|] A Daemon And Dragon [| - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

|] A Daemon and Dragon [|

closed rp with @fodlansbestmom

There he was, locked in heated combat with a bandit leader attacking his home, with his sister and other family on the way to them. The group would be ran out of his home soon. It wasn't uncommon for Lance's family to fight man when they weren't fighting monsters.

He was locked in heated combat with the bandit leader- a blond haired man with shades, summoning a dragon capable or portal making. And that's just what it did! Sensing the battle going south, said leader would call upon his power to make a vortex to another world.

Lance's family would catch up, him turning his head as they started dealing with the other bandits. "I'm going after him, hold down the forth till then!" and like a bat out of hell, he was gone. There they were darting and fighting said leader, slowly wearing him and his creature down. Soon they'd arrive in a forest- wherever they were didn't matter. "Stay out of my home bandit!" Charging the pair, the dragon beat it;s wings knocking them into a area with a monastery.

He scared a handful a kids with his owl, Falcor fought long and hard, but was too tired to keep fighting, vanishing into the ether. He'd watch his pray fly away for land. "....Great...." Lance sighed taking a break to compose himself in this, new location.

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6 months ago

Seems they were approached by...a floating short woman? It was enough to distract him from his gaze and refocus his attention back to his partner and where they were.

He'd look up at his large owl friend when she'd say beautiful, it was like calling him such, still he saw his feathered friend's head spin upside down, and the third eye dart around. He was beautiful wasn't he?

"Are you unharmed friend? They took us for fools...we'll get them back soon." Lance would finally acknowledge the woman next to him. "Where exactly IS this place Owls like my ally Falcor are a rare sight?" He'd ask her, might as well- he had no clue where he was and where to get started on his journey.

"Rest up my friend." Touching Falcor he'd be enveloped by light as well as the tailed individual's chest, the creature would vanish into light before the faunus would put his sword back in his sheathe.

It Wasnt Too Out Of The Ordinary Day At The Monastery. Students Taking Their Classes, Professors Teaching,

It wasn’t too out of the ordinary day at the monastery. Students taking their classes, professors teaching, the archbishop and right hand man going about their duties. The goddess herself just finishing up her daily rounds of visiting her children and grandchild. What better way now to spend the rest of the day finding a perfect spot for a nap?

except.. said nap will have to wait. There’s commotion outside. Sothis made her way and paused to inspect the scene. A few scared students, a stranger, and.. an owl? That was a rare bird to see! That caught her interest so she approached.

“What a beautiful Bird! Owls are not so common here,” So started, her gaze focused entirely on Falcon rather than the stranger.

It Wasnt Too Out Of The Ordinary Day At The Monastery. Students Taking Their Classes, Professors Teaching,

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6 months ago

"I don't even know where 'here' is." He looked down to her with a deadpan expression, not full of malice, or boredom but curious- his tail swishing to show the expression.

Students became to chatter, amongst themselves, he could hear it all, the strange summoning crest he must of had, crest? Bizarre- the tail he possessed, the symbol on his sword and back being unrecognizable. A couple random comments about him being handsome too. It didn't matter.

"I am Lance Ashford, of the Ashford family, I hail from Vacuo- pursuing a foe most great- He is a summoner like myself, who can use portals to travel to different realms. I must capture him for my family and use his power to return home." He was candid and forward with his mission, he needed to be, lying could make things worse; and at the very least people wouldn't believe the 'realm' bit.

Sothis Stared. A.. Third Eye? That Certainly Was Unusual, But The Bird Still Was Beautiful. Shes About

Sothis stared. A.. third eye? That certainly was unusual, but the bird still was beautiful. She’s about to remark more, until.. the creature just disappeared? A blink. A second blink. A tilt of the head. How.. curious. Oh so curious..

”ah.. Fodlan,” she answered once she realized a question had been directed at her. Where did the bird go? A frown crossed ruby lips but she didn’t inquire about it. Not yet. She may be disappointed but..

“Clearly you are not from here.. but there are many birds here. Just not that many owls. A rarity, if you will.” A small pause. “You were.. fighting someone?”

Sothis Stared. A.. Third Eye? That Certainly Was Unusual, But The Bird Still Was Beautiful. Shes About

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6 months ago

Her fascination with his tail was a bit, embarrassing. Despite his unchanging face his cheeks still darkened. "...Ahem, if you are don't ogling it." He'd hide it under his long coat before clearing his throat.

"No." He was firm before bowing, one hand under his torso. "I plan to finish things here, he is a constant thorn in my family's side and to protect the younger members, I plan on annihilating him here." He'd turn towards the sky looking once more.

"He cannot leave without everything he brings with him, including people- he is trapped." He started walking off in a random direction, he didn't know where he was going, and now he was talking around the monastery getting stuck- going down the same hallways several times.

Very unbefitting for the demon of vacuo.

Since The Bird Was Gone, There Was New Thing To Focus On - His Tail. Emerald Hues Focused On The Gentle

Since the bird was gone, there was new thing to focus on - his tail. Emerald hues focused on the gentle swish, following every single movement. The collective chatter of the students didn’t deter or hinder her focus. Not too much, anyway.

