vacuian-demon - Holding the line!
Holding the line!

Independent, clearly canon divergent and 🔞 rp blog for a RWBY faunus OC from Vacuo. Heavily headcanoned and canon divergent based character.

451 posts

SendRAIL ME!!! And My Muse Will Shove Their Cock Into Your Muse And Begin To Fuck Them Silly.

Send “RAIL ME!!!” and my muse will shove their cock into your muse and begin to fuck them silly.

Remember to specify muse for multi-muse blogs!

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More Posts from Vacuian-demon

6 months ago

Lance would scratch his chin at that question- it was just a weeks provisions that they had on them and the tents were for if they couldn't make it to the next town in time. He'd look to her quizzically. "What would you prefer?" He was open to suggestions as they started their journey, it was better to be overly prepared than under prepared; as his father told him.

Maybe one tent could work? But he didn't want to overstep his boundaries and make her sleep in a small tent, it was a contingency if they got lost on the road or were short making it to them.

She asked him to hold on, coming back after a while- she produced a cane, a wooden, one- she must of stopped floating every now and then, so she could keep herself exercised, made sense. You wouldn't want them to atrophied, its why he didn't always keep flying on Falcor. So he didn't skip out on keeping himself healthy and ready. Putting a firm grip on his sword he'd nod to her, leaving one of the tents behind, but keeping the extra sleeping bag in the event he needed to sleep outside the tent.

"Let us go." And off then went, him on a journey outside his world along with new companions.

I Think They Would Enjoy That. You Two Share Similar Backgrounds. A Nod. So Did She In A Way. Sothis

“I think they would enjoy that. You two share similar backgrounds.” A nod. So did she in a way. Sothis didn’t entirely partake in the whole mercenary aspect, she traveled with them throughout all of Fodlan. It was a great learning experience, something she wouldn’t mind going through again. Even if some living situations were not up to her standards.. well, the group was her family as well. Her first found family, in a way.

Her blush deepened when her hand was taken and kissed. Truly what a gentleman! He was raised right. His parents did a splendid job! If they were to start a relationship? She didn’t mind at all. She liked Lance already. A great spirit, a good personality. So wondered if he was someone to truly rely one. He seemed as such but didn’t want to fully assume. “I would not mind,” she murmured. She did jump right into things, regardless what it was. Just how she functioned.

The greenette didn’t linger too long with her children, however much she wanted to. The three mercenaries hadn’t been here too long, her reunion with her children and grandchild was short and sweet but this was not a permanent goodbye. She’ll be back. Just.. at an unknown time. So turned back to Lance, and once their gathered materials are in hand, she peered up at him. “Do we need all of this? My earlier travels we didn’t have nearly as much but a larger group. You often spend time away from home? Or, ah, your tower?” Yes they were traveling and should be prepared but.. hm.

There’s a pause before they truly set out. Sothis hadn’t been separated from Byleth for over a day, and this trip would be longer than that. Plus, with how her legs had (not) been cooperating.. she told him to wait and dashed towards her room. She came back rather quickly, in hand was a floral embossed walking cane. Just in case.

“Alright, ready.”

I Think They Would Enjoy That. You Two Share Similar Backgrounds. A Nod. So Did She In A Way. Sothis

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6 months ago

playfight starters!!

“ come back here! ”

“ get over here! ”

“ i’ll never tell! ”

“ don’t tickle me! ”

“ just tell me! ”

“ do it or i’ll…i’ll… ”

“ i’ll tickle you if you don’t! “

“ okay, okay, you win! “

“ i suggest a duel to help settle who does the dishes tonight. “

“ let the water-balloon fight commence! “

“ let the pillow fight commence! “

“ you’re going down! “

“ oh, it’s on! “

“ come over here and make me! “

“ i’ll never give in! “

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6 months ago

She was right he didn't know where he was going, frankly he only knew that he flew west. He wasn't bad at directions, just getting out of buildings he never seen before. He could follow by scent if he was nearby; he's smirk before revealing his second eye.

This eye glowed with a golden rune over his violet eye. "Falcor has some interesting abilities as one is to lock his gaze, gaze locking allows him to place a magical tracker on something and be able to see it regardless of distance- my eye shall lead us, glow when it gets closer." He'd push hair back into his eye. "Beyond that like any prey, we seek information out in the next location. Rowe is due to our direction." He had a plan at the very least.

"Who needs horses, when you can have Falcors. I should save him if we need him however." He needed to recharge him with a meal every time he'd use him, he could keep the creature out all day and night, but once dismissed, it was unavailable to him till he ate a hearty meal, They'd start walking.

An hour in there was already trouble.

