vaguelygenius - VaguelyGenius Creations!
VaguelyGenius Creations!

3D-printed props for cosplay & display, as well as 2D designs~!

310 posts

I Really Really Like Faux Gradients And I Realized That I Hadn't Ever Actually Applied One To The Blue-eyes

I Really Really Like Faux Gradients And I Realized That I Hadn't Ever Actually Applied One To The Blue-eyes
I Really Really Like Faux Gradients And I Realized That I Hadn't Ever Actually Applied One To The Blue-eyes

I really really like faux gradients and I realized that I hadn't ever actually applied one to the blue-eyes tribal.

The gradient blue version is available on shirts, hoodies, phone/tablet cases, and stickers~!

The black version is also available on shirts, hoodies, phone/tablet cases, and stickers~!

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More Posts from Vaguelygenius

11 years ago

3D Printed Millennium Items & How to get one

Okay, so I’ll fess up- my first attempt at a Millennium Ring ended up with it disintegrating in the parking lot of the con and starting what would probably be called “The Mystery of the Golden Chili Peppers”.

So I decided to put my engineering education to good use and make a 3D model! And I took forever at doing this because every detail needed to be exactly perfect and identical to canon. One prototype later and I have my final Millennium Ring model ready to go~!

Pictures and 3D-printed Millennium Item Buying Guide under the cut!


Anyways, where can you buy these suckers?

Right here!

Unfortunately these will not be gold and shiny and ready to wear. They’ll arrive in white plastic after about 2-3 weeks, and you can then paint them with metallic gold spray paint at your leisure.

(Pro tip: internet research indicates that the shiniest shine can be achieved by priming with plastic primer, coating in glossy black paint, and then spraying the gold on top. For the smaller, doll-size versions, too many layers of paint will obscure the details, so just a coat of gold may be better.)


Buying Guide

Shapeways is the 3D printing service where you can get these models. This service is slow, but cheap. Shipping is a flat rate of $6.50 in the U.S., so it’s better to order together with friends to save on shipping since shipping, for example, a doll-size Rod and 3 full-size Rods would be the same.

If you need the prop fast, I can get one to you faster by using a different service. Next day delivery is actually possible. Email me at vaguelygenius (at) live (dot) com and we can work out the details. Be aware that it’s going to cost more, and in some cases, way more.

Inspect the prop from every angle once it arrives. If the prop arrives broken, immediately email Shapeways customer support and they’ll ship a replacement to you.

If I have never bought the model for myself, I cannot be 100% sure it won’t have any issues. Each product description will say whether or not I have actually gotten the model. Unfortunately, there’s nothing I can do if the prop arrives correctly printed but there was a flaw in the actual file.

Millennium Ring: First model I made! Version 2.0 is ready to go and can be bought here. A hollowed out version that is a little cheaper can be found here. It shouldn’t be significantly weaker because only the strong middle piece is hollow- the pointers and parts the pointers hang off of are not. A cute, doll-size/pendant-size version can be bought here. Fair warning: the small version is very fragile, particularly at the pointer loops.


Millennium Eye: This Eye is the same size as a human eyeball (~1 inch in diameter), so it’s smaller than the anime version because I figured it might look a little silly to hold a baseball-sized Eye up to your face and claim it fits in your eye socket. I will probably make a wearable version later on.

Millennium Puzzle: At this point, every size version of the Puzzle has printed successfully, including a small, charm/doll-sized version! There are two differently-sized models for this one, one that will be proportional to a human being of average size as it it to Yugi (aka. huge) and one that is actually life-size. The proportional model is huge, which is why it’s expensive: try holding up a ruler to your chest and measuring out 15cm/5.9 inches. That’s the width of one side of the puzzle!


Millennium Rod: This full-size Millennium Rod is perfect for cosplay! You'll only need some super glue and spray paint to be ready to mind control!

Due to size limitations, you’ll need just two easy applications of super glue. Yes, it includes the hidden blade, though the axe-like bits seem more dangerous to me!

3D Printed Millennium Items & How To Get One
3D Printed Millennium Items & How To Get One

Millennium Necklace: Ready to see the future? Get yourself a Millennium Necklace here! There are four rings on the back that can be used to attach the string/chain to hold it around your neck!

3D Printed Millennium Items & How To Get One

Millennium Keys: You can get the Millennium Key here if you’re ready to check out people’s soul rooms! The Key is surprisingly huge, so a little bit of superglue is required. 

