Michael Sheen - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

So I know probably no one will see this but I’m currently writing a fanfic about good omens. 😅

Basically how it was left on a cliffhanger made me wonder about what season 3 might be like then I decided why not write my own?

 So I Know Probably No One Will See This But Im Currently Writing A Fanfic About Good Omens.

Soooo~ tada 🎉

I’m not done yet so keep that in mind but I’ve already finished the outline and the first chapter all I need is to have it edited and yay! 😁

This is my own little thing so it’s mainly made for myself but if you enjoy it then win win!

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1 year ago

These two are literally the reason I want to become an actor and why I’m perusing a career as an actor 😭

These Two Are Literally The Reason I Want To Become An Actor And Why Im Perusing A Career As An Actor

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3 years ago

Happy New Year from Staged! I just saw it today, so happy for more. 

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6 months ago
Picture Of Yours Truly At TIC5

Picture of yours truly at TIC5

Okay, that's not true, but I'm making this same 🤩 expression at everything and everyone! XD

Prints and other stuff on my RedBubble and Threadless

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1 year ago
This Is Aziraphale. He Like His Personal Space.

This is Aziraphale. He like his personal space.

This is Crowley. He also likes Aziraphale's personal space.

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5 months ago



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I don't go on Tumblr often, BUT I HAVE TO TALK ABOUT GOOD OMEN SEASON 2 and how much I love the cast and crew❤❤ 😫😫😫😫😫

(Obvious spoilers for Good Omens season 2)

I can't be the only one who teared up with my mouth wide open at that devastating ending! It's was perfectly done. Literally everything about it was perfect to convey that message of an almost "break up" kind of feel.

How is everyone on this show so talented???? Everyone that is featured onscreen do the best job and making us believe what is happening. I feel like most people don't get how absolutely talented everyone is. Screen acting is SO hard. And the entire cast is believed and felt.

Crowley and Aziraphale get more depth and I am living for it. Live laugh love character building.

I am going to be completely honest, when I think about writing fanfiction for Good Omens, I think about how Crowley and Aziraphale are their own people. Like, I have no idea how they would act in these situations I think up. These characters feel so real and round to me. They feel like an actual persons. Of course you can see personality traits and how they speak and a general idea of how it would go, but you can't know how a real person would react unless you actually see how they react. It is the same with Crowley and Aziraphale.

The genius of Neil knows no bounds. Beautiful actors, Beautiful writing, and Beautiful characters. Good Omens is my all time favorite book and show.

Anyway, I just had to tell everyone on the internet how amazing good omens is in general and how season 2 is wonderful and I still love it, even though the ending is so sad.

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8 months ago
A tweet from finn @finneffable • 9h ago  ¡keep having dreams where i meet michael sheen on the streets in wales and i try telling him im a big fan of good omens and all he does is yell welsh facts at me because im a londoner. i'm moving to wales in a few days so the dreams r getting worse pls help  A reply from michael sheen @michaelsheen 4h ago A FIFTH OF THE PEOPLE IN WALES ARE OVER 65!!!!

I can’t stop laughing at this 🤣😂🤣

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1 year ago
Parts Like Dumb Gay Angel Come Around Once In A Generation
Parts Like Dumb Gay Angel Come Around Once In A Generation
Parts Like Dumb Gay Angel Come Around Once In A Generation

parts like Dumb Gay Angel come around once in a generation

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1 year ago

The moment Crowley's heart broke into a million pieces

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1 year ago

I made myself cry

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They are looking at your search history.

Theres Meme Potential Here.

There’s meme potential here.

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