credit go directly to its rightful owners. No copyright infringement intended.

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1 year ago

Never bullied again

Body a day - #5: Revenge

Never Bullied Again

Revenge… Feels good, Daniel thought to himself, zipping up the jacket that belonged to his bully Kurtis. There wasn’t much left of Kurtis once Daniel had helped himself to all his attributes. His big chest, his broad shoulders, his toned arms, his firm abs, his strong legs, his clear skin, his lush hair, his perfect vision, his stunning smile, his intoxicating confidence… The list goes on, Daniel had taken it all, except for the look of innocence, that was Daniel's own from the start.

He was never going to get bullied again – ever.

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1 year ago

Risen from the foam

Body a day - #17: Foam

It had been a life-long struggle, always being the weakest, the skinniest.

Risen From The Foam

I've always dreamt of having a strong body, but I just couldn't do it, I don't know what I did wrong, where all those my own age around seemed to naturally develop bigger and stronger physiques, I just stayed as this pathetic twig, that nobody paid attention to. I don't blame them though, why would they.

When I got older, I tried to go to the gym, and it improved somewhat. I got stronger and more enduring, but then I hit a plateau, progress stalled, for months and months I trained, but even after all this, I was still a scrawny teenager.

Who would believe I had gone faithfully to the gym for three years, and that was the result? I didn't want to admit it to anyone, but it bothered me - deeply. I was tired of being small and weak, tired of feeling insignificant and powerless.

I suppose it may make me sound superficial, and I suppose I am. I yearned to feel confident and powerful, but it seemed like a hopeless dream.

After a long break from the gym, it felt like it didn't matter if I went there or not, I decided to give it another go.

I also tried to see if some sort of product could enhance the results. Like protein bars, powder and shakes, most of it not looking too appetizing.

Then I came across a website, that sold a new 'muscle-stimulating bodyscrub'. I needed some new shower products anyway, so I decided to try it. At the time I thought that bodyscrub and shower gel was the same thing, I know now that it isn't. But it was a lucky accident.

Several days later it arrived by post, but when I unpacked it, I realised the mistake, it wasn't shower gel, but a bodyscrub, something I've never used in my life.

Though it was quite expensive, I didn't want to return it, and I thought, that I should probably just learn to use it, and just use it up.

I went to the store to buy some shower gel, then when I came home, I showered my scrawny body, then began to read the instructions on the bodyscrub bottle, it was a very promising description.

Muscle-stimulating bodyscrub.

Ingredients: Aqua, bla, bla, bla...


For best results, it is recommended to eat a big protein-rich meal before application...

Apply to moist and clean skin, but not soaked...

Do not apply to face, head and genitalia...

Apply on body and rub it in till completely absorbed...

Only use moderate amounts on hands and feet, apply whilst wearing latex or nitrile gloves...

If in contact with eyes... bla, bla, bla... safety warnings, et cetera, et cetera...

I had eaten a good lunch with plenty of protein, not exactly a weightlifter's diet, but hopefully enough to live up to the recommendations.

Following the instructions I pulled on some disposable latex gloves, before eagerly pouring a handful of this intriguing substance into my palm.

A light aquamarine foam poured out of the container, I began to distribute it all over my body, especially the parts I really wanted to grow.

I rubbed it across my flat chest, my flat stomach, my twiggy arms and my bony shoulders and neck. Rubbing it out, it was slowly absorbed into my skin.

The remainder I applied to my thighs, legs and feet, following the instructions carefully.

I pulled off the gloves, just to get just a bit of the foam on my hands as I massaged the residual foam thoroughly into my skin. My skin began to turn red, itchy and warm.

It felt mostly like an allergic reaction, and I began to panic, had I done something wrong? It was like a rash, my blood was pumping, my heartbeat increasing, my body swelling.

The pain intensified, but then to my surprise and elation, I saw it was working. It was working! The swelling was just the beginning, I could hear my bones crack, and my skin and muscles creak as they expanded.