Sothis picked up on the various voices, some she can easily tell who’s who, but her head tilted. Crest? No. This man didn’t have one. He didnt smell of one. But he did smell of something else. What, she didn’t know. Yet.

Vacuo - didn’t seem familiar at all. Yet she perked up at the mention of portals. “Oh! You can catch this fellow but I can send you back home if you’d like,” So offered up. After all it was one of her specialties.

Since The Bird Was Gone, There Was New Thing To Focus On - His Tail. Emerald Hues Focused On The Gentle

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6 months ago

"This is a semblance at work, I am trapped!" He was so glad he family wasn't here to see this, his mother would be so very disappointed, ad his father would be very indifferent- but his grandfather would be harsh, cruel even and his grandmother would disapprove of everything.

he'd sigh brushing his dark green hair from his face. "I do not plan to kill him on sacred ground with...." He looks to the side seeing students curiously stare them flee once he catches their gaze. "Youths around. I saw him fly off towards the west- he could he harming innocents as we speak." She got his promise.

"I need to find a way, out." His stomach would then growl. "Find a fruit stall to recharge Falcor and myself." He mumbled a bit before pulling his attention back to the young woman. "Regardless, there will be no murder on your hunter school- I plan on gutting him on the battlefield. " His tail flicked with low energy.

Ah. Another Wave Of Disappointment! Was He Shy About His Tail? She Also Had One! Well, Sirius Had One.

Ah. Another wave of disappointment! Was he shy about his tail? She also had one! Well, Sirius had one. Tails were beautiful, they add character, they can showcase traits of just who one is.

Hm.. Sothis listened to Lance speak. She didn’t approve of violence. Lance seemed dead set on his mission. She didn’t want any misconduct - or murder - on the sacred grounds. Things were already starting to be wonky, she didn’t want to progress anything at all.

So followed after him. There’s amusement on her face. One can’t simply walk throughout the monastery. It’s near a maze, and him wandering proved it. “I don’t think he’s here in these walls, and if you find him, I ask you not to shed blood on these grounds. You understand?”

Ah. Another Wave Of Disappointment! Was He Shy About His Tail? She Also Had One! Well, Sirius Had One.

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6 months ago

He nod to both prospects.

He wondered if they had sushi- he missed mango sauce. Of course he knew he needed food, that's why he stopped to get a meal; he'd need to buy things for the travel as well- but for now he wondered if he was even allowed to get food from here.

He pondered it. "Would that be okay? for me to do? I do not attend this schooling facilities here, would I need to do anything special to partake?" He was a good bean, always followed the rules of wherever he was at, it's how he was taught.

"Also you...who are you?" He look her over, his mysterious stalker, who spoke as if she could get him home easily, would she be willing to go with him so he had easy access once he defeated that slimy bandit villain. He introduced himself but she didn't say much on herself.

Whatever You Do, Just Promise Me It Will Be On The Field Then Here. It Is All I Ask. Its All She Thinks

“Whatever you do, just promise me it will be on the field then here. It is all I ask.” It’s all she thinks she deserves to ask. After all this monastery was hers to protect and any blood shed she can prevent, the better.

“I did offer to send you home,” Sothis pointed out. She can create tears just as this villain can. She’s about to comment more when she heard his stomach growl. Oh. Seems any of that will have to wait.

“You’re hungry. There’s a dining hall, the garden, and vendors where you can satisfy your hunger. One cannot do anything on an empty stomach, especially battle. Surely you would know that.”

Whatever You Do, Just Promise Me It Will Be On The Field Then Here. It Is All I Ask. Its All She Thinks

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6 months ago

Similar to how his own home worked for travels as well- he couldn't help feeling a little at ease here. It may not be his exact home, but was close enough while he was stuck here, a break wouldn't kill him. His mom would say otherwise, but his summon was down and they all needed food or sleep to recharge.

"I'll look at the menu and take whatever fills me up; once we get there however." He was sure he'd find something that peeked his interest once he get there. The way she talked was like she owned the play, but her...outfit betrayed that, walked around with her child bearing hips out, and a casual dress felt she either was trying to keep a low profile or was far too relaxed.

Sothis. He'd bow to Sothis, not paying attention to her calling herself a deity, after all, he earned the title 'Demon' "Nice to meet you lady sothis, Again I am Lance Ashford, and I'd love if you accompanied me to the cafeteria." A suave invitation for sure.

No? Many Civilians Come Here For One Reason Or Another. This May Be An Academy But It Also Is A Monastery,

“No? Many civilians come here for one reason or another. This may be an academy but it also is a monastery, a home to those who need it, or to those who wish to pray freely. Plus, are welcome to shop at our vendors.” This was a welcoming but sacred ground. It followed Sothis’ teachings (even correcting Rhea’s wrong teaching to better fit her own).

”Besides, I will allow it. My word is final.” A nod. If anyone protested, she’ll shut them down. Even if she had no hand in building this place, she had full authority - more so than her own daughter. “Is that what you want, to eat in the dining hall? Or simply visit the market place?”

