Oct 024 - Tumblr Posts

4 months ago

"3-way play: Kushina + Konan

Let's say a certain swordsman got stuck in the ninja world and could only helplessly stay and repopulate the rain village ninja~

Send “3-Way Play: __ + __” and Give the names of 2 other Muses for My Muse’s thoughts on a Threesome with them!

@itashiro-hitsuchiha mention

"I heard of this Kushina, she is rather energetic no? Might be a bit too much for me personally. As for this Konan, she runs this village in the rain? While I would rather not be trapped I am open but neutral to pursuing knowledge of these two before I get sucked dry. I'd like to know my rate of survivability first."

Lance would state calmy

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4 months ago

"3-way play: Rangiku + Orihime "

Send “3-Way Play: __ + __” and Give the names of 2 other Muses for My Muse’s thoughts on a Threesome with them!

@nahte123456 mention

"Those are...Ahem, rather large chest." Lance is secretly a boob and thigh man so of course these ladies were doing it for him, but he could see in the ....'innocent' one's eyes a animalistic lust that could only be rivaled by him in heat. And that was to mention the other one who looked like she'd drain a man in seconds.

"I'd be willing to if I got to live to see my children."

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4 months ago


Ask Meme


🔝For that person to be in a rough mating press.

Add ❤️to add breeding

Lance didn't know who this woman was but after the defeat of Salem this woman came next, throwing around demands and orders, calling mortals beneath her- she reminded him alot of Salem herself, so she should join her in-

He pinned her down fucking her deep in her pussy, her moans echoed around the room as she would occasionally get out empty threats between a sharp moan or cry out of pleasure. Passed out next to her was a passed out and full of cum cinder- soon to be this Senjumaru's fate as well, eventually the demands stopped and there she was begging for the fat black faunus cock she denouced.

Two weeks later

Lance walked into his room- turning on the lights after a long day dealing with grimm and bandits. "I am home." He called out, curled up together were Salem and Senjumaru both properly bred and ready to please their master. They welcomed him with open arms.

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4 months ago

Pyrrha Nikos perfect for cheating 🔝💙

Ask Meme

@nahte123456/ @salemdominance

🔝For that person to be in a rough mating press.💙for cheating/NTR

"Grrrh yes yes! Fuck me with that faunus cock!" Pyrrha cried out wrapping her legs around Lance's waist as he slam fucked her into oblivion- their moans echoing through the palace. The last thing he remembered was she walked in on him trying to take care of himself and she was pulled in and pinned down almost instantly, she wasn't much to fight it, part of him felt she wanted this to happen the way she smiled as he pinned her.

"You're so much better than that blonde asshole!" She pleaded for his cum and for his cock as after hours he came into her and claimed her right there. It didn't help that he was still ripe in his heat when Nora walked in too and the three fucked so loud the boys could hear in the next room. "Pyrrha, Norra!" Lance panted out making them moan deep into the night.

Nowadays it's rare to see them apart.

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4 months ago

Momo MHA 🔝💚

Ask Meme


🔝For that person to be in a rough mating press. 💚to make it public or recorded

"Oh Lance....Please...more!" While looking for Cinder Lance took Momo with him, Japan's been celebrating it's breeding festival for a while, and while still barely showing, she was bred. She was also lusting for him, taking her arms and pulling them in he fucked her from behind, roughly as she cried out for her new master. Doing it in the middle of a park they were watched by other horny patrons who joined in their own ways.

Momo of course was embarrassed but enjoyed every thrust in her vulnerable pussy, His venerable pussy. It was sufficed to say the patrol was derailed, but Lance was still getting good training, when he finally meets cinder, he'll be able to match stamina and defeat and impregnate her. But for now. " Oh god, Yes, yes yes Lance!" He didn't mind the small harem he had.

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4 months ago

Send me a “~” for my muse’s reaction to yours sliding their arms around my muse’s waist and kissing them. ~Mila~Rose~ Bleach?