On my stomach I began to notice some nice abs developing, my arms were growing too, both biceps and triceps slowly inflating like balloons.

My chest developed a slight crease as two perfectly shaped pecs began to grow before my very eyes. My shoulders widened and the previously very visible bones were covered by smooth muscle mass.

Looking in the mirror the difference was striking, I felt instant gratification, achieving full manhood as I stared insatiably at the hot body growing before my eyes.

And this was MY body! Looking down my swelling arms I began to laugh, a fiendishly, satisfying laughter, that barely expressed my delight.

I've never felt better in my life before, despite the redness and itching, it was unbelievably satisfying to watch these muscles grow, feeling myself getting stronger by the minute.

It was an incredible sight, smooth, well-developed, lean, athletic muscles, now I could rival even the strongest of my classmates.

The growth began to slow down, the creaking began to fade, the itching began to stop, and the pain and redness disappeared. I flexed – long and hard, feeling the power and confidence surging through me.

This was truly the best I've ever felt. I snapped a picture of myself in the mirror, internally drooling over this massive, divine body I now possessed.

Risen From The Foam

I grabbed the bottle of this godly foam and studied it closer. It didn't actually say, if the effects were permanent or if they would wear off. I needed to either hit the gym or get more bottles, that was for sure, I would not risk losing these muscles – ever.

I will never go back to being skinny again, I want to stay a gorgeous hunk forever.

Just like Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, I too had risen from the foam. If you are planning to buy any of this bodyscrub, it’s unfortunately out of stock at the moment.

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1 year ago

Melting pot

Body a day - #18: Pot-bellied

Melting Pot

"You called me pot-bellied, huh? True, I was, but those days are over! If you are ever going to compare my belly with any household item again, it better be a friggin' washboard!" "I'm sorry, it was just a joke, please give me my body back."

"I don't think so, it's too cool being cool... Look how strong, athletic and agile I am now. I ain't going back, dweeb. But hey, you know how to properly exercise and maximise muscle gain. Just go do it again!"

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1 year ago

Not satisfied yet.

Body a day - #22: Satisfied

Not Satisfied Yet.

I wasn’t satisfied yet. I needed more. I looked at myself in the mirror, I was looking amazing already. This body was the result of me merging with two other guys. But I wasn’t satisfied yet.

The first one was some random douchebag from my local gym, Tyler, I think his name was. A real gym rat and self-absorbed jerk. I heard him make fun of my scrawny physique to his friends behind my back. He was an easy first victim and his body became the foundation, that I was going to build upon. After having absorbed him, I gained all of his muscles, from his pecs, abs and biceps to his thighs, calves and neck. It was a good body to start with, and really satisfying watching these muscles now serving me, but I wasn’t satisfied yet.

The second one was my best friend – or rather my former best friend, we had a falling out some years ago, and while I hated him, like he resented me, a part of me still missed him and yearned for him. He wasn’t particular impressed with my new body, but soon he was contributing to it, only struggling a bit as he merged with me and Tyler’s brawn. He caused my muscles to grow even further, my muscles became more defined. He had a very handsome face, that I would have loved to make mine, but his facial features mixed perfectly with mine, I could see us both in this new face, and I couldn’t complain, I was very pleased with this handsome visage. But I wasn’t satisfied yet.

Now comes the question; who will be the third person to improve me? I have been thinking, whether it would be an acrobat or a martial arts expert, who would perfect my already impressive body with their nimbleness and skill, or maybe an artist, or a dancer, or a wrestler or a professional trainer... Maybe three isn’t enough… Maybe I should just continue, absorbing people with any desirable traits and slowly progress towards perfection as I make their features and skills my own. I haven’t decided yet, but I wasn’t satisfied yet.

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1 year ago

Becoming whole

Body a day - #28: Whole

Becoming Whole

This feel so right, I finally feel whole.

You lacked the brains, I lacked the brawn, but you were going places, I wasn't.