A pause. Oh. She hadn’t introduced herself had she? How rude of her! Ah, but she’d been distracted! Quite so. “I am Sothis, the goddess of all.” Another nod. A vague title but it was true. She created this world and the next, and everything in between.

No? Many Civilians Come Here For One Reason Or Another. This May Be An Academy But It Also Is A Monastery,

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6 months ago

Lance noticed her gaze, he still needed to ask her how she was floating, maybe she was a faunus like himself? No there was something different about her scent. "Uh, is there something on my face?" He'd ask, maybe he got nicked in the fight? She moved on quickly however making it easier on him.

"Very well, I will follow you." he's smirk following behind himself, he heard someone mention a 'Gautier Cheese Gratin' Sounded good. He think he'd try that when they get there.

Lance would chuckle a little, seems she was looking for an excuse for getting food as well, he marched on behind her- a desert huh? He prefers more savory hearty meals when he eats, and it's probably because when he needs to recharge he really needs to recharge. They'd arrive at the cafeteria, with tons of students, some curious at the tailed man, and some already spreading rumors about his powers and skill. Even in another world he had notoriety.

Sothis Watched Him, A Smile On Her Lips. He Really Did Have His Manners, When It Came Down To It, And

Sothis watched him, a smile on her lips. He really did have his manners, when it came down to it, and it’s something to be appreciated. She hovered closer to Lance, eyes shifted upon his features. There’s only curiosity still in her eyes.

“Mm. I shall accompany you. After all I have done all my duties for the day.” Even though a goddess’ work was never, ever done, there’s only so much she can do while “recovering”.

“I believe they have sorbet today, I smelled something delicious as I passed earlier,” So commented, more to herself than to him. With the thought of food in mind, she turned to float towards the dining hall. She’s hungry. And she didn’t make sure Lance was following behind.

Sothis Watched Him, A Smile On Her Lips. He Really Did Have His Manners, When It Came Down To It, And

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6 months ago

Now that he thought about it, it wasn't unusual for him to get gawked at, back home he seemed to have earned many woman's affection - though he didn't seem to know why. He was so focused on protection that he didn't realize the looks he got till now. Still as obvious as ever, he brushed it off as maybe looking tired.

He walked with her...or rather against her since she was hovering, her pace quickened when they got closer, reminded him of his little sister, it made him smile; she also loved food and sweets.

"That's a good question; I heard a student mention 'Gautier Cheese Gratin'? That sounds tasty." He wondered if they had any, and luckily they did! He'd thank the people who gave it to him with a deep bow, something his parents instilled in him as nobility. "This is refreshing, I normally eat alone. So I scant get the chance to eat among people." His parents normally ate in their own room, and his sister was at a hunter academy, not to mention his grandparents and cousins as well; so it was lonely. His tail wagged excited to share this.

Huh? No, I Dont See Anything In Your Face. Nothing Out Of The Ordinary. He Was Just Pretty. Did He Not

“Huh? No, I don’t see anything in your face. Nothing out of the ordinary.” He was just pretty. Did he not like being looked at? Or rather, stared at? Probably not. She’ll try not to do so in the future. Half the time she just.. stares without realizing.

Sothis quickened her pace the closer they came to the dining hall. She’d smelled the aroma from far away and it’s then she realized she hadn’t eaten all day. Which didn’t matter, she didn’t need to eat. But she enjoyed the concept, the act of it. Especially if there were delicious scents accompanying it.

The students chatter once again didn’t deter her at all. She heard them, but it’s like static. So glanced over at Lance with a smile and indeed they got sorbet! She picked up a bowlful. “What were you thinking of getting? There’s plenty of options. They rotate on the daily.”

Huh? No, I Dont See Anything In Your Face. Nothing Out Of The Ordinary. He Was Just Pretty. Did He Not

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6 months ago

He was already digging in, it's popular eh? He could understand why, it was good, the flavor profile was prefect, he thinks he might have a new favorite! He'd nod to her. "Indeed, my family is normally busy...we are also raised to defend several points around our home- so we're usually at those locations." He had his team that worked with him, but he never ate with them.

He'd look up, someone to eat with here. He suppose he was eating with her, a smile would grace his lips. "Do you normally eat with someone?" Maybe one of her allies could join them at some point, he'd love to learn more about this place while stuck here. he'd silently thank her, so she could enjoy her food without pause before segmenting off parts of his.

He'd spare a little and spoonful some and offer for her to try it. "Would you like to try some?" He wasn't aware of what he was doing. Accidently looking like he was feeding a lover, he was just trying to be

Oh! A Popular Dish. I Havent Had One Before. Theres Meat Inside, But The Cheese Is Pretty Good, She Told

“Oh! A popular dish. I haven’t had one before. There’s meat inside, but the cheese is pretty good,” she told him with a nod. Regardless it smelled good like most other dishes, and she’s heard good reviews. After all, least half the students enjoyed it. So it really can’t be too bad, right?

”You normally eat alone?” So frowned at that. Some favorite being alone, yes, but eating was one of those moments best shared in company! It could be an intimate moment. “Well worry not! You can always find a companion to dine with. There’s always someone here. Either prepping or baking or simply taking a snack.” Like her with the latter.