Send me a "~" for my muse's reaction to yours sliding their arms around my muse's waist and kissing them.


Lance knew not who this person was, or what she was, she looked like a human but had bone like structures on her body, he was found by her after falling into her world- and for w while he was healing in...wherever this place was, looked like grey sand and darkness. Still he wondered why she helped him.

Then she wrapped her arms around him from behind and kissed him. "Miss Mila, we can't-" She planted another on his lips- it was as soon as she pulled away he was slam fucking her into the bed, truly a weak constitution when he was in heat, it was almost useless to resist when that happened, he was easily wrapped around others fingers.

He never did return home, but he did make a new one for himself.

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4 months ago

"3-way play: Kim + Monique"

Send “3-Way Play: __ + __” and Give the names of 2 other Muses for My Muse’s thoughts on a Threesome with them!

@nahte123456 mention

"I do like the looks of both women, especially Miss Possible, I wonder if it's possible to take in every inch of my cock for her? These are two premium beauties so I can see myself in the middle of a tussle with the ladies." Lance would rub his chin with a slow nod before answering further.

"I'd say a yes to this, a very enthusiastic yes!"

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4 months ago

"3-way play: Fem Byleth+ Petra"

Send “3-Way Play: __ + __” and Give the names of 2 other Muses for My Muse’s thoughts on a Threesome with them!

@nahte123456 mention

The green haired one reminds you alot of your own family and bloodline, she is fair, cute but not as interesting to you as her friend.

"I like this Petra, and if I'll be spreading my genes, it should be with a capable fighter and partner for strong children, our future is in the children after all." He looked at Petra's curves, Byleth's attractive as well but next to Petra is hard to pay attention to the other, but from what he's been informed Byleth would give him good offspring as well.

It's still a 9/10 would of been better if that woman with the hat was added, but it was still a strong score.

"I can see it, yes I'd go for it."

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4 months ago

3-way play with Shego and Bonnie, but Kim gets a recording? Or just Kim alone?

Send “3-Way Play: __ + __” and Give the names of 2 other Muses for My Muse’s thoughts on a Threesome with them!

@nahte123456 mention

"I fell like that's not really a threesome if it's three girls and myself. This bonnie is not very impressive- seems more like she'd be on the level with one of the servants around the palace. Shego." (What a name) he thought. "She's something! Very attractive, what are the humans feeding each other in Kim's world? Everyone is so curvy, and or voluptuous." Then again humans were only for breeding after all.

He'd clear his throat trying to keep composed. "I can be convince in a three or four way, Kim wants a solo recording yes? I assume I would use that to tease others; maybe I can show it to Shego or Pyrrha to get them excited. Why not I can see the fun in it all." Lance would cock a very rare smile.

"But where does shego...go?" Lance asked.

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4 months ago

Smash or Pass

Ann winks and spins, not wearing anything under her skirt.

Smash Or Pass

Send Smash or Pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person.


This one looks like she was made for Black cock, she also has a very similar power to the one his family possessed- she seemed fun so he'd nod to himself before he made the full decision.

"Smash/Breed, and it will happen soon."

He'd love to pull on that hair while giving her expert backshots all the while.

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4 months ago

Smash or Pass

Samui has a mission to breed with Lance

Smash Or Pass

Send Smash or Pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person.


"Pass. She does not interest me as much as her redheaded friend." She seemed like just an impressive chest and nothing more. His mother did want him to continue the family name and have kids to further the bloodline, but this raikage they had also seemed to wanna keep powerful bloodlines to himself.

For now Lance be keeping his baby batter.

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4 months ago


Orihime dreams of mating press on the beach!

vacuian-demon - Holding the line!

send 👀 + a dirty thought and/or fantasy your muse has had about mine. let's see how my muse responds.


"I suppose I can oblige, my family has a private beach that we can try that on, however if I am in heat you can not blame me for being too...insatiable." He'd cough into his hand trying to play off the fact that his family was super horny.

