vacuian-demon - Holding the line!
Holding the line!

Independent, clearly canon divergent and ๐Ÿ”ž rp blog for a RWBY faunus OC from Vacuo. Heavily headcanoned and canon divergent based character.

451 posts

Momo MHA

Momo MHA ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ’š

Ask Meme


๐Ÿ”For that person to be in a rough mating press. ๐Ÿ’što make it public or recorded

"Oh Lance....Please...more!" While looking for Cinder Lance took Momo with him, Japan's been celebrating it's breeding festival for a while, and while still barely showing, she was bred. She was also lusting for him, taking her arms and pulling them in he fucked her from behind, roughly as she cried out for her new master. Doing it in the middle of a park they were watched by other horny patrons who joined in their own ways.

Momo of course was embarrassed but enjoyed every thrust in her vulnerable pussy, His venerable pussy. It was sufficed to say the patrol was derailed, but Lance was still getting good training, when he finally meets cinder, he'll be able to match stamina and defeat and impregnate her. But for now. " Oh god, Yes, yes yes Lance!" He didn't mind the small harem he had.

  • nahte123456
    nahte123456 liked this · 4 months ago

More Posts from Vacuian-demon

4 months ago

Pyrrha Nikos perfect for cheating ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ’™

Ask Meme

@nahte123456/ @salemdominance

๐Ÿ”For that person to be in a rough mating press.๐Ÿ’™for cheating/NTR

"Grrrh yes yes! Fuck me with that faunus cock!" Pyrrha cried out wrapping her legs around Lance's waist as he slam fucked her into oblivion- their moans echoing through the palace. The last thing he remembered was she walked in on him trying to take care of himself and she was pulled in and pinned down almost instantly, she wasn't much to fight it, part of him felt she wanted this to happen the way she smiled as he pinned her.

"You're so much better than that blonde asshole!" She pleaded for his cum and for his cock as after hours he came into her and claimed her right there. It didn't help that he was still ripe in his heat when Nora walked in too and the three fucked so loud the boys could hear in the next room. "Pyrrha, Norra!" Lance panted out making them moan deep into the night.

Nowadays it's rare to see them apart.

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4 months ago

3-way play with Shego and Bonnie, but Kim gets a recording? Or just Kim alone?

Sendย โ€œ3-Way Play: __ + __โ€ and Give the names of 2 other Muses for My Museโ€™s thoughts on a Threesome with them!

@nahte123456 mention

"I fell like that's not really a threesome if it's three girls and myself. This bonnie is not very impressive- seems more like she'd be on the level with one of the servants around the palace. Shego." (What a name) he thought. "She's something! Very attractive, what are the humans feeding each other in Kim's world? Everyone is so curvy, and or voluptuous." Then again humans were only for breeding after all.

He'd clear his throat trying to keep composed. "I can be convince in a three or four way, Kim wants a solo recording yes? I assume I would use that to tease others; maybe I can show it to Shego or Pyrrha to get them excited. Why not I can see the fun in it all." Lance would cock a very rare smile.

"But where does shego...go?" Lance asked.

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4 months ago

Send me a โ€œ~โ€ for my museโ€™s reaction to yours sliding their arms around my museโ€™s waist and kissing them. ~Mila~Rose~ Bleach?

Send me a "~" for my muse's reaction to yours sliding their arms around my muse's waist and kissing them.


Lance knew not who this person was, or what she was, she looked like a human but had bone like structures on her body, he was found by her after falling into her world- and for w while he was healing in...wherever this place was, looked like grey sand and darkness. Still he wondered why she helped him.

Then she wrapped her arms around him from behind and kissed him. "Miss Mila, we can't-" She planted another on his lips- it was as soon as she pulled away he was slam fucking her into the bed, truly a weak constitution when he was in heat, it was almost useless to resist when that happened, he was easily wrapped around others fingers.

He never did return home, but he did make a new one for himself.

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4 months ago

Live with them I guess.

vacuian-demon - Holding the line!

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4 months ago

Lance was not the confused one, slow blinking at her like she had too heads, though it was hard to tell from his unchanging expression.

They'll move spots to a shady tree where Lance made them makeshift chairs out of rocks he carved with his sword; after sitting infront of her he'd ask again.

"So you haven't heard of Vacuo even?" He was starting to put two and two together about where the portal actually took him. Planting his sword before him he'd answer her other question. "The Ashfords have a power passed down from generation to generation that allows them to summon- including myself, my mother can do it, my grandmother can do it as well as my sister." He put a hand on his chest and a white light would shine fort but he would not summon him.

"My summon is called Falcor, a mighty owl like creature though he has some physical differences." A smile would form on his face. "I remember when I first met him, we were both young, small, he is my oldest ally and my best friend."

She looked at him confused, 'summoned', what does he mean by that as she kept on listening to what he had to say, more confused when he mentioned his family name twice, what is this 'Ashford' family he speaks off as she rubbed the back of her head "I am sorry, but what do you mean by 'Summoned' and 'Ashford Family'?" She asked while tilting her head

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