But before she went to sit down, she added a bowl of fruit so it wasn’t just sweets shes delving in. Sothis finds a seat, kind of away from everyone, with a spot beside her for Lance. And she delved in the fruit.

Oh! A Popular Dish. I Havent Had One Before. Theres Meat Inside, But The Cheese Is Pretty Good, She Told

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6 months ago

"To a degree, we protect the city in several point towers- so we're busy with those. My family have the ability to summon so we're valued fighters and protectors from monsters and bandits. Mom and Dad stay together, As do grandma and grandpa- but my cousins, uncles, aunts and my sister all occupy other towers." He'd explain using his own Sorbet- as a based for a town in the middle, and the utensils as protection points.

"By? And you are a mother? You look great if for true- healthy and young." He'd chuckle, so this was what people did during dinner- it was nice, to be...normal. It was fascinating, thrilling even. He was curious to know about her family or friends.

He noticed her not wanting to eat it, maybe she didn't like meat, that was fair, he'd take the rest, he'd have to ask her later, He'd look down at his meal with a satisfied gaze. "I'll be frank Sothis, I'm having a great time! This experience will stay with me for a long time, I don't get to spend time with my family often- sans the battlefield, so it's nice to just....talk- I cannot believe people just do this normally." Finishing off his meal he'd give her his sorbet as thanks.

You Are Separated? So That Meant Less Time For Family. Interaction And Time Spent With Family Is Quite

“You are separated?” So that meant less time for family. Interaction and time spent with family is quite important. However some home life was not the best, some students can attest to that and she can understand, but it’s the why she doesn’t understand. It wasn’t her business, of course, but she’s just.. she wants to know.

“Of course! It’s best to eat with someone. If people are busy then I will choose to dine alone, or find an animal companion to share time with.” A nod. She popped some juicy fruit into her mouth. “I generally eat with By, or one of my children or grandchild.” Those were her instant choices of course but if they were busy, she’ll pick someone else. She wasn’t particularly choosy who.

Sothis blinked at the offered spoonful. Eyes flickered between the food and Lance’s face then back again. “Ah.. thank you, but I can smell the meat from here. If it was something else, I would accept.” Though.. she did lean in to lick at the cheese that was on top of the portioned food. Very cheesy but faint taste of the meat it was mixed with. Hrmph.

You Are Separated? So That Meant Less Time For Family. Interaction And Time Spent With Family Is Quite

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6 months ago

He'd pause, listening closely to her as she asked him about his life, a silent and soft gaze at her before returning to the display.

"No, we each lead a platoon of hunters- over one hundred each, if the enemy tries running past one, one of each point can react, for example, me and my grandmother's points are next to each other. She can attack and block advances if I do not notice or I'm occupied by another point. He summon Agrro- is a divine unicorn with a sniper rifle for the horn- even at her age, she still never misses a shot." He wouldn't know if she wouldn't know what that is, but he used a fork and spoon to make a ballista.

"My family is big, it is widely encouraged that because of how powerful our powers are, to have children as soon as possible."

Best friend...he'd cock his head at that, wondering what it was. It was on his face, what WAS a best friend? He could make a few educated guesses, but he was wildly confused. then she said the second thing 'Thousand babies!? Ah surely a jest- that would tear her in twain, or she would need to be banging consistently and have constantly quintuplets. Still- he sympathize with her. "I am sorry, Having any of your children at all, to share love is still commendable...a lesser person would crumble- and they'd be justified as well. Yet you stay, and you founded this- and you persevered."

Lance would chuckle, looking to her with a wry smile. "I always got it for you, I'm not much of a fan of sweets-I'm into more savory and spicy foods, personally. Please, enjoy!" He'd finish off his dish with glee, evident on his tail.

Sothis Hadnt Expected A Visual Demonstration To Be Added But It Certainly Was A Nice Touch. She Followed

Sothis hadn’t expected a visual demonstration to be added but it certainly was a nice touch. She followed a bit easier when Lance used the sorbet and she nodded in understanding. Towers can hold significance in a line of defense. High view point, ranged attacks, quicker alarm warning if need be. But to have his family all separated like that. “Issit just your family who are in these towers? Are you the sole protectors of your home?” If so, then it may be more dire to send him back sooner than later. But he didn’t seem to be in too much a hurry. Maybe his family can survive without his extra eyes in the towers? Hm.

”By is my, ah.. best friend? And a new professor here. But yes, I am a mother. Have been for eons.” A smile crossed her lips at the compliment. One really couldn’t tell she was. Sothis always had such a youthful appearance, not as mature look as her original body but still pretty similar overall. “It’s depressing with the thought. I had over a thousand babies, a millennia ago.. and now only four remain.” She won’t specify why such a dramatic change in number but her expression did darken a bit. Did she know all the details? No. Had she heard about it? Vaguely. Was she depressed about it nonetheless? Extremely. How would a mother not be so heartbroken about that..?

”I can’t believe it is not normal for some. Even traveling as a mercenary the past two decades we managed to eat together. Not everyone gathered around a fire type way, but in small groups. Something about it just.. seems for granted?” Something someone might not think about in a way. She’s about to comment further when the second bowl of sorbet was offered. Sothis blinked. Well she wasn’t going to say no.