This human as well seemed like a well built human equipped with unreasonably curvy assets

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4 months ago

Smash or Pass

Glynda thinking she wants to take you to her office for rough breeding.

Smash Or Pass

Send Smash or Pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person.


"Smash, if I must - it's not like she's doing much waiting for Beacon to get fixed up, she could have help fixing up beacon or make some good soldiers for Vacuo- more importantly." He'd follow her back to her office but she wouldn't be leaving any time soon and students could hear the wall slamming sex they were having.

Smash Or Pass

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4 months ago


Mitsuru wants a romantic date before taking him home and having her first anal.

send 👀 + a dirty thought and/or fantasy your muse has had about mine. let's see how my muse responds.


Anal is boring, what was fun was to have wall slamming cervix sex, sex that risked making babies was more fun- he'd give her that Anal but he'd give much much more vaginal


"It is surprising how much we have in common, and while I don't have much interest in humans this one is....very alluring in many ways." Humans broke the mold when they made this one. "You will have to get the jaws of life to pry my tongue from out of her pussy." Lance stated, very firm unlike he usually is.

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4 months ago


Cheating on Jaune and getting knocked up on a live stream for her cuck fans.

vacuian-demon - Holding the line!

send 👀 + a dirty thought and/or fantasy your muse has had about mine. let's see how my muse responds.

@nahte123456 / @salemdominance

"Oh. You want the blonde boy to bear witness to your seeding? Among many other of your fans that call you the invincible girl?" That would include that Schnee girl, it be nice to take the pair of her and the blond down a peg honestly.

"Very well, I will not stop till you are moaning my name and the camera lens starts to fog up."

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4 months ago

Sorry to bother you but the Rules tag in Tag dump #1 just takes me back to Tag dump #1 instead of your rules list.

Anonymous ask

//You're not bothering me at all for that. I deleted my mobile rules and plan on rewriting the post in the morning due to additions and some information I wanted to properly portray on both mobile and hard rules pages. As soon as I wake up and come back from work I'll A. post the rules as it's own post with the rules tag and update those rules as well.

For quick ease here's a small rundown before bed.

1.) Don’t be a dick (that’s my job/JK)

2) There will be NO interaction with users under the age of 18

3.) No god-modding (i.e. my character can do this because, fuck you)

4.) Crossover and obviously OC friendly

5.) This is a hobby, so I reserve the right to drop threads but I'll make sure I inform you as I hope you'd do for me

6.) Any questions, ask. Inbox is always open

7) Please respect both Mun and Muse

8.) Lewd under readmore

9.) There are certain narratives that are 100% banned from being written within here. these narratives are as follows: incest, pedophilia, grooming, abuse, mass shootings, rape, sexual harassment, sexual assault, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and antisemitism.

10.) Straight rps only, no M/M

11.)  I don’t believe in holding grudges and I’m pretty understanding if you wish to drop a thread or a ship - there’s a multitude of reasons why and I completely get that and try my best to be understanding about it - with that being said, if you do wish to drop a thread or a ship or any sort pre-plotted thing we had going on, please let me know in private beforehand - I’m not a mind reader and this isn’t exactly the sort of thing I like to be surprised with.  I would do the same for you and as I said, there are no hard feelings or grudges on my end, I just appreciate being told privately beforehand.

12. Two week rule applies for ongoing threads, if I haven't replied then, please poke me.

13. I only rp on my blog, not on discord; sorry.

Rules would be added, as needed;

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4 months ago

Do you do RP on Discord or IM on tumblr? I didn't see anything about it in the rules you posted and wanted to know.

Anonymous ask

Do You Do RP On Discord Or IM On Tumblr? I Didn't See Anything About It In The Rules You Posted And Wanted

// No sorry, Discord is for OOC chatting and IM/DM's are for planning, after all I put alot of work into the blog to go on discord and rp. Never really liked the formatting on discord for rping.

So sorry but not really sorry, I rp solely on the blog created. And again the rules are being updated. //

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