user211201 - TF Archivist
TF Archivist

Just a lurker who happened to archive some stuff.

181 posts

Massive & Mindless

Massive & Mindless

--- Original creation #3 ---

"You want to be a jock?"

Asher, the school's quarter back looked at you quizzically.

You didn't look like the type that would be interested given your small frame and size.

"Hmm. No can do I think. Not like this at least"

You became nervous as the quarter back stepped closer to you, giving a clearer view of his pecs that were nearly spilling out his stringer tanktop.

"You see," he started saying as he grabbed onto your arms, lifting them both up. "you need some serious arm muscle if you want to do a ball sport".

Pure ecstasy came over you as your arms expanded in size. You looked at your arms as you flexed them seeing them grow even larger in size.

Barely recovered from the kick you feel his hands touch your chest.

"Of course, you can't move your arms well if you don't have good pecs to match"

Immediately you felt the pull your shoulders pulling on your chest. What was once flat had now become two slim yet firm slabs of muscle to accompany your new strong arms.

"How could I forget about a good core?" Asher said, thoroughly enjoying your face of pure euphoria.

He now looks you in the eye as you feel him draw a line vertically across your chest. Next, you feel his finger go horizontally. As you look down you can see his work. Where his finger went were now deep grooves forming an impressive core, including beautifully sculpted obliques.

As you look up your eyes meet again and you could feel a heat start to rise inside you.

"You've also got to be able to withstand a good bash, can't have you falling on your ass while on the field" Asher said.

You feel your legs grow. The gap between is slowly closing with pure muscle. Soon you find that you can feel your thighs touching each other.

All the while, the heat inside you kept growing. You could feel your excitement rise.

"You need to have a good grip on the ground as well"

Your feet swelled, only able to accommodate size 13 now.

"Of course we like to have fun as well after our games" Asher said, shamelessly staring at the out print of your cock visible on your shorts.

"Like your muscles, we like it massive"

You already knew what was coming. You felt his touch and as he did you could feel your dick grow. It reached a bigger size than you had even seen before.

"Like your teammates, we like it mindless"

You could feel his hands plant themselves on the sides of your face as his face closed in on yours. A pair of lips planted themselves on your face as you felt his stubble rub against your skin.

If you weren't fully excited already, now you were. As you kept kissing Asher you could feel a haze encroach your mind. Every second, you felt your concerns, your worries, everything fading away.

You had reached cloud nine.

As Asher broke contact, he couldn't help but smile.

You were lost in pure bliss. You hadn't even noticed as a slight bit drool escaped from the sides of your mouth.

As a final act Asher stood right up against you. You could feel his crotch straining against yours. As he placed his forehead on yours you could feel new thoughts entering your mind.

Strategies, faces of your teammates, times spent together after practice.

What you would have considered foreign moments ago now felt right, it felt normal.

It felt like it always had been. Like the jock you've always been.

Massive & Mindless
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More Posts from User211201

9 months ago

Hi, i was hoping my Touristics trip would take me to Greece?

Well of course we can arrange a journey to Greece, we even have multiple packages to book. Looking at you I think you would it would be good for you to book our Mt. Olympus package. Climb the mountain of gods if you like or drive to the coast, it’s only about 5 minutes by car. But that would be up to you. Oh you would like to climb the mountain first. We can arrange that. 

As you leave my shop, you find yourself on an uncommon street. It isn’t the same you entered the shop through, but you aren’t bothered at all, it feels just right to be here. You wander around and finally a man speaks to you. He is cute, a twink and reveals to have a soft almost feminine voice as he speaks to you: “I have searched for you, you are the tourist the man at Terrence & Ford told me about, aren’t you?” You confirm this and the man leads you down a few roads and then you are able to see your destination, Mt. Olympus.

The little man shows to possess a whole lot of endurance as you climb the mighty peak. Just as he struggles with a particularly high stone you notice his butt, it’s really big from what you see through his pants, and it looks really round and firm. “But wasn’t I supposed to be straight.”, you think as you scratch your head, only the noticing how big your biceps are. You look at them in awe, totally entranced by he twitching of the mighty flexed peaks and the criss-crossing veins running along them. 

Carefully you approach the still struggling mountaineer, grab his ass and help him shove him further up allowing him to climb the rock. Then you reach out and pull yourself up in one fluent motion, earning awestruck gazes from your companion. “Man, it must be nice being this tall.”, he squeaked looking up at your chiseled bearded face.

“Fuck I can’ take it anymore.”, you exclaim in a powerful baritone and pull the man upwards, planting a sensual kiss on his lips, as you rip his pants away, as well as yours. About 10 minutes later you find yourself behind a corner, rapidly jackhammering your new godly cock deep into your companion’s big ass. Another 30 minutes and more than a few loads later you descend down the mountain again.

Though you didn’t reach the peak fully, you still gotta show the mortals on the beach what a true Olympian looks like.