“You don’t want it?” She’ll take it but was the dessert just not wanted anymore or..? She cant fathom him just want passing it for that reason.

Sothis Hadnt Expected A Visual Demonstration To Be Added But It Certainly Was A Nice Touch. She Followed

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6 months ago

Lance would cough, trying to explain what it was to her...his hands absentmindedly trying to measure as he did math in his head. He'd turn to her after he figured a way that she'd understand. "It's like a portable canon you can take anywhere and it's not heavy."

The demon would shake his head. "I've yet to find love I feel...substantial- I want to love to love, not to just make a child. I want someone who challenges me and I get along with, someone who will stay with me after, who will love me more for than jsut my power and wealth...of course my parents don't agree..." He looked himself over. "Sides I am only of twenty-four years, I'd like more time to find that special someone I hear tales of." His look soured, thinking of how his mother tired oh so hard to force a relationship with a fan that was willing to give herself to him, but...it wasn't right.

He was happy she decided to share so much of herself with him, and share in return- even if sad it was still something. Sad. Sad that she couldn't remember her children's names, it must of been terribly traumatic.

"Indeed, the one thing I remember of my youth, was my parents together making spicy curry and sharing amongst each other; it is one passion we all share." He was glad that she enjoyed the sweet, even if it couldn't fix everything it could at least help the body. "How about this? Since you're coming to aid me, why don't we try finding ways to remember your family? Perhaps things can jog your memory?"

Sothis Stared Blankly At Lance. Half Of What He Said Made Sense. The Other.. Not So Much. Unicorn? A

Sothis stared blankly at Lance. Half of what he said made sense. The other.. not so much. Unicorn? A rifle? What? No she knew what a unicorn was - an extinct variant of horse. As for the sniper rifle.. “What’s a.. rifle?” She knew what a sniper was, a type of class of archer. Something she considered herself to be. “Never heard of that before.”

A small pause. Powerful family, have children soon as possible? That’s almost similar to how nobles thought these days. Find suitable matches, make heirs, hope there’s a crest. Which was it her intent from the start. Oh how the humans have ruined her gift for mankind! Small bubbles of anger arose but she swallowed them down. No need to get angry - yet. “Have you.. followed that path yet?” He hadn’t mentioned having any children of his own. It wasn’t her business of course but she’s curious. Oh so dreadfully curious.

Sothis put a spoonful of her sorbet into her mouth. There’s the shock. Most people are surprised to hear just how many children she’s had but wasn’t it told in history? Though.. most crests and names have been lost, from what she could tell, such as the children themselves.. “Hm.. I feel I do not bear the most weight as I don’t remember any of it. Yes the effects are still crushing but.. I can only recall a few of the names..” Brows furrowed and she briefly stopped her consummation of the sweet treat. No, try as she might, it’ll only bring headaches on. Curse amnesia!

“You got it for me?” A blink. That made her feel better in terms of eating it, so she shall, before it melts! “You enjoy spicy as well? Wonderful! A few can handle the heat here but I have yet to come across another who shares the same intake as I.”

Sothis Stared Blankly At Lance. Half Of What He Said Made Sense. The Other.. Not So Much. Unicorn? A

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6 months ago

He'd nod to her statement. "Yes, I agree- we typically have family because it is not uncommon to lose some family to Grimm attack; and rarely bandits as well. I have not have trouble with the monsters or brigands- even earning that embarrassing title.' Vacuian Demon' He fights like a demon on the battlefield...it's all I was born to do." He didn't mind fighting but he also wondered if living a normal life was possible since he did partially enjoy fighting.

Standing up to clear his plate he had to recognize that he also needed to pack provisions for the road. "I hope that special someone is just around the corner." He admitted with a small blush on his darkened cheeks.

"Well perhaps we'll find something on the road you didn't expect to be reunited with." Weapons? So she was a warrior, maybe he could take a look at some later- he assumed she could make a portal for them to return here too, or Falcor could just fly fast and be here in no time. "Are you ready to embark?" He'd hold out his hand gentlemanly to her.

Her Head Tilted. A Portable Canon? She Knew Of The Weapon But They Were Not Common, Even With Those Who

her head tilted. A portable canon? She knew of the weapon but they were not common, even with those who do not sport any magic. “Ah.. I think I understand. The only sniper I know of is the class of archer, but even then..” Sothis shook her head, some curls bouncing with the movement.

Ah. His story felt oddly similar and a certain redhead came to mind. Similar but not the same. “It is best to love for love, and not in obligation. That is the best route, I believe, but I know some are not like that. Find a suitable match for one reason or another and hope you like each other.” Arranged marriages were not her thing. Where is the freedom in that? Yet she can understand, in a way, the reasoning behind why some went that route. The nobles wanted crested heirs than not. And sacrifice the fulfilling life of love. Love was an emotion, a strong one. “I hope you find someone to love. Young as you may be, it could be nice to find a mate sooner than later. To have more memories shared..” Something she herself could, should, do.