3D Printed Millennium Items & How To Get One

Millennium Scales: The Scales are available here~! These Scales can actually function as scales, and swing freely! The ridiculous size of them means that these are the most expensive and require the most assembly.  )8

3D Printed Millennium Items & How To Get One

I’m still trying to figure out the best way to hang the plates, since 3D-printing the wires would increase the size and would make it too big to be polished. If you have any suggestions, I’m all ears!

A miniature desktop version of the Millennium Scales is also available!

3D Printed Millennium Items & How To Get One

Marik Ishtar Earrings/Ishizu Ishtar pendants: I’ve printed these babies out in both plastic and stainless steel plated with gold. The gold plating looks really nice, though be warned that getting it in “glossy” will unfortunately not prevent the print lines from showing, so it won’t be ultra-shiny and perfect (though it will be pretty damn shiny). To get the perfect golden shine, you’d probably have to buy them in gold-plated brass, which is going to be significantly more expensive. Note that Ishizu wears four of these, two on her collar and two around her waist.

Painting Guide: Available here!

If you want a variation of any of these models, contact me at vaguelygenius (at) live (dot) com.

Different sizes are easy to arrange, but even more complex changes are possible!

AU Steampunk design? Millennium Eye that you can put an LED in? Items whose “eyes” can be shifted around will via magnet? Any other variation off the model? Contact me. It may be easier to arrange than you might think.

If you have any questions, please ask! I’m happy to help~!

For updates, track “#genocide free millennium items” and go to to see all my posts on the matter~

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10 years ago
Drawn With Little Skill, But Much Love As Part Of My Art Trade With Beamthechao, For Which She Drew Me

Drawn with little skill, but much love as part of my art trade with beamthechao, for which she drew me this absolutely precious Dark Magician!

I don’t know much about Fullmetal Alchemist, but I’ve seen you post them a lot, so I tried my best! Also tried making a tribalish thing I guess?

I hope you like it, Beamie!

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11 years ago

I know, it really blows. It's hollowed out as much as possible without risking structural weakness, it's just hella, hella big. Seriously, hold up a ruler to your chest and measure out 15 cm/5.9 inches. That's one side of the puzzle, and the top is square.

Okay, so I’ll fess up- my first attempt at a Millennium Ring ended up with it disintegrating in the parking lot of the con and starting what would probably be called “The Mystery of the Golden Chili Peppers”.

So I decided to put my engineering education to good use and make a…

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11 years ago
Suddenly Inspired To Draw The Yu-gi-ohs As Pokemon! Please Forgive The Awful Sketchiness! Might Make

Suddenly inspired to draw the Yu-gi-ohs as Pokemon! Please forgive the awful sketchiness! Might make a nicer version that has some actual effort put into it.

The breakdown is:

Mawile Mai, Simisage Tristan, Growlithe Joey, Kirlia Tea, Yamask Yami Yugi (without mask or memories of his past life), Dragonair Seto, Togetic Yugi, Malamar Marik, Pumpkaboo Ryou (oops, forgot his antenna!), Zoroark Bakura (with Odd Keystone instead of an orb on his ponytail), and Deino Mokuba.

I really like the idea of Yami Yugi being a Yamask missing his mask, so then his goal (and by extension, Yugi's) is to find his mask and recover his memories.

And I think Yugi'd be part of the Togepi line because he tends to bring happiness and optimism wherever he goes.

Pumpkaboo suits Ryou because they carry wandering spirits to where they belong, and I think it's pretty widely speculated that he has a pretty strong link to the Thief King.

Malamar are the Pokemon experts of mind control, perfect for manipulative Marik. Since Yami Marik is a split personality rather than a completely separate entity, his presence would probably be made clear by Marik flipping upside down.

And Bakura would be Zoroark, the master of illusions and deception. The Odd Keystone traps the 108 souls that make up a Spiritomb, so that would probably be the 99 villagers and Zorc + 8 others ??

Think it's fitting/interesting?

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11 years ago
If The Millennium Puzzle Grants The Insane Amount Of Good Luck Necessary To Draw Precisely The Right

If the Millennium Puzzle grants the insane amount of good luck necessary to draw precisely the right card needed at the exact moment of dramatic climax where it will be most effective, how much good luck should a life-size replica grant me when fighting the odds while playing the lottery? And will it grant me more luck once painted? Stay tuned for a full report on the luck-generating properties of 3D-printed Millennium Items!

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