When I pressed my lips against yours, it wasn't a declaration of love, quite the contrary. You began to fade, while I became more real. I needed you to complete me.

I sucked everything that is you, right out of your mouth; Your strength, your confidence, your courage, your charisma, your looks – everything, until I had drained it all, and what remained crumbled to dust.

Your sculpted body will change my life, our lives. With your body shaping me, I’ll be taking your name as my own, as well as your clothes and all your other belongings.

For what it's worth I am sorry, but this world eats nice guys like me for breakfast, it's survival of the fittest, with your body and my mind I can get really far.

I am finally whole.

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1 year ago

A bargain and a deal

Body a day - #29: Ancient

“Hi. I’m here for the suit.” “Yes, come inside, I have put it out for you, if you want to look more at it and try it on.” The young guy went into the older guy’s house, the motorcycle suit, he had seen on a second-hand site, was hopefully everything he had dreamt of.

It was a nice suit and in perfect condition, the young guy seemed quite satisfied.

“So why were you selling it again?” he asked. “It needs to be worn,” said the older guy, “there’s a mirror over there, so you can see, if it fits.”

The young guy took off his hoodie and dropped it on the floor. The older guy left him alone in the hallway. If he was really cheeky, he could just have put on the suit and left.

Having wiggled into the leathers, the young guy zipped the suit, he admired himself in the mirror, grabbing his phone, snapping a few pictures.

A Bargain And A Deal

He then felt a sudden pain rush through his body, like something small and sharp was poking him in the back, but there was nothing to see. His phone fell out of his hand and landed on the floor, but he could not bend down to pick it up.

He couldn’t even lift his arms, looking down, he watched in horror, how his hands and feet deflated and shrank, seemingly disappearing into the suit, the suit was consuming him. He felt his head collapse and slowly being pulled into the neck opening, disappearing into the darkness.

Having heard the ’clunk’ of the leather suit hitting the floor, the older guy opened the door to the room to find it empty. The leather suit laid zipped, but vacant on the floor. He walked over to the unoccupied leathers, and picked it up, then unzipped it, it was still warm inside. “I hope you are satisfied”, he said, as he pulled out the youth’s sweaty clothes from the innards, a t-shirt, a tank top, a pair of meggings and some boxers, all soaked in sweat, but otherwise nothing suggested this had just been worn.

The older guy then stripped himself naked and began to pull on the leather suit himself, zipping it. “Alright, now it’s your turn,” he said, then immediately felt a warmth spreading through his body. He took a deep breath, then moaned as he felt his muscles expand ever so slightly, he felt the suit tightening, creaking loudly as it adjusted to his size, his skin smoothed regressing signs of ageing, his hair grew darker, it would soon begin to grow lusher and fuller too, and he felt energy and strength surging through his body, as the last occupant’s essence were pumped into him.

”Hell yeah, this guy had plenty to give. How about we take the bike for a spin?”

A Bargain And A Deal

The suit was the current vessel of an ancient spirit. Several years ago its partner had it posses this motorcycle suit, instead of its former vessel, so it could more easily devour its victims. He would provide it with a meal/sacrifice every now and then, having them wear the suit for the spirit to consume, and in the return the spirit would rejuvenate him with the leftover essence of its victims - an uneasy alliance, but both seemed content for the time being.

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8 months ago


Part of the new prompt-based writing challenge, hosted by @max-the-many

Body a day II - #1: Flour


To make a beefcake, you need the right kind of flour…

Six weeks ago I was skinny as a twig, but this stuff works wonders. It’s not your average protein powder, this is something far better, far more potent, so it has to be administered carefully.

With a little patience, the results will show soon enough. You can almost hear the sound of the muscles expanding, feeling your body grow ever so slightly. Looking down at your arms as they inflate is incredibly satisfying.


I’ll soon have reached my goal, my ideal body, then I’ll only need ‘the stuff’ to maintain my bulk.

Then the beefcake is done.


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