”Spicy is so good. There are not that many homegrown spices or peppers here, most are imported from Almyra. One of the house leaders come from there. An interesting fellow.” A nod. “Ah - the only real thing that has triggered any memories is visiting the old ruins of Zanado, my home. And being reunited with my weapons. I.. am not sure what else could bring them back.”

Her Head Tilted. A Portable Canon? She Knew Of The Weapon But They Were Not Common, Even With Those Who

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6 months ago

"Strange tidings, Someone who's experienced the same thing- even down to a similar title...I'd like to meet this Byleth someday." He was looking forward to it, maybe they were the special someone- he'd dismiss that thought, wishful thinking on his part. But it made him think on his possible future, maybe a advisory or teaching role can shake off the dust of his life. "Vacuian or rather Vacuo, is the name of my home; Demon of Vacuo is another title-along with blade storm and the owl tamer."

He didn't mean literally around the corner, it was a figure of speech. He probably should of been clearer, but then she offered herself up, which surprised him, but surely she was jesting with him, teasing him mostly.

"Very well, I can gather the traveling provisions and we can meet at the gate if you do wish to be alone with them." He nodded, fully ready to head in whatever direction needed when ready.

Nothat Is Not True. Another Case Of Born Only To Be A Weapon Syndrome. Its A Terrible Mindset. Even If

“No…that is not true.” Another case of “born only to be a weapon” syndrome. It’s a terrible mindset. Even if they’re the greatest warrior on the field.. “Byleth is the same but I wish they weren’t. Before coming here, they were titled the ‘Ashen Demon’, and with good reason I agree but they don’t like it. They like it here. As a professor. There is more than to life than just.. fighting. It isn’t bad, necessarily, but.. there has to be a - a balance!” Or as much one can have. “Vacuian? Does that mean anything or just a name?”

Sothis finished off her food and stood up as well. There’s a small laugh. “Well the only one behind an actual corner, there shall be no such luck. She’s already married.” A pause then she cheekily added, “I however, am single.” She put her empty dishes in the back with the other collected dirty dishes were at.

”Possibly! There is a lot I associate with so I am not worried.” Sothis returned to Lance’s side and when he offered his hand, she took it with a smile. “Yes! But I should tell my children first. If I suddenly leave without a word, they might, ah, panic. They both are in the cathedral.”

Nothat Is Not True. Another Case Of Born Only To Be A Weapon Syndrome. Its A Terrible Mindset. Even If

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6 months ago

"Next we return here I'll make sure to play them a visit then." Lanced wondered what this person was like, he hoped they were a woman- but despite their gender he wanted to get to know someone like him, sans his family. And from the sounds of it Sothis was like a mother to them as well, she talked about them as if they were close, which made him somber for his own close ties. His sister was one as were key members of his crew.

Still he'd smile and bow to her. "My lady, who knows where this journey will take us, if you'd be satisfied with a young upstart, I'd gladly take you on your offer." Taking her hand he'd plant a kiss on it. One thing buried deep in his soul was that he loved milfs. Yet he hid that from everyone. For now, they journey, and if some nights they share a tent? He would not stop her.

"I will follow you then." He didn't want a repeat of how he got lost at the start, and even if he could just fly out now with Falcor, that would involve - trying to find the open area he landed in ; AND he didn't want to leave his new companion behind, so he belayed it, till they actually needed it. He'd follow her, leading to what he assumed were her two kids, they reminded him alot of his own parents. When they'd peer back at him, he'd bow as a sign of respect.

Once she was ready they'd head out, getting everything they needed, a couple tents, flint, and provisions, the new town would be a four day trip, and that's the location his enemy flew towards, they could probably find info there.

You Can! They Like To Meet New People But They Dont Speak Much. The Reason Why They Have Such A Title

”You can! They like to meet new people but they don’t speak much. The reason why they have such a title is because how.. emotionless they seem. They’re a fright on the field. Oh how kids grow up so fast..!” She shook her head. She basically had raised the professor even if their father was around. But what their relationship now was.. she didn’t know. It was unique, though. “How do you gain these titles? Do you have just the one? Can a single person have multiple?” So inquired. Titles were a curious thing.

So smiled sheepishly at him. Ah, she shouldn’t have said that but it came out before the words registered in her mind. Blush colored her freckled cheeks and she cleared her throat. “Thought I would offer - I never had a mate before - you can -“ She covered her mouth. Way to ramble! Oh stars.

”I’m not the best with the directions but you can come with me. It won’t take too long. That way we don’t have to worry about splitting up and trying to find each other. The grounds are rather large, after all.” She paused then took Lance’s hand, and lead him towards the cathedral where she left him at the door. Inside near an alter were two adults, the archbishop and her right hand man. Sothis approached and told them what was happening - and the two looked over their mother’s shoulders right at Lance. Before they can inquire too much the goddess came back to him.

“Now we can go!”

You Can! They Like To Meet New People But They Dont Speak Much. The Reason Why They Have Such A Title

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6 months ago

Lance would scratch his chin at that question- it was just a weeks provisions that they had on them and the tents were for if they couldn't make it to the next town in time. He'd look to her quizzically. "What would you prefer?" He was open to suggestions as they started their journey, it was better to be overly prepared than under prepared; as his father told him.