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9 months ago

Ape boy

--- Originally posted on 2017-01-10 on realhankmccoy ---

“Just don’t make me dumb, man, I want to keep everything about my mind totally intact,” I told my friend at the lab.

I was totally willing to go through the procedure but I didn’t want it messing with my intellect any – my job and lifestyle were too important to me.

They promised me a whole new masculine experience, that they could bring out the man in me in ways that were easily accessible through epigenetic therapy.

I’d be fitter, more energetic, more attractive and just altogether healthier. It was in the beta testing process and they said they’d throw in $3000 if I signed off, too. I’d only need to take a few weeks off work for an outpatient trial.

“That didn’t seem so bad,” I said after the doctor finished up removing the slow drip from my arm and the infusion was complete. Took two different bags of fluid but I mostly felt fine, if a little faint at first.

I got home and realized I was pretty tired so I stripped down and went to bed. I started noticing the changes the next day already. I did have more energy. My face seemed handsomer, just a tad. After two days I was feeling pretty into this.

It was the third day when I started noticing that I was getting beefier.

That was cool, I thought, but then I noticed I was feeling hornier, too. I ignored it at first, but by the end of the day I was jacking off in my bedroom, hard. I got up off my bed, still stroking my dick, to check myself out in the mirror.

“Looks hot,” I thought, stroking it slowly. If this stuff made my sex drive a little stronger, that was fine with me.

I started getting obsessed with checkin’ out the changes in the mirror, and I had so much energy that I started working out. I’d be doing pushups on my hardwood floor and getting excited over how I was going to flex in front of the bathroom mirror after I finished a set of 50.

I went back to the lab and they didn’t seem to think it was a problem.

So I figured, what the hell, I might as well enjoy this. Pretty soon I was hanging out in just my underwear all the time. That didn’t make me dumb, I knew, it just felt good. I might as well get into it, I figured.

Only problem is I got used to it pretty quick. I hate wearing clothes now, dudes.

I looked in the mirror one day and I just looked so fucking good with these thick pecs and the thicker stubble on my face. I figured I should have fun with a haircut so I got kind of a high and tight, cut real short though, and that just turned me on. Even my facial structure has changed from this shit they’re doing to me. My ears look like they stick out more, like some dumb ape or something, and that just makes me hard. I’ve hot this thick abdomen and these beefy deltoids. I feel like I look more like a football dude, even, and I started watching football even. Might as well have fun while I’m stuck in outpatient anyhow.

They told me it wouldn’t alter my mind any but it’s like I’m addicted to working out, flexing in the mirror, taking selfies, hooking up – with dudes – I just find em on my phone. I stopped reading. I look at these hairy legs and I get hard just touching em, I rub a hand across my pecs and my nipples are hard right away and I feel my cock jump up wanting a piece of the action. All I can think about is my goddamn cock, man.

So I took another week off work because I’m not ready to go back, and told myself on Monday I’d start getting ready to get my life on track. I just procrastinated the whole day, jacking off in bed, mostly, slowly stroking it. I guess my new bod’s so awesome that it’s just depressing to think of going back to the office.

My alarm goes off on Tuesday, and I throw it against the wall and say fuck it. One more day of fun’s not gonna hurt. Dudes, I look so fucking good. At least I’ll be productive today, I tell myself. So I start off the day with a ton of pushups, make myself a protein shake, and I look so ripped in the mirror that I figure I’ll score myself a hookup off Grindr. Guy comes over, and his hairy, hard pecs crushed against mine – my rubbing the short beard I’ve got started all up on his asshole, and that turns him on enough that he’s letting me lift his legs and plow the shit out of him..

After he’s gone, I’m back in front of the mirror saying “you fucking stud. Yeah you fuckin’ ape boy. Fuckin’ just want to fuck with dudes, don’t you, gay boy. Yeah you jocked up fuck. Just want to get naked and fuck, don’t you?”

Still hard, still horny, so just stroking my dick slowly while I put the game on for ambience. I don’t know how Thursday’s gonna shake out but today I just went out and bought a basketball hoop for the driveway so I could burn off some of this energy. Felt fuckin’ great, too, goin’ out in the sun in just some shorts and Nikes working on my game. Soon as I was back indoors though, man, just stripped back down to my underwear – I can’t stop admiring this body. Gotta get another dude over here to mess around with. Fuck work, man, you only live once, right?

Think I’m gonna pick up a big screen for the bedroom because that’d be pretty cool, and I just found out gay dues have their own hockey leagues you can join so I’m thinking of that. How hot would that be – those dudes are fuckin’ built, man, and I could pick it up pretty quick I bet.

Fuck, let me know if – oh, fuck it, I’m gonna order a pizza and see if I can find a hot hookup for tonight. Some dude with pecs as thick as mine and who’s like me slapping this cock all over his tongue for a couple of hours while I tease the shit out of his hot jock ass. Yeah man. Fuckin’ hot, man, I could pump a full load into some dude’s muscle butt and be ready to score again two hours later. That’s how good I feel. Friends with benefits, whatever you want to call it as long as it’s none of that lovey-dovey or dramatic shit – I’ve got em on the phone. Sex, muscle, good food and workin’ out, so glad I met those lab rats.