"HEEELP, HEEELP, HELP ME!" A young man was stuck in a tree, by his overalls, struggling. Above him was a canonball? And aimed towards the tree was a canon, some environmental story telling if any.

Lance would walk up to the tree so see if he could help.

At The Inquiry Sothis Paused. Oh. She Didnt Know. To Her One Should Travel Light If Possible. Any Added

At the inquiry Sothis paused. Oh. She didn’t know. To her one should travel light if possible. Any added weight could bring them down, or slow them in traveling. Right? Wasn’t one tent enough? Now she’s second guessing herself, which wasn’t good at all. “I.. don’t know.” A simple answer but more of an honest one she can make. She shook her head. She’s over thinking it.

But she did take note he left behind one of the tents. They can share. Sothis knew she wouldn’t sleep very well in her own, by herself. She’ll probably sleep with Lance anyway. He seemed comfortable. If that was okay with him, of course.

“D’you know where you even want to go? Your ah, realm partner could be anywhere by now.” Unless there were obvious signs in the making. The guy seemed.. angry. Oh she should’ve gone after him straightaway. Wasn’t it her job to keep her lands safe? Yet wasn’t it what they were doing right now? A bit conflicting in the end. So shook her head to clear those thoughts and gripped her cane. Which may or may not be needed.

“At least traveling is nice.. mostly. When horses are not in the picture.”

At The Inquiry Sothis Paused. Oh. She Didnt Know. To Her One Should Travel Light If Possible. Any Added

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6 months ago

Sinday. What is it good for?

Sinday. What Is It Good For?

Send me an icon and you’ll get…

🥃  An intoxicated, dirty thought my muse has had about yours.

🖋️ A poem or some adoring words my muse would write to yours. Which they may or may not ever show anyone at the end.

📷 my muse’s reaction to finding a picture depicting your muse in a sensual pose.

📕 On my muse reading a spicy fanfiction depicting our characters. 

🗝️ On my muse finding yours in a compromising position.

🔗 My muse tormenting yours in an alluring manner.

6 months ago

"Ha ha, no no. Falcor is no owl on my planet- they tend to look like normal owls, as you can tell, he has three eyes and a club scaled tail- it's just what I dubbed it. when Ashford's unlock their semblances, their summons just come to them like they been with them for their whole lives." As if perfect timing a bird flew through the air.

"Once I saw him, and his little chubby cheeks, I saw a valiant warrior- in my Homeland Falcor is the name of a mighty legendary dragon- we know not it being myth or real but Falcor is like a legendary dragon. I assume it was that way for all summons, even down to the first Ashford who summoned." He'd then point to the turtle symbol on his back. It became their family symbol, depicting a mighty sea tortoise with a city on it's back.

The young boy smiled at them both with his mouth agape. "I have no idea what you're talking about, but my names Morgan- and thank you so much for helping." He'd bow to them both. "Oh, I gotta check on Betsy!" He ran over to his canon. "My village is just beyond these woods, follow me!"

Lance would nod to Sothis. "Are you okay? We'll be to the next village soon but if you are tired or hungry , please let me know." He'd also offer his shoulder if she wanted to sit on it and rest for a bit. Lance let the silence sit for a while. "My mother's the only summoner we don't know what it is, we never seen the entire thing- it looks like a mighty ship, a massive vessel that traverses the vacuain sands...and it is accompanied by large metallic hands and arms, summons are are complex as their worries me. Mother has spend her whole life protecting the lands, and I worry the metallic vessel is a sign of her individuality waning..." He gripped his sword firmly.

Oh. I Thought Falcor Was The Name Of The, Ah, Species. Though It Made Sense It Was Just Its Name. Sothis

“Oh. I thought Falcor was the name of the, ah, species.” Though it made sense it was just its name. Sothis listened to him speak, and nodded. So there’s just a wide variety of animals, that also makes sense. She’s about to inquire further when Lance took out his sword - but it wasn’t a normal sword. No, it bore great resemblance to the Sword of the Creator, that cursed sword made from her very spine -

The greenette watched the saving act, her thoughts thankfully put on hold. A tilt of the head. Monsters. Could it be the very ones that the students get sent out to fight? The terrible tragedy of people turned monstrosity? She wondered so she had to see for herself. If that was the case. They were in for quite a battle.

“Yes, that is fine. We should take care of the monsters of this area, to cleanse it.” Another nod. She turned her attention onto the stranger. “Show is your village. I will be pleased to report back to my children that this area will soon be clean of monsters and attacks.” As she loved the life of a mercenary, she knew most, if not all, of the villages in the last two decades. “What is your name?”

Oh. I Thought Falcor Was The Name Of The, Ah, Species. Though It Made Sense It Was Just Its Name. Sothis

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