Maybe one tent could work? But he didn't want to overstep his boundaries and make her sleep in a small tent, it was a contingency if they got lost on the road or were short making it to them.

She asked him to hold on, coming back after a while- she produced a cane, a wooden, one- she must of stopped floating every now and then, so she could keep herself exercised, made sense. You wouldn't want them to atrophied, its why he didn't always keep flying on Falcor. So he didn't skip out on keeping himself healthy and ready. Putting a firm grip on his sword he'd nod to her, leaving one of the tents behind, but keeping the extra sleeping bag in the event he needed to sleep outside the tent.

"Let us go." And off then went, him on a journey outside his world along with new companions.

I Think They Would Enjoy That. You Two Share Similar Backgrounds. A Nod. So Did She In A Way. Sothis

“I think they would enjoy that. You two share similar backgrounds.” A nod. So did she in a way. Sothis didn’t entirely partake in the whole mercenary aspect, she traveled with them throughout all of Fodlan. It was a great learning experience, something she wouldn’t mind going through again. Even if some living situations were not up to her standards.. well, the group was her family as well. Her first found family, in a way.

Her blush deepened when her hand was taken and kissed. Truly what a gentleman! He was raised right. His parents did a splendid job! If they were to start a relationship? She didn’t mind at all. She liked Lance already. A great spirit, a good personality. So wondered if he was someone to truly rely one. He seemed as such but didn’t want to fully assume. “I would not mind,” she murmured. She did jump right into things, regardless what it was. Just how she functioned.

The greenette didn’t linger too long with her children, however much she wanted to. The three mercenaries hadn’t been here too long, her reunion with her children and grandchild was short and sweet but this was not a permanent goodbye. She’ll be back. Just.. at an unknown time. So turned back to Lance, and once their gathered materials are in hand, she peered up at him. “Do we need all of this? My earlier travels we didn’t have nearly as much but a larger group. You often spend time away from home? Or, ah, your tower?” Yes they were traveling and should be prepared but.. hm.

There’s a pause before they truly set out. Sothis hadn’t been separated from Byleth for over a day, and this trip would be longer than that. Plus, with how her legs had (not) been cooperating.. she told him to wait and dashed towards her room. She came back rather quickly, in hand was a floral embossed walking cane. Just in case.

“Alright, ready.”

I Think They Would Enjoy That. You Two Share Similar Backgrounds. A Nod. So Did She In A Way. Sothis

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6 months ago

She was right he didn't know where he was going, frankly he only knew that he flew west. He wasn't bad at directions, just getting out of buildings he never seen before. He could follow by scent if he was nearby; he's smirk before revealing his second eye.

This eye glowed with a golden rune over his violet eye. "Falcor has some interesting abilities as one is to lock his gaze, gaze locking allows him to place a magical tracker on something and be able to see it regardless of distance- my eye shall lead us, glow when it gets closer." He'd push hair back into his eye. "Beyond that like any prey, we seek information out in the next location. Rowe is due to our direction." He had a plan at the very least.

"Who needs horses, when you can have Falcors. I should save him if we need him however." He needed to recharge him with a meal every time he'd use him, he could keep the creature out all day and night, but once dismissed, it was unavailable to him till he ate a hearty meal, They'd start walking.

An hour in there was already trouble.

"HEEELP, HEEELP, HELP ME!" A young man was stuck in a tree, by his overalls, struggling. Above him was a canonball? And aimed towards the tree was a canon, some environmental story telling if any.

Lance would walk up to the tree so see if he could help.

At The Inquiry Sothis Paused. Oh. She Didnt Know. To Her One Should Travel Light If Possible. Any Added

At the inquiry Sothis paused. Oh. She didn’t know. To her one should travel light if possible. Any added weight could bring them down, or slow them in traveling. Right? Wasn’t one tent enough? Now she’s second guessing herself, which wasn’t good at all. “I.. don’t know.” A simple answer but more of an honest one she can make. She shook her head. She’s over thinking it.

But she did take note he left behind one of the tents. They can share. Sothis knew she wouldn’t sleep very well in her own, by herself. She’ll probably sleep with Lance anyway. He seemed comfortable. If that was okay with him, of course.

“D’you know where you even want to go? Your ah, realm partner could be anywhere by now.” Unless there were obvious signs in the making. The guy seemed.. angry. Oh she should’ve gone after him straightaway. Wasn’t it her job to keep her lands safe? Yet wasn’t it what they were doing right now? A bit conflicting in the end. So shook her head to clear those thoughts and gripped her cane. Which may or may not be needed.

“At least traveling is nice.. mostly. When horses are not in the picture.”

At The Inquiry Sothis Paused. Oh. She Didnt Know. To Her One Should Travel Light If Possible. Any Added

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6 months ago

He'd think about what she for a second, for a bit he was confused, but he understood what she meant after a short while.

"No, you see Falcor is the name I give my summon, As I said earlier- my grandmother has a summoned unicorn called Argo- and My Sister summons a gorgon that can paralyze people called Mista and Father's has a lion, with a mask called So-lar." He'd place a hand on his chest the light returning but him not actually summoning his avian friend. "Every summon has a different form and set of abilities. As they grow they gain more- my cousin's summon is a bloodhound, not for combat but for tracking everywhere and anywhere." He'd reach for his sword, and it would extend like a whip before he'd thrust it cutting the branch the kid was attached to.

He'd fall, with Lance catching him with his opposite arm. "You're safe now." He set him down, his sword golden with a turtle emblem with purse before returning back to his blade like form.

"Thank you thank you. I'm an inventor- I was making a canon that can move through the woods and brush with ease but me and it fell down the ramp and I ended up blasting myself, up there. I wanna invent so much- there's giant monsters around that I'd like to protect people against...one harasses my village and it kills alot of people- so if I can make something like your cool sword- and your....floating; then I can protect it!" He pumped his fist.

He'd Think About What She For A Second, For A Bit He Was Confused, But He Understood What She Meant After

Lance thought for a second. "Is your village nearby?" They have been walking for an hour, maybe it was beyond the woods. "If you take us there, I'll slay your monster- in exchange for oranges."

"Really? You would??!" The young man would take his arm before Lance pulled it away.

"I offered. Is that fine with you Sothis- a place to stay for the night?" Lance looked over to her.

Sothis Glanced At The Newly Revealed Eye, And Her Eye Tilted. What Was That In His Eye? A Strange Marking?

Sothis glanced at the newly revealed eye, and her eye tilted. What was that in his eye? A strange marking? She listened as he explained. Ah.. a tracker? So didn’t know how it worked entirely but it sounded extremely handy. Interesting. Very unique. The more she learned about Lance, the more interesting a character he was.

“So.. does everyone have a Falcor? There different types? Different abilities?” The goddess inquired. It was good to learn about different lands and their peoples, their magic, their way of life. “Where does the little owl go when he isn’t, ah.. in use?”

She floated behind him but paused at the cry for help. She followed after Lance, and the scene before them was almost comical. How did the man get stuck in such a precarious way? Why was there a ball above him? What was going on? Far too many questions, hopefully they’ll be answered soon.

“Ah.. is this a tactic of your enemy?” She questioned as she glanced to the canon. It didn’t seem to function without a person, where there was none. Thick vines wrapped around the artillery as if to prevent another ball from shooting to the scene. “Did you want to get him down?” Meaning, he can play the hero. If not she can.

Sothis Glanced At The Newly Revealed Eye, And Her Eye Tilted. What Was That In His Eye? A Strange Marking?

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6 months ago

"Ha ha, no no. Falcor is no owl on my planet- they tend to look like normal owls, as you can tell, he has three eyes and a club scaled tail- it's just what I dubbed it. when Ashford's unlock their semblances, their summons just come to them like they been with them for their whole lives." As if perfect timing a bird flew through the air.

"Once I saw him, and his little chubby cheeks, I saw a valiant warrior- in my Homeland Falcor is the name of a mighty legendary dragon- we know not it being myth or real but Falcor is like a legendary dragon. I assume it was that way for all summons, even down to the first Ashford who summoned." He'd then point to the turtle symbol on his back. It became their family symbol, depicting a mighty sea tortoise with a city on it's back.

The young boy smiled at them both with his mouth agape. "I have no idea what you're talking about, but my names Morgan- and thank you so much for helping." He'd bow to them both. "Oh, I gotta check on Betsy!" He ran over to his canon. "My village is just beyond these woods, follow me!"

Lance would nod to Sothis. "Are you okay? We'll be to the next village soon but if you are tired or hungry , please let me know." He'd also offer his shoulder if she wanted to sit on it and rest for a bit. Lance let the silence sit for a while. "My mother's the only summoner we don't know what it is, we never seen the entire thing- it looks like a mighty ship, a massive vessel that traverses the vacuain sands...and it is accompanied by large metallic hands and arms, summons are are complex as their summoners...it worries me. Mother has spend her whole life protecting the lands, and I worry the metallic vessel is a sign of her individuality waning..." He gripped his sword firmly.

Oh. I Thought Falcor Was The Name Of The, Ah, Species. Though It Made Sense It Was Just Its Name. Sothis

“Oh. I thought Falcor was the name of the, ah, species.” Though it made sense it was just its name. Sothis listened to him speak, and nodded. So there’s just a wide variety of animals, that also makes sense. She’s about to inquire further when Lance took out his sword - but it wasn’t a normal sword. No, it bore great resemblance to the Sword of the Creator, that cursed sword made from her very spine -

The greenette watched the saving act, her thoughts thankfully put on hold. A tilt of the head. Monsters. Could it be the very ones that the students get sent out to fight? The terrible tragedy of people turned monstrosity? She wondered so she had to see for herself. If that was the case. They were in for quite a battle.

“Yes, that is fine. We should take care of the monsters of this area, to cleanse it.” Another nod. She turned her attention onto the stranger. “Show is your village. I will be pleased to report back to my children that this area will soon be clean of monsters and attacks.” As she loved the life of a mercenary, she knew most, if not all, of the villages in the last two decades. “What is your name?”

Oh. I Thought Falcor Was The Name Of The, Ah, Species. Though It Made Sense It Was Just Its Name. Sothis

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