Ape Boy

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9 months ago


--- Originally posted on 2016-11-12 by dumbbro ---


This wasn’t me ten minutes ago I was a 27 year old college student named Tim, some guy came up and started saying things that I thought weren’t true but maybe they are.

That guy was like, hey I heard you are a bit of a gym rat?

I said no, do i look like one

Guy: Yep look at you, studly gym rat. I think you hate wearing clothes too

Me: Nope I hate wearing clothes

Guy: I bet you are the best gogo dancer in town

Me: HOw did you know I was a GoGo dancer?

Guy: I know everything about you Josh

Josh: My name isn’t Josh it’s Josh

Guy: See Josh, I mean you are my boyfriend even though you are super slutty and always horny

JOsh: Uh yeah, crazy hormones I huess

Guy: Well when you are only 19 it can be pretty crazy like that

Josh: Guess youre right

Guy: At least you have a job, not many people would hire a h.s drop out who can barely spell his own name

Josh: Uh yah Im glad too babe

Guy: Oh Josh you only think with your cock don’t you?

Josh: Fuk yah I do, fukin love gettin action

Guy: That’s my good boy

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9 months ago


(This idea was formulated by Craftsman )

Josh threw the dice, these two little things bounced across the table as he held his breath. “Seven!” The dealer shouts and Josh jumps up and down in excitement. Josh looked like a stud, but his story didn’t start there. 

Casino’s have been trying to bring more people in, but with everyone becoming more tight on their wallets, they had to expand what you could bet. You can still bet money, but they’ve now made it so you can bet your looks, your intelligence, your sexuality, even your social class. Enter Josh, a 35 year old who wanted his bet his age. It started with a hand of blackjack. He put down 5 years which would’ve made him 40, he got a blackjack and ended up becoming 25. He doubled down and won 20 years. The Casino however couldn’t age him any less than 21, so he opted to cash out his extra 16 years for looks.

It started with his muscles, the sagging skin tightened up with muscle swelling underneath. His pecs swelling as his chest lifts up. He loved every second of it. He began to bet more and more, lady luck along side him the whole way. He grew beautiful blond hair, his leg muscles strengthened, and now he has a gorgeous six pack. He started stock piling some of the amazing things, so now he gets to stay 21 for the next hundred years, he’s famous, and gorgeous.


Problem is Josh didn’t know when to quit. He was so far ahead, but then he had to try roulette. He gave up having a hairless body. When he realized he wasn’t going to win that way, he opted to bet his intelligence thinking he could maybe just double it if he bet red or black. Five spins later and the Casino cut him off. They didn’t need him drooling all over the carpet. His once above average mind now just smart enough to form simple sentences and work out. He lost his money so he had to find a job doing something else.

Good thing he got to keep his looks and stay 21 for another 100 years because working for a gay strip club is helping him rake in the dough. Unfortunately, he’s no smart enough anymore to stay away from the casinos.

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9 months ago


I was very surprised when a guy way out of my league, approached me and confessed to me. I should of suspected something was wrong when he invited me to his house but I guess, I was too pent-up and horny to think rationally. But I think it’s too late now.....

At the present moment I’m sharing a sauna with him and he seems to know everything about me. I’m sure this guy is going to sell my organs........ I was not prepared to die today... there is so much I still want to do. My God, he even know my daily schedule and personal details.... I’m definitely screwed.

Then he whispered into my ears “Don’t be afraid. Guess you still didn’t recognize me. I assure you, you are in safe hand.”


With visible confusion I replied “What?”

“Hehe.... you are as cute as ever” he replied. “U will understand soon, sit tight. “

With that he left me in the sauna confused and freaked out.


I know this could be my last chance to attempt an escape and I want to but, don’t want to at the same time. Come to think of it, there is unusual amount of steam here now but, it feels really good here...... a little nap won’t hurt right?


Huh? Why was I asleep here.... it could have been dangerous? How long have I been here? It doesn’t feel like much time has passed. There seems to be a letter in front of me, I am sure it wasn’t here before. Should I read it?


“What happened to me? My voice what happened to my voice!?”

It’s so deep and I’m totally ripped..... hard abs, huge biceps, strong pecs, a real Alpha. How is this possible, not that I’m complaining.

.... The letter, it’s from the guy who brought me here. Huh? What’s this.... His name is Rick and he attended college with me. I’m sure, I would have remembered someone that hot but I don’t remember him. I should read the letter further....

I see it now, He is was Chemistry major, small and fat.....An ideal target to bullies. I remember standing up for him; he was my roommate after all. And he has been in love with me since then and wanted to repay me.

Well I sure do love this gift (i said while flexing), I’m busting with vigor... I could probably fuck someone for days nonstop. Rick is waiting outside for me now and I can’t wait for the main course either.


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