idk i like cats
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But never let me die without a struggle and without acclaim

just realized i never posted these

We're learning abt Rome in history class

Just John and me, forever eternally Jane Doe

process :)

Just John and me, forever eternally Jane Doe

Bro has trauma
A list of Noel Gruber headcanons because it’s his birthday! (Me and my friend made them up at lunch 🫶 @noelgruberfr )
1. Noel definitely said to Ocean, “You’re not invited to my birthday party!”
2. Noel got drunk on his birthday because of Mischa.
3. Mischa accidentally called Noel a ‘twink’ when trying to say, “You’re so light Noel” (Mischa picked him up)
4. Noel snores so loud and nobody can sleep when he’s around.
5. Noel does not grow hair (a beard), he’s never seen a razor in his life.
6. Noel cannot handle spice, it’s so bad he can’t even eat pepper.
7. His favourite chips are salt and vinegar, because he likes to pretend the sting tastes like alcohol from France.
8. Noel makes Mischa dress up as an old French man, and Mischa lets it happen because half the time he’s out of it.
9. Constance bought (Stole) beads for Noel’s birthday gift and made him bracelets and necklaces.
10. They played Mario Kart for his birthday and it ended with them cussing eachother out and Ocean was the maddest, even though her remote wasn’t even on. (Ricky and Jane Doe won)
11. They glitter bombed Noel when he woke up (Ricky’s idea)
12. (Noel has asthma) they glamorized his inhaler and gave it back to him, he then proceeded to choke on a rhinestone.
13. Mischa got him a red rose as a gift not knowing it was romantic.
14. Ricky got him stress toys (Noel then proceeded to throw one at Ocean)
15. They did dollar store crafts because Ocean is a broke botch and couldn’t afford anything else, and Mischa made a dick and stuck it in Noel’s hair.
16. Mischa wanted to help Constance make Noel’s cake, but he messed it up (added salt instead of sugar) so they had to make another one, and they accidentally ate the bad one, and Ricky ate the whole thing.
17. Mischa hates taking off his hat for ‘oh Canada’ but he took it off to sing Noel happy birthday.
18. Penny bought him a nail polish set for his birthday

Who makes the porn bots. Where do they come from. What do they hope to achieve.
I'd very much like to punch a feminist.
I’d never, ever hurt a lady but I’d be happy to punch a feminist. It’d bring me great joy.
I hate it when I talk wistfully about the ancient world and then people are like “you wouldn’t survive back then” yeah obviously I would die immediately but do you think achilles would be able to survive in the modern world if he had to send one polite email? no

We're learning abt Rome in history class
Tumblr Code.
this article is behind a paywall but i'm obsessed with the headline + photo combo

there’s got to be at least one trans woman named eve out there whose deadname is adam. and she’s the funniest person to ever grace this earth with her presence.
Aziraphale expressions that I find very funny

The funniest sword fight scene in the history of cinema.

Post corrections/clarifications are my favorite genre of humor: a compilation

Leave the poor demon alone, Mr. Gaiman >:(

Sometimes I say self loathing things to my therapist and he looks at me dead in the eyes before saying “You fucking moron.” and tbh same
Luke: dad please love me. please take care of my mum and stop neglecting me because i’m a child and i need a functioning parent to look after me. i need someone there and—
Hermes: a-a-after the war i